Native plants Garden

Native plants of Singapore

Cycas edentata

Cycas edentata

 Common name: Paku Raja


Growth requirements (including habitat)

This species occurs only along shorelines, in full sun to moderate shade, often in very shallow soil and apparently over both granite and limestone substrates. Young leaves are often eaten by the caterpillars of the cycad blue (Chilades pandava pandava). Plant with new shoots/leaves should always be checked and sprayed with pesticide.


Habit (Herb/ Shrub/ Treelet/ Tree)

It is a medium-sized palm-like plant with an emergent, usually unbranched trunk up to about 10 m tall.  Foliage: Its trunk bears rosettes of long, bright to deep green, feather-like leaves at its tip.  Its stalked leaves are spiny, up to 2.3 m long, and consist of 100–200 glossy, stiff leathery, narrowly boat-shaped leaflets arranged neatly on either side of the leaf’s axis.



The trunk of the cycad contains a starchy pith from which sago can be prepared by drying, grinding and washing. The seeds contain a toxic glucoside, pakoein, but can be treated to become edible by pounding, repeated washing, and cooking.


Interesting Information

Plants are dioecious – female and male trees.  Plant parts are poisonous if ingested.




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