How Do I Prevent a Flat Head for A Baby?


newborn flat head pillow


Plagiocephaly and Brachycephaly (Flat Head Syndrome)

Plagiocephaly and Brachycephaly

An infant's skull is like a collection of moving jigsaw pieces. It is beneath that soft, fuzzy covering allowing his head to expand. These bendable plates are excellent for safeguarding your baby's growing brain. But they can flatten if you place them on his back.

To decrease the danger of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. You should make your infant sleep face up (SIDS). Those flattened regions will likely fade over time. Ensure you give your infant lots of supervised tummy time during the day. Also, it tends to improve when children learn to sit up.

I will explain to you in this comprehensive guide all you need to know about the flat head syndrome. Also, I'm going to share my personal experience with you and some tips on how to avoid it or find a solution to it. If you find your kid developing a flat head, it's not the end of the world, and you can cope with it. There are actions you can do to prevent it and to deal with it. As a result, I hope you find this article helpful.

Types of Flat Head Syndrome

Plagiocephaly is when a baby has a flat head on one side. It's connected to a baby sleeping on his back, as well as spending a lot of time in a rocker, car seat, or swing. As disturbing as it may be for a new parent, a flat head is curable. Your child wont experience discomfort or developmental delays.

The rising incidence of flat-headed newborns is a sign that parents are taking precautions to protect their children. American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), recommends that babies sleep on their backs to cut the risk of SIDS. Physicians have noticed an increase in the prevalence of Positional Plagiocephaly. Plagiocephaly affects approximately half of all newborns aged 7 to 12 weeks. Seventy-eight percent of them tested positive for a moderate form of the disease.

There are Two Kinds of Flat Head Syndrome

1.Plagiocephaly is a condition in which a baby's head flattens. This makes it appear asymmetrical. There is misalignment in the ears. the skull also appears to be a parallelogram from above. In addition, the forehead and face may protrude somewhat on the flat side.

2.Brachycephaly is a condition in which the back of the skull flattens down. This causes the head to expand and the forehead to protrude out.

These issues are pretty frequent. They usually aren't a big reason for concern because they do not influence the brain. Also, the head shape improves on its own over time. Your infant will be free of discomfort and other developmental issues.

Causes of Flat Head Syndrome

When newborns are a few months old, they often develop a flattened head due to resting on their backs. It usually corrects itself over time and isn't a cause for concern. Because a baby's skull is still flexible, it may be molded and changed if the consistent application of pressure to one part of their head. The child's skull consists of bone plates that only strengthen and fuse as they grow older.

Head flattening is just a cosmetic issue. It has no symptoms and does not affect the brain of the infant. Therefore, their development is untouched. The baby's sleeping posture is the most common cause of flat head syndrome. However, there could be other factors. Causes of Flathead syndrome include.

1️⃣ Posture of sleep
Flat head syndrome appears if the baby sleeps on their back every night. For an extended period, the back or one side of the baby's head is squished against a firm mattress, causing the soft bone of the skull to flatten. The baby's head will naturally stay on or roll to this side once it becomes flat. It will be their favored sleeping and resting side during the day.
Yet, changing your baby's sleeping posture from back to front is not the solution. Newborns must sleep on their backs because it lowers their risk of SIDS (SIDS). Instead, change your baby's position throughout the day to relieve the flattened region of pressure. I try placing my four-month-old kid on his belly whenever he falls asleep throughout the day; It helps reduce his flat head. He is now four months old, and he has a perfect head shape.

2️⃣Mother’s womb
In the mother's womb, flattening of the skull can happen. There might be insufficient amniotic fluid to cushion the infant within the womb (known as oligohydramnios). As the infant travels down the delivery canal, their head may become misshapen. It is more common with many births, such as when twins collide in the womb.

3️⃣Premature birth
Premature newborns are more likely to have a misshapen head. This is because they push through the delivery canal before their skulls have grown.

4️⃣Problems with muscles
There may be constrictions in a baby's neck muscles, preventing them from moving their head in one direction. As a result, they will always lay their head on the opposite side, flattening that side. Physiotherapy may be able to help with this.

The bone plates of a baby's skull can come together early, resulting in a flattened head. Craniosynostosis is the medical term for this. It may cause the baby's skull to become out of shape, requiring surgery to rectify.

Prevention of Flat Head Syndrome

For mild cases of flat head syndrome, there is no treatment need. Your baby skull will adjust itself over time as you take some steps to relieve pressure on the flattened area of your baby's head. You might find the following suggestions helpful:

👉Allow your baby to spend time on their tummy throughout the day. Also encourage them to work with different positions during playtime.
👉Alternate between a slanting chair, a sling, and a flat surface to avoid pressure on one part of your baby's head.
👉Encourage them to move their head to the non-flattened side by placing toys and mobiles in their cot.
👉If your child only seems to be able to tilt their head one way, consider physiotherapy. They may find it challenging to move their head both ways due to tight neck muscles.

Likely, you don't notice the difference in your baby's head shape until six to eight weeks after using these strategies. Your baby will need surgery to release and reposition the bones in situations of Craniosynostosis.

Headbands, Helmets, and Mattresses

You've heard of cranial orthoses, which are helmets or headbands designed to improve a baby's head symmetry. These custom-made devices are for babies aged 6 to 12 months. It applies pressure on "bulgy" parts of the head while relieving stress on other parts of the head, allowing growth in the flatter areas of the head. It's also possible that the gadget will keep your infant from sleeping on their flattened head.

The device, but, is debatable, and they are not accessible on the NHS. There is insufficient data to say if wearing a helmet or a headband would further enhance your baby's head shape. Before deciding to use a headband or helmet for your kid, you should consider the following:

✅A headband or helmet is costly, costing between £1,700 to £2,500.
✅Your baby must wear this device for 6–24 weeks, for up to 23 hours each day.
✅Every six weeks, you should to take your kid for a checkup. This help to make sure the device is permitting and not inhibiting head development.
✅The gadget may be painful for your infant, and there's a chance it could cause pressure sores on their head.

Here is My Candid Advice to You

If you do see a flat head developing, a headband, and an anti-flat baby pillow head, should be your first choice. I made use of it it, and it was a tremendous game-changer for me. And it's one of the primary reasonion, why I was able to correct my daughter's flat head. I will share my personal experience of using a headband and anti-flat baby pillow for my daughter. My daughter was diagnosed with Flat hand syndrome when she was around four and a half months old. She'd been having a good time. Her face was like sliding forward on one side of her head, which became flat.

I was with my child for eight weeks after she was born, the most of which I was pumping, so she had to be fed from a bottle. She was with me when I was pumping, and she'd rest her head on one side as I held the bottle up to her face, and she ate it. And I was completely unconcerned about it. But, one side's neck muscles grew stiff over time. She was like this all the time, and I noticed she was developing a flat head.

I inquired about it with my pediatrician. He demonstrated all the necks stretches for me. I went to a place he recommended that specialized in essential helmets. They informed us that she liked asymmetry number 11 and needed to wear a helmet and use an anti-flat baby pillow for medical reasons.

I am not saying that the headband or helmet is a must-have. I am advising you based on my personal experience. I went online and researched, and a helmet with Totaha’s anti-flat baby pillow was one of the items I immediately purchased. I used them with my daughter besides to everything I've mentioned so far, and it has proven to be helpful. Since this is a personal experience, you need to make your own informed decision.

In summary, you should note the essential points below when seeking a solution if your newborn develops a flat head.

💥If you use modest methods to relieve pressure on the afflicted area of the skull, mild head flattening will correct itself.
💥More severe flat head syndrome may improve with tButwever, some flattening is almost always present.
💥A helmet or headband could assist your baby's skull shape, but it's not sure to succeed. Before attempting this, you should consider the inconvenience your child may experience.
💥A designed anti-flat baby pillow can help fit a baby's delicate head and prevent the flat head syndrome.

Totaha’s Anti-flat Baby Pillow

The Recommended baby pillow to prevent Flat-head Syndrome
Totaha has created a comfortable baby pillow tailored to fit the baby's delicate head and help prevent flat head syndrome. Unlike other baby pillows, it has a secific shape with high-tech fabric to and support the baby's head. It doesn't have a cover, which could restrict airflow, but it does allow air to pass through, allowing babies to breathe.

It also keeps the temperature around the baby's head consistent at all times. This pillow stands out from the crowd thanks to its unique design and high-quality materials. It is breathable, making it safer to use for babies. While inhaling through the material, you might smother yourself with the pillow. Many parents do this when they receive the cushion, so you may put your concerns to rest straight immediately. About 94 percent of the pillow's capacity is filled with air, making it easier for babies to breathe. The company used high-end 3D spacer fabric to make the whole body soft and tender on a baby's skin.


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