Mk V Peps?

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Jr Member
Hey guys, I was just wondering if anyone had pepped the Mk V suit yet? It just seems odd to me that the Pep Index has a HD Mk V helmet but no other pieces of a Mk V suit. Whilst I realise that there are many similarities between the Mk V and VI suits (not including the helmet), I think there is a lot of easy-to-gain reputation, credit and forum status from making some HD Mk V pep files.

EDIT: And yes, I realise there's only a Mk V helmet because it was in Halo 3 as a premutation.
The only problem I see with attempting to make an HD model is that there is no real detail in the game to begin with.
If there was, then that would be great, but I think it would be kinda hard, but then again, I'm not a modeler.
If we were to look at not just the in-game model, but the etxture map on the in-game model and various pieces of concept art, I'm sure there's a literal ton of detail that can be added, stuff which was only put in as a flat texture in Halo because of the limitations of technology at the time the game was made.
Well i modeled a HD helmet with looking close at high quality renders given from bungie and looking closely to the ingame model bumpmaps... My HD mkv helmet is on the wiki...
Yeah, I was thinking about that after I posted lol. I bet if someone wanted to really go all out, it could be done.
Just like Rundown's HD helmet, which I've made and it's sexy hehehe.
Rundown, I believe I already have your helmet from the Wiki, it's the one I refer to in my first post.

I just went and extracted the 3D model from the PC version of Halo 1, unfortunately, it didn't come out with it's textures intact, which is a shame as the base model doesn't show us much more than a basic outline. Here are the images anyway:





I've also gone to the trouble of looking up some reference images online and have found the following:


I also dug up this piece of kickass concept art

What do you think guys, we got enough imagery to go by? I can always take some screens from early Red vs Blue too if needed, for shots of the back and stuff. Also, if Mk V is as easy as you all say it will be, then it'll be perfect for newcomers!
erm the last one is halo3 concept... you should use the High quality renders from bungie
here they are:



I have pepped a Mark V, but I would love to have someone at some point make some HD files so I could redo it even better.

Thanks for the HQ pics Rundown! I might try using my admittedly limited skills with 3D modelling to try and make a Mk V HD Chest piece later this week.
Afr0Blu3 said:
I also dug up this piece of kickass concept art

What do you think guys, we got enough imagery to go by? I can always take some screens from early Red vs Blue too if needed, for shots of the back and stuff. Also, if Mk V is as easy as you all say it will be, then it'll be perfect for newcomers!

That was the original concept art for the Mark V.
They decided to scrap it for the redesign that they used in Halo: CE
Then they decided to use it for the design of the Mark IV in Halo Wars
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My textured PC model in reference pdo format should be on the wiki too....

I used it for all my old Mk V detailing.
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