Gymnostoma nobile

About This Tree

CASUARINACEAE (Casuarina family)

Rhu Ronang is a large tree native to Malesia resembling conifer with needle-shape twig and leaves. That’s a big difference! In plant classification, we usually divide them into flowering (angiosperms) and non-flowering (gymnosperms) plants. While conifers are gymnosperm, this Borneo Ru is a flowering plant! Mostly found in keranga or peat swamp forests up to 1300 m altitude.It has very similar features with those of the conifers (Coniferophyta), such as scale-like leaves, needle-shaped twigs with a few lateral branch and cone-like structures. The young flowers exist in small cone-like structure while the female ones developing into a more rounded cone. This tree grows better in sandy soil (like beaches) to rocky soils.

Gymnostoma nobile and its resemblance to the conifer.
Gymnostoma nobile and its resemblance to the conifer.
The small cone-like fruits of Rhu Ronang.
The small cone-like strucure of Rhu Ronang.

Common Uses

This tree is often planted as roadside trees and also in gardens. They are planted as ornamentals. This tree is also a source of timber useful for both construction and fuels.

The cone-like structure of flowers and the scale-like leaves of Rhu Ronang. ©
The cone-like structure of flowers and the scale-like leaves of Rhu Ronang.

Interesting Facts!

  • Its specific epithet nobile meaning ‘noble’ refers to its graceful growth form.
  • Other names include Amun, Embun, Kitan, Rhu, Sempilau laut.


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