departmental reporc series report: 84 - 1 SUBSISTENCE AND CONFLICT IN KONA, HAWAI'I AN ARCHAEOLOGICAL STUDY OF THE KUAKINI HIGHWAY REALIGNMENT CORRIDOR ROSE SCHILT DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY BERNICE PAUAHI BISHOP MUSEUM HONOLULU, HAWAI'I Report 84-1 SUSBISTENCE AND CONFLICT IN KONA, HAWAI'I An Archaeological Study of the Kuakini Highway Realignment Corridor Rose Schilt With Contributions by: Melinda S. Allen Thecla M. Bennett Carl C. Christensen Sara Collins Deborah M, Pearsall Jane Allen-Wheeler Foreword by Patrick V. Kirch Department of Anthropology BERNICE P. BISHOP MUSEUM Honolulu, Hawai'i June 1984 Prepared for Department of Transportation State of Hawai'i The reported research is a joint undertaking of Bernice P. Bishop Museum and the Department of Transportation, Highways Division, assisted by the Department of Land and Natural Resources. The opinions, findings, and conclusions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the State. CONTENTS Page FOREWORD xiii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Report 1 xv THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS by Rose Schilt . . . . . . . . . . . . Introduction Definition o f t h e Project Area . . . . . . . . T h e Kona Field System . . . . . . . . . . Environmental Setting . . . . . . . . . . Previous Archaeological Research in Kailua and the Kona Field System Research Problems (1981) 1 1 3 11 15 16 Archaeological Research i n t h e Project Area Field a n d Laboratory Methods . . . Historical Research i n t h e Project Area . Organization o f t h e Report . . . . Survey Results a n d Excavation Sampling Design. Site Type Categories . . . . . Sampling Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 19 22 26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 38 4 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 48 50 52 52 54 57 57 64 67 70 72 76 76 Prehistoric Habitation o n Lower Leeward Slopes . . D10-23, Cairn D8-13, Modified Outcrop D7-22, Modified Outcrop D8-36, Modified Outcrop D8-34, Platform D7-21, Midden Scatter D8-20, Platform a n d Terraces . . . . . D8-23, Walls, Extensive Modified Outcrops, and Platform D7-25, Terrace Platform D6-29, Enclosures a n d Platform . . . . . D6-41, Terrace Platform Archaeological Monitoring (1982-1983) . . . . Summary Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Continuity a n d Change i n Historic Times . . . . . D8-22, Historic House Site D7-57, Historic House Platform . . . . . . D7-63, Historic House Pavement . D8-37, Garden Plots, Activity Areas, and Modified Outcrops D8-38, Historic Temporary Habitation Site, U-Shaped Structure D8-58, Historic Gardening Enclosure . . . . . D8-19, Cairn D8-30, Burial Complex D8-31, Kuakini Wall , . D7-30, Historic WWII, Defensive Archaeological Monitoring (1982-1983) Summary Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 121 132 136 145 150 152 155 158 160 162 166 166 Kona Gardens o n Lower Leeward Slopes . . 170 . 170 175 176 Habitation, Refuge, a n d Burial i n Caves . . . D6-21, Habitation D7-27, Habitation and Refuge Caves in Modified Sink D8-33, Burial, Habitation, a n d Refuge Cave . . Archaeological Monitoring (1982-1983) . . . Summary Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . 79 79 89 98 117 1 1 7 Zone 1 D8-51, Soil Pockets on Pahoehoe D8-52, Enclosure D8-S4, Garden Plots . . . . . . . . . -Vll- Page Subsistence and Conflict on Leeward Hawai'i Island The Value of Archaeological Models A Leeward Metaphor . . . . . . Appendix. Descriptions of Unexcavated Sites in the Kuakini Highway Realignment Corridor, by Ahupua'a References . . . Report 2 Report 3 ANALYSIS OF VERTEBRATE FAUNAL REMAINS by Sara Collins Introduction . . . , . Methodology . . . , . Zoological and Ecological Implications . . Archaeological Implications References Cited . . . . Report 5 Report 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , of Kuakini Fauna . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333 333 334 345 353 . . . . . . . . . ANALYSIS OF SELECTED PALEOETHNOBOTANICAL MATERIALS by Melinda S. Allen Introduction . . . . . . . . Results . . . . . . . . . Discussion . . . . Conclusions . . . . . . . . References Cited . . . . . . . . . ANALYSIS OF POLLEN AND FERN SPORES by Thecla M. Bennett . . . . Introduction Methods Results . . . • Discussion . . . . Conclusions . . . . References Cited . . . . . . . . . . . 377 377 379 379 383 . . . . . . . . . . . . /* . . . . . . 355 356 357 358 362 365 375 385 385 386 392 393 395 ANALYSIS OF PHYTOLITH CONTENT IN SELECTED SOIL SAMPLES by Deborah M. Pearsall Introduction . . . Phytolith Analysis . . Results . . . . Discussion a n d Conclusion Acknowledgments . . References Cited . . Report 7 304 323 ANALYSIS OF NONMARINE MOLLUSKS by Carl C. Christensen . . Introduction Field a n d Laboratory Systematic Review . Site Reports . . Discussion . . Conclusion . References Cited . Report 4 289 300 300 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PARTICLE-SIZE AND SHAPE ANALYSES OF SOILS AND SEDIMENTS by Jane Allen-Wheeler Introduction . , . . . . . . , Methods . . The Hawai'i Belt Road Samples: An Introduction The Results for the Individual Sites . Conclusion . . . . . . . . References Cited . . . . . 397 398 402 404 405 .406 409 410 411 413 421 427 Report 3 ANALYSIS OF NONMARINE MOLLUSKS by Carl C. Christensen INTRODUCTION Under contract to the Department of Transportation, State of Hawai'i, the Bernice P. Bishop Museum has conducted a program of archaeological survey and salvage as part of environmental impact mitigation efforts associated with proposed realignment of the Kuakini Highway, North Kona District, Island of Hawai'i. Early in the excavation phase of this project it was determined that fossil shells of nonmarine mollusks were abundantly represented in soils at some of the archaeological sites under investigation. The occurrence of such faunal remains elsewhere in the Hawaiian Islands has long been known, as has their potential value as indicators of former environmental conditions (Henshaw 190^, Perkins 1913, Zimmerman 19^8). In recent investigations at Halawa Valley, Moloka'i (Kirch 1975), Barbers Point, O'ahu (Kirch and Christensen 1980; Christensen and Kirch 198lb), and South Kohala, Hawai'i (Christensen 1983), analysis of fossil nonmarine mollusks has provided significant information regarding human-induced ecological change in the Hawaiian Islands, a subject of considerable interest to both archaeologists and biologists (Kirch 1982; Olson and James 1982a, 1982b). Accordingly, land snail analysis was included as one of several methods of paleoenvironmental interpretation to be used in an interdisciplinary investigation of the Kuakini Highway Right-of-Way. The present report contains the results of this analysis. Description of Project Area. The project area is located in the North Kona District on the western (leeward) side of the Island of Hawai'i. It consists of a strip of land 91 m (300 ft) in width and 4,968 m (16,300 ft) in length, corresponding to the Right-of-Way for a proposed realignment of the Kuakini Highway, and lies inland of the town of Kailua, 0.8 to 1.6 km from the shoreline, at an elevation of ^0 to 116 m. Annual rainfall in this arid region averages ca. 51 to 76 cm/yr (20 to 30 in./yr). The modern vegetation of the area is dominated by exotic species, including kiawe (Prosopis pallida), koa haole (Leucaena leucocephala), and various shrubs, grasses, and weeds. Although three main soil types are found in the corridor, in the agricultural sites from which most of the mollusk samples were taken the principal soil type is the Wai'aha extremely stony silt loam. In profile, this soil type is characterized by the presence of an upper soil layer, ca. 10 cm (k in.) thick and of slightly acid pH, and a neutral to mildly alkaline subsoil ca. 56 cm (Ik in.) thick, overlying a substratum of pahoehoe lava (Sato et al. 1973). Archaeologically, the project area lies within the Kona Field System, an extensive complex of agricultural features (see Report l). -356- Christensen FIELD AND LABORATORY-METHODS Site Selection. Selection of sites for snail analysis was non-random based on the observed presence of shells of terrestrial mollusks. Sampling Methods. Bulk soil samples were collected in the field using standard archaeological methods, including maintenance of precise stratigraphic control. Extraction and Sorting. For quantitative analysis, bulk soil samples were oven-dried, weighed, and wet-sieved using standard brass screens of k.O-, 1.0-, and 0.5-mm mesh size (the It-.O-mm screen was omitted when the coarse soil fraction was only minimally represented). The residue retained by the U,0- and 1.0-mm screens was oven-dried and sorted with the aid of a lowpower (7X) stereomicroscope; all intact shells and apical fragments (those including the apex of the shell) were removed, sorted by taxon, counted, and the results recorded. Shells retained in the 0.5-mm screen were not sorted or counted due to the impracticality of handling large numbers of very small shells, most of them broken or immature. This material (together with non-apical fragments from the k.O- and 1.0-mm fractions) was examined for the presence of taxa not otherwise represented in a particular sample; taxa represented only from this source are listed as "V1 in the data tables but are excluded from shell counts. For qualitative analysis, soil samples were wet-sieved and the residue Ct-.O- and 1.0-mm fractions) was examined under the microscope; specimens of all taxa represented in each sample were identified and recorded. Identification. Shells of terrestrial mollusks were identified through reference to published works and the collections of the Division of Malacology, Bishop Museum. Identifications in particularly difficult groups (especially the genera Tornatellides, Leptachatina, and Succinea) are to the generic level only, and the incomplete state of many specimens of other taxa prevented precise identification. Ecological Data. Available ecological data for most species represented in the present material have been reviewed by Christensen (1983); information for other species is summarized below. Non-Mollusean Faunal Remains. A few vertebrate skeletal remains were recovered from one of the soil samples analyzed; these were identified by Carla Kishinami, Division of Vertebrate Zoology, Bishop Museum. Presentation of Data. Stratigraphic data are presented for all samples analyzed. Raw shell counts, relative frequency of taxa, and shell density (countable shells per 100 gm soil weight) are presented for samples analyzed quantitatively; presence/absence data are provided for qualitative samples. Brief site descriptions are provided for all archaeological sites from which nonmarine mollusks were examined; for complete archaeological data, reference should be Nonmarine Mollusks -357- made to the archaeological reports presented elsewhere in this volume (see Report 1). Site reports are presented in geographical order, north to south. Materials Examined. Quantitative analysis of terrestrial mollusk shells was performed for 27 samples from three soil columns obtained at two archaeological sites. Qualitative analysis was performed for 29 samples from four soil columns from three sites; six spot samples from two of these sites were also analyzed. Curation of Materials. Nonmarine mollusks examined during this study have been accessioned to the collection of the Division of Malacology, Bishop Museum. SYSTEMATIC REVIEW Terrestrial mollusk taxa recorded during this study are listed in Table 3.1. Nearly all of these were also encountered in the course of paleoenvironmental studies recently conducted in the Waimea-Kawaihae highway corridor (Christensen 1983), and data on their ecology and geographical distribution are available in that publication. Although most of the native species cannot be assigned to a particular ecological category, Amastra (Cyclamastra) umbilicata pluscula and Leptachatina (An^ulidens) anceyana (Family Amastridae), and Lyropupa (Mirapupa) costata, L. (M.) ovatula kona, and Nesopupa dispersa (Family Pupillidae) are generally characteristic of arid environments; Lyropupa (Lyropupa) prisca and Philonesia sp. (Family Helicarionidae) suggest more mesic conditions. The only native species found during the present investigations but not found during the Waimea-Kawaihae study is Tornatellaria cf. henshawi (Family Achatinellidae; T. henshawi is endemic to the island of Hawai'i; no ecological data are available). Cookeconcha cf. thwingi (Family Endodontidae) is the species referred to as "Cookeconcha sp. A" in the earlier report. A number of adventive taxa (synanthropic exotics introduced to the Hawaiian Islands through accidental transport by humans) were found in this material. Probably the most significant of these, from the archaeological point of view, is Lamellaxis gracilis (Subulinidae). This species has been found in prehistoric contexts in archaeological sites in the southeastern Solomon Islands (Christensen and Kirch 198la), Fiji (Hunt 1981), the Society Islands (Christensen 1981; Sinoto 1983), and elsewhere (Christensen et al., unpublished observations). Material from the present study provides the first Hawaiian record of the occurrence of this species in a dated prehistoric context. Gastrocopta pedieulus (Pupillidae) has also been recovered from archaeological sites of prehistoric age in all of the non-Hawaiian localities cited above for L. gracilis, but its status in Hawai'i is uncertain. Pupisoma cf. oreula (Pupillidae) may also be an immigrant here, possibly dating from the prehistoric period; its status is also unclear. Post-1778 introductions include: Zonitoides arboreus (Zonitidae); Cecilioides aperta (Ferussaciidae); Lamellaxis clavulinus, Prosopeas achatinaceum, and Subulina octona -358- Christensen (Subulinidae); Euglandina rosea (Spiraxidae); Bradybaena similaris (Bradybaenidae); and possibly Havaiia sp. (Zonitldae). SITE REPORTS Site 50-Ha-D8-33,, Ahupua'a of Keopu 2 Site D8-33 is a lava tube modified to serve as a refuge cave. At TP-12 a column of five soil samples (0-k5 cm b.s.; see Table 3.2) was collected for qualitative analysis of land snails. Spot samples from Subfeature 3 (Layer III/IV, 156-166 cm b.d.), TP-U (NE quad, Layer II, 8U.5-87 cm b.d.), TP-12 (NW quad, Layer III, ca. 35-^0 cm b.s.), and TP-18 (Square E7-8, Layer V, 168-170 cm b.d.) were also analyzed (Table 3-3). At TP-12 a diverse native snail fauna was found to be present throughout most of the soil column (5-^5 cm b. s., Layers II and III); native taxa were considerably reduced in number in the uppermost 5 cm of soil (Layer I). Two radiocarbon dates (A. D. 1675-1930, top of Layer I; A. D. 1550-1660, Layer III, 25-35 cm b. s.) and one volcanic glass date (late l8th century, Layer I) are available. Lamellaxis gracilis was found throughout the soil column, including samples taken at and below the level of the 1550-1660 radiocarbon date. This is the first Hawaiian record of this adventive species from a dated prehistoric context. Hawaila sp., possibly adventive, was present only in the upper 5 cm of soil. At each level a few of the snail shells showed evidence of burning. A spot sample stratigraphically underlying the late prehistoric radiocarbon sample (Layer III, ca. 35-^0 cm b. s.) contained a few vertebrate skeletal remains (small rodent, unidentified bird, gekkonid and scincid lizards, and possible fish; C. Kishinami, pers. comm.) in addition to shells of a number of native terrestrial tnollusk taxa, Lamellaxis gracilis, and the possibly adventive Pupisoma cf. orcula. The apparent cooccurrence of Lamellaxis and a diverse native mollusk fauna could indicate that human impact during the late prehistoric period was not sufficiently intense to cause extirpation of native land snails, although quantitative analysis (not undertaken here because of time and funding limitations) would be necessary to demonstrate that changes in relative abundance of the anthropophobic and ecologically tolerant species that would be the most visible indication of such impact." Alternatively, these sediments could represent a brief period of rapid sedimentation, in which case human impact during this period could have been sudden and profound. Spot samples from Subfeature 3, TP-1*, and TP-18 each were found to contain diverse assemblages of native mollusks, and P. cf. orcula was present in each; these isolated spot samples are of limited utility for paleoecological analysis, however. Nonmarine Mollusks -359- Site 50-Ha-D7-27, Ahupua'a of Pua'a 1 Site D7-2T is a lava bubble cave that was modified extensively for habitation and refuge, containing artifacts and midden material consisting of shells of marine mollusks. Two soil samples containing terrestrial mollusks for qualitative analysis were obtained outside the cave at TP-2B (two samples, Layer II, 117-127 cm b.d., and Layer III, 1^7-157 cm b.d.; Table 3.U) and within the cave at TP-k (a column of ten samples, depth range 0-95 cm b.s.; Table 3.5). Radiocarbon dating of a charcoal sample from Layer III (127-137 cm level) of TP-2B yielded a late prehistoric to early historic age range (see Report 1). Snail samples from levels above and below the dated level contained six and five native taxa, respectively, as well as a prehistoric adventive species (Lamellaxis gracilis). Additionally, the lower sample contained shells of four historically introduced species. Members of the genus Cecilioides are known to burrow in soil to depths in excess of 2 m (Evans 1972), and thus the occurrence of C. aperta at this level is without stratigraphic significance. The presence of Gastrocopta ^ejrvilis, Lamellaxis clavulinus , and Subulina octona , however, is a strong indication of surface contamination. Schilt (Report l) reports that the soil matrix at this site was rocky and porous, conditions that could allow living snails of non-burrowing species to crawl freely in the interstices of the buried rock-rubble and that could also permit contamination through downwashing of empty shells (Evans and Jones 1973). At the TP-lf excavation, a radiocarbon date of A. D. 1^10-1630 was obtained for charcoal from the 75-85 cm b.s. level (Layer III; see Report 1), and the TP-4 samples thus span the interval from the late prehistoric period to the present. No evidence was forthcoming regarding conditions prior to that time or any possible change in diversity of the native snail fauna associated with the initiation of human settlement in the region, however, as no significant numbers of shells were recovered from levels beneath the dated stratum. Shells representing a moderately diverse native snail fauna of seven to nine taxa were present from that level until late in the stratigraphic sequence (15-25 cm b.s., Layer II). Lamellaxis gracilis was found in all samples to a depth of 65-75 cm (upper portion of Layer III), immediately overlying the dated charcoal sample. The presence of this synanthropic snail indicates at least some anthropogenic environmental impact, as does the fact that an estimated 10-30% of the shells recovered from depths of 15-25 and 35-75 cm b.s. (Layers II and III) show evidence of burning. The diversity of the native snail fauna did not change greatly in this interval, a condition similar to that observed at the D8-33 cave site. Historic-period adventives were restricted to the uppermost soil level (0-5 cm, Layer I), where indigenous taxa were present in reduced numbers. Because of the scarcity of shells of all species in the 5-15 and 25-35 cm samples, it cannot be determined whether the observed decline in diversity of native snails preceded the appearance of modern adventives or was concurrent with their rise to dominance, and thus extirpation of the native fauna cannot be demonstrated to have been a historic era phenomenon. As at Site D8-33> the observed stratigraphic profile may indicate either that Lamellaxis gracilis and -360- Christensen a diverse native snail fauna coexisted over an extended period of time (and thus that anthropogenic ecological disturbance may have been relatively minor until late in the sequence) or that the upper portion of Layer III and the lower portion of Layer II (ca. 15-25 cm to 65-75 cm b.s. at TP-10 represent a period of rapid deposition, possibly associated with anthropogenic ecological disturbance, and particularly with the use of fire. Site 50-Ha-D7-29, Ahupua'a ofPua'a 1 This site is a U-shaped rock alignment, possibly associated with agricultural activities. A column of ten soil samples from TP-2 was processed for quantitative snail analysis (Table 3.6). The uppermost 15 cm of soil (Layer I and the upper one-third of Layer II; 0-15 cm b.s.) were virtually barren of terrestrial mollusk shells. The lower two-thirds of Layer II (15-35 cm b.s.) contained shells representing a diverse native fauna, the abundance of individuals increasing with depth. The prehistoric adventive Lamellaxis gracilis was also present, as was Gastrocopta servilis (at depths of 15-25 cm b.s.). G. servilis is an exotic species not reported from the Hawaiian Islands prior to 1892. The transition zone between Layers II and III (35-^0 cm b.s.) contained abundant shells of native species, as well as a few individuals of L. gracilis and a single shell of Pupisoma cf. oreula, a taxon of uncertain status but possibly a prehistoric adventive. In Layer III (40-50 cm b.s.) native snails were extremely abundant (maximum density, 878 shells/100 gm sediment at kO-k5 cm b.s.), but no adventive taxa were present. The distribution of terrestrial mollusk shells in the soil shows marked stratification. The virtual absence of shells from the upper 15 cm of soil is probably due to preservational factors, as the upper soil level of the Wai'aha soils is slightly acidic (Sato et al. 1973), a condition unfavorable to the preservation of calcareous mollusk shells. The underlying fossiliferous subsoil is neutral to mildly alkaline. The presence of GastroQopta servilis in the upper portion of this snail-rich zone indicates either (l) that this species inhabited the region contemporaneously with the now locally extinct native taxa, or (2) that shells of this modern adventive species were deposited atop a pre-existing soil surface, the upper sediments of which preserved shells of previously extirpated native species. As at Site D7-27, TP~k, some shells in the fossiliferous zone show the marks of exposure to fire, although such evidence is much less prominent with the D7-29 material. Site_50-Ha-D7-66) Ahupua'a-of Puapua'a Nui-and Puapua'a Iki Site D7-66 is a complex of probable agricultural features, and includes an extensive landscaped garden area and platforms, enclosures, and rubble alignments. Quantitative snail analysis was undertaken for soil columns from Backhoe Trench 1 (BT-1; 8 samples, 0-^0 cm b.s.; Table 3.7) and Feature 6l, TP-5C (7 samples, 0-1+3 cm b.s.; Table 3.8); additional columns for Nonmarine Mollusks -361- qualitative analysis were examined from Feature 62, Backhoe Trench k (BT-4; 8 samples, 0-U6 cm b.s.; Table 3.9) and Feature 59, TP-1E (6 samples, 0-30 cm b.s.; Table 3,10). The snail profiles from the Backhoe Trench 1 and Feature 6l, TP-5C, excavations were closely similar. A buried soil layer containing numerous shells of locally extinct native snails was present at both of the DJ-66 excavations, with some of the shells showing evidence of burning (est. ^0-50% of those from Backhoe Trench 1, Layers II/III, 15-30/31 cm, and 20-30% of those from Feature 6l, TP-5C, Layers II/III, 17-37 cm). A few individuals of Lamellaxis gracilis were also present. The fossiliferous layer was overlain by soil having greatly decreased numbers of shells (as at Site D7-29, probably a result of low soil pH and, thus, unfavorable preservational factors). In both soil columns the upper portion of the snail-rich layer contained a few shells of the modern adventive Gastrocopta servilis. Examination of samples of the modern litter fauna at each of these sites shows the overwhelming dominance of the adventive taxa now inhabiting these sites. At each of these locations, as at Site D7-29, the apparent cooccurrence of G. servilis and native species not now found in the region, and the presence of their shells at depths to 22 cm, suggests rapid soil deposition during the historic era (probably commencing late in the 19th century), with extinction of native taxa concurrent with or prior to the events initiating this change in depositional regime; stratigraphic mixing caused by erosion or historic agricultural activities could also account for the presence of shells of G. servilis at these levels (see Report 1 for evidence of soil disturbance at Feature 6l, TP-5C). Results of qualitative analysis of two soil columns from this site (Backhoe Trench k and Feature 59, TP-1E) are less clear-cut than from those examined quantitatively. At Backhoe Trench k (Table 3«9) native land snails were present throughout the soil column, although these were somewhat reduced in numbers of taxa represented in the upper two samples (0-10 cm b.s., Layer I). Lamellaxis gracilis was present in the 10-15 cm sample, and other adventives or possible adventives (Gastrocopta seFvi^lis, Hawaiia sp., and Subulina octona) were found in the uppermost 10 cm of soil. The occurrence of each of these four species in a sample from ^,0-^2 cm b.s. (Layer IIB) is noteworthy; the presence of two historic-era adventives (G. servilis and S. octona) at such a depth indicates probable surface contamination, a finding that may explain the conflicting results of radiocarbon dating of charcoal obtained with this sample (A. D. 1565-1605 and 1610-1950; see Report 1). Further evidence of such contamination is the presence of seeds of exotic plants (Amaranthus sp. and gassiflora cf. foetida) at this level (see Report k). Samples from Feature 59, TP-1E (Table 3.10), yielded similar results of continuous presence of native taxa and appearance of adventives late in the stratigraphic sequence, but without the contamination observed at the Backhoe Trench h site. Notable here is the absence of molluscan remains from the 15-20 cm b.s. level (middle of Layer II), unusual in that the snail-free layer was overlain by fossiliferous soil containing shells of several native taxa. -362- Christensen DISCUSSION Analysis of fossil terrestrial mollusk remains can provide information regarding the nature of plant communities formerly occupying a site, as well as indications of the nature and chronology of major ecological changes (Evans 1972). The precision and accuracy of this method of paleoenvironmental reconstruction are, of course, dependent upon the quality of our knowledge of the taxonomy and ecology of the molluscan taxa represented, as well as upon the extent to which the available sedimentary record provides an unbiased sample of molluscan populations that formerly inhabited the study site. Caution is required in both of these areas of concern in interpreting the nonmarine mollusks recovered and analyzed during the present investigations. The state of our knowledge regarding the taxonomy and ecology of Hawaiian land snails is much less advanced than is normally true in the continental areas where land snail analysis has long been used in paleoenvironmental interpretation. In part this is due to the remarkable diversity of the Hawaiian fauna, which includes some 1,000 species of native terrestrial mollusks, many of them undescribed and almost all ecologically unknown. Another important factor is the unfortunate circumstance that many of the native species encountered in paleoenvironmental studies in Hawai'i are extinct, and thus no direct observations of their ecology are possible. Indeed, the type of vegetation that most of these species probably inhabited, the leeward dry-land forest, has been virtually destroyed since human settlement of the Hawaiian Islands; it is therefore not possible to compare fossil assemblages with modern analogues inhabiting "control" sites not subject to anthropogenic modification. Available ecological data are for species probably now extirpated over much of their former range, and it is uncertain to what extent observations of modern populations adequately document the true range of habitats once occupied by these snails. Fortunately, sufficient observations of fossil assemblages from arid lowland sites are available to indicate that such faunas were characterized by the presence of certain taxa, particularly dextral Lyropupa (subgenus Mirapupa) and species of Cyclamastra and Angulidens (subgenera of Amastra and Leptachatina, respectively), and the virtual absence of sinistral Lyropupa (subgenera Lyropupa and Lyropupilla) and Fhilonesia. Such genera as Pleuropoma, Lamellidea, Tornatellides, Cookeconcha, and Succinea were also well represented, although they were not restricted to such environments. These extinctions are the result of anthropogenic disturbance of native plant communities and their replacement by assemblages of exotic plant species, combined with the effects of the introduction and spread of non-native predators such as ants and rats. It is uncertain whether adventive land mollusks actively displaced endemic forms through competitive exclusion, or whether they merely invaded niches made vacant by the prior extirpation of native forms. In any event, modern terrestrial mollusk communities are often dominated by exotic species, which may often totally replace the original fauna of native snails. This pattern of decreasing diversity of native land snail species over time, and the appearance and rise to dominance of synanthropic exotics, may be reflected in the archaeological record and can provide strong evidence of anthropogenic ecological change. Additionally, because at least one of the exotic taxa became Nonmarlne Mollusks -363- established in the Hawaiian Islands prehistorically, while others are known to have been introduced during the post-contact period, their occurrence at particular stratigraphic levels can be used to supplement other dating methods in providing chronometric control. The low elevation, leeward location, and arid climate of the Kuakini Highway study area indicate that formerly the region must have supported a native dry-land vegetation community. Paleobotanical investigations undertaken concurrently with the present malacological study yielded little information regarding the species composition of this vegetation, however. Palynological analysis (see Report 5) provided evidence of the occurrence of several native ferns and fern allies (Cibotium, Dryopteris, Sadleria, and Lyeopodium) as well as the angiosperm Dodonaea. Macrobotanical remains (see Report h-) included numerous seeds of Chenopodlum oahuense (probably also represented in the pollen record among the abundant "cheno-am" material) and lesser numbers of seeds of Waltheria amerlcana; according to Allen (Report U), both of these are weedy species indicative of ecological disturbance, and thus their presence may reflect human influence rather than being indicative of the pre-human vegetation of the region. Aleurltes, a Polynesian introduction that has become naturalized as a major component of the modern Hawaiian forest, was represented both by pollen and macrobotanical remains. Phytolith analysis (see Report 6) showed non-grass species to have been dominant throughout the period represented by the soil columns examined; there was evidence of change in the species composition of the grass component, although grasses were never abundant. None of the strata containing raolluscan material analyzed during the present study can be identified as antedating settlement of the Hawaiian Islands by the Polynesians, so the diversity of the pre-human land snail fauna of the study area cannot be determined. The taxa of native terrestrial mollusks that were recorded, however, are consistent with the former presence of a native dry-land forest. Dextral species of Lyropupa (subgenus Mirapupa.), Nesopupa dispersa, Amastra (Cyclamastra) umbilicata pluscula, and Leptachatina (Angulidens) anceyana are species typical of arid leeward sites, and of the taxa represented in this material only Lyropupa (Lyropupa) prisca and Philonesia sp. are usually associated with relatively moist environments (both of these species are rare in the Kuakini material). As in most lowland situations in the Hawaiian Islands, the original native vegetation of the study area has been replaced by a community dominated by exotic plant species, most of them introduced by humans within the last 200 years. Similarly, the native land mollusks formerly inhabiting the study area have been almost entirely replaced by exotic forms, most of them postA. D. 1778 immigrants to Hawai'i, but one (Lamellaxis gracills) a prehistoric synanthropic arrival, and two others (Gastrocopta pedlculus and Pupisoma cf. orcula) that may also be precontact adventives. A number of additional species have become established in the Hawaiian Islands within the last 200 years. Land snail analysis provides some evidence regarding the sequence of extinction and replacement among the land snail fauna, and as this undoubtedly reflects the simultaneous replacement of native plants by exotics, it may also provide information useful in the interpretation of the chronology of vegetational change in the region. -364- Christensen Land snail analysis was undertaken for samples from excavations in lava tubes and in open sites probably associated with agricultural activities. The pattern of occurrence of land snail fossils was consistent within each of these site types. As noted above, no information is available regarding the pre-settlement fauna of the region, so it is not known whether or not human activities in the early prehistoric period caused any reduction in the diversity of the native land mollusk fauna. Information is available, however, regarding ecological change during and subsequent to the late prehistoric period. Excavations in each of the two lava tube sites examined (D8-33 and DJ-27) revealed a layer of sediment ca. 0.5 m in thickness containing abundant shells of native terrestrial mollusk species, with some shells at D8-33 showing evidence of burning. At D8—33> TP-12, the prehis- torically introduced land snail Latnellaxis gracilis was found at and below a level radiometrically dated as being of late prehistoric age; also present were remains of adventive rodent and lizard taxa. At D7-27, TP-4, a late prehistoric radiocarbon date was obtained from the lowermost sample of the the fossiliferous layer; L. graeilis was present in all of the overlying samples. At both of these sites a diverse native snail fauna evidently persisted until at least the late prehistoric period, suggesting that anthropogenic ecological disturbance prior to this time was not sufficiently intense as to result in their extirpation. The co-occurrence of L. gracilis and native forms over a considerable stratigraphic range may indicate either that these species did in fact co-exist for an extended period of time during the late prehistoric era (which would suggest that little ecological change took place during this interval, although the presence of fire and Lamellaxis does indicate at least some level of ecological disturbance), or that this zone of highly fossiliferous sediment was deposited rapidly as a result of a single major event, probably late in the prehistoric period. The event most likely to cause such rapid deposition would be destruction of the native vegetation due to human use of fire. Available malacological evidence does not allow distinction between these alternatives, or elimination of such factors as soil disturbance or differences in erosional/depositional regima. Upper levels at these sites showed a decreased diversity in the native fauna. With the exception of obvious contaminants, modern adventive species were restricted to the uppermost 5 cm of soil. The open-ground temporary habitation and agricultural sites for which quantitative snail columns are available (Site D7-29, TP-2; Site D7-66, Feature 6l, TP-5C, and Feature 59, TP-1E) again showed a consistent distribution of fossil nonmarine mollusks in the soil profile. At the two D7-66 excavations the lowest soil zone (designated as Layer IV; apparently absent in the D7-29 site) contained only a very few shells, all of native species. Above this was a highly fossiliferous zone (Layer III and the lower portion of Layer II, present in all three excavations) containing numerous shells of native species, many of them fire-altered. A few shells of prehistorically and/or modern adventive species were present in the upper portion of the buried burn layer (uppermost Layer III sample or in the lower portion of Layer II). This apparent cooccurrence of native taxa and post-contact exotics could be interpreted as indicating that the native mollusk fauna of the region remained relatively undisturbed until the arrival of modern adventive species (probably late in the 19th century). An alternative explanation is that modern sediments and associated snail shells were deposited atop a pre-existing ground surface, Nonmarine Mollusks -365- native and exotic species being found together as a result of mixing of recent shells with fossils contained in soil at and below the old surface. Malacological evidence alone cannot resolve this matter. Sediments above the burn layer (Layer I and most of Layer II at the D7-29 site; Layer I only at the D7-66 excavations) contained few or no shells, probably due to preservational factors associated with low soil pH. Because shells of modern adventive species were found beneath the barren upper soil level, deposition of the upper ca, 15 cm of sediment may have occurred within the last 100 years or so, unless their presence is the result of soil mixing associated with post-contact cultivation. The modern land snail fauna of the region— based on examination of litter samples from the two DJ-66 locations—is predominantly of historically adventive species. CONCLUSION Land snail analysis as a method of paleoenvironmental reconstruction is in a very immature state in tropical Polynesia, and conclusions based on such evidence should be carefully tested against the results of other methods of analysis. The results of archaeological and paleoenvironmental studies carried out simultaneously with the present malacological study have not been fully considered in the interpretation presented here; furthermore, none of the sites examined during this study provided a well-dated sequence of continuous deposition and preservation of snail shells over a long period of time. The following interpretation of ecological change in the Kuakini Highway study area should therefore be considered as a hypothesis to be compared with the results of other investigations undertaken during Bishop Museum's archaeological and paleoenvironmental studies, in the interest of developing a synthetic analysis of ecological change in this area. Malacological data are not available to document conditions in the Kuakini Highway region prior to the late prehistoric period. Sediments radiometrically dated to the 15th to 17th centuries A. D. contained shells of a diverse native land snail fauna, similar in composition to those formerly inhabiting other arid leeward locations in the Hawaiian Islands. Lamellaxis gracilis (an adventive land snail) and certain exotic vertebrates (lizards and a rodent) became established not later than the late prehistoric period, and then or subsequently fire became an important ecological influence in the region. These circumstances indicate major anthropogenic disturbance, which probably resulted in the extirpation of most native land mollusks. The advent of these environmental perturbations cannot be more precisely dated than as having occurred subsequent to the 15th century and earlier than or simultaneous with the appearance of modern adventive land snail species, probably late in the 19th century. Post-contact exotics were found at depths as great as ca. 22 cm in association with locally extinct native snails, but this apparent co-occurrence may be the result of rapid deposition atop a pre-existing ground surface and mixing of recently deposited shells with those contained in the older sediments at or below that ground surface. The present mollusk fauna of the study area is dominated by exotic species, most of them modern immigrants to the Hawaiian Islands, and reflects the almost wholly exotic nature of the extant vegetation of the region. -366- Christensen Table 3.1. TERRESTRIAL MOLLUSK TAXA REPRESENTED IN ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES IN THE KUAKINI HIGHWAY CORRIDOR, NORTH KONA, HAWAI'I. TAXON STATUS Family Helicinidae Pleuropoma sandvichiensis konaensis Neal, 193^ Endemic Family Achatinellidae Lamellldea spp. "Tornatellinops" baldwini (Ancey, 1889) Tornatellaria cf. henshawi (Ancey, 1903) Tornatellaria cf. trochoides (Sykes, 1900) Tornatellides cyphostyla (Ancey, 190U) Tornatellides spp. Endemic Endemic Endemic Endemic Endemic Endemic Family Amastridae Amastra (CyGlamastra) umbilicata pluscula Cooke, 1917 ? Aroastra sp. Leptaehatina (Angulidens) anceyana Cooke, 1911 Leptachatina spp. Endemic Endemic Endemic Endemic Family Pupillidae Lyropupa (Lyropupa) prisga Ancey, 190^ Lyropupa (Mirapupa) costata (Pease, 187!) Lyropupa (Mirapupa) ovatula kona Pilsbry and Cooke, 1920 Nesopupa dispersa Cooke and Pilsbry, 1920 Nesopupa newcombi (Pfeiffer, 1852) Nesopupa wesleyana Ancey, 190^ Pronesopupa acanthlnula (Ancey, 1892) Pupisoma cf. orcxila (Benson, 1850) Gastrocopta pediculus (Shuttleworth, 1852) Gastrooopta seryilis~(Gould, l8*t-3) Endemic Endemi c Endemi c Endemic Endemic Endemic Endemic Status Uncertain Introduced (Possibly Prehistoric) Introduced (Historic) Family Endodontidae Cookeconcha cf. thwingi (Ancey, 190^) Endemic Family Punctidae Punctum horneri (Ancey, 190*0 Endemic Family Succineidae "Succinea" spp. Endemic Family Helicarionidae Philonesia sp. Endemic Family Zonitidae Hawaiia sp. Striatura meniscus (Ancey, 190k) Zonitoides arboreus (Say, l8l6) Status Uncertain Endemi c Introduced (Historic) Family Ferussaciidae Cecilioides aperta (Swainson, 18^0) Introduced (Historic; Burrowing Species) Nonmarine Mollusks -367- Table 3.1 (continued) TAXON STATUS Family Subulinidae Lamellaxis clavulinus (Potiez and Michaud, 1838) Lamellaxis graeilis (Button, 183^) Prosopeas achatinaceum (Pfeiffer, I&k6) Subulina octona (Bruguiere, 1792) Introduced Introduced Introduced Introduced Family Spiraxidae Euglandina rosea. (Ferussac, 1821) Introduced (Historic) Family Bradybaenidae Bradybaena siroilaris (Ferussac, 1821) Introduced (Historic) (Historic) (Prehistoric) (Historic) (Historic) Table 3-2. TERRESTRIAL MOLLUSKS FROM SITE 50-HA-D8-33, TP-12. Layer/Level/Depth (cm b.s.) II II 2 3 Ill III 15-25 25-35 35-^5 X X X X - - X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X - - - X X X X X X X X 11 10 11 11 10 10 1 0 1 1 0 0 12 11 1 0 I 1 0-5 5-15 k Native Taxa Pleuropoma sandwich! ens is konaensis Lamellidea spp. "Tornatellinops" baldwini Tornatellides spp. Amastra (Cyclamas.) umbil. pluscula Leptachatina spp. Lyropupa (Mirapupa) ovatula kona Nesopupa dispersa Nesopupa newcombi Cookeconcha cf . thwing_i "Succinea" spp. Striatura meniscus X X X X - - X X X - X X X Adventive/Possibly Adventive Taxa Hawalia sp. Lamellaxis graeilis X X Total Taxa Native Taxa Adventive/Possibly Adventive Taxa Known Historic Adventive Taxa 7 5 2 0 X = presence; - = absence. -368- Christensen Table 3-3. TERRESTRIAL MOLLUSKS FROM SITE 50-HA-D8-33, VARIOUS FEATURES AND TEST PITS. Locality/Layer/Depth (cm b .s. or b.d.) Subfea. 3 Layer III/ IV 156-166 cm b.d. TP-4 NE Layer II 81*. 5-87 cm b.d. TP-12 NW Layer III ca. 35-^0 cm b.s. TP-18, Sq E7-8 Layer V 168-170 cm b.d. Native Taxa Pleuropoma sandwichiensis konaensis Lamellidea spp. "Tornatellinops" baldwini Tornatellides eyphostyla Tornatellides spp. Amastra (Cyclamas.) umbil. pluscula ? Araastra sp. Leptachatina (Angulidens) anceyana Leptachatina spp. Lyropupa (Mirapupa) costata Lyropupa (Mirapupa) ovatula kona Nesopupa dispersa Nesopupa newcombi Nesopupa wesleyana Cookeconcha cf. thwingi "Succinea" spp. Philonesia sp. Striatura meniscus X X X X - X X X X - X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X - - X X X ? X X X X X X X X X X X X X 7 X X X 15 13 17 16 2 0 0 - X X X - X _X Adventive/Possibly Adventive Taxa Pupisoma cf . orcula Lamellaxis gracilis Total Taxa Native Taxa Adventive/Possibly Adventive Taxa Known Historic Adventive Taxa X 10 9 1 0 13+2? 12+1? 1-fl? 0 X = presence; - = absence; ? = possible presence, identification uncertain. - 1 Nonmarine Mollusks Table 3.^. TERRESTRIAL MOLLUSKS FROM SITE 50-HA-D7-2T, TP-2B. Layer/Depth (cm b.d.) II 117-127 III 1^7-157 Native Taxa Lamellidea spp. Tornatellides spp. Lyropupa (Mirapupa) spp. Nesopupa neweombi Cookeconcha cf. thwingi "SucGinea" spp. X X X X X X X X X X X Adventive/Possibly Adventive Taxa GastroGopta servilis Gastrocopta spp. *Cecilioides aperta Lamellaxis clavulinus lamellaxis gracilis Subulina octona X X - X X X X Total Taxa Native Taxa Adventive/Possibly Adventive Taxa Known Historic Adventive Taxa 8 6 2 0 10 5 5 k *Burrowing species; X = presence; - = absence. X -369- -370- Christensen Table 3-5. TERRESTRIAL MOLLUSKS FROM SITE 50-HA-D7-27, TP-k. Layer/Depth (cm b.s.) I 0-5 II 5-15 II 15-25 25-35 X X X II II II 35-^5 ^5-55 Ill III III Ill 55-65 65-75 75-85 85-95 Native Taxa Pleuroporaa s, konaensis Lamellidea spp. "Tornatellinops" baldwini Tornatellides spp. Leptachatina spp. Lyropupa (Mirapupa) o. kona Lyropupa (Mirapupa) spp. Nesopupa dispersa Nesopupa newcombi Cookeconcha cf . thwin^i "Succinea" spp. X X _ X - X - X X X X k 3 - _ - X X X X - - - - X X - - X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X _ - - - - X X X - X X - X X X X X X X X - - X X X X X X - X - X - X - X - X - - - 8 7 k 3 10 9 1 0 9 8 1 0 7 7 0 0 1 1 0 0 - - Adventive/Possibly Adventive Taxa Gastrocopta pedioulus Gastrocopta servilis Lamellaxis Glavulinus Lamellaxis gracilis Prosopeas achatinaceum Subulina octona Bradybaena similaris X x x X x x x Total Taxa 10 Native Taxa 3 Adventive/Poss. Adv. Taxa 7 Known Historic Adv. Taxa 5 X = presence; - - absence. 1 0 1 0 1 0 8 7 1 0 10 9 1 0 Nonmarine MoHusks -371- Table 3,6. TERRESTRIAL MOLLUSKS FROM SITE 50-HA-D7-29, TP-2. Layer /Depth (cm b.s.) I 0-5 II II II 5-10 10-15 15-20 II II 20-25 25-30 30-35 it _+ 13 1 II II/III 35-40 III 40-45 It6 134 28 6 44 34 it 8 _ 67 III 45-50 Native Taxa Pleuropoma sandwichiensis konaensis Lamellidea spp. "Tornatellinops" baldwini Tornatellides cyphostyla Tornatellides spp. Achatinellidae (unidentified) Amastra (Cyclamas.) umbil. pluscula Leptachatina (Angulidens) anceyana Leptachatina spp. Lyropupa (Mirapupa) ovatula kona Nesopupa di spersa Nesopupa nevcombi Cookeconcha cf. thwlngi Punctum horneri "Succinea" spp. Philonesia sp. Striatura meniscus 1 it 35_ _ _- _- 6 _1 _1 _ _ _ _- _- _3 _9 21 _ _ 45 1 + 211 _ _ _ + _ 1 20 + 1 + + - 2 It 2 3 + 1 _ 9 + + 1 + _ _ 6 35 + + _3 55 179 + 6 31 + 4 - 2 1 28 121 1 27 12 3 1 _ 7 _ 1 15 _ 57 5 53_ It _ 19 20 + it + 5 10 2 1 1 Adventive/Possibly Adventive Taxa Pupisoma cf. orcula Gastrocopta servilis Lamellaxis gracilis - - - - 1 - - 3 2 2 3 5 - Unidentified - - 1 - - - - 10 11 9 11 10 1 0 11 8 10 16 14 2 13 13 0 0 0 0 Total Taxa Native Taxa Adventive/Possibly Adventive Taxa Known Historic Adventive Taxa 1 Total Shells, All Taxa 1 Total Shells, Native Taxa 100.00 *Total Shells, Native Taxa (' 0 Total Shells, Adventive/Poss Adv. Taxa *Total Shells, Advent./Poss. Adv. Taxa(%) 0 60.6 Sample Weight (gm) Shells/100 gm Sample Weight 1.7 2 1 2 1 1 136 0 0 0 0 92.2 0 0 0 0 80.3 61 17 25 U 58 23 133 82.35 92.00 96.67 97.79 2 2 3 3 2.21 8.00 17.65 3.33 107.2 107;0 116.5 88.9 153.0 15.9 11 11 0 0 382 382 150 735 150 729 99.18 100.00 100.00 6 0 0 0.82 0 0 10it,6 53-1 702.7 878.2 282.5 43.5 *Not including unidentified shells; "+" signifies presence of non-apical fragments and/or presence in 0.5 mm sediment fraction only. -372- Christensen Table 3.7. TERRESTRIAL MOLLUSKS FROM SITE 50-HA-DT-66, BACKHOE TRENCH 1. Layer /Depth (cm b.s.) Litter I I I 0 05 510 1015 _ _ _ _ _ + + 1 4 _ i II 1520 III 20- III IV 23/25- 30/31- IV 23/25 30/31 35 354o 60 9 28 5 41 1 + + _ _ Native Taxa Pleuroporaa sandwichiensis konaensis Lamellidea spp. "Tornatellinops" baldwini Tornatellaria cf. henshawi Tornatellides cyphostyla Tornatellides spp. Achatinellidae (unidentified) Amastra (Cyclaraas.) umbil. pluscula Leptachatina (Angulidens) anceyana Leptachatina spp. Lyropupa (Lyropupa) prisca Lyropupa (Mirapupa) ova tula kona Nesopupa dispersa Nesopupa newcombi Nesopupa spp. Pupillidae (unidentified) Cookeconcha cf. thwingi "Succinea" spp. Philonesia sp. Striatura meniscus + _ _ 3 + _ _ _ _ _ - + + 48 153 2 3 163 14 8 10 2 226 13 2 - 48 1 14 216 3 9 2 18 1 352 + -4- 2 - + + _5 84 + + _+ + _ _ 1 _ _ 4 25 8 3 12 1 1 (2) (2) 15 13 16 14 11 11 5 5 1 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 100.00 100.00 0 0 0 0 36 - 9 3 + Adventive/Possibly Adventive Taxa Gastrocopta pediculus Gastrocopta servilis Hawaiia sp. Zonitoides arboreus *Cecilioides aperta gra£ilis chati Subulina octona Subulinidae (unidentified) Bradybaena similarls Unidentified Total Taxa Native Taxa Adventive/Possibly Adventive Taxa Known Historic Adventive Taxa Total Shells, All Taxa 10 Total Shells, Native Taxa 0 **Total Shells, Native Taxa (%) 0 Total Shells, Adventive/Pbss. Adv. Taxa 10 **Total Shells, Adventive/Poss. Adv. Taxa (%) 100.00 Sample Weight (gm) Shells/100 gm Sample Weight 81.4 12.3 *Burrowing species; **not including unidentified shells; in 0.5 mm sediment fraction only 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 9 8 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 34T.3 0 + 0 0 0 0 10 251.3 9 90.00 1 10.00 199.7 5.0 1 693 683 98.84 8 1.16 299.2 231.6 188 777 188 774 99-87 100.00 0 1 0 0.13 164.5 224.1 472.3 83-9 154.5 0.6 93.2 0 signifies presence of non-apical fragments and/or presence Nonmarine Mollusks -373- Table 3.8. TERRESTRIAL MOLLUSKS FROM SITE 50-HA-D7-66, FEATURE 6l, TP-5C. Layer /Depth (cm b.s.) Litter I 0 0-5 9 + + I I 5-11 11-17 II III 17-22 22-27 III IV 27-37* 37-43 Native Taxa Pleuropoma sandwichiensis konaensis Lamellidea spp. "Tornatellinops" baldwini + + _ Tornatellaria cf . henshawi Tornatellaria cf. trochoides Tornatellides cyphostyla Tornatellides spp. Achatinelii'dae (unidentified) Amastra (Cyclamas.) umbil. pluscula 9 +• - + _+ - - 50 64 142 368.7 55 211.2 2 _ 2 3 2.1 4.2 4.2 8 29 92 116.2 161.2 _ 33 2 83-7 23.0 _+ 36 377 84.7 953.8 1 22.0 _ 4_ _ _ 91 g 10 Leptaehatina (Angulidens) anceyana Leptaehatina spp. Lyropupa (Mirapupa) ovatula kona Nesopupa dispersa Nesopupa newcombi Nesopupa wesleyana Nesopupa spp. Pronesopupa acanthinula Cookeconcha cf. thwingi Punctum horneri "Succinea" spp. Philonesia sp. Striatura meniscus 7 2 - + 2 _ _ _ 136 1 + _ 2 4.2 2 33 116 13 14 1 6 196.9 + 37.7 13 + 2 + _+ + _+ 26.1 -t_ _ _ _ _2 3 1 _ _ + Adventive/Possibly Adventive Taxa Gastrocopta pediculus Gastroeopta servilis Hawaiia sp. Zonitoides arboreus **Ceeilioides aperta Lamellaxis clavulinus Lamellaxis graeilis Prosopeas achatinaceum Subulina octona Euglandina rosea Bradybaena similaris Total Taxa Native Taxa Adventive/Possibly Adventive Taxa Known Historic Adventive Taxa Total Shells, All Taxa Total Shells, Native Taxa Total Shells, Native Taxa (%) Total Shells, Adventive/Poss. Adventive Taxa Total Shells, Adventive/Poss. Adventive Taxa (%) Sample Weight (gm) Shells/100 gm Sample Weight 1 1 110 8 + 2 12 65 213 1 9 13 3 10 8 8 6 5 2 1 3 1 441 18 31 7.03 410 92.97 67.5 607.4 2 11.11 16 88.89 167.2 10.8 2 11 2 18.18 9 81.82 294.8 3.7 5 3 2 1 14 12 2 1 17 17 0 0 17 17 0 0 2299.8 912 912 M7 2299-8 25.00 99-52 100.00 100.00 0 6 2 0 0.48 0 0 75.00 313.7 209. ^ 218.7 155.1 3.8 191.6 588.0 733.1 8 2 419 9 9 0 0 7 7 100.00 0 0 115.2 6.1 "+" signifies presence of non-apical fragments and/or presence in 0.5 mm sediment fraction only. *Shell counts for 27-37 cm b. s. sample are calculated values based on examination of 100% of 4.0 mm sediment fraction and 48% of 1.0 mm sediment fraction; **burrowing species. -374- Christensen Table 3-9. TERRESTRIAL MOLLUSKS FROM SITE 50-HA-D7-66, FEATURE 62, BACKHOE TRENCH k. Layer/Depth (cm b.s.) I 0-5 I IA 5-10 10-15 IA 15-23 II 23-30 IIA 30-38 I IB X X _ X X — X X X X X III Native Taxa Lamellidea spp. "Tornatellinops" baldwini Tornatellides spp. Leptachatina spp. Lyropupa (Mirapupa) ovatula kona Lyropupa (Mirapupa) spp. Nesopupa newcombi "Succinea" spp. X _ X _ X _ X X _ X _ X X X X X _ X X X X _ _ _ - — — X X X X X X X — X Adventive/Possibly Adventive Taxa Gastrocopta servilis Hawaiia sp. Lamellaxis gracilis Subulina octona Total Taxa Native Taxa Adventive/Possibly Adventive Taxa Known Historic Adventive Taxa X = presence; - = absence. _ X - - - - - - - 5 3 6 2 1 0 5 6 7 2 k u 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X X X 3 1 _X 1 6 7 - X X X X 10 6 k 2 0 0 0 0 -375- Nonmarine Mo Husks Table 3.10. TERRESTRIAL MOLLUSKS FROM SITE 50-HA-D7-66, FEATURE 59, TP-1E. Layer/Depth (cm b.s.) I 0-5 II II 5-10 10-15 II 15-20 II III 20-25 25-30 Native Taxa Pleuropoma sandwi ehi ens i s konaensis Lamellidea spp. "Tornatellinops" baldwini Tornatellides spp. Leptachatina spp. Lyropupa (Mirapupa) ovatula kona Lyropupa (Mirapupa) spp. Nesopuga dispersa Nesopupa newcombi CookeGoncha cf. thwingi "Succinea" spp. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Adventive/possibly Adventive Taxa Gastrocopta pe_diculus Gastrocopta servilis Hawaiia sp. *CeCilioides aperta Lamellaxls gracilijs Prosopeas achatinaceum Subulina octona Euglandina rosea X X X X X X X X X 12 5 7 5 Total Taxa Native Taxa Adventive/Possibly Adventive Taxa Known Historic Adventive Taxa 6 k 2 0 8 6 2 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 9 9 0 0 *Burrowing species; X = presence; - = absence. REFERENCES CITED Christensen, Carl. C. Ms. "Preliminary Analysis of Non-Marine Mollusks from the Fa'ahia Archaeological 1981 Site". Dept. Anthropology, B. P. Bishop Mus. 1983 "Analysis of Land Snails." IN J. T. Clark and P. V. 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