Mycol. Res. 99 (12): 1515-1518 (1995) ISIS Printed in Great Britain Notes on British taxa referred to Aleuria B. M. SPOONER' AND Y.-J. YAOI.2 , Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 3AE, u.K. School of Biomolecular Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool L3 3AF, U.K. 2 British fungi currently referred to Aleuria have been investigated. Three species are maintained in the genus; all other names are considered and redisposed with brief explanations. Two new combinations, Peziza flavida and Neobulgaria undata, are proposed. Aleuria Fuckel was established with two species, A. aurantia (Pers.) Fuckel and A. rhenana Fuckel. The former was selected as lectotype of the genus by Clements & Shear (1931), while the latter was combined in Peziza Willd. by Boudier (1907), and has been subsequently transferred to Sowerbyella Nannf. by Moravec (1986). Aleuria (Fr.) Gillet is a later homonyn and an obligate synonym (Rifai, 1968). A quite different concept of Aleuria (Fr.) Gillet, based on typification by A. vesiculosa (Bull.) Gillet was adopted by Boudier (1907), who included over 70 taxa but not A. aurantia. Aleuria (Fr.) Gillet sensu Boudier is a synonym of Peziza (Eckblad, 1968; Rifai, 1968). The most recent taxonomic treatment of Aleuria is that of Haffner (1993). The British checklist of Ascomycotina (Cannon et aI., 1985) contains 19 taxa referred to Aleuria and the status of most of these requires clarification. Revision of these taxa reveals that only three species, A. aurantia, A cestrica (Ellis & Everh.) Seaver and A. luteonitens (Berk. & Broome) Gillet, can be retained in the genus; the remainder are discussed below. Material and methods follow those outlined in Yao & Spooner (1995). Aleuria cerea var. cocotina (Cooke) Boud., Hist. Classific. Discomyc. Europe.: 44 (1907) Peziza cocotina Cooke, Grevillea 5: 61 (1876) Lachnea cocotina (Cooke) W. Phillips, Man. Br. Discomyc.: 206 (1887) Sacroscypha cocotina (Cooke) Sacc., Syll. Fung. 8: 158 (1889) Geopyxis cocotina (Cooke) Massee, Br. Fung. Fl. 4: 380 (1895) Type material of this species, preserved in K, comprises two specimens ex Herb. Cooke and Herb. Phillips. Asci from the type stain strongly blue at the apex in Melzer's reagent, and ascospores, mostly young, are ellipsoid, eguttulate, smooth, and measure 15'0-16'0 x 8'5-9'5 セュN The taxon belongs in Peziza, and is probably conspecific with Peziza micropus Pers. Aleuria cerea var. flavida (W. Phillips) Boud., Hist. Classific. Discomyc. Europe.: 44 (1907) Peziza micropus var. flavida W. Phillips, Man. Br. Discomyc.: 64 (1887) Neotype (selected here): Moccas Park, Oct. 1881. C. B. Plowright, No. 100 (K, ex Herb. W. Phillips as Peziza micropus Pers.). This variety was based on a Plowright collection from Moccas, Herefordshire. Unfortunately, no specimen labelled with this name can be located in K. However, there are three specimens in K named Peziza micropus from Herefordshire ex Herb. W. Phillips. These are all on rotten wood, and one of them is a collection by C. B. Plowright from Moccas Park. Examination of this specimen proves it to match the protologue of Peziza micropus var. flavida, having light yellow apothecia when rehydrated, ascospores 16'0-20'5 x 8'0-10'0 セュ and asci which stain blue at the tip in Melzer's reagent. It is possible that this specimen may, in fact, be the holotype, as the locality, substratum and collector correspond to those given in the protologue. In addition, the collection date is earlier than the publication of the species. However, as it cannot be definitely shown that this collection is part of the original material from which the taxon was described, we, therefore, designate it as neotype. The other two specimens from Herefordshire in Herb. W. Phillips are conspecific and one of them is probably a part of the neotype. This taxon is clearly a Peziza. However, the combination of the name in this genus given in Moser (1963) and Hohmeyer (1986) is invalid because no basionym was cited. Furthermore, Phillips never raised his variety to specific rank. There can be little doubt that the fungus illustrated by Boudier (1910) as Aleuria cerea var. flavida (W. Phillips) Boud. is the same as that of Phillips. However, Le Gal (1941) was uncertain of their identity and introduced Aleuria aurata Le Gal as a 'new name' for Boudier's fungus. Aleuria aurata was, in fact, a new taxon at species level, over which P. micropus var. Notes on British Aleuria flavida has no priority under Art. 11.4 of IBCN (1994). Le Gal (1941) did not provide a Latin diagnosis for A. aurata, but referred to Boudier's work which, exceptionaIly, did include a Latin description, thus fulfilling the requirements for valid publication. She also cited the specimen illustrated by Boudier as type. The combination of Le Gal's name in Pezizn is therefore made below. Peziza aurata (Le Gal) Spooner & Y. J. Yao, comb. nov. AIel/ria (wrata Le Galin Revue Myco!.. 5uppl. 6: 77 (1941) Peziza rnicropus var. flavida W. Phillips, Man. Br. Discornyc.: 64 (1887) Aleuria cerea var. flavida (W. PhiIlips) Boud., Hist. Classific. Discomyc. Europe: 44, (1907) The earlier name Pezizn aurata Berk. & Ravenel (RaveneL 1855), later published as Ombrophila aurata (Berk. & Ravenel) W. Phillips (Anon., 1890), is a nomen nudum. The accompanying specimen label does not include a description of the fungus and, as is clear from the account by Stevenson (1971) of Ravenel's Fungi Caroliniani &siccati, the name is not validated elsewhere. Aleuria granulosa (Schumach.) GiIlet, Champ. Fr. Discomyc.: 44 (1879) Pezizn granulosa Schumach., Enum. Pl. 2, 415 (1803) The description of Pezizn granulosa by Schumacher loc. cit. is so brief that the identity of the species has caused much confusion. Cooke (1879) adopted Boudier's concept of P. granulosa by publishing an illustration based on the drawing made by Boudier. The same concept was used by Boudier (1904), who published Aleuria granulosa (Schumach.) Boud. as a new combination. However, this was unnecessary as the combination had previously been made by Gillet loco cit. The concept of P. granulosa adopted by Bresadola (1898) differs from that of Cooke and of Boudier. Heim & Remy (1932) concluded that Boudier had misinterpreted Schumacher's species, and that the concept of Bresadola was correct. Aleuria granulosa sensu Boud. was reported from Great Britain by Graddon (1960); there is no evidence for the occurrence of P. granulosa Schumach. sensu Bresadola in Britain. Donadini (1977, 1979) introduced Pezizn granularis as a new name for Boudier's fungus. However, he should have described this taxon as a new species, and supplied a Latin diagnosis; his name is, therefore, invalidly published. Pezizn boudieri (Cooke) Donadini differs from Boudier's fungus only slightly in colour and is probably conspecific. Aleuria insolita (Cooke) Boud., Hist. Classific. Discomyc. Europe.: 44 (1907) Peziza insolita Cooke, Mycographia 1: 224 (1879) The type of this species from Glamis, Scotland, amongst dead leaves, preserved in K, is exhausted. However, from the description and illustrations, it was almost certainly a pale form of 5arcoscypha coccinea. Another coIlection (K, England, Oxford, S. d., Baxter) referred to A. insolita is also 5. coccinea. 1516 Aleuria isabellina (W. G. Sm.) Boud., Icon, Myco!., Liste prelim: (2) [without pagination] (1904) Pezizn isabellina G. G. Sm. in Grevillea 1: 136 (1873) The type materiaL from King's Lynn, Norfolk is apparently lost (Cooke, 1877; Massee, 1895). We have searched for possible neotype material for this species in K and found that, among several specimens under this name in Herb. W. Phillips, two are from Norfolk. These two specimens agree weIl with the protologue, having apothecia on decayed wood, ascospores 13'5-16'5(-17'5) x 7.5-8'5 j.lm, and asci which stain blue, strongly so at the apex, in Melzer's reagent. The ascospores have a very fine ornament, at the limit of resolution under the light microscope. This is a good species of Peziza and is different from the concept of this species adopted by Boudier (1909). The latter has been described as Galacfinia subisabellina Le GaL a species not reported from the British Isles. Hence, we designate here a neotype for Pezizn isabellina to preserve the species name. England, Norfolk Terrington, Feb. 1876, s.leg., two specimens ex Herb. W. Phillips in K, the one clearly labeIled ex Herb. W. G. Smith is selected as the neotype, and the other as isoneotype. Aleuria lilacina Boud., Hist. Classific. Discomyc. Europe.: 45 (1907) This species has been transferred to Pezizn with a new name Peziza moseri Aviz.-Hersh. & Nemlish (Israel]. Bot. 23: 157 (1974), non Pezizn lilacina Wulf.). Pezizn sublilacina Svrcek (Ceskd Mykol. 30: 130 (1976) is a later synonym. British records of A. lilacina were reported by Hora (1954, 1955) but his material is apparently lost. No other British collections are known. Aleuria mellea (Cooke & Plowr.) Boud., Hist. Classific. Discomyc. Europe.: 45 (1907) Pezizn mellea Cooke & Plowr., Grevillea 5, 119 (1877) The type specimen in K is on bark of Fraxinus. It has apothecia 5 mm diam. when dried, and pale orange after rehydration. The asci stain strongly blue at the apex in Melzer's reagent, and the ascospores, which are mostly young, are eIlipsoid, 18-20 x 9'0-10 j.lffi, eguttulate, smooth. This is possibly a synonym of Peziza ampliata Pers. Aleuria muralis (Sowerby) Boud., Hist. Classific. Discomyc. Europe.: 46 (1907) Peziza muralis Sowerby, Eng. Fung. PI. 251 (1800) Geopyxis muralis (Sowerby) Sacc.. 5yll. Fung. 8: 72 (1889) This has commonly been considered as a synonym of Peziza cerea Sowerby ex Fr. Type material is preserved in K (ex Herb. Berkeley and ex Herb. W. Phillips), but unfortunately is almost exhausted; only one apothecium remains in the specimen ex Herb. W. Phillips, and no fungal material remains in the specimen ex Herb. Berkeley. Examination of the former material reveals that there is no blue staining of the asci in Melzer's reagent, and that reference of the species to Peziza is dubious. Furthermore, young ascospores of this species appear to contain guttules, unlike typical P. cerea. Illustrations by B. M. Spooner and Y-I. Yao Sowerby (loc. cit.) of P. muralis and P. cerea also indicate that they may represent different species, and the true identity of P. muralis requires further study. Aleuria petaloidea (Cooke & W. Phillips) Baud., Hist. Classific. Discomyc. Europe.: 47 (1907) Peziza petaloidea Cooke & W. Phillips, in Phillips, Man. Br. Discomyc. 46 (1887) Geopyxis petaloidea (Cooke & W. Phillips) Sacc., Syll. Fung. 8: 67 (1889) The type is well preserved in K and is a Sowerbyella. Aleuria recedens Boud., Bull. Soc. Mycol. Fr. 14: 18 (1898) This species has been combined as Peziza recedens (Boud.) SacCo & Syd. (Syll. Fung. 16: 704 (1902)) Aleuria reperta Baud., Bull. Soc. Mycol. Fr.: 10: 64 (1894) Reported from Great Britain by Rea (1928), but no British collection under this name has been located. It is a synonym of Peziza apiculata Cooke according to Hohmeyer (1986) and Moravec (1985). The status of P. apiculata in Great Britain requires further investigation. 1517 Type material, preserved in K, has been examined by Dennis (unpublished). According to Dennis's notes, asci stain blue at the apex in Melzer's reagent, and ascospores are eguttulate, 16'0-20'0 x 10'0-12'0 セュN It clearly belongs in Peziza but its relationship with similar species in that genus needs clarification. Aleuria umbrina var. assimilata (P. Karst.) Boud., Hist. Classific. Discomyc. Europe.: 46 (1907) Peziza assimilata P. Karst. in Not. Still. Fauna Fl. Fenn. Forh. 10: 113 (1869) Reported from Great Britain by Rea (1928) on the basis of a single collection cited as 'Burnham Beeches, October 20th 1925, Mr A. A. Pearson'. A collection in K ex Herb. Rea is from the same locality but apparently incorrectly labelled as 20 October 1893 (s. leg.). This has asci which stain deep blue at the apex in Melzer's reagent, and ascospores 15'017'0 x 7'5-8'5 セュL finely warted, with warts vertically elongated at the poles. Although the substratum was not given, this specimen is typical Peziza echinospora P. Karst. Aleuria undata (W. G. Sm.) Boud., Hist. Classific. Discomyc. Europe.: 46 (1907) Peziza undata W. G. Sm. in Grevillea 1: 136 (1873) Aleuria rhenana Fuckel in lb. nassau. Ver-Naturk. 23-24: 325 (1870) Sarcoscypha rhenana (Fuckel) Sacc., Syll. Fung. 8: 157 (1889) Peziza rhenana (Fuckel) Boud., Hist. Classific. Discomyc. Europe.: 54 (1907) Peziza aurantia var. stipitata W. Phillips (syn. Otidea aurantia var. stipitata (W. Phillips) Massee) was cited as a synonym of P. rhenana by Ramsbottom (1914) according to 'Boudier in litt.'. This species was subsequently reported from Yorkshire by Mason & Grainger (1937) and was included in Ramsbottom & Balfour-Browne (1951). Type material of P. aurantia var. stipitata cannot be located in K and is presumed lost. The identity with P. rhenana cannot be confirmed. No other British collections of this species are known, and the Yorkshire collection is also apparently lost. The presence of this species in Britain, therefore, requires confirmation. Aleuria subcitrina (Bres in Rehm) Boud., Icon. Mycol., Liste prelim.: (2) [without pagination] (1904) Plicaria subcitrina Bres. in Rehm in Hedwigia, Beibl. 40: 102 The type material, preserved in K, is from tree fern stems in a greenhouse. It has apothecia up to 8'0 mm diam., with inoperculate asci, the minute pore bluing in Melzer's reagent, ascospores 6'0-7'0 x 3'5-4'0 セ ュ with two guttules, and simple paraphyses. The medullary excipulum and outermost ectal layer are gelatinized, and the fungus clearly belongs in Neobulgaria Petr. The appropriate combination is therefore made below. NeobuIgaria undata (W. G. Sm.) Spooner & Y nov. J. Yao, comb. Peziza undata W. G. Sm. in Grevillea 1: 136 (1873) It is possible that Ombrophila microspora (Ellis & Everh.) SacCo & Syd. is a synonym. We wish to thank Dr R. W. G. Dennis for valuable discussion and helpful advice, and for reading the manuscript. This study was supported by a grant (GR3/8284) from the Natural Environment Research Council, 'The Ascomycete Flora of Great Britain and Ireland', which is gratefully acknowledged. (1901) Humaria subcitrina (Bres.) Sacc., Syll. Fung. 18, 25 (1906) Peziza subcitrina (Bres. in Rehm) Korf in Mycotaxon 14: I (1982) This was reported from Britain by Rea (1928), and is included with the incorrect citation 'Bres.' in Cannon et I'll. (1985). It was shown by Korf (loc. cit.) to belong in Peziza. Aleuria subrepanda (Cooke & W. Phillips) Boud., Hist. Classific. Discomyc. Europe.: 45 (1907) Peziza subrepanda Cooke & W. Phillips in Cooke, Mycographia 1: 153 (1877) REFERENCES Anon. (1890). Omitted diagnoses. Grevillea 19, 71-75. Boudier, E. (1904). Icanes Mycalagicae. ser. I, Livr. 1. Paul Klincksieck: Paris. Boudier, E. (1907). Hislaire el Classificalian des Discomyceles d' Europe. Paul Klincksieck: Paris. Boudier, E. (1909). [cones Mycalagicae. ser. 5, Livr. 25. Paul Klincksieck: Paris. Boudier, E. (1910). [cones Mycalagicae. ser. 6, Livr. 27. Paul Klincksieck: Paris. Bresadola, j. (1898). Fungi Tridentini. j. Zippel: Tridenti. Cannon, P. F., Hawksworth, D. L & Sherwood-Pike, M. A. (1985). The British Ascomycolina. An Annalaled Checklist. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux: Slough, U.K. Clements, F. E. & Shear, C. L (1931). The Genera of Fungi. H. W. Wilson: New York. Notes on British Aleuria Cooke, M. C. (1877-9). Mycographia, se" lcones F,mgorum, vol. 1. Williams and Norgate: London. Donadini, j. C. (1977). Le genre Peziza L. per Saint-Amans (I). Bulletin de la Sociite Lim,eem,e de Provence 30, 37-92. Donadini, j. C. (1979). Le genre Peziza Linne per Saint-Amans (1ere partie). Documenls Mycologiq"es 9, 1-42. Eckblad, F.-E. (1968). The genera of the operculate Discomycetes. NyU Magasin for Bolanikk 15(1-2), 1-191. Graddon, W. D. (1960). British records nos. 43-49. Transaclions of Ihe British Mycological Society 43, 689-691. Haffner, j. (1993). Die Gattung Aleuria. Rheinland-Pfiilzisches Pilzjo"mal 3, 6-59. Heim, R. & Remy, L. (1932). Fungi Brigantiani (troisieme serie). Bullelin de la Societe Mycologiq"e de France 48, 53-75. Hohmeyer, H. (1986). Ein Schliissel zu den europaischen Arten der Gattung Peziza L. Zeitschrifl fur Mycologie 52, 161-168. Hora, F. B. (1954). The Dunkeld Foray, Scotland. Transaclions of Ihe British Mycological Sociely 37, 185-190. Hora, F. B. (1955). The Spring Foray, Lake District, 27 May to I june, 1954. Trmrsaclions of Ihe Brilish Mycological Sociely 38, 177-181. Le Gal, M. (1941). Les Aleuria et les Galaclinia. Rev"e de Mycologie, S"ppMment 6,56-82. Mason, F. A. & Grainger, j. (1937). A Catalog"e of Yorkshire F"ngi. A. Brown & Sons: London. (Accepled 9 April 1995) 1518 Massee, G. (1985). British Fungus Flora. A Classified Texl-book of Mycology, vol. 4. George Bell & Sons: London. Moravec, j. (1985). A taxonomic revision of species related to Peziza apiculala. Agarica 6(12), 56-66. Moravec, j. (1986). A new species and two new combinations in the genus Sowerbyella. Mycologia Helvetica 2, 93-102. Moser, M. (1963). Helmul Gams Kleine Kryptogamenflora. Band lIa. Ascomycelen. Gustav Fischer Verlag: Stuttgart. Ramsbottom, j. (1914). A list of the British species of discomycetes arranged according to Boudier's system, with a key to the genera. Transaclions of the British Mycological Sociely 4, 343-381. Ramsbottom, j. & Balfour-Browne, F. L. (1951). List of discomycetes recorded from the British Isles. Transaclions of Ihe British Mycological Sociely 34, 38-137. Ravenel, H. W. (1855). F"ngi Caroliniani Exsiccali. Fasc. Ill. Rea, C. (1928). New or rare British discomycetae. Transaclions of Ihe Brilish Mycological Society 8, 253-260. Rifai, M. A. (1968). The Australasian Pezizales in the Herbarium of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Welenschappen, Afd. Naluurkunde II, 57(3), 1-295. Stevenson, j. A. (1971). An account of fungi exsiccati containing material from the Americas. Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia 36, 1-563. Yao, Y-j. & Spooner, B. M. (1995). New combinations in Melastiza and Scutellinia (Pezizales). Mycolaxon 53, 467-477.