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Eupatorium perfoliatum

Eupatorium perfoliatum                    Common name:  Boneset

Family: Asteraceae

Parts used:  Whole herb

Constituents: Sesquiterpene lactones, polysaccharides, flavonoids, misc.

Medicinal actions:  Febrifuge, diaphoretic, tonic, laxative



Medicinal uses: A stimulating, tonic anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic diaphoretic in conditions of catarrh such as bronchitis. One of the best remedies for the relief of the associated symptoms that accompany influenza (night sweats, aching bones). It will speedily relieve the aches and pain as well as aid the body in dealing with any fever that is present. Boneset may also be used to help clear the upper respiratory tract of mucus congestion. It can safely be used in any fever and also as a general cleansing agent. It may provide symptomatic relief in the treatment of muscular rheumatism.

Pharmacy: Infusion: 1-2 tsp herb/cup water; during fevers of the flu drink 1 cup every half hour as hot as possible. Tincture (1:5, 25%), 2-4 ml TID.

Toxicity: Hot tea may produce diaphoresis, and in some cases, vomiting and evacuation of the bowels.


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