Debase and Exalt


Debase verb - To lower in character, dignity, or quality.
Usage example: we debase ourselves when we adopt the moral code and behavior of our despised enemies

Exalt is an antonym for debase in topics: degrade, adulterate.

Nearby Words: debasement, debasing


Exalt verb - To assign a high status or value to.

Debase is an antonym for exalt in promote topic.

Nearby Words: exaltation, exalting

Common collocations

ourselves debase ourselves exalt ourselves
Cite this Source
Exalt and Debase. (2016). Retrieved 2024, April 27, from
Debase & Exalt. N.p., 2016. Web. 27 Apr. 2024. <>.
Exalt or Debase. 2016. Accessed April 27, 2024.
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