Greetings Everyone,

We’re delighted to announce the near completion of MORRIS GRAVES: His Houses, His Gardens. I’ve been sent advance copies and I can attest to the elegance of the book; it is truly magnificent. It begins, of course, with the extraordinary life lived by one of our most important American artists: Morris Graves. The text, written by his good friend, Richard Svare, is a beguiling chronicle of the four habitats of Morris Graves. No one but Richard could have written it with such scope and exactitude. Neither man is still living but I know that both would have been very proud of this book. We certainly are.


We’ve raised most of the funds needed to get the book printed, however we must still raise funds for the expense of all phases: photo copying and processing, book design, editing, and shipping. 

morris graves cvareladen

photograph courtesy of Dale Keller: Morris Graves and Richard Svare at lunch with Dale’s sister, Janice, his mother, Eunice, and his grandmother, Sarah Husby, at Careladen, ca. 1955, taken by his father, Harold Keller.  (photograph not included in the book)

MORRIS GRAVES: His Houses, His Gardens will be available in the fall.

All contributions are tax-deductible.

Morris Graves by Imogene Cinningham

Photograph by Imogene Cunningham: Morris Graves at the Lake. This photograph was given to me as a gift by my friend Wally Barclay many years ago. It was no doubt taken by Imogene Cunningham several years before I first met Morris in 1979. G.G. (not included in the book)

The Morris Graves Book Project is being produced in association

with the Museum of Northwest Art (MoNA)

MoNAlogo copy

To contribute, go to this link: MORRIS GRAVES: His Houses, His Gardens

Any and all contributions will help us realize our goal. Thank you graciously for your support.

Merch Pease and Galen Garwood

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