Zootaxa 1515: 1–29 (2007) / zootaxa/ ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition) Copyright © 2007 · Magnolia Press ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition) ZOOTAXA Revision of Austrosignum Hodgson and Munnogonium George & Strömberg (Paramunnidae) with descriptions of eight new genera and two new species, (Crustacea: Isopoda: Asellota) JEAN JUST1 & GEORGE D. F. WILSON2 1 Museum of Tropical Queensland, 70-100 Flinders Street, Townsville, Queensland 4810, Australia (Hon. Associate, Museum Victoria, Melbourne). E-mail: 2 Australian Museum, 6 College Street, Sydney NSW 2010, Australia. E-mail: Table of contents Abstract ...............................................................................................................................................................................1 Introduction .........................................................................................................................................................................2 Methods ...............................................................................................................................................................................2 Classification .......................................................................................................................................................................7 Taxonomy ............................................................................................................................................................................7 Key to genera previously classified as Munnogonium and Austrosignum ..........................................................................7 Austrosignum Hodgson .......................................................................................................................................................8 Austrosignum glaciale Hodgson, 1910 ........................................................................................................................ 9 Advenogonium gen. nov. ...................................................................................................................................................13 Boreosignum gen. nov. ......................................................................................................................................................13 Cryosignum gen. nov. ........................................................................................................................................................14 Cryosignum lunatum (Hale, 1937), comb. nov. .........................................................................................................14 Kussakinella gen. nov. .......................................................................................................................................................18 Meridiosignum gen. nov. ...................................................................................................................................................18 Meridiosignum minidenticulatum sp. nov. .................................................................................................................19 Munnogonium George & Strömberg .................................................................................................................................22 Quetzogonium gen. nov. ....................................................................................................................................................22 Tethygonium gen. nov. .......................................................................................................................................................23 Tethygonium quadricuspis sp. nov. ............................................................................................................................23 Zizzygonium gen. nov. .......................................................................................................................................................25 Discussion ........................................................................................................................................................................27 Acknowledgments .............................................................................................................................................................27 References .........................................................................................................................................................................28 Abstract The paramunnid genera Austrosignum Hodgson, 1910 (type species A. glaciale Hodgson, 1910) and Munnogonium George & Strömberg, 1968 (type species M. waldronense George & Strömberg, 1968) are re-diagnosed. Twenty seven species are reviewed. Austrosignum is restricted to two described species, Munnogonium to five described species. The remaining 20 species are placed in the following eight new genera: Boreosignum (type species Austrosignum maltinii Schiecke & Fresi, 1972), Cryosignum (type species Paramunna lunata Hale, 1937), Meridiosignum (type species M. macquariensis sp. nov.), Tethygonium (type species T. quadricuspis sp. nov.), Quetzogonium (type species Austrosignum Accepted by J. Svavarsson: 13 Apr. 2007; published: 25 Jun. 2007 1 dentatum Winkler, 1994), Advenogonium (type species Austrosignum fuegiae Doti & Roccatagliata, 2005), Zizzygonium (type species Paramunna magellanensis Winkler, 1994), Kussakinella (type species Austrosignum spinosum Kussakin, 1982). Key words: Isopoda, Asellota, Paramunnidae, Austrosignum, Munnogonium, new genera, new species Introduction Species in the Paramunnidae range in size from about 0.6 mm to approximately 3.0 mm. They occur from the intertidal to abyssal depths, and from Arctic and Antarctic conditions to the tropics. Recently subgroups within the family have been shown to be considerably more diverse than previously thought (Just & Wilson 2004, 2006). Those studies also supported Wilson’s (1980) conclusion that the Paramunnidae occur overwhelmingly in southern hemisphere temperate to cold waters. Including new species herein, the family now comprises 148 named species. The aim of this paper is to review the genera Austrosignum Hodgson, 1910 (type species A. glaciale Hodgson,1910) and Munnogonium George & Strömberg, 1968 (type species M. waldronense George & Strömberg, 1968). Lack of clarity in the diagnoses of the two genera has, over time, led to significant confusion as to where to place newly discovered species more or less similar to the two type species. Species with strong, triturative mandible molars and dorsally visible coxae V–VII traditionally have been referred to Austrosignum or Munnogonium on the basis of the presence (Austrosignum) or absence (Munnogonium) of a mandibular palp. Other characters, such as the length of eyestalks, have been considered in separating the two genera, but they have not been applied consistently. Although the type species of Munnogonium lacks a mandibular palp, the presence of a palp in the type species of Austrosignum has been conjectured from Hodgson’s (1910) descriptions of A. grande and A. glaciale (see discussion in Wilson 1997: 75). Of the former Hodgson wrote (p. 67) “The [mandible] palp was not observed”; of the latter (p. 68) “The [mandible] palp is long, three-jointed”. We have examined the types of both Austrosignum grande and A. glaciale and have found that neither species possesses a mandible palp, (Hodgson probably mistook the maxillipedal palp for that of the mandible palp in the latter species). Bowman & Schultz (1974) moved Austrosignum grande and four other species of Austrosignum to Munnogonium based on their presumed (A. grande) or observed lack of a mandibular palp, implicitly leaving Hodgson’s (1910) second species, A. glaciale (presumed by the authors to have a mandibular palp) as the type species of Austrosignum as designated by Menzies (1962). Subsequently, new species have been described in Munnogonium as well as Austrosignum, but not with reference to distinctive diagnoses. Table 1 shows that 24 species have been described in Austrosignum or Munnogonium or have subsequently been transferred between or to one or the other of those genera. We re-diagnose Austrosignum and Munnogonium, restricting the former to two and the latter to five described species. An empirical cladistic analysis provides support for a new classification for the remaining 20 species listed in Table 1. We therefore propose eight new genera, two of which take new species as their types. Methods Taxonomic data Many species reported during the 20th Century were inadequately described and illustrated. To place those species in the context of this revision, we have examined most type materials, as indicated by “T” in Table 1. We will redescribe and reillustrate these species based on their types in a subsequent paper. 2 · Zootaxa 1515 © 2007 Magnolia Press JUST & WILSON REVISION OF AUSTROSIGNUM AND MUNNOGONIUM TABLE 1. Species described in, subsequently transferred to, or here placed in the Austrosignum/Munnogonium complex. Original combination Austrosignum dentatum Winkler, 1994 A. erratum Schultz, 1964 A. escandellae Castelló, 2004 A. falklandicum Nordenstam, 1933 T Subsequent view no change Munnogonium, by Georges & Strömberg (1968), tentatively synonymized with Munnogonium tillerae by Wilson (1997) no change no change This paper Quetzogonium* dentatum, comb. nov. Munnogonium erratum Austrosignum escandellae Munnogonium falklandicum, comb. nov. Zootaxa 1515 © 2007 Magnolia Press · A. fuegiae Doti & Roccatagliata, 2005 no change Advenogonium* fuegiae, comb. nov. A. globifrons Menzies, 1962 T Munnogonium, by Bowman & Schultz (1974) Munnogonium globifrons A. glaciale Hodgson, 1910 T syn. of A. grande Hodgson, by Kussakin (1982) Austrosignum glaciale A. grande Hodgson, 1910 T Munnogonium by Bowman & Schultz (1974), Malyutina & Ushakova (2001), Austrosignum by Kussakin (1982) no change Austrosignum glaciale, syn. nov. Munnogonium, by Bowman and Schultz (1974), Metamunna, by Wolff and Brandt (2000) no change Munnogonium, by Bowman and Schultz (1974) no change no change no change no change Metamunna, by Wolff and Brandt (2000) no change Metamunna, by Wolff and Brandt (2000) Metamunna, by Wolff and Brandt (2000) syn. of Austrosignum tillerae Menzies & Barnard, 1959, by Bowman and Schultz (1974) Austrosignum by Vanhöffen (1914), Paramunna by Stephensen (1927) ?Pleurosignum by Menzies (1962), Pleurosignum by Kensley (1977), syn. of Austrosignum grande by Kussakin (1982), Paramunna, by Brandt (1999) Metamunna, by Wolff and Brandt (2000) Boreosignum* maltinii, comb. nov. A. latifrons Menzies, 1962 T A. maltinii Schiecke & Fresi, 1972 A. spinosum Kussakin, 1982 A. tillerae Menzies & Barnard, 1959 Munnogonium adenensis Müller, 1991 M. affinis Malutina & Ushakova, 2001 M. armigerum Shimomura & Mawatari, 2000 M. orientale Shimomura & Mawatari, 2000 M. polynesiensis Müller, 1989 M. somersensis Kensley, 1994 M. subtilis Kensley, 1976 M. wilsoni Hooker, 1985 M. waldronense George and Strömberg, 1968 Austrimunna incisa Richardson, 1908 T Paramunna lunata Hale, 1937 T P. kerguelensis Vanhöffen, 1914 T P. magellanensis Winkler, 1994 P. menziesi Winkler, 1994 T T Pleurogonium variabile Schiecke & Modigh-Tota, 1976 T: type material examined. *: new genus described herein. no change Paramunnidae incertae sedis Kussakinella* spinosum, comb. nov. Munnogonium tillerae Tethygonium* adenensis, comb .nov. Boreosignum* affinis, comb. nov. Tethygonium* armigerum, comb. nov. Boreosignum* orientale, comb. nov. Boreosignum* polynesiensis, comb. nov. Boreosignum* somersensis, comb. nov. Meridiosignum* subtilis, comb. nov. Boreosignum* wilsoni, comb. nov. Munnogonium waldronense Cryosignum* incisum, comb. nov. Cryosignum* lunatum, comb. nov. Meridiosignum* kerguelensis, comb. nov. Zizzygonium* magellanensis, comb. nov. no change Meridiosignum* menziesi, comb. nov. no change Tethygonium* variabile, comb. nov. 3 Terminology, measurements and methods are those explained, illustrated and used in Just & Wilson (2004, 2006). The descriptions were generated from a DELTA database (Dallwitz 1980, Dallwitz et al. 2000a, 2000b) and subsequently edited for clarity of language. The descriptions are short because we use the DELTA method of "Implicit Attributes." Unless indicated otherwise in the descriptions, these attributes are implicit throughout the descriptions and not listed, except where the characters concerned are inapplicable because they are dependent on a state that is not present (e.g., a spine absence prevents one from describing its shape). For completeness, we list the Implicit Attributes here, because the dataset has changed somewhat since our original publications. In particular, characters like the presence of a frontal projection and coxae visible in dorsal view needed to have their "Implicit" status changed. Implicit attributes Body ovate, dorsally with scattered fine simple setae. Head not sexually dimorphic, male head length similar to that of females and juveniles. Frontal margin without projections. Anterodorsal surface smooth, without ornamentation. Eyes on lobes produced laterally from head. Eyestalks prominent, of male or female, without projection on posterolateral margin, shaft axis approximately linear, shaft before apex approximately parallel. Pereonites 1–7 lateral margins not projecting, coxae visible in dorsal view. Pereonite 1 of terminal male only slightly enlarged compared to adult females or juveniles. Pereonites 1–7 dorsal surface smooth, without median projections, lateral margins without single elongate seta. Pereonite 4 in dorsal view extending to margins of pereonites 3 and 5. Pereonite 5 in dorsal view extending laterally to margins of pereonites 4 or 6. Pereonite lateral margins without robust setae, smooth (unornamented). Pleonite 1 free. Pleotelson laterally rounded but with inflection between proximal and lateral margins; posterior margin produced, without sharp spine-like tip, smooth, fringing setae short, not projecting substantially at pleotelson tip. Antennula projecting from head laterally, with 6 articles; article 1 not extending beyond pereonite 1 lateral margin, article 1 lacking spines; article 2 tubular and rounded distally, distal articles inserting apically. Antenna article 2 lateral margin smooth, lacking spines. Article 3 projecting medially from article 2, scale absent, article with proximolateral bulge having seta, elongate, length distinctly longer than articles 1–2 together, width in male and female similar; without crenate flange on lateral margin or medial margin, medial margin smooth proximally, lateral margin smooth, distomedial margin without projection. Article 4 without spine. Article 5 approximately tubular. Mandible palp present, shorter than incisor process, article 2 inflated, article 3 not curved, with few setae. Maxilliped palp articles 1-2 without lateral spine. Pereopodal coxae I-IV lateral margins rounded in dorsal view, without projections. Pereopod I coxa without projections, distinctly articulated on pereonite 1, of male unelaborated, anterior margin simple; ischium anterodistal margin smooth; ischium shaft without spines; merus with smooth anterior margin, merus with smooth posterior margin; merus posterior margin with only fine setae; posterior carpusmargin with 2 robust setae, posterior margin robust setal shafts straight, posterior margin with no denticles or spines proximal to robust setae, posterior margin with no denticles or spines between robust setae, posterior margin with no denticles or spines distal to robust setae; propodus without distal spine, opposing margin with simple setae, smooth, dactylus ventral claw thin, positioned directly adjacent to dorsal claw, projecting along dactylar axis, without spines. Pereopod II basis smooth; ischium posterior margin smooth; carpus and propodus ventral margin with short robust setae; dactylus dorsal claw robust, less than length of dactylus; ventral claw much shorter than dorsal claw. Pereopod V-VII coxae extending beyond tergite in dorsal view, lateral margins rounded, without elongate or robust setae, without denticles or spines. Male pleopods I sagittate, lateral lobes with rounded proximal sublobe, distal sublobe emerging adjacent to proximal lateral sublobe. Male pleopods II stylet simple arc-shaped curve, tapering smoothly to tip, reaching near end of protopod. 4 · Zootaxa 1515 © 2007 Magnolia Press JUST & WILSON Uropods recessed, protopod or insertion not exposed, not covered dorsally with small flap of cuticle or hood, with two rami; endopod distal margin rounded. Characters not treated With the exception of the mandibles, mouthparts are similar across the Paramunna complex (Just & Wilson 2004: 382), Austronanus group (Just & Wilson 2006) and among basal Paramunnidae treated herein and thus provide little or no information for separating genera or species. Similarly, pleopods, except I (male) and II (female operculum), hardly vary in these paramunnid taxa (see Just & Wilson 2004: 380) and are of little value in identifying genera and species. As a result, these features are not addressed in this paper. Cladistic Analysis A phylogenetic analysis was based on described species using types inspected by us or from the literature and several new species, some of which will be described below. The character list is based on the list for the Paramunna complex published by Just & Wilson (2004, 2006), to which readers should refer for a fuller explanation of the data set. A few new characters have been added, but these are simple features, so the character list is self-explanatory. The character list and data matrix is provided on TreeBase (http:/, study accession number S1790, matrix accession number M3272). As in the datasets used previously, some features have been logically divided into two or more characters to clarify their homology relationships. For example, characters 82 and 83 concern a spine on the distomedial margin of antennal article 3, the first testing whether the spine is present, and the second dealing with the shape of the spine. Because the two characters concern logically different attributes, combining them into a single character would conflate their homology relationships. All characters are considered multistate and are evaluated as unordered. Because Austrosignum glaciale (= A. grande) was used as an outgroup in the previous analyses, we therefore chose three taxa external to the Paramunnidae. The relationships of families in the basal section of the Asellota are not well established, as can be seen in conflicting hypotheses between Wilson (1987) and Wägele (1989). To obtain a general result, we chose outgroups from basal exemplars of several clades, based on welldescribed taxa from the literature: Munnidae-Santiidae clade (Santia longisetosa Shimomura & Mawatari, 2001), “Janiridae” (Austrofilius cf. “furcatus” in Winkler & Brandt 1993), and Xenosellidae (Xenosella coxospinosa Just, 2005). These taxa were chosen because they had short antennulae and broad cephalic regions between the antennae. The taxa in Table 1 were included in the matrix (with the exception of Munnogonium globifrons) together with several new species, two of which are described here as Tethygonium quadricuspis gen. nov., sp. nov. and Meridiosignum minidenticulatum gen. nov., sp. nov. A third new species, Munnogonium sp. nov. “slope 1” will be treated in another paper. Exemplars, usually the type species, from the genera of the Paramunna complex and the Austronanus complex were also included, with the exception that all species of Omonana were included owing to a great deal of missing data in that group. Phylogenetic analyses used PAUP* (ver.4b10, Swofford 2002), with the following commands that implement a tree space search: hsearch addseq=random nchuck=3 chuckscore=1 nreps=1000 randomize=trees; hsearch start=current nchuck=0 chuckscore=0. Multistate characters were considered non-additive, and multistate taxa were considered polymorphic, with steps added to terminal taxa to account for putative character changes within taxon changes. To test the clades used in the classification, the data matrix was submitted to sensitivity testing as described in Just & Wilson (2004), a 1000 replicate bootstrap (Felsenstein, 1985) analysis, with a 20 iteration tree space search (nchuck=20) for each bootstrap iteration, and calculation of character support (Bremer 1994). MacClade (ver.4, Maddison & Maddison 2000) was used to generate a PAUP* command file with converse constraints for an analysis of character support. Consensus diagrams of the trees resulting from the initial unweighted analysis (Fig. 1), are available on TreeBase (study accession number S1790, matrix accession number M3272). REVISION OF AUSTROSIGNUM AND MUNNOGONIUM Zootaxa 1515 © 2007 Magnolia Press · 5 FIGURE 1. Parsimony analysis of species in the Austrosignum-Munnogonium complex, strict consensus of 4 trees, length 539 steps (consistency index excluding uninformative characters = 0.3952; retention index = 0.5863, rescaled consistency index = 0.2317). Bremer support values greater than 2 are shown on branches relevant to the AustrosignumMunnogonium complex. Generic classification indicated to the right of the species names, *= gen. nov. 6 · Zootaxa 1515 © 2007 Magnolia Press JUST & WILSON Institutional abbreviations AM, Australian Museum, Sydney. NHM, Natural History Museum (British Museum), London. NMV, Museum Victoria, Melbourne. SAMA, South Australian Museum, Adelaide. Classification The parsimony analysis of the data matrix found 4 shortest trees, length 539, a consensus for which is shown in Figure 1. Austrosignum glaciale forms a clade only with A. escandella, and Munnogonium waldronense is restricted to a 4-species clade including M. falklandicum, M. tillerae and M. sp. nov. “slope 1”. As in the 2004 analysis, most clades were supported by few steps in a Bremer analysis (shown in Fig.1), largely a result of a high number of taxa and few characters available for analysis. Moreover, several of the taxa are incompletely scored, being only known from males or females. A sensitivity analysis similar to that used in Just & Wilson (2004) found the clades used in the classification to be robust to objective changes in the character weighting (based on the fit of the characters to the tree). The deeper structure of these cladograms, however, collapsed so that the intergeneric relationships are not robust to changes in the character weights. The clades that remain are defined as new genera, as indicated in Figure 1. These clades were also retained in different compositions of the included Paramunnidae species, such as an analysis that included all species described in Just & Wilson (2004, 2006). The species latifrons did not form a clade with Cryosignum in this analysis because it is known only from the female type and could not be scored for the male characters that define this group. Because we cannot yet confidently classify latifrons, we left it as incertae sedis (see Table 1). Although Xigonus patagoniensis appears to be a sister group of fuegiae in the unweighted analysis, this relationship is not retained in the consensus over all weightings in the sensitivity analysis. Similarly, dentatum and magellanensis did not retain clade relationships (Fig. 1). The peculiar species spinosum did not appear to be part of any clade in any analysis. Consequently, these latter four species were classified as monotypic genera. Taxonomy Key to genera previously classified as Munnogonium and Austrosignum We present a key to the genera treated in this study. A considerable number of undescribed species, primarily from Australia and the subantarctic and Antarctic regions, are known to us. Many of those taxa represent undescribed genera that share with those treated herein the plesiomorphic truncate molar (determined by inspecting an intact specimen in glycerin) and dorsally visible coxa on pereonites 5–7. We recommend that specimens for identification should not be dissected, because the characters below are based on external morphology only. When identifying specimens, users are advised to not rely solely on this key, but to consult the diagnoses and illustrations of the genera. 1 2 3 4 Pleotelson lateral margins smooth ............................................................................................................... 2 Pleotelson lateral margins fully denticulate along lateral curvature............................................................ 6 Pleotelson lateral margins with a few denticles level with uropods ....................... Quetzogonium gen. nov. Pereonites and pleon dorsally smooth or with low transverse ridges .......................................................... 3 Pereonites with mid-dorsal conical spine(s) ............................................................. Kussakinella gen. nov. Eyestalks vestigial, about as long as broad ................................................................................................. 4 Eyestalks prominent, length at least twice width........................................................................................ 5 Eyestalks round, downward angled; head anterior margin convex or straight; pereopod I carpus with 3 REVISION OF AUSTROSIGNUM AND MUNNOGONIUM Zootaxa 1515 © 2007 Magnolia Press · 7 - 5 6 7 - 8 - straight robust setae on posterior margin; pereopod II carpus and propodus with elongate, slender robust setae on posterior margin........................................................................................................ Munnogonium Eyestalks conical, pointing laterad, head anterior margin concave in middle, laterally inflated; pereopod I carpus with 2 straight robust setae on posterior margin; pereopod II carpus and propodus with normal stout robust setae on posterior margin ....................................................................Advenogonium gen. nov. Pereopod I carpus triangular, with 2 long and 1 short robust setae (latter not described for A. escandellae); mandible palp absent; uropod endopod, acutely pointed, curved mediad............................... Austrosignum Pereopod I carpus oval, with 2 robust setae; mandible palp present; uropod endopod normal, rounded truncate ....................................................................................................................... Cryosignum gen. nov. Head front margin convex or nearly straight without prominent lateral parts; mandible palp absent; antenna article 3 lateral margin straight....................................................................................................... 7 Head front margin concave in middle, prominently rounded laterally; mandible palp present; antenna article 3 broadly expanded laterally .................................................................................Zizzygonium gen. nov. Antennula article 1 at least twice as long as eyestalk; pereopod I propodus without robust setae on opposing margin; pleotelson posterior projection with short lateral setae, but no setae on rounded apex .......... 8 Antennula article 1 shorter than or at most reaching apex of eyestalk; pereopod I propodus with 1 or 2 robust setae on opposing margin; pleotelson posterior projection with fringe of long setae around apex.... ............................................................................................................................... Meridiosignum gen. nov. Pereopod I carpus oval with several (3 or more) hook-shaped robust setae; dactylus with acute posterior spine proximal to accessory claw .............................................................................. Tethygonium gen. nov. Pereopod I carpus triangular with 2 straight robust setae; dactylus without posterior spine......................... ...................................................................................................................................Boreosignum gen. nov. Austrosignum Hodgson Austrosignum Hodgson, 1910: 65. Type species. Austrosignum glaciale Hodgson, 1910. —Subsequent designation. Species included. A. escandellae Castelló, 2004, A. glaciale Hodgson, 1910. Diagnosis. Head front margin evenly convex. Pereonites dorsally smooth or with low transverse ridges. Pleotelson lateral margins smooth. Eyestalk length at least twice greatest width. Antennula article 1 at most as long as eyestalk. Mandible palp absent. Pereopod I carpus triangular, with 2 straight robust setae on posterior margin and one smaller, straight robust setae more distally, with rectangular, ciliated spine on margin between main robust setae; propodus with simple setae only. Pereopod II carpus and propodus posterior margin with a few short robust setae. Uropod endopod acutely pointed, curving medially. Note on type species. Hodgson (1910) did not fix a type species for his new genus Austrosignum. He described the two new species A. grande and A. glaciale in that sequence. Menzies (1962: 50) was the first author to fix a type species for Austrosignum Hodgson by designating A. glaciale as the type species of the genus. Although he thereby violated ICZN Recommendation 69B (11, “position precedence”), Menzies’ designation is valid according to ICZN Article 69 (a) (iv). Subsequent statements by several authors that A. grande is the type species of Austrosignum are therefore incorrect. We agree with Kussakin (1982) that Austrosignum glaciale and A. grande are synonymous, but under the former name rather than the latter as proposed by Kussakin. Remarks. Austrosignum differs from Munnogonium as follows (characters of the latter in brackets): antennula article 1 not reaching apex of elongate eyestalks (much longer than vestigial eyestalks), pereopod I carpus posterior margin with 2 robust setae plus 1 small robust seta more distally (with 3 equal sized robust 8 · Zootaxa 1515 © 2007 Magnolia Press JUST & WILSON setae); pereopod II carpus and propodus posterior margin with short, stout robust setae (elongate, thin robust setae), uropod endopod acutely pointed, curving medially (straight, rounded truncate), female operculum ovoid (distal part tapering with concave distolateral margins). Austrosignum is more similar to Cryosignum gen. nov. (below), but differs as follows: mandible palp absent (present in Cryosignum), pereopod I carpus triangular with 2 long and 1 short robust setae posteriorly (oval with 2 robust setae), uropod endopod acutely pointed, curving medially (straight, rounded truncate), terminal male enlarged pereonite 1 with broadly rounded anterior margin, not fused to coxa (strongly and acutely forward projecting, coxa fused to pereonite), terminal male head freely articulating with pereonite 1 (fused to pereonite 1). The third smaller carpal seta is removed from the posterior margin and inserted on the medial face. In A. glaciale, this seta is easily seen in lateral view, but we have examined undescribed species of Austrosignum, in some of which the seta is inserted medially just behind the most distal of the normal 2 robust setae. In that position, the third seta can be difficult to observe in lateral view. The third robust seta has not been reported from A. escandellae. If not found after reviewing the species, we are uncertain if A. escandellae should be retained in Austrosignum. Austrosignum glaciale Hodgson, 1910 Figs 2–4 Austrosignum glaciale Hodgson, 1910:68, pl.X, fig.2; Menzies, 1962:50. Austrosignum grande Hodgson, 1910:66, pl.X, fig.1; Menzies, 1962:50. Munnogonium grande (Hodgson, 1910). —Bowman & Schultz, 1974:266. Austrosignum grande Hodgson, 1910. — Kussakin, 1982:94 (senior synonym of A. glaciale) Austrosignum grande Hodgson, 1910. —Junior synonym of A. glaciale. Corrected synonymy, herein. Not Paramunna antarctica (Richardson, 1906) of Hale (1937). — Menzies, 1962:52 Type fixation. Lectotype, &, NHM 1910.3.18.147. — Here designated Material examined. Lectotype. Ovigerous &, 2.1 mm, Winter Quarters, McMurdo Bay, Ross Island, Antarctica, 77°51'S 166°36'E, inside 20-fathom line [36.5 m], January 1902, 'Discovery' coll., NHM 1910.3.18.147. Paralectotypes. 1 preparatory &, 1 young &, same data as lectotype, NHM 1910.3.18.148–149. Other material. 1 large terminal % (2.8 mm), 1 small %, 1 preparatory &, (syntypes of Austrosignum grande Hodgson, 1910), Winter Quarters, McMurdo Bay, Ross Island, Antarctica, 77° 51'S 166° 36'E, inside 20-fathom line [36.5 m], February and March 1902, 'Discovery' coll., NHM 1910.3.18.144–146. 1 specimen, North Bay off Cape Evans, McMurdo Sound, Ross Island, Antarctica, 77° 38.17'S, 166° 24.5'E, on sponge, 18 m, G.D. Wilson and T.E. DeLaca by hand on SCUBA , 20 December 1976, AM P64142. 12 %, 1 &, Davis Station, Antarctica, 68o 34.5'S, 77o 53'E, M. Tucker, site C, 25 January 1982, NMV J4765. 1 spent &, Davis Station, Antarctica, 68o 34.5'S, 77o 7'E, M Tucker, site 9, 1 January 1982, NMV J4776. 1 spent &, Davis Station, Antarctica, 68o 38'S, 77o 48'E, M. Tucker, site 9, 21 December 1981, NMV J4778. Description. Body ovate; width 0.55 length in female, width 0.47–0.51 length in male (larger value - terminal male), widest at pereonites 3. Head longer in male than female, length 0.44–0.50 width (larger value subterminal male), length 0.42 width; length posterior to eyestalks 1.1 anterior length in female, 1.5 anterior length in male. Frontal margin without angular lateral margins adjacent to antennae, shallow convex, almost straight medially. Eyestalks in female length 4.0 width, male length 3.5–6.3 width (larger value terminal male), apex rounded, long axis angling forward at approximately 30° in female, 40° in male. Pereonites 1–4 lateral margins not projecting, coxae visible in dorsal view (coxae II-IV not visible in adult females). Pereonite 1 of terminal male greatly enlarged. Pereonite 1 sagittal length in female 1.8 pereonites midline length, in male 1.9 pereonites midline length. Pereonite 1–7 lateral margin rounded. REVISION OF AUSTROSIGNUM AND MUNNOGONIUM Zootaxa 1515 © 2007 Magnolia Press · 9 FIGURE 2. Austrosignum glaciale Hodgson, 1910. A, terminal male. B, young male. C, female, (A, B and C: syntypes of A. grande Hodgson, 1910). D, lectotype, female. up, uropod. Scale bar for all habitus figures: 0.5 mm. 10 · Zootaxa 1515 © 2007 Magnolia Press JUST & WILSON FIGURE 3. Austrosignum glaciale Hodgson, 1910. A, terminal male. B, young male. C, female; (A, B and C: syntypes of A. grande Hodgson, 1910). D, lectotype, female. p1, pereopod I; p2, pereopod II. Pleon length 1.90 width in female, 1.60 width in male (n=2). Pleonite 1 width 0.86–0.91 distance between uropods (largest non-terminal male, n=3), length 0.4 width. Pleotelson laterally rounded, lacking inflection between lateral and proximal margins; length in ventral view proximal to pleopod insertion 0.26 total pleotelson length; lateral margin with proximal neck before convex margin; lateral margins smooth; posterior margin forming 80° angle, evenly curving into lateral margin, apex more broadly rounded in terminal male. Antennula articles 1–2 combined extending beyond eyestalk apex; article 1 shorter than 2, width subequal to 2, tubular; 4–6 of subequal length, shorter than 3 (3 nearly as long as 4–6 combined). Antenna article 3 in ventral view tubular, width 0.44 length, 5 only slightly longer than article 4; flagellum with 6 articles, proximal article subequal to next article. Pereopod I basis anterior margin smooth, length 2.6–3.5 width (largest value female); carpus distal width 0.72–0.96 posterior margin length (largest value terminal male), posterior margin robust setae shafts straight, posterior margin with single spine proximal to robust setae, with crenate ridges (cuticular combs) on square spine between main robust setae; propodus narrowing distally to insertion of dactylus, with crenate ridge on opposing margin. REVISION OF AUSTROSIGNUM AND MUNNOGONIUM Zootaxa 1515 © 2007 Magnolia Press · 11 FIGURE 4. Austrosignum glaciale Hodgson, 1910. A, terminal male. B, young male. C, female; (A, B and C: syntypes of A. grande Hodgson, 1910). a, antenna; au, antennula; cv, head ventral view; md, mandible; mp, maxilliped; mx1 and 2, maxilla 1 and 2; op, female operculum; pl 1 pleopod I; pt, pleotelson; vv, ventral view. Asterisk, apical setae broken off. Male pleopods I lateral lobes distinctly projecting from midlateral margin, width 0.4 distance to midline; distal projection length 0.31 pleopod total length, forming acute angle, with pointed apices. Female operculum ovoid, width 0.67 length. 12 · Zootaxa 1515 © 2007 Magnolia Press JUST & WILSON Uropods dorsal and directly adjacent to lateral margin of pleotelson. Size. Largest %, 2.8 mm; largest &, 2.2 mm. Distribution. McMurdo Sound to Adelie Land, Antarctica. 18– ca. 36 m. Remarks. The following reports with illustrations of Austrosignum glaciale and A. grande represent incorrect identifications. Austrosignum glaciale, Vanhöffen (1914): we have examined Vanhöffen’s material and have found that none of the specimens belong in Austrosignum. The bulk of the specimens represent an undescribed species that does not fit Cryosignum, either. A few specimens represent other undescribed species. A. glaciale, Monod (1931; not seen, see Cryosignum gen. nov. below), A. glaciale, Nordenstam (1933; see Cryosignum gen. nov. below), A. grande, Menzies (1962; see Cryosignum gen. nov. below); Menzies (1962, caption for his fig. 11) stated that the specimen illustrated by him is the holotype of Austrosignum grande. This is incorrect; the only specimen examined by Menzies was the male from southern Chile listed in his ‘Material examined’. Advenogonium gen. nov. Type species. Austrosignum fuegiae Doti & Roccatagliata, 2005. — Here designated. Species included. Advenogonium fuegiae (Doti & Roccatagliata, 2005), comb. nov. Diagnosis. Body ovate. Head front margin dorsoventrally thick in lateral view, concave in middle in dorsal view with low, broadly rounded lobes laterally. Pereonites dorsally smooth. Pleotelson lateral margins smooth. Eyestalks robust, conical, apex rounded, pointing laterad, length/width not definable but not overreaching pereonite 1. Antennula article 1 much shorter than eyestalk. Antenna article 3 with spines on lateral margin. Mandible palp present. Pereopod I carpus triangular, with 2 straight robust setae posteriorly; propodus with 2 robust setae on posterior margin. Pereopod II carpus and propodus posterior margin with a few short robust setae. Uropod endopod straight, apex truncate. Etymology. The name of this genus includes the Latin advena meaning stranger. Remarks. We have not seen material of this species. Our analysis is based on description and illustrations in Doti & Roccatagliata (2005: 510, figs 1–7). Doti & Roccatagliata (2005: 520) recognised that their Austrosignum fuegiae might need to be placed in a separate genus, but were unable to do so pending a re-definition of Austrosignum. Advenogonium fuegiae differs from other genera with smooth pleotelson lateral margins by its bulbous, medially concave front margin of the head, conically tapering eyestalks, and the presence of a mandible palp. Distribution. Beagle Channel, Argentina. 15–35 m. Boreosignum gen. nov. Type species. Austrosignum maltinii Schiecke & Fresi, 1972. —Here designated. Species included. Boreosignum affinis (Malyutina & Ushakova, 2001), comb. nov., B. maltinii (Schiecke & Fresi, 1972), comb. nov., B. orientale (Shimomura & Mawatari, 2000), comb. nov., B. somersensis (Kensley, 1994), comb. nov., B. wilsoni (Hooker, 1985), comb. nov., B. polynesiensis (Müller, 1989), comb. nov. Diagnosis. Body ovate. Head front margin evenly convex, not projecting. Pereonites dorsally smooth. Pleotelson entire lateral margins denticulate. Eyestalk length at least twice greatest width. Antennula article 1 at least twice length of eyestalk. Mandible palp absent. Pereopod I carpus triangular, with 2 straight robust setae posteriorly; propodus with simple setae only on posterior margin. Pereopod II carpus and propodus posterior margin with a few short robust setae. Uropod endopod straight, apex truncate. Etymology. The genus name incorporates the Latin boreus meaning northerly, alluding to the largely Northern Hemisphere distribution of the included species. REVISION OF AUSTROSIGNUM AND MUNNOGONIUM Zootaxa 1515 © 2007 Magnolia Press · 13 Remarks. We have not seen material of Boreosignum maltinii. No reports on the species are subsequent to the original description. Our analysis is based on description and illustrations in Schiecke & Fresi (1972). Boreosignum is most similar to Tethygonium, from which it differs by having 2 straight robust setae on the posterior margin of carpus of pereopod I as opposed to 3 or more curved robust setae in Tethygonium. Both genera have article 1 of the antennula at least twice as long as the eyestalk, while other genera with fully serrate pleotelson margins have the article at most as long as the eyestalk. Distribution. Mediterranean, Japan, Korea, Bermuda (cave), Gulf of Mexico, Society Islands. 5–25.5 m. Cryosignum gen. nov. Type species. Paramunna lunata Hale, 1937. — Here designated. Species included. Cryosignum incisum (Richardson, 1908), comb. nov., C. lunatum (Hale, 1937), comb. nov. Diagnosis. Body ovate (posteriorly tapering in terminal males). Head front margin evenly convex, not projecting. Terminal males with strongly enlarged and forward pointing lateral parts of pereonite 1. Pereonites dorsally smooth or with low transverse ridges. Pleotelson lateral margins smooth. Eyestalk length at least twice greatest width. Antennula article 1 at most as long as eyestalk. Mandible palp present. Pereopod I carpus oval, with 2 straight robust setae on posterior margin; propodus with 2 robust setae on posterior margin. Pereopod II carpus and propodus posterior margin with a few short robust setae. Uropod endopod straight, apex rounded truncate. Etymology. The genus name incorporates the Greek κρύος (krios or kryos) meaning cold, alluding to the Antarctic-subantarctic distribution of its component species. Remarks. Cryosignum differs from Munnogonium and Austrosignum as discussed under Austrosignum (above). The following specimens reported by various authors as Austrosignum glaciale or A. grande may belong in Cryosignum. Pereopod I of the male of A. glaciale, Monod (1931, dorsal habitus and pereopod I illustrated; specimens not seen by us) has an oval carpus with two robust setae and two robust setae on the propodus. In A. glaciale, Nordenstam (1933; specimens seen by us) the presence of a mandible palp and normal uropods places the specimens in Cryosignum, this is an undescribed species. A. grande, Menzies (1962; specimen seen by us) has an oval pereopod I carpus, a mandible palp and normal uropods. This places the specimen in Cryosignum; it is an undescribed species. Austrosignum latifrons Menzies, 1962, which we have examined, may belong in Cryosignum, but only because it lacks the definitive features of Austrosignum and has a mandibular palp. Our analysis places this species near but not definitively part of the Cryosignum clade. As a result, we have assigned it to an indefinite generic position (incertae sedis). Cryosignum lunatum (Hale, 1937), comb. nov. Figs 5–6 Paramunna lunata Hale, 1937: 41, fig. 17. Pleurosignum lunata? — Menzies (1962: 55). Pleurosignum lunata. — Kensley (1977: 259). Paramunna antarctica (Richardson, 1908), identification by Hale (1937: 38, fig. 15), here determined. Not Austrosignum grande Hodgson, 1910. — Synonymy proposed by Kussakin (1982: 94). Not Paramunna lunata. — Brandt (1999: 130, figs 1–2). Type fixation. Holotype, terminal male, SAMA C3725. — Original designation. Material examined. Holotype. Terminal %, 2.7 mm, Antarctica, Adelie Land, Main Base, Boat Harbour, 67°S 142° 36’E, 3.5–7 m (2–4 fms), September 1913, SAMA C3725. 14 · Zootaxa 1515 © 2007 Magnolia Press JUST & WILSON FIGURE 5. Cryosignum lunatum (Hale, 1937), comb. nov. A, holotype, terminal male. B, young male. C, ovigerous female. (B and C identified as Paramunna antarctica (Richardson) by Hale 1937). a, antenna; au, antennula; cv, head ventral view; mdp, mandible palp; up, uropod. Scale bar for all habitus figures: 0.5 mm. Paratype. Terminal % lacking pleotelson and all pereopods, same data as holotype, SAMA C3729. Other material. 3 young %, 2 &, identified as Paramunna antarctica (Richardson, 1908) by Hale (1937), same data as holotype and paratype, SAMA C6339. 1 fully developed &, Antarctica, Prydz Bay, Davis Station, 68o 34.5'S 77o57'E, M. Tucker, Site A, 24 January 1982, NMV J4766. 2 near terminal %, Antarctica, Prydz Bay, Davis Station, 68o 34.5'S 77o53'E, M. Tucker, Site C, 25 January 1982, NMV J4775. 1 &, AntarcREVISION OF AUSTROSIGNUM AND MUNNOGONIUM Zootaxa 1515 © 2007 Magnolia Press · 15 tica, Prydz Bay, Davis Station, 68o 38'S 77o48'E, M. Tucker, Site 9, 6 January 1982, NMV J55501. 1 ovigerous &, Antarctica, Prydz Bay, Davis Station, 68o 34.5'S 77o 53'E, M. Tucker, Site C, 4 June 1982, NMV J4777. Description. Body width 0.57 length in female, 0.43–0.53 in male (largest value terminal male), widest in female at pereonite 3, in terminal male at pereonite 1. Head longer in male than female, length 0.71 width in terminal male, otherwise length 0.46 width; length posterior to eyestalks 1.4 anterior length, 2.5 anterior length in terminal male; head of terminal male posteriorly fused to pereonite 1. Frontal margin without angular lateral margins adjacent to antennae, shallow convex, almost straight medially. Eyestalks in female length 2.75 width, terminal male length 4.5 width, apex rounded, shaft before apex approximately parallel, long axis angling forward at approximately 30° in female, 40–60° in male (larger value terminal male). Pereonites 1–4 lateral margins not projecting, coxae visible in dorsal view, except in adult females. Pereonite 1 of terminal male greatly enlarged. Pereonite 1 sagittal length in female 2.3 pereonites midline length, 3.6 in male . Pereonites 1–7 dorsal surface with transverse ridges. Pereonite lateral margin 1–7 rounded. Pleon length 1.40 width. Pleonite 1 width 1.1 distance between uropods (n=3), length 0.3 width (n=2). Pleotelson laterally rounded, lacking inflection between lateral and proximal margins, without proximal neck; lateral margin convex; posterior margin produced (terminal male apex more rounded than others), forming 90° angle, evenly curving into lateral margin. Antennula articles 1–2 combined extending beyond eyestalk apex; article 1 shorter than 2, width subequal to 2, tubular; 4–6 of subequal length, shorter than 3. Antenna article 3 in ventral view inflated midlength, margins curved, width 0.53 length, article 5 distinctly longer than 4; flagellum with 11 articles, proximal article distinctly longer than more distal articles. Pereopodal coxae I–IV lateral margins rounded in dorsal view (except for coxa I of terminal male); pereopod I coxa of terminal male with anteriorly projecting large angular plate fused to pereonite; basis anterior margin smooth, basis length 2.9–4.4 width (largest value terminal male, n=2); carpus oval, posterior margin with 1 denticle proximal to robust setae, 1 denticle between robust setae (tiny); propodus narrowing distally to insertion of dactylus, with 2 robust setae on opposing margin. Male pleopods I lateral lobes distinctly projecting from midlateral margin, width 0.3 distance to midline; distal projection length 0.31 pleopod total length, forming acute angle, with pointed apices. Female operculum ovoid, width 0.86 length. Uropods dorsal and directly adjacent to lateral margin of pleotelson. Size. Largest &, 2.0 mm; largest %, 2.7 mm. Distribution. Adélie Land to Princess Elizabeth Land, Antarctica. 3.5–7 m (2–4 fms; depths not known for Davis Station samples). Remarks. The specimens identified as Austrimunna antarctica by Hale (1937) are in fact females of Cryosignum lunatum. Several factors argue for this observation. 1.The holotype and paratype males (both terminal) of C. lunatum and the smaller A. antarctica were collected at the same locality. 2.All specimens share the transverse ridges on the dorsal surface. 3.Pereopod I of all specimens share the characteristic oval carpus, and a propodus with 2 robust setae on the opposing margin. 4.All specimens have a mandible palp. 5.The smaller specimens are not Austrosignum antarctica (see Just & Wilson, 2004 for redescription and reillustration of that species). In addition, the specimen described by Brandt (1999, as Paramunna lunata) from the South Shetland Islands is not this species because it lacks dorsal ridges and the uropodal exopod is extremely short. Terminal males of Cryosignum lunatum differ from similar stages of C. incisum (features of which are in parentheses) as follows: antennular article 1 distally truncate (distally angular), uropods recessed (uropod not recessed, protopod exposed), pereon with low rounded transverse ridges (no ridges), pleotelson without exten- 16 · Zootaxa 1515 © 2007 Magnolia Press JUST & WILSON sion or “neck” after pleonite 1 (with distinct elongation). Other features that differ between the two species may be owing to the syntype male of C. incisum not being fully terminal. FIGURE 6. Cryosignum lunatum (Hale, 1937), comb. nov. A, holotype, terminal male. B, young male. C, ovigerous female. D, paratype, male. (B and C identified as Paramunna antarctica (Richardson) by Hale 1937). md, mandible; op, female operculum; p1, pereopod I (all shown to same scale); pl 1, pleopod I. REVISION OF AUSTROSIGNUM AND MUNNOGONIUM Zootaxa 1515 © 2007 Magnolia Press · 17 Kussakinella gen. nov. Type species. Austrosignum spinosum Kussakin, 1982. —Here designated. Species included. Kussakinella spinosa (Kussakin, 1982), comb. nov. Diagnosis. Body with nearly parallel margins in male (female not known). Head front margin broadly rounded in dorsal view. Pereonites with mid-dorsal conical spines. Pleotelson lateral margins smooth; posterior margin with acute apical spine-like projection. Eyestalks robust, apex rounded, slightly wider than long. Antennula article 1 shorter than eyestalk. Antenna article 3 shorter than article 4. Mandible palp absent. Pereopod I carpus triangular, with 2(?) straight robust setae posteriorly; propodus with simple setae only on posterior margin. Pereopod II carpus and propodus posterior margin with a few short robust setae. Uropod endopod straight, apex truncate. Etymology. The genus is named in honour of the late great Russian isopodologist Oleg G. Kussakin. Remarks. We have not seen the single specimen reported by Kussakin. Our analysis of the species is based on Kussakin’s illustrations (1982: fig.10–11). We are in doubt about the number of robust setae on the posterior margin of pereopod I carpus. Kussakinella spinosa differs from all other species treated herein by its slender body with nearly parallel margins, dorsal spines on pereonites, and a spine-like apical projection on the pleotelson. Distribution. South Shetland Islands, 17 m. Meridiosignum gen. nov. Type species. Meridiosignum minidenticulatum sp. nov. Species included. Meridiosignum kerguelensis (Vanhöffen, 1914), comb. nov., M. minidenticulatum sp. nov., M. menziesi (Winkler, 1994), comb. nov., M. subtilis (Kensley, 1976), comb. nov. Diagnosis. Body ovate (posteriorly tapering in terminal males). Head front margin weakly convex to nearly straight, not projecting. Pereonites dorsally smooth. Pleotelson lateral margins denticulate; apex with row of elongate fringing setae projecting well beyond terminal margin. Eyestalk length at least twice greatest width. Antennula article 1 at most as long as eyestalk. Mandible palp absent. Pereopod I carpus triangular, with 2 straight robust setae posteriorly; propodus with 2 or 1 (M. menziesi) robust setae on posterior margin. Pereopod II carpus and propodus posterior margin with a few short robust setae. Uropod endopod straight, apex truncate. Etymology. The genus name incorporates the Latin meridianus meaning southern, an allusion to the Southern Hemisphere, mostly subantarctic to cold temperate, distribution of the species. Remarks. Species in Meridiosignum gen. nov. differs from those in other genera with lateral margin of pleotelson fully serrate as follows: Boreosignum and Tethygonium species have article 1 of the antennula at least twice as long as the eyestalk (at most as long as eyestalk in Meridiosignum), Zizzygonium has the front margin of the head concave, a mandible palp is present, pereopod I carpus is oval (front margin weakly convex, mandible palp absent, carpus triangular). We have examined the original materials from Chile identified as Paramunna kerguelensis by Menzies (1962: 47, fig. 8) and the type material of Paramunna menziesi Winkler, 1994. Both authors illustrated their specimens without coxal plates V–VII visible in dorsal view. The coxal plates are, however, clearly visible in both materials. We agree with Winkler (1994: 255) that Menzies’ P. kerguelensis should be referred to P. menziesi (here transferred to the new genus Meridiosignum). 18 · Zootaxa 1515 © 2007 Magnolia Press JUST & WILSON Meridiosignum minidenticulatum sp. nov. Figs 7–8 Type fixation. Holotype, &, AM P60890. Here designated. Type locality. Macquarie Island, Australia. Etymology. The species is named for the numerous small denticles on the lateral margins of the pleotelson. Material examined. Holotype. preparatory &, 1.40 mm, Aerial Cove, Macquarie Island, 54° 29' S , 158° 57' E, 2 February 1978, fine sediments in cracks and crevices and under rock overhangs, 3-4.5 m, coarse sediments from small sediment patches on level bottom, stn MA-382, AM P60890. Paratypes. 12 %, 21 &, same data as holotype, AM P75374. Other material (this material is in poor condition having dried out or been roughed up during sampling, and is therefore not suitable as paratypes). 1 terminal %, Australia, Macquarie Island (54° 30' S, 158° 57' E), 26 Jan 1978, stn MA-357, AM P60888. 2 %, 6 &, Caroline Cove, Macquarie Island, Australia, off large rock on south west side of Cove, 54° 46’S 158° 48’E, 8 m, Plocamium, Codium, Ophiocantha and a scallop collected by R.W. Ricker, all from boulders in dense Macrocystis pyrifera bed, J.K. Lowry (SCUBA), 15 January 1978, stn MA-300, NMV J52111. 3 %, 2 &, Caroline Cove, Macquarie Island, Australia, three rocks at mouth of cove, 54° 46’S 158° 48’E, red algae from dense Macrocystis bed, 13-18 m, J.K. Lowry (SCUBA), 16 January 1978, stn MA-307, NMV J52112. 78 specimens, Caroline Cove, Macquarie Island, Australia, inner cove north of hut, 54° 46’S 158° 48’E, Codium flat adjacent to Macrocystis bed, 13 m, J.K. Lowry (SCUBA), 17 January 1978, stn MA-311, NMV J52114. 1 %, 2 &, Aerial Cove, Macquarie Island, Australia, 54° 29’S 158° 57’E, 5 m, mainly bryozoans from sheltered base of vertical face near Cove entrance; dominant alga, Codium, J.K. Lowry (SCUBA), 12 December 1977, stn MA-107, NMV J52118. 2 &, 1 juvenile %, Caroline Cove, Macquarie Island, Australia, off large rock on south west side of Cove, 54° 46’S 158° 48’E, 8 m, Macrocystis pyrifera holdfasts, dictyotalean, Plocamium and a red tunicate from dense Macrocystis bed on boulder bottom, J.K. Lowry (SCUBA), 15 January 1978, stn MA-298, NMV J52119. Description. Body ovate (female) or tapering posteriorly (terminal male); width 0.68 length in female, width 0.58 length in male, widest in female at pereonite 3, widest in male at pereonites 1–3. Head length 0.49–0.51 width (male, female respectively); length posterior to eyestalks 1.2 anterior length, 1.6 anterior length in terminal male. Frontal margin with angular lateral margins adjacent to antennae, shallow convex, almost straight medially. Eyestalks in female length 2.6 width, male length 3.7 width, apex rounded, shaft before apex constricted proximally, long axis angling forward at approximately 40° in female, 35° in terminal male. Pereonites 1–4 lateral margins not projecting, coxae not visible in dorsal view. Pereonite 1 of terminal male greatly enlarged. Pereonite 1 sagittal length in female 3.0 pereonites midline length, 3.1 in male. Pereonite lateral margin 1 rounded, 2–4 linear, 5–7 rounded. Pereonite lateral margins 6 smooth, 7 with denticles on posterolateral margin forming only. Pleon length 1.10 width in female, 1.20 in male. Pleonite 1 width 0.81–0.84 distance between uropods (terminal male, female respectively), length 0.3 width. Pleotelson laterally rounded, lacking inflection between lateral and proximal margins; lateral margin convex, denticulate, with 16–17 denticles per side. Pleotelson posterior margin forming 80° angle, set apart from lateral margins by concavity at level of uropods. Antennula articles 1–2 combined extending beyond eyestalk apex, 1 shorter and broader than 2, inflated; 4–6 of subequal length, shorter than 3. Antenna article 3 in ventral view tubular, width 0.33–0.57 length (female, terminal male respectively), 5 distinctly longer than article 4; flagellum with 7 articles, proximal article distinctly longer than more distal articles, 1.8 length of second article. REVISION OF AUSTROSIGNUM AND MUNNOGONIUM Zootaxa 1515 © 2007 Magnolia Press · 19 FIGURE 7. Meridiosignum minidenticulatum gen. nov., sp. nov. A, holotype, female; B, paratype, terminal male. p1, pereopod I, up, uropod, 5–7, coxae 5–7. Small arrow indicates male coxa I. Scale bar for both habitus figures: 0.5 mm. 20 · Zootaxa 1515 © 2007 Magnolia Press JUST & WILSON FIGURE 8. Meridiosignum minidenticulatum gen. nov, sp. nov. A, holotype, female. B, paratype, terminal male. cv, ventral view of head, op, female operculum, pl1, male pleopod I Pereopod I coxa with short, convex anterior projection in terminal male; basis with crenate ridge on anterior margin, basis length 3.4 width; ischium anterodistal margin with sharp spines in row (male); merus with 1 spine on anterior margin (male); carpus triangular, distal width 1–1.3 posterior margin length (female, male respectively), posterior margin with 2 denticles proximal to robust setae (some specimens lack one denticle), 1 denticle between robust setae, one denticle distal to robust setae; propodus narrowing distally to insertion of dactylus, with 2 robust setae, with crenate ridge on opposing margin. Pereopod II basis with crenate ridge. Pereopod V-VII coxae with 1 or 2 denticles in female, smooth in male. Male pleopods I lateral lobes distinctly projecting from midlateral margin, width 0.4 distance to midline; distal projection length 0.30 pleopod total length, forming acute angle, with pointed apices. Female operculum distal part tapering with concave distolateral margins, width 0.75 length. Uropods dorsal and directly adjacent to lateral margin of pleotelson. Size. Largest &, 1.40 mm; largest %, 1.40 mm. Distribution. Macquarie Island, Australia. 3–4.5 m. Remarks. Meridiosignum minidenticulatum sp. nov. differs from congeners by the larger number and smaller denticles on the lateral margin of the pleotelson. It differs from M. kerguelensis in having the lateral margins of pereonites 2–4 linear (concave in M. kerguelensis). In Meridiosignum subtilis the eyestalks angle forward at approximately 55° (35–40° in M. minidenticulatum). Meridiosignum menziesi is the only species with 1 in stead of 2 robust setae on posterior margin of pereopod I propodus. REVISION OF AUSTROSIGNUM AND MUNNOGONIUM Zootaxa 1515 © 2007 Magnolia Press · 21 Munnogonium George & Strömberg Munnogonium George & Strömberg, 1968: 15. Type species. Munnogonium waldronense George & Strömberg, 1968. — Original designation. Species included. Munnogonium erratum (Schultz, 1964), M. falklandicum (Nordenstam, 1933), comb. nov., M. globifrons (Menzies, 1962), M. tillerae (Menzies & Barnard, 1959), M. waldronense George & Strömberg, 1968. Diagnosis. Body ovate. Head front margin not projecting. Pereonites dorsally smooth. Pleotelson lateral margins smooth. Eyestalks vestigial, not longer than wide, downward pointed. Antennula article 1 at least twice length of eyestalk. Mandible palp absent. Pereopod I carpus triangular, with 3 straight, subequal robust setae on posterior margin; propodus with simple setae only on posterior margin. Pereopod II carpus and propodus posterior margin with several long, very slender robust setae on posterior margin. Uropod endopod straight, apex truncate. Remarks. The type material of Munnogonium waldronense was not examined and we have not had access to topotypic material. We have, however, examined the type material of M. globifrons and Austrosignum falklandicum (here transferred to Munnogonium), and topotypic material of M. tillerae. The diagnosis of Munnogonium presented above is based on George & Strömberg’s (1968) description and illustrations. The diagnosis fits the other species here referred to Munnogonium. We do not follow Bowman & Schultz (1974) in synonymising Munnogonium waldronense under the name M. tillerae. George & Strömberg’s description and illustrations of M. waldronense from the San Juan Archipelago, Washington, (1968, figs 1–2) differ from the holotype of M. tillerae from southern California illustrated by Menzies & Barnard (1959, fig 1) and paratypes illustrated by Bowman & Schultz (1974: figs 21–31) in the shape of the front margin of the head (straight to slightly concave in M. waldronense, broadly convex in M. tillerae) and in M. waldronense having an elongate proximal neck on the male pleotelson, which is not found in M. tillerae. We have confirmed this on topotypic material of M. tillerae. Quetzogonium gen. nov. Type species. Austrosignum dentatum Winkler, 1994. — Here designated. Species included. Quetzogonium dentatum (Winkler, 1994), comb. nov. Diagnosis. Body ovate. Head front margin concave in middle. Pereonites dorsally smooth. Pleotelson lateral margins with a few denticles level with uropods. Eyestalks robust, rounded, pointing laterad, approximately as long as wide. Antennula article 1 shorter than eyestalk. Antenna article 3 with spines on lateral margin. Mandible palp present. Pereopod I carpus triangular, with 2 straight robust setae posteriorly; propodus with 2 robust setae on posterior margin. Pereopod II carpus and propodus posterior margin with a few short robust setae. Uropod endopod straight, apex truncate. Etymology. The genus name is comprised of an arbitrary combination of letters and the traditional paramunnid ending –gonium. Remarks. We have not seen Winkler’s (1994) material. Our analysis of the species is based on description and illustrations in Winkler (1994: 284, figs 34–37). Quetzogonium differs from the other genera treated here by the combination of a concave front margin of the head, the presence of a mandibular palp, and denticulate margins of the pleotelson. Distribution. Magellan Strait, Chile. 12–40 m. 22 · Zootaxa 1515 © 2007 Magnolia Press JUST & WILSON Tethygonium gen. nov. Type species. Tethygonium quadricuspis sp. nov. —Here designated. Species included. Tethygonium adenensis (Müller, 1991), comb. nov., T. armigerum (Shimomura & Mawatari, 2000), comb. nov., T. quadricuspis sp. nov., T. variabile (Schiecke & Modigh-Tota, 1976), comb. nov. Diagnosis. Body ovate. Head front margin evenly convex, not projecting. Pereonites dorsally smooth. Pleotelson lateral margins denticulate. Eyestalks variable, vestigial to approximately twice as long as wide. Antennula article 1 at least twice length of eyestalk. Antenna article 3 with mediodistal spine. Mandible palp absent. Pereopod I carpus oval, with several (3–5) curved robust setae; propodus with simple setae only on posterior margin; dactylus posterior margin with acute spine proximal to accessory claw. Pereopod II carpus and propodus posterior margin with a few short robust setae. Uropod with 1 or 2 rami, endopod straight, apex truncate. Remarks. The species referred here to Tethygonium present considerable variation. The type species T. quadricuspis has projections on the lateral margins of pereonites 1–4, and coxae 1–4 are not visible in dorsal view (projections only on coxae, coxae 1–4 visible in dorsal view). Eyestalks in T. adenensis and T. armigerum are 1.5 to 2.0 times longer than broad (vestigial in T. variabile and T. quadricuspis). Tethygonium adenensis and T. armigerum are described as having uniramous uropods (biramous in T. variabile and T. quadricuspis). We are uncertain about the significance of these differences. We prefer, for the time being, to keep the 4 species together in the new genus Tethygonium based primarily on the unusual curved carpal setae and the joint possession of an acute spine posterior to the accessory claw on the dactylus of pereopod I. These are also the principal characters by which Tethygonium differs from Boreosignum. Distribution. Mediterranean, Gulf of Aden, Sea of Japan, southeastern Australia. 70–1000 m. Tethygonium quadricuspis sp. nov. Figs 9–11 Type fixation. Holotype, &, NMV J 20118. —Here designated. Material examined. Holotype. &, 1.0 mm (+ 3 slides), SE Australia, Bass Strait, S of Pt. Hicks, 38°21.90'S 149°20.0'E, 1000 m, WHOI epibenthic sled, G.C.B. Poore et al., 23 July 1986, RV Franklin, stn SLOPE 32, NMV J20118. Description (female). Body width 0.50 length, widest at pereonite 3. Head length 0.62 width; length posterior to eyestalks 1.6 anterior length. Frontal margin without angular lateral margins adjacent to antennae, broadly rounded. Eyestalks vestigial, shaft before apex rounded bump, long axis angling forward at approximately 30° (ocelli not observed). Pereonites lateral margin 1–3 angular with anterolaterally projecting spine, 4 rounded with small anterior spine, 5–7 rounded; coxae 4-7 visible in dorsal view. Pereonite 1 sagittal length 3.0 pereonites midline length. Pereonite lateral margins 5–7 smooth. Pleon length 1.40 width in female. Pleonite 1 width 0.75 distance between uropods, length 0.3 width. Pleotelson laterally rounded, lacking inflection between lateral and proximal margins; length in ventral view proximal to pleopod insertion 0.35 total pleotelson length; lateral margin convex, denticulate, with 10–11 denticles per side. Pleotelson posterior margin in female forming 60° angle, set apart from lateral margins by concavity at level of uropods. Antennula article 1 longer than 2, width subequal to 2, tubular; 3–6 all of subequal length. Antenna article 3 in ventral view tubular, width 0.36 length, distomedial margin with blunt projection, 4 with distolateral anteriorly curved spine, 5 only slightly longer than article 4; flagellum with 7 articles, proximal article subequal to more distal articles. REVISION OF AUSTROSIGNUM AND MUNNOGONIUM Zootaxa 1515 © 2007 Magnolia Press · 23 Pereopod I basis with single spine on lateral margin, length 3.7 width; ischium with 1 posterior and 1 lateral spines; carpus oval, posterior margin with 3 subequal, curved robust setae; propodus narrowing distally to insertion of dactylus. Pereopod VII coxa with single denticle. Female operculum distal part tapering with concave distolateral margins, width 0.68 length. Uropods dorsal and directly adjacent to lateral margin of pleotelson. Size. Single female, 1.0 mm. Distribution. Bass Strait, south-eastern Australia. 1000m. FIGURE 9. Tethygonium quadricuspis gen. nov., sp. nov., holotype, female, dorsal and lateral views. a, antenna; au, antennula; cv, head ventral view; pt, pleotelson with operculum; up, uropod; vv, ventral view. Scale bar for habitus figures: 0.5 mm. 24 · Zootaxa 1515 © 2007 Magnolia Press JUST & WILSON FIGURE 10. Tethygonium quadricuspis gen. nov., sp. nov., holotype, female. p1, 2 and 6, pereopods I, II and VI; l, left; r, right. Zizzygonium gen. nov. Type species. Paramunna magellanensis Winkler, 1994. —Here designated. Species included. Zizzygonium magellanensis (Winkler, 1994), comb. nov. Diagnosis. Body ovate. Head front margin concave in middle in dorsal view, broadly rounded laterally. Pereonites dorsally smooth. Pleotelson lateral margins denticulate. Eyestalks robust, apex rounded, slightly REVISION OF AUSTROSIGNUM AND MUNNOGONIUM Zootaxa 1515 © 2007 Magnolia Press · 25 longer than wide, with proximal constriction. Antennula article 1 much shorter than eyestalk. Antenna article 3 lateral margin broadly expanded, convex. Mandible palp present. Pereopod I carpus oval, with 2 straight robust setae posteriorly; propodus with 1 robust setae on posterior margin. Pereopod II carpus and propodus posterior margin with a few short robust setae. Uropod endopod straight, apex truncate. FIGURE 11. Tethygonium quadricuspis gen. nov., sp. nov., holotype, female. ll, lower lip; md, right mandible; mx1, maxilla 1; mxp, maxilliped; pl3 and 4, pleopods 3 and 4; ul, upper lip. 26 · Zootaxa 1515 © 2007 Magnolia Press JUST & WILSON Etymology. The genus name is comprised of an arbitrary combination of letters and the traditional paramunnid ending –gonium. Distribution. Magellan Channel, Chile. 9–12 m. Remarks. Zizzygonium gen. nov. differs from the other genera treated here by the combination of concave front margin of the head, a laterally bulging article 3 of the antenna, the presence of a mandible palp, oval pereopod I carpus, and denticulate pleotelson margins. Discussion Many taxa that we have considered in this project were “redescriptions” of previously named species. Upon our evaluation of the original types, these secondary descriptions frequently proved to be specimens that were different from the original species. Certainly this was the case with the many redescriptions of Austrosignum glaciale Hodgson (or A. grande), but also Cryosignum lunatum (Hale) and Munnogonium tillerae and others. As a general rule, our research has shown that if new specimens are not from the type locality, the burden of proof of a species concept lies with the redescriber who must re-illustrate the original types (which can be done without dissection). This burden arises because many original descriptions from the last century were made without knowledge of the features necessary for identification. In addition, our evidence (Just & Wilson, 2004, 2006) indicates that Paramunnidae species generally are narrow range endemics, so that specimens that match the original types are only from the type localities (viz. Hodgson’s species from Winter Quarters Bay, McMurdo Sound, Antarctica), or nearby. Most redescriptions that we have studied did not reillustrate the original types, thus confusing the concepts of these species for other users of the taxonomy. Remarks on Metamunna The name Metamunna Tattersall, 1905 has been applied to some species treated in this paper (see Table 1). Wilson (1997) suggested that several species described in or subsequently transferred to Munnogonium, together with several species in other genera, might eventually be placed in Metamunna (type and only species M. typica Tattersall, 1905, from off western Ireland; type material not yet located, see Wilson 1997), but he did not formally make the transfer. Based on Wilson (1997), with no further arguments, Wolff & Brandt (2000) provided a description of Metamunna, a key to Metamunna covering the species mentioned by Wilson, and included Munnogonium wilsoni Hooker, 1985 in Metamunna. Castelló (2004, table 1), quoting Wilson (1997) but not Wolff & Brandt (2000), listed several species of Austrosignum and Munnogonium as Metamunna, but provided no further information. Just & Wilson (2004) placed Metamunna as a nomen dubium, because the genus could not, and still cannot, be diagnosed due to the short and graphic nature of Tattersall’s description and illustrations of M. typica and the unavailability of the type material. Acknowledgments We gratefully acknowledge the following for providing access to type material and unpublished collections: C.O. Coleman (Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin), D. Defaye (Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris), M. Lowe (NHM), K. Sindemark Kronestedt (Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm), P. Berents and S. Keable (Australian Museum, Sydney), W. Zeidler (South Australian Museum, Adelaide), and G. Poore and J. Taylor (Museum Victoria, Melbourne). Museum of Tropical Queensland, Townsville, a branch of the Queensland Museum, is thanked for providing working facilities for one of us (JJ), and Museum Victoria, Melbourne, where much of the early work on this project was done, is thanked for similar facilities. A grant from the Australian Biological Resources Study, Department of the Environment and Heritage, to one of us (JJ, Reg. no. 201127) is gratefully acknowledged. REVISION OF AUSTROSIGNUM AND MUNNOGONIUM Zootaxa 1515 © 2007 Magnolia Press · 27 References Bowman, T.E. & Schultz, G.A. (1974) The isopod crustacean genus Munnogonium George & Strömberg, 1968 (Munnidae, Asellota). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 87(25), 265–272. Brandt, A. (1999) Redescriptions of Paramunna lunata Hale, 1937 and Pleurosignum chilense Menzies, 1962 (Crustacea. Isopoda, Paramunnidae). Mitteilungen aus dem Hamburgischen Zoologischen Museum und Institut, 96, 129– 139. Bremer, K. (1994) Branch support and tree stability. 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