Impermeability and Permeability


Impermeability noun - The property of something that cannot be pervaded by a liquid.

Permeability is an antonym for impermeability.

Nearby Word: impermeable


Permeability noun - The property of something that can be pervaded by a liquid (as by osmosis or diffusion).
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Synonyms for Permeability

Impermeability is an antonym for permeability.

Nearby Words: permeable, permeation, permeance
Cite this Source
Permeability and Impermeability. (2016). Retrieved 2024, April 30, from
Impermeability & Permeability. N.p., 2016. Web. 30 Apr. 2024. <>.
Permeability or Impermeability. 2016. Accessed April 30, 2024.

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