The Doer Mindset

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Doers are those morally guided achievers who do the right things the right way for the right reasons. They are the “go to” persons you count on when others let you down. Doers provide the enthusiasm and inspiration for new ideas and the initiative and perseverance that ensure positive outcomes.

Doers are the lifeblood of every sustainable enterprise. Harnessing their power is the key to prosperity. People with these attributes are limited in number, which is why management theorist Joseph Juran referred to them as, the vital few.

Doers: The Vital Few Who Get Things Done is a revealing new book by Dr. Tom E. Jones that provides practical advice and easy to implement strategies for addressing the many opportunities and challenges facing Doers and the organizations that employ them.

Regardless of where you work or what you do, if you are truly interested in doing a better job, you will benefit from what this book has to offer.

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