Taxon Sigalion Audouin and Edwards (in Cuvier), 1830 Pholoe Johnston, 1839 Leanira Kinberg, 1856 Sthenelais Kinberg, 1856 Psammolyce Kinberg, 1856 Conconia Schmarda, 1861 Pelogenia Schmarda, 1861 Thalenessa Baird, 1868 Lepidopleurus Claparède, 1868 Eusthenelais McIntosh, 1876 Eupholoe McIntosh, 1885 Pholoides Pruvot, 1895 Peisidice Johnson, 1897 Euthalenessa Darboux, 1900 Haswellia Darboux, 1900 Sthenolepis Willey, 1905 Type species Current Classiication Valid, Sigalionidae S. mathildae Audouin and Edwards (in Cuvier), 1830 Valid, Pholoidae P. inornata Johnston, 1839 Valid, Sigalionidae L. quatrefagesi Kinberg, 1856 Valid, Sigalionidae S. helenae Kinberg, 1856 P. lava Kinberg, 1856 C. caerulea Schmarda, 1861 P. antipoda Schmarda, 1861 Sigalion edwardsi Kinberg, 1856 L. inclusus Claparède, 1868 E. hibernica McIntosh, 1876 E. philippinensis McIntosh, 1885 Pholoe dorsipapillata Marenzeller, 1893 P. aspera Johnson, 1897 Thalenessa digitata McIntosh, 1885 Thalenessa microceras Haswell, 1883 Leanira japonica McIntosh, 1885 Valid, Sigalionidae Sthenelais Kinberg, 1856 Valid, Sigalionidae Sigalion Audouin and Edwards (in Cuvier), 1830 Claparedepelogenia Pettibone, 1997 Referred to Sthenelais or Leanira with doubt Pelogenia Schmarda, 1861 Valid, Pholoidae Pholoides Pruvot, 1895 Valid, Sigalionidae Euthalenessa Darboux, 1900 Valid, Sigalionidae References Mackie and Chambers, 1990; Chambers and Muir, 1997 Pettibone, 1992b Pettibone, 1970b Pettibone, 1971a; Chambers and Muir, 1997 Pettibone, 1997 Pettibone, 1971a Pettibone, 1997 Mackie and Chambers, 1990 Pettibone, 1997 Chambers and Muir, 1997 Pettibone, 1997 Pettibone, 1992b Pettibone, 1992b Pettibone, 1970a Pettibone, 1970a Pettibone, 1992a Taxon Sthenelanella Moore, 1910 Euleanira Horst, 1916 Type species S. uniformis Moore, 1910 E. ehlersi Horst, 1916 Eusigalion Augener, 1918 E. vazensis Augener, 1918 Pseudeupanthalis Fauvel, 1958 P. eylathae Fauvel, 1958 P. imbriata HartmannSchröder, 1962a L. antennata HartmannSchröder, 1965 P. tuberculata Hartmann-Schröder, 1965 Sthenelais incisa Grube, 1877 H. vanderspoeli Pettibone, 1970 Sigalion tetragonum Oersted, 1845 Sthenelais longipinnis Grube, 1870 Pareupholoe Hartmann-Schröder, 1962a Leanithalessa Hartmann-Schröder, 1965 Parapholoe Hartmann-Schröder, 1965 Ehlersileanira Pettibone, 1970 Horstileanira Pettibone, 1970 Neoleanira Pettibone, 1970 Fimbriosthenelais Pettibone, 1971 Willeysthenelais Pettibone, 1971 Sthenelais diplocirrus Grube, 1875 Parasthenelais Amoureux, 1972 Eusthenelais hibernica McIntosh, 1876 Metaxypsamma Wolf, 1986 Labioleanira Pettibone, 1992 Labiosthenolepis Pettibone, 1992 Imajimapholoe Pettibone, 1992 M. uebelackerae Wolf, 1986 Leanira yhleni Malmgren, 1867 Leanira laevis McIntosh, 1885 Pholoe parva Imajima and Hartman, 1964 Current Classiication References Valid, Sigalionidae Pettibone, 1969 Sthenelanella Moore, 1910 Sigalion Audouin and Edwards (in Cuvier), 1830 Uncertain position Pettibone, 1969 Mackie and Chambers, 1990 Wehe and Fiege, 2002 Pettibone, 1992b Pholoides Pruvot, 1895 Leanira Kinberg, 1856 Pholoides Pruvot, 1895 Valid, Sigalionidae Pettibone, 1970b Valid, Sigalionidae Pettibone, 1970c Valid, Sigalionidae Pettibone, 1970c Valid, Sigalionidae Pettibone, 1971a; Chambers and Muir, 1997 Pettibone, 1971a Valid, Sigalionidae Pettibone, 1970b Pettibone, 1992b Invalid; see remarks on Parasthenelais hibernica Valid, Pholoidae This study Pettibone, 1992b Valid, Sigalionidae Pettibone, 1992a Valid, Sigalionidae Pettibone, 1992a Valid, Pholoidae Pettibone, 1992b Taxon Laubierpholoe Pettibone, 1992 Type species Pholoe antipoda Hartman, 1967 Taylorpholoe Pettibone, 1992 Pholoe minuta hirsuta Rullier and Amoureux, 1979 Claparedepelogenia Pettibone, Lepidopleurus inclusus 1997 Claparède, 1868 Dayipsammolyce Pettibone, Psammolyce cteni1997 dophora Day, 1973 Hartmanipsammolyce PettiPsammolyce pendula bone, 1997 Hartman, 1942 Heteropelogenia Pettibone, Psammolyce articulata 1997 Day, 1960 Neopsammolyce Pettibone, 1997 Psammolyce petersi Kinberg, 1856 Pottsipe