Insect Week
photography awards
In pictures
Photo: Dennis Teichert/Royal Entomological Society
A beautiful antlion
(Euroleon nostras) found one late night after a rain storm.
Photo: Benjamin Salb/Royal Entomological Society
A small damselfly (Ischnura posita), which is native to North America.
Photo: Gustav Parenmark/Royal Entomological Society
A blue-tailed damselfly (Ischnura elegans). The larvae are aquatic
and live in still or slow-moving water.
Photo: Rory Lewis/Royal Entomological Society
An ashy mining bee (Andrena cineraria) on an old dandelion head. Although they are solitary bees there may be many nests in a small area.
Photo: Benjamin Salb/Royal Entomological Society
A spotted tiger beetle (Cicindela sexguttata). These metallic green beetles are native to North America and adults are efficient predators
with large mandibles.
Photo: Marc Brouwer/Royal Entomological Society
A twin-lobed deerfly (Chrysops relictus). The males are often
seen on flowers while
feeding on nectar.
Photo: Bailey Carswell-Morris/
Royal Entomological Society
A banded demoiselle (Calopteryx splendens). The male colours
are even more vibrant.
Photo: Pete Burford/Royal Entomological Society
1st place in the Insect Week photography competition:
a pair of mating golden-tabbed robber flies (Eutolmus rufibarbis).