Ocmulgee Street, Broxton

Ocmulgee Street was once Broxton’s main commercial area. The Western Auto store was located in the second building from left (above).

4 thoughts on “Ocmulgee Street, Broxton

  1. wa4hgm

    I grew up in Jeff Davis County just north of Broxton. I remember that Broxton looked forlorn and sad back in the 50’s. My country elementary school, Excelsior, at the Snipesville Crossroad, used to participate in an invitational basketball tournament each year in Broxton. We never thought much about the place because the citizens there were just like those in our community, farmers and loggers, turpentine workers and factory workers in Douglas or Hazlehurst. They fished on the Ocmulgee just as we did.


    The store with the green awning was a dry good store, the store to it’s left was Denton Pharmacy, to it’s right was my father’s store (Swanee Swifty), to the right of that was Denton’s Grocery ( my sister was married to Mose Denton whose father was in competition wtih my father, to the reight of that was the barber shop and last (on the corner) was the post office.

  3. Jesse Bookhardt

    Vanishing South Georgia captures the vanishing. As time passes, all things sooner or later vanish. Thanks to Brian and his products we can enjoy our past a bit longer.

  4. ben dooley

    Brian, for some reason your photos this downtown make it seem unusually sad and forelorn! Especially since the good condition of many of the buildings are evidence that things were better in the very recent past. Are there any still viable and operating businesses in the downtown area? hope and pray the spirits of the citizens are in a better place than the town’s brick and mortar aspects seem to be. It is destressing that all over America so many small towns have fallen upon very hard times while others hang on and even prosper only because they are closer to an Interstate or happen to be in commuting distance to a larger town.


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