ATOLL RESEARCH BULLETIN NO. 459 SPECIES RICHNESS OF RECENT SCLERACTINIA BY STEPHEN D. CAIRNS ISSUED BY NATIONAL MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION WASHINGTON, D.C., U.S.A. AUGUST 1999 SPECIES RICHNESS OF RECENT SCLERACTINIA STEPHEN D. CAIRNS' ABSTRACT Most previous estimates of the number of valid, described Recent species (known species richness) of Scleractinia have been unsupported guesses ranging from 1000-2500 species. The actual number, based on a list of all senior synonyms, is approximately 1314, classified in 24 families and 220 genera (average number of species per genus = 5.97), 79 of the genera being monotypic. The numbers of zooxanthellate and azooxanthellate species and genera are about the same: e.g., zooxanthellates contributing to 48.2% of the genera and 49.5% of the species. Over the last three decades an average of 16.1 new species of Scleractinia have been described each year. Although the yearly rate of new descriptions is very uneven, the decadal trend appears to indicate a gradual decrease in the number of newly described zooxanthellate species and genera, balanced by an increase in the number of newly described azooxanthellate species and genera. An estimate of total species richness was made based on the perceived ratio of described to undescribed species of Scleractinia ascertained from the analysis of comprehensive faunistic analyses and taxonomic revisions. This method estimates a minimum of 1479 species. A second, less reliable method, which is based on the rates of species descriptions over time, suggests a range of 1460-2628 species. EPIGRAPH "There are about 2500 living species of corals and over 5000 extinct ones; hence these animals reached their height in past ages and are now on the decline." (Hyman, 1940: 620) KNOWN SPECIES RICHNESS Historical Estimates Estimates of the number of valid, described, living (modern) species of Scleractinia range from a low of 1000 (Kaestner, 1964) to a high of 2500 species (Hyman, 1940)(see Table 1). Most of these estimates are educated guesses, not accompanied or based on a listing of actual species names that would allow for hypothesis testing and constructive criticism. The first publication purporting to list all scleractinian species was that of the World Conservation 'Department of Invertebrate Zoology, National Museum of Natural Histoty, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., 20560-0163 Manuscript reccivrd 6 November 1998; revised 7 April 1999 Table 1.-Estimates of Known and Total Species Richness of Scleractinia Year Author Zooxanthellate AzooxI-Pac Atl. Total anthellate Total 585 70 656 *I314 - - >696 >781 Estimates of Known Species Richness: Kiikenthal 1925: 825 1940:620 Hyman 1943: 77-90 Vaughan & Wells 1956: 360 Wells 1967:115 Kaestner 1967:79 Wilmoth 1981:120 Rosen 1982:611 Cairns & Stanley 1982:701 Dunn 1985:37 Naumov, et al. 1985: 18 Kiihlmann 1986: 179 Cairns, et al. 1986:l Veron 1987:642,668 Chevalier 1988: 67 Schuhrnacher 1989: 35 Zibrowius 1990: 206 Brusca & Brusca 1991: 476 Jackson 1993: 60-136 WCMC 1995: 160 Veron 1997: 2 Cairns 1999 (herein) Cairns, Hoeksema & van der Land 669 *allows for 11 facultative species Estimates of Total Species Richness: Based on partial inventory (see text) Based on rate of description (see text) - - >I479 1460-2628 Table 2.-Numbers of valid species (and genera), monotypic genera, and average number of species per genus of the Recent Scleractinia, arranged by family from highest number of species to lowest. Family Zooxanthellate Azooxanthellate 656(109) 669(117) *Facul- Total tative Monotypic Genera Ave. Species Per Genus Caryophylliidae Acroporidae Dendrophylliidae Faviidae Flabellidae Poritidae Turbinoliidae Mussidae Agariciidae Fungiidae Rhizangiidae Pocilloporidae Siderastreidae Oculinidae Fungiacyathidae Pectinidae Micrabaciidae Merulinidae Anthemiphylliidae Guyniidae Gardineriidae Meandrinidae Astrocoeniidae Trachyphylliidae Incertae Sedis TOTALS: ll(6) 1314(220) 79 5.97 *Facultative: Eleven species may occur in the zooxanthellate and azooxanthellate forms: three species of Heterocyathus, two species of Heteropsammia, two species of Madracis, Astrangiapoculafa, and three species of Oculina. These species are counted as both zooxanthellates and azooxanthellates, but only once in the total column Cladocora also contains species, some of which are exclusively zooxanthellate, others exclusively azooxanthellate. q 4 Monitoring Centre (WCMC, 1993), compiled by E. Wood for the purpose of listing all scleractinian species regulated by CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora). Although a worthy first attempt, this listing of 1040 species is considered to be flawed (uncritical) in that it used outdated taxonomy, occasionally included fossil species and genera, included some junior synonyms, and included some duplication of names. It also employed a confusing, three-tiered system of categorizing species, i.e., nominal, valid, and "well-established", and was far from complete regarding the azooxanthellate species. The only other listing known to include all Recent scleractinian species was an unpublished draft (1995) of 1259 species submitted at the Sixth International Conference on Coelenterate Biology (ICCB VI) as part of a larger series included in the Unesco-IOC Register of Marine Organisms (ed. J. van der Land, 1995). It is that list, which is herein corrected and updated, that forms the basis for the 1314 species listed in the Appendix. The Current Number The current (end of 1998) number of 1314 valid, Recent scleractinian species (see Appendix), is summarized by family in Table 2. From this compilation one can see that there are 24 families of Recent Scleractinia, containing 220 genera, 79 (36%) of which are monotypic. Twelve families are exclusively zooxanthellate, 7 families are exclusively azooxanthellate, and 5 families contain genera having both ecological classes. In fact, eleven species and six genera are facultative, existing in both the zooxanthellate or azooxanthellate forms, depending on the environment (listed as a footnote to Table 2). The numbers of zooxanthellate and azooxanthellate species is virtually the same, 656 (49.5%) vs 669 (50.5%), respectively. Likewise, the number of genera is almost the same, with only a slight majority favoring the azooxanthellates at both taxonomic levels. There is an average of 5.97 and a range of 1-49.8 species per genus. Since Cairns (1997) calculated a similar species average of 5.37 for the exclusively azooxanthellate species, this ratio is approximately the same for both zooxanthellates and azooxanthellates. It should be stated at this point that the species concept used in this paper is the morphospecies, or operational mo~photaxonomicunit (sensu Veron, 1995), first formalized for scleractinian corals by Vaughan (1907: 4) as: "...a group of individuals connected among themselves by intergrading characters and separated by distinct lacunae from all other individuals or groups of individuals." Molecular, physiological, behavioral, and ecological evidence of species distinction (see Lang, 1984) were undoubtedly used to help construct the list of coral species, but these kind of data are not currently available for many species and not at all for fossil species, which makes the morphospecies most appropriate when comparing faunas within the fossil record. The "species problem" in corals is amply discussed by Veron (1995), including ramifications of reticulate evolution and the philosophy of conceptual vs operational species definitions. But, for the purposes of this paper, the traditional morphospecies is employed. RATES OF NEW SPECIES DESCRIPTIONS Over the last 30.5 years (1968 to mid-1998) the rate of description of new species of Scleractinia has been very uneven (Figure l), reflecting the aperiodic publication of major faunistic revisions. (No judgment of the validity of these newly described species is made herein.) In this time interval, 490 species were described, or an average of 16.1 species per year. The uneveness of the yearly description totals is reflected in a range of 1-56 and a rather high standard deviation of 12.3. However, when viewed on a decadal scale (Table 3), some trends are apparent. Whereas the number of new species descriptions has seemed to reach a plateau over the last 20 years, the zooxanthellate:azooxanthellatecomponents have altered dramatically. There appears to be a decline in both the number of newly described species and genera of zooxanthellate corals, which is replaced by an increase in the number of both genera and species of azooxanthellate corals. In fact, no new genera of zooxanthellate were described in the last decade, whereas 20 new azooxanthellate genera were described in the same time period. This change in rates of description might suggest that the more accessible, shallow-water zooxanthellate species are becoming fairly well known worldwide, especially at the generic level, whereas the primarily deep-water azooxanthellate fauna is less well known and thus might contribute more to the increase in described scleractinian species richness in the future. m ~ o ~ c u ~ e ~ m ~ m Year o ~ ~ m ~ w m m m o ~ m e m m m ESTIMATES OF TOTAL SPECIES RICHNESS Armed with these statistics on the known fauna, it is tempting to predict the total species richness of Scleractinia. One method of estimating global species richness in a taxon is the partial inventory method, which relies on the perceived ratio of described to undescribed species ascertained by a specialist in that group and/or by analysis of the literature. For instance, over the last 20 years the average percentage of previously undescribed azooxanthellate species in 14 faunistic studies from 12 regions (Cairns, 1979, 1982, 1984, 1989, 1991, 1994, 1995, 1998, 1999, in press a; Cairns & Parker, 1992; Cairns & Keller, 1993; Cairns & Zibrowius, 1997; Zibrowius, 1980) was 14.3% (range = 5.0-24.0%), or conversely 85.7% previously described. If this average described ratio is assumed to apply to the entire currently known azooxanthellate fauna (669 - 0.857), one might expect there to be 781 azooxanthellate species worldwide. If similar logic is applied to zooxanthellate corals, a smaller ratio of 6.1% (range 0-18.2%) undescribed, or conversely, 93.9% previously described species results. This undescribed:described ratio is based on the following 15 publications covering six regions and two taxonomic revisions: eastern Australia (Veron et al., 1976-1984); western Australia (Veron, 1985; Veron & Marsh, 1988); Japan (Veron, 1990, 1992); Viet Nam (Latypov, 1990, 1992); Red Sea (Scheer & Pillai, 1983); Caribbean (Zlatarski, 1982); family Fungiidae (Hoeksema, 1989); and genus Leptoseris (Dinesen, 1980). This average described ratio applied to the known zooxanthellate fauna (656 - 0.939), results in the prediction of 698 species. Together, the zooxanthellate and azooxanthellate estimates total 1479 (Table 1). To reiterate, the assumptions implicit in this estimation are: 1) 13 14 currently known valid species, composed of 656 zooxanthellates and 669 azooxanthellates, and 2) a minimal undescribed component of 14.3% for azooxanthellates and 6.1% for zooxanthellates. Table 3.-Decadal trends in rates of description of species (and genera) of Recent zooxanthellate and azooxanthellate Scleractinia. *Average for second decade corrected because Zoological Record volume 123 covered 1.5 years, making total period analyzed 30.5 years. Zoological Record Volume TOTAL Years of Coverage 1968-97198 Zooxanthellate Azooxantheilate Total Ave. Number SpecieslYear Growth Rate (%) Overall Rate 279(15) 211(28) 490(43) 16 1 123 2 94 A second method of estimating diversity, developed by Hammond (1992), is based on an analysis of time series of species description rates. First, one calculates the current growth rate per annum of the taxon in question, i.e., the number of species described per year divided by the total number of valid species. Using the average number of scleractinian species described per year over the last 30 years (16.1) and the current total number of scleractinian species, this equation is 16.1 -; 1314, or 1.23%, implying that over the last 30 years the number of scleractinian species increased by about 1.23%/year, although due to synonymy this percentage is certainly lower. Decadal rates are also given in Table 3. Secondly, Hammond calculates the ratio of the current rate - overall rate, the overall rate being the average yearly rate of species descriptions since 1758. Again, using the average number of scleractinian species described per year over the last 30 years (16.1) and the overall rate of 1314 species + 240 years (=1998-1758), yields the equation: 16.1 + (1314-240), or 2.94, implying that over the last 30 years corals have been described at 2.94 times the post-Linnaean "average rate." Decadal rates are also listed in Table 3. Hammond then compares these two ratios (the growth rate and current rateloverall rate) with the ratios derived for other animal groups (which for scleractinian corals is coincidentally the same as that for fish), and rather subjectively designates a value for "the proportion of species described to date." According to Hammond these two ratios are consistent with taxa having a "high" proportion of previously described species, i.e., 50-90%. Applying this percentage to 1314 species results in an estimation of 1460-2628 species (see Table 2). Assumptions implicit in this estimation are: 1) 1314 currently valid species, 2) all newly described species are valid, and 3) acceptance of implications of species growth rates and overall rates as intuited by Hammond (1992). DISCUSSION Methods for estimating global species richness of various taxa are highly controversial, often conflicting, and usually difficult to apply. Useful reviews on this topic include: May (1990), Hammond (1992, 1994), Stork (1993, 1997), and Colwell & Coddington (1994). Some of these methods rely on the principle of taxon ratios, wherein a reference site is chosen for which one element of the fauna is thought to be fairly well known (or at least well sampled), providing an estimate of the described:undescribed species ratio for that taxon for that site. This ratio is then applied to the currently known species richness of a larger area that includes the reference site (hierarchical taxon ratio) or a separate geographic area (non-hierarchical taxon ratio) to obtain estimates of species richness. The first method used in this paper, the "partial inventory method," falls into this category and is patterned, in large part, on a study by Hodkinson & Casson (1991), who attempted to determine global insect biodiversity using a hierarchical taxon ratio. After extensive sampling of Hemiptera in northern Sulawesi, Hodkinson & Casson determined that 62.5% of the collected species were undescribed. Then, making family-by-family comparisons of Sulawesi to world species, they showed that the same proportion of new species is likely to be found worldwide. Using these ratios and the currently known species richness of Hemiptera, they were able to provide a reasonable estimate of the worldwide Hemiptera species richness. Critics of this method (Stork, 1993, 1997; Hammond, 1994) point out that it is virtually impossible to claim that all species, whether insect or corals, are known from any reference site, regardless of the intensity of collection. This is a valid criticism, and for that reason the estimates that result from such studies should be considered as minimum estimates. A second criticism of this method is the assumption that the described:undescribed ratio of one well sampled area is representative of the rest of the world. To ameliorate this criticism, I have chosen an average described:undescribed ratio from 18 regions and two taxonomic revisions, and furthermore established two different ratios, one for zooxanthellates and the other for azooxanthellates. Hammond's method of using trends in description rate to predict global species diversity has been criticized by Erwin (1991) and Hammond (1992) himself, and is not a frequently used estimator for species richness. Rates of description depend on many factors, including one's species concept, the number of taxonomists working on a group at any period of time, and the technology used to investigate species. There also appears to be a bias to describe species of large body size and for which material is available, more commonly from temperate localities. Finally, Hammond's classification of the "proportion of species described to date" is extremely subjective (intuitive) and essentially undefined (unscientific). Also, the influence of new technology on known species richness is unpredictable. For instance, molecular analysis (allozymes) has suggested an increase in the number of Montnstraea sibling species (Knowlton et al., 1992), whereas similar techniques have suggested a reduction in the number of recognized Platygyra species (Miller & Benzie, 1997); however, molecular data "have generally been found to support traditional morphological interpretations of species boundaries" (Wallace & Willis, 1994: 248; see also Willis, 1990). Synonymy of species is also a common result of more thorough morphological examination of larger suites of specimens from more diverse areas. Thus, the tendencies to increase the number of known species (e.g., discovery of sibling species) are often offset by the synonymy of species based on morphological andlor molecular methods. The overall effect is impossible to predict. Although Hammond's method is highly subjective and rarely used, it is one of the few methods available to predict total scleractinian species richness and does suggest, in my opinion, a reasonable range. On a purely intuitive basis, I would estimate the total number of scleractinian species to be about 2100, implying that we have described about 63% of the known fauna and that about 790 species remain to be described in this order. CONCLUSIONS What drives some people to want to know how many species exist on this planet or, more specifically, how many species occur in a particular taxon? The traditional answers are usually threefold (May, 1990; Stork, 1993). A knowledge of species richness: 1) helps establish a necessaty first step to understand how biological systems work and provides a baseline that would allow for their conservation (ecology and conservation argument), 2) allows for the potential use of a greater variety of species for pharmaceutical products (utilita~ianargument), and 3) satisfies the simple, unadulterated curiosity to know (quixotic argument). In addition to these traditional arguments, I would suggest that knowing the actual number of Recent scleractinian species is a valuable reference point for comparisons to late Tertiary faunas (one might call the Recent Benchmark or Paleontological Baseline argument). Hyman's (1940) conclusion that corals are "on the decline" because there are now only 2500 living species and 5000 extinct ones, is incorrect and misleading in many ways. First, there are far fewer than 2500 valid living species; it is absurd to compare taxa from the Recent to the entire Phanerozoic; comparing Mesozoic-Tertiary Scleractinia to Paleozoic Rugosa and Tabulata is illogical; and finally the total number of reef scleractinian corals appears to vacillate in time (Budd, in press) and is not a simple trend. And yet this ill-founded statement seems to have influenced two generations of textbook writers and even coral biologists (Table 1). According to Veron (1995: figs. 25, 36-38) and Scrutton (1997: fig. 2), Scleractinia stand at an all time maximum of generic diversity, but can the same be said at the species level? In very thorough studies of the Caribbean Neogene zooxanthellate Scleractinia, Budd, Stemann & Johnson (1994, Table 5) and Budd, Johnson & Stemann (1996) found 67-100% more species throughout the Late Miocene to Pliocene at 2 MY intervals than in the Recent, whereas Cairns (in press a, b) found considerably more Recent azooxanthellate species (13 1 species) than in the comparable Caribbean Neogene (49 species). Thus, whether the Caribbean zooxantheilates are on the decline and the azooxanthellates are on the increase, or whether the latter assumption is due to the artefact of "the pull of the Recent," it is essential to have an accurate baseline figure of Recent species richness to even begin these or similar speculations. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank the following people who read earlier drafts of this manuscript and provided valuable advice and suggestions: Nancy Budd, Vladimir Kosmynin, Bert Hoeksema, and Timothy Werner. I also thank Peter Glynn for access to his advance list of reef corals from the eastern Pacific. REFERENCES Brusca, RC, Brusca, GJ (1990) Invertebrates. Sinauer Associates, Inc., Sunderland, 922 pp. Budd, AF (in press) Diversity and extinction in the Cenozoic history of Caribbean reefs. In: Hughs, TP ,Sale, P (eds) Ecology of coral reefs: biological and evolutionary approaches. Yale University Press. Budd, AF, Johnson, KG, Stemann, TA (1996) Plio-Pleistocene turnover and extinctions in the Caribbean reef-coral fauna. In: Jackson, JBC, Budd, AF, Coates, AG (eds) Evolution and Environment in Tropical America. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, pp. 168-204. Budd, AF, Stemann, TA, Johnson, KG (1994) Stratigraphic distributions of genera and species of Neogene to Recent Caribbean reef corals. J Paleont 68(5): 951-977. Cairns, SD (1979) The deep-water Scleractinia of the Caribbean Sea and adjacent waters. Stud Fauna Curaqao 57(180): 341 pp. Cairns, SD (1982) Antarctic and Subantarctic Scleractinia. Antarct Res Ser 34(1): 74 pp. Cairns, SD (1984) New records of ahermatypic corals (Scleractinia) from the Hawaiian and Line Islands. Occas Pap Bernice Pauahi Bishop Mus 25(10): 1-30. Cairns, SD (1989) A revision of the ahermatypic Scleractinia of the Philippine Islands and adjacent waters, Part 1: Fungiacyathidae, Micrabaciidae, Turbinoliinae, Guyniidae, and Flabellidae. Smithson Contrib 2001486: 136 pp. Cairns, SD (1991) A revision of the ahermatypic Scleractinia of the Galipagos and Cocos Islands. Smithson Contrib Zool 504: 32 pp. Cairns, SD (1994) Scleractinia of the temperate North Pacific. Smithson Contrib Zool 557: 150 PP, Cairns, SD (1995) The marine fauna of New Zealand: Scleractinia (Cnidaria: Antbozoa). N Z Oceanogr Inst Mem 103: 139 pp. Cairns, SD (1997) A generic revision and phylogenetic analysis of the Turbinoliidae (Cnidaria: Scleractinia). 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Biodiv Conserv 2: 215-232. Stork, NE (1997) Measuring global biodiversity and its decline. In: Reaka-Kudla, ML, Wilson, DE, Wilson, EO (eds) Biodiversity 11. John Henry Press, Washington, DC, pp. 41-68. Vaughan, TW (1907) Recent Madreporaria of the Hawaiian Islands and Laysan. Bull US Nat Mus 59: 427 pp. Vaughan, TW, Wells, JW (1943) Revision of the suborders families, and genera of the Scleractinia. Geol Soc Amer Spec pap 44: 363 pp. Veron, JEN (1985) New Scleractinia from Australian coral reefs. Rec West Aust Mus 12(1): 147-183. Veron, JEN (1986) Corals of Australia and the Indo-Pacific. Angus & Robertson Publishers, North Ryde, 644 pp. Appendix: List of Extant Stony Corals STEPHEN D. CAIRNS', BERT W. HOEKSEMA2 and JACOB VAN DER LAND2 PREFACE Within the five cnidarian orders that contain species having calcified skeletons (i.e., the "stony corals"), a11 valid, extant species are listed below in alphabetical order by family, genus, and species. Their general distribution is indicated to the right of each species by numbers: 1, western Atlantic; 2, eastern Atlantic; 3, Indian Ocean; 4, western and central Pacific; 5, eastern Pacific; and 6 , Subantarctic and Antarctic regions. A question mark in a column indicates a questionable occurrence in this region. For the scleractinians, the azooxanthellate species are marked with an asterisk, the zooxanthellate are unmarked, and those 11 species that occur as both forms are marked with a cross (+). This is believed to be the first complete and critical listing of all 1574 species of extant stony corals, consisting of 1314 scleractinians and 260 calcified hydrozoans. It is meant to complement a similar Internet version of the same list to be released as part of the UNESCO-IOC Register of Marine Organisms (ed., J. van der Land, National Museum of Natural History, Leiden), the first draft of which was compiled in 1995. Although every effort was made to make the list as complete and accurate as possible through 1998, we acknowledge that there are certainly errors of omissions and interpretation. We consider this as a first effort to establish a data base of all valid, extant species, and welcome any comments and corrections to the list. In general, the first author was responsible for the accuracy of the species included in the azooxanthellate Scleractinia, western Atlantic Scleractinia, and Stylasteridae, whereas the second author was responsible for the Indo-West Pacific zooxanthellate Scleractinia and calcified hydrozoans (Milleporidae). We acknowledge that there exist other calcified octocorallian cnidarians that are not listed herein, pertaining to the families: Tubiporidae, Helioporidae, Lithotelestidae, Coralliidae, and Isididae, as well as calcified hydrozoans of the genus Pseudsolandauia. We believe the value of such a list to be manifold. It serves as a documentation of the species richness of larger taxa; it provides authorship and date of publication of all species; it provides a starting point for identification of corals from various geographic regions; it serves as 'Department of Invertebrate Zoology, National Museum of Natural Histo~y,Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C. 20560 >NationalMuseum of Natural History, Postbus 9517,2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands a point of reference before a new species is described; and it may help to avoid homonymy in future described species, although one should be aware that fossil species are not listed in this account. Phylum CNIDARIA Class ANTHOZOA Subclass HEXACORALLIA Order SCLERACTINIA Distribution Acroporidae Acropora abrolhosensis Veron, 1985 Acropora aculeus (Dana, 1846) Acropora acuminata (Verrill, 1864) Acropora akajimensis Veron, 1990 Acropora anthocercis (Brook, 1893) Acropora arabensis Hodgson & Carpenter, 1996 Acropora aspera (Dana, 1846) Acropora anstera (Dana, 1846) Acropora awi Wallace & Wolstenholtne, 1998 Acropora azurea Veron & Wallace, 1984 Acropora batunai Wallace, 1997 Acropora branchi Riegl, 1995 Acropora brueggemanni (Brook, 1893) Acropora bushyensis Veron & Wallace, 1984 Acropora cardenae Wells, 1986 Acropora carduus (Dana, 1846) Acropora caroliniana Nemenzo, 1976 Acropora cerealis (Dana, 1846) Acropora cervicornis (Lamarck, 1816) Acropora chesterfieldensis Veron & Wallace, 1984 Acropora clathrata (Brook, 1891) Acropora copiosa Nemenzo, 1967 Acropora crateriforrnis (Gardiner, 1898) Acropora cuneata (Dana, 1846) Acropora cytherea (Dana, 1846) Acropora danai (Milne Edwards & Haime, 1860) Acropora dendrum (Bassett-Smith,l890) Acropora derawaensis Wallace, I997 Acropora desalwii Wallace, 1994 Acropora digitifera (Dana, 1846) Acropora divaricata (Dana, 1846) Acropora donei Veron & Wallace, 1984 Acropora echinata (Dana, 1846) Acropora elegans (M. Edwards & Haime, 1860) Acropora elseyi (Brook, 1892) Acropora eurystoma (Klunzinger, 1879) Acropora exquisita Nemenzo, 197 1 1 Acropora florida (Dana, 1846) Acropora formosa (Dana, 1846) Acropora gemmifera (Brook, 1892) Acropora glauca (Brook, 1893) Acropora grandis (Brook, 1892) Acropora granulosa (M. Edwards & Haime, 1860) Acropora halmaherae Wallace & Wolstenholme, 1998 Acropora hemprichii (Ehrenberg, 1834) Acropora hoeksemai Wallace, 1997 Acropora horrida (Dana, 1846) Acropora humilis (Dana, 1846) Acropora hyacinthus (Dana, 1846) Acropora indiana Wallace, 1994 Acropora indonesia Wallace, 1997 Acropora insignis Nemenzo, 1967 Acropora intermedia (Brook, 189 1) Acropora jacquelinae Wallace, 1994 Acropora kirstyae Veron & Wallace, 1984 Acropora kosurini Wallace, 1994 Acropora latistella (Brook, 1892) Acropora listeri (Brook, 1893) Acropora loisetteae Wallace, 1994 Acropora lokani Wallace, 1994 Acropora Iongicyathus (Milne Edwards & Haime, 1860) Acropora loripes (Brook, 1892) Acropora lovelli Veron & Wallace, 1984 Acropora lutkeni Crossland, 1952 Acropora magnifica Nemenzo, 1971 Acropora microclados (Ehrenberg, 1834) Acropora microphthalma (Verrill, 1869) Acropora millepora (Ehrenberg, 1834) Acropora mirabilis Quelch, 1886 Acropora monticulosa (Brueggemann, 1879) Acropora mossambica Riegl, 1995 Acroposa multiacuta Nemenzo, 1967 Acropora nana (Studer, 1878) Acropora nasuta (Dana, 1846) Acropora natalensis Riegl, 1995 Acropora nobilis (Dana, 1846) Acropora ocellata (Klunzinger, 1879) Acropora palifera (Lamarck, 1816) Acropora palmata (Lamarck, 1816) Acropora palmerae Wells, 1954 Acropora paniculata Verrill, 1902 Acropora parilis Quelch, 1886 Acropora pharaonis (M. Edwards & Haime, 1860) Acropora plumosa Wallace & Wolstenholme, 1998 Acropora pocilloporina Wallace, 1994 Acropora polystoma (Brook, 1891) Acropora prolifera (Lamarck, 1816) Acropora pruinosa (Brook, 1893) Acropora pulchra (Brook, 1891) Acropora rambleri Bassett-Smith, 1890 Acropora rohusta (Dana, 1846) Acropora rosaria (Dana, 1846) Acropora rudis (Rehherg, 1892) Acropora russelli Wallace, 1994 Acropora samoensis (Brook, 189 1) Acropora sarmentosa (Brook, 1892) Acropora schmitti Wells, 1950 Acropora secale (Studer, 1878) Acropora sekiseiensis Veron, 1990 Acropora selago (Studer, 1878) Acropora simplex Wallace & Wolstenholme, 1998 Acropora solitaryensis Veron & Wallace, 1984 Acropora sordiensis Riegl, 1995 Acropora spicifera (Dana, 1846) Acropora squarrosa (Ehrenberg, 1834) Acropora stoddarti Pillai & Scheer, 1976 Acropora striata (Verrill, 1866) Acropora suhglabra (Brook, 189 1) Acropora subulata (Dana, 1846) Acropora suharsonoi Wallace, 1994 Acropora sukamoi Wallace, 1997 Acropora tanegashimensis Veron, 1990 Acropora tenella (Brook, 1892) Acropora tenuis (Dana, 1846) Acropora teres (Verrill, 1866) Acropora togianensis Wallace, 1997 Acropora torihalimeda Wallace, 1994 Acropora toltuosa (Dana, 1846) Acropora tumida Verrill, 1866 Acropora turaki Wallace, 1994 Acropora valenciennesi (M. Edwards & Haime, 1860) Acropora valida (Dana, 1846) Acropora vaughani Wells, 1954 Acropora verweyi Veron & Wallace, 1984 Acropora wallacea Veron, 1990 Acropora willisae Veron & Wallace, 1984 Acropora yongei Veron & Wallace, 1984 Anacropora forbesi Ridley, 1884 Anacropora matthai Pillai, 1973 Anacropora puertogalerae Nemenzo, 1964 Anacropora reticulata Veron & Wallace, 1984 Anacropora spinosa Rehberg, 1892 Astreopora cucullata Lamberts, 1980 Astreopora explanata Veron, 1985 Astreopora gracilis Bernard, I896 Astreopora incrustans Bernard, 1896 Astreopora lanibertsi Moll & Best, 1984 Astreopora listeri Bernard, 1896 Astreopora macrostoma Veron & Wallace, 1984 Astreopora moretonensis Veron & Wallace, I984 Astreopora myriophthalma (Lamarck, 1816) Astreopora ocellata Bernard, 1896 Astreopora suggesta Wells, 1954 Montipora aequituberculata Bernard, 1897 Montipora altasepta Nemenzo, 1964 Montipora angulata (Lamarck, 1816) Montipora australiensis Bernard, 1897 Montipora cactus Bernard, 1897 Montipora calcarea Bernard, 1897 Montipora caliculata (Dana, 1846) Montipora capitata Dana, 1846 Montipora capricornis Veron, 1985 Montipora cebuensis Nemenzo, 1976 Montipora circumvallata (Ehrenberg, 1834) Montipora confusa Nemenzo, 1967 Montipora corbettensis Veron & Wallace, 1984 Montipora crassituberculata Bernard, 1897 Montipora danae (M. Edwards & Haitne, 1851) Montipora digitata (Dana, 1846) Montipora edwardsi Bernard, 1879 Montipora efflorescens Bernard, 1897 Montipora effusa Dana, IS46 Montipora florida Nemenzo, I967 Montipora floweri Wells, 1954 Montipora foliosa (Pallas, 1766) Montipora foveolata (Dana, 1846) Montipora friabilis Bernard, 1897 Montipora gaimardi Bernard, 1897 Montipora granulosa Bernard, 1897 Montipora grisea Bernard, 1897 Montipora hirsuta Nemenzo, 1967 Montipora hispida (Dana, 1846) Montipora hoffmeisteri Wells, 1954 Montipora incrassata (Dana, 1846) Montipora informis Bernard, 1897 Montipora Lobulata Bernard, 1897 Montipora mactanensis Nemenzo, 1979 Montipora malampaya Nemenzo, 1967 Montipora millepora Crossland, 1952 Montipora mollis Bernard, 1897 Montipora monasteriata (Forskal, 1775) Montipora nodosa (Dana, 1846) Montipora orientalis Nemenzo, 1967 Montipora peltiformis Bernard, 1897 Montipora samarensis Nemenzo, 1967 Montipora setosa Nemenzo, 1976 Montipora solanderi Bernard, 1879 Montipora spongiosa (Ehrenberg, 1834) Montipora spongodes Bernard, 1897 Montipora spumosa (Lamarck, 18 16) Montipora stellata Bernard, 1897 Montipora stilosa (Ehrenberg, 1834) Montipora striata Bernard, 1897 Montipora tuberculosa (Lamarck, 18 16) Montipora turgescens Bernard, 1897 Montipora turtlensis Veron & Wallace, 1984 Montipora undata Bernard, 1897 Montipora venosa (Ehrenberg, 1834) Montipora vessucosa (Lamarck, 1816) Agariciidae Agaricia agaricites (Linnaeus, 1758) Agaricia fragilis Dana, 1846 Agaricia grahamae Wells, 1973 Agaricia humilis Verrill, 1902 Agaricia lamarcki M. Edwards & Haime, 1851 Agaricia tenuifolia Dana, 1846 Agaricia undata (Ellis & Solander, 1786) Coeloseris mayeri Vaughan, 1918 Gardineroseris planulata (Dana, 1846) Helioseris cucullata (Ellis & Solander, 1786) Leptoseris amitoriensis Veron, 1990 Leptoseris cailleti (Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864) Leptoseris explanata Yabe & Sugiyama, 1941 Leptoseris foliosa Dinesen, 1980 Leptoseris gardineri Van der Horst, 1921 Leptoseris hawaiiensis Vaughan, 1907 Leptoseris incrustans (Quelch, 1886) Leptoseris mycetoseroides Wells, 1954 Leptoseris papyracea (Dana, 1846) Leptoseris scabra Vaughan, 1907 Leptoseris solida (Quelch, 1886) Leptoseris tenuis Van der Horst, 1921 Leptoseris tubulifera Vaughan, 1907 Leptoseris yabei (Pillai & Scheer, 1976) Pachyseris foliosa Veron, 1990 Pachyseris gemmae Nemenzo, 1955 Pachyseris rugosa (Lamarck, 1801) Pachyseris speciosa (Dana, 1846) Pavona hipastita Nemenzo, 1980 Pavona cactus (Forskil, 1775) Pavona clavus (Dana, 1846) Pavona danai (M. Edwards & Haime, 1816) Pavona decussata (Dana, 1846) Pavona diffluens Lamarck, 18 16 Pavona divaricata Lamarck, 1816 Pavona duerdeni Vaughan, 1907 Pavona explanulata (Lamarck, 18 16) Pavona frondifera Lamarck, 18 16 Pavona gigantea Verrill, 1869 Pavona lata Dana, 1846 *Caryophyllia cornulum Cairns & Zibrowius, 1997 *Catyophyllia corrugata Cairns, 1979 *Caryophyllia crosnieri Cairns & Zibrowius, 1997 *Caryophyllia cyathus (Ellis & Solander, 1786) *Caryophyllia decamera Cairns, 1998 *Caryophyllia dentata Moseley, 1876 *Caryophyllia diomedeae Marenzeller, 1904 *Caryophyllia eltaninae Cairns, 1982 *Caryophyllia ephyala Alcock, 1891 *Caryophyllia foresti Zibrowius, 1980 *Caryophyllia grandis Gardiner & Waugh, 1938 *Caryophyllia grayi (M. Edwards & Haime, 1848) *Caryophyllia hawaiiensis Vaughan, 1907 *Catyophyllia horologium Cairns, 1977 *Caryophyllia inornata (Duncan, 1878) *Caryophyllia japonica Marenzeller, I888 *Catyophyllia jogashimaensis Eguchi, 1968 *Caryophyllia karubarica Cairns & Zibrowius, 1997 *Caryophyllia Lamellifera Moseley, 1881 *Caryophyllia mabahithi Gardiner & Waugh, 1938 *Caryophyllia marmorea Cairns, 1984 *Caryophyllia octonaria Cairns & Zibrowius, 1997 *Caryophyllia octopali Vaughan, 1907 *Catyophyllia paradoxus Alcock, 1898 *Caryophyllia paucipalata Moseley, 1881 *Caryophyllia pauciseptata Yabe & Eguchi, 1932 *Caryophyllia perculta Cairns, 1991 Taryophyllia planilamellata Dennant, 1906 *Caryophyllia polygona De Pourtalb, 1878 Tatyophyllia profunda Moseley, 1881 *Catyophyllia quadragenaria Alcock, 1902 *Ca~yophylliaquangdongensis Zou, 1984 *Caryophyllia ralphae Cairns, 1995 *Caryophyllia rugosa Moseley, 1881 Taryophyllia sarsiae Zibrowius 1974 *Catyophyllia scillaemorpha Alcock, 1894 *Caryophyllia scobinosa Alcock, 1902 *Caryophyllia secta Cairns & Zibrowius, 1997 *Caryophyllia seguenzae Duncan, 1873 *Caryophyllia smithii Stokes & Broderip, 1828 "Caryophyllia solida Cairns, 1991 Taryophyllia spinicarens (Moseley, 1881) *Caryophyllia spinigera Saville Kent, 1871 *Caryophyllia squiresi Cairns, 1982 *Caryophyllia stellula Cairns, I998 *Caryophyllia transversalis Moseley, 1881 *Caryophyllia unicristata Cairns & Zibrowius, 1997 *Caryophyllia valdiviae Zibrowius & Gili, 1990 *Caryophyllia zanzibarensis Zou, 1984 *Caryophyllia zopyros Cairns, 1979 Catalaphyllia jardinei (Saville-Kent, 1893) *Deltocyathus parvulus Keller, 1982 *Deltocyathus philippinensis Caims & Zibrowius, 1997 *Deltocyathus pourtalesi Cairns, 1979 *Deltocyathus rotulus (Alcock, 1898) *Deltocyathus sarsi (Gardiner & Waugh, 1938) *Deltocyathus stella Caims & Zibrowius, 1997 *Deltocyathus suluensis Alcock, 1902 *Deltocyathus taiwanicus Hu, 1987 *Deltocyathus varians Gardiner & Waugh, 1938 *Deltocyathus vaughani Yabe & Eguchi, 1932 *Desmophyllum dianthus (Esper, 1794) *Desmophyllum striatum Cairns, 1979 'Ericiocyathus echinatus Cairns & Zibrowius, 1997 Euphyllia ancora Veron & Pichon, 1979 Euphyllia cristata Chevalier, 1971 Euphyllia divisa Veron & Pichon, 1979 Euphyllia fimbriata (Spengler, 1799) Euphyllia glabrescens (Chamisso & Eysenhardt, 1821) Euphyllia paradivisa Verou, 1990 Euphyllia paraencora Veron, 1990 Euphyllia paraglabrescens Veron, 1990 Euphyllia yaeyamaensis (Shirai, 1980) Eusmilia fastigiata (Pallas, 1766) *Goniocorella dumosa (Alcock, 1902) Gyrosmilia interrupta (Ehrenberg, 1834) iHeterocyathus aequicostatus M. Edwards & I-laime, 184 +Heterocyathus alternatus Verrill, 1865 *Heterocyathus hemisphericus Gray 1849 +Heterocyathus sulcatus (Verrill, 1866) *Hoplangia durotrix Gosse, 1860 *Labyrinthocyathus delicatus (Marenzeller, 1904) *Labyrinthocyathus facetus Cairns, 1979 *Labyrinthocyathus langae Cairns, 1979 *Labyrinthocyathus limatulus (Squires, 1964) *Labyrinthocyathus quaylei (Durham, 1947) *Lochmaeotrochus gardineri Cairns, 1999 *Lochmaeotrochus oculeus Alcock, 1902 'Lophelia pertusa (Linnaeus, 1758) Montigyra kenti Matthai, 1928 Nemenzophyllia turbida Hodgson & Ross, 1981 *Nomlandia californica Durham & Barnard, 1952 *Oxysmilia circularis Cairns, 1998 *Oxysmilia corrugata Cairns, 1999 *Oxysmilia epithecata Cairns, 1999 *Oxysmilia rotundifolia (M. Edwards & Haime, 1848) *Paraconotrochus antarctica (Gardiner, 1929) *Paraconotrochus capense (Gardiner, 1904) *Paraconotrochus zeidleri Cairns & Parker, 1992 *Paracyathus anderssoni Duncan, 1899 *Paracyathus arcuatus Lindstrdm, 1877 *Paracyathus cavatus Alcock, 1893 *Paracyathus conceptus Gardiner & Waugh, 1938 *Paracyathus ebonensis Verrill, 1866 *Paracyathus fulvus Alcock, 1893 *Paracyathus humilis Verrill, 1870 *Paracyathus indicus indicus Duncan, 1889 *P. indicus gracilis Alcock, 1893 *Paracyathus lifuensis Gardiner, 1899 *Paracyathus molokensis Vaughan, 1907 *Paracyathus montereyensis Durham, 1947 *Paracyathus parvulus Gardiner, 1899 *Paracyathus porcellanus Verrill, 1866 *Paracyathus profundus Alcock, 1893 *Paracyathus pruinosus Alcock, 1902 *Paracyathus pulchellus (Philippi, 1842) 1 *Paracyathus rotundatus Semper, 1872 *Paracyathus stearnsii Verrill, 1869 *Paracyathus stokesii M. Edwards & Haime, 1848 *Paracyathus vittatus Dennant, 1906 *Phacelocyathus flos (De Pouttalb, 1878) 1 *Phyllangia americana americana M. Edwards & Haime, 1849 1 *P. americana mouchezii (Lacaze-Duthiers, 1897) *Phyllangia consagensis (Durham & Barnard, 1952) *Phyllangia dispersa Verrill, 1864 *Phyllangia echinosepes Ogawa, Takahashi & Sakai, 1997 *Phyllangia granulata Koch, 1886 *Phyllangia hayamaensis (Eguchi, 1968) *Phyllangia mouchezii (Lacaze-Duthiers, 1897) 'Phyllangia papuensis Studer, 1878 Physogyra exerta Nemenzo & Ferraris, 1982 Physogyra lichtensteini (M. Edwards & Haime, 185 1) Plerogyra eyrysepta Nemenzo, 1960 Plerogyra simplex Rehberg, 1892 Plerogyra sinuosa (Dana, 1846) Plerogyra turbida (Hodgson & Ross, 1981) *Polycyathus andamanicus Alcock, 1893 *Polycyathus atlanticus Duncan, 1876 *Polycyathus difficilis Duncan, 1876 *Polycyathus fulvus Wijsman-Best, 1970 *Polycyathus furanaensis Verheij & Best, 1987 *Polycyathus fuscomarginatus (Klunzinger, 1879) *Polycyathus hodgsoni Verheij & Best, 1987 *Polycyatbus hondaensis (Durham & Barnard, 1952) *Polycyathus isabela Wells, 1982 *Polycyathus marigondoni Verheij & Best, 1987 *Polycyathus mnellerae (Abel, 1959) *Polycyathus norfolkensis Cairns, 1995 *Polycyathus octuplns Cairns, 1999 *Polycyathus palifera (Verrill, 1869) *Polycyathus persicus (Duncan, 1876) *Polycyathus senegalensis Chevalier, 1966 1 *Polycyathus verrilli Duncan, 1889 3 3 4 4 5 3 3 4 4 5 4 4 3 4 2 3 4 5 3 3 2 5 5 4 2 4 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 3 4 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 4 2 4 4 3 3 2 3 *Pourtalosmilia anthopliyllites (Ellis & Solander, 1786) *Pourtalosmilia conferta Cairns, 1978 *Premocyathus cornufomis (De Pourtaks, 1868) *Premocyathus dentiformis (Alcock, 1902) *Rhizosmilia gerdae Cairns, 1978 *Rhizosmilia data Cairns & Zibrowius, 1997 *Rhizosmilia maculata (De Pourtales, 1874) *Rhizosmilia multipaliferus Cairns, 1998 *Rhizosmilia robusta Cairns in Cairns & Keller, 1993 *Rhizosmilia sagamiensis (Eguchi, 1968) *Solenosmilia variabilis Duncan, 1873 *Stephanocyathus campaniformis (Marenzeller, 1904) *Stephanocyathus coronatus (De Pourtalb, 1867) *Stephanocyathus crassus (Jourdan, 1895) *Stephanocyatlius diadema (Moseley, 1876) *Stephanocyathus explanans (Marenzeller, 1904) *Steplianocyathus laevifundus Cairns, 1977 *Stephanocyathus moseleyanus (Sclater, 1886) *Stephanocyathus nobilis (Moseley, 1873) *Stephanocyathus paliferus Cairns, 1977 *Stephanocyathus platypus (Moseley, 1876) *Stephanocyathus regius Cairns & Zibrowius, 1997 *Stephanocyathus spiniger (Marenzeller, 1888) *Stephanocyathus weberianus Alcock, 1902 *Sympodangia albatrossi Cairns & Zibrowius, 1997 *Tethocyathus cylindraceus (De Pourtales, 1868) *Tetliocyathus minor (Gardiner, 1899) *Tethocyathus recurvatus (De Pourtales, 1878) *Tethocyathus variabilis Cairns, 1979 'Tethocyathus virgatus (Alcock, 1902) *Thalamophyllia gasti (Doderlein, 1913) *Thalamophyllia gombcrgi Cairns, 1979 *Thalamophyllia riisei (Duchassaing & Miclielotti, 1864) *Thalamophyllia tenuescens (Gardiner, 1899) *Trochocyathus aithoseptatus Cail-ns, 1984 *Trochocyathus apertus Cairns & Zibrowius, 1997 *Trochocyatlius brevispina Cairns & Zibrowius, 1997 *Trocliocyathus burchae (Cairns, 1984) *Trochocyathus caryophylloides Alcock, 1902 *Trochocyathus cepulla Cairns, 1995 *Trochocyathus cinticulatus (Alcock, 1898) *Trochocyathus cooperi (Gardiner, 1905) *Trochocyatlius decamera Cairns, 1994 *Trochocyatlius discus Cairns & Zibrowius, 1997 *Trochocyathus efateensis Cairns, 1999 *Trochocyatlius faciatus Cairns, 1979 *Trochocyathus fossulus Cairns, 1979 *Trochocyathus gardineri (Vaughan, 1907) *Trochocyathus gordoni Cairns, 1995 *Trochocyathus liastatus Bourne, 1903 *Trochocyathus japonicus Eguchi, 1968 *Trochocyathus longispina Caims & Zibrowius, 1997 *Trochocyathus maculatus Cairns, 1995 *Trochocyathus mauiensis Vaughan, 1907 *Trochocyathus mediterraneus Zibrowius, 1980 *Trochocyathus oahensis Vaughan, 1907 *Trochocyathus patelliformis Cairns, 1999 *Trochocyathus philippinensis Semper, 1872 *Trochocyathus poiphyreus (Alcock, 1893) *Trochocyathus rawsouii De Pourtales, 1874 *Trochocyathus rhombocolumna Alcock, 1902 *Trochocyathus semperi Cairns & Zibmwius, 1997 *Trochocyathus spinosocostatus Zibrowius, 1980 *Trochocyathus vasiformis Bourne, 1903 *Vaughanella concinna Gravier, 1915 *Vaughanella margaritata (Jourdan, 1895) *Vaughanella multipalifera Cairns, 1995 *Vaughanella oreophila Keller, 1981 Dendrophylliidae *Astroides calycularis (Pallas, 1766) *Balanophyllia bairdiana M. Edwards & Haiine, 1848 *Balanophyllia bayeri Cairns, 1979 *Balanophyllia bonaespei van der Horst, 1938 *Balanophyllia buccina Tenison-Woods, 1878 *Balanophyllia capensis Verrill, 1865 *Balanophyllia caribbeana Cairns, 1977 *Balanophyllia carinata (Semper, 1872) *Balanophyllia cedrosensis Durham, 1947 *Balanophyllia cellulosa Duncan, 1873 'Balanophyllia chnous Squires, 1962 *Balanophyllia comiculans Alcock, 1902 *Balanophyllia cornu Moseley, I881 *Balanophyllia crassiseptuin Cairns & Zibrowius, 1997 *Balanophyllia crassitheca Cairns, 1995 *Balanophyllia cumingii M. Edwards & H a h e , 1848 *Balanophyllia cyathoides (De Pourtaks, 1871) *Balanophyllia dentata Tenison-Woods, 1879 *Balanophyllia desmophyllioides Vaughan, 1907 *Balanophyllia diademata van der Horst, 1927 *Balanophyllia diffusa Harrison & Poole, 1909 *Balanophyllia dineta Cairns, 1977 *Balanophyllia diomedeae Vaughan, 1907 *Balanophyllia dubia (Semper, 1872) *Balanophyllia elegans Verrill, 1864 *Balanophyllia elliptica (Tenison-Woods, 1878) *Balanophyllia elongata (Moseley, 1881) * Balanophyllia europaea (Risso, 1826) *Balanophyllia floridana De Pouitales, 1868 *Balanophyllia galapagensis Vaughan, 1907 *Balanophyllia gemma (Moseley, 1881) *Balanophyllia gemmifera Klunzinger, 1879 1 1 I 1 *Balanophyllia generatrix Cairns & Zibrowius, 1997 *Balanophyllia gigas Moseley, 1881 *Balanophyllia hadros Cairns, 1979 *Balanophyllia imperialis Kent, 1871 *Balanophyllia iwayamaensis Abe, 1938 *Balanophyllia laysanensis Vaughan, 1907 *Balanophyllia malouiensis Squires, 1961 *Balanophyllia palifera De Pourtales, 1878 *Balanophyllia parallels (Semper, 1872) *Balanophyllia parvula Moseley, 1881 *Balanophyllia pittieri Vaughan, 1919 *Balanophyllia ponderosa van der Horst, 1926 *Balanophyllia profundicella Gardiner, 1899 *Balanophyllia rediviva Moseley, I88 l *Balanophyllia regalis Alcock, 1893 *Balanophyllia regia Gosse, 1860 *Balanophyllia scabra Alcock, 1893 *Balanophyllia serrata Cairns & Zibrowius, 1997 *Balanophyllia stimpsonii Verrill, 1865 *Balanophyllia tenuis van der Horst, 1922 *Balanophyllia teres Cairns, 1994 *Balanophyllia thalassae Zibrowius, 1980 *Balanophyllia troprobanae Bourne, 1905 *Balanophyllia wellsi Cairns, 1977 *Balanophyllia yongei Crossland, 1952 *Bathypsammia falloscoialis Squires, 1959 *Bathypsammia tintinnabulum (De Pourtales, 1868) *Cladopsammia echinata Cairns, 1984 *Cladopsammia eguchii (Wells, 1982) *Cladopsammia gracilis (M. Edwards & Haime, 1848) *Cladopsammia manuelensis (Chevalier, 1966) *Cladopsammia rolandi Lacaze-Duthiers, 1897 *Cladopsammia willeyi (Gardiner, 1900) *Dendmphyllia aculeata Latypov, 1990 *Dendrophyllia alcocki (Wells, 1954) *Dendrophyllia alternata De Pourtalk, I880 *Dendrophyllia arbuscula van der Horst, 1922 *Dendrophyllia boschmai boschmai van der Horst, 1926 *D. boschmai cyathelioides Yabe & Eguchi, 1965 *Dendrophyllia californica Durham, 1947 *Dendrophyllia cladonia van der Horst, 1927 *Dendrophyllia cornigera (Lamarck, 1816) *Dendrophyllia cribrosa M. Edwards & Haime, 185 1 *Dendrophyllia dilatata van der Horst, 1927 *Dendrophyllia florulenta Alcock, 1902 *Dendrophyllia ijimai Yabe & Eguchi, 1934 *Dendrophyllia incisa (Crossland, 1952) *Dendrophyllia indica Pillai, 1967 *Dendrophyllia johnsoni Cairns, 1991 *Dendrophyllia laboreli Zibrowius & Brito, 1984 *Dendrophyllia minuscula Bourne, 1905 3 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 2 3 1 4 I 1 4 4 4 1 5 2 2 3 I 5 4 4 4 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 3 2 4 ? 3 3 3 2 3 4 4 4 Montastraea valenciennesi (M. Edwards & Haime, 1848) Moseleya latistellata Quelch, 1884 Oulastrea crispata (Lamarck, 18 16) Oulophyllia bennettae (Veron, Pichon & Best, 1977) Oulophyllia crispa (Lamarck, 1816) Parasimplastrea simplicitexta (Umbgrove, 1939) Platygyra contorta Veron, 1990 Platygyra crosslandi (Matthai, 1928) Platygyra daedalea (Ellis & Solander, 1786) Platygyra lamellina (Ehrenberg, 1834) Platygyra pini Chevalier, 1975 Platygyra ryukyuensis Yabe & Sugiyama, 1935 Platygyra sinensis (M. Edwards & Haime, 1849) Platygyra verweyi Wijsman-Best, 1976 Platygyra yaeyamaensis (Eguchi & Shirai, 1977) Plesiastrea versipora (Lamarck, 18 16) Solenastrea bournoni M. Edwards & Haime, 1850 Solenastrea hyades (Dana, 1846) Flabellidae *Blastotrochus nutrix M. Edwards & Haime, 1848 *Falcatoflahellum rauolensis Cairns, 1995 *Flabellurn alabastrum Moseley, 1876 *Flabellurn angulare Moseley, 1876 *Flabellurn angustum Yabe & Eguchi, 1942 *Flabellurn aotearoa Squires, 1964 *Flabellurn apertum apertum Moseley, 1876 *F. apertum borealis Cairns, 1994 *Flabellurn arcuatile Cairns, 1999 *Flabellurn areum Cairns, 1982 *Flabellurn atlanticum Cairns, 1979 *Flabellurn australe Moseley, 1881 *Flabellurn campanulatum Holdsworth, 1862 *Flabellurn chunii Marenzeller, 1904 *Flabellurn conuis Moseley, 1881 *Flabellurn curvatum Moseley, 1881 *Flabellurn daphnense Durham & Barnard, 1952 *Flabellurn deludens Marenzeller, 1904 *Flabellurn flexuosum Cairns, 1982 *Flabellurn floridanum Cairns, 1991 *Flabellurn folkesoni Cairns, 1998 *Flabellurn galapagense M. Edwards & Haime, 1848 *Flabellurn gardineri Cairns, 1982 *Flabellurn hoffmeisteri Cairns & Parker, 1992 *Flabellurn impensum Squires, 1962 *Flabellurn japonicum Moseley, 1881 *Flabellurn knoxi Ralph & Squires, 1962 *Flabellurn lamellulosum Alcock, 1902 *Flabellurn lowekeyesi Squires & Ralph, 1965 *Flabellurn macandrewi Gray, 1849 *Flabellurn magnificum Marenzeller, 1904 *Flabellurn marcus Keller, 1974 *Flabellurn n~arenzelleriCairns, 1989 *Flabellum rnessurn Alcock, 1902 *Flabellurn moseleyi De Pourtalks, 1880 *Flabellurn ongulense Eguchi, 1965 'Flabellurn patens Moseley, 1881 *Flabellurn pavoninum Lesson, 183 1 *Flabellurn politum Cairns, 1989 *Flabellum sexcostatum Cairns, 1989 *Flabellurn sibogae Gardiner, 1904 *Flabellurn thouarsii M. Edwards & Haime, 1848 *Flabellurn transversale transversale Moseley, 1881 *F. transversale conicum Yabe & Eguchi, 1942 *F. transversale triangulare Eguchi, 1965 *Flabellurn tuthilli Moffmeister, 1933 *Flabellurn vaughani Cairns, 1984 *Javania antarctica (Gravier, 1914) *Javania borealis Cairns, 1994 *Javania cailleti (Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864) *Javania californica Cairns, 1994 *Javania exserta Cairns, 1999 *Javania fusca (Vaughan, 1907) *Javania insignis Duncan, 1876 *Javania lamprotichum Moseley, 1880 *Javania pseudoalabastra Zibrowius, 1974 *Monomyces pygmaea (Risso, 1826) *Monomyces rubrum (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833) *Placotrochides frustum Cairns, 1979 *Placotrochides scaphula Alcock, 1902 *Placotrochus laevis M. Edwards & Haime, 1846 *Placotrochus pedicellatus Tenison-Woods, 1879 *Polymyces fragilis (De Pourtal&s,1868) *Polymyces montereyensis (Durham, 1947) *Polymyces wellsi Cairns, 1991 *Rhizotrochus flabelliformis Cairns, 1989 *Rhizotrochus levidensis Gardiner, 1899 *Rhizotrochus niinoi Yabe & Eguchi, 1942 *Rhizotrochus tuberculatus (Tenison-Woods. 1879) *Rhizotrochus typus M. Edwards & Haime, 1848 *Truncatoflabellum aculeatum (M. Edwards & Haime, 1848) *Truncatoflabellum angiostomum (Folkeson, 1919) *Truncatoflabellum angustum Cairns & Zibrowius, 1997 *Truncatoflabellum arcuatum Cairns, 1995 *Truncatoflabellum australiensis Cairns, 1998 *Truncatoflabellum candeanum (M. Edwards & Haime, 1848) *Truncatoflabellurn carinatum Cairns, 1989 *Truncatoflabellum crassum (M. Edwards & Haime, 1848) *Truncatoflabellum cumingii (M. Edwards & Haime, 1848) *Truncatoflabellum dens (Alcock, 1902) *Truncatoflabellum formosum Cairns, 1989 *Truncatoflabellum gardineri Cairns in Cairns & Keller, 1993 *Temnotrochus kermadecensis Cairns, 1995 *T~ncatoguyniairregularis Cairns, 1989 Meandrinidae Ctenella chagius Matthai, 1928 Dendrogyra cylindricus Ehrenberg, 1834 Dichocoenia stellaris M. Edwards & Haime, 1848 Dichocoenia stokesi M. Edwards & Haime, 1848 Meandrina meandrites (Linnaeus, 1758) Merulinidae Boninastrea boninensis Yabe & Sugiyama, 1935 Hydnophora bonsai Veron, 1990 1-Iydnophora exesa (Pallas, 1766) Hydnophora grandis Gardiner, 1906 Hydnophora microconos (Lamarck, 18 16) Hydnophora pilosa Veron, 1985 Hydnophora rigida (Dana, 1846) Merulina ampliata (Ellis & Solander, 1786) Merulina scabricula Dana, 1846 Merulina scheeri Head, 1983 Paraclavarina triangularis (Veron, Pichon & Best, 1977) Scapophyllia cylindrica (M. Edwards & Haime, 1848) Micrabaciidae *Leptopenus antarcticus Cairns, 1989 *Leptopenus discus Moseley, 1881 *Leptopenus hypocoelus Moseley, 1881 *Leptopenus solidus Keller, 1977 'Letepsammia formosissima (Moseley, 1876) *Letepsammia fissilis Cairns, 1995 *Letepsammia franki Owens, 1994 *Letepsammia superstes (Ortmann, 1888) *Rhombopsammia niphada Owens, 1986 *Rhombopsammia squiresi Owens, 1986 *Stephanophyllia complicata Moseley, 1876 *Stephanophyllia fungulus Alcock, 1902 *Stephanophyllia neglecta Boschma, 1923 Mussidae Acanthastrea amakusensis Veron, 1990 Acanthastrea bowerbanki M. Edwards & Haime, 1857 Acanthastrea hemprichii (Ehrenberg, 1834) Acanthastrea echinata (Dana, 1846) Acanthastrea hillae Wells, 1955 Acanthastrea ishigakiensis Veron, 1990 Acanthastrea lordhowensis Veron & Pichon, 1982 Acanthastrea maxima Sheppard & Salm, 1988 Acanthastrea minuta Moll & Best, 1984 Acanthastrea rotundaflora Chevalier, 1975 Acanthophyllia deshayensiana (Michelin, 1850) Australomussa rowleyensis Veron, 1985 Blastomussa merleti (Wells, 1961) Blastomussa wellsi Wijsman-Best, 1973 Cynarina lacrymalis (M. Edwards & Haime, 1848) lndophyllia macassarensis Best & Hoeksema, 1987 lsophyllastrea rigida (Dana, 1846) Isophyllia sinuosa (Ellis & Solander, 1786) Lobophyllia corymbosa (ForskAl, 1775) Lobophyllia costata (Dana, 1846) Lobophyllia diminuta Veron, 1985 Lobophyllia hataii Yabe, Sugiyama & Eguchi, 1936 Lobophyllia hemprichii (Ehrenberg, 1834) Lobophyllia pachysepta Chevalier, 1975 Lobophyllia robusta Yabe, Sugiyama & Eguchi, 193 Mussa angulosa (Pallas, 1766) Mussismilia braziliensis (Verrill, 1868) Mussismilia harttii (Verrill, 1868) Mussismilia hispida (Verrill, 1901) Mycetophyllia aliciae Wells, 1973 Mycetophyllia daniana M. Edwards & Haime, 1849 Mycetophyllia ferox Wells, 1973 Mycetophyllia lamarckiana M.Edwards &Haime, 1848 Mycetophyllia reesi Wells, 1973 Scolymia australis (M. Edwards & Haime, 1849) Scolymia cubensis M. Edwards & Haime, 1849 Scolymia lacera (Pallas, 1766) Scolymia vitiensis Brueggemann, 1877 Scolymia wellsii Laborel, 1967 Symphyllia agaricia M. Edwards & Haime, 1849 Symphyllia erythraea (Klunzinger, 1879) Symphyllia hassi Pillai & Scheer, 1976 Symphyllia radians M. Edwards & Haime, 1849 Symphyllia recta (Dana, 1846) Symphyllia valenciennesii M. Edwards & Haime, 1849 Symphyllia wilsoni Veron, 1985 Ocufinidae Acrhelia horrescens (Dana, 1846) *Archohelia rediviva Wells & Alderslade, 1979 *Bathelia candida Moseley, 1881 *Cyathelia axillaris (Ellis & Solander, 1786) Galaxea aka Nemenzo, 1980 Galaxea astreata (Lamarck, 1816) Galaxea fascicularis (Linnaeus, 1767) Galaxea paucisepta Claereboudt, 1990 *Madrepora arbuscula (Moseley, 1881) *Madrepora carolina (De Pourtalb, 1871) *Madrepora kauaiensis Vaughan, 1907 *Madrepora minutiseptum Cairns & Zibrowius, 1997 *Madrepora oculata Linnaeus, 1758 *Madrepora porcellana Moseley, 1881 Oculina arbuscula L. Agassiz, 1864 +Oculina diffusa Lamarck, 1816 Oculina patagonica De Angelis, 1908 *Oculina profunda Caims, 1991 Oculina robusta De Pourtaks, 1871 +Oculina tenella De Pourtales, 1871 Oculina valenciennesi M. Edwards & Haime, 1850 +Oculina varicosa Lesueur, 1821 *Oculina virgosa Squires, 1958 Schizoculina fissipara (M. Edwards & Haime, 1850) *Sclerhelia hirtella (Pallas, 1766) Simplastrea vesicularis Umbgrove, 1940 Pectiniidae Echinophyllia aspera (Ellis & Solander, 1786) Echinophyllia echinata (Saville-Kent, 1871) Echinophyllia echinoporoides Veron & Pichon, 1979 Echinophyllia maxima Moll & Best, 1984 Echinophyllia nishihirai Veron, 1990 Echinophyllia orpheeusis Veron & Pichon, 1979 Echinophyllia patula (Hodgson & Ross, 1981) Echinophyllia tosaeusis Yabe & Eguchi, 1935 Mycedium elephantotus (Pallas, 1766) Mycedium robokaki Moll & Best, 1984 Oxypora crassispinosa Nemenzo, 1980 Oxypora glabra Nemenzo, 1959 Oxypora lacera (Verrill, 1864) Pectinia alcicomis (Saville-Kent, 1871) Pectinia elongata Rehberg, 1892 Pectinia lactuca (Pallas, 1766) Pectinia paeonia (Dana, 1846) Pectinia teres Nemenzo, 1981 Physophyllia ayleni (Wells, 1934) Pocilloporidae *Madrack asanoi Yabe & Sugiyama, 1936 +Madrack asperula M. Edwards & Haime, 1849 *Madrack brueggemanni (Ridley, 188 1) Madracis decactis (Lyman, 1859) Madracis fomosa Wells, 1973 *Madrack hellana M. Edwards & Haime, 1850 *Madrack interjects Marenzeller, 1907 *Madrack kauaiensis Vaughan, 1907 Madracis kirbyi Veron & Pichon, 1976 Madracis mirabilis sensu Wells, 1973 *Madrack myriaster (M. Edwards & Haime, 1849) +Madrack pharensis (Heller, 1868) 'Madrack profunda Zibrowius, 1980 Madracis senaria Wells, 1974 *Madrack singularis Rehberg, 1892 Palauastrea ramosa Yabe & Sugiyama, 1941 Pocillopora capitata Verrill, 1864 Pocillopora damicomis (Linnaeus, 1758) Pocillopora elegans Dana, 1846 Pocillopora eydouxi M. Edwards & Haime, 1860 Pocillopora meandrina Dana, 1846 Pocillopora vesrucosa (Ellis & Solander, 1786) Pocillopora woodjonesi Vaughao, 1918 Seriatopora caliendrum Ehrenberg, 1834 Seriatopora hystrix Dana, 1846 Stylophora kuehlmanni Scheer & Pillai, 1983 Stylophora mamillata Scheer & Pillai, 1983 Stylophora mordax (Dana, 1846) Stylophora pistillata (Esper, 1797) Stylophora wellsi Scheer, 1964 Poritidae Alveopora allingi Hoffmeister, 1925 Alveopora catalai Wells, 1968 Alveopora excelsa Vesrill, 1864 Alveopora fenestrata (Lamarck, 18 16) Alveopora gigas Veron, 1985 Alveopora japonica Eguchi, 1968 Alveopora marionensis Veron & Pichon, 1982 Alveopora ocellata Wells, 1954 Alveopora spongiosa Dana, 1846 Alveopora tizardi Bassett-Smith, 1890 Alveopora vesrilliana Dana, 1872 Alveopora viridis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833) Goniopora burgosi Nemenzo, 1955 Goniopora cellulosa Veron, 1990 Goniopora columna Dana, 1846 Goniopora djiboutiensis Vaughan, 1907 Goniopora eclipsensis Veron & Pichon, 1982 Goniopora fruticosa Saville-Kent, 1891 Goniopora lobata M. Edwards & Haime, 1860 Goniopora minor Crossland, 1952 Goniopora norfolkensis Veron & Pichon, 1982 Goniopora palmensis Veron & Pichon, 1982 Goniopora pandoraensis Veron & Pichon, 1982 Goniopora pendulus Veron, 1985 Goniopora planulata (Ehrenberg, 1834) Goniopora polyformis Zou, 1980 Goniopora savignyi Dana, 1846 Goniopora somaliensis Vaughan, 1907 Goniopora stokesi M. Edwards & Haime, 1851 Goniopora stutchburyi Wells, 1955 Goniopora tenella (Quelch, 1886) Goniopora tenuidens Quelch, 1886 Porites annae Crossland, 1952 Porites aranetai Nemenzo, 1955 Porites astreoides Lamarck, 18 16 Porites attenuata Nemenzo, 1955 Porites australiensi5 Vaughan, 1918 Porites baueri Squires, 1959 Porites branneri Rathbun, 1888 Porites colonensis Zlatarski, 1990 Porites compressa Dana, 1846 Porites cumulatus Nemenzo, 1955 Porites cylindrica Dana, 1846 Porites deformis Nemenzo, 1955 Porites densa Vaughan, 1918 Porites echinulata Klunzinger, 1879 Porites eridani Umbgrove, 1940 Porites evermanni Vaughau, 1907 Porites furcata Lamarck, 18 16 Porites gabonensis Gravier, 191 1 Porites heronensis Veron, 1985 Porites horizontalata Hoffmeister, 1925 Porites iwayamaensis Eguchi, 1938 Porites latistella Quelch, 1884 Porites lichen Dana, 1846 Porites lobata Dana, 1846 Porites lutea M. Edwards & Haime, 1860 Porites mayeri Vaughan, 1918 Porites myrmidonensis Veron, 1985 Porites negrosensis Veron, 1990 Porites nigrescens Dana, 1846 Porites nodifera Klunzinger, 1879 Porites okinawensis Veron, 1990 Porites panamensis Verrill, 1866 Porites porites (Pallas, 1766) Porites rus (ForskBI, 1775) Porites sillimaniani Nemenzo, 1976 Porites solida (Forskal, 1775) Porites somaliensis Gravier, 1910 Porites stephensoni Crossland, 1952 Porites sverdmpi Durham, 1947 Porites undulata (Klunzinger, 1879) Porites vaughani Crossland, 1952 Stylaraea punctata (Linnaeus, 1758) Rhizangiidae *Astrangia atrata (Dennant, 1906) *Astrangia browni Palmer, 1928 *Astrangia californica Durham & Barnard, 1952 *Astrangia conferta Verrill, 1870 *Astrangia costata Verrill, 1866 *Astrangia dentata Verrill, 1866 *Astrangia eqnatorialis Durham & Barnard, 1952 'Astrangia haimei Verrill, 1866 *Astrangia howardi Durham & Barnard, 1952 'Astrangia macrodentata Theil, 1940 *Astrangia mercatoris Theil, 1941 +Astrangia poculata (Ellis & Solander, 1786) *Astrangia rathbuni Vaughan, 1906 *Astrangia solitaria (Lesueur, 1817) *Astrangia woodsi Wells, 1955 *Cladangia exusta Liitken, 1873 *Cladangia gemmans Chevalier, 1966 *Culicia australiensis Hoffmeister, 1933 *Culicia cuticulata Klunzinger, 1879 'Culicia excavata M. Edwards & Haime, 1849 *Culicia fragilis Chevalier, 1971 *Culicia hoffmeisteri Squires, 1966 *Culicia quinaria Tenison-Woods, 1878 *Culicia rubeola (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833) *Culicia smithii (M. Edwards & Haime, 1849) *Culicia stellata Dana, 1848 *Culicia subaustraliensis OgawqTakahashi & Sakai, 1997 *Culicia tenella tenella Dana, 1848 *C, tenella natalensis (Duncan, 1876) *Culicia tenuisepes Ogawa, Takahashi & Sakai, 1997 *Culicia verreauxi M. Edwards & Haime, I850 *Oulangia bradleyi Verrill, 1866 *Oulangia cyathiformis Chevalier, 1971 *Oulangia stokesiana stokesiana M. Edwards & Haime, 1848 *O. stokesiana miltoni Yabe & Eguchi, 1932 Siderastreidae Anomastrea irregularis Marenzeller, 1901 Coscinaraea columna (Dana, 1846) Coscinaraea crassa Veron & Pichon, 1980 Coscinaraea exaesa (Dana, 1846) Coscinaraea fossata (Dana, 1846) Coscinaraea hazimanensis Yabe & Sugiyama, 1936 Coscinaraea marshae Wells, 1962 Coscinaraea mcneilli Wells, 1962 Coscinaraea monile (Forskil, 1775) Coscinaraea wellsi Veron & Pichon, 1980 Horastrea indica Pichon, 1971 Psammocora brighami Vaughan, 1907 Psammocora contigua (Esper, 1797) Psammocora digitata M. Edwards & Haime, 1851 Psammocora explanulata Van der Horst, 1922 Psammocora haimeana M. Edwards & Haime, 1851 Psammocora nierstraszi Van der Horst, 1921 Psammocora obtusangula (Lamarck, 1816 ) Psammocora profundacella Gardiner, 1898 Psammocora stellata Verrill, 1866 Psammocora superficialis Gardiner, 1898 Psammocora vaughani Yabe & Sugiyama, 1936 Pseudosiderastrea tayamai Yabe & Sugiyama, 1935 Siderastrea glynni Budd & G u m a n , 1994 Siderastrea radians (Pallas, 1766) Siderastrea savignyana M. Edwards & Haime, 1850 Siderastrea siderea (Ellis & Solander, 1786) Trachyphylliidae Trachyphyllia geoffroyi (Audouin,1826) Turbinoliidae *Alatotrochus rubescens (Moseley, 1876) *Australocyathus vincentinus (Dennant, 1904) *Conocyathus gracilis Cairns, 1998 *Conocyathus zelandiae Duncan, 1876 *Cryptotrochus brevipalus Cairns, 1999 'Cryptotrochus carolinensis Cairns, 1988 *Cryptotrochus javanus Cairns, 1988 *Cyathotrochus herdmani Bourne, 1905 *Cyathotrochus nascornatus Gardiner & Waugh, 1938 *Cyathotrochus pileus (Alcock, 1902) *Deltocyathoides orientalis (Duncan, 1876) *Deltocyathoides stimpsonii (De Pourtales, 1871) *Dunocyathus parasiticus Tenison-Woods, 1878 *Endocyathopora laticostata Cairns, 1989 *Foveolocyathus alternans (Cairns & Parker, 1992) *Foveolocyathus verconis Dennant, 1904 *Holcotrochus crenulatus Dennant, 1904 *Holcotrochus scriptus Dennant, 1902 *Idiotrochus emarciatus Duncan, 1865 *Idiotrochus kikutii (Yabe & Eguchi, 1941) *Kionotrochus suteri Dennant, 1906 *Notocyathus conicus (Alcock, 1902) *Notocyathus venustus (Alcock, 1902) *Peponocyathus dawsoni Cairns, 1995 *Peponocyathus folliculus (De Pourtales, 1868) *Peponocyathus minimus (Yabe & Eguchi, 1937) *Platytrochus compressus (Tenison-Woods, 1878) *Platytrochus hastatus Dennant, 1902 *Platytrochus laevigatus Cairns & Parker, 1992 *Platytrochus parisepta Cairns & Parker, 1992 *Pleoaochus venustus (Alcock, 1902) *Pleotrochus zibrowii Cairns, 1997 *Pseudocyathoceras avis (Durham & Barnard, 1952) *Sphenotrochus andrewianus M. Edwards & Haime, 1848 *Sphenotrochus aurantiacus Marenzeller, 1904 *Sohenotrochus auritus De Pourtal&. 1874 *Sphenotrochus evexicostatus Cairns in Cairns & Keller, 1993 *Sphenotrochus excavatus Tenison-Woods, 1878 *Sphenotrochus gardineri Squires, 1961 *Sphenotrochus gilchristi Gardiner, 1904 *Sphenotrochus hancocki Durham & Barnard, 1952 *Sphenotrochus imbricaticostatus Cairns in Cairns & Keller, 1993 3 3 3 *Sphenotrochus ralphae Squires, 1964 *Sphenotrochus squiresi Cairns, 1995 *Thrypticotrochus multilobatus Cairns, 1989 *Th~ypticotrochuspetterdi (Dennant, 1906) *Trematotrochus corbicula (De Pourtalis, 1878) *Trematotrochus hedleyi Dennant, 1906 *Tropidocyathus labidus Cairns & Zibrowius, 1997 *Tropidocyathus lessoni (Michelin, 1842) *Turbinolia stephensoni (Wells, 1959) 1 Incertae sedis 'Cylicia inflata De Pourtalb, 1878 Class Hydrozoa Order Capitata Milleporidae Millepora alcicornis Linnaeus, I758 Millepora boschmai De Weerdt & Glynn, 1991 Millepora braziliensis Verrill, 1868 Millepora complanata Lamarck, 1816 Millepora dichotoma (ForskAl, 1775) Millepora exaesa (Forskal, 1775) Millepora foveolata Crossland, 1952 Millepora intricata Edwards, 1857 Millepora latifolia Boschma, 1948 Millepora murrayi Quelch, 1884 Millepora nitida Verrill, 1868 Millepora platyphylla Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1834 Millepora squarrosa Lamarck, 18 16 Millepora striata Duchassaing & Michelotti, I864 Millepora tenera Boschma, 1949 Millepora tuberosa Boschma, 1966 Millepora xishaensis Zou, 1978 1 1 I Order Filifera *Hydractiniidre Hydrocorella africana Stechow, 1921 Janaria mirablis Stechow, 1921 Polyhydra calcarea (Carter, 1877) "Stylasteridae Adelopora crassilabrum Cairns, 1991 Adelopora fragilis Cairns, 1991 Adelopora moseleyi Cairns, 199 1 Adelopora pseudothyron Cairns, 1982 Astya aspidopora Cairns, 1991 Astya subviridis (Moseley, 1879) 2 Calyptopora reticulata Boschma, 1968 Calyptopora sinuosa Cairns, 1991 Cheiloporidion pulvinatum Cairns, 1983 Conopora adeta Cairns, 1987 Conopora anthohelia Cairns, 1991 Conopora candelabrum Cairns, 199 1 Conopora dura Hickson & England, 1909 Conopora gigantea Cairns, 1991 Conopora laevis (Studer, 1878) Conopora tetrastichopora Cairns, 1991 Conopora unifacialis Cairns, 1991 Conopora vemcosa (Studer, 1878) Crypthelia affinis Moseley, 1879 Crypthelia balia Hickson & England, 1905 Crypthelia clausa Broch, 1947 Crypthelia cryptotrema Zibrowius, 1981 Crypthelia curvata Cairns, 1991 Crypthelia cymas Cairns, 1986 Crypthelia dactylopoma Cairns, 1986 Crypthelia eueides Cairns, 1986 Crypthelia floridana Cairns, 1986 Crypthelia formosa Cairns, 1983 Crypthelia fragilis Cairns, 1983 Crypthelia gigantea Fisher, 1938 Crypthelia glebulenta Cairns, 1986 Crypthelia glossopoma Cairns, 1986 Crypthelia insolita Cairns, 1986 Crypthelia japonica (M. Edwards & Haime, 1849) Crypthelia lacunosa Cairns, 1986 Crypthelia medioatlantica Zibrowius & Cairns, 1992 Crypthelia micropoma Cairns, 1985 Crypthelia papillosa Cairns, 1986 Crypthelia peircei De Pourtalds, 1867 Crypthelia platypoma Hickson & England, 1905 Crypthelia polypoma Cairns, 1991 Crypthelia pudica M. Edwards & Haime, 1849 Crypthelia ramosa Hickson & England, 1905 Crypthelia robusta Cairns, 1991 Crypthelia stenopoma Hickson & England, 1905 Crypthelia studeri Cairns, 1991 Crypthelia tenuiseptata Cairns, 1986 Crypthelia trophostega Fisher, 1938 Crypthelia vascomarquesi Zibrowius & Cairns, 1992 Cyclohelia lamellata Cairns, 1991 Distichopora anceps Cairns, 1978 Distichopora anomala Cairns, 1986 Distichopora barbadensis De Pourtalks, 1874 Distichopora borealis borealis Fisher, 1938 D. borealis japonica Broch, 1942 Distichopora cervina De Pourtalc%, 187 1 Distichopora coccinea Gray, 1860 Distichopora contorta De Pourtales, 1878 Distichopora dispar Cairns, 199 1 Distichopora foliacea De Pourtales, 1868 Distichopora gracilis Dana, 1848 Distichopora irregularis Moseley, 1879 Distichopora laevigranulosa Cairns, 1986 Distichopora livida Tenison-Woods, 1879 Distichopora nitida Verrill, 1864 Distichopora profunda Hickson & England, 1909 Distichopora providentiae Hickson & England, 1909) Distichopora rosalindae Cairns, 1986 Distichopora serpens Broch, 1942 Distichopora sulcata De Pourtales, 1867 Distichopora uniserialis Cairns, 1986 Distichopora vervoorti Cairns & Hoeksema, 1999 Distichopora violacea (Pallas, 1766) Distichopora yucatanensis Cairns, 1986 Errina altispina Cairns, 1986 Errina antarctica (Gray, 1872) Errina aspera (Linnaeus, 1767) Errina atlantica Hickson, 1912 Errina bicolor Cairns, 1991 Errina boschmai Cairns, 1983 Errina capensis Hickson, 1912 Errina chathamensis Cairns, 1991 Errina cheilopora Cairns, 1983 Errina cochleata Pourtalb, 1867 Errina cooki Hickson, 1912 Errina cyclopora Cairns, 1983 Errina dabneyi (De Pourtales, 187 1) Errina dendyi Hickson, 1912 Errina fissurata Gray, 1872 Errina gracilis Marenzeller, 1903 Errina hicksoni Cairns, 1991 Errina japonica Eguchi, 1968 Errina kerguelensis Cairns, 1983 Errina laevigata Cairns, 1991 Errina laterorifa Eguchi, 1964 Errina macrogastra Marenzeller, 1904 Errina novaezelandiae Hickson, 1912 Errina porifera Naumov, 1960 Errina reticulata Cairns, 1991 Errina sinuosa Cairns, 1991 Errinopora cestoporina Cairns, 1983 Errinopora latifundata Naumov, 1960 Errinopora nanneca Fisher, 1938 Errinopora pourtalesi (Dall, 1884) Errinopora stylifera (Broch, 1935) Errinopora zarhyncha Fisher, 1938 Errinopsis fenestrata Cairns, 1983 Errinopsis reticulum Broch, 1951 Gyropora africana Boschma, 1960 Inferiolabiata labiata (Moseley, 1879) Inferiolabiata lowei (Cairns, 1983) Inferiolabiata spinosa Cairns, 1991 Lepidopora acrolophos Cairns, 1983 Lepidopora biserialis Cairns, 1986 Lepidopora carinata (De Pourtalb, 1867) Lepidopora clavigera Cairns, 1986 Lepidopora concatenata Cairns, 199 1 Lepidopora clyptocymas Cairns, 1985 Lepidopora decipiens Boschma, 1964 Lepidopora dendrostylus Cairns, 1991 Lepidopora diffusa Boschma, 1963 Lepidopora eburnea (Calvet, 1903) Lepidopora glabra (De PourtalBs, 1867) Lepidopora granulosa Cairns, 1983 Lepidopora microstylus Cairns, 1991 Lepidopora polystichopora Cairns, 1985 Lepidopora sarmentosa (Boschma, 1968) Lepidopora symmetrica Cairns, 1991 Lepidotheca altispina Cairns, 1991 Lepidotheca brochi Cairns, 1986 Lepidotheca cervicornis (Broch, 1942) Lepidotheca chauliostylus Cairns, 1991 Lepidotheca fascicularis (Cairns, 1983) Lepidotheca horrida (Hickson & England, 1905) Lepidotheca inconsuta Cairns, 1991 Lepidotheca macropora Cairns, 1986 Lepidotheca pourtalesi Cairns, 1986 Lepidotheca ramosa (Hickson & England, 1905) Lepidotheca robusta Cairns, 1991 Lepidotheca tenuistylus (Broch, 1942) Paraerrina decipiens Broch, 1942 Phalangopora regularis Kirkpatrick, 1897 Pliobothrus echinatus Cairns, 1986 Pliobothrus fistulosus Cairns, 1991 Pliobothms gracilis Zibrowius & Cairns, 1992 Pliobothrus symmetricus De Pourtalks, 1868 Pliobothrus tubulatus (De PourtalBs, 1867) Pseudoctypthelia pachypoma (Hickson & England, 1905) Sporadopora dichotoma (Moseley, 1877) Sporadopora micropora Cairns, 1991 Sporadopora mortenseni Broch, 1942 Stellapora echinata (Moseley, 1879) Stenohelia concinna Boschma, 1964 Stenohelia conferta Boschma, 1968 Stenohelia echinata Eguchi, 1968 Stenohelia maderensis (Johnson, 1862) Stenohelia pauciseptata Cairns, 1986 Stenohelia profunda Moseley, 1881 Stenohelia tiliata (Hickson & England, 1905) 1 I 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 Stenohelia umbonata (Hickson & England, 1905) Stenohelia yahei (Eguchi, 1941) Stephanohelia praecipua Cairns, 1991 Stylantheca papillosa (Dall, 1884) Stylantheca petrograpta (Fisher, 1938) Stylantheca porphyra Fisher, 193 1 Stylaster alaskanus Fisher, 1938 Stylaster amphiheloides Kent, 1871 Stylaster antillarum Zibrowius & Cairns, 1982 Stylaster asper Kent, 1871 Stylaster aurantiacus Cairns, 1986 Stylaster bellus (Dana, 1848) Stylaster bilobatus Hickson & England, 1905 Stylaster bithalamus Broch, 1936 Stylaster blatteus (Boschma, 196 1) Stylaster bocki Broch, 1936 Stylaster boreopacificus Broch, 1932 Stylaster boschmai (Eguchi, 1965) Stylaster brochi (Fisher, 1938) Stylaster brunneus Boschma, 1970 Stylaster californicus (Verrill, 1866) Stylaster campylecus campylecus (Fisher, 1938) S. campylecus parageus (Fisher, 1938) S. campylecus tylotus (Fisher, 1938) S. campylecus trachystomus (Fisher, 1938) Stylaster cancellatus Fisher, 1938 Stylaster carinatus Broch, 1936 Stylaster cocosensis Cairns, 1991 Stylaster complanatus De Pourtales, 1867 Stylaster corallium Cairns, 1986 Stylaster crassior Broch, 1936 Stylaster densicaulis Moseley, 1879 Stylaster dentatus Broch, 1936 Stylaster divergens Marenzeller, 1904 Stylaster duchassaingi De Pourtaks, 1867 Stylaster eguchii (Boschma, 1966) Stylaster elassotomus Fisher, 1938 Stylaster erubescens erubescens De Pourtalb, 1868 S. erubescens groenlandicus Zibrowius & Cairns, 199 S. erubescens britannicus Zibrowius & Cairns, 1992 S. erubescens meteorensis Zibrowius & Cairns, 1992 Stylaster eximius Kent, 1871 Stylaster filogranus De Ponrtalks, 1871 Stylaster flabelliformis (Lamarck, 1816) Stylaster galapagensis Cairns, 1986 Stylaster gemmascens (Esper, 1794) Stylaster gracilis M. Edwards & Haime, 1850 Stylaster granulosus M. Edwards & Haime, 1850 Stylaster hattorrii (Eguchi, 1968) Stylaster horologium Cairns, 1991 Stylaster ibericus Zibrowius & Cairns, 1992 Stylaster imbricatus Cairns, 1991 Stylaster incompletus (Tenison-Woods, 1883) Stylaster incrassitus (Eguchi, 1941) Stylaster inornatus Cairns, 1986 Stylaster laevigatus Cairns, 1986 Stylaster lonchitis Broch, 1947 Stylaster marenzelleri Cairns, 1986 Stylaster maroccanus Zibrowius & Cairns, 1992 Stylaster marshae Cairns, 1988 Stylaster microstriatus Broch, 1936 Stylaster miniatus (De Pourtalb, 1868) Stylaster moseleyanus (Fisher, 1938) Stylaster multiplex Hickson & England, 1905 Stylaster nobilis (Kent, 1871) Stylaster norvegicus (Gunnerus, 1768) Stylaster papuensis Zibrowius, 1981 Stylaster polymorphus Broch, 1936 Stylaster polyorchis (Fisher, 1938) Stylaster profundus (Moseley, 1879) Stylaster profundiporus Broch, 1936 Stylaster pulcher Quelch, 1884 Stylaster purpuratus (Naumov, 1960) Stylaster ramosus Broch, 1947 Stylaster robustus (Cairns, 1983) Stylaster rosaceus (Greeff, 1886) 1 Stylaster roseus (Pallas, 1766) Stylaster sanguineus Valenciennes in M. Edw. & Haime,1850 Stylaster scabiosus Broch, 1935 Stylaster solidus Broch, 1935 1 Stylaster spatula Cairns, I986 Stylaster stejnegeri (Fisher, 1938) Stylaster stellulatus Stewart, 1878 Stylaster subviolacea (Kent, 1871) Stylaster tenisonwoodsi Cairns, 1988 Stylaster venustus (Verrill, 1870) Stylaster verrillii (Dall, 1884) Systemapora ornata Cairns, 1991 4 Unknown 5 2 2 3