Inwardly and Outwardly


Inwardly adverb - With respect to private feelings.
Usage example: inwardly, she was raging
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Synonyms for Inwardly

Outwardly is an antonym for inwardly in by nature topic.

Nearby Words: inward, inwardness, inwards


Outwardly adverb - In outward appearance.
Usage example: outwardly, she appeared composed
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Synonyms for Outwardly

Inwardly is an antonym for outwardly in to all appearances topic.

Nearby Words: outward, outwards, outwardness

Both words in one sentence

  • Knight in Shining Armor Sir Mandorallen from David Eddings's Belgariad saga (and its sequel, the Malloreon saga) is a textbook example of the Knight in Shining Armor; he embodies this trope, both outwardly and inwardly.
  • Video Game / Final Fantasy VIII Those that have a genuine bond with their Knights such as Edea and Rinoa remain outwardly and inwardly normal whereas those without a real Knight such as Adel or Ultimecia tend to become grotesque, heartless and power mad.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: For someone whose New Year's resolution was to "redouble [her] efforts to be a better person, both outwardly and inwardly", Tina loses her patience an awful lot, especially with Joel.
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Outwardly and Inwardly. (2016). Retrieved 2024, April 30, from
Inwardly & Outwardly. N.p., 2016. Web. 30 Apr. 2024. <>.
Outwardly or Inwardly. 2016. Accessed April 30, 2024.
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