Colutea melanocalyx


Colutea melanocalyx


Ssp davisiana : Keçigevişi; Ssp melanocalyx: Kara patlangaç
Shrub, the older shoots grey-brown. Leaflets 3-paired, up to 20 mm, elliptic. Corolla to 19 mm, the wings about as long as the keel, spurred or not. Ovary and usually legume pubescent. Calyx pubescent with dark brown, or black and white hairs, the teeth 1,5-2,5 mm, acute or obtuse with acute sinuses. Fl. 3-5. Woodland and scrub, rocky slopes, to 1250 m.
1. Calyx dark brown-hairy, the teeth c. 2,5 mm, obtuse ....................... subsp. melanocalyx
1. Calyx black and white-hairy, the teeth c. 1,5 mm, acute ................ subsp. davisiana
The species is endemic to Turkey and the Islands, and belongs to the E. Mediterranean element.