Carborundum – It is not Rainbow Hematite

POST Carborundum Crystal Cluster

A Carborundum crystal cluster is a manmade crystal combining silicon and carbon atoms fused together which sparkles in rainbow colours of gold, pink, green, blue and purple against a grey-black background. It is made from silicon carbide. It is sand + carbon super-heated and as it cools the crystals form. Read more on Wikipedia.

A carborundum crystal cluster does not seem to deteriorate in sunshine so you can keep letting it sparkle (I haven’t done a full field test except it has sat all day in the sun at markets). And it doesn’t dissolve in water – so you can easily clean off dust that way. it is friable so no rough handling.

What was it created?

This was created to be an imitation of Rainbow Hematite a form of specular hematite that clearly shows rainbow., and also another care crystal call biotite (???).

While originally sold as natural “rainbow hematite” it Is increasingly being correctly known as carborundum. However, the many of the distributors still hide the fact it is man-made. What I can vouch for, is that it is still special. It brings out the inner-Child when the sun strikes its surface and the rainbow sparkles fly.

Healing Properties of Carborundum

Carborundum is a master healer, semiconductor that shines light in all areas. It purifies, mind, body and spirit. It encourages intuition and discernment.

Carborundum enhances communication, transmits thought, mental agility and focus. It eliminates depression, anger, melancholy and relieves stress. As a vitality booster, it is said to help headaches and eye strains. It also counteracts blocked self-expression releasing shoulder and neck problems. May treat bone deformity and fractures, as well as aid in brain fluid imbalances.

Silicon Carbide

Silica crystal

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