Tempura Frog Legs with Creole Remoulade

Bullfrogs are not on the radar for most Americans as  table fare. Slimy, warty, swampy all being associated with these prolific amphibians. I assure you they are a super tasty critter, and across the west they are causing a bit of an upset.

Bullfrogs are native to the south-eastern US, and have become an invasive species to the west of the continental divide. Competing/preying on native frogs, and preying on native mammalians, lizards, snakes, and fish. Having no real predators on this side of the US, they are having no problem taking over the wetlands. Many states across the west have relaxed limits and methods of take to help combat the takeover.

My favorite way, and probably the most affordable way for folks to get into frogging, is a fishing pole, binoculars, and a top-water rig. The rig really doesn’t matter, as I believe they would attack a wine cork if it flopped around on some algae. Just so long as it floats, and can be cast accurately. Simply scan water edges for frogs sticking out of the algae/weeds, cast the top-water in front of them, and bounce it around. Frogs are super territorial, and as long as it’s in their field of view/hearing, they’ll attack. Let them hit the bait, and then reel them in.

Cleaning the frogs is a different method than anything I’ve experienced, but there is plenty of videos out there to get this done, and I’m confident anyone could do it. Frogs are by far the most tender wild game legs I have tasted, with a lot of similarity to chicken wings. Tender, moist, tasty, fun and helpful for the ecosystem are all great reasons to get out and enjoy an evening gathering these invasive amphibians.


Servings : 4 as an appetizer

Time to Cook : 15-20 Min

Equipment Needed: Deep Fryer



  • 1 Lb Frog Legs (cleaned and split)
  • 1 Egg
  • 1 C Bread Flour
  • 1 C Club Soda
  • 1’2 t Creole Seasoning
  • Fresh Chopped Parsley


Ingredients for Remoulade

  • 1/2 C Mayo
  • 2 T Dijon Mustard
  • 1/2 t Paprika
  • 1 minced garlic clove
  • 1 t Lemon Juice
  • Dash of Louisiana Hot Sauce



Step 1

Heat fryer oil to 350* F. I used liquid shortening, but any high heat fryer oil will work just fine.

Step 2

Mix flour, egg,  club soda, and 1/2 t Creole seasoning into a bowl, mix until just incorporated. Bread flour has a higher protein content than AP flour and will form a better barrier against the oil, it also makes a crispier exterior. The club soda helps to lighten the tempura batter.


Step 3

Lightly dust the frog legs with flour to help the batter bind. When the oil is to temp, place the frog legs one at a time into the oil. Be careful not to splash hot oil.

Step 4

While the frog legs are cooking, mix all ingredients together for the remoulade sauce.

Step 5

The frog legs should cook for about 6-10 minutes, or until there is a light golden brown crust.

Step 6

When the frog legs are done, place on a wire cooling rack for about 2 minutes. This will insure the batter stays crispy.

Step 7

Plate the frog legs to share, with plenty of remoulade. Garnish with fresh chopped parsley.



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