How To: Deal with Toxic and Belligerent People

Deal with Toxic and Belligerent People

Unfortunately, toxic and belligerent people are not as avoidable as we would like for them to be. They show up in our work place, schools, neighborhoods—sometimes even within our own circle of friends and family members. The best we can do is minimize our interactions with them and plan for exit strategies to cut the conversation short. If an interaction is avoidable because the person is your boss or family member, then arm yourself with a few verbal defense moves to keep yourself from getting caught up in their negative energy and petty drama.

If all else fails, consider your interactions with toxic and belligerent people as spiritual exercises to become a more patient and empathetic person. And few things are less annoying to a toxic person than a happy person who doesn't get fazed at all by verbal attacks.

Got your own tips for deflecting the toxicity of negative people? Share with us by commenting below.

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Oops! That must have changed since the site redesign. Thanks for pointing that out.

Can't read the cartoon panel, looks tedious to do so. No wonder you know how belligerent people behave.

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I've dealt with all kinds of people over my life and I don't know why but I remember most of them and what they said to me.

Nasty cops - nasty bosses - nasty co-workers - nasty people on the street.

I remember this man on my job who was a large man about 6'5 and maybe 280 pounds and he used his size to intimidate others , he was so belligerent and no matter how nice you tried to be to this man he was not having any of it and there were times he was ok to talk to but most times he liked to belittle people around him or make some nasty remark.

I avoided him most of the time but always somehow thought he really was not a bad sort despite his abusive nature but he never changed and I guess I never expected him to but you always try to find some good in everyone.

Some people can be toxic to be sure and you feel depressed after talking to them because they are such downers about everything , always complaining about something or someone .

All I wanted to do was do my days work and collect a paycheck , and make it as pleasant as possible so the day passes with out incident.

Now retired and loving it , no more crappy people to deal with anymore.
No longer a captive audience not being able to get away form some individuals because I had to work with them.

god knows I am not perfect but I always made it a point regardless of my situation to come to work with a good attitude and get along with people .

Thanks for sharing your insights! So important to stay positive and treat people right.

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