Publications in Romani, useful for Romani language education Preliminary and Experimental Edition. October 2003. Compiled by Peter Bakker and Hristo Kyuchukov Publikacie andi Romani …hib kaj si la…he andar i edukacia pal i Romani …hib Angluni thaj eksperimentalno edicia. Oktobr 2003. Kerde o Peter Bakker thaj o Hristo Kju…ukov Te dikhes vareso kaj nanaj akhate ande lila, vi te dikhes vareso kaj si bila…o, hramosar amen: and Ka keras aver edicija kaj ovel maj la…o ando jivend. Please write to us if you note gaps or errors. An improved edition will be published in the winter The final version will also show pictures of covers and a typical page. For those titles marked with a $ the pictures are available. We are looking for additional images. Publications in Romani, useful for Romani language education Publikacie andi Romani …hib kaj si la…he andar i edukacia pal i Romani …hib Texts, dictionaries, grammars, ABC-books, Cds, records, computergames, internetsites, periodicals - and some museums. Texturea, alavenge lila, gramatike, ABC-durea, kompakt diskurja, khelimata ando komputeri, sajturja ando interneto, urnalurja thaj varesave muzeurja. Preliminary and Experimental Edition. October 2003. Angluni thaj eksperimentalno edicia. Oktobr 2003. This project was coordinated by Peter Bakker and Hristo Kyuchukov. The list was compiled with the help of many others. We would like to mention here the help of Thomas Acton, Juris Cibuls, Dieter Halwachs, Mozes Heinschink, Milena Hübschmanová, Donald Kenrick, Valdemar Kalinin, Selahetin Kruezi, Anne Nielsen, Nikola Rasic, Gheorghe Sarau, Signe Steensig, Romska Biblioteket in Malmö, Romano Centro in Vienna, Danish Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and the people of the Balkan Foundation Diversity in Sofia. Akava projekti sas kerdo katar o Peter Bakker thaj o Hristo Kyuchukov. I lista sas pherdi bute averenca kaj dine vast thaj mangas te phenas kathe lenge anava: o Thomas Acton, Juris Cibuls, Dieter Halwachs, Mozes Heinschink, Milena Hübschmanová, Donald Kenrick, Valdemar Kalinin, Selahetin Kruezi, Anne Nielsen, Nikola Rasic, Gheorghe Sarau, Signe Steensig, Romani Biblioteka ando Malmo, Romano Centro andi Viena, Daniako Instituto pal Manušikane Uce Studie thaj o manuša andar i Balkanikani Fondacia andi Sofia. The project was financed by the Next page Foundation/Open Society Fund in Budapest and the European Cultural Foundation in Amsterdam. Akale projektoske dinjas pes love katar i Fondacia Aver Papir/ Fondacia Putardi Societeta andi Budapesta thaj i Fondacia pal Evropaki Kultura ando Amsterdamo. 3 WHY THIS BOOK? This book presents a lists of publications in Romani. It is intended for teachers and other people working in education. Even though we have tried to provide a complete list as possible, we are very much aware that this work is far from perfect. Still, we are certain that many people will profit from this catalogue. It is certainly the most complete international overview of Romani publications. We therefore urge the readers and users of this book to send corrections, amendments and other remarks to the coordinators. These will be used both for the final printed edition, to be published in the Interface series, and for the website edition, which hopefully will also be updated constantly. The website will probably be hosted or mirrored by the Soros Foundation, the Romani Writers Association, Aarhus University, Graz University, SOSKE AKAVA LIL? Akava lil sikavel jekh lista publikacienca andi Romani …hib.O lil si la…ho le sikljarnenge thaj avere manušenge kaj keren buti andi edukacia. Amen mangljam te keras jekh sasti lista kobor dašti, no but daras kaj akaja buti naj i maj la…hi. Ama sigurno sam kaj akava katalogi kan ovela la…ho bute manušenge. Šaj phenas kaj si o maj pherdo internacianalno katalogi pal o Romane publikacie. Akalake rugisaras e manušen kaj drabaren thaj keren buti akale liliesa te bi…halen amenge pengere korekcie, la…harimata thaj aver dikhimata karing o koordinatorja. Kadala korekcie ka oven thode ande palutni edicia, te šaj kerel pes lenge publikacia ande o serie Interface thaj vi andar i edicia kaj si ando websajto thaj kadaja pakjas kaj kan avela la…hardi savaht, kozom drom trebal. O sajto kan avel andi griña e Soros Fondaciaki, e Romane Ramosarnenge Asociaciaki, o Universitetosko andi Aarhus thaj o Universitetosko andi Graz. 4 Some of the weak point of this edition, which we will hope to avoid in the final edition with the help of the users, are: - missing titles. Please send a copy, or the relevant information. - classification with the wrong dialect - lacking data - incomplete or old information about publishers - incorrect ordering addresses - typographic errors - music Cds in Romani (these are only listed if they have the song texts or the liner notes in Romani). - not all titles have a scanned sample page. In most cases this is because we had no copy at our disposal. Varesave kovle punktja akale ediciake kaj mangas te na oven andi palutni edicia si: Varesave lila naj kate, adaleske rugisaras te bichalen jekh kopia vaj informacia pal kodova - bila…i klasifikacia pal o dialekto - thana kaj naj informacia/ data - bisasti vaj purani informacia pal o kher kaj keren pes o lila - bila…hi adresa kaj mangen pes o lila - ramosarimaske greške/ bila…himata - muzikake kompakt diskurja andi Romani …hib (kadala si samo/ numaj lengere anava thode, kana si tumen lenge Romane texturea vaj lengere note ovela šukar) - na savore lila si ando komputeri, ande maj but kazurja, kadava si soske naj sas amen kopia pal lende. It appeared not always possible to provide scanned samples for each relevant publication. We hope to add more in the near future in the final edition and on the website. Butivar naj šajpen te del pes kopia ando komputeri pal savore importanto publikacie. Pakjas kaj kan ovel amen šansa te tovas po but andi palutni edicia thaj ando sajto. HOW TEACHERS AND EDUCATORS CAN USE THIS CATALOGUE SAR DAŠTI O SIKLEARNE THAJ O EDUKATORJA TE KEREN BUTI KADALE KATALOGOSA? In language classes in the school system, teachers use a variety of printed materials. This catalogue should enable teachers to locate the most suitable printed material available, both for use in class (e.g. ABC books, literary works) and for background readers for teachers (e.g. grammars). The titles are classified by dialect. It appears best for children if the language used in the school is as close as possible to the language used Ande le školako sistemo, ande le …hibjake klase o siklearne keren buti verver printisarde materialenca. Kadava katalogo trebal te del šajpen le siklearnen te arakhen maj la…he materiali kaj si, vi te keren buti pal lende andi klasa (ABC lil, lila pal i literatura, Gramatike). O anava le lilenge si thode pal o dialekto. Si maj la…hes andar o …have kana i …hib so del pes duma andi škola si but paše ke …hib kaj den duma khere. Kana o siklearno janel savo dialekto del pes duma, vov vaj voj šaj te roden les pal o anav le 5 at home. If the teacher knows which dialect is spoken, he or she can look it up by dialect name. However, we have added information which would enable teachers to find material also in more or less closely related dialects. Within the dialect category, we have ordered the titles alphabetically by author. Symbols immediately show the main characteristics of the book, such as the intended readership and the kind of publication (see below). Religious material, however, is listed apart. There is Old Testament and New Testament material for the JudeoChristian tradition, and also some Muslim material and some Hindu texts available in Romani. For many titles we also show a picture of the cover and one or more sample pages from the book, so that readers can verify the dialect, get an impression of the contents, view the alyout and illustrations and take note of the writing system used. With each title (as far as possible) we use symbols that indicate information about the nature and audience of the publication. The meaning of the symbols are explained in many languages on pages ....... ...... If teachers have located suitable material, they are of course free to use it as it is, or to modify it for this specific group. We encourage teachers also to take the linguistic knowledge of the pupils into consideration, and to stimulate discussion about unity and diversity of Romani. Information about the publisher should enable the reader to order the book for use in class, either directly or through a bookstore with experienced international book dialktosko. Amen thodeam informacia kaj kan den šajpen le siklearnen te arakhen materiali ando but maj paše vaj zalaga maj paše dialekto. Ande kategoria le dialektoski thodjam o anava le lilenge pal o alfabeto pal o anav le autorengo/ ramosarnengo. O simbolurja sikaven sigo maj vañne karakteristike le lileske, sar si o mangle drabarne thaj savi publikacia (dikh maj tele). Maretialja pal i religia si thode rigate. Si o Purano Testamento thaj o Nevo Testamento sar materiali andar i Judeo B Hristianurengi tradicia thaj vi varesave musulmanurenge materialea thaj varesave teksturja ande Hindi paruvde andi Romani …hib. Andar but anava lilenge amen sikavas jekh foto katar o lil thaj jekh vaj maj but papira sar ekzemplurja andar o lil, te dašti o drabarne te roden savo dialekti si, te keren peske jekh idea/impresia so si ando lil, te dikhen sar si la…harde andi papirja thaj o ilustracie thaj len samate le ramosarimasko sistemo kaj si. Andar sako anav lilesko amen si amen simbolurja kaj sikaven informacia pal i natura le lileski (savo lil si) thaj i audienca le publikaciaki. So xakearel pes andar o simbolurja phenas ande ma but …hibja. Kana o sikljarne arakhle lache materiali von si slobodo te keren buti lenca sar si vaj te paruven le andar jekh specifiko grupa. Amen zorjaras le siklearnen te len samate o lingvistikane janimata katar o sikljvne thaj te putaren diskusie pal i unifikacia thaj diversifikacia le Romane …hibaki. I informacia pal o kher le publikaciengo trebal te del šajpen le drabarnen te mangen o lil te keren buti pal leste andi klasa, vi direkto vaj andar jekh lilengi bikinlin kaj si len internacianalo thaj butjangle bikinjarne. Amen janas pal amari eksperienca ke si but pharo te arakhes but andar o lila ginde kathe. 6 trackers. We know by experience that it is very difficult to get hold of many of the books listed here. Often they are published by the authors themselves, or by publishing houses that do not have much experience in dealing with orders from abroad. Butivar von si dine avri katar o autorja/ ramosarne or katar o kher le publikaciengo kaj naj len but eksperienca sar te keren buti le menijmatenca andar aver thema. Search tools Thanks to indexes it will also by possible to search by country of publication and by language. If the publication is not monolingual Romani, the other language is given in the index. That may be the language in which a grammar is written, the second language of a bilingual edition, or the target language of a bilingual dictionary. In this way the users can easily get an overview, not only of what has been published in a certain Romani variety, but also of what has been published in or on Romani in a certain country, or in a certain other language. If one looks for a certain kind of material, one can easily skim the book by searching for the appropriate pictures, and we hope that the visual symbols will enable the reader to spot relevant material. Rodimaske instrumenti Pal ol indeksurja si šajpen te roden pal o them e publikaciako thaj pal i …hib. Kana i publikacia naj samo ande Romani …hib, akajaver …hib si dini ando indekso. Kodoja šaj te ovel jekh …hib ande savjate jekh gramatika si xramosardi, i dujto …hib andar i bilingualno edicia vaj i rodini …hib andar jekh bilingualno dikcionaro/ alavengo lil. Ande kava modulo manuša šaj lokes te ovel len jekh dikhipen, na samo pal so sas dino avri ande varesavi Romani …hib, ta vi pal so sas dino avri andi Romani …hib ande varesavo them vaj ande varesavi aver …hib. Kana varekon dikhel pal varesavo materiali, šaj te drabarel sigo o lil rodindos pal i maj la…hi foto thaj amen patjas kaj o vizualo/ dikhimaske simbolurja kan den šajpen le drabarnes te arakhel o materiali kaj mangel les. What dialect do I speak, or the Romani children in my class? For each dialect there is a brief introduction stating the main regions where the dialect is spoken. Of course smaller groups of speakers will be present in other areas as well. Savo dialekto dav duma me vaj o Romane …have ande miri klasa? Andar savore dialekturja si kerdi jekh tikni introdukcia/ anglunipen kaj sikavel o maj vañne thana kaj o dialekto del pes duma. Sigurno, tikne grupe šaj te jiven ande aver thana. Academic research This book may also be useful for academic research project as well, for instance concerning standardisation, literature studies, poetry analysis, Akademikano rodipen Kadava lil šaj te ovel la…ho vi andar o projekturea pal akademikano rodipen, kaj si pal i standardizacia, studie pal i literatura, poeziaki analiza, studie pal i 7 Romani cultural studies, ethnography, sociolinguistics, linguistics, dialectology, ethnomusicology, education, etc. Academic users should be aware that this is not a bibliography. Even though some older works are included, hundreds of titles published before the 1960s (in particular those from the Soviet Union in the 1920s) have not been included. Romani kultura, etnografia, sociolingvistika, lingvistika, dialektologia, etnomusikologia, edukacia thaj aver. Manuša andar i academia trebal te janen kaj kadaja naj bibliografia. Vi kana varesave purane lila si thode, angal o berš 1960, no vi gasave (specialno kodola andar i Sovietikani Unia andar 1920) kaj naj sas thode. Characteristics of contents If we look at the nature of creative writing in Romani, then it is easy to notice that there is much more poetry than original prose. Fiction texts tend to be brief, perhaps the size of a short story. There are only very few novelsize books written in Romani. On the other hand, there are more and more translations into Romani of world literature. We can notice among others Pushkin, Shakespeare, Sophocles, Theokritos, François Villon, Hemingway, Dante. Also some famous children=s literature has been translated, such as some of Astrid Lindgren=s and Saint Exupéry=s Le Petit Prince. There are many books designed for use in school. There are dozens of ABC books, some elementary math books and some school books providing overviews of Romani language and literature. Further there are several anthologies of Romani literature. Karakteristika pal so si ando lil Te dikhasa karing i natura le kreativno ramosarimaski andi Romani …hib, lokes dikhel pes kaj si maj but poezia de sar originalno proza.Texturea pal i fikcia di…hjon te oven xarne, kozom si jekh tikni paramisi. Si numaj varesave lila novelenge ramosarde andi romani …hib. Ande aver rig, si but thaj maj but translacie/ parujmata andi romani …hib andar le lumeaki literatura. Šaj te penas maškar aver xramosarne vi e anava e xramosarnenge sar o Puškin, Šekspir, Sofokles, Theokritos, Francois Villon, Hemingway, Dante. Vi varesavi but jangli …havengi literatura sas paruvdi andi romani …hib, sar lila katar o Astrid Lindgren thaj katar Saint Exupery (AO Tikno Princo@). Si but lila xramosarde te kerel pes buti pal lende andi škola. Si but ABC-durea, varesave elementarno matematike thaj varesave školake lila kaj sikaven i romani …hib thaj literatura. Vi si varesave antologie pal i Romani literatura. Peter Bakker, Aarhus, Denmark Hristo Kyuchukov, Sofia, Bulgaria Hristo Kyuchukov Balkan Foundation Diversity Correspondence address: 8 Peter Bakker Lingvistik Aarhus Universitet Jens Chr.Skous Vej 7 8000 Aarhus C Dania/Danmark Email: Fax: 0045-8942.6570 9 Key to Romani varieties. This key is very basic and contains only references to the main dialects, in particular those that are included in the materials in this book. Here, Romani is divided into four groups, each with a number of branches. Northern. A very diverse set of isolated varieties and branches. Spoken in Western, Southern and Northern Europe and also in the Baltic states, Poland, Belarus and North Russia. The dialects of Poland, the Baltic and North Russia are somewhat more closely related, and sometimes called ANortheastern@. Abruzzi and Calabrese Romani (Italy) Baltic Romani (Baltic states, Belarus) Lotfitko/Latvian Romani Kaalo of Finland (Finland, Sweden) Polska Roma Russian Romani/Xaladytko (Russia, Baltic states) Welsh Romani (extinct) Sinti-Manouche (Germany, France, Austria, Netherlands, Belgium, North Italy, Slovenia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Russia) Central A not so diverse group, split into a northern and a southern branch. North Central East Slovak Romani (Slovakia, Czech Republic) West Slovak Romani South Polish Romani (Poland) Gurvari South Central Romungro (Hungary) Burgenland (Austria) Vend (West Hungary) Prekmurje (North Slovenia) Balkan The Balkan dialects are spoken in Yugoslavia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Albania, Greece, Turkey, Roumania, Bulgaria and Iran. There are three branches: North Balkan, South Balkan I and South Balkan II. North Balkan: Bugurdñi (Kosovo, Albania) Drindari (Bulgaria) Kalajdñi (Bulgaria, Turkey) South Balkan: Arli (Yugoslavia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Greece) Erli Kyrymitika/ Krim Prizren 10 Rumeli (extinct?) Sepecides (Greece, Turkey) Spoitor (Roumania) Ursari (Roumania, South Russia) Xoraxani Vlax The Vlax group is split in two branches, Northern Vlax (Romania, Hungary, and from there all over the world) and Southern Vlax (Yugoslavia, Kosovo, Albania) Northern Vlax Kalderash (Roumania) Lovari (Hungary, South Poland, South Slovakia, Eastern Austria) Cerhari (Hungary) …urari Southern Vlax Ajia Varvara (Athens) Gurbet (Yugoslavia, Kosovo, Bosnia, Macedonia) Dñambazi (Kosovo, Serbia) Italian Xoraxane (Italy) Unclassified Havati/Dolenjski shares traits with Northern, Central and Balkan dialects, and deviates from all. Spoken in Northeast Italy and Slovenia. Mixed dialects The varieties spoken by the Romani-Travellers in England, Norway, Sweden and Spain are intertwined varieties, in which a variable number of Romani words are combined with the grammar of the local language. There are printed publications in the following varieties: Britain (Angloromani) Spain (Calo) Norway (Rommani) Sweden (Rommano) 11 Symbols: THE CATALOGUE WILL BE ACCESSIBLE THROUGH ENGLISH AND ROMANI. IN THE FINAL VERSION SYMBOLS WILL BE USED FOR WHAT ARE NOW KEYWORDS BETWEEN { }. THESE SYMBOLS REFER TO: RELIGION Old Testament: Christian: Muslim: Hindu: NATURE of CONTENTS Roma-related: health: biography: KIND OF LITERATURE Poetry: Prose fiction: Fairy tale: Oral tradition: Song texts: Musical notation: riddle: LANGUAGE TEACHING AND LEARNING ABC book: School book: Grammar: Dictionary: Conversation guide: NATURE OF FORM colour illustrations: photographs: line drawings: drawings: Black & White: AUDIENCE children: adults: academics/scholarly: 12 Dialect: anthology means several dialects in one publication; multidialectal means the same text in several dialects. Bilingual means all text in Romani and some other language. 13 ABRUZZI & CALABRESI ABRUZZI AND CALABRESE ROMANI Abruzzi and Calabrese Romani are two related dialects spoken in Central and Southern Italy. Its speakers have been relatively isolated from other speakers for many centuries. These vatieties may be connected to the Northern group. See also Spinelli & Spinelli (1998) under ANTHOLOGIES. 1. ** Soravia, Giulio. 1978. Schizzo tagmemico del dialetto degli Zingari di Reggio Calabria con vocabulario [Tagmemic sketch of the Gypsies of Reggio Calabria with a vocabulary]. Lacio Drom 14 (2/3): 1-77. <a grammatical sketch of the Calabrese Romani dialect with a vocabulary, published in a special issue of the Italian Journal Lacio Drom> {grammar, academic, Italy, Italian} 2. Spinelli, Santino. 1988. Gilì Romanì. Canto Zingaro [Gypsy Song]. Roma: Lacio Drom. CHK: monograph? Or poem in journal? {songs, poetry} {Italian, Italy} 3. $A2$** Spinelli, Santino. 1993. Romanipè (Ziganità). Raccolta di Poesia Zingara [Romani culture. Choice of Romani poetry]. Chieti: Marino Solfanelli Editore. 86 pp. ISBN 88-7497-5066. <Publ. Address: Marino Solfanelli Editore, C.P. 126, 66100 Chieti, Italy. Tel. Italia #39(0)871.330033> {poetry, adults, bilingual Romani-Italian} {Italy, Italian} 14 ABRUZZI & CALABRESI AJIA VARVARA The variety of Romani spoken in the suburb Ajia Varvara in Athens belongs to the Southern Vlax branch. 4. ** $D$ Igla, Birgit. 1996. Das Romani von Ajia Varvara: Deskriptive und historisch-vergleichende Darstellung eines Zigeunerdialekts. (Osteuropa-Institut an der FU Berlin. (Balkanologische Veröffentlichungen, Bd. 29). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. xi + 313 pp. {grammar, texts, vocabulary, scholarly} {Greece, German, Germany} 5.** Messing, Gordon M. 1987. A Glossary of Greek Romany, As Spoken in Agia Varvara (Athens). Columbus, Ohio: Slavica Publishers. 175 pp. <ordering address: Slavica Publishers, Indiana University, 2611 E. 10th street, 47408-2263, Bloomington, Indiana,47408-26033, USA> {scholarly, dictionary, Romani-English; English-Romani} {USA, Greece, English} 15 ABRUZZI & CALABRESI ALBANIAN ROMANI In Albania several Romani varieties are spoken, belonging to the Southern Balkan branch and Southern Vlax branch. 6. Ion, Ionel & Marianne Costion-Ion. 1997. Aritmetic| în Limba Rromani/ Manual Bilingv, Clasa I. Aritmétika. Clasa I/Jekhto Klàsa [arithmetics in the Romani language. Bilingual manual, First Class]. Târga Mures: Editura Pro Europa. 92 pp. <bilingual Romani Magyar, or RomaniRoumanian> <order from: Fundatia Phoenix, [#40]-094-542282> Colour ill. {children, Arithmetics, school book} {Romanian, Hungarian, Roumania} 7. * Cortiade, Marcel. 1990. Stuart Manns Wörterbuch des albanischen Romanes. Giessen: Tsiganologische Studien I. 43 pp. <Southern Vlax> {dictionary, scholarly} {Albania, Germany, English, German, Albanian} 8. $V$ Cortiade, Marcel. 1989. Gramatika e Gjuhes Rroma [Grammar of the Romani language]. Tiranë: the author. 179 pp. <in Albanian> {grammar} {Albanian, Albania} 16 ANGLOROMANI - POGADI JIB - ROMANICHAL ENGLISH ANGLOROMANI/POGADI JIB/BRITISH ROMANICHAL (see also >mixed=) Angloromani is a mixture of English grammar and Romani words. The published texts, especially the older ones, contain a higher proportion of words than used in everyday speech. 9. Acton, Thomas. 1972. Mo Romano Lil. London: Romanestan Publications. 36 pp. (Gypsy Council School Book) <several editions> <B/W drawings almost each page, bilingual Angloromani-English, children> {children, reading book, B/W drawings} {Britain} 10. ** Acton, Thomas & Donald Kenrick. 1984. Romani Rokkeripen To Divvus. The English Romani Dialect and Its Contemporary Social, Educational and Linguistic Standing. London: Romanestan Publications. {dictionary, texts, adults, children, stories, also scholarly articles} {Britain, English} 11. ** Borrow, George. 1982 [1874]. Romano Lavo-Lil. Word-Book of the Romany or, English Gypsy Language. With specimens of Gypsy Poetry, and an Account of Certain Gypsies or Places Inhabited by them, and of Various Things relating to Gypsy life in England. London: John Murray. 178 pp. <reprinted several times; Reprint 1982. Gloucester: Alan Sutton> <also available on net:> {vocabulary, Romani-English} {Britain, English} 12. Dawson, Robert. 1996. The Vocabulary of the Gypsies and other Traditional Travellers of Derbyshire. Collated and edited by Robert Dawson. 40 pp. <publ. Address; Robert Dawson, 188 Alfreton Road, Blackwell, Alfreton, Derbyshire, DE55 5JH, England, UK> {Romani-English, word list} {Britain, English} 13. $A$ Dawson, Robert. 1998. The Vocabulary of the Gypsies and other Traditional Travellers of Derbyshire. Collated and edited by Robert Dawson. 46 pp. <second edition 1999><publ. Address; Robert Dawson, 188 Alfreton Road, Blackwell, Alfreton, Derbyshire, DE55 5JH, England, UK><Romani-English> {dictionary} {Britain, English} 14. Dawson, Robert. n.y. Word List. <list of 500 words, for easy cut-out>. Published by Robert Dawson. <publ. Address; Robert Dawson, 188 Alfreton Road, Blackwell, Alfreton, Derbyshire, DE55 5JH, England, UK> {words, cards, children} {Britain, English} 17 ANGLOROMANI - POGADI JIB - ROMANICHAL ENGLISH 15. $a$ ** Dawson, Robert & Pauline Duval. 1998. Millennium Romani. Lichfield: Bogey Hole Press. 32 pp. ISBN 0-9529199-1-5. <publisher: 23 Dam Street, Lichfield, WS13 6AE England> <author: Robert Duval, 188 Alfreton Road, Blackwell, Alfreton, Derbyshire, DE55 5JH} {dictionary, B/W illustrations, line drawings} {Britain, English} 16. Duval, Pauline & Robert Dawson. 1998. Counting 1 to 20. English, Romani, German, French. Lichfield: Bogey Hole Press. 32 pp. ISBN 0-95291999-4-x. (publisher: 23 Dam Street, Lichfield, WS13 6AE England; author: Robert Duval, 188 Alfreton Road, Blackwell, Alfreton, Derbyshire, DE55 5JH} {dictionary, children} {Britain, English} 17. $P$ Essex County Council Education. 1995. Traveller Alphabet. Chelmsford: Essex County Council Education. 64 pp. <publisher=s address: Essex County Council Education Department, Information Services, Publications, PO Box 47, Chelmsford CM1 1LD><illustrations by several children> <word list Traveller language - English, English - Traveller language in back> {ABC book, color drawings, children} {Britain, English} 18. Fuhler, Lee. 1996/1997. The Romani Poems. 92 pp. Publisher: Eaglesmont Press. ISBN 0646 3032 79. CHK city. 19. Fuhler, Lee. 1996/1997. Dogstown. 92 pp. Publisher: Eaglesmont Press. ISBN 0646 3032 79. CHK city. {most poems in English, some poems in Angloromani, with glossary> {adults, poetry, no ill.} {Britain, English} 20. Hoadley, Michael. 1999. A Romany Tapestry. Cheveley, Berks: Capel Bann Publishers. 118 pp. <publisher=s address: Capel Bann Publishers, Freshfields, Cheveley, Berks, RG20 8TF, England, UK> {texts, fairy tales} {Britain, English} 21. $A2$ ** Hoadley, Michael. 2000. The Eildon Tree: Romany Language and Lore. Cheveley, Berks: Capel Bann Publishers. 152 pp. ISBN 186163097-2<includes a dictionary pp. 93-120, and proverbs and phrases pp. 121-122> <publisher=s address: Capel Bann Publishers, Freshfields, Cheveley, Berks, RG20 8TF, England, UK> {texts, dictionary} {Britain, English} 22. Kenrick, Donald S. & T. Wilson. 1979. An English Romani word book. London: Romanestan Publications. <this list has been incorporated into Acton & Kenrick (eds.), item 10 CHK> 18 ANGLOROMANI - POGADI JIB - ROMANICHAL ENGLISH {dictionary} {Britain, English} 23. Lavengro [= Edward Ayres]. 1973. The Gypsy. Poems and Ballads. 96 pp. <poetry, most in English, some in Angloromani> {poetry, ill. B/W & colour; Romani content} {Britain, English} 24. Odley, Tom. 2002. Romani lav gilya : an anthology of Romani poetry & song / by O Tom Odley Publisher: Chatham : T. Odley. 92 pp. ISBN: 0-9542680-0-8 <poems mostly in English, with Romany glossary>.<ordering address: T. Odley, 41, Caulkers House, Shipwrights Avenue, Chathem, Kent, ME4 5JN, UK. Tel. +44-1634-306233. Email:> <also available a CD, Nidi Gilya, with eight traditional songs; 10 pounds> {poetry, dictionary} {Britain} 25. ** Several. 1978. >Tootsey & the Pups= and other stories. A Third Anthology of Gypsy Children=s work. London: Traveller Education. <some stories in Angloromani> {texts, children} {Britain, English} 26. * Smart, B.C. & H.T. Crofton. 1875. The dialect of the English Gypsies. London: Asher & Co. 302 pp. <reprint 1968. Detroit: Gale Research Co.> {grammar, texts, vocabulary} {Britain, USA, English} RELIGIOUS 27. ** Bible. Luke 15. 1973. Shavved then got latchered. Lost and Found. London: British and Foreign Bible Society. 4 pp. <publ. Address: British and Foreign Bible Society, 146 Queen Victoria Street, London EC4V 4BX, England, UK>.<Romani and English in facing columns> {Britain, English} 28. Bible. Fragments. 1979. A Kushti Lav. Good news for you. Bible Society. {Britain} 29. Bible. Fragments. 198? More kushti lavs. London: Bible Society/BFBS. 16 pp. ISBN 0-564080888. {drawings: black & yellow} {Britain} 30. $F$ ** N.N. 1985. Kushti Bokkengro [the good shepherd]. London: Scripture Gift Mission. 14 pp. <free from Scripture Gift Mission, Eccelston Street, London SW1W pLZ> {Britain} 19 ANGLOROMANI - POGADI JIB - ROMANICHAL ENGLISH ^25b Bible. NT fragments. 1995. The drom. The way. London: Scripture Gift Mission International.14pp. <'The Prodigal Son' and others verses from the New Testament><trandlated into Angloromani by Thomas A. Acton and others> <English and Angloromani> {Britain, English} 20 ANTOLOGIA /ANTHOLOGY ANTHOLOGIES Anthologies contain Romani texts in several different dialects. See also multidialectal, which covers publications of the same texts in several dialects. 31. Acton, Thomas (ed.). 1971. The Romano Drom Song Book. Oxford. 20 pp. <later new edition: see Stanley 1986> {song book, musical notation} {Britain} 32. $V$ Baliƒ, Sait, et al. 1984. Jaga. Vatre [fires]. Yugoslavia. Leskovaƒ: Bujanovac: XI smotra kulturnih dostigniƒa Roma SR Srbije. 94 pp. RC-402 <bilingual Romani-Serbocroatian> {poetry, drawings, photographs, anthology, bilingual Serbocroatian-Romani, facing pages, Latin script, Serbocroatian} {Serbocroatian, Yugoslavia} 33. $S$. Romane Poetongi Antologia. 1995. Balogh Attila, Banga Dezider, Daróczi Jozsef, Copoiu Peter, Demeter Istvan, Demeter Romka, Djurich Rajko, Dragana Stefanovich, Tamislav Pretar, Shtefan Gurbat, Gynla Horvath, Shaban Ilias, Jagat Sandra, Jermoshkin Sergej, Hontalan József, Holomková Emili, Maksimov Mateo, Leksha Manush, Nagy Gusztáv, Nikolich Jovan, Osztojkán Béla, Raffy Lajos, Ráczlajós, Rigó József, Spinelli Santino, State Carmen, Szepesi Jozsef, Zsolt Csanya, Vinkova Nina. 1995. Romane Poetongi Antologia./ Anthology of Gypsy poets/ Ciganyok Költök Versei. Budapest: Ariadne Foundation. 209 pp. ISBN: 963 045684-2. <anthology with English and Hungarian Translations on same page. Romani translators : Jozsef Choli Daroczi, Gustav Nagy><illustrated by Peli Támas, Szentandrássy István & Gügy Ödön> {poetry, B/w drawings} {English, Hungarian, Hungary} 34. Bari, Károly. 1996. Madarak Aranyhegedán. Európai Cigäny KöltÅk és ïrök mávei [books of European writers written about Gypsies]. Budapest: Romano Kher. 434 pp. ISBN 963-85408 3 4 <ordering address: Romano Kher, 1151 Budapest, Ënekes u. 10/B, Tel/Fax: 307-6397/306-6811>. <text in Hungarian, some in Romani; many dialects> {poetry, stories, fiction. Adults} {Hungary, Hungarian} 35. Bari Károly (collector). 1996. Anthology of Gypsy Folk Songs I-IV. Hungary. Romania. Budapest: EMI-Quint. 109 pp. <accompanies set of 4 Cds, with texts and comments. Original texts and English translations> {songs, texts, Romani contents} {Romungro, Lovari, Kalderash, Kherutno, Colari, Masari, Kortotari, Ursari} {Hungary, Roumania, English} 36. Bari Károly (collector). 1999. Gypsy Folklore. Hungary. Romania. I-X. Privately published by the author. 350 pp. <accompanies box with set of 10 Cds, with texts and comments. Original texts and English translations; introduction pp. 5-30><texts in 21 ANTOLOGIA /ANTHOLOGY Kalderash, Mašari, Kazanji, „ulari, Lovari, Romungro, Kherutno, Korturari, Sinti, Kuzajni, „urari, Drizari, Spoitor, „erhari, Xoraxani, Rudari, English> {songs, texts, Romani contents} {English, Hungary} 37. Bello, Silvio & Fadil Cizmic (eds.). 1992. Romane krle: voci zingare [Romani voices]. Roma: Sensibili alle foglie. 251 pp. chk is it in Romani? 38. Constantinescu, Barbu. 2000. Probe de limba Õi literatura rromilor din România [Instances of languages and literature of the Roma in Roumania]. BucureÕti: Editura Kriterion. 240 pp. (Biblioteca Rrom|/ Romani bibliotèka 6). <edited by Gheorghe Sar|u, Corneliu Colceriu, Dana Dudescu, and others. Preface Adina Potochin> ordering address: Editura Kriterion, str. Presei Libere, nr. 1, BucureÕti/Bucharest, Rumania. Tel. #40-2243628><Vlax, Gurbet, Kalderash> {poetry, texts, adults} {Roumanian, Roumania} 39. $V$ Csenki Imre & Csenki Sándor. 1955. Bazsarózsa. 99 Cigány Népdal. [Peony. 99 Gypsy Folksongs] Budapest: Editio Musica. 151 pp. RC-780. <Vlax, Lovari, Romungro, etc. Hungary> {songbook, musical notation} {Hungarian, Hungary} 40. Csenki Imre & Csenki Sándor. 1980. Cigány Népballadák és Keservesek [Gypsy Folkballads and Lamenting Songs]. Budapest: Europa. 139 pp. {songbook, songs, music, Hungary, Lovari, Romungro, Hungarian translations, scholarly} {Hungary, Hungarian} 41. ** Davidová, Eva & Jan ðiñka. 1991. Folk Music of the Sedentary Gypsies of Czechoslovakia. Budapest: Institute of Musicology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. 207 pp. ISBN 963-7074-30-9. CHK ADDRESS {songs, translations, music notations, scholarly} {Slovakia, Hungary, Hungarian, English, Slovak} 42. $V$ Duriƒ, Rajko. 1980. Romane Garadine Alava. Romske Zagonetke. Littérature Orale des Balkans [Romani Riddles]. Belgrade: Académie Serbe des Sciences et des Arts. 91 pp. RC-346. {riddles; bilingual Romani-Serbocroatian} {Serbocroatian, Yugoslavia} 43. $S$ Djuriƒ, Rajko. 1999. Romane Garadune Lava. Roma Találós Kérdések. Rromani Riddles. Budapest: Romano Kher/ Cigany Haz. 82 pp. ISBN: 963 03 9429 4. <edited by Melinda Rézmáves>.<ordering address: Romano Kher B 1151 Budapest, Ënekes u. 22 ANTOLOGIA /ANTHOLOGY 10/b. tel/fax: #36-306-6811. #36-306-6812> <Albanian Romani, Gurbet, Karpati, Romungro, Lovari, Vend, Cerhari> {Riddles, color drawings, children} {Hungary, Hungarian, English} 44. Hemetek, Ursula. 1992. Romane ”ila. Lieder und Tänze der Roma in Österreich. Eine Dokumentation erstellt in Zusammenarbeit mit den Ausführenden. Wien: Institut für Volksmusikforschung and der Hochschule für Musik und darstellende Kunst. 82 pp. <plus 60 min. Cassette> {music notations, songs} {Austria, German} 45. International Romani Calendar. 1998. <distribution: Central Books, Calendar, P.O. Box 14874, London NW1 OWF, England, UK. Tel. 0181.986.4854, fax 0181.533.5821> {anthology, poetry} {Britain} 46. $112$ Kyuchukov, Hristo. 1993. Romani kultura. Romski Kultura [Romani culture]. Sofia: UNICEF. 49 pp. <Anthology of songs, poems. Lovari, Slovak Romani, etc. Romani and Bulgarian translations> <see also under Bulgarian Romani nr. 112 CHK {songs, poetry, B/W drawings} {Bulgaria, Bulgarian} 47. ** Kju…ukov, Xristo. 1997. Amari Romani Lumja. 1 kotor. Romane poeme e tikne …avorenge [our Romani world. First Part. Romani poems for the small children]. Sofia: Izdatelstvo ABiznes Bridñ@. 31 pp. ISBN 954-9510-02-6. {children, poems, colour ill}. {Bulgaria} 48. ** Kju…ukov, Xristo. 2000. Amari Romani Lumja. 2 kotor. Romane paramisa tikne …havorenge. [our Romani world. Part Two. Romani Stories for small children]. Sofia: Tilia. 48 pp. ISBN 954-717-160-7. [Kalderash, Erli, Vlax, Slovak Romani, Lovari, Kalajdñi, Xoraxano] <illustrated by Aleksandr Zahariev> {Children, stories, colour drawings} {Bulgaria} 49. ** Kju…ukov, Xristo. 2001. Amari Romani Lumja. 3 kotor Romane gilja e tikne …havorenge ALa…i gili šuñarel o ilo@ [our Romani world. Part Three. Romani songs for little children. AA good song cleans the heart@] Sofia: Iktus. 32 pp. ISBN 954-90777-4-8. <colour drawings by by Toško Atanasov-Ramar> {Children, songbook, musical notation, colour drawings} {Bulgaria} 23 ANTOLOGIA /ANTHOLOGY 50. ** Kju…ukov, Xristo. 2001. Amari Romani Lumja. 4 kotor. Romane giogjaver thaj garavde lava. [our Romani world. Part Four. Proverbs and riddles] Sofia: Iktus. 24 pp. ISBN 954-90777-5-6. <colour drawings by Ljudmil Veselinov> {Children, riddles, proverbs, colour drawings} {Bulgaria} 51. $V$ Lundgren, Gunilla. 2002. Bi Kheresko bi Limoresko. Utan Hus utan grav. Romska Sånger och dikter [without a house, without a grave. Romani songs and poems][Romane poeme thaj gilja]. Stockholm: Wahlstrom & Widstrand. 132 pp. <bilingual Swedish-Romani> <anthology of songs and poems, with Swedish translations. Many B&W photo illustrations. Poets: Jószef Balogh, Dezider Banga, Károly Bari, Jorge Bernal, Mihalj Berta, Hans Calderas, Monica Caldaras, József Choli Daróczi, Rajko Djuriƒ, Marina Dolgiras, Ros-Mari Tan Jancovich, Tera Fabianová, Malik Faltin-Frederiksson, Dimiter Golemanov, Ian Hancock, Nadia Hava-Robbins, Baki Hasan, Jonny Ivanovitch, ðarko Jovanoviƒ, Erland Kaldaras, Valdemar Kalinin, Dragan Kuzhicov, Stefano Kuzhicov, Gregory Dufunia Kwiek, Masio Kwiek, Leif Larsen, Ramela Limaovska & Anita Selmanoviƒ, Leksa Manuš, Matéo Maximoff, Mariella Mehr, Ruña Nikoli-Lakatos, Ivan Nikolizsson, Diana Nyman, M & M Osmani, Papusza, Margita Reiznerová, Jasmine og Birger Rosengren, Katarina Taikon, Nadja Taikon, Rosa Taikon, Jaqueline Tan-Jonsson, Sandra Tan-Mercowich, Sterna Weltz-Ziegler> {songs, poems} {Sweden, Swedish} 52. Kochanowski, Jan. 1963. Gypsy Studies. Part I. New Delhi: International Academy of Indian Culture. (Ðata Pitaka series. vol. 25). 192 pp. <stories from Moldova, Ukraine, Poland, Russia, Czechia, Slovakia, Bulgaria, China, Latvia, Priština, Moscow in different dialects: Sinti, Arli, Harbin, Manouche, Romungro, Lovari, Baltic. With French translations> {stories, songs, fairy tales} {India, English, French} 53. Mercier, Danielle & Roger Hosteing (red.). 1983. Romani Kultura. Merignac: CEFISEM, Ecole Normale d=Instituteurs, Avenue de Verdun, 33700 Merignac. Tel (56) 977020. <poems and story by Matéo Maximoff, oral Sinti stories by Kinou & Rene Zanellato> {poetry, stories, Kalderash, Sinti, B/W drawings, B/W photographs} {France} 54. Nagy Gusztáv. 1997. Szívbolygód körül. Magyar és cigány nyelvá versek, mesék, máfordítások [around your Aheart satellite@. Hungarian and Gypsy Poems, tales, and translations]. Budapest: Cerberus. 159 pp. ISBN 963-85715-0-0. Cerberus, Budapest VI, Lovag u. 14, tel. 131-3042. 24 ANTOLOGIA /ANTHOLOGY {poems by the compiler, translations into Romani of a.o. Theokritos, François Villon, William Shakespeare [fragment of The Tempest], Hungarian poets, and also Romani poets from Hungary} {Hungary} 55. $S$ Petrovski, Traiko. 2001. Romani Folk Songs from Macedonia. Romski Narodni Pesni od Makedonija 139 pp. ISBN: 9989-642-33-8. Skopje: Institution of Folklore AMarko Cepenkov@ B Skopje. Folk Creation. Chanson Populaires volume 16. <Anthology, Macedonia, several dialects, text in Romani and in Latin script. Macedonian translation, singers, dates, recorder given} CHK ordering address {songs, musical notation} {Macedonia, Macedonian} 56. $D$ Roma Community and Advocacy Centre. 1999. Kanadake-Romane Mirikle /Canadian Romani Pearls. Toronto: Roma Community and Advocacy Centre. 69 pp. Ill: line and photo=s <ordering address: Roma Community and Advocacy Centre, 122 St. Patrick Street, Suite F-24, Box 114, Toronto, On. M5T 2X8, Canada. Tel. (#1)(416)-588-6288> <Bilingual English/Romani, facing pages. Drawings & photo. {poetry, adults} {Canada, English} 57. $V$ Stankiewicz, Stanis»aw. No year. Gila Êomane. Zbiorek Piešni Romskich. Warszawa: Rom-po-Drom. 58 pp. ISBN 83-902104-0-1. RC-448.<Rom-po-Drom, Bia»ystok, ul. Warszawska 43, Poland><Texts in Yugoslav Romani, Polska Roma, Slovak Romani, Vlax, mixed Russian-Romani, etc.;> {songbook, musical notation} {Poland, Polish} 58. ** Stanley, Denise. 1986. The Romano Drom Song Book. London: Romanestan Publications. ISBN 0-947803-01-7. 40 pp. <songs and music in Angloromani, Caló, English, French, Sinti, Yugoslav Romani, Vlax> <illustrated by Rosy Burke> <Ordering address: Romanestan Publications, 22 Northend, Warley, Brentwood, essex, CM14 5LA.> {children, adults, B/W illustrations, songbook, musical notation} {Britain, English} 59. Spinelli, Santino (ed.). Ðungé Lulud|. Fiori Profumati. [Perfumed flowers]. [available from Them Romano, Via S. Maria Maggiore 12, Lanciano (CH), Italy. Tel & fax: #39(0)872-714.760]. {poetry, stories} {Italy} 60. Spinelli, Santino (ed.). 1995. Baxtalo Drom/Felice Cammino. Antologia delle migliori opere del 2. Concorso Artistico Internazionale AAmico Rom@. Lanciano: Edizioni Tracce. 25 ANTOLOGIA /ANTHOLOGY 224 pp. [available from Them Romano, Via S. Maria Maggiore 12, Lanciano (CH), Italy. Tel & fax: #39(0)872-714.760]. {poetry, stories} {Italy} 61. Spinelli, Santino (ed.). 1995. Baxtalo Drom/Felice Cammino. Vol. II. Lanciano: Edizioni Tracce. 240 pp. [available from Them Romano, Via S. Maria Maggiore 12, Lanciano (CH), Italy. Tel & fax: #39(0)872-714.760]. {poetry, stories} {Italy} 62. $S$ Spinelli, Alexian Santino & Daniela Spinelli. 1998. Noi e voi W - Quattro storie in romanés tradotte in albanese, greco, inglese, italiano e illustrate a colori [us and them W four stories in Romani translated into Albanian, Greek, English and Italian with colour illustrations]. Matera: <introduction by Francesca Gobbo> <illustrations by Vittorio Facchini> <ordering adress: Matera, vico XX Settembre 13, Tolba, Italia. Tel/fax 0835/333522> <4Romani stories, with Albanian, Greek, English and Italian translations many color illustrations, B/w cover drawings. Romani text by Alexian Santino Spinelli (Abruzzi), Zlato Semzejeno (Kalderash)> {stories, children, adults, B/W drawings, color drawings} {Italy, Italian, Albanian, English, Greek} 63. $V$ ## Stojko, Steva et al. 1999. Kali „irikli. Der Schwarze Vogel. Geschichte in Romanes und Deutsch [the black bird. Stories in Romani and German translations] Köln/Cologne: Rom e.V. & Rromano Pero. 125 pp. ISBN 3-9803118-8-0. RC-980. <authors: Ruñdija Russo Sejdoviƒ, Steva Stojko, Hanci Briher, Aladin Sejdic, etc.> {stories} {Germany, German} 64. $V$ $R$ Stojkov, Slavomir. 1989. Cidimata e romane piljendar. Narodna romska poezija [anthology of Romani poems]. Novi Sad: Društvo Vojvodina za Jezik i Knjiñevnost Roma. 39 pp. RC-407. {poetry, adults} {Yugoslavia, Serbocroatian} 26 ARLI ARLI Arli belongs to the Balkan branch. Arli and Arli-type dialects are spoken in the former Yugoslav countries, Bulgaria and Greece. 65. Demir, Ljatif. Year??? CHK. Romani „hib. CHK YEAR, city publ. {ABC book?} 66. Demir, Ljatif. 1996. Chavengere Paramisjora [stories for children ]. CHK PUBL <bilingual Macedonian-Romani> {children, stories} 67. $S$ Demir, Ljatif Mefaileskoro. 1996. Mahaatma. Skopje: NIP AStudentski zbor@. 85 pp. ISBN: 9989-45-036-6. <Arli Romani with Macedonian translations. No illustrations> {poetry, adults} {Macedonia, Macedonian} 68. ## ** $NOT$ Demir, Ljatif Mefaileskoro & Fatime Demir. 2000. E Roma... [The Roma...]. Skopje: Darhia. Society for Romani Language and Literature/ Romane Chibjako thaj Literaturakoro Khedipe. 45 pp. <ordering address: R. Makedonija, Skopje, Razloška 28, tel. +389-91.526.097. Email:> <ethnographic study in Macedonian, Romani, English.> {adults. Colour photographs as illustrations} {Macedonia, Macedonian, English} 69. $S$ Dunin, Elsie. 1998. Gypsy St. George=s day. Coming of summer. Romski g'urg'ovden. Romano Gjurjovdani B Erdelezi. 1967-1997. 83 pp. ISBN: 99 89-9960-0-8. Skopje: Romano Ilo. <Ordering address: Branislav Petrovski (director), Romano Ilo, ul. Pelagonija br. 34, Suto Orizari, 91000 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia>.<ethnographic text in English, translated into Macedonian and Romani, Romani text pp. 39 B 54> {adults, scholarly, colour photos} {Macedonia, Macedonian} 70. $A2$ Gjünler, Abdulah. 1995. Bizoagor/ Eindeloos. Oss: Abdulah Gjünler. <poetry, bilingual Romani-Dutch> {poetry} {Netherlands, Dutch} 71. $S$ Hasan, Baki. 2001. Amaro Ljil. Stockholm: Skolverket. 132 pp. ISBN: 9189313-40-9. <order from: Skolverket, 106 20 Stockholm, Sweden/Sverige. > {ABCbook, children, color and B/w drawings, color photographs, Romani contents, world knowledge} {Sweden} 27 ARLI 72. $V$ Jašari, Hilimi.1985. Ano drom (Drama) [On the road. Drama]. Gilana. 40 pp. Priština: Upri Drama AAno Drom@. 40 pp. <Play: 1-33; Hasan Bunjaku on the play: 3437><reprinted from 2001 in periodical Romano Alav. Part 1 in Nr. 6, pp. 60-77; part 2 in nr. 78-84> {theatre} {Yugoslavia, Kosovo} 73. Jašarov, Sejdo. 1996. Mirikle [pearls] 79 pp. Skopje: Shkupi. ISBN 9989-9862-0-7. <Abc book pp. 1-34, poetry 36-75, in Kosovo Gurbet> {Children, adults, ABC-book, poetry} {Yugoslavia, Kosovo} 74. Jašarov, Sejdo. 2001. Dvanaest pri…a za djecu. Dešuduj parami…a e …avorenge [twelve stories for children]. Zagreb: Ministartvo prosvjete i športa. 126 pp. No ISBN. <illustrated by I.B. Imrovic & Vanesa, Josip, Dominik> <Kosovo Gurbet> {children=s stories, full colour illustrations} {Croatia} 75. $R$ Jusuf, Šaib. 1996. SikljovaRomani …hib. Skopje: Prosvetno Delo, 180 pp. <difficult words explained in Macedonian p. 159-177, vocabulary in back> {children, ABC book, schoolbook, colour drawings} 76. $V$ Kepeski, Krume & Šaip Jusuf. 1980. Romani gramatika - Romska gramatika. Skopje: Naša Kniga. 220 pp. <in Macedonian and Romani, facing pages> <RC-182> {grammar, Arli, Macedonia, Dñambazi, schoolbook} 77. $V$ Kruezi, Selahetin. 2003. Matematika 1. Vash Funduni Shkola. København: EUROMA. 115 pp. <publishers address: Euroma, Ruten 167.3.3, 2700 Brønshøj, Danmark. Tel & Fax: 0045-388.10708. Email:> {schoolbook, mathematics, children} 78. $V$ Kruezi, Selahetin. 2003. Siklova Hramipe thay Drabaripe [I learn writing and reading]. København: EUROMA. 113 pp. <publishers adres: Euroma, Ruten 167.3.3, 2700 Brønshøj, Danmark. Tel & Fax: 0045-388.10708. Email:> {schoolbook, children, ABC book} 79. $S$ Lorka, Federiko Garsija. 1996. Alusarde Gilja. Izbrani Pesni. Nakhavibe ki Romani „hib. Ljatif Mefaileskororo Demir [Selected songs. Translated into Romani by Ljatif Demir]. Skopje: NIP AStudentski zbor@. 85 pp. ISBN: 9989-45-037-4. 28 ARLI <Macedonian Romani poetry, Romani translation from Spanish, Macedonian translation. Romani and Macedonian on facing pages. Translated by Ljatif Mefaileskoro Demir> {poetry, translation, bilingual Romani-Macedonian, facing pages, no ill., poetry, adults} {Macedonia, Macedonian} 80. $S$ Neñdet, Mustafa. 2000. Jekhto Divesa. Prvite godini [the first years]. Skopje: Opshtina Shuto Orizari. 178 pp. ISBN: 9989-38-031-7. <ordering address: Macedonia Program, Nikolai Tesla 11, Skopje, Macedonia. Tel: 374.190, fax: 374.046, e-mail:> <in Macedonian, with 3 pages summary in Romani. History of settlement Shuto in Macedonia> {adults, history} {Macedonia, Macedonian} 81. Zduniƒ, Drago, Niro Vavpotiƒ & Tone Pavcek. 1978. Amen sam e Titoske, O Tito si amaro [we belong to Tito, Tito belongs to us]. Ljubljana: Univerzum. Ca. 250-300 pp. RC 158. <Translation of Mi smo Titovi, Tito je naš; translated by Jusuf, Šaip et al.> {colour photograps, biography} {Yugoslavia} 82. Racin, Ko…o. 1989. Parne detharina /Beli mugri [white mornings]. Skopje: Naša Kniga/Makedonska Kniga. 87 pp. ISBN 86-369-0092-1. <Romani in Latin script> <translated from Macedonian by Trajko Petrovski> {translation, literature} {Macedonia} 83. Redñeposki, Fadi. CHK YEAR. Parno Kher / Bela Kula [white house]. CHK PP. ISBN 9989-45-0382. Publishers address: NIP Studentski Zbir, Pirinska bb, baraka 5, Poštfah 484, Skopje. {adults, culture, history} {Macedonia, Macedonian} 84. Macedonia. 1994. Registriribaskoro Lil. [census form, bilingual Romani-Macedonian] {Macedonia} 85. O Siljon štrko. Translated by Trajko Petrovski. CHK 86. ## Grimm, Wilhelm. 2000. I Sneñana thaj o efta patuljakia [Snowwhite and the seven dwarves]. Skopje: Romano Ilo. 8 pp. ISBN 9989-9960-2-4. <translator: Trajko Petrovski> {colour drawings, children, fairy tales, translation, non-Romani} {Macedonian} 87. ## Grimm, Wilhelm. 2000. I praxali …haj [Cinderella]. Skopje: Romano Ilo. 8 pp. ISBN 9989-9960-3-2. <translator: Trajko Petrovski> 29 ARLI {colour drawings, children, fairy tales, translation, non-Romani} {Macedonia} 88. ## Grimm, Wilhelm. 2000. O Ram…e thaj i Esma [Hans and Gretel???]. Skopje: Romano Ilo. 22 pp. ISBN 9989-9960-1-6. <translator: Trajko Petrovski> {colour drawings, children, fairy tales, translation, non-Romani} {Macedonian} RELIGIOUS Serbez, Šeyh-ül-Ülema Fazli. 2002 (2nd edition). Dñenetesk=ere Bah…e. Skope: Teološki Islamski Tarikatski Visoko-obrazoven Centar. <prayers and extracts from the Qoran> {Islam, religious} {Macedonia} 89. $R$ Gjuner, Abdula. 1995. Romano Mevlidi thaj Iljanie. [Romani mevlud and prayers]. Oss, Netherlands: Abdulah Gjünler. CHK TRANS. {Netherlands} 30 BALKAN BALKAN Balkan is the name of a group of Romani dialects spoken especially in Bulgaria, Greece, Macedonia, Yugoslavia and Turkey. Not all dialects spoken in Balkan countries belong to the Balkan branch, which is a linguistic term. See also: Arli, Erli, Xoraxane, Yugoslav Romani for individual varieties. 90. ** Boretzky, Norbert. 1993. Bugurdñi. Deskriptiver und historischer Abriß eines Romani-Dialekts. Osteuropa-Institut an der Freien Universität Berlin. Balkanologische Veröffentlichungen. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz.xi + 203 pp. {grammar, Bugurdñi, scholarly} {German, Germany} 91. ** $D$ Boretzky, Norbert & Birgit Igla. 1994. Wörterbuch Romani-Deutsch-Englisch für den Südosteuropäischen Raum. Mit einer Grammatik der Dialektvarianten. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. xxi + 418 pp. <with German and English index> {grammar, dictionary, Yugoslavia, scholarly} {Germany, German, English} 92. $A2$ ** Petrovski, Trajko & Vone Velickovski. 1998. Makedonsko-Romski Re…nik. Romsko-Makedonski Re…nik. Makedonsko-Romano i Romano-Makedonsko Alavari. [Macedonian-Romani Dictionary. Romani-Macedonian dictionary]. Skopje: Vorldyk. 496 pp. <, Erli, Arli, Bugurdñi, Romani-Macedonian> {dictionary} {Macedonia, Macedonian} 93. * Paspati, Alexandre G. 1870. Études sur les Tchinghianés ou Bohémiens de l'Empire Ottoman. Constantinople: Koroméla.652 pp. <reprint 1974. Osnabrück: Biblio/ Zeller>. {dictionary, grammar, scholarly} {Greece, Turkey, French} 94. ** Paspatis, A.G. 1995. Meleti peri ton Atsigganon kai tis Glossis afton [memoir on the Gypsies and their language]. Athens: Ekati. 123 pp. <originally published 1857 in the periodical Pandira 8> <2 page introduction by Jiannis Milios> <Greece, Turkey> {grammar} {Greece, Greek} 95. $V$ Puxon, Grattan & Donald Kenrick. 1988. Berša Bibahtale [unhappy years]. London: Romanestan Publications. [translated from English: The Destiny of Europe=s Gypsies. London: Heinemann]. ISBN 0-947803 03 3. 148 pp. <about Roma in Second World War. Written in dialect spoken in Shuto, Skopje AGurbet and Arli mixed@> <see also nr. 587 CHK> {adults, history, translation, B/W, drawings, B/W photographs, documents} {Britain} 31 BALKAN 96. ** $530$ Sar|u, Gheorghe. 1998. DicÛionar Rrom (Spoitoresc) - Român. BucureÕti: Editura . 144 pp. ISBN 973-26-0535-9 [Biblioteca Rroma: nr.2] <ordering address: Editura Kriterion, str. Presei Libere, nr. 1, BucureÕti/Bucharest, Rumania. Tel./Fax 2243628.><Spoitor Dialect> {Spoitor, dictionary} {Roumania, Roumanian} Balkan, which dialect????non-vlax 97. ** $A2$ Salijesor, Seljajdin. 1988. Dñivdipe Maškaro Roma [life among the Roma]. Preševa: Grafoflex. 46 pp. <monolingual> {poetry, adults} {Yugoslavia, Kosovo} 98. Salijesor, Selajdini. 1984. Bahtale dive atar mire sune [happy days after my dreams]. Preševa: Univerziteti e buƒengor. {Yugoslavia, Kosovo} RELIGIOUS MATERIAL. 99. Bible. NT. CHK YEAR. Neevo Zakon. CHK. 32 BALTIC ROMANI - BALTYKO ROMANI CHIB BALTIC ROMANI Baltic Romani comprises a number of dialects spoken in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, the Ukraine and Russia. Not all Roma in these countries speak Baltic Romani. See also Latvian Romani, Standard 2. 100. Kochanowski, Jan. 1963. Gypsy Studies. Part II. New Delhi: International Academy of Indian Culture. (Ðata Pitaka series. vol. 26). V-xiii, 193-419 pp. {fairy tales, stories} {India, English, French} 101. Gila, Vania de. 1996. Le Roi des Serpents et Autres Contes Tsiganes Balto-slaves [The King of the snakes and other tales of the Balto-Slavic Gypsies]. Châteauneuf-lesMartigues: Wallâda. 143 pp. ISBN 2-904201-21-21. <bilingual Romani-French, facing pages; word explanations; colour illustrations> {fairy tales, stories} {France, French} 102. $A$ ** Kenrick, Donald. 2001. Romengiro Drom. Indijatyr ke Maškiratuno Derjav [Road of the Roma. From India to the Mediterranean]. Berlin: Parabolis. 69 pp. ISBN 3-88402-241-5. <publisher=s address: Edition Parabolis, Schliemannstrasse 23, D10437 Berlin, Germany><translated by Valdemar Kalinin> {history} {Germany } 2103. Kalinin, Valdemar. year?? Syklion Romanes [Let=s learn Romani]. 104. Makhotin, Dz. & A. Kuliyev. 1992. Romane Paramy…i [Romani stories]. Baku, Azerbaijan: Vattan. CHK PP, ISBN <tales in Baltic Romani and Lovari> {fairy tales} {Azerbaijan} 105. Makhotin. Dz. 2001. So te phenav me? [what can I say?]. Tvier, Russia: Compon Folicum. CHK pp., CHK, CHK monolingual <poetry in Baltic Romani and Ukrainian Romani (Plashchunytko)> {poetry} {Russia} 106. ** $P$ Toleikis, Vytautas. 2001. Lietuvos „igonai. Tarp Praeities ir dabarties [The Gypsies of Lithuania. CHK Trans] Vilnius: Garnelis. 142 pp. ISBN 9955-428-19-8. <publisher=s address: Garnelis, p/d 1456, LT-2040 Vilnius, Lithuania. Email:><songs 95-135 word list Romani-Lithuanian pp. 136-139 {B/W photographs, colour drawings, non-fiction, songs, musical notation} {Lithuania, Lithuanian} 33 BALTIC ROMANI - BALTYKO ROMANI CHIB 107. Valmiki. No year. Valmiki=s Ramayana. Romani/English translation (abridged) by Leksa Manush. Chandigarh: Roma Publications. 183 pp. <translated by Leksa Manush> <also a poem by Manush> {poetry, Hindu, translation} {India} RELIGIOUS MATERIAL 108. Bible. Matthew. 1996. Evangeliya Matfeyestr. Lithuanian Bible Society. <translated by V. Kalinin and T. Vojtsiekhovskaya> CHK title {Lithuania} 109. ** ## $F$ Bible. Texts and stories. 1996. Dava Lyl vaš tuke. A Letter for You. 64 pp. <translated by Valdemar Kalinin> <Price/Mol: DM 2,20/EURO 1><Ordering address: Gute Botschaft Verlag, Postfach 80, D-35673 Dillenburg, Germany. Tel. 02271 / 81141. Fax 02771 / 81142> < in Cyrillic> {Germany, English} 110. $F$ ** ## Bible. Selections. 1998. Drom. London: SGM International. 13 pp. <selected by V. Kalinin> <publisher adress: SGM International, Radstock House, 3 Eccleston St, London SW1W 9 LZ> <in Cyrillic and Romani> {Britain} 111. ** $A2$ Bible. John. 1999. Ianostyr Svento Mištophenyben. Dillenburg: Gute Botschaft Verlag. <translated by Valdemar Kalinin> <Cyrillic script> <Price: DM 2,20. Ordering address: Gute Botschaft Verlag, Postfach 80, D-35673 Dillenburg, Germany. Tel. 02271 / 81141. Fax 02771 / 81142> {Germany} 112. $A2$ ** ## Bible. Matthew. 1999. Evangelia Matejostyr. Baltyko Romani „hib. Dillenburg: Gute Botschaft Verlag. <translated from Greek by Valdemar Kalinin & Kostias Vysockas> <Latin script><Lithuanian Romani> <Price: DM 2,20. Ordering address: Gute Botschaft Verlag, Postfach 80, D-35673 Dillenburg, Germany. Tel. 02271 / 81141. Fax 02771 / 81142> {Germany} 113. ** $F$ Bible. NT with Psalms and Proverbs. 2001. Nevo Zavieto/Psalmy/Prit…y. Dillenberg-2: Gute Botschaft Verlag. 563 pp. <glossary Romani-Russian-English, pp. 556-564> <translated by Valdemar Kalinin> <pp. 552-555 on Baltic Roma in Romani> <Cyrillic script> <ordering adress: G.B.V. Verlag, Postfach 80, D-35673 Dillenburg, Germany> {Germany} 114. ## Valmiki. No year. Valmiki=s Ramayana. Romani/English translation (abridged) by Leksa Manush. Chandigarh: Roma Publications. 183 pp. 34 BALTIC ROMANI - BALTYKO ROMANI CHIB <translated by Leksa Manush> <also a poem by Manush> {Hindu} {India, English} 115. Voldem~ra, Dace & Gunita Gr§nvalde. 2003. Bilñu }bece. M~c§bu l§zeklis burtu apguvei 1. Klas‘ skol‘niem, kuru dzimt~ valoda ir …ig~nu. Ventspils: no publisher. 80 unnumbered pages. <color cover, BW drawings as illustrations, ABC book> {Latvia, Latvian} 35 BULGARIA BULGARIA In Bulgaria a wide variety of dialects is spoken. For specific Romani dialects, see also Drindari, Erli, Kalajdñi, Vlax, Xoraxani. 116. ** Chaushev, Ali. 1995. Tsigansko-B|lgarski Re…nik [Gypsy-Bulgarian dictionary]. Studii Romani 2: 149-158. <brief dictionary, published in periodical. Also 141-150, in Romani-English version><a basket-makers dialect (Sepedñi/Košnicari, different from the Sepe…ides dialect listed elsewhere)> {dictionary} {Bulgaria} 117. ** $?$ Kju…ukov, Xristo. 2002. Me Ginav ñi ko Deš [I count to ten]. Sofia: Balkanska Fondacia ADiversity@/ Balkanikani Fondacija pe Interkulturake Edukacij ADiversity@. 12 pp. No ISBN. {children, B/W drawings, full colour cover} {Bulgaria, Bulgarian} 118. ** $?$ Kyuchukov, Hristo et al. Ca. 1993. Romano ABC Lil/ Romski Bukvar. 67 pp. Sofia: Piramida. ISBN 954-8236-06-0. {children, ABC book, Romani content, poetry, history, B/W illustrations, music} {Bulgaria, Bulgarian} 119. $S$ Kyuchukov, Hristo. 1993. Romani kultura. Romski Kultura [Romani culture]. Sofia: UNICEF. 49 pp. <Anthology of songs, poems. Lovari, Slovak Romani, etc. Romani and Bulgarian translations>. {songs, poetry, B/W drawings} {Bulgaria, Bulgarian} 120. Kyuchukov, Hristo. 1993. Romani chib [Romani language]. Sofia. UNICEF. 27 pp. <texts Romani and Bulgarian> {Erli/Vlax, ABC book, children} {Bulgaria, Bulgaria} 121. $A2NOT$ ** Kyuchukov, Hristo. 1993. U…eben Bålgaro-Romski rechnik [compact Bulgarian - Romani glossary]. Sofia. UNICEF. 53 pp. {Vlax, Erli, Xoraxano} {dictionary} {Bulgaria, Bulgarian} 122. *? $?$ Kyuchukov, Hristo et al. Ca. 1995. Romani Alfabeta/ Romska Azbuka. 88 pp. Sofia: Bulvest 2000. No ISBN. <Erli and Vlax dialects> {children, ABC book, Romani content, poetry, history, colour ill., B/W music} {Bulgaria, Bulgarian} 36 BULGARIA 123. *? Kyuchukov, Hristo & Miroslav Yanakiev. 1996. Romskiat T@t. O Romano Drom. Xristomatia no romski ezik za IV-VIII klas [The Romani Road. Chrestomathy of the Romani language for grades 4-8]. Sofia: Tilia. 127 pp. ISBN 954-8706-28-8. <publ. Address: Tilia, Sofia, bul. Carigrasko ñose 117. Tel. 974.3554.><Romani in Roman script, Bulgarian in Cyrillic script> {ABC book, school book, colour illustrations} {Bulgaria, Bulgarian} 124. ** $S$ Malikov, Jašar. 1992. Cigansko-b|lgarski Re…nik [Gypsy-Bulgarian disctionary]. Sofia: Fondacija Otvoreno obštestvo. 96 pp. {dictionary} {Bulgaria, Bulgarian} 125. $A2$ ** Slavov, Atanas. 1999. Gypsy-English/English-Gypsy Dictionary. New York: Hippocrene Books. 229 pp. ISBN 0-7818-10775-1. {dictionary} {USA, English} 37 BURGENLAND ROMAN - VEND - PREKMURJE BURGENLAND ROMAN/VEND/PREKMURJE Three related varieties of a South Central Romani dialect are spoken in Austria=s Burgenland (Roman), North Slovenia (Prekmurje) and Western Hungary (Vend). There are two periodicals in Roman and Prekmurje: Romani Patrin (Oberwart) Romano Them - Romski Svet (Murska Sobota) 126. $V$ Altmann, Gerhard. 2001. Hiangraud. Godiskeri cuknuda. Agydudva. Moñdjana Haluga. Oberwart: Edition Lex Liszt 12. ISBN 3-901757-22-8. pages. <Edition Lex Liszt 12, Schlainingerstrasse 4/1, A-7400 Oberwart, Österreich. Tel. 0043-3352/33940. Fax 0043-3352.34685. Email:> <poetry in Roman, Burgenland German, Hungarian and Burgenland Croat> {poetry, translation} {Austria, German, Croat} 127. ** $a$ Ambrosch, Gerd, Emmerich Gärtner-Horvath, Dieter W. Halwachs, Michael Wogg (eds.). 2000. Kaj pe sina, kaj pe nana. Amare Pamaristscha. Graz: RomaniProjekt. Oberwart: Verein Roma. 71 pp. ISBN 3-85435-357-X. <also distributed by Drava Verlag, Klagenfurt:> <monolingual> {children, adults, colour illustrations, fairy tales, Romani content} {Austria} 128. Brizani-Traja, Imer. 2000. Le Ostanite Romi Gredo. [CHK TRANS]. Celovec/Klagenfurt: Mohorjeva. 95 pp. <publ. Address: Mohorjeva, Viktringer Ring 26, A-9020 Klagenfurt/Celovec. Tel. 0043-463/565.1520. Fax: 0043-463-514189. email:}> <essays on Romani language, culture, politics} {full colour cover, essays} {Slovenia, Slovenian} 129. Glaeser, Ursula, Katherina Martens, Dieter Halwachs et al. 1998. Amen Roman Siklojas [we learn Roman]. Oberwart: Ferajn Roma. 50 pp. <Lehrerbuch/ Teachers book: see Halwachs et al.1996> <online:> {Austria, German} 130. $A$ ** Halwachs, Dieter W. et al. 1996. Amen Roman Pisinas. Wir schreiben Roman [we write Roman] Oberwart: Verein Roma/ Klagenfurt: Verlag Hermagoras. ISBN 3-85013-465-2. 95 pp. <Publisher=s address: Verlag Hermagoras, 9020 Klagenfurt/Celovec, Viktringer Ring 26> {ABC book, children, school book, adults, illustrated colour} {Austria, German} 38 BURGENLAND ROMAN - VEND - PREKMURJE 131. ** Halwachs, Dieter W. 1996. Morphologie des Roman. Basisgrammatik der RomaniVariante der Burgenland-Roma. (Arbeitsbericht 3 des Projekts Kodifizierung und Didaktisierung des Roman). Oberwart: Verein Roma. 91 pp. {grammar, scholarly} {Austria, German} 132. ** $D$ Halwachs, Dieter W. 1998. Amaro vakeripe Roman hi. Unsere Sprache ist Roman. Texte, Glossar und Grammatik der burgenländischen Romani-variante. Klagenfurt: Drava. 240 pp. {grammar, texts, lexicon} {Austria, German} 133. Halwachs, Dieter W., Gerd Ambrosch, unter Mitarbeit von Ursula Glaeser, Katharina Martens & Michael Wogg. 1998. Lexikon des Roman (Arbeitsbericht 7 des Projekts Kodifizierung und Didaktisierung des Roman). Oberwart: Verein Roma. 83 pp. {dictionary} {Austria, German} 134. ** Halwachs, Dieter W., Gerd Ambrosch, unter Mitarbeit von Ursula Glaeser, Katharina Martens & Michael Wogg. 1999. Wörterbuch Roman - Deutsch. (Arbeitsbericht 7a des Projekts Kodifizierung und Didaktisierung des Roman). Oberwart: Verein Roma. 100 pp. {dictionary} {Austria, German} 135. ** Halwachs, Dieter W., Gerd Ambrosch, Michael Wogg, unter Mitarbeit von Ursula Glaeser, Katharina Martens. 1999. Märchen & Erzählungen der Burgenland-Roma. (Arbeitsbericht 8a des Projekts Kodifizierung und Didaktisierung des Roman). Oberwart: Verein Roma. {texts, fairy tales} {Austria} 136. ** $?$ Halwachs, Dieter W., with Gerd Ambrosch, Katharina Deman &Ursula Glaeser. 2002. Burgenland-Romani. München: LINCOM. 82 pp. {grammar} {Germany, English} 137. ** $F$ Halwachs, Dieter W., Emmerich Gärtner-Horvath, Michael Wogg, unter Mitarbeit von Gerd Ambrosch, Katharina Martens, Ursula Glaeser. 2000. Der Rom und der Teufel. Märchen, Erzählungen und Lieder der Roma aus dem Burgenland. [the Rom and the devil. Stories and songs of the Burgenland Roma]. Klagenfurt: Drava Verlag. 255 pp. ISBN 3-85435-346-4. <> {texts, fairly tales, oral tradition, songs} {Austria, German} 39 BURGENLAND ROMAN - VEND - PREKMURJE 138. ** Halwachs, Dieter W., U. Glaeser, K. Martens & C. Purr. 1996. Lehrerkommentar zum Lehrbuch "Amen Roman Siklojas" [comments for teachers regarding the textbook AAmen Roman Siklojas@]. (Arbeitsbericht 4 des Projekts Kodifizierung und Didaktisierung des Roman). Oberwart: Verein Roma. <Internet:> {grammar} {Austria, German} 139. Horvat-Muc, Joñek. 1999. Ratfalu Paunji. Krvava Voda [blood wedding]. Murska Sobota: Romske Društvo, Romani Union. 60 pp. CHK ISBN. <ordering address: Romske Društvo, Romani Union, Murska Sobota, Trg Zmage 4, 9000 Murska Sobota. Tel/fax 069-313.329><contains the text of four short theatre plays in Romani, illustrated with drawings. Ratfali Paunji (1996) p. 5-24 by Joñek Horvat-Muc & Monica Sandrelli; Loli Phauba - Rde…ka Jabolka (1995), p. 25-33; Sedmi Dan (1993-1994), p. 34-45; Paramisi - Pravljica (1998), p. 47-60> {theatre} {Slovenia, Slovenian} 140. $R$ Horvat, Nataš & Aranka Cener (ed. Janez Ker…mar). 1987. Zbirka slovenskoromskih izrazov/ Kenva slovenske te romaune alavençar [collection of Slovenian-Romani expressions]. Mursko Sobota: Izobrañevalna skupnost Mursko Sobota in Lendava. 46 pp. <Prekmurje dialect, dictionary Slovene-Romani> {dictionary} {Slovenia, Slovenian} 141. $V$ Livijen, Joñe & Joñek Horvat-Muc. 1994. „honeskri Angrusti: Romani kenva. Lunin Prstan. Romski Zbornik. [Ring of the moon. Romani writings]. Murska Sobota: Pomurska. ISBN 86-7195-128-6. RC 450. Romani-Slovenian, facing pages {poetry, theatre, riddles} {Slovenia, Slovenian} 142. Knobloch, J. 1953. Rom~ni-Texte aus dem Burgenland. Berichte, Erzählungen und Märchen der bürgenländischen Zigeuner, aufgezeichnet, übersetzt und mit sprachlichen Bemerkungen versehen. Eisenstadt. (Burgenländische Forschungen, hrsg. vom Landesarchiv und Landes-museum, Heft 24.). Burgenländisches Staatsarchiv. <most texts in Roman, some in Lovari> {texts, oral tradition, fairy tales} {Austria, German} RELIGIOUS 143. Balika, Gabriel, Andreas Racz (eds.). 1996. Wir beten. Amen molinas. Imádkozunk. Oberwart: Gabriel & Andreas Racz. 54 pp. No ISBN. {prayer book. B/W, ill, Burgenland; texts in Roman, German and Hungarian} {Austria, German, Hungarian} 40 CALO CALÓ 1: CALÓ Calo is a combination of Romani words with a Spanish grammatical system. The number of words known or used by individuals varies enormously. Most of the published Caló dictionaries (including recent reprints of dictionaries from the 19th century) contain many words that are not known by any speakers. See also Acton under anthologies. A Apurified@ version has been created under the name ARomano-Kalo@. Publications in this artificial variety are listed separately below. 144. * Campuzano, R. 1848 [1980]. Orijen, usos y costumbres de los jitanos y diccionario de su dialecto. Madrid, 1848. 2nd edition, 1851. <Facsimile reprint, Madrid 1980: Helioduro><Caló>Spanish> {dictionary} {Spain, Spanish} 145. Caritas Diocesana. 1975. Los gitanos. Diccionario español-gitano. Barcelona: Secretariado Gitano. chk - pp. {dictionary} {Spain, Spanish} 146. * García, José Antonio Plantón. 1993. Aproximación al Caló. Chipi Cayí. Málaga: Junta de Andalucía, Consejeria de Asuntos Sociales, Delegación Provincial. 62 pp. {grammar} {Spain, Spanish} 147. $F$ ** Jung, Christof. 1972. Wortliste des Dialekts der Spanischen Zigeuner. (CalóSpanisch-Deutsch). Mainz: Flamenco-Studio 1972. Sonderdruck No. 3. 58 pp. {dictionary} {Spain, Spanish} 148. ** Llorens, Maria Jose. 1991. Diccionario Gitano. Un Estudio profundo y veraz acerca de esta controvertida y peculiar raza, encaminado hacia un mejor conocimiento por parte del resto de la sociedad. Madrid: A.L Mateos. 297 pp. <this is a copy of Tineo Rebolledo's dictionary of 1900, with no acknowledgement> <Caló>Spanish> {dictionary} {Spain, Spanish} 149. Moreno Castro, P. & J.C. Reyes. 1981. Diccionario gitano caló-español, español-caló. Jean. {dictionary} {Spain, Spanish} 150. ** Pabanó, R.M. 1915 [1980]. Historia y Costumbres de los Gitanos. Barcelona: Muntaner y Simón. <facsimile reprint 1980. Madrid: Ediciones Giner> 41 CALO {dictionary} {Spain, Spanish} 151. *? Rebolledo,Tineo J. 1900 [1988]. A Chipicalli (la Lengua Gitana). Granada: Imprenta de F. Gomez de la Cruz. 247 pp. <reprint Cadiz 1988: University of Cadiz, 311 pp.> {dictionary} {Spain, Spanish} 152. * Quindalé, Francisco de. 1867. (pseud. of F. Sales Mayo). 1867. Diccionario Gitano.... Madrid: Oficina Tipográfica del Hospicio. 76 3 + 76 p. <reprinted 1909><Caló>Spanish> {dictionary} {Spain, Spanish} 153. * Sales Mayo, Francisco de. 1869. Los Gitanos, su historia, sus costumbres, su dialecto con un vocabulario caló-castellano. Madrid: Tipografico de Hospicio. <Revised reprint 1870, Madrid: Libreria Suárez>< Facsimile Reprint, Madrid 1979: Heliodoro, Bibliofilia y Arte><see also Quindalé> {grammar, dictionary} {Spain, Spanish} 154. ** Torrione, Margarita. 1987. Diccionario caló-castellano de Don Luis Usoz y Rio. Un Manuscrito del siglo XIX. Perpignan: Université de Perpignan, CRILAUP. 61 pp. {dictionary} {Spain, Spanish} RELIGIOUS MATERIAL 155. Bible. Luke. 1837. Embeo e Majaro Lucas. Brotoboro randado andré la chipe griega, acána chibado andré ó Romanó, o chipe es Zincales de Sesé / El Evangelio segun S. Lucas, traducido al Romani, ó dialecto de los Gitanos de España. Madrid, 177 p. <Second, revised edition, London 1872. <translated by George Borrow> {Britain, Spain} 156. Bible. Luke. 1872. Criscoté e majaró Lucas (Evangelium Lucae al romani) o dialecto de los Gitanos de España. London: British & Foreign Bible Society. <translated by George Borrow> {Britain} 42 CALO 2: ROMANO-KALO Romano-Kalo is a reconstructed variety of Spanish Romani. Romano-Kalo has been used a few times in the periodical Nevipens Romani. 157. $A2$ ** España. 1988. Krisipén Sersení. Constitución Española. [Spanish Constitution]. Barcelona: Ediciones 29. 175 pp. ISBN 84-7175-270-0. <bilingual Romano-Kalo-Spanish, facing pages> <publisher=s address: Ediciones 29, Mandri, 41, 08022 Barcelona> {adults, politics, non-fiction} {Spain, Spanish} 158. Ramidez-Heredia, Juan. 2001. Angluno Pustik pa Vakeripen Romano-Kalo [first book on the Romano-Kalo language]. Barcelona: Union Romani. {grammar, teaching book} {Spain, Spanish} 159. $V$ Union Romani/. NO YEAR. Tiknida Themeske. Konferenzia e Techaripen thaj Hadipoen ande Europa. Barcelona: Union Romani. 22 p. + 22 pp. RC 468. <political document, for OSCE meeting> {politics} {Spain} 43 DRINDARI Drindari is a South Balkan II variety spoken in Bulgaria. A periodical in this variety Andral is a periodical in a variety close to Drindari. 160. $D$ Atanasov, Radi. 2002. Ratvai loi lulizi. K=rvavo Tsernevo tchveme [blood red flower]. Sofia: Balkanska Fondacia ADiversity@/ Balkanikani Fondacija pe Interkulturake Edukacij ADiversity@. ISBN 954-90777-9-9. 33 pp. <bilingual RomaniBulgarian, facing pages><Romani in Roman script><illustrated with line drawings by Tossan Ramar> CHK ordering address {poetry, adults} {Bulgaria, Bulgarian} 44 ERLI ERLI Erli is a Balkan dialect spoken in Sofia, and elsewhere in Bulgaria. See also under Bulgaria, Yugoslavian Romani, Macedonia for the same or related dialects. 161. ** Calvet, Georges. 1982. Lexique Tsigane. Dialecte des Erlides de Sofia. Paris: Publications Orientalistes de France. 110 pp. <ordering address: L=Asiathèque, Publications Orientalistes de France, INALCO, 2, rue de Lille, 75343 Paris, France> <dictionary Romani-French, with French index> {dictionary} {France, French} 162. $A2$ ** ## Kovacheva, Lilyana. 2001. O Rom dzhanel o drom [The Rom knows the way]. No place, no publisher, no ISBN. 142 pp. <forewords by Savcho Savchez and Jordanko Todorova, p. 5><B/W photo illustrations, cover in full colour> < interviews with Hristo Kyuchukov, Bairam Halati, Nikolae Gheorghe, Shaip Yusuf, Kati Stojka, Agnes Darotsy, Ali Krasnichi, Salie Ibrahim, Lev Cherenkov><there are also other editions of the book in Bulgarian and English> {biography} {Bulgaria, Bulgarian, English} 163. Marushiakova, Elena & Vesselin Popov 1998. The Snake's Ring. The Language and Folklore of Erli from Sofia ed. by E. Marushiakova, V. Popov & B. Igla (eds.). Special issue of Studii Romani 5/6. <contains texts by Bernard Gilliat-Smith> {texts, grammar, scholarly essays} {Bulgaria, Bulgarian, English} 164. ** Petrov, Mihail. 1996. Mo Vogi/Dushata Mi. Sofia: Balkanska Fondacia ADiversity@/ Balkanikani Fondacija pe Interkulturake Edukacij ADiversity@. ISBN 9549510-01-8. 39 pp. <bilingual Romani-Bulgarian, facing pages> {poetry, adults} {Bulgaria, Bulgarian} 165. $S$ Randov-Ivrand, Ivan. 1999. Cherheniengoro Asabe. Zvezden Smjax [laughing of stars]. Sofia: Skorpion. 35 pp. ISBN 954-8210-41-X. <ordering address: Projekt Prava na Tsoveka, ul. Solunska 23, 6ti Etazh, 1000 Sofia, Tel + fax: (359 2) 806145, 9815066, email:,><Romani in Roman, Bulgarian translation on facing pages> <Kalajdñi> {poetry, adults, no illustrations} {Bulgaria, Bulgarian} 166. ** $118$ Slavov, Atanas. 1999. Gypsy-English/English-Gypsy Dictionary. New York: Hippocrene Books. 229 pp. <combines features of Sofia Erli and Sliven dialects> {dictionary} {USA, English} 45 ERLI 167. Kju…ukov, Xristo. 1993. Romani chib-Romski ezik [Romani language]. Sofia. UNICEF. {essays} {Bulgaria, Bulgarian} 168. $A2NOT$ ** Kju…ukov, Xristo. 1993. U…eben Bålgaro-Romski rechnik [Bulgarian Romani glossary]. Sofia. UNICEF. 53 pp. {dictionary} {Bulgaria, Bulgarian} Religious material 169. Bible. Luke. 1912. E Devléskoro sfjato lil e Ísus-Xristóskoro dñiipé thai meribé e sfjatoné Lukéstar. London: British and Foreign Bible Society. 101 pp. <translated into Erli by B. Gilliat-Smith> {Britain} 170. $V$ ** Bible. NT. 1995. O Neevo Zaveti Amare Devlesko Isus Hristos [the new testament of our Lord=s Jesus Christ]. Sofia: Union of the Church of the Seventh Day adventists. 554 pp. RC-345. <translated by Suljo Metkov> {Bulgaria} 171. $A2$ ** Bible. Daniel. 2000. Lil Kataro o Prorokos Daniil [book of the prophet Daniel]. Sofia: Nov Zivot. 46 pp. ISBN 954-719-051-2. <translated from Bulgarian to Romani by Sulyo Metkov><publisher=s address: Nov Zivot Izdatelstvo, ul. Solynska 10, Sofia. Tel. 980.4701. 470457. Email: {colour cover, no illustrations} {Bulgaria} 46 GURBET, DðAMBAZI, ARABADðI, SOUTHERN VLAX GREECE There is a great variety of Ronani dialects spoken in Greece. Some of them belong to the Balkan branch, others to Southern Vlax, for others it is less clear. See also Igla under Ajia Varvara, and Paspati(s) under Balkan. 172. $A$ ** Anaptyksiaki Karditsas ANKA. 1997. Ellino-Tsigganiko Glossari. Mia apopeira jia Ellino-Tsigganiko Glossari ston tsigganiko oikismo tin Sofadin. Karditsa: Anka. 193 pp. ISBN 960-91039-0-1.<ordering address: <ordering addres: Anaptiksiakí Karditsas A.E., Artesianou 5 & Kolokotrini, 43100 Karditsa. Tel. 0441-42363/ 26345, Fax: 0441-71636> {dictionary Greek-Romani, in Greek letters} {Greece, Greek} 173. Exarchos, Giorgios. 2001. Mikro Tsigganiko Lexiko tis glossas Romani: tsigganiko-Elleniko & elleno-tsigganiko [small Gypsy lexicon of the Romani language: Gypsy-Greek & Greek-Gypsy]. Athens: Medousa. 149 pp. ISBN 960-701487-1. 174. ** Liapis, Antonis. 1998. Glossario tis Romani, opos ti miloun i musulmani Roma tis ellinikis Thrakis elleno-Romano [dictionary of the Romani language as spoken by the Muslim Roma in Greek Thrace (Greek Romani)] Komotini: Antonis Liapis. 157 pp. {dictionary} {Greece, Greek} 175. $A$ ** Sidéri, Athina, Fitini Tsuknída & Sofia Kozioú. 1999 [2]. Tsigganiko Glossari. Tsiggano-Elliniko. Ellino-Tsigganiko [Gypsy Dictionary. Greek-Romani. RomaniGreek]. Karditsa: Anaptiksiakí Karditsas A.E. 175 pp.ISBN 960-86494-0-4. <grammar sketch pp. 11-17; Romani-Greek 19-93; Greek-Romani 94-174> <second printing 1999; year of first printing unknown> {dictionary}<ordering addres: Anaptiksiakí Karditsas A.E., Artesianou 5 & Kolokotrini, 43100 Karditsa. Tel. 0441-42363/ 26345, Fax: 0441-71636> {some B/W portrait photographs} CHK dialect {Greek, Greece} 176. Voultsidis, Yannis. 1996. CHK ORIGINAL TITLE [the bride of Karagoz]. Komotini: The Thracian Society. 46 pp. {theatre play; puppet theatre; Romani text pp. 11-29; Greek pp. 31-46} {Greece} 47 GURBET, DðAMBAZI, ARABADðI, SOUTHERN VLAX GURBET, DðAMBAZI, ARABADðI AND YUGOSLAV SOUTHERN VLAX Gurbet belongs to the Southern Vlach branch. It is widely spoken in former Yugoslavia, and by emigrants from there in western Europe. See also Amultidialectal@. 177. Ackoviƒ, Dragoljub. 1994. Grapa za Istoriiju Informisanja Roma. Beograd: Romski Kulturni Klub. 46 pp. <mostly Serbian, some Romani, some English; conference handbook> {Yugoslavia, Serbian} 178. $R$ Ackoviƒ, Dragoljub. 1996. Ashunen Romalen. Listen People. Beograd: Rominterpress. 127, 127 pp {essays} {Yugoslavia, Serbian} 179. ** $R$ $F$ Ackoviƒ, Dragoljub. 1997. „itajte Ljudi - Ginavnen Romalen - Read People. Belgrado: Rrominterpress. Beograd: Rominterpress. 333 pp. No ISBN. {Trilingual Serbokroat (Latin script), Romani, English; catalogue of Romani periodicals, with translations from editorials} {essays} {Yugoslavia, Serbian, English} 180. $R$ Ackoviƒ, Vera. 1993. Vokalna Muzika Roma i Jugoslaviji. Vocal Roma=s Music in Jugoslavija. Beograd: Rominterpress. 225 pp. <ordering address: Rominterpress, 11050 Beograd, Sluzbeni Put 86a, Jugoslavia. Tel. 00-381-11-3470-736. Fax: 00-381-3244526. Email:> <introduction in English and Serbian in Romani. Songs in Romani with Serbian translations> {songbook, musical notation} {Yugoslavia, Serbian, English} 181. Šemso Avdiƒ. 1975. Poesie. Cuneo: Edizioni Primalpe, 1975 (a cura del Centro Studi Zingari di Torino). <Dñambazi><also called Italian Xoraxani> 182. Šemso Avdiƒ. 1993. Sanguina il cuore dei Rom (Ratvarol ilo romano). Forlì: Edizioni Forum/Quinta Generazione. <Dñambazi><also called Italian Xoraxani> 183. $R$ Avdiƒ, Šemso 1998. Romi od Ropenja do smrti. Banja Luka: B.Z.K. Preporod. 80 pp. <Dñambazi><also called Italian Xoraxani> {poetry} {Yugoslavia} 184. $R$ Dimiƒ, Trifun. 1979. Kana vavas ando foro - Dolazeƒi sa vašara [when I come in the city]. Novi Sad: Irig. CHK pp <publ. Address: Irig, Masarikova 7, 21.000 Novi Sad, tel. (021)52-443> {poetry} {Yugoslavia, Serbian} 48 GURBET, DðAMBAZI, ARABADðI, SOUTHERN VLAX 185. $V$ Dimiƒ, Trifun. 1985. Romane Romaja, Sovlimate thaj Bahtarimate. Narodne Romske Ketveve, Zakletve i Blagloslovi [Romani swearings, oaths and blessings]. Novi Sad: Edition Strazilovo/ Sprska Citaonica i Knjiznica Irig. 79 pp. RC-327, RC-559. {adults, oral tradition, Romani content, illustrated} {Yugoslavia, Serbian} 186. Dimiƒ, Trifun. 1986. ‚idimata e Rromane Ðiljendar - Romska narodna poezija [anthology of Romani poetry]. Novi Sad: Matica Srpska. 332 pp. RC-595 <Vojvodina Gurbet, poetry anthology> <Romani in Latin and Serbian in Cyrillic on facing pages, no illustrations> {poetry, anthology} {Yugoslavia, Serbian} 187. $S$ Dimiƒ, Trifun. 1995. Lil Ramosarimako [writing book]. Novi Sad: Soros Fond Yugoslavia. 132 pp. <ABC book p-1-59. Poetry and stories p- 62-80. Translation 81115 (Bible, religious)>. {ABC book, children, schoolbook, B/w drawings} {Yugoslavia} 188. $R$ Dimiƒ, Trifun. 2000. Lil grafemengo. Palo angluno klaso Fundocke Shkolako [writing book. For the first grade of school]. Beograd: Institute for School Books and Educational Material. <East Gurbet> {school book, ABC book, colour illustrations, drawings}{Cyrillic} {Yugoslavia} 189. $V$ Djuriƒ, Rajko. 1969. Rhom Rodel Txan Talav Kam [the Rom looks for a place under the sun]. Beograd: the author. 39 pages. RC-444. <Cyrillic, monolingual> {poetry, adults} {Yugoslavia, Serbian} 190. $V$ Djuriƒ, Rajko. 1979. Bi kheresko bi limoresko - Bez Doma bez Groba [without home, without grave]. Belgrade: Nolit. 88 pp. RC-458 <see also under standard> <bilingual Romani-Serbocroatian. Romani in Latin script, Serbian in Cyrillic> {poetry, adults} {Yugoslavia, Serbian} 191. Djuriƒ, Rajko. 1980. Purano svato - o dur them/ Prastara re… Daleki Svet [ancient word, far away world]. Belgrade CHK {bilingual, Romani-Serbokroat} {poetry, adults} {Yugoslavia, Serbian} 192. Djuriƒ, Rajko. 1982. A thaj U/ A i U [A and U]. Beograd: Narodna Knjiga. 92 pp. <bilingual,, Romani-Serbokroat, facing pages [Latin script]> {poetry, adults} {Yugoslavia, Serbian} 193. ????? Djuriƒ, Rajko. 1986. ..../Hefestovi U…enici [Hephaistos Young Ones????]. {Yugoslavia, Serbian} 194. $F$ ** Djuriƒ, Rajko. 1989. Zigeunerische Elegien. Gedichte auf Romani und Deutsch [Gypsy Elegies. Poems in Romani and German]. Hamburg: Helmut Buske Verlag. 111 pp. ISBN 3-87118-923-5. <bilingual edition, Romani & German><preface in German by N. Boretzky> 49 GURBET, DðAMBAZI, ARABADðI, SOUTHERN VLAX {poetry, adults} {Germany, German} 195. $V$ Duriƒ, Gordana. 1989. Dukhaldo ilo. Ranjeno Srce [painful heart]. Novi Sad: Društvo Vojvodina za Jezik i Knjiñevnost Roma. 48 pp. RC-320 <Romani and Serbian on facing pages> {poetry, adults} {Yugoslavia, Serbian} 196. GàÑi, Jevad Veliasqoro 1984?. Lafonenqo Khelipa [dance of words]. Priština: the author. [V. Gàsi, Rr. E Adriakut 101, 38000 Priština]. CHK spelling, publisher, etc. {poetry, adults} {Yugoslavia, Kosovo} 197. ** ## $A$ Haliti, Bajram. 2000. Badalesi Angrustin/ Nebeski Pristen. 149 pp. Beograd: Strutsna Kniga. No ISBN. RC-1067 <Ordering address: Strutsna Kniga, D.P. Beograd, Lole Ribara 48. Tel. 3240-943, Fax. 011-3242.512> <Dñambazi, bilingual Romani/Serbian> {adults, poetry} {Yugoslavia, Serbian} 198. Chavorenge …a…ipena [Rights of the Children]. Foundation for Human Rights. {political} 199. $V$ Jovanoviƒ, Ilija. 2000. Bündel. Budño. Gedichte. Ðila. Deutsch. Romanes [Bundle. Poems. German. Romani]. Landeck: EYE (Emirgân Yay2nlar2 Editions). 63 pp. RC 1089. <Order: EYE, Graf 135, A-6500 Landeck, Austria/Österreich; email:; Internet:><Romani and German versions graphically united> {poetry, adults} {Austria, German} 200. $A2$ $D$ ** Jovanoviƒ, Zoran. 2000. Da li znaš romski? Dñanes rromane? Do you speak Romany? Srpsko-romsko-engleski razgovornik. [Serbian-Romani-English conversation guide]. Beograd: Nezavisna Izdanja/Slobodan Mašiƒ. 160 pp. (Nova 172). No ISBN. {conversation guide. Serbian, English, Romani. Text in black (Serbian, English) and red (Romani). Illustrated with colour photographs. Adults. Romani contents. Introduction about the genesis of the book, historical data and information about the author} {conversation guide, colour photographs, adults} {Yugoslavia, Serbian, English} 201. ^187b. Jovanoviƒ, Zoran. 200 CHK 202. Krasniƒi, Alija. 1981. „ergarendje Jaga - „ergarske Vatre [tent fires]. Priština: Jedinstvo. 144 pp. RC 412. <bilingual, pp 9-75 Serbokroat (Cyrillic); pp. 77-142 Romani> {Yugoslavia, Kosovo, Serbian} 203. $R$ $D$ Krasniƒi, Ali. 1986. Iripe ano Ðuvdipe. Povratak i Zhivot. Priština: Jedinstvo. 204 pp. Yugoslavia. {bilingual Romani-Serbian}<bilingual SerbokroatRomani, translated rom Romani into Serbokroat by the author> 50 GURBET, DðAMBAZI, ARABADðI, SOUTHERN VLAX {short stories} {Yugoslavia, Kosovo, Serbian} 204. $S$ Krasniƒi, Ali. 1989. Zvezdani Snovi. „ehrajine Sune [star dreams]. Priština: Jedinstvo. 102 pp. ISBN 86-7019-043-5. <epic poetry based on legends, poetry; adults; Serbokroat (Cyrillic) and Romani on facing pages> {poetry, adults} {Yugoslavia, Kosovo, Serbian} 205. $S$ Krasniƒi, Alija. 1995. Rromani Kalji Paramici. Romska Cria Bajka [Romani black story???? CHK TRANS]. Priština: Pergament. 130 pp. RC-1007. <epic poetry, adults, Romani and Serbian (in Cyrillic) on facing pages, no ill> {poetry, adults} {Yugoslavia, Kosovo, Serbian} 206. $V$ ## Krasniƒi, Alija. 1995. Rromane Kanrralje Droma [thorny roads of the Roma]. Priština: Pergament. 63 pp. RC-1005 <epic poetry, monolingual, B/W drawings> {poetry} {Yugoslavia, Kosovo} 207. $V$ $D$ Krasniƒi, Alija. 1995. Efta Plajina [opposite seven mountains]. Priština: Pergament. 59 pp. RC-1004 <Monolingual, author=s biography pp. 60-61> {biography} {Yugoslavia, Kosovo} 208. $V$ Krasniƒi, Ali. 1997. Ljimora Munrre Ljimorende. Priština: own publication. 63 pp. RC-1006. {poetry} {Yugoslavia, Kosovo} 209. $V$ Krasniƒi, Alija. 1997. Rat Rromano [Romani blood]. Priština: own publication. 60 pp. RC-1003 <monolingual> {poetry} {Yugoslavia, Kosovo} 210. $D$ Krasniƒi, Alija. 2000. Rromani Mahlava. CHK TRANS {stories} 211. Mehr, Mariella. 1998. Nachrichten aus dem Exil. Nevipe andar o exilo. Gedichte. Gila. Klagenfurt: Drava. 108 pp. <German pp. 6-54; Romani pp. 56-102><poems translated from German into Romani by Rajko Djuriƒ> {poetry, adults} {Austria, German} 212. $V$ Nikoliƒ, Jovan. 1982. Dosti khatinendar. Gost Niotkuda. Pesme. [host from nowhere. Poems]. Vršac/Vîrset: Bibloteka Kov. 57 pp. RC-329.<bilingual RomaniSerbian, facing pages, 23 poems> {poetry, adults} {Yugoslavia, Kosovo, Serbian} 51 GURBET, DðAMBAZI, ARABADðI, SOUTHERN VLAX 213. $R$ Nikoliƒ, Jovan. 1998. Male Noƒne Pesme. Cikne rjatune Ðilja [little noctural songs]. Novi Sad: Društvo Vojvodine za jezik i kultura i knjiñevnost Roma. 94 pp. <sGurbet, Srem> <bilingual Romani-Serbian. Translated into Romani by Trifun Dimiƒ> {poetry} {Yugoslavia, Kosovo, Serbian} 214. ^199B. $S$ Rajoviƒ, dr Jelka. 2000?. Na phurde manpe ando muj! [Don=t breathe into my mouth! CHK PUBL <childrens book about health> {colour illustrations, drawings, health guide, non-Romani, translation} {Yugoslavia} 215. Rshumovich, Ljubiviol. 2000. Fundo pe chavor: kane ortura. Beograd: publisher??? 72 pp. ISBN: 86-82-099-04-8. <ABC book, only Romani on Cyrillic, Yugoslav Romani, color drawings, non-romani contents. Translated by Dobrovsav B Bob Jivkovich> {Cyrillic script} {ABC-book, children} {Yugoslavia} 216. $V$ Saƒipeso, Mehmed. 1984. Bu…arne vasta. Gilana: Prosveta. 20 pp. RC-445. <No illustrations, poetry, monolingual, Latin script> {poetry, adults} 217. $D$ Saƒip, Mehmed. 1984. Sofrako Miškuipe. Pomepanye Sofre [movement of the ??? CHK TRANS] Gilana: Prosveta. 20 pp. < poetry. Bilingual Serbian-Romani?> {poetry} 218. Šajn, Srdjan I. & Zuzana Halupova. 1986. Sumnakuno Lil Cerako. Zlatna Knjigu „erge. The Golden Book on Nomades. Das goldene Buch der Zeltbewohner [SIC]. Beograd: Zajednica Knjiñevnih Klubova Serbije. 18 pp. <address: 11000 Beograd, Zeleni venac 2/II> <four languages on one page, colour ill., right side, Romani content> {children, fiction} {Yugoslavia, English, German, Serbian} 219. $R$ ** Seferoviƒ, Ragib & Sandra Rajkoviƒ. 2000. Romani Angluni Alfabeta. Prva Romska Po…etnica. Zagreb: Unija Roma Hrvatske. 44. Pp. ISBN 953-97784-1-7. <RC1101> <text in Romani and Serbokroat> ,publisher=s address: Unija Roma Hrvatske, III. Kozari Put, IV Odvojak 2B, 1000 Zagreb, Republika Hrvatska. Tel./Fax: (++385)01/2407.866. Email:> {ABC book; schoolbook, children, adults, color cover, B/W drawings, colour drawings} {Croatia, Croat} 220. $S$ Sejdíc, Marko. 2000. Me avav dural. Io vengo da lontano [I come from far away]. Milan: I.S.U. Universita Cattolica. 169 pp ISBN: 88-8311-039-0. <ordering address: I.S.U. Universita Cattolica, Largo Gemelli. 1- Milano, Italai. URL: http://> <poetry, Romani with Italian translation. B/w illustration (historical photographers and drawings)> {poetry} {Italy, Italian} 221. Sejdoviƒ, Ruñdija-Ruso. 1988 Svjetlost u ponoƒ. E jak an-e rat [fire in the night] Titograd. <bilingual Romani-Serbocroatian, from Montenegro><Gurbet, Dasikane Roma> {poetry} 52 GURBET, DðAMBAZI, ARABADðI, SOUTHERN VLAX {Yugoslavia, Montenegro, Serbocroatian} 222. $V$ Uhlik, Rade. 1961. Sar šaj arakhas amen e nasvalimastar [how to protect ourselves against diseases]. Sarajevo: the author. 41 pp. RC-462/446. {adults, health} 223. $S$ Yovanovich, Zlatomir. 2001. Lil Bucharimasko. Palo angluno klaso fundoske Školako [Work book. For the first class of the basic school]. Beograd: Zavod za ushebnike i nastavna sredstva. 105 pp. <Cyrillic><East Gurbet> {ABC book, children, colour drawing} {Yugoslavia, Serbian} RELIGIOUS 224. Dimiƒ, Trifun. 1995. Lil Ramosarimako also contains religious material. See above nr. 176 CHK 225. $R$ Bible. John. 1989. Sumnalo Evanpelje Isusko Hristosko e Jovanostar. Belgrade: Biblijsko Društvo. 94 pp. <translated by Trifun Dimiƒ> <distribution: United Bible Societies, University of Aberden, Cromwell Tower, Aberdeen AB9 2UB, Scotland> {Britain} 226. Bible. Luke. 1938. O Devlikano Ramope. E Sumnale Lukahtar, nakhadino pe Êromani …hib kater Rade Uhlik, sikamno. Parnoforo [Beograd]: Englezongo thaj Aver Themengo Biblijako Amalipe. 131 pp. <translated by Rade Uhlik> {Britain, Yugoslavia} 227. $V$ Bible. New Testament. 1990. Nevo Sovlahardo Cidipe [selection from the New Testament CHK TRANS]. Novi Sad: Dobra Vest. 292 pp. RC-987 <translated by Trifun Dimiƒ> {Yugoslavia} 228. Musli, Hadzi Sain <Shain> Ef.. 2001 (2nd edition). Jâ-Sîn - Jâ-Sîn-i -Serif <Sherif> (Ki Arabadzisko chib). Skopje: CHK publisher. 51 pp. CHK dialect <translation of the Ya-Sin sure of the Qur'an together with a commentary><Arabic text on p. 45-51><Arabadñi dialect> {Islam, religious} {Macedonia} 53 GURBET, DðAMBAZI, ARABADðI, SOUTHERN VLAX HAVATI (Slovenia, Italy) The Gopti, Havati or Dolenjski dialect is spoken is a few different varieties in Italy and Slovenia, and probably earlier in Croatia. It is rather deviant from other dialects. 229. Kova…ic, Jelenka. 1999. Domislin pe pu mande/ Pomisli name [remember me]. Novo Mesto: Dolenjska Zaloñba. 95 pp. ISBN 961-6297-28-7. <Romani-Slovenian on facing pages; B/W photographs. Poetry???> {Slovenia, Slovenian} 230. Šajnovi…, Rajko. 1991. Pripomo…ek za: Dolenisko-Romska Nare…ja. Romani „hip. Novo Mesto: the author. 1-125, 1-14. 1-5, 1-4 pp. CHK SLOVENIAN {dictionary, grammar} {Slovenia, Slovenian} 231. Šajnovi…, Rajko. 1995. Pot - Drom [road]. Novo Mesto: Siga. {Slovenia} {fiction} 232. Šajnovi…, Rajko. 2000. Biti Rom, Romski Otrok. Ovi Rom, Romano „havoro [I am Rom, a Romani child]. Novo Mesto: Tiskarna Novo Mesto, Dolenjska Zaloñba. 136 pp. ISBN 961-6297-43-0. <mostly in Slovenian; some discussion of the language> {Slovenia, Slovenian} RELIGIOUS MATERIAL Some parts of the Bible were translated in Itay, but we do not have the bibliographical data. 54 HUNGARY - UNGRO HUNGARY There are several Romani dialects in Hungary, both of the Vlax branches (Lovari, Gurvari) and Central groups (Vend, Romungro). See also Lovari, Anthologies. 233. $A2NOT$ ** Bari, Károly. 1985. Tázpiros Kigyócska. Címá fordításkötetének erediti Cigány Szövegei [The fire-red little snake. The original Romani texts of the earlier Hungarian volume]. GödöllÅ: Cultural Centre of GödöllÅ/A GödöllÅi mávelÅdési Központ Módszertani Kiadványa.150 PP. <texts from Hungary, Russia and Romania} {texts} {Hungary, Hungarian} 234. $A2$ ** Bari, Károly. 1990. Le V‘šeski D‘j [the mother of the woods]. Budapest: Országos KözmmávelÅdési Központ / national Educational Center. 507 pp. <texts from Hungary in several Vlax dialects: Vlax, Masari, Grastari, Drizari, Lovari, Kalderash, Cerhari, „urari> {texts, oral tradition, songs, fairy tales} {Hungary, Hungarian} 235. *? Bari, Károly. 1996. A Tizenkét Királyfi. Cigány Népmesék.[The twelve young kings. Gypsy folktales]. 203 pp. Budapest: Romano Kher. ISBN 963 85 408 2 6. <address: 1151 Budapest, Ënekes u. 10/B, Tel/Fax: 307-6397/306-68-1> <Vlax, stories, bilingual Hungarian-Romani facing pages> {oral tradition, texts} {Hungary, Hungarian} 236. Benedek Katalin, Angyal Katalin & Cserbak András. 2001. Cigány Mesemondók Repertoárjának Bibliográfiája [Bibliography of the Repertoire of Gypsy Storytellers]. Budapest: MTA Néprajzi Kutató Intézet. 492 pp. ISBN 963-567-020-6. (Magyar Népmesekatalógus/Catalogue of Hungarian Folktales 10/I ) <catalogue of the ca. 2000 recordings and texts in Hungarian and a variety of dialects in the Folklore Department of the Ethnographic Institute of the Hungarian. Academy of Sciences. Not texts are quoted or analyzed> <available from MTA Néprajzi Kutató Intézet, 1014 Budapest I, Országház u. 30, OR: 1250 Budapest , Pf 29, Hungary> {Hungary, Hungarian} 237. Gyurkó, A & J.H. Kovács (eds.). 1999. Das Buch der Ränder. Roma-Lyrik aus Ungarn. Klagenfurt: Wieser Verlag. 165 pp. <publishers address: Wieser Verlag, Ebentaler Strasse 34b, A 9020 Klagenfurt/Celovec, Austria/Österreich. Tel. 0043463.370.36; Fax: 0043-463-376-35. Email: Homepage:> <bilingual Romani-Hungarian- German; translations from Hungarian into German by Andrea Gyurkó; translations from Hungarian into Romani by Endre Bihari & J. Choli Daróczi. Anthology of poetry. Romani-German on facing pages. Poetry. English-based spelling> <poets: J. Choli Daroczi, Horváth Gyula, Mónika Kalányos, Kovács Jószef Hontalan, Gusztáv Nagy, Jószef Nagy, Jószef Rigó, Zsolt Szolnoki Csanya> {poetry} {Austria, German} 238. Heltai, Gaspar. CHK YEAR. Szaz Fabula. Magyarul-ciganyul [One hundred tales in Hungarian and Gypsy]. Budapest: Magy. Ciganyok Nyelvörzö Egyes. 288 pp. ISBN 9632025911. <translated from Hungarian into Romani by A.Szöcsi> {literature, bilingual Hungarian & Romani} {Hungary, Hungarian} 55 HUNGARY - UNGRO 239. Vekerdi, József. 1981. A magyar cigány nyelvjárás nyelvtana [The grammar of the Romungro dialect]. Pécs: Johannes Pannonius Tudományegyetem TanárképzÅ Kar/ Johannes Pannonius University, Faculty of Teachers=Training. (Tanulmányok a cigány gyerekek oktatásával-nevelésével foglalkozó munkacsoport vizsgálataibo IVl [papers of the Research Committee dealing with the education of Gypsy children IV]. 61 pp. {grammar, texts} {Hungary, Hungarian} 240. * Vekerdi, Jószef. 1983. A magyarországi cigány nyelvjárások szótára [Dictionary of Hungarian Romani dialects]. Pécs: Johannes Pannonius Tudományi egyetem Tanárképzo kar. Tanulmányok a cigány gyerekekkel oktatásával foglalkozó munkacsoport vizsgálataibol VII. 246 pp. RC 656. see/dikh aver (CHK 241) {Romani, Hungarian, English, dictionary, Hungary, etymology, Lovari, Vlax, Gurvari, Vend, Sinti, Romungro, Masari, Drizari} {Hungary, Hungarian, English} 241. ** Vekerdi, József. 2000. A magyarországi cigány nyelvjárások szótára. A comparative dictionary of Gypsy dialects in Hungary. Second revised edition with the assistance of ZsuZsa Várnai. Budapest: Terebess. 224 pp. ISBN 963-9147-30-3. <introduction in Hungarian and English; Romani-English-Hungarian pp. 21-174. English-Romani and HungarianRomani indexes> <publisher=s address: Terebess, Corvin utca 13, H-1165 Budapest. Fax: (+36-1)403-6218. Email: Http://> <this Romani-Hungarian-English dictionary covers the following dialects: Masari, Vend, Lovari, Gurvari, Sinti, Romungro, Drizari> {Hungary, Hungarian} 56 HUNGARY - UNGRO ITALY- ITALIA In Italy the following dialects are spoken: Havati (Northeast), Sinti (North), Abruzzi and Calabresi (south). Speakers of Xoraxani and Vlax dialects are more spread. See also under names of individual dialects. 242. Mirella Karpati (ed.).1993. Zingari Ieri i Oggi [Gypsies yesterday and today]. Roma: Lacio Drom/Centro Studi Zingari. 167-171. <poems, tales, stories in Romani with Italian translations on pp. 183-237><Centro Studi Zingari, Via dei Barbieri 22, 00186 ROMA, Italia> {poetry, stories, fairy tales} {Italy, Italian} 243. Soravia, Giulio. 1977. Dialetti degli Zingari Italiani. [Dialects of the Italian Gypsies]. Pisa: Centro di Studio per la Dialettologia It. 5; Pisa: Pacini. 141 pp. (Profilo dei dialetti italiani 22, a cura di Manlio Cortelazzo). <disc in pocket> <discussion on and examples of Sinti, Vlax, Lovari, Abruzzi, Havati as spoken in Italy> {grammar, texts} {Italy, Italian} 244. $A2$ ** Soravia, Giulio & C. Fochi. 1995. Vocabolario sinottico delle lingue zingare parlate in Italia <synoptic vocabulary of the Gypsy dialects in Italy>. Roma: Centro Studi Zingari/Bologna: Istituto di Glottologia. 208 pp. <Centro Studi Zingari, Via dei Barbieri 22, 00186 ROMA, Italia> {dictionary} {Italy, Italian} 57 KAALO / FINNISH ROMANI KAALO/FINNISH ROMANI. Roma in Finland speak dialects of one variety of Romani that has been spoken there since the 1500s. There are also many Finnish Roma in Sweden. Most educational material is produced by the National Board of Education/Opetushallitus. Address: Hakaniemenkatu 2, P.O. Box 380, 0531 Helsinki, Finland. Telephone: #358-9-774775. Email: Janette.gronfö The Research Inst. for the Languages of Finland has published dictionaries and readers. Address: Kotimaisten kielten tutkimuskeskus (KKTK), Sörnäisten rantatie 25, FIN-00500 Helsinki, Finland/Suomi. The Journal Romano Boodos contains texts in Kaalo. CHK ADD Siklioboskere liin I. CHK 245. ** $K$ Granqvist, Kimmo. 1999. Suomen Romanikielen Käänteissanasto. Reverse Lexicon of Finnish Romani. Helsinki: KTKT (Kotimaisten kielten tutkimuskeskus [Domestic Languages Institute). vii + 111 pp. {dictionary, scholarly} {Finland, Finnish} 246. ** ## $A$ $S$ Hedman, Henry. 1996. Sar me sikjavaa Romanes. Romanen Kieloppias [how to learn Romani Romani. Romani grammar]. Helsinki: Opetus Hallitus. 243 pp. ISBN 951-719-614-8. {grammar, children, adults, illustrations, colour, drawings} {Finland, Finnish} 247. $A2NOT$ Koivisto, Viljo. 1982. Drabibosko ta rannibosko byrjiba. Vaaguno Dielos [beginning to read and write. First part]. Helsinki: Ammattikasvatushallitus Kouluhallitus. {ABC-book, children, illustrations} {Finland} 248. $V$ Koivisto, Viljo. 1987. Rakkahava Romanes. Kaalengo Tšimbako Sikjobosko Liin [I speak Romanes. Learning book for the Language of the Kaalo]. Helsinki: Ammattikasvatushallitus/ Valtion Painatuskeskus. ISBN 951-860-611-0. {B/W illustrations, school book, children} {Finland, Finnish} 249. ** ## $D$ Koivisto, Viljo. 1994. Romano-Finitiko-Angliko Laavesko Liin. Romanisuomi-englanti sanakirja. Romany-Finnish-English dictionary. Helsinki: Kotimaisten Kielten Tutkimuskeskuksen Julkaisuja 74. Painatuskeskus. ISBN 951-37-1363-6. <Publisher=s address: Research Inst. for the Languages of Finland/ Kotimaisten kielten tutkimuskeskus (KKTK), Sörnäisten rantatie 25, FIN-00500 Helsinki, Finland/Suomi> {dictionary} {Finland, Finnish, English} 250. $A$ ** ## Koivisto, Viljo. 2001. Suomi-romani-sanakirja. Finitko-romano laavesko liin [Finnish-Romani dictionary]. Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran toimituksia. Kotimaisten kielten tutkimuskeskuksen julkaisuja. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura & KKTK (Kotimaisten kielten tutkimuskeskus). XIII+463 pp. ISBN 951-746267-0.<Publisher=s address: Research Inst. for the Languages of Finland/ Kotimaisten kielten tutkimuskeskus (KKTK), Sörnäisten rantatie 25, FIN-00500 Helsinki, Finland/Suomi> 58 KAALO / FINNISH ROMANI {dictionary} {Finland, Finnish} 251. ** $D$ Koivisto, Viljo. 2002. Drabibosko Liiin [reading book]. Helsinki: Kotimaisten Kielten Tutkimuskeskuksen. 137 pp. ISBN 951-9475-90-7. <texts, mostly for children; Romani culture; Romani-Finnish-English glossary; some line drawings as illustrations; glossary 119-136. Texts 9-16> {school book, children, B/W illustrations, drawings, Romani contents} {Finland, Finnish} 252. ** Laulajainen, Leena & Malla Pirttilahti. 2000. Drom. Romanien tie [Road: the road of the Romani]. Helsinki: Opetushallitus. 86 pp. ISBN 952-13-0883-4. <publisher=s address: Opetushallitus/myntti, Hakaniemenkatu 2, PL 380, 00531 Helsinki. Tel. 09-7747.7450; 09-774.775. Fax: 09-7747.7475. Price: 69 FMK> <colour drawings by Kari Lindgren; Romani content; mostly in Finnish; audience: children; Romani song page 80-84> {songs, Romani content} {Finland, Finnish} 253. N.N. 1971. Mustalaiskielen Normatiivi Sanasto [normative dictionary of the Gypsy language]. Helsinki: Eripanos Mustalaiskielen ortografikomitean mietin möstä. 33 pp. {dictionary} {Finland, Finnish} 254. Opetushallitus/National Board of Education. 2003. Romani Language Curriculum for the comprehensive school (grades 1-6). Helsinki: Opetushallitus/National Board of Education. 255. ^236B. $V$ Palm, Kai. 1997. Kaalengo Kenti Dñambena. Romanilapset laulavat. [Roma children are singing]. Helsinki: Opetushallitus/National Board of Education. <cassette + notes> {songbook} {Finland, Finnish} 256. Romales. 2003. Romales. Romani children sing. Bahaven ta dzamben. Helsinki: Opetushallitus/National Board of Education. <CD and casette + notes> 257. $A2NOT$ ** Social-och hälsovårdsministeriet. 2000. Romerne i Finland. Finitiko Romaseele. [Roma in Finland]. 23 pp. ISBN 952-00-0827-6. (Social-och hälsovårdsministeriets broschyrer 1999: 14 swe) <summary in Kaalo on p. 23-24> {history} {Finland, Finnish} 258. * Thesleff, Arthur. 1901. Wörterbuch des Dialekts der finnländischen Zigeuner. Acta Societatis Scientarum Fennicae 29 (6). Helsingfors: Finnischen Literatur Gesellschaft. 125 pp. {dictionary, scholarly} {Finland, Finnish} 259. * Valtonen, Pertti. 1972. Suomen Mustalaiskielen Etymologinen Sanakirja [Etymological dictionary of the Finnish Gypsy language]. Helsinki: Suomalais Kirjallisuuden Seura. 138 pp. {dictionary, scholarly} {Finland, Finnish} 59 KAALO / FINNISH ROMANI 260. $A$ $V$ ** Vuolosranta, Miranda. 1995 [second printing 1996]. Romani Tšimbaki Drom [the way for the Finnish language]. Kavitus, Taitto ja Nuottigrafikaat Valfrid Akerlund. Helsinki: Opetushallitus. 151 pps. ISBN 951-719-359-9. RC-366. {children, songs, drawings, B/W, colour} {Finland} 261. $A$ $V$ ** Vuolosranta, Miranda. 2003 [third printing 2003]. Romani Tšimbaki Drom [the way for the Finnish language]. Kavitus, Taitto ja Nuottigrafikaat Valfrid Akerlund. Helsinki: Opetushallitus. 151 pps. ISBN 951-719-359-9. <Romani language study book> {children, songs, drawings, B/W, colour} {Finland} 262. ^240a. ** $P$ Vuolosranta, Miranda. Armas Hagert. Päivi Majaniemi. Henna Huttu. 2002. Romani Tšimbako Buttiako Liin 1 [Romani language work book 1]. Helsinki: Opetushallitus. 119 pp. ISBN 952-13-1501-6. <Romani-Finnish and FinnishRomani word lists pp. 113-119> <address publisher: Opetushallitus/Myynti, (Hakaniemenkatu 2), PL 380, 00531 Helsinki, Finland. Phone: (09)7747.7450. Fax. (09)7747.7475. Email:> <> {School book, color cover, B/W drawings, word lists, ABC book} {Finland} 263. Vuolosranta, Miranda. Armas Hagert. Päivi Majaniemi. Henna Huttu. 2003. Romani Tšimbako Buttiako Liin 1 [Romani language work book 1. Teachers= manual]. Helsinki: Opetushallitus. Electronically only?. <address publisher: Opetushallitus/Myynti, (Hakaniemenkatu 2), PL 380, 00531 Helsinki, Finland. Phone: (09)7747.7450. Fax. (09)7747.7475. Email:> <> {teachers book} {Finland} RELIGIOUS MATERIAL 264. ** $P$ Bible. Mark. 1970. Markusesko Evankeliumos. 63 pp. Helsinki: Kristillisen Kirjallisuuden Seura. <translated by Pertti Valtonen> {Finland} 265. $V$ ## Bible. John. 1971. Johannesesko Evankeliumos. Tampere: Finnish Bible Society. 72 pp. RC-554<translated by Viljo Koivisto> {Finland} 266. ## Bible. Luke. 2001. Luukasko Evankeliumos. Helsinki: Suomen Pipliaseura. 98 pp. ISBN 951-577-294-X. <translated by Henry Hedman> {Finland} 267. ## Koivisto, Viljo. 1970. Deulikaane Tšambibi. Hengeltisiä Lauluja [religious songs]. Helsinki: Mustalaislähetys Ry. Forssa: Forssan Kirjapaino Oy. {hymns, songs, prayers} {Finland} 60 KAALO / FINNISH ROMANI KALAJDðI Kalajdñi belongs to the South Balkan II branch. It is spoken in Bulgaria and Turkey. 268. ** Atanasov-Ramar, Toško. n.y. [ca. 1999-2000]. „hordo Kamipe. Otkradnata Ljubov [stolen love]. Austin, Texas: Romanistan Publications/Sofia: Diversity Balkan Foundation. 48 pp. ISBN: 954-9510-05-0. <bilingual Romani, Bulgarian, translated into Bulgarian by H. Kju…ukov. Illustrated by the author Preface: Ian Hancock & Hristo Kju…ukov> {poetry, adults, B/W drawings} {Bulgaria, Bulgarian} 269. $S$ $A2$ ## ** Be…eva, Ata. 2002. Miri Dukh. Mojata Bolka [my pain] 40 pp. Sofia: Balkan Foundation for Intercultural Education ADiversity@. ISBN 954-90777-7-2. <Preface: Hristo Kju…ukov. Editors: Hristo Kju…ukov & Toško Atanasov-Ramar> <poetry, adults, bilingual with Bulgarian translation on facing pages> <B/W illustrations by Toško Atanasov-Ramar> {poetry, adults} {Bulgaria, Bulgarian} 61 KALDERASH KALDERASH Kalderash is the dialects of the Coppersmiths originally from Romania, but now widespread over many parts of the world. It belongs to the Vlax branch. See also Spinelli & Spinelli (1998) under ANTHOLOGIES, and Bari=s titles under Hungary, and under Vlax. 270. $A$ ** Bari, Károly. 1985. Tázpiros Kigyócska. Címá fordításkötetének erediti Cigány Szövegei [The Fire-red little snake. The original Romani texts of the earlier Hungarian volume]. GödöllÅ: Cultural Centre of GödöllÅ/A GödöllÅi mávelÅdési Központ Módszertani Kiadványa.150 PP. {texts} {Hungary, English, Hungarian} 271. ** Barthélémy, André. n.d. Zhanes Romanes? Manuel de Conversation Tsigane (Dialecte Kalderash). Paris: A. Barthélémy. 95 pp.CHK: available from Etudes Tsiganes? <book and tapes were available from Etudes Tsiganes in Paris> {teaching book, adults} {France, French} 272. $V$ Barthélémy, André. 1983. Grammaire du tsigane kalderash. Paris: A. Barthélémy. 53 pp. {grammar} {France, French} 273. ^249b. Barthélémy, André. n.d. Parami…a la Balvalake. Contes du Vent [Stories of the Wind]. Paris: A. Barthélémy. {France, French} 274. $V$ ** Barthélemy, André. N.d. (2000). îanés Romanés? 40 Romani lessons (Romani-English) . 103 pp. No place, no publisher. <distributed by Western Canadian Romani Alliance, c/o Mario Ines-Torres, P.O. Box 1617,Darcy B.C, V0N1L0 Canada, email:; price: ca. 20 dollars, with tape> {teaching book, adults} {Canada, English} 275. Barthélémy, Abbé Yoska. 1988. Dictionnaire du Tsigane Kalderash. Ligny: the author. 202 pp. (Romani > French) {dictionary} {France, French} 276. ** Boretzky, Norbert. 1994. Romani. Grammatik des Kalderaš-Dialekts mit Texten und Glossar. Osteuropa Institut an der Freien Universität Berlin. (= Balkanologische Veröffentlichungen 24). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. xiv + 299 pp. ISBN 3-447-0349904. <material from Serbia> {grammar, texts} {German, Germany} 277. Caldaras, Monica, 1983. Zigenarmor berättar : traditionella zigenska sagor återberättade på svenska och romani. - Stockholm : Fabel. 109 pp.<illustrated by Håkan Bull> {Swedish, biography} {Sweden} 62 KALDERASH 278. Calderas, Monica, Ivan Nikolizsson, Erland Caldaras Nikolizsson. 2000. So Ame Kerdam [what we did]. Stockholm: Skolverket. 92 pp. ISBN 91-89313-88-7. Distribution: Liber Distribution Publikationstjänst, 16289 Stockholm. Tel. 00-46-86909576. Fax: 00-46-8-6909550. Email: Order number: 00561. Price: 75 SK} {children, adults, biography} {Sweden} 279. ** $A$ Calvet, Georges. 1993. Dictionnaire tsigane-français, dialecte kalderash. Paris: L'Asiathèque. ISBN 2-901795-56-0. 462 pp. <ordering address: L=Asiathèque, Publications Orientalistes de France, INALCO, 2, rue de Lille, 75343 Paris, France> {dictionary} {France, French} 280. Cioaba, Luminita Mihai. 1994. O angluno la phuveako. R|d|cina pamîntului. Die Wurzel der Erde. Earth's root. Sibiu: Editura "Neo Drom". 126 p. Distribution: Editura "Neo Drom", Tel. 069-229628. Fax: 069-425158. <four languages, on facing pages> {poetry} {Roumania, English, German, Roumanian} 281. $V$ Cioaba, Luminia Mihai.1999. Negustorul de ploaie. O Manuš kai bitinel brîšind. The Rain Merchant. Der Regenhandler. Sibiu: Editura "Neo Drom", 526 p. Nature: poetry. Isbn 973-96590-1-2. RC 29E. <translations into English, Romanian and German of the poems><Distribution: Editura "Neo Drom", Tel. 069-229628. Fax: 069-425158> {poetry, B/W illustrations} {Roumania, English, German, Roumanian} 282. $V$ Cioab|, LuminiÛa Mihai. 2001. Ghid de conversaÛie român-Ûig|nesc [RomanianRomani conversation guide]. BucureÕti: Teora. 239 pp. ISBN 973-20-0457-6. <publ. Address: Teora, Calea MoÕilor nr. 211, sector 2, BucureÕti. Teora, CP 79-30, cod 72450 BucureÕti, România, Fax 01/252.14.31.> Fax: 01/210.38.28. E-mail:> <with CD-Rom><no illustrations. Romanian and Romani in colums> {conversation guide} {Roumania, Roumanian} 283. $S$ Colombia. 2001. O kaver shav katar e pacha mama / amari dey e phuv. Deklaratsia le rromane narodoski andal americhi. The other son of pacha mama/ mother earth: declaration of the roma people of Americas. El otro hijo de la pacha mama/madre tierra: declaracion del pueblo rom de las Americas. Bogota, Colombia. 16 pp. Sopepaz B AsturiasPrincipado de asturias and of world Council of Churches, WCC, MJ Editories. <Colombia, politics. Romani, English, Spanish on same page. Translated into Romani by Jorge Bernal> {political, Romani content} {Colombia, English, Spanish} 284. ** Demeter, R.S. & P.S. Demeter 1981. Obrazci folklora Cigan-kelderarej [Choice of Kalderash-Romani folklore]. Moscow: Nauka, Gravnaja Redaktsia Vostochnoj Literaturi. 264 pp. <preface by L. Tcherenkov & B.M. GaÛak> {Kalderash texts from Russia, Hungary, Banat, Serbia, Moldova; also some Lovari and Ursari} {Russia, Russian} 63 KALDERASH 285. ** $V$ Demeter, R.S. & P.S. Demeter. 1990. Cygansko-russkij i russko-cyganskij slovar' (kelderarskij dialekt) / Gypsy-English dictionary (Kalderash Dialect) [RussianRomani and Romani-Russian Dictionary] (ed. by L.N. Cherenkov). Moskva: Russkij Yazyk. <also contains a Romani-English diactionary><Russian Kalderash> {dictionary} {Russia, Russian} 286. $A2$ ** Demeter-„arskaya, Ol=ga. No year [ca. 2000]. Amaro trayo ande Rusiya [our life in Russia]. Russia, no publisher, no ISBN. 78 pp. Editor: Georgij Demeter. <Preface: Lev Tcherenkov. Roman script> {adults, biography, B/W photographs} {Russia} 287. $A2$ ** Dolgiras, Marina & Ros-Mari Tan Jancovich. 1998. Aven dzilaben. 42 sånger på romska [come and sing. 42 songs in Romani]. Örsundsbro: Bokimport AB. 58 pps. ISBN: 91-88373-67-3. <distribution: CC:s Bokimport AB, Enköpingsvägen 17, 740 82 Örsundbro, Sweden. Telephone: +46-171-61105, Fax: +46-171-61117> <distribution: Liber distribution, order number 5058> <> <Price 55 SK> {song book, full Colour cover. Illustrated B/W, musical notes} {Sweden} 288. $D$ Cech, Petra, Christiane Fennesz-Juhasz, Dieter W. Halwachs, Mozes F. Heinschink, Gerd Ambrosch, Katharina Deman & Barbara Schrammel. 2003. Wörterbuch des Kalderaš-Romani. Teil 1. Romani-Deutsch-Englisch. Graz/Wien: Romani Projekt. 168 pp. (Arbeitsbericht 6 des Romani-Projekts, hrsgg. Von Dieter W. Halwachs). {dictionary} {Austria, English, German} 289. $D$ Cech, Petra, Christiane Fennesz-Juhasz, Dieter W. Halwachs, Mozes F. Heinschink, Gerd Ambrosch, Katharina Deman & Barbara Schrammel. 2003. Wörterbuch des Kalderaš-Roman. Teil II. Deutsch-Romani. Englisch-Romani. Graz/Wien: Romani Projekt. 193 pp. (Arbeitsbericht 6 des Romani-Projekts, hrsgg. Von Dieter W. Halwachs). {dictionary} {Austria, English, German} 290. $D$ Gjerdman, Olof & Erik Ljungberg. 1963. The language of the Swedish coppersmith Gipsy Johan Dimitri Taikon. Grammar, Texts, Vocabulary and English wordindex. Uppsala/Copenhagen: Lundequistska Bokhandeln/Ejnar Munksgaard. 455 pp. {grammar, text, dictionary} {Sweden, English} 291. $S$ Grigore, Delia. 2000. Siklioven Rromanes. Curs audio de limba Õi cultura rromilor în 15 lecÛii Õi 15 cîntece rrome internaÛionale [learn Romani. Audio course of the Romani language and culture in 15 lessons and 15 international Romani songs]. BucureÕti: Centrul Rromilor Pentru Politici publice AAven Amentza@. 60 pp. <language course with cassette> {conversation guide, texts} {Roumania, Roumanian} 64 KALDERASH 292. Kenrick, Donald & Ronald Lee. 1969-1973. Learn Romani B A Correspondence Course in 20 Lessons. London: Romani Institute <see also Roma (1974) 1 (1): 58 B Roma (1983) 7 (1): 54>. <published in book form 1985. Learn Romani. Lessons> Chandigarh: Roma Publications>. {teach yourself book} {English, India} 293. * Ljungberg, Erik with Lambert Scherp. 1977. Contribution à la discussion sur l'orthographe de la langue tsigane [contribution to the discussion about the orthography of the Gypsy language]. Stockholm: Skolöverstyrelsen. 37 pp. {spelling} {Sweden, French} 294. $A2$ ** Lundgren, Gunilla. 2001. O Tariq o Birevo La Plajako [Tariq, chief of the mountain]. Stockholm: Podium. 41 pp. ISBN 91-89196-25-2. <translated from Swedish by Hasse J. Columbus & Jonny G. Ivanovitch> <order from Podium, Sljupskulsvägen 34, 1149 Stockholm, Sverige. Tel #46-8-6119351. Fax #46-86110321. Email:> <order from Skolverket. Order number 02:771.> <children=s book, about a Gypsy boy in Sweden who connects to Pakistan; full colour drawing on cover> {children, fiction, B/W pictures, Romani content} {Sweden} 295. $F$ ** Lundgren, Gunilla & Aljoša Nils-Erik Dimiter Taikon. 2002. O Aljoša o šiav le birevosko [Aljoša. The chief=s son]. Stockholm: Podium. 90 pp. ISBN 91-8919626-0. <translated from Swedish by Hasse J. Columbus & Jonny G. Ivanovitch> <order from Podium, Sljupskulsvägen 34, 1149 Stockholm, Sverige. Tel #46-8-6119351. Fax #46-86110321. Email:> <order form Skolverket. Order number 02:772.> {biography of a Swedish Kalderash; Romani content; many B/W pictures as illustrations} {Sweden} 296. ^268b. ** Lundgren, Gunilla, Alyosha Taikon & Johan Taikon. 2003. From coppersmith to nurse: Alyosha, the son of a Gypsy chief. Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire Press. 160 pp. ISBN 1-902806-22-0. Paperback , 14.99. <bilingual English Kalderash on facing pages. B/W pictures, line drawings>. <order from University of Hertfordshire Press, College Lane, Hatfield AL10 9AD, email:;> {biography of a Swedish Kalderash; Romani content; many B/W pictures as illustrations} {biography, B/W pictures} {Britain, English} 297. ** Matras, Yaron. 1994. Untersuchungen zu Grammatik und Diskurs des Romanes: Dialekt der Kelderaša/Lovara [studies on grammar and discourse of Romani: dialect of the Kalderash/Lovara]. Berlin/Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. 256 pp. {grammar, scholarly} {Germany, German} 298. Lo Redñosko, O Yanko le. 1991. Murri Pervo Svatongi Klishka [My first Romani word book]. <= Ian Hancock> CHK PP. {English-based spelling, explained in beginning} 65 KALDERASH {ABC book, children, adults} {USA} 299. Modrow, Ruth. 1980. Ìomenes Si…os te ¯ines [learn to write Romani]. Seattle: International Gypsy Publications. <18487 47th Place NE, Seattle, Washington WA 98155>. {apparently series of six booklets> {course book, adults} {USA} 300. $K$ ** Demetri, Mikael & Angelina Dimiter-Taikon. 2002. Pay îuvindó. Romané Sityarimáta hay divánóri. Vishetens brunn - Romska ordspråk och talesätt. [Water of Life. Source of life. Romani proverbs and expressions]. Stockholm: Skolverket. 36 pp. <Skolverket. Order number: 12:728. Distribution: Liber Distribution Publikationstjänst, 16289 Stockholm. Tel. 00-46-8-6909576. Fax: 00-468-6909550. Email: Order number: 95093. Price: 85 SKK><bilingual Romani-Swedish> {proverbs, drawings, Romani content} {Sweden, Swedish} 301. Nilsson-Bränström, Moni. 2003. O Tsatsiki ai leski dei.[Tsatsiki and his mother]. Stockholm: Podium. 156 pp. ISBN 91-89196-27-9. <order from Podium, Sljupskulsvägen 34, 1149 Stockholm, Sverige. Tel #46-8-6119351. Fax #46-86110321. Email:>< <order from> <children=s book, translated from Swedish by Jonny G. Ivanovitch & Hasse J. Columbus> {children=s book, illustrations} {Sweden} 302. ** $532$ Sar|u, Gheorghe & Corneliu Colceriu. 1998. DicÛionar român - rrom (c|ld|r|resc), Õi DicÛionar rrom- (c|ld|r|resc) român [Dictionary Romani (Kalderash) Romanian and Dictionary Romanian - Romani (Kalderash)]. Bucuresti: Editura Kriterion, 147 pp. ISBN 973-26-0506-5. <ordering address: Editura Kriterion, str. Presei Libere, nr. 1, BucureÕti/Bucharest, Rumania. Tel./Fax: 2243628> < based on Ioan Cibu=s dictionary of 1932> {dictionary} {Roumania, Roumanian} 303. $A2NOT$ ** ## Scherp, Lambert (ed.), with E. Ljungberg. 1979. Amari Ñib. Te kames te mares mar la vorbasa [our language. If you want to argue with words???]. Stockholm: Skriptor A.B. 30 pp. {drawings, oral stories, ABC-book, children, adults} {Sweden} 304. $?$ Scherp, Lambert (ed.), with E. Ljungberg. 19822. Amari Ñib [our language]. Stockholm: Skriptor/The National Swedish Board of Education. 30 pp. ISBN 91-7282150-7. <first printing 1979> {drawings, oral stories, ABC-book, children, adults} {Sweden} 305. ## Scherp, Lambert & Krister Wiming. Ca. 1982. Ame Le Rom [We, the Gypsies]. Stockholm: Skolöverstyrelsen 18 pp. ISBN 91-7662-023-9. <also Swedish version: Min Bok om Zigenerna> {biography, Romani content, colour photos, colour drawings} 66 KALDERASH {Sweden} 306. * Soravia, Giulio. 1985. Vocabolario Kalderašitska [Kalderash vocabulary]. Lacio Drom 21 (5): 1-29. {Romani-Italian} {dictionary, scholarly} {Italy, Italian} 307. ** $A$ Taikon, Angelina Dimiter (translator). 2000. Sar keren le glati Romane buti škalaki ande Anglia [how the Romani children in England go to school]. Stockholm: Skolverket. 36 unnumbered pages. ISBN 91-89313-82-8. <Distribution: Liber Distribution Publikationstjänst, 16289 Stockholm. Tel. 00-46-8-6909576. Fax: 00-468-6909550. Email: Order number: 95093. Price: 50 SK><Three illustrated stories about Gypsy children in England going to school> {children, colour photographs, Romani-related, non-fiction} {Sweden} 308. Taikon, Nadja. 2003. Nadja Taikon - Tjejen fra Tanto. Stockholm: Skolverket. 106 pp. <bilingual Kalderash Romani-Swedish.Biography. Photographs as illustrations. Nadja Taikon was the first mother tongue teacher in Sweden> <Liber Distribution Publikationstjänst, 16289 Stockholm. Tel. 00-46-8-6909576. Fax: 00-46-8-6909550. Email: Order number: 03:799. Price: 125 SKK> {biography, photographs} {Sweden, Swedish} 309. ** Tropea, Angela. 1985. Registro inverso del vocabulario Kalderašitska di G. Soravia [Inverse index to the Kalderaš vocabulary of G. Soravia]. Lacio Drom 21 (5): 30-48. <see Soravia 1985e> {dictionary, scholarly} {Italian, Italy} Religious. 310. ^280a Bible. Matthew. 1979. E lasi viasta Matthew : Romenes Russian Kalderas. Seattle: International Gypsy Publications. [iii],100p ; 22cm, pbk Note: <translated by Loulou Demeter and Ruth Lutka Modrow, edited by Ephraim Mitchell, Miller Mitlo and Jimmy Frank, with Guy Fardi Modrow as biblical consultant> <with introduction, alphabet, glossary> <American Russian Kalderash>{USA} 311. ^280b Bible. Matthew. 1979. E lasi viasta Mate: Romenes Russian Kalderas. Seattle: International Gypsy Publications. [iii],100pp. <translated by Stevo Demeter, Tosat Demeter and Ruth Lutka Modrow, with Guy Fardi Modrow as biblical consultant> <European Russian Kalderash> <with introduction, alphabet, glossary> {USA} 312. $V$ Bible. Fragments. 1982. Cinori Bibla. Kotora la Biblake. Estella: Editorial Verba Divina. 64 pp. RC 781. {Spain} 313. ** Bible. Ruth. 1983. E Rut. Stockholm?: Société Biblique Suédoise/ EFS Forläget. 16 pp. ISBN 91-7080-589-X. <translated by Matéo Maximoff><with audio tape> <Order from: the Swedish Bible Society. Box 412, S-10128 Stockholm, Sweden> <Price: 20 Kroner. Order from: Swedish Bible Society, Box 1235, SE - 751 42 Uppsala Sweden. Tel: +(46)-(0)18-186330 , Fax: +(46)-(0)-186331, E-mail:> 67 KALDERASH {Sweden} 314. Bible. Matthew. 1983. E Vorba le Devleski. Seattle: Loulou Demeter and Ruth Modrow. International Gypsy Publications Inc. <publisher adress: PO Box 55336, Seattle, USA> {USA} 315. Bible. John. 1984. O Angluno Lil anda o Johannes. 36 pp. Oslo: Det Norske Bibelselskab. ISBN 82-541-0178-7. <translated by Matteo Maximoff><see also under Lovari; the data there are probably more reliable> <some b/W drawings> CHK {Norway} ^365C Bible. John. 1984. O Angluno Lil anda o Johannes. 36 pp. Oslo: Det Norske Bibelselskab. ISBN 82-541-0178-7. <translated by Nina Josef and Ole Bjorn Saltnes> <some b/W drawings><see also under Kalderash> {Norway} CHK 316. ** Bible. John. 1986. Jono. 59 pp. Pierrefitte: Société Biblique Française. <ordering address: Société Biblique Française, B.P. 31, F-93380 Pierrefitte. <difficult words explained on p. 59><translated by Matéo Maximoff><audio tape also available><second edition: 1990><new ordering address: French Bible Society, B.P. 47, 95400 Villiers-le-Bel, France. Tel: +(33)-1-3994-5051, Fax: +(33)-1-3990-5351, E-mail:> {France} 317. $A2$ ** ## Bible. Apostles. 1990. Le Apostoli. Crawley: Alliance Biblique Universelle/ No place: Swedish Bible Society. 65 pp. ISBN 3-4386-8090-4. UBS-EPF 1991-1M-560. <monolingual, no illustrations; Acts of the Apostles; glossary ALe Vorbi Trudno@ on p. 65><translated by Mateo Maximoff> <Price: 2 EURO. Ordering address: French Bible Society, B.P. 47, 95400 Villiers-le-Bel, France; Tel: +(33)-1-3994-5051, Fax: +(33)-1-3990-5351, E-mail:> {France} 318. Bible. Psalms. 1994. Gilya Davidoski. Le Psalmi en Kalderas. Villiers-le-Bel: French Bible Society/Société Biblique Française. <translated by M. Maximoff><Price: 75 FF. Ordering address: French Bible Society, B.P. 47, 95400 Villiers-le-Bel, France, Tel: +(33)-1-3994-5051, Fax: +(33)-1-3990-5351, E-mail:> {France} 319. ** $P$ Bible. Mark. 1996. Evanghelia pala o Marco. Romaní (dialectul c|ld|rarilor) român|. Printisardo catar e Societatea Biblic| Interconfesional| anda-i România. BucureÕti. 77 pp. <pilot edition> <translated by George and Ioan Vaida; edited by Donald Kenrick & Paul Ellingworth> <bilingual, Romani-Roumanian on facing pages> {Roumania} 320. ** Bible Stories. N.Y. O Ilo Le Manusesko. Romanes Kalderash. Pretoria: All Nations Gospel Publishers [P.O. Box 2191, Pretoria, 0001 R.S.A.]<some b/W illustrations> {South Africa} 68 KALDERASH 321. Bible. NT (selections). 1981. Kon si o Jesus? [who is Jesus?]. Pierrefitte: Société Biblique Française/French Bible Society. 24 pp. <translated by M. Maximoff> {France} 322. ** Bible. Bible fragments. N.Y. O Lašio Bakriari [the good shepherd]. London: SGM International. 14 pp. <translated by Mateo Maximoff> {colour photo on cover; <order from: SGM International, 3 Eccleston Street, London SW1W 9LZ, England, UK> {Britain} 323. ^290b. $R$ Bible. Bible fragments. 1970. O Lasio Pastouxho. London: Société pour la Distribution des Saintes Écritures/ Scripture Gift Mission. 16 pp. <translated by Mateo Maximoff & Donald Kenrick> {BW drawings} {Britain} 324. $A2$ ** Bible. NT. 1995. E Nevi Vastia. No Place: Alliance Biblique Universelle/ Société Biblique Française. 436 pp. ISBN 2-85300-4775. <translated by Mateo Maximoff.><ordering address: French Bible Society, B.P. 47, 95400 Villiers-le-Bel, France, Tel: +(33)-1-3994-5051, Fax: +(33)-1-3990-5351, E-mail:> {no illustrations} {France} 325. Bible. NT. Available online at: 69 KALDERASH KYRYMITIKA. KRIM ROMANI Krim Romani is a variety spoken by a modest number of people in and around the Krim peninsula in the Black Sea. 326. * Toropov, V.G. 1994. Krymskij dialekt tsiganskogo jazyka [The dialect of the Krim Gypsies]. Ivanovo: Ivanovskij gosudarstvennyj universitet/Nobaor Knigi Ocytsyssrvlen. 32 pp. {texts, grammar} {Russia, Russian} 327. * Toropov, V.G. 1999. Slovar= jazyka Krymskix cygan [dictionary of the language of the Krimean Gypsies], ed. by Lev Tcherenkov. Ivanovo: Ivanovskij gosudarstvennyj universitet. 48 pp. {dictionary} {Russia, Russian} 70 LATVIAN ROMANI - LOTFITKO - „UCHNY LATVIAN ROMANI Latvian Romani is spoken in Latvia and one of the Baltic Romani dialects, part of the Northeastern branch. See also under Baltic Romani. 328. $V$ }damsonos, rikos. 1971. „hajÇrí Ríngla. Pe romaní …híb lotfítko …hinátir tulkindña ¶éksa M~nuš [Romani girl Ringla. Translated from Latvian into Romani by Leksa Manuš]. Riga: no publisher. 30 pp. RC-328 <monolingual> {poetry, children, story, colour cover} {Latvia} 329. $K$ * Ariste, Paul (ed.). 1938. Romenge Paramiši. Mustlaste muinasjutte [Gypsy Stories]. Tartu: P. Arumaa. 22 pp. <only 30 copies were printed> <aquatint illustrations by Aino Bach><three stories, first in Estonian original, then in Romani original><story teller: Edgaris Kozlovskis-Burkevi…os> {fairy tales} {Estonia, Estonian} 330. * Ariste, Paul. 1973. Einige Märchen der …uchny Zigeuner. Tartu: Tartu University Oriental Studies/Töid Orientalistika Alalt. <5 Laloritko/ …uchny fairy tales in Romani and German><bilingual Romani-German> {fairy tales} {German, Estonia} 331. ** M~nuš, Leksa. 1996. Romani „ib. }beca. Eksperiment~ls m~c§bu l§dzeklis. At·~vusi lietot LR IZM. R§ga: Spr§d§tis. ISBN 5-7960-0383-6. CHK TRANS. [texts by Manuš, Rudeviƒ]. [ordering address: Spr§d§tis, BlaumaÃa iel~ 32, LV-1011 R§ga, Latvia] {ABC book, spelling, children, songs, stories, colour ill.} {Latvia, Latvian} 332. ^298b. $A$ M~nuš, Leksa. 1996. Romani „ib. [ABC book in Russian] <same as 623?> {Latvia, Russian} 333. $A$ ** Manuš, Léksa, J~nis Neiland & K~rlis Rudevi….1997. „ig~nu-LatviešuAng·u un Latviešu-„ig~nu V~rdn§ca [Romani-Latvian-English and Latvian-Romani dictionary]. Riga: Zvaigzne ABC. ISBN 9984-04-548-X. 352 pp. <grammar sketch in Latvian only> {dictionary, grammar} {Latvia} 334. Rud‘vi…s, K~rlis. No year. Romanu dñi. Otkedine gija. „ig~na Sirds. Dzejo·u izlase [Romani life. Selected poems]><on cover: „ig~na Sirds. Romanu dñi [Romani life]>. Riga: Latviešu „ig~nu Nacion~l~ kultãras Biedr§ba. 172 pp. ISBN 9984-543-54-4. <Bilingual. Romani and Latvian on facing pages. Black and white illustrations by the author><p. 168: Romani-Latvian glossary of difficult words> {poetry, cover in full colour, B/W drawings by author, adults, children, Romani content} {Latvia, Latvian} 335. ** Rud‘vi…s, K~rlis. 2000. Bimbarus. Anekdotiska rosphenibéna pir romané paramíši. Bimbars. Anekdotiski nost~sti p‘c …ig~nu tautas dziesmu mot§viem. Latviešu vaold~ atdzejojis autors.<on cover: Bimbars. Bimbarus. P‘c „ig~nu Tautas. Nost~stiem Atst~st§jis>[Bimbars. The anecdotical tales after the motives of the Gypsy folk songs. 71 LATVIAN ROMANI - LOTFITKO - „UCHNY Rendered in poetry form into Latvian by the author. Retold following the motives of Gypsy folk tales]. 10 pp. ISBN 9984-543-54-4. <cover in full colour. black and white illustrations by the author<Romani and Latvian on facing pages> <rhyming epic><p. 120: Romani-Latvia glossary of difficult words> {Fiction. Adults, children, Romani content} {Latvia, Latvian} 336. $A$ ** Rud‘vi…s, K~rlis. 2000. Roméngu BarÇnos. Gi·orjá …h~vorénge pu romani te lotf=tku …hib.„ig~nu Barons. „ig~nu dzejnieka dzejo·i un z§m‘jumi saviem un latviešu b‘rniem.<on cover: Roméngu BarÇnos. „ig~nu Barons>. R§ga: Elpa. ISBN 9984-543-536. 24 pp. <colour illustrations by author on each page. <Romani and Latvian on facing pages> {Fiction. Children, Romani content} {Latvia, Latvian} RELIGIOUS MATERIAL 337. Bible. John. 1933. Evangel§ben m~ro rask§ro Iisusko Hristosk§ro Joannostir …hindlo. Riga: Britanijas un }rzemju B§beles Biedr§ba. <translated by J. Leimanis> {Latvia} 338. $A2$ ** Bible. Luke. 1999. Evangeliben Lukastir. Ani Lotvitko Romani …ib. 1999. R§ga: Latvijas B§beles Biedr§ba. 67 pp. ISBN 9984-564-27-4. <translated by J~nis Neilands, K. Rudevi…s, V. Kalinin> <glossary of unusual words on p. 66, with Romani synonyms and English and Latvian equivalents> {Latvia} 72 LOVARI LOVARI. Lovari is a Northern Vlax dialect spoken originally in Hungary and surrounding countries, and now spoken in many countries. Lovari is considered to be mutually intelligible with other Northern Vlax dialects such as Kalderash. See also under Hungary and Vlax. 339. $F$ ## ** Bernáth, Gábor (ed.). 2000. Porrajmos. E Roma seron, kon perdal zhuvinde. Roma Holocaust túlélÅk emlékeznek. Recollections of Roma Holocaust Survivors. Budapest: Roma Press Center. 148 pp. ISBN 963-00-3889-7. Budapest: Roma Sajtókozpont Könyvek 2, Budapest. <trilingual Romani, Hungarian, English><publ. Address: Roma Press Center, 1092 Budapest, Ferenc krt. 22. 2/3, Hungary. Tel. +36-1217.1059, Tel/Fax: +36-1-217.106. Email:; http:/> {history, adults, Romani-related} {Hungary, English, Hungarian} 340. Bernáth, Gábor (ed.). 2000. Zor-sila najaripe mashkar e Roma. Kényszermosdatások a cigánytelepeken. Forced bathings in Romani settlements (1940-1985). 148 pp. ISBN 963202-283-1. Budapest: Roma Sajtókozpont Könyvek 2, Budapest. <trilingual Romani, Hungarian, English><publ. Address: Roma Press Center, 1092 Budapest, Ferenc krt. 22. 2/3, Hungary. Tel. +36-1-217.1059, Tel/Fax: +36-1-217.106. Email:; http:/> CHK PP, ordering address {history, adults, Romani-related, B/W photographs} {Hungary, English, Hungarian} 341. $A2$ ** Berta, Mihalj & Dragan Kuzhikov. 1997. Somnakune Vurmi. Guldspåren [The golden marks]. Stockholm: Skolverket, Vorta Drom & authors. 111 pp. <distribution: CC:s Bokimport AB, Enköpingsvägen 17, 74082 Örsunden, Sweden. Tel: +46-171-61105; fax: +46-171-61117> <distribution: Liber Distribution Publikationstjänst, 16289 Stockholm. Tel. 00-46-86909576. Fax: 00-46-8-6909550. Email: order number 5057. Price: 65 SK> <Skolverket:> {story book, children, adults, Romani tradition, illustrated} {Sweden} 342. ** $A$ Berta, Mihalj & Dragan Kuzhikov. 1996. Amare Anglune Betivura. Stockholm: Skolverket, Vorta Drom & authors. 95 pp. ISBN: 91-88373-02-9. <distribution: Liber distribution, order number 5056. Price 65 SK. Liber Distribution Publikationstjänst, 16289 Stockholm. Tel. 00-46-8-6909576. Fax: 00-46-8-6909550. Email:> <Skolverket:> {ABC book, texts, illustrated B/W, stories, poems, culture, Romani contents} {Sweden} 343. ^307b $D$ Cech, Petra, Christiane Fennesz-Juhasz, Dieter W. Halwachs, Mozes F. Heinschink, Gerd Ambrosch, Katharina Deman & Barbara Schrammel. 2003a. Wörterbuch des Lovara-Romani (Lovari). Lovari-Deutsch-Englisch. Deutsch-Lovari. Englisch-Lovari. Graz/Wien: Romani Projekt. 186 pp. (Arbeitsbericht 5 des RomaniProjekts, hrsgg. Von Dieter W. Halwachs) {dictionary} {Austria, German, English} 73 LOVARI 344. * Cech, Petra & Mozes F. Heinschink. 1998. Basisgrammatik. (Arbeitsbericht 1 des Projekts "Kodifizierung der Romanes-Variante der Österreichischen Lovara@). Red. D. W. Halwachs. Vienna/Wien: Romano Centro. 103 pp. <version 1a.: 1999> {grammar} {German, Austria} 345. ** Cech, Petra & Mozes F. Heinschink. 1999. Wörterbuch. Arbeitsbericht 3 des Projekts Kodifizierung der Romanes-Variante der österreichischen Lovara. Red. D.W. Halwachs. Vienna/Wien: Verein Romano Centro. 50 pp. {dictionary} {German, Austria} 346. $V$ ** Cech, Petra, Christiane Fennesz-Juhasz, Dieter W. Halwachs & Mozes F. Heinschink. 2001. Fern von uns im Traum... Märchen, Erzählungen und Lieder der Lovara. Te na dikhas sunende ... Lovarenge Parami…i, Tertenetura taj gjila [Far from us in a dream. Fairy tales, stories and songs of the Lovara]. Klagenfurt/Celovec: Drava. 431 pp. ISBN 3-85435-366-9. <Bilingual. With information about the speakers> {stories, fairy tales, songs, musical notation} {German, Austria} 347. $A2$ $S$ ## *? Choli Daróczi, Jószef & Feyér Levente. 1984. Romano-Ungriko Cino Alavari. Cigány-Magyar Kisszótár. Ungriko-Romano Cino Alavari. Magyar-Cigány Kisszótár [Small Romani-Hungarian/ Hungarian-Romani dictionary]. Budapest: Tudományos IsmeretterjesztÅ Társulat/ Cigány IsmeretterjesztÅ Munkabizottsága. 114 pp. ISBN: 963 412 288 4. RC 399. {dictionary} {Hungary, Hungarian} 348. $S$ ## ** Choli Daróczi Jószef & Feyér Levente. 1988. Zhanes Romanes? Cigány Nyelvkönyv [Do you know Romani? Gypsy language book] Budapest: Magyarországi Cigányok Kulturális Szövetsége. 204 pp. ISBN: 963 01 8993 3. {teaching book, grammar} {Hungary, Hungarian} 349. $V$ Choli Daróczi József. 1991. Csontfehér Pengék között. Budapest: Szephalom Könyvmühely. 110 pp. ISBN 963-7488-03-0. RC 499. <some Hungarian, some Romani> <p. 9-40 Hungarian; p. 41-100 Romani; p. 101-106 Hungarian. Alphabet p. 107> <translations of literature into Romani, such as Lorca> {poetry, adults, colour drawings illustrations} {Hungary, Hungarian} 350. Choli Daróczi József (ed.). 1979. Uzhe Jilesa. Tiszta Szívvel. Budapest: Népmávelesi Intézet. 46 pp. {Hungary, Hungarian} 351. Daróczi, József Choli. 1990. Isten homorú arcán. Pel devlesko bango muj: versek, máfordítások magyar és cigány nyelven [on the hollow face of God. Poems, translations in Hungarian and the Gypsy language]. Budapest: Orpheusz. 288 pp. <poetry in Hungarian, Romani. Anthology. No illustrations. Originals and translations from Hungarian> <illustration by Péli Tamas> {poetry, adults, cover in colour} {Hungary, Hungarian} 74 LOVARI 352. ## $F$ Daróczi Choli, József & Nagy Gusztáv. 1994. Mashkar le Shiba Dukhades. Budapest: Magyar MávelÅdési Intézet. No publisher. 159 pp. Isbn 963 651 398 8. (Roma Módszertani Kiadványok 1) <Songs, ballads, poems, translations of nonRomani poets into Romani. Monolingual. Kalderash, Lovari, Vlax. English based spelling. Spelling explained with Hungarian equivalents p. 154> {poetry} {Hungary} 353. $S$ ## Choli Daróczi, József (ed.). 1995. Romane poetongi antologia [Anthology of Gypsy poets]. Budapest: Ariadne Foundations <for more information, see anthologies> 354. $A2$ ** Gjerde, Lars. 1994. The Orange of Love and Other Stories. The Rom-Gypsy Language in Norway. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press. ISBN 82-00-41094-3- <texts in Lovari, with English translations on facing pages. Includes a Romani-English glossary> <ordering addres: Novus, Herman Foss gate 19, 0171 Oslo. Tel. #47-22717450. Fax: #47-2271.8107. Email:> {texts, dictionary, fairy tales, biography} {Norway, English, Norwegian} 355. Grimm, Jakob. 1997. Grimm legsebb meséi. Cigány és Magyar nyelven [the best tales of Grimm in Gypsy and Hungarian] 93 pp. Kiadja a Magyar Cigányok Oigazság, Sz@vetsége. FelelÖs Kiadó: Dr. Reményi Géza, 1077 Budapest, Hevesi Sándor tér 5. Tel. 351-5243. No ISBN <SzÅcsi Anna = Fordította, Rostás Mihály = csenger. {children, adults, B/W drawings, non-Romani contents, translation} {Hungary, Hungarian} 356. $S$ Hemingway, Ernest; Lamb, Charles & Mary; Gibran, Kahlil. 2000. Vesho Máfordítások. Budapest. Linotype Bt. Gyula B 2000. 257 pp. ISBN: 963 00 4455 2. <Novels, summaries, translations, no illustrations, translated by Vesho-Farkas Zoltan> {texts, literature, translation, adults} {Hungary, Hungarian} 357. ^319a. ** $P$ Horváthová, Flora, Jan Horváth, Zuzana Brázdová. 1998. Chaben andal romaÁi kuchiÁa. Recepty romské kuchyn. Praha: Státn zdravotni ústav Praha. Brno: Vladimir Smr…ka. ISBN 80-7071-092-6. ISBN 80-901427-2-9. {colour cover, no ill, cookbook, bilingual Czech/Slovak & Romani} {Czech Republic, Czech} 358. ^319b. ** $P$ Horvátová, Agnesa. 2003. Pal e bari rama the aver paramisa. O Velké Ram a Jiné PÍíbhy. Praha: Signeta. 112 pp. <interview with the author by Milena Húbschmannová pp. 0-30> <translated from Romani into Czech by Milena Hübschmannová> <illustrated by Jana Oláh-Širo><publisher=s address: Signeta, Dr. Jan DvoÍak, Vodojemská 553, 19014 Praha 9, Czech Republic> {short stories, adults, B/W photographs, B/W drawings} {Czech Republic, Czech} 359. $S$ Hübschmannová, Milena & Zuzana Jurková. 1995. Romane giµa. Zpvník romských písní. Praha: Fortuna. 63 pp. ISBN 80-7168-734-0. [publ. Address: Fortuna, Ostrovní 30, 110 oo Praha 1. {Tel/Fax: 02/2435.4515. Tel: 02/90.05.3334. Fax: 02/9005.3335} Http:// Email:} 75 LOVARI <song book with 41 songs in Lovari and Slovak Romani, with Czech translations. Mostly transcribed recordings from the Czech Republic and Slovakia, between 1971 and 2000. With accompanying tape> {Songs, musical notation, colour drawings} {Czech Republic, Czech} 360. Hutterer, Miklós & Gyula Mészáros. 1967. A lov~ri cigány dialektus leírô nyelvtana. Hangtan, szóképzés, alaktan, szótár [Descriptive grammar of the Lov~ri dialect in Hungary. Phonology, word-formation, morphology, glossary]. Budapest: Magyar Nyelvtudomány Társaság Kiadványai 117. 94 pp. {grammar, dictionary} {Hungary, Hungarian} 361. Hutterer, Miklós & Mészáros, György. 1974. A lovari cigány dialektus leiro nyelvtana. Hangtan, szóképzés, alaktan, szótar. [Grammar of the Lovari Gypsy dialect. Phonology, word-formation, morphology, glossary]. Budapest. 94 pp. publisher. {grammar, dictionary} {Hungary, Hungarian} 362. $A2$ ** ## Jakowicz, W»adys»aw. 1981. O Tari thaj e Zerfi - Zigenskt Epos [Tari and Zerfi. Gypsy Epic]. Stockholm: Invandrarforlaget/Skolöverstyrelsen. 112 pp. ISBN: 91-85242-53-5 (paperback). 91-85242-51-9 (hardback). <Liber Distribution, order number 5054, 5055> <price: hardcover: 45 SK; softcover: 40 SK> <> <Polish Lovari, Hungarian background, explanation of words> {texts, fiction, adults, children, Romani contents, colour illustrations} {Sweden} 363. Jansen, Rosa & Bente Lund Heltveit. 1985 Gadi i rakli kaj bušol Mimi [that girl called Mimi]. Oslo: Oslo Kommunen - Skolesjefen. Undervising av Fremmedspråklige elever. 28 pp. No ISBN. {Romani content, fiction, children, ill: drawing each page, B/W and colour} {Norway} 364. ## Jansen, Rosa & Bente Lund Heltveit. 1985. Gadi i rakli kaj bušol Mimi. Het meisje dat Mimi heet. [that girl called Mimi]. Lelystad: Gemeente Lelystad. 32 pp. No ISBN. <drawing each page, B/W and colour> <illustrated in different colours> {Romani content, fiction, children, drawings, B/W and colour} {Netherlands} 365. Karsai, Ervin. 1991. Pedonge Vershuri 1. Állatversek. KifestÅkónyv. Avri Makhimasko. 36 pp. {poetry} {Hungary} 366. Karsai, Ervin. 1991. Színek Számok 2. Farbi, Numeruri. Avri Makhimasko. KifestÅ. 20 pp. {children} {Hungary} 367. Karsai, Ervin. 1991. Te Maken avri. Fessétek ki 5. Cigány Magyar Angol Német. Kepaslo Avri Makhimasko Alavari. Képes KifestÅ Szótár. 36 pp. {children, dictionary} {Hungary} 76 LOVARI 368. Karsai, Ervin. 1992. Ando Zooparko. Állatkertben [in the zoo]. Avri Makhimasko/Kifestö 19. 25 pp.<bilingual Hungarian-Romani> {children} {Hungary} 369. Karsai, Ervin. 1992. Éneklö ÁBC és olvasógyakorlatok. A cigány ÁBC betüinek irása tanitási sorrendben. Gilyabimasko Alfabeto. Budapest??: Pro Renovanda Cultura Hungariae Alapítvány. Kiadja (+ publisher? CHK): Grizhipe. Cigány Néprajzi és NyelvmívelÅ Egyesület. CHK pp. {children, adults; ABC book; songbook} {Hungary} 370. $F$ Karsai, Ervin. 1992. Romano Alfabeto. Cigány ABC. Gipsy Alphabet. Zigeuner Alphabet. ABC. Te Sityovas Ushores Romanes. Tanuljunk Könnyen Cigányul. Budapest??: Pro Renovanda Cultura Hungariae Alapítvány. Kiadja (+ publisher? CHK): Romano Libro Alapítvány. CHK pp. {children, adults; ABC book} {Hungary, Hungarian, English} 371. $?$ Karsai, Ervin. 1995. A cigány ABC. Romano Alfabeto. The Gipsy Alphabet - A cigány nyelvjárásokról. Paj le Romane Dialekturi. Gipsy Dialects. Budapest??: Pro Renovanda Cultura Hungariae Alapítvány. 68 pp. {children, adults, ABC book} {Hungary, Hungarian, English} 372. $?$ Karsai, Ervin. 1998. Romani-Ungricko-Anglicko Ginyadi/ Cigány-Magyar-Angol Olvasókönyv/ Gypsy-English Reader with Pictures. Medgyesegyháza: Anda Romani Kultura Alapítvány. 216 pp. [Romani-Hungarian-English Reader] <trilingual RomaniHungarian-English> {Reader, ABC book, B/W drawings, children, poetry, prose, riddles, stories,} {Hungary, Hungarian, English} 373. $V$ Karsai, Ervin & György Rostás-Farkas. 1990. Te sityovas Romanes! CigányMagyar képes olvasókönyv [Let=s learn Romani! Gypsy-Hungarian Reader with pictures]. Pécs: Gondolat, Janus Pannónius University. Budapest: JPTE TanárképzÅ Kar Neveléstudományi Tanszek. 144 pp. <illustrated by F. Tóth Zsuzsa> {ABC-book, B/W drawings, poems, stories} {Hungary, Hungarian, English} 374. $V$ Karsai, Ervin & György Rostás-Farkás. 1991. Cigány-Magyar képes olvasókönyv. Te sityovas Romanes! [Gypsy-Hungarian Illustrated Reader. Let=s learn Romani!] Budapest: Kossuth/ Cigány Tudományos és Mávészeti Társaság/Gypsy Scientific and Artistic association. 144 pp. ISBN 963.282.414.8. RC-30 <second edition> <bilingual Romani/Hungarian> {texts, poetry, B/W illustrations, ABC book} {Hungary, Hungarian} 375. Knobloch, J. 1953. Rom~ni-Texte aus dem Burgenland. Berichte, Erzählungen und Märchen der bürgenländischen Zigeuner, aufgezeichnet, übersetzt und mit sprachlichen Bemerkungen versehen. Eisenstadt. (Burgenländische Forschungen, hrsg. vom Landesarchiv und Landes-museum, Heft 24.). Burgenländisches Staatsarchiv. <most texts in Roman, some in Lovari> {texts, oral tradition, fairy tales} {Austria, English} 77 LOVARI 376. ## *? Lindgren, Astrid. 1982. Kana o Emil sas te cirdel la Linako dand. [when Emil had to pull out Lina=s tooth]. Translated by Wasyl Curylo. Edited by Lambert Scherp. Stockholm: Project Zig. 28 pp. ISBN: 91-970422-0-X. <Distribution: Skolöverstyrelsen, S-10642 Stockholm, Sweden> <translated from Swedish> {non-Romani content, children, colour drawings, translation} {Sweden} 377. $A2$ $D$ ## Lindgren, Astrid. 2000. E=Pippi Lungo Strinfa [Pippi Longstockings]. Stockholm: Podium. 130 pp. ISBN 91-89196-23-6. <translated from Swedish by Jonny G. Ivanovic>.<p. 5: list of difficult words with Swedish translations> <order from Podium, Sljupskulsvägen 34, 1149 Stockholm, Sverige. Tel #46-8-6119351. Fax #46-86110321. Email:>< <order from> {children, B/W drawings, adults, fiction} {Sweden} 378. S$S ## Lorca, Federici García 1995. Romane Romancura. Romancero Gitano. Cigány Románcok [a Gypsy romance]. Budapest: Orpheusz könyvek. 178 pp. ISBN: 963 7971 59 9. <translated from Spanish into Hungarian and Romani by Choli Daróczi Jószef> {poetry, Spanish original, translations, B/w illustrations} {Hungary, Hungarian} 379. $S$ Madách, Imre. 1996. Le Manusheski Tragedija [the human tragedy]. Budapest: Madachesko Literaturako Grupo B Khamoro. 186 pp. ISBN: 963 04 6904 9. <translated by Gustav Nagy; Romani-Hungarian word list, pp. 179-182><illustrated by Szentandrássy István> {theatre, adults} {Hungary} 380. Makhotin, Dz. & A. Kuliyev. 1992. Romane Paramy…i [Romani stories]. Baku, Azerbaijan: Vattan. CHK PP,ISBN <in Baltic Romani and Lovari> {fairy tales} {Azerbaijan} 381. Mihály, Máté. 1994. Lovári nyelvkönyv - Lovareski shib: Jegyzet. Kaposvár: Csokonai Vitéz. [Lovari Textbook. Lovari language. University Text book. Kaposvár: Csokonai Vitéz]. Mihály Tanítóképzõ Fõiskola/ Mihály Teachers Training College. 123 pp. {grammar} {Hungary, Hungarian} 382. Náday Gyula. No year. ARománo@ Szótár. ALovari@ - fonetikai-alap. No place, no publisher. 77 pp. <Romani-Hungarian. Hungarian-based spelling> {dictionary} {Hungary, Hungarian} 383. $D$ Nikoliƒ-Lakatos, Ruña. 1997. Amare •ila. Unsere Lieder. Our Songs. (Tondokumente zur Volksmusik in Österreich, Vol 4. Romamusik I.). Wien/Becka/Vienna: Institut für Volksmusikforschung. 102 pp. <ordering address: Institut für Volksmusikforschung, Ungargasse 14, A-1030 Wien, Austria. Tel. +43-1712-7212/272. Fax: +43-1-712-7212/270. Email: OR: RST Records, P.O.Box 53, A-1081 Wien, +43-1-408-1552. Fax: +43-1-408-1553. Email: 78 LOVARI> <texts with music in Romani, and English and German translations. With CD. Introduction in English and German, in 102 page booklet> {songbook, musical notation, CD} {Austria, German, English} 384. $V$ $F$ ** Cech, Petra, Christine Fennesz-Juhasz, Dieter W. Halwachs, Mozes F. Heinschink (eds.). 2000. Tusa ande akhoren khelas.... Lovarenge Parami…i. Klagenfurt: Drava Verlag. 94 pages. ISBN 3-85435-358-8. RC-1098. {stories, fairy tales, oral tradition} {Austria} 385. Poboóniak, Tadeusz. 1964. Grammar of the Lovari Dialect. Kraków: Polska Akad. NAUK. (Oddzia» w Krakowie, Prace Komisji Orientalistycznej 3). Kraków: Pa½stwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe. 79 pp. {grammar, scholarly} {Poland, English} 386. $?$ Ravasz, Jozsef. 1992. Jileskero kheroro. Dom…ek v srdcí szívházikó [little house of the heart]. Bratislava: Romani Kultura. 44 pp. ISBN: 80-85562-00-6. <text in Slovak, Hungarian, Romani, Lovari. Romani content . Translated into Romani by Gyorgy RostasBFarkas> {fairy tales, color illustrations, drawings} {Slovakia, Slovak, Hungarian} 387. Rostás-Farkas György. 1992. Apám meséi. Le tateske paramichi. Cigány mese-és mondavilág I[The tales of my father. Gypsy tales and myths]. Budapest: Cigány Tudományos és Mávészeti Társaság. 100 pp. {texts, fairy tales} {Hungary, Hungarian} 388. $V$ ## Rostás-Farkas, György. 1993. Maladyipe. Találkozás [CHK TRANS]. Budapest: Máfordítások. 160 pp. ISBN 963 0433 842. RC-606. <illustrations by F. Tóth Zsuzsa> {anthology, bilingual Hungarian-Romani, same or facing pages, translations} {Hungary, Hungarian} 389. $V$ ## Rostás-Farkas, György. 1994. Tiétek a szívem - Gyermekversek. Tumaroj muro jilo - Shavorenge [yours is my heart - for the children]. Budapest: Cigány Tudományos és Müvészeti Társaság 124 pp.<RC-605> {poetry, children} {Hungary} 390. Rostás-Farkas, György & Ervin Karsai. 1991. Äsi cigány mesterségek és foglalakozások. Le romenge butya [Romani occupations/activities]. Budapest: OMIKK. 117 pp. ISBN: 963593131X . <mostly Hungarian, some Romani> {non-fiction, culture} {Hungary, Hungarian} 391. $V$ Rostás-Farkas, Györgyi & Ervin Karsai. 1991. Cigány-Magyar, Magyar-Cigány Szótár [Romani-Hungarian, Hungarian-Romani dictionary]. Budapest: Kossuth Könyvkiadó. 318 pp. ISBN 963-09-3495-7. <publisher=s address: Kossuth Konyvkiado, 1366 Budapest, V. Steindl Imre Utca 6, Hungary> <spelling p. 9-11; RomaniHungarian 13-130; Hungarian-Romani 131- 293. Grammar 297-319> <reprinted 2001 by the same publisher> 79 LOVARI {dictionary} {Hungary, Hungarian} 392. Rostás Farkas, György & Ervin Karsai. 2001. Cigany-magyar, magyar-cigany szotar. Budapest: Kossuth. 318 pp. ISBN 963-09-4271-2. {dictionary} {Hungary, Hungarian} 393. $A2$ ** ## Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de. 1994. O Cino Krajorro/ A Kis Herceg [the little Prince]. Budapest: NEKA & CTEMT. 109 pp. ISBN 963-04-4344-9. <translated from French by György Rostás-Farkas> {fiction, children, adults, B/W illustrations} {Hungary} 394. $A2NOT$ ** Stojka, Peter, Eva Davidová & Milena Hübschmannová (compilers), Karel Holub (ed.). 2000. Dúral me Avilem. Z Dálky jsem pÍišel. Avri kidine le vlašika d=íl=a. Výbor z olašské písÁové poezie. [I came from far away. Choice of Vlax songs]. Prague: Karel Houb. Ars Bohemica. 143 pp. ISBN 80-902381-5-7. <bilingual RomaniCzech; facing pages or same page><includes singers= comments on the songs> <also comments on the colection by Davidova, Šlajchrt and Houb> {songbook, song texts, adults} {Czech Republic, Czech} 395. ## Shakespeare, William. 1998. Hamlet. 130 pp. ISBN 963-85715-2-7. Budapest: Cerberus nyomdájan, 1066 Budapest, lovag u. 14. <translated into Lovari by VeshoFarkas Zoltán> <word list Romani-Hungarian, p 128-130} {translation, theatre, B/W cover, no illustrations} {Hungary, Hungarian} 396. Syverud, Ann-Margritt. 1979. Me Ginavav Romanes [I read Romani]. Oslo: Oslo Kommune, Skoleslejfen. <illustrated by Bente Lund Heltveid & Jan Gaardner. {ABC book, children, adults} {Norway} 397. Szego, Laslo. 1980. Cigány Bölcsódal. Móra Költok Versei Gyerekeknek. 128 pp. <bilingual Romani-Hungarian; opposite pages> CHK TRANS HUN {poetry, colour drawings} {Hungarian} 398. SzegÅ László. 1977. Csikóink Kényesek. Magyarországi Cigány Népköltészet. [our foals are tender. Gypsy folk poetry in Hungary]. Budapest: Európa. 318 pp. ISBN 963 07 0767 5. <Vlax, mostly only Hungarian translations, some songs and stories in Romani. Fieldwork and published work - Miklosich, Hajdu, etc. pp. 259-309 AUtószo@> {songs, stories} {Hungary, Hungarian} 399. ^356b Szirtesi Zoltán. N.y. Védd az Egészéged! Losar tyo Sastyipe! Budapest: Medicina Kiadó. 64 pp. <illustrated by Péli Támas> {health} {Hungary, Hungarian} 400. $S$ Taga, Kornélia, Magdolna Gazsóné. 1991. Amara daki shib. Butya le ovodange [Our mother tongue. Book for teachers]. Sagótarján: Mirszáth Kiadó. 47 pp. ISBN: 963 80 LOVARI 7929 061. <Learning aid for teachers. No illustrations, color drawing or cover. Includes Romani B Hungarian vocabulary pp. 41 B45> {school book, teachers book} {Hungary} 401. ** Tsvetkov, G.N. 2001. Romane Vorbi. Tsigansko-Russkij i Russko-Tsiganskij Slovar= (Lovar=skij Dialekt). Okolo 4000 Slov. [Romani words. Gypsy-Russian and Russian-Gypsy Dictionary (Lovari dialect). 4000 words]. Moscow: Apostrof. 192 pp. ISBN 5-94155009-X. <publisher=s address: Apostrof, 123308, g. Moskva, ul. Zhorge, 1. Tel. (095)195-2064> <scholarly, adults. Romani and Russian in Cyrillic. A few song texts. Russian-Romani, Romani-Russian> <history and etymology: 8-19. Romani-Russian: 23-92. RussianRomani 93-152. Romani song texts in Roman, and Russian translation on facing pages pp. 153-183> {dictionary, scholarly, songs} {Russia, Russian} 402. Vajda Imre. 1993. Zsánav ábá te ginav. Olvasókönyv. Ábécés olvasókönyv az általános iskola I. Osztálya számára [I can read. Textbook for reading. ABC textbook for students of Grade I] Budapest: Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó. 150 pp. ISBN 963 18 5022 6. <Lovari Romani and Hungarian on facing pages. Hungarian spelling. Contents varied> {children, ABC book, colour illustration} {Hungary, Hungarian} 403. $S$ Vesho-Farkas, Zoltán. 1994. Cherhája. Csillagok [stars]. Budapest: Nyomdaipari. 81 pp. ISBN: 963 04 4454 2. <Ordering address: Nyomdaipari, 1066 Budapest, VI, Lovag u. 14 tel: 1313-042> <translations from Sophokles, Shakespeare, Hungarian poets and others. Hungarian poets, bilingual Romani-Hungarian, facing pages> {theatre, poetry, translations, B/W drawings, adults} {Hungary, Hungarian} 404. Vesho-Farkas Zoltán. 1999. Tér-IdÅ Feszületén pe Sagdipe-Vramako Trushulipe (versek)(poemi). Euripidesz: Médeia (Máfordítás)(Boldimata). Budapest: Credit Lap-és Kft. 176 pp. ISBN 963-7433-02-3. CHK TRANS HUN <ordering address: Budapest: Credit Lap-és Könyvkiadó Kereskkedelmi-és Szoláltató Kft., 1055 Budapest, Honvéd u. 17/a> <pp. 1-65: poetry, Romani and Hungarian on facing pages; pp. 67-165: Romani and Hungarian translations of Euripides= Medea> <no illustrations> <RomaniHungarian glossary of uncommon words and neologisms 167-174> {theatre, translation, poetry, adults} {Hungary, Hungarian} 405. $S$ Zsigó Jenó (ed.). 1994. Az ember csak a maga sorsárul tud beszélni. O Manus muna pal= peszko trajo zsanel te vorbil [a person can only speak about his own life]. Budapest: Romano Kher - Cigány Ház (FÅvárosi Önkormányzati Cigány Szociális és MávelÅdesi Módszertami Központ). 156 pp. (Magyraorszag Oláh Cigány ës Magyar Cigány - Hagyományok és Szokások) <contributions from/ ramosarde Jozef, Bari. Jozef, Belecz. Eröss, Gustav. Menko, Gabriella. Oltai, György. Rezmuves Melinda. Rostas, Rudolf. Simon, Beata. Szöke, Erzsebet. Vajda, Imre> <stories in Vlax, Cerhari, Lovari stories, ballads, adults. B/w photographs pp 147-154> {ethnography, essays, poetry, stories, fiction, B/W photographs} {Hungary} RELIGIOUS MATERIAL 81 LOVARI 406. Bible. John. 1931. O Woyako-Hiro katar o Jesuskasko Christuskasko banasgimmo ä Johannestar. Berlin: Britische und Ausländische Bibelgesellschaft. 76 PP. <translated into Lovari by J. Satller and Frieda Zeller> {Germany} 407. Bible fragments. No year. Sar te gindis pa Del. Ca. 54 pp. No page numbers, no place, no publisher. Bible fragments. {Colour photos} 408. Bible fragments. no year. Sar sas e lumya kana avilo o Jesus. Ca. 22 pp. No page numbers, no place, no publisher. Bible fragments. ill. {comic book, colour photos, colour cover} 409. $V$ N.N. Bible. OT. Genesis. No year. A Biblia Világa. La Bibliaki Luma. So kerdas a Del. Amit az Isten Teremtett. O Genzisho. A Teremtés. [the world of the Bible. What God created. Genesis]. CHK PP. RC-280. {Hungary, Hungarian} 410. Bible. John. 1984. O Angluno Lil anda o Johannes. 36 pp. Oslo: Det Norske Bibelselskab. ISBN 82-541-0178-7. <translated by Nina Josef and Ole Bjorn Saltnes> <some b/W drawings><see also under Kalderash> {Norway} 411. ## Bible. Matthew. 1991. O Svunto Evandyelimo sar o Mathe Ramosardya les. Budapest: Szent István Társulat az Apostoli Szentszék Könyvkiadója. 162 p. ISBN 963360-510-5. <translated by Choli Daróczi Jószef><Matthew on p. 7-93; comments (Asemnoipe@) on p. 95-156. English-based spelling, explained on p. 161162><publisher=s address: Szent István Társulat, 1053 Budapest, Kossuth L. U. 1.> <Mol/Price: 350 forint. Order from: Szent István Társulat, 1053 Budapest, Haller u. 19-21, Hungary, Tel: +(36)-(1)2185-820> {Hungary} 412. Bible. NT. 1995. Nyevo Jekhethanipe: Le Shtar Evandyeliumura. Budapest: Szent Istvan Tarsulat. 223 pp. ISBN: 963-85061-0-5. RC 223. <translated by Choli Daroczi Joszef> {Hungary} 82 LOVARI MANOUCHE Manouche belongs to the Sinti-Manouche subgroup of the Northern branch. It is spoken in France and Belgium. 413. Jean, Daniel & André Barthélémy. 1970. Special issue on Manouche. Glossaire de Gadškeno manuš. Etudes Tsiganes 16 (1): 68 pp. {dictionary} {France, French} 414. ** $D$ Valet, J. 1974. Vocabulaire des Manouche d'Auvergne. Deuxième édition 1986. Clermont-Ferrand: J. Valet. 190 pp. <ordering address for Valet=s works: J. Valet, 2 rue de la Parlette, Clermont Ferrand 63, France> {dictionary} {France, French} 415. Valet, J. 1984. Contes Manouches des soeurs Warner. Clermont-Ferrand: J. Valet. {texts} {France} 416. ** $D$ Valet, J. 1984. Grammaire du Manouche. Clermont-Ferrand: J. Valet. 37 pp. {grammar} {France, French} 417. $A$ ** Valet, J. 1985. Contes Manouche I; racontés par les soeurs Warner. Clermont-Ferrand: J. Valet. 74 pp. <reprinted 1989> {texts} {France} 418. $A$ ** Valet, J. 1985. Contes Manouche II; racontés par Antoinette Renard. Clermont-Ferrand: J. Valet. 62 pp. {texts} {France} 419. ** Valet, J. 1991. Grammar of `Manush' as it is spoken in the Auvernhe. In Peter Bakker & Marcel Cortiade (eds.). In the Margin of Romani. Gypsy Languages in Contact. 106-131. <translation of Valet 1984> {grammar} {Netherlands, English} 420. $A$ ** Valet, J. 1994. Contes Manouches III. His i molo.... Clermont-Ferrand: J. Valet. 70 pp. {texts} {France} 421. $V$ Weltz-Zigler, Sterna. 1975. Romanes. Paris: Le Hameau. 59 pp. No ISBN. RC 398. <adults, poetry, mostly in French, and Romani on p. 12, 15, 30, 32, 46; RC-398> {poetry, adults} {France} 83 LOVARI MIXED - HAMIME This category lists some publications that do not distinguish between dialects, i.e. they do not specify dialects. Publications which deal with different texts from different dialects are listed under AAnthologies@. Publications which list the same text in several Romani dialects are listed under AMultidialectal@. 422. ** Sailley, Robert. 1979. Vocabulaire fondamental du tsigane d'Europe. Paris: Maisonneuve et Larose. 57 pp. <Romani > French> {dictionary} {France, French} 423. ** Wolf, Siegmund A. 1960. Groβes Wörterbuch der Zigeunersprache (romani tsiw). Wortschatz deutscher und anderer europäischer Zigeunerdialekte. Mannheim: Bibliografisches Institut 287 pp. <Facsimile Reprint Hamburg 1987, 1993: H. Buske Verlag> {dictionary} {Germany, German} 84 LOVARI MULTIDIALECTAL This category lists publications which have the same text in more than one Romani variety. Publications which deal with different texts from different dialects are listed under Anthologies. Publications which do not distinguish between dialects, i.e. they do not specify dialects, are listed under Dialectically mixed. CHK 424. $?$ ** Jekh, duj, trin... Romanes. Hamburg: Verlag für Pedagogische Medien. <varied content. Set of twelve booklets in box; all in three dialects; dialects: Lovari/Kalderash (Vlax), Gurbet (Yugoslavia), Lešaki (Polska Roma)> <ordering address: Verlag für Pedagogische Medien, Unnastrasse 19, D-20253 Hamburg, Germany. Price: DM 52. Ca. 25 Euro><compiled by Yaron Matras> {B/W drawings and photographs, children, prose, non-Romani} {Germany, German, Polish, Serbocroatian, Hungarian, English} 425. $37$ Djuriƒ, Rajko. 1999. Romane Garadune Lava. Roma Találós Kérdések. Rromani Riddles. Budapest: Cigany Haz. 82 pp. ISBN: 963 03 9429 4. Romano Kher B 1151 Budapest, Ënekes u. 10/b. tel/fax: 306-6811. 306-6812. <ed. By Melinda Rezmûves> <Albanian Romani, Romungro, Karpathian, English Romani, Vend, Lovari, Cerhari> {Riddles, color drawings, children} {Hungarian, English, Hungary} 426. $?$ Rufertová, Hana. Et al. 1998. Co uñ umím. So imar dñanav. So má ñanav. „eskoromské povídání pro pÍípravné tÍídy. 88 pp. (2x22 loose sheets). ISBN 80-7168-538-0. <also under Slovak Romani, 487. East Slovak Romani, Vlax> <ABC book, loose sheets} <publishers address: Fortuna, 25170 „estlice 108,Czech Republic. Tel. 02/9005.3334, tel/fax: 01/9005.3335>. Internet:} <picture nr 487> {ABC book, colour drawings, B/W drawings, children} 427. $V$ Vekerdi, József. 1985. Cigány Nyelvjárási Népmesék [Romani dialect folktales]. Debrecen: Folklór es Etnográfia. 2 Vols. 383, 244 pp. (Folklór es Etnográfia 19.) <Hungarian and English translations><RC 230-238><folktales from Hungary in different dialects: Romungro, Vend, Sinti, Gurvari, Lovari} RELIGIOUS MATERIAL Bible. OT fragments. 1975. La Bibbia raccontata agli zingarelli [the Bible told to young Gypsies]. Publisher: Milano : [s.n.], No page numbering. <Pentateuch text in Italian with occasional pages bearing Romani text in several dialects> {Italy} {Christian} 85 LOVARI NORWEGIAN ROMMANO The language of the Norwegian Travellers combines Romani words with Norwegian grammar. In Norway there are also speakers of Lovari (see Gjerde). 428. * Karlsen, Ludvig. 1993. Romani-folkets ordbok. Tavringers Rakripa. De Reisendes Språk [dictionary of the Romani people. Language of the Travellers. RomaniNorwegian-English]. Oslo: Pinsevennens evangeliesenter. 154 pp.<RomaniNorwegian-English, 22-54; Norwegian-Romani-English, 54-85; Romani-NorwegianEnglish, 87-89; sentences Romani-Norwegian-English, 91-96; Bible text in Lovari, pp. 99-109; Romani-Norwegian-English from Sundt, 109-134; English-Romani from Iversen, 135-152; refs. 153-154> {dictionary, texts} {Norway, Norwegian, English} 86 POLAND - POLSKA POLAND In Poland most dialects belong to the Northern branch (Polska Roma), some to the Central branch (Kopernicki=s texts). For Polish Lovari (Vlax dialect), see Pobozniak and Jakowicz under Lovari. Periodical: Rom-po-Drom. CHK: ABC startorro. CHK: Catalogue Museum in Tarnow. 429. Bartosz, Adam. 1994. Nie bój sie Cygana. Na dara promesoar. Sejny: Pogranicze. 206pp. ISBN/: 8390130319. <most poems in Polish. Some in Romani> {poetry, illustrations} {Poland, Polish} 430. $V$ D“bicki, Edward. 1993. Te» nango Boliben. Pod Go»ym Niebem [under the naked sky]. Szczecin: Wydawnictwo Promocyjne AAlbatros@. 48 pp. ISBN 83-85796-037. RC-319. <Polska Roma. Romani-Polish facing pages: p. 46, note on spelling> {poetry, adults} {Poland, Polish} 431. $?$ ** Jekh, duj, trin... Romanes. Hamburg: Verlag für Pedagogische Medien. <varied content. Set of twelve booklets in box; all in three dialects; dialects: Lovari/Kalderash (Vlax), Gurbet (Yugoslavia), Lešaki (Polska Roma)> <ordering address: Verlag für Pedagogische Medien, Unnastrasse 19, D-20253 Hamburg, Germany. Price: DM 52. Ca. 25 Euro><compiled by Yaron Matras> {B/W drawings and photographs, children, prose, non-Romani} {Germany, German, Polish, Serbocroatian, Hungarian, English} 432. Kalinin, Valdemar. 1998. So tume den apre khetane [reading together]. <ordering address: Medburn Centre, 136 Charlton Street, Camden. <guide for parents> {audience: adults, school book} {Britain} 433. * Kopernicki, Izydor. 1925. Textes Tsiganes. Contes et Poésies avec traduction française. Krakow: Polska Akademja Umiej“tnoÑci. Vol. 1. Vii + 103 pp. (Matériaux pour servir à l=étude de la langue des Tsiganes Polonais I) (Prace Komisji Orjentalistycznej/Mémoires de la Commission Orientaliste nr 7) <texts from Rabka in a Central dialect> {texts} {Poland, French} 434. * Kopernicki, Izydor. 1930. Textes Tsiganes. Contes et Poésies avec traduction française. Krakow: Polska Akademja Umiej“tnoÑci. Vol. 2. Pp. 103-273. (Matériaux pour servir à l=étude de la langue des Tsiganes Polonais I) (Prace Komisji Orjentalistycznej/Mémoires de la Commission Orientaliste nr 7a) <texts from Rabka in a Central dialect> {texts} {Poland, French} 435. ^386. Mirga, Teresa. 1994. Czemu tak? = Soské kawka? [why that?]. Podkowa Lesna : Kolo Podkowy - Spólka Poetów. 31p ISBN: 8385275266. <bilingual, with Polish translations> {poetry} 87 POLAND - POLSKA {Poland, Polish} 436. Papusza. 1956. Piesni Papuszy (Papusakra gila) / wiersze w j“zyku cyga½kim prze»oïy», opracowa», wst“pem i objaÑnieniami opatrzy» Jerzy Ficowski. Wroc»aw : Ossolinski. 171 + 5 pp. <Romani with Polish translations by Jerzy Ficowski> {poetry, illustrations} {Poland, Polish} 437. Rozwadowski, Jan M. 1936. Wörterbuch des Zigeunerdialekt von Zakopane. Mit Einleitung, Ergänzungen und Anmerkungen von Edward Klich. S»ownik Cyganów z Zakopanego. Z Wst“pem, Uzupe»nieniami i uwagami E. Klicha. Kraków: Polska Akademja Umiej“tnoÑci. XXV + 91 pp. (Prace Komisji Orjentalistycznej/Mémoires de la Commission Orientaliste No. 21). <Central dialect> {dictionary, texts, adults, scholarly} {Poland, Polish} $V$ Stankiewicz, Stanis»aw. No year. Gila Êomane. Zbiorek Piešni Romskich. Warszawa: Rom-po-Drom. 58 pp. ISBN 83-902104-0-1. RC-448.<Rom-po-Drom, Bia»ystok, ul. Warszawska 43, Poland><Texts in Yugoslav Romani, Polska Roma, Slovak Romani, Vlax, mixed Russian-Romani, etc.;> {songbook, musical notation} {Poland, Polish} 88 POLAND - POLSKA PRIZREN The Romani dialect of Prizren in the Kosovo is connected to the Arli dialect group. 438. Koultour Artistik Amalipe. 19?? CHK YEAR. Romano Allav [Romani word]. Prizren: Koultour Artistik Amalipe ADourmish Asllano@. <part Romani, Part Serbokroat> {adults, essays, poetry, translations} {Yugoslavia, Kosovo, English, Serbocroatian} 439. $A$ $D$ Pacaku, Kujtim, Eljsani Indira et al. 2000. Romano Alav [Romani word]. Prizren: own publication. 73 pp. RC-1112. {essays, poetry} {Yugoslavia, Kosovo, English, Serbocroatian} 440. ** $P$ Pavloviƒ, B. 1995. Dand Dandorro. Zub Zubiƒ [tooth little tooth]. Zagreb: Hrvatski Crveni Kriñ/Kulturako Romano Centro ande Kroacija. 21 pp. . <translated from Kroat by Dushako Delmatho><illustrations/ ilustracija kerda: Josip Bifel> {health, non-fiction} {Croatia, Croat} 89 POLAND - POLSKA RISHI W.R. Rishi (1917-2002) was an Indian diplomat with an interest in Roma and the Romani language. He was the editor of the periodical Roma, published from Chandigarh in India. He published some dictionaries of Romani that are not representative of any dialect. 441. * Rishi, W.R. 1974. Multilingual Romani Dictionary. Chandigarh: Roma Publications. 65 pp. <Russian, English, Punjabi, Hindi, French> {dictionary} {India, Russian, English, Punjabi, Hindi, French} 442. Rishi, W.R. 1980. Romani-Punjabi-English conversation book. Patiala: Language Department, Punjab University. 111 pp. <English, Punjabi (Roman, Gurmukhi)> {grammar, education} {India, English} 443. * Rishi, W.R. 1981. Romani-Punjabi-English Dictionary. Patia, Punjab: Language Department, Patalia University. 187 pp. <grammar pp. 161-184> {dictionary} {India, Punjabi, English} 90 ROUMANIA - RUMANIA - ROMANIA ROUMANIA In Roumania several dialects are spoken, almost all part of the Northern Vlax group, some of the Balkan group, often Xoraxani. Numerically important dialects are Kalderash and Ursari. Almost everything published in Roumania is writen in the Standard I variety, which is the recognized writing system of the Ministry of Education. See also under Standard 1. See also 444. ** $500$ Alexandru, Gríbusyi-Ruja. 2001. Ana din Pârâu. Basm Rrom. E nìka de pe len. Roman0 Paramís. BucureÕti: Editura Kriterion. 80 pp. ISBN 973-26-0625-8. (Biblioteca Rroma 8). <ordering address: Editura Kriterion, str. Presei Libere, nr. 1, BucureÕti/Bucharest, Rumania. Tel. #40-2243628><LäjÑikon dialect/ Ardealan|/ Carpathian; introduction in Rumanian by the author, pp. 5-7; story pp. 8-67, Rumanian and Romani on facing pages; explanation of writing system pp. 68-74; vocabulary Romani-Rumanian 75-79> {stories, children, adults} {Roumania, Roumanian} 445. ** ## Ali, Leman, Valentina Jercea, Marioara Constantinescu-Condrut & Vieroslava Timar. 2000. Vak|rimata. Pustik VaÑ i Jekhto Klàsa. Comunicare, manual pentra clasa I (limba rromani) [Conversations. Book for the First Class]. BucureÕti: Editura Didactic| Õi Pedagogic|. 184 pp. ISBN 973-30-2615-8. <first 100 pp. With colour illustration, pp. 3-100; comments and suggestions for conversational topics based on the pictures pp. 101-134; dictionary Romani-Rumanian, pp. 135-182, by Gheorghe Sar|u> {school book, colour illustrations} {Roumania, Roumanian} 446. ** $ANOT$ B|nic|, Isabela. 2001. Întâmplâri din viaÛa mea. Mothovdimata anθar mirro ζivipen [events in my life]. BucureÕti: Center Education 2000+. 22 + 22 pp. ISBN 973-85204-3-6. <diary. Author=s experience at summer course in Romani in Berlin. Bilingual Romani-Romanian, on facing pages, with identical page numbers> {diary, non-fiction, B/W illustrations, bilingual} {Roumania, Roumanian} 447. $511B$ Gherga, Eugen, Moisa Florin, Costin Mariana , Ahenga Gabriela, Ionel Ion. 2001. Mirror for Rroma Culture and Humanity. Oglind| pentru Umanitate Õi Cultura Rromilor. I Dikhvalin VaÑ i Rromani Kùltura thaj o ManuÑipen. Budapest: Phoenix fondation. 256 pp. ISBN B 973-85346-2-3. RC-1157. {non-fiction} {Hungary, Roumanian} 448. Kr|ngä, Jon. 2002. Paramìƒa pala o Jon Kr|ngä. Povestiri dup| Ion Creang. [stories by Jon Kr|ngä/ Ion Creang] Alba Iulia: AsociaÛia Montan| a MoÛilor. 50 + 3 pp. 449. Lakatos, Marius. 2002. SuferinÛi. Dukhalipen [sufferings]. Bucharest - Cluj: Kriterion. 76 pp. <ordering address: Editura Kriterion, str. Presei Libere, nr. 1, BucureÕti/Bucharest, Rumania. Tel./Fax.: 2243628> 450. ^395E $521$ $F$ ** Mailat, Paula, Olga M|rcuÕ, Mirena Cionca. 2001. Mirri ‚hib, i Rromani [my language, Romani]. Târgu-MureÕ: Academprint. 4 + 93 pp. ISBN 973-99850-1-7. RC-1197. <address publisher: Editura Academpint, 4300 TârguMureÕ, str. Mihai Viteazul 29/27. Tel/fax: 065-210300. Email:> <edited by Gheorghe Sar|u> <illustrations Gabriel Rusu & Ioana Suciu> <letter chart 86-93> <also available an accompanying CD; see M|rcuÕ 2002> 91 ROUMANIA - RUMANIA - ROMANIA {children, ABC book, colour illustrations, drawings; stories, songs} {Roumania} 451. M|rcuÕ, Olga. 2002. Mirri ‚hib, i Rromani [my language, Romani]. Târgu-MureÕ: Academprint. 4 + 93 pp. Târgu-MureÕ, MureÕ-C|l|reÕi.<edited by Gheorghe Sar|u> {CD} {Roumania} 452. M|rcuÕ, Olga. 2002. E Sikl4venesqo lilorro [the little learning book]. Târgu-MureÕ, MureÕ 90 pp. {school book} {Roumania} 453. ^395F $522$ N.N. 2000. Jan, phralalen, k-al alosarimata. Ghidul aleg|torului rroma [eat/come, brothers, for the elections. Romani guide for the elections]. Bucurest, Asociatia Pro Democratia. 20 pp. <Ordering address: Asociatia Pro Democratia. B-dul Pache Protopopescu 29, etaj 2 ap.3, Sector 2, Bucuresti 7300, Romania. tel: 252 49 63 fax: 252 49 63 e-mail:> <translated by Gheorghe Sarau> {political text} {Roumania, Roumanian} 454. ^395G $523$ N.N. 2000. „havesqe Xakaja. Xarni Vèrsia. I Konvencia e Unisarde Themenqi vaÑ e „havesqe Xakaja [children=s rights. Short Version. The United Nations Convention for the Rights of the Child]. Romania: I Rumuniaqi Organizacia ABrakhen le ‚haven!@ 16 pp. <official text, translated by Gheorge Sarau> {official text, non-fiction} {Roumania, Roumanian} 455. ^395H $524$ ** Nuic|, Elena. 2001. Programul Meu Zilnic. Murro D0vesutno Progràmo. Az én Mai Prográmom [my daily programme]. BucureÕti: Extreme Group. 20 pp. ISBN 973-85319-7-7. <trilingual Rumanian-Romani-Hungarian, on each page, under a picture; children=s books, about school; colour illustrations (drawings); foreword in English and Rumanian. Romani translation by Gheorghe Sar|><illustrations by Petre Marian> <supported by UNICEF, Rumanian Ministry of Education; Romani Criss> {children, colour drawings} {Roumania, Hungarian, Roumanian} 456.Nuic|, Elena & Ion Creang|. 2002. PunguÛa cu doi bani. O gonorro duje lovença [the little pocket with two moneys]. BucureÕti - Cluj: Editura Kriterion. 20 pp. <Romani version: Octavian Bonculescu, Isabel B|nic|, Gheorghe Sar|u> {theatre} {Roumania, Hungarian, Roumanian} 457. PetcuÛ, Petre. 2003. Istoria Rromilor [history of the Roma]. BucurÕti: Media Pro Music. <3 cassettes> {history book, essays} {Roumania, Roumanian, Hungarian} 458. ^395-I $527$ ** Sar|u, Gheorghe. 1992. Mic dicÛionar rom-român [Small dictionary Romani-Roumanian]. Bucharest: Kriterion. 173 pp. ISBN 973-26-0312-7. <ordering address: Editura Kriterion, str. Presei Libere, nr. 1, BucureÕti/Bucharest, Rumania. Tel./Fax.: 2243628> <several Roumanian varieties covered: Kalderash, Zlatari, Ursari, Vlax> {dictionary} 92 ROUMANIA - RUMANIA - ROMANIA {Roumania, Roumanian} 459. Sar|u, Gheorghe. 1995. Culegere de Texte în Limba Úig|neasc|. Ani II-IV de Studiu. {Roumania, Roumanian} 460. ^395J ** ## $528$ Sar|u, Gheorghe. 1994. Limba Rromaní. Manual Pentru Clasele de înv|Û|tori romi ale Ôcolilor Normale [the Rromani language. Textbook for the Roma teachers from the pedagogical academies]. 241 pp. BucureÕti: Editura Didactic| Õi Pedagogic|. Tel. 6139289/ Fax 3122885> {schoolbook, teacher guide} {Roumania, Roumanian} 461. Sar|u, Gheorghe. 1994. Manual de limba rromani [manual of the Romani language]. BucureÕti: Editura Didactica si Pedagogica R.A. 241 pp. <available from Aven Ametza, Vasile Ionesco, tel. 2243642> <revised 2000 as Curs de Limba Romani> {grammar} {Roumania, Roumanian} 462. ^395K [529] ## Sar|u, Gheorghe. 1995. Culegere de Texte în Limba Úig|neasc|. Clasele a II-a -- a IV a. [anthology of texts in the Gypsy language. Classes 2-4]. BucureÕti: Editura Didactic| Õi Pedagogic|/ Ministeriul Înv|Û|m|ntului. 188 pp. ISBN 973-30-49271. <original Romani literature (Galjus, Manuš, Spinelli, etc.), and translations from world literature (Kipling, Milne, Prévert, Puškin, etc.)><later editions in1999/2000 with modified title> {children, colour ill, B/W ill., poetry, prose, fiction, texts, schoolbook, reader}} {Roumania, Roumanian} 463. $F$ ** Sar|u, Gheorghe.1998. Rromii, India Õi limba rromani [Roma, India and the Romani language]. BucureÕti: Editura Kriterion. 260 p. (Biblioteca Rrom| Nr. 4) ISBN 973-26-0509-X. <vocabulary, <ordering address: Editura Kriterion, str. Presei Libere, nr. 1, BucureÕti/Bucharest, Rumania, tel. 2243628> {intro, HRL, origins, etymology, bibliography p. 189-228} 464. ^395L ** ## $530$ Sar|u, Gheorghe. 1998. Dictionar Rrom (Spoitoresc) Român. Bucuresti: Editura Kriterion. 144 pp. Isbn 973-26-0535-9 [Biblioteca rroma: nr.2] <ordering address: Editura Kriterion, str. Presei Libere, nr. 1, BucureÕti/Bucharest. Tel./fax: 22463628> {dictionary} {Roumania, Roumanian} 465. ^395N [533] ## ** Sar|u, Gheorghe. 2000. DicÛionar Rrom-Român. Dikcionàro Rromano-Rumunikano [Dictionary Romani-Roumanian]. Cluj-Napoca: Editura Dacia. 232 pp. <ordering address: Dacia, tel/fax: #40-64-429675.> {dictionary} {Roumania, Roumanian} 466. Sar|u, Gheorghe. 2000. Ghid de conversaÛie român-rrom [conversation guide Roumanian-Romani]. BucureÕti: Editura Kriterion. 260 p. <vocabulary, <ordering address: Editura Kriterion, str. Presei Libere, nr. 1, BucureÕti/Bucharest, Rumania, tel. 2243628> 467. ^395-O ## ** $534$ Sar|u, Gheorghe. 2000. E maj kamle rromane gil|. Cele mai Iubite. Cântece Rrome. The most beloved Romany songs. BraÕov: Editura Orientul Latin. 93 ROUMANIA - RUMANIA - ROMANIA 186 pp. ISBN 973-9338-29-1. <publ. address: Editura Orientul Latin, str. Maior CranÛa nr. 11, cod. Postal 2200, jud. BraÕov. Tel/fax: 0040-68.473.230. {many colour drawings as illustrations. Songs with musical notation} <DH> <musical notation: Daniela T. Grigore> {musical notation, songs} {Roumania, Roumanian} 468. ** Sar|u, Gheorghe. 2000. Culegere de Texte în Limba Rromani. Manual pentru Ani II-IV de Studiu. [earlier editions in1995, 1999, 2000 with modified title]. <with explanations in Romani of unusual words>. BucureÕti/Bucharest: Editura Didactic| Õi Pedagogic|. 188 pp. ISBN 973-30-2495-3. {colour drawings; poems, songs, stories} {Roumania, Roumanian} 469. Sar|u, Gheorghe. 2000. Curs de limba rromani [manual of the Romani language]. Cluj Napoca: Editura Dacia. 254 pp. <two audiocassettes published in 2001> 470. $460$ Sar|u, Gheorghe. 2001. Le maj Ðukar Rromane Paramìƒ| thaj Svàtur|. Cele mai frumoase povestir Õi pilde romani [the best Romani stories]. BucureÕti: Pro Media Music - UPFR. <Nicolae Pandelic|, Tudor Lakatos, Gheorghe Cinc|, Sorin Sandu Aurel, Ion Dumitru Bidia> <cassette; no texts included> 471. Sar|u, Gheorghe. 2002. Stilistica Limbii Rromani în texte. Antologie de traduceri Õi redact|ri. I stilìstika e rromane ƒhib|qi tekstureθe. Almoldimatenqi aj redakcienqi antològia [Romani language anthology in texts. Anthology of translators and editors]. BucureÕti: CREDIS/ Universitatea BucureÕti. 152 + 142 pp. {university course book; bilingual} {Roumania, Roumanian} 472. Sar|u, Gheorghe. 2002. Cele mai cântece rrome 473. Sar|u, Gheorghe. 2002. Limba Rromani (morfologie Õi sintax|). BucureÕti: CREDIS/ Universitatea BucureÕti. 232 pp. {grammar} {Roumania, Roumanian} 474. Sar|u, Gheorghe et al.. 2000. DicÛionar Român-Rrom. Lexicul rrom modern, rar Õi vechi) [Dictionary Roumanian-Romani. Lexicon of modern, rare and old Romani]. BucureÕti: Editura Vanemonde. 268 pp. {dictionary} {Roumania, Roumanian} 475. ^395M ## ** $532$ Sar|u, Gheorge & Corneliu Colceriu. 1998. DicÛionar rrom (c|ld|r|resc) - român Õi DicÛionar român-rrom (c|ld|r|resc) [Dictionary Romani (Kalderash) - Roumanian and Dictionary Roumanian - Romani (Kalderash)]. BucureÕti: Editura Kriterion, 147 pp. ISBN 973-26-0506-5. (Biblioteca Rrom| Nr. CHK) <ordering address: Editura Kriterion, str. Presei Libere, nr. 1, BucureÕti/Bucharest, Rumania. Tel./Fax. 2243628> {dictionary, grammar} {Roumania, Roumanian} 476. Sar|u, Gheorghe & Camelia St|nescu. 2002. Alfabetizaciaqo lil anθ-i rromani ƒhib vaÑ e ƒhave, terne thaj baremanuÑa. Manual de alfabetizare în limba rromani pentru copii, 94 ROUMANIA - RUMANIA - ROMANIA tineri Õi adulÛi [Alphabetization book in thr Romani language for children, adolescents and adults]. BucureÕti: Editura Vanemonde. 66 pp. ISBN 973-85501-5-7. <index of phonemes, pp. 52-55; word list Romani-Roumanian pp. 56-64> <illustrated by Eugen Raportoru> {children, adults, schoolbook} {colour drawings} {ABC book} {Roumania, Roumanian} 477. ^395P $535$ $A2$ ** Sar|u, Gheorghe & Murvai László. 2002. Vocabular Trilingu Român-Maghiar-Rrom Illustrat. Pentru uzul înv|Û|torilor de la clasele I cu elevi rromi [illustrated trilingual vocabulary Rumanian-Hungarian-Romani. For teaching in classes with Rom pupils]. 99 pp. N.P.: Editura Vanemonde. ISBN 973-85501-0-6. <1800 pictures with words. Introduction in English and Romanian. Pronunciation guide in Romanian p. 10. Full colour drawings Picture dictionary pp. 11- 70. Vocabulary Romanian-Hungarian-Romani pp. 71-85. Vocabulary HungarianRomanian-Romani pp. 86-99> <ordering address: UNICEF, Str. Olari 23, Sector 2, BucureÕti, Romania; Ministerul EducaÛiei Õi Cercet|rii, str. G-ral Berthelot nr. 30, BucureÕti, cod. 70738 România. Fax: 00401-310.42.15 / 00401-3300513. Email:> {dictionary, children, schoolbook} {Roumania, Roumanian} 478. ^395Q[536] Sar|u, Gheorghe, Camelia Stanescu, Mihaela Zatreanu (trad.). 1998. Manual de comunicare în limba rromani, cl. I, BucureÕti: Editura Didactica Õi Pedagogica. 138 p. <Distribution: Editura Didactica si Pedagogica. Fax: 3122885> {children, schoolbook} {Roumania, Roumanian} 479. ^397B [541] ** Wlislocki, Heinrich von. 1998. Asupra VieÛii Õi Obiceirilor Úiganilor Transilv|neni. BucureÕti: Editura Kriterion. 94 pp. ISBN 973-260543-X. (Biblioteca Rrom| Nr 5) <ordering address: Editura Kriterion, str. Presei Libere, nr. 1, BucureÕti/Bucharest, Rumania. Tel. #40-2243628><originally published in German in the 1880s> <translated from German into Rumanian; some texts in Romani, German and Rumanian translations; afterword by Delia Grigore> {Roumania, Roumanian} 480. ^397A [540] Wlislocki, Heinrich von. 2000. Despre poporul nomad al rromilor. Imagini din viaÛa rromilor din Transilvania [about the nomadic Rroma people. Images from the life of the Transylvanian Rroma]. BucureÕti: Editura Atlas. 304 pp. <translated from German; originally published in German in the1880s> <preface by Delia Grigora & Vasile Ionescu><Romani texts edited by Gheorghe Sar|u><Wlislocki=s work is partly fantasy, including his linguistic material> {essays} {Roumania, Roumanian} 481. ^397C ** [542] Zatreanu, Mihaela. 2001. AB‚ Anglutno Lil [First ABC book]. BucureÕti/Bucharest: Veritas/Center Education 2000+. 76 pp. ISBN 973-85204-0-1. {colour drawings, ABC book} {Roumania, Roumanian} 482. Z|treanu, Mihaela. 2002. I rromani ƒhib. O trinto BerÑ [the Romani language. The third year]. BucureÕti:Veritas. 80 pp. ISBN 973-85204-4-4.<reader: songs, stories, 95 ROUMANIA - RUMANIA - ROMANIA fables> <texts by La Fontaine, Mihaela Zätreanu,V ìktor Sivetìdis, Vladimi0r Kolin, Anton Pan, Paul Fort, Ðèjdo JaÑàrov, Dèzider Banga, Ròmka Demèter, Ràjko Dïuriƒ, Katarina Taikon, Matéo Maksimòff, Vasìle Aleksandrì, André Barthelemy> <illustrated by Ana-Maria Cristina Costef> {children, schoolbook, reader} {colour drawings} {Roumania, Roumanian} 483. ^397D [543] Zrinyi Gábor Irén. 2000. O Neneka E Rromengó. Vajdas Neneka, voievodul Úiganilor. Târga-MureÕ: Editure Impress. ISBN 973-9351-28-X. {fiction; bilingual. Romani pp. 3-100, Roumanian pp. 101-187. CHK which dialect. {Roumania, Roumanian} RELIGIOUS MATERIAL 484. Bible, fragments. 2002. Biblikane teksturenqo kidipen anθ-i rromani ƒhib. Culegere de texte biblice în limba rromani [choice of Bible texts in the Romani language]. BucureÕti: Editura Kriterion. 134 pp. <translated by Gheorghe Sar|u> {Roumania} 96 ROMUNGRO ROMUNGRO Romungro is one of the main Romani dialects of Hungary. It belongs to the Central branch. See also under Hungary. 485. Berki, Janos. 1991. Míklos Fils-de-Jument. Contes dún Tzigane Hongrois. János Berki raconte. (edited by Veronika Görög). Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó. 258 pp. ISBN 2-22204516-9. <one story in Romani, rest only in French translation> {stories, fairy tales, photographs, adults} {Hungary, French} 486. ** Hancock, Ian F. 1990. A Grammar of the Hungarian-Slovak (Carpathian, Bashaldo, Rumungro) Romani language. Manchaca: International Romani Union. Viii+ 25 pp. {grammar, vocabulary} {USA, English} 487. Romano Rácz, Sándor. 1994. Kárpáti cigány - magyar, magyar - kárpáti cigány szótár és nyelvtan [Carpathian Romani-Hungarian, Hungarian-Carpathian Romani dictionary and grammar]. Budapest: Balassi Kiadó. 141 pp. <Romani-Hungarian dictionary pp. 13- 53; Hungarian-Romani 55-101. Grammar in Hungarian, history: 103-139> {dictionary, grammar} {Hungary, Hungarian} 488. ** $A$ Rostas, Mihály. 1992. Árgylus Kis Miklós. 3 Rromane Paramicsi. [the story of Árgylus Kis Miklós. Three Romani Stories]. Budapest: Kiadja a FÅvárosi Önkormányzati Cigány Szociális, MávelÅdési és Módszertani Központ. [Budapest, Énekes u. 10/b]. 56 pp. ISBN 963 04 2703. <bilingual Hungarian/Romani> {stories, adults, B/W illustrations, colour cover} {Hungary, Hungarian} 489. Vajó, Peter. 1984. Szószedet: A Cigány-Magyar Szótár [Word-list: a GypsyHungarian dictionary]. Budapest: Országos Pedagógiai Intézet/National Pedagogical Institute. chk - add pp. {dictionary} {Hungary, Hungarian} 97 RUSSIAN ROMANI - XALADYTKA - RUSIA RUSSIAN (NORTH AND SOUTH) ROMANI The dialects called Xaladytka Romani or Russian Romani belong to the Northern branch. Over 250 texts, manuals, etc. were published in Russian Romani before 1945. These are not listed here. Lists of titles can be found in bibliographies such as the one by German (1930). German, A.V. 1930. Bibliografija o Cyganax, ukazateµ knig i statej s 1780 g. po 1930 g [Bibliography of the Gypsies, index of books and articles from 17801930]. Moscow: Zentrizdat. 140 pp. And also on pp. 107-173 in: Streck, Bernhard, with Jens Bengelstorf, Fabian Jacobs, Cornelia Klippenstein, Elena Marushiakova, Udo Mischek, Vesselin Popov, Simone Willner. 2003. Zigeuner des Schwarzmeergebietes. Eine Bibliographie. Materialen des SFB ADifferenz und Integration@. Halle: Orientalwissenschaftliches Zentrum der Martin-Luther-Universität. 207 pp. Copies of some of those are available in the Liverpool and Leeds libraries: Liverpool: Leeds: An increasing number of these 253 titles are being made available on-line on, both in Cyrillic and in Romani. Here we list some additional and newer titles. See also Ukrainian Romani. 490. * Barannikov, A.P. 1933. The Ukrainian and South Russian Gypsy Dialects. Leningrad: Izdatel'stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR. 2 Volumes. Volume 1: Survey of the Ukrainian and South Russian Gypsy dialects. 1-108 pp. Volume 2: Gypsy Texts. 109-226 pp. <translated from Russian><also Vlax dialects> {grammar, texts} {USSR, Russia, English} 491. Barannikov, A.P. 1933. Ukrainski ta pivdenno-rosiyiski tsyganski dialekty [The Ukrainian and South Russian Gypsy dialects]. Leningrad: Leningrad: Izdatel'stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR. {grammar, texts} {USSR, Russia, Russian} {Hungary, Hungarian} 492. $D$ Dudarova, I. & I. Pankov. 1928. Nevo Drom. Bukvarye vaš bare manušenge [ABC book for adults]. Moskwa: Centrizdat. ca. 92 pp. <In Cyrillic> {ABC-book, adults, B/W drawings} {USSR, Russia} 493. $S$ Mahotin Dñura. 1993. Adñutipe pre Romani Shib [help for the Romani language]. Tver: Poligraph reklamizdat. 56 pp. ISBN: -. Russia. <ordering address: Oblasnoj club Tverski Tzigan ARomýngro lav@, 14 Vagjanova St., 170044 Tver, Russia> <Cyrillic, Russian B Romani glossary pp- 47-54> <see also Makhotinn under Russian Romani> {B/w illustrations, religious text, grammar} {Russia, Russian} 494. Pankov, N.A. 1938. Ortografichesko slovario vaš romane školy. Moscow: GUPI. CHK pp. {dictionary, grammar, spelling} 98 RUSSIAN ROMANI - XALADYTKA - RUSIA {Russia} 495. Pushkin, A. 1999. Tsygany Poema [Gypsy poem]. Kiev: VAT KDNK (???CHK). ISBN 966-552-126-4. <translated from Russian into Romani by M. Kozimirenko> <in Russian, Ukrainian, Moldavian and Romani> {poetry, translation} {Ukraine, Ukrainian, Moldavian, Russian} 496. Sergievski, M.V. 1931. Cyganski Jazyk, kratkoje rukovodstvo po pravopisaiju i po grammatike [Gypsy Language. A short manual for Romani grammar and orthography]. Moskva: Centraljnoe Izdateljstvo Narodov, S.S.S.R. 88 pp. {grammar} {USSR, Russia, Russian} 497. * $R$ Sergijevskij, M.V. & A.P. Barannikov. 1938. Cygansko Russkij Slovar. ... okolo 10,000 slov c prilozheniem grammatiki tsiganskogo jazyki [A Romani-Russian Dictionary. ca. 10,000 words, with supplementary grammar]. Moscow: Inostrannix i Nacional=nix Slovarej/GUPI. 191 p. <reprinted 1981 New York: Chalidze Publications; out of print><dictionary of South Russian and Ukrainian Romani> {dictionary, scholarly} {USSR, Russia, Russian} 498. Ventcel, T.V. 1964. Cyganskij jazyk (Severnorusskij dialekt) [The Gypsy language (North Russian dialect)]. In: V. M. Beskrovnyj (ed.) Jazyki Narodov Azii i Afriki. Moskva: Izd. `Nauka'. 106 pp. {grammar, scholarly} {USSR, Russia, Russian} 499. Ventcel, T.V. 1983. The Gypsy language. Moscow: Nauka. 108 pp. {grammar, scholarly} {USSR, Russia, English} 500. $K$ * Wentzel, Tatjana. 1980. Die Zigeunersprache (Nordrussischer Dialekt). Leipzig: Verlag Enzyklopädie. 164 pp. <translation of Ventcel 1964> {grammar, scholarly} {USSR, Russia, German} 99 RUSSIAN ROMANI - XALADYTKA - RUSIA SEPECIDES (BALKAN) The language of the Sepecides or Basket makers is spoken by not many people in Turkey and Greece. It belongs to the Balkan branch. It differs from the dialect of the Bulgarian basket makers. 501. * Cech, Petra & Mozes F. Heinschink. 1996. Sepe…ides-Romani. Unterschleissheim/München: Lincom Europa. (Languages of the World LW/M 106). {grammar} {Germany, English} 502. ** Cech, Petra & Mozes F. Heinschink. 1999. Sepe…ides-Romani. Grammatik, Texte und Glossar eines türkischen Romani-Dialekts. (= Balkanologische Veröffentlichungen, 34.) Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. 234 pp. {grammar, texts, dictionary} {Germany, German} 100 SINTI - LALERE SINTI Sinti is spoken in Germany and surrounding countries, as far as the Soviet Union, Hungary, Slovenia and Italy. Some Sinti varieties will not be printed. Most publications are only available to Sinti persons. See also Manouche. 503. $A2$ ** Caccini, S. 2001. La lingua degli Shinte rosengre e altri scritti [the language of the Sinti Rosengre and other writings]. Rome: CISU. {grammar, dictionary, texts} {Italy, Italian} 504. ** Holzinger, Daniel. 1993. Das Rómanes - Grammatik und Diskursanalyse der Sprache der Sinte (= Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Kulturwissenschaft, Sonderheft 85). Innsbruck: Verlag des Instituts für Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Innsbruck. 336 pp. {grammar} {Germany, German} 505. Holzinger, Daniel. 1995. Romanes (Sinte). Unterschleissheim/München: Lincom Europa. Languages of the World. Materials LW/M 105. 45 pp. {grammar} {Germany, English} 506. ** Reinhard, Michael D. 1976. Die Sprache der Deutschen Zigeuner. Mömbris: Eberwein-Feik. 62 pp. {Sinti, grammar} {Germany, German} 507. * Soravia, Giulio. 1981. Vocabolario Sinto delle Venezie. Special issue of Lacio Drom 17(4/5). 43 pp. <word list Romani-Italian-English-German of the Venice Sinti dialect. Also grammatical commentary> {dictionary} {Italian, Italy} 508. * Sowa, Rudolf von. 1898 (1902). Wörterbuch des Dialekts der Deutschen Zigeuner. Leipzig: Deutsche Morgenlandkundliche Gesellschaft. <reprinted 1966. Nendeln: Kraus Reprint> {dictionary} {Germany, German} RELIGIOUS MATERIAL 509. Bible. NT (parts). 1911. Paramisa. Amare Raieskr Jezu Christi Du te Meripen. Die Leidensgeschichte unseres Herrn Jesu Christi in der Sprache der Deutschen Zigeuner. 16 pp. <translated by F.N. Finck & B. Gilliat-Smith> {Germany, German} 510. ** Bible. Mark. 1912. O Evangelio Jezus Kristusester pala Markus. Berlin: Angliko ta Vaver-Themeskero Biblio-Malapen. 60 pp. <translated into South German Romani by E. Wittich & R. Urban>. {Germany, German} 101 SINTI - LALERE 511. Bible. Stories/fragments. N.N. 1995. I Morsch mukel peskro them. Marburg: Romanes Arbeit e.V Marburg/ Wycliffe Bibelübersetzer/Summer Institute of Linguistics. 19 pp. {B/W illustrations} {Germany, German} 512. Bible. Genesis (chapter 18 and 19 verses 1-29). 1996. O Abrahameskro djipen. Marburg, Germany. <translated by Wycliffe-Bibelübersetzer/S.I.L><five parts> {Germany, German} 513. Bible. John. 1999. U latscho lab u Jesus Christusestar. Marburg: Romanes-Arbeit. <ordering address: Romanes-Arbeit Marburg, Schwanallee 59, 35037 Marburg, Germany. tel:+49(0)6421-185135> {Germany, German} 514. $F$ ** Bible. Mark. 1994. O Latscho Lab o Jesus Christusester. Har o Marko les menge tschinas. Markusevangelium Romanes. Marburg: Romanes-Arbeit. 95 pp. <ordering address: Romanes-Arbeit Marburg, Schwanallee 59, 35037 Marburg, Germany. tel:+49(0)6421-185135> {B/W drawings} {Germany, German} Sinti, Hungarian 515. * Mészáros, György. 1980. A Magyarországi Szinto Cigányok (történetuk és nyelvük) [History and language of the Sinti Gypsy dialect in Hungary]. Budapest: Kiadja a Magyar Nyelvtudományi társaság/Hungarian Linguistic Society. 44 pp. (A Magyar Nyelvtudományi társaság kiadványai 153). {grammar, dictionary, texts} {Hungary, Hungarian} Sinti Piemontese 516. ** $D$ Formoso, Bernard & Georges Calvet. 1987. Lexique Tsigane: dialecte sinto piémontais. Paris: Publications Orientalistes de France. 141 pp. <ordering address: L=Asiathèque, Publications Orientalistes de France, INALCO, 2, rue de Lille, 75343 Paris, France> <dictionary Romani-French, with French index. Entries with example sentences> {dictionary} {France, French} 517. $K$ ** Franzese, Sergio. 1985. Il dialetto dei Sinti Piemontesi, note grammaticali e glossario [The dialect of the Sinti Piemontesi, grammatical notes and glossary}. Torino: Centro Studi Zingari. 132 pp. <grammar p. 1-127; Romani-Italian vocabulary 28-71; Italain-Romani 72-124; texts + translation 125-131> {dictionary, grammar} {Italy, Italian} 518. Franzese, Sergio. 2002. Grammatica di Sinto Piemontese (lingua Romani [Zingara] ). Dizionario Italiano - Sinto Piemontese - Inglese - Francese (e registri inversi) (su cd-rom). 64 pp. Mol/Price with CD-ROM: 35 Euro. <order from: > <ItalianSinti-English-French dictionary> {grammar, dictionary} {Italy, Italian, English, French} 102 SINTI - LALERE 519. ** Franzese, Sergio. 1987. Marí …ib, maró bravalimó. La nostra lingua, la nostra ricchezza. Sussidiario di Lingua Róman (dialetto Sinto Piemontese) [Our language, our richness. CHK of the Romani language (Sinto Piemontese dialect)] Torino: Eurostudio. 65 pp. {schoolbook, B/W illustrations, ABC book} {Italy, Italian} 103 SLOVAK ROMANI SLOVAK ROMANI Slovak Romani is a cluster of dialects spoken in large parts of Slovakia and the Czech Republic. It belongs to the North Central branch. Lovari, of the Vlax branch, is also spoken in Southern Slovakia. 520. Banga, Dezider. 1992. Lyrika [lyrical work]. Bratislava: Mikromex. <poetry, most in Slovak, some in Romani> {adults, poetry, B/W drawings} {Slovakia, Slovak} 521. Banga, Dezider (ed.). 1992. Paramisa. Antológia romskej Rozprávky. Bratislava: Goldpress. 264 pp. ISBN 80-855584-04-2. RC-405/406. <anthology of stories from Czech and Slovak Roma; some only in Romani, others in Czech/Slovak and Romani, some only in Slovak. Some B/W illustrations. Information on the authors. {stories, adults, children} {Slovakia, Slovak} 522. $V$ Banga, Dezider (ed.). 1992. Verše z Vrbiny. Antológia romskej póezie. Bratislava: Goldpress. 238 pp. ISBN 80-855584-04-2. RC-406 <anthology of poetry from Czech and Slovak Roma; some only in Romani, others in Czech/Slovak and Romani. Some B/W illustrations. {poetry, adults,children} {Slovakia, Slovak} 523. Banga, Dezider. 1993. Romano Hangoro. Rómsky Šlabikár [Romani voice] Bratislava: Goldpress Publishers. ISBN 80-85584-09-3. 96 pp. <texts from a variety of authors. Mostly. Bilingual Slovak-Romani. Full colour drawings on almost every page> {ABC book, children, Romani content, spelling} {Slovakia, Slovak} 524. Banga, Dezider. 1993. Genibarica. Doplnkové „ítanie Pre ðiakov Z. Bratislava: Goldpress Publishers. ISBN 80-85584-10-7. 94 pp. <texts from a variety of authors. Mostly Romani content Bilingual Slovak-Romani. Full colour drawings on almost every page> {children, spelling, Romani content, texts} {Slovakia, Slovak} 525. ^439b Belišova, Jana. 2003. Phurikane gil=a. Starodávne rómske piesne [old songs. Old Romani songs]. Bratislava: Format. 152 pp. ISBN 80.968855-5-3. ,articles in Slovak, song texts in Romani> {scholarly, songs} {Slovakia, Slovak} 526. $V$ Bíla, Vra. 1985. Kaµi Zpiva. Romské Písni…ky z Repertoáru Vry Bílé. Zpv a kytara. Praha/Prague: Panton. (Písni…kky do kapsy 123). 31 pp. RC 344. <Vera Bila=s songs in Romani with Czech translations> {songbook, adults, musical notation} {Czechoslovakia, Czech} 527. „urejová, Lucia, Stanislav Gab…o,, Mariá Ora…ková. N.y. Deskriptor prózaliteratúra rómska-texty 1. Amaro jilo / Paramisa (klub mladých rómskych autorov). <no further details known> 104 SLOVAK ROMANI 528. $V$ Daniel, B. et al. 1979. Romské Písn. Sborník. Romské Poezie. Romane Gila. Gendi Romana [Romani poems]. Praha/Prague: Vydal Obvodní Kulturní dçm v Prañe 8. 61 pp. RC-453 <bilingual Romani-Czech><poetry by B. Daniel, F. Demeter, V. Fabián, T. Fabiánová, Elena Lacková, O. Pešta> {poetry, adults} {Czechoslovakia, Czech} 529. Berky, J., J.St. Prokop & M. Stojka. 1996. Slovensko-rómsky, rómsko-slovenský slovník [Slovak-Romani, Romani-Slovak dictionary]. Bratislava: Štúdio -dd-. 636 pp. ISBN 80-967263-9-0. <grammar/gramatika pp. 5-61, pp. 325-377; Slovak-Romani pp 64-324, Romani-Slovak 379-636> {dictionary, grammar} {Slovakia, Slovak} 530. $F$ $V$ „ervenak, Štefan. 1992. RomaÁi …hajori the beng [A Romani girl and the devil]. Praha/Prague: RomaÁi „hib. 16 pp. RC-29D. {fiction, B/W drawings, Romani content} {Czech Republic, Czech} 531. ** Davidová, Eva & Karel Holub (eds.). 1999. „hajori RomaÁi. Romská Dívenko. Výbor z romské písÁové poezie. Praha: Ars Bohemica. 136 pp. ISBN 80-902381-3-0. <bilingual, Romani-Czech on facing pages> <belongs together with nr. 445 CHK; price together in box CZK 333><illustrated by Dagmar Jelinková><scholarly comments pp. 108-133 in Czech and English><includes names of singers and locations> {songs, adults, scholarly} {Czech Republic, Czech} 532. ** Davidová, Eva & Karel Holub (eds.). 1999. „hajori RomaÁi. Romská Dívenko. Notová PÍíloha k výbor z romské písÁové poezie. Praha: Ars Bohemica. 120 pp. ISBN 80902381-3-0. <with introduction in Czech> <belongs together with nr. 444 CHK; price together in box CZK 333> {songs, adults, scholarly, musical notation} {Czech Republic, Czech} 533. ## *? Demeter, Gejza. 1992. O Mule maškar amende [spirits of the dead among us]. Praha: Romani „hib. 18 pp. [Romani „hib, Valdštejnská 14, Praha 1: Tiskové Centrum Slovákova 8, 602 00 Brno, tel + fax: (05) 781172] {fiction, adults, B/W drawings} {Czech Republic, Czech} 534. ## *? Demetrová, Helena. 1994. Rom ke Romeste drom arakhel. Rom k Romovi cestu Najde. Paramisa the sune. Povídky a sny. [Rom finds the way to Rom. Stories and dreams]. Prague: Romani chib. 56 pp. <Bilingual Romani + Czech. Czech translations follow Romani stories. B/W illustrations, drawings. Audience: adults> {Romani content, B/W illustration, fiction, stories} {Czech Republic, Czech} 535. $V$ Demetrová, Helena. 1996. Rom ke Romeste drom arakhel [Rom finds the way to Rom]. Prague: Romani chib. {Bilingual Romani + Czech>? Audience??? nature??} {Czech Republic, Czech} 105 SLOVAK ROMANI 536. E luma Romane jakhenca [the world in the eyes of the Romani people]. Brno: Museum of Romani Culture. 24 pp. <in Romani, with English & German cations & summaries. CHK. Art catalogue of Romani artists> {biography, history} {Slovakia, Slovak} 537. ## ** $P$ Fabiánová, Tera & Milena Hübschmannová. 1991. „avargoš-Tulák. RomaÁi Paramisi. Romska Pohádka. [the wanderer. A Romani story]. Praha/Prague: Apeiron. 70 pp. ISBN 80-900703-1-0. <bilingual Romani-Czech, facing columns> <Ordering address: Apeiron, Praha 6, Makovského 1226, 16300><illustrations by Renata Fu…iková> <price: 90 CZK> {prose, fiction, adults, B/W drawings, children, adults, Romani content} {Czech Republic, Czech} 538. $A2$ ## ** Fabiánová, Tera. 1992. Sar me Phiravas andre Škola/ Jak Jsem Chodila do Školy [how I used to go to school]. Praha/Prague: Spole…enstvím Romç na Morav. 23 pp. ISBN 80-901184-0-2. <bilingual Romani-Czech> {prose, autobiography, B/W drawings, adults, children} {Czech Republic, Czech} 539. Ferková, Ilona. 1992. Mosar‹a peske o dñivipen [she spoilt her life]. Praha: Romani „hib. 20 pp. <monolingual> <publisher=s address:: Romani „hib, Praha 7, Bubenská 1.> {prose, fiction, B/W illustrations} {Czech Republic, Czech} 540. $V$ $F$ Ferková, Ilona. 1996. „orde „have/ Ukradené Dti [the stolen children]. Prague?: romano jekhetaniben pre morava. Moravian Romani Union. 96 pp. RC454<bilingual Romani-Czech> {adults, prose, stories, adults, biography} {Czech Republic, Czech} 541. $F$ Ferková, Ilona. 1994?. Mosar‹a peske o dñivipen anglo love [she spoilt her life for money]. Praha: Romani „hib. 18 pp. <bilingual> 542. ?* $V$ $F$ GiÁa, Andrej. 1991. Bijav. Romane Priphende/ Svatba. Romské Povídky [the wedding]. ISBN 80-900703-2-9. Praha/Prague: Apeiron. 61 pp. <bilingual Romani-Czech. Humorous stories> CHK TRANS <Ordering address: Apeiron, Praha 6, Makovského 1226, 16300> {B/Wdrawings, prose, stories, fiction} {Czech Republic, Czech} 543. ** $A$ Horváth, Jan. 1999. Tumenge B Vám [To you]. Brno: New Line. 72 pp. {poetry, adults, bilingual, Romani-Czech, illustrations} {Czech Republic, Czech} 544. Hübschmannová, Milena. 1976. Cikánština [Gypsy language]. Ústi nad Labem/Prague: Krayský Pedagog (Regional Pedagogical Institute). 51 pp + 46 pp. {grammar} {Czech Republic, Czech} 545. Hübschmannová, Milena. 19??. Základy Romštiny [basic Romani]. CHK YEAR, PUBL, PP, ETC. {grammar} 106 SLOVAK ROMANI {Czech Republic, Czech} 546. Hübschmannová, Milena (compiler). 1985. Dobré Slovo je jako chlebi. Romská pÍisloví. Praha CHK PUBL. <partly Romani, partly Czech, RC-323>CHK keywords {Czech Republic, Czech} 547. Hübschmannová, Milena. 1995. Šaj pes dovakeras. Muñeme se domluvit [we can make ourselves understood]. Olomouc: Vydavatelstvi' Univerzity Palacke'ho. 129 pp. CHK keywords {Czech Republic, Czech} 548. $V$ Hübschmannová, Milena (ed.). 1987. So hin pro svetos jekhbuter? „eho je na svt nejvíc? [What is most numerous in the World? Romani riddles and anecdotes]. Prague: kulturní dçm hl.m. Prahy. ÚstÍední kulturní dçm ñelezni…árç. <bilingual Romani-Czech, facing pages> {riddles, B/W illustrations, adults, children} {Czech Republic, Czech} 549. *? Hübschmannová, Milena (ed.). 1990. Kale ruñi [Black roses]. 119 pp. Krajské kulturní stÍedisko Hradec Králové. RC 420. <anthology of Slovak Romani literature}, {theatre, stories, poetry} <texts by Margarita Reiznerova, Helena Demeterova> {Czech Republic, Czech} 550. $A2$ ## Hübschmannová, Milena (ed.). 1991. Go‹aver Lava Phure Romendar/ Moudrá slova starých Romç [wise words of old Roma. Romani proverbs]. Praha: Apeiron [publisher=s address: Apeiron, Praha 6, Makovského 1226, 163 00, Czech Republic. 45 pp. ISBN 80-900703-0-2. <bilingual Czech-Romani> {proverbs, adults, children} {Czech Republic, Czech} 551. $A$? ## Hübschmannová, Milena. 1995. Amari abeceda/ Naša Abeceda [Our alphabet]. Bratislava: Goldpress Publisher. 64 pp. <bilingual Romani - Slovak> {school book, ABC book, colour illustrations, children, Romani content, colour drawings} {Slovakia, Slovak} 552. $V$ $D$ Hübschmannová, Milena. 1998. Amari abeceda. Naše Abeceda [Our alphabet]. Prague: Fortuna. 64 pp. <collection JC> {school book, ABC book, colour illustrations, children, Romani content, colour drawings} {Czech Republic, Czech} 553. $F$ ** Hübschmannová, Milena, Hana Šebková & Anna ðigová. 1991. Romsko- …eský a …esko-romský kapesní slovník [Romani-Czech and Czech-Romani pocket dictionary]. Praha: Státní pedagogické nakladatelství. 651 pp. {dictionary} {Czech Republic, Czech} 554. $SNOT$ Hübschmannová, Milena & Zuzana Jurková. 1995. Romane giµa. Zpvník romských písní. Praha: Fortuna. 63 pp. ISBN 80-7168-734-0. [publ. Address: Fortuna, Ostrovní 30, 110 oo Praha 1. {Tel/Fax: 02/2435.4515. Tel: 02/90.05.3334. Fax: 02/9005.3335} Http:// Email:} 107 SLOVAK ROMANI <song book with 41 songs, mostly transcribed recordings from the Czech Republic and Slovakia, between 1971 and 2000. Slovak Romani, Lovari, with Czech translations> <With accompanying cassette> {Songbook, musical notation, Color drawings} {Czech Republic, Czech} 555. * Jelínková, Milena, Milena Hübschmannová, Hary Macourek. 19XX CHK. Romane Giµa. Cikánske Písn [Romani songs]. CHK PP, CHK PUBL < 56 songs, with text and music> {songbook, musical notation, texts} {Czech Republic, Czech} 556. ^468 Juraj, Almer. 2003. E Slovakia andre Europa [Slovakia in Europe]. Bratislava: Rajipnaskro Ofisisos Slovakiakre republikakro. 73 pp. ISBN 80-89143-06-7. <translated by František Godla & Erika Godlová><publisher=s address: Merkury s.r.a., Martin…ekova 2, 82109 Bratislava. Tel/Fax, 421-2-5341.5922. Email:> {politics, nonfiction, no ill.} {Czech Republic, Czech} 557. $A2$ ** Koptová, Anna. 1995. Rom…ina do vrecka [Slovak-Romani dictionary]. Košice: Pezolt. 254 pp. RC-400 CHK SLOtransl. <publ. Address: Pezolt, Holubyho 27, 04001 Košice, Slovakia> {dictionary} {Slovakia, Slovak} 558. Kudli…ková, Lýdia (ed.). 1997. Romañi Tavµar‹i. Rómska Kuchárka. 106 recepti andalo akanutko romano taviben pro Slovensko. 106 receptov z novodobej rómskej kuchyne na Slovensku [Romani cooking. 106 recipes from today=s Romani cuisine in Slovakia]. Bratislava: Minority Rights Group. 125 pp. ISBN 80-967169-6-4. <recipes in Slovak and Romani on each page; introduction in Romani and Slovak. Adults> {cookbook} {Slovakia, Slovak} 559. $A2$ ## ** Lacková, Elena. 1992. Rómske rozprávky B Romane paramisa [Romani stories] Košice: Východoslovenské vydavatel=stvo. Praha: Radix. 95 pp. ISBN 80-00495. <bilingual Romani-Slovak, 2 columns, colour illustrations, adults + children> {stories, fiction} {Czech Republic, Czech} 560. ** $F$ Lacková, Elena. 1999. Romane paramisa B Romské pohádky [Romani stories]. Prague: Radix. 136 pp. ISBN 80-86031-25-x. <bilingual Romani-Czech, facing pages> <address publisher RADIX, Táboritská 23, 13000 Praha 3, tel/fax. 02/6709.2256> <translated into Czech by J. Balvín><full colour illustrations by several people> {stories, fiction, colour cover, drawings, colour illustrations, adults, children} {Czech Republic, Czech} 561. Lacný, Pavol, Zuzka Sebanova, Miso Suchý & Lidka Mychajluk. 1988. Dzavas mange dlugone dromeha. Siel som dlhou cestou [I came up a long road]. Bratislava: Vysoká Skola Muzických Umení. CHK keywords {Slovakia, Slovak} 108 SLOVAK ROMANI 562. Lípa, JiÍí. 1963. PÍíru…ka cikánštiny [Manual of the Gypsy language]. Praha: Státní pedagogické nakladatelství. 156 pp. {grammar} {Czech Republic, Czech} 563. Mann, Arne B. (ed.). 1992. Neznámi Rómovia: Zo ñivota a kultúry Cigánov-Rómov na Slovenska [unknown Gypsies . Life and culture of the Gypsies-Roma in the Slovak Republic. CHK TRANS]. Bratislava: Ister Science Press. 207 pp. ISBN 80-900486-2-3. <summaries of articles in Slovak Romani><publ. Address: Ister Science Press, P.O. Box 96, 814-99 Bratislava, Slovakia> {non-fiction, culture} {Slovakia, Slovak} 564. ^475b. ** $P$ Miklušaková, Marta. 1995. Romane Bare Manuša [famous Romani people]. Praha: MENT. <6 sheets of inform ation, 10 big cards with pictures and texts, one poster><11 people> <information in Czech and Romani> <publisher: MENT. Man, Education and New Technologies, Karlíny Svtlé 4, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic. Tel. (42-2)2422.8739. Fax: (42-2)262318. Email:> {children, adults, education} {Czech Republic, Czech} 565. N.N. 1985. La…ho lav sar maro [a good word is like bread]. Praha. CHK PUBL. CHK PP. <bilingual Romani-Czech> {proverbs} {Czech Republic, Czech} 566. N.N. 1996. Romane karti garude lavenca B Romské hádankové karty [Romani riddle cards]. Prague. {riddles} {Czech Republic, Czech} 567. ## N.N. 1997. Romano suno B Sborník pÍispvkç literárni soutñi ARomano Suno@ <[Romani dream. A volume of contributions of a literary competition ARomani dream@]. Praha: Nadace Nová škola. 94 pp. Prague: Nová škola. <A collection of contributions of Roma children, age 7-15, to a literary competition in Romani> <publisher=s address: Nadace Nová škola, Karolíny Svtlé 4, 110 00 Praha 1> {children stories, poetry, children illustrations, Czech on same or facing pages} {Czech Republic, Czech} 568. ## N.N. 1998. Romano suno >98 B Sborník pÍispvkç k II. Ro…níku literárni soutñi v romském jazyce [Romani dream 99. A volume of contributions to the 2nd year of a literary competition in the Romani language]. Praha: Nadace Nová škola. 108 pp. No ISBN. <publisher=s address: Nadace Nová škola, Karolíny Svtlé 4, 110 00 Praha 1>. Prague: Nová škola. {children stories, poetry, children illustrations, Czech on same or facing pages} {Czech Republic, Czech} 569. N.N. 1999. Romano suno >99 B Sborník pÍispvkç k III. Ro…níku literárni soutñi v romském jazyce [Romani dream 99. A volume of contributions to the 3d year of a literary competition in the Romani language] Praha: Nadace Nová škola. 80 pp. [Nadace Nová škola, Karolíny Svtlé 4, 110 00 Praha 1] Prague: Nová škola. <publisher=s address: Nadace Nová škola, Karolíny Svtlé 4, 110 00 Praha 1> {children stories, poetry, children illustrations, Czech on same or facing pages} {Czech Republic, Czech} 109 SLOVAK ROMANI CHK SUNO 2000-2001-2002 570. N.N. no year. Hrajem e si. Romano Bavišagos [we play. Gypsy enterttainment]. No city, no publisher. 27 pp. <one word for each letter of the alphabet, with Czech translations> {ABC book, B/W illustrations, children} {Czech Republic, Czech} 571. $P$ $557$ ** Oláhová, Lubomíra. 2000. Nején Romska KuchaÍka. Na ba Romani Kucharka [The Romani kitchen]. Praha: Fortuna. 80 pp. ISBN 80-7168-741-3. Price: 154 „K. <translated into Romani by Emílie Horá…ková> {cookbook, colour photos} {Czech Republic, Czech} 572. $P$ ** Royová, Kristína. 2001. Ako Kvapô…ka putovala. Sar e kvapkica phirelas lumaha. [How the little drop wandered]. Bratislava: Slovenské evanjeliza…né stredisko pre masmédiá. ISBN 80-88863-24-4. 24 pp. <translated by Erika Adamová> <order from: EVS, P.O. Box 104, Bratislava 1, 81499 Slovakia. Tel: 07/5443.2861. Http:// Email: Price: 50 SLK> {children, Christian religious, full colour drawings, bilingual Romani-Slovak} 573. $V$ $F$ Oláh, Vlado. 1996. Khamori Lulud=i/ Slune…nice [sunflower]. Praha/Prague: MMM. Tiskárny Havlí…kçv Brod. 77 pp. RC-424<East Slovak Romani, bilingual Romani-Czech> {adults, poetry, Romani content} {Czech Republic, Czech} 574. $V$ Reiznerová, Margita. 1992. Kali. Romani Paramisi. [Kal=i -the black one. A Romani Story]. Praha: Romani „hib. 50 pp. RC-29F [Romani „hib, Valdštejnská 14, Praha 1: Tiskové Centrum Slovákova 8, 602 00 Brno, tel + fax: (05) 781172] {fiction, story} {Czech Republic, Czech} 575. Reiznerová, Margita. 1994. Kal=i. Kal=i. Romani Paramisi. Pohádky. [Kal=i -the black one. A Story]. Praha: Romani „hib. 20 pp. <Romani „hib, Valdštejnská 14, Praha 1: Tiskové Centrum Slovákova 8, 602 00 Brno, tel + fax: (05) 781172> {fiction, story} {Czech Republic, Czech} 576. $F$ ## ** Reiznerová, Margita. 2000. Suno/Sen [dream]. Praha/Prague: Spole…na budoucnost. 40 pp. ISBN 80-86138-24-0. <with Czech translation><Address publisher: Spole…na Hoštálkova 103, 169 00 Praha 6, Czech Republic> {poetry, adult, colour cover, no illustrations} {Czech Republic, Czech} 577. Romathan. 1992-1993. Romathan. Romano Teatro. Košice. Slovakia. 14 pp. <with photographs> {theatre, history} 578. $D$ Rufertová, Hana. Et al. 1998. Co uñ umím. So imar dñanav. So má ñanav. „esko-romské povídání pro pÍípravné tÍídy [What I am already able to do]. CHK pp. ISBN 80-7168-538-0. <also under Slovak Romani, 487. East Slovak Romani, Vlax> <ABC book, loose sheets} <publishers address: Fortuna, 25170 „estlice 108, Czech 110 SLOVAK ROMANI Republic. Tel. 02/9005.3334, tel/fax: 01/9005.3335>. Internet:} {East Slovak Romani, Vlax Romani} {Czech Republic, Czech} 579. ## Rusenko, Arnošt. 1992. TriÁ PheÁa [three sisters]. Praha/Prague: Sdruñení romských autorç RomaÁi „hib. 14 pp. No ISBN. RC-29G. <monolingual: Romani><Ordering address: RomaÁi „hib, Praha 9, bÍí. Venclíkç 1073/8> {prose stories, Romani content, adults, children} {Czech Republic} 580. $ANOT$ *? Rusenko, Arnošt. 1992(1). TriÁ PheÁa/ TÍi Sestry [three sisters]. Praha/Prague: Sdruñení romských autorç RomaÁi „hib. 20 pp.No ISBN. <bilingual: Romani/Czech><Ordering address: RomaÁi „hib, Praha 9, bÍí. Venclíkç 1073/8> {prose stories, Romani content, adults, children} {Czech Republic, Czech} 581. $A2NOT$ ## Rusenko, Arnošt. 1994(2). TriÁ PheÁa/ TÍi Sestry [three sisters]. Praha/Prague: Sdruñení romských autorç RomaÁi „hib. 46 pp.No ISBN. <bilingual: Romani/Czech><Ordering address: RomaÁi „hib, Praha 9, bÍí. Venclíkç 1073/8> {prose stories, Romani content, adults, children} {Czech Republic, Czech} 582. * Šebková, Hana & Edita ðlnayová. 1998. Nástin mluvnice slovenské romštiny (pro pedagogické ú…ely) [An outline of the grammar of Slovak Romani (for the purpose of teaching)]. Ústí nad Labem: Univerzita Jana Evangelisty Purkyn v Ústí nad Labem, Fakulta pedagogická. 124 pp. {grammar} {Czech Republic, Czech} 583. ** $P$ Šebková, Hana & Edita ðlnayová. 1999. RomaÁi …hib. U…ebnice slovenské romštiny [Romani language. Textbook of Slovak Romani]. Praha: Fortuna. 269 pp. ISBN 80-7168-684-0. <illustrated by Mirošlava Jakešová> <> {grammar, children, adults, B/W illustrations} {Czech Republic, Czech} 584. ** $P$ Šebková, Hana. 2001. RomaÁi …hib. Klí… k u…ebnice slovenské romštiny [Romani language. Key to the textbook of Slovak Romani]. Praha: Fortuna. 96 pp. ISBN 80-7168-695-0. <><word list pp. 77-96> {grammar, adults} {Czech Republic, Czech} 585. Seman, K., B. Vargova, J. Berky, K. Patockova. 1990. Romska Matka. 154 pp. {stories, poems children, B/W drawings} {Czechoslovakia, Czech} 586. ** $P$ Smr…ka, Vladimír. 1997. BuÙakero Irka. Pracovní Sešit vaj Medvedis the Pyramida [work book, or the bear and the pyramid]. Brno: no publisher. <about health and food> {children B/W illustrations, colour cover, line drawings} {Czech Republic, Czech} 587. Šotolová, Eva. 2000. Vzdláváni Romç [ Roma education]. Praha: Grada Pub. 95 pp. 111 SLOVAK ROMANI 588. ** Štpán, Josef. 1999. Romská Po…etnice. Praha: Fortuna. 16 pp. ISBN 80-7168694-8. <publisher=s address: Fortuna, Jungmannova 7, 11000 Praha 1, Czech Republic. Fortuna, Ostrovní 30, 110 Prha 1. Tel/Fax: 02/24234515.><Price: 142 CZK> {children, full colour, mathematics} {Czech Republic, Czech} 589. Vojtch Lavi…ka, Ladislav Milo. 1997. Romské Písn. Praha: Nadace Nová škola. 40 pp. [Nadace Nová škola, Karolíny Svtlé 4, 110 00 Praha 1] <Romani songs with Czech translations> {Musical notes, songs, colour ill., drawings} {Czech Republic, Czech} RELIGIOUS MATERIAL 590. ** $F$ Bible. Bible Stories. 1992. Bçh mluví ke Svým Dtem/ O Del vakerel ke Peskere „ave [God speaks to His children]. Prague: Czech Bible Society. 183 pp. ISBN 80-900881-4-7. RC 409. <ordering address: Czech Bible Society, Soukenicka 15, 11000 Prague 1, Czech Republic><translated by Vlado Oláh> <in both Czech and Slovak dialects><bilingual Czech/Slovak on left side, Romani on right side> {colour drawings as illustrations. Colour cover. For children} {Czech Republic, Czech} 591. N.N. 1995. Deloreskere …have/ Boñie deti [God=s children]. Bratislava: Vydavatel=stvo Don Bosco. ISBN 80-85405-31-8. 78 pp. <ordering address: Don Bosco, Mileti…ova 7, 82108 Bratislava> <bilingual Slovak - Romani; religious; drawings in coloured ink, full colour cover. Non-Romani content or illustrations> {Czech Republic, Czech} 592. ** ## Bible. John. 1997. O Evangelijum le Janustar. Czech Bible Society. 64 pp. ISBN 80-85810-13-1. <translated by Vladimír Oláh and Ivana Kultová> {some B/W illustrations; colour cover> <ordering address: „eská biblická spole…nost, Soukenická 15, Praha 1, Czech Republic> {Czech Republic, Czech} 593. ^498b Bible. Fragments. 1998. Miri Jekhto Biblija. Andro Obrazki. Moja Prvá Biblia v obrázkoch vo východoslovenskej róm…ine [my first East Slovak Romani]. Bratislava: Medzinárodná biblická spolo…nost-Slovensko. Ca. 150 pp. ISBN 80-7131035-2> <publisher=s address: Medzinárodná biblická spolo…nost-Slovensko, P.O. Box 51, 81499 Bratislava, Slovakia> <illustrators: Richard & Frances Hookovcov> {full colour cover, full colour illustrations, Christian} {Slovakia, Slovak} 594. $A2$ ## ** Bible. Apostles. 2000. Pal oda, so kerenas le Devleskere Bi…hade. Skutky Apoštolç. Romsko-„eské Vydaní, do romštiny pÍeloñeno Íeckého originálu, s pÍihlédnutím k …eskému ekumenickému pÍekladu. O PATÌENO vysvtlivkami a slovníkem [Acts of the Apostles. Romani-Czech edition translated into Romani from the Greek original with consideration of the Czech ecumenical translation]. Praha: G plus G. 144 pp. ISBN 8086103-43-9. <bilingual Slovak Romani-Czech; glossary of special words pp. 39-143. <translated by Vlado Oláh and Ivana Kultová> <illustrated with 10 B/W woodcuts> {Czech Republic, Czech} 595. $D$ ** N.N. 2000. Gil=a nevo dñivipen. Dñija andro névo dzivipen. Piesne nového ñivota. Rómsko-sovenský spevnik [New life songs. Romani-Slovak Romani Slovak 112 SLOVAK ROMANI hymn book]. Bratislava: Slovenské evanjeliza…né stredisko pre masmédiá. ISBN 8088863-19-8. 66 pp. <order from: EVS, P.O. Box 104, Bratislava 1, 81499 Slovakia. Tel: 07/5443.2861. Http:// Email: Price: 45 SLK><bilingual Romani-Slovak> {color photographs, song book, music notes, Christian religious, {Slovakia, Slovak} 596. ** $D$ Royová, Kristína. 1997. Bez Boha na Svete. Bi o Dél po Világo [without God in the world]. Bratislava: Slovenské evanjeliza…né stredisko pre masmédiá. ISBN 80-88863-03-1. 121 pp. <translated by Erika Adamová> <order from: EVS, P.O. Box 104, Bratislava 1, 81499 Slovakia. Tel: 07/5443.2861. . Http:// Email: Price: 60 SLK> <bilingual Romani-Slovak> {children, Christian religious, full colour cover, colour photographs} {Slovakia, Slovak} 597. Royová, Kristína. 2001. Ako Kvapô…ka putovala. Sar e kvapkica phirelas lumaha. [How the little drop wandered]. Bratislava: Slovenské evanjeliza…né stredisko pre masmédiá. ISBN 80-88863-24-4. 24 pp. <translated by Erika Adamová> <order from: EVS, P.O. Box 104, Bratislava 1, 81499 Slovakia. Tel: 07/5443.2861. Http:// Email: Price: 50 SLK><bilingual Romani-Slovak> {children, Christian religious, full colour drawings} {Slovakia, Slovak} 113 SLOVAK ROMANI SLOVENIA The two main dialects spoken in Slovenia are Prekmurje and Dolenjski. The Prekmurje dialect can be found under BURGENLAND ROMAN/VEND/PREKMURJE The Dolenjski dialect can be found under: HAVATI (Slovenia, Italy) Periodicals in Slovenia: Romano Nevipe Romano Them 114 STANDARD 1 (CORTIADE) - STANDARDI 1 (KÙRTIAD) STANDARD 1 (CORTIADE) This is the way of writing approved for a 10 year trial period at the meeting of the International Romani Union in 1990 in Poland. It has been adopted as the official writing system for schooling by the Romanian Ministry of Education. It is intended both as a spelling system applicable to a variety of dialects and an international standard for vocabulary. In cases where specific dialect features have been maintained, the titles are also given under the dialect names. Periodicals publishing regularly or sometimes in this form of Romani: Informaciaqo Lil (Poland)(all) Interface (mostly appendices) Nevipens Romani (Spain)(rare) Romano Allav (Kosovo} Romano Dñaniben (Czech Republic)(only in vol. 8 nr. 1/2, 2001) Romano Kher (Hungary)(??) Them Romano (Italy)(mostly) I Tchatchipe (Spain) (rare) ADD: Cortiade, BBB. ???? (DK) 598. Cortiade, Marcel (ed.). 19CHK. Jove Poësia Ròm [Young Romani poetry]. {Occitan, France} 599. $V$ Cortiade, Marcel. 1984. Romani fonetika thaj lekhipa. Peskekerdo, Fil|n Than. RC-300. <expanded and reprinted has appeared 1986 Pobjeda, Titograd> {grammar, writing book, adults} {Yugoslavia} 600. ** $A$ Cortiade, Marcel. 1986. Romani fonetika thaj lekhipa. Fonetika i Bravopis romskog jesika. Titograd: Prosveta. 104 pp. <linguistics; bilingual Romani & Serbokroat> {grammar, writing book, adults} 601. $V$ Cortiade, Marcel. 1989. Gramatika e Gjuhes Rroma [Grammar of the Romani language]. Tiranë: the author. 179 pp. <in Albanian> {grammar} {Albania, Albanian} 602. Cortiade, Marcel. 1991. Drabarimnasqi Pustik p-i ‚hib Rromani. Finland. 52 pp. <textbook used at Finnish summer school> {school book, adults} {Finland, Albania} 603. Cortiade, Marcel. 1992. Dialectological inquiry for a classification of the dialects of the Romani language/Dialektologikano Puƒhipnasqo Lil. Béziers/Besièrs: Agéncia Occitana de Comunicacion/Paris: Romani Baxt. 93 pp. <in English, en Français, Romanes> 604. Courthiade, Marcel. 1993. Sikavipen sar te sikl4n e chavorre e Ñirpustikaça. Toulouse: CRDP. Centre Régional de Documentation Pédagogique Midi-Pyrénées, <distribution: CRDP, 3 rue Roquelaine, F-31069 Toulouse, France><teacher=s book> {school book} 115 STANDARD 1 (CORTIADE) - STANDARDI 1 (KÙRTIAD) {France} 605. * Dr. Seuss. N.Y. E Sniƒilnqi Paramìsi. Sar mothovas la amenqe o Dr Seuss, ta nakhavdas la rromanes o Dr Gurbetovski. [the ?????? CHK story. As told to us by Dr Seuss and translated into Romani by Dr Gurbetovski]. 25 pp. {children, many B/W illustrations} {USA} 606. Djuriƒ, Rajko. 1990. Bi Kheresqo, bi limoresqo/ Sans Maison, Sans Tombe. Recueil de Poèmes Tsiganes-Français. Paris: Études Tsiganes/L=Harmattan. 72 pp. ISBN 2-73840601-7. RC 422. <bilingual Romani-French> <see also under Gurbet><also interview of Marcel Cortiade with Rajko Djuriƒ><translated into French by Marcel Cortiade> <publisher=s address: l=Harmattan, 5-7 Rue de l=école polytechniqe, 75005 Paris, France;; Etudes Tsiganes...... ><Price/Mol: 62 FF> {adults, poetry} {France, French} 607. Djuriƒ, Rajko. 2002. Istoria Literaturii Rrome. I Història e Rromane Literaturaqi [history of Romani literature]. BucureÕti: Universitatea din BucureÕti/CREDIS. 182 pp. {scholarly, essay} {Roumania, Roumanian} 608. ## ** $S$ Hill, Eric. 1994. O Rukun ζal and-i Skòla. Paris: 20 pp. <translated from English ASpot goes to school@> ISBN: 2-9507850-1-8. <Interface Collection, Rukun Series> <Distribution: Rromani Baxt, 22, rue du Port, F-63.000 Clermont Ferrand, France. Price: 50 FF> {colour ill., children} {France} 609. ** ## Hill, Eric. 1994. Kaj si o Rukun Amaro? Paris: Interface. 24 pp. <translated from English AWhere is Spot?@> ISBN: 2-9507850-2-6. <Interface Collection, Rukun Series> <Distribution: Rromani Baxt, 22, rue du Port, F-63.000 Clermont Ferrand, France. Price: 50 FF.> {colour ill., children} {France} 610. ## ** $S$ Hill, Eric. 1995. I Bari Lavenqi Pustik e Rukunesqiri. Paris: Interface. 24 pp. <translated from English ASpot=s Big Book of Words?@> <Interface Collection, Rukun Series> <Romani-English-French edition: Distribution: Rromani Baxt, 22, rue du Port, F-63.000 Clermont Ferrand, France.; Price: 50 FF.> <Romani-SpanishPortuguese version; Distribution: Editorial Presencia Gitana, Valderrodrigo, 76 y 78, E28039, Madrid, España> {Ill: colour, children, dictionary} {France, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese} 611. Kenrick, Donald & Grattan Puxon. 1997. Bibaxtale BerÑa [unhappy years]. Madrid: Editorial Presencia Gitana. 162 pp. ISBN 84-87347-15-0. <Distribution: Editorial Presencia Gitana, Valderrodrigo, 76 y 78, E-28039, Madrid, España> <original edition 1988, London: Romanestan Publications; see nr. 94 CHK>. <translated from English: Gypsies under the Swastika> {youth, non-fiction, B&W, line drawings} {Spain} 116 STANDARD 1 (CORTIADE) - STANDARDI 1 (KÙRTIAD) 612. $P$ $598$ Koçi, Ferdinand. 2002?. E Roma. Paris: CCFD. [publisher: CCFD, 4, rue Lantier, 75001 Paris, France] <card game with members of Roma families from many countries> {game, gard game} {France, French} 613. $V$ Krasniƒi, Ali. 2001. Devl!a, ker man kir. Rromane Parami…a andar-e Kósova ta e Metohia. Beograd: Centar za stvaralaštvo mladih. Edicia Mogucé. 192 pp. ISBN 86-83257-18-5. 86-83257-16-9. <Roman script, Gurbet dialect> {stories, fairy tales} {Yugoslavia} 614. Kurtiàde, Marcel. 1990. Handbook to accompany Rromano Startorro in Serbian, Slovenian, Makedonian, Albanian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Greek and Turkish. Sarajevo: Svjetlost. chk - add pp. {collection JC}<teachers book> {school book, teachers guide} {Yugoslavia, Bosnia, Serbocroatian, Slovenian, Macedonian, Albanian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Greek, Turkish} 615. $V$ ## Kurtiàde, Marcel. 1990. Rromano startorro. Sarajevo: Svjetlost. 64 pp. ISBN 86-01-02435-1. RC-283.,<text in Serbokroat, Albanian, Turkish, Roumanian, Russian, Greek CHK> {ABC-book} {Yugoslavia, Bosnia, Serbocroatian, Albanian, Roumanian, Russian, Turkish} 616. $VNOT$ Kurtiàde, Marcel. 1992. Ðirpustik Amare ‚hib|qiri. Toulouse: CRDP. 58 pp. ISBN 2-86565-074-X. (Interface Collection 1). RC-298. <distribution: Centre Régional de Documentation Pédagogique Midi-Pyrénées, 3 rue de Roquelaine, F-31069, Toulouse Cedex, France; Price 50 FF; teachers= book: ca.10 Euro.> {colour ill, ABC-book, children} {France} 617. Kurtiàde, Marcel. 1994. Sikavipen sar te Siklon e „havorre e Ðirpustikaça. Toulouse: CRDP. 19 pp. <teachers= book for the above title; available in Albanian, English, French, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Slovak, Spanish> {school book, teachers guide} {Albanian, English, French, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Slovak, Spanish} 618. $37$ Djuriƒ, Rajko. 1999. Romane Garadune Lava. Roma Találós Kérdések. Rromani Riddles. Budapest: Cigany Haz. 82 pp. ISBN: 963 03 9429 4. Romano Kher B 1151 Budapest, Ënekes u. 10/b. tel/fax: 306-6811. 306-6812. <ed. By Melinda Rezmûves> <Albanian Romani, Romungro, Karpathian, English Romani, Vend, Lovari, Cerhari colored, cartoon-style drawings> {Riddles, color drawings, children} {Hungary, English, Hungarian} 619. $A2$ ** Romanov, ManuÑ. 1990. 17 purane romane gil| andar-i Bälgària. [17 old Romani songs from Bulgaria]. Tarnuv. RC-40, RC-555. No publ, no ISBN. 40 pp. <monolingual> {songs, poetry, adults} {Bulgaria, Poland} 117 STANDARD 1 (CORTIADE) - STANDARDI 1 (KÙRTIAD) 620. Union Romaní. CHK year. Konklútsie. I Kongrèso Europuno Union Romaní katar i Terniben Romani [Conclusions. First European Congress on Romani Youth]. 111 pp. Madrid??? CHK: <Romani on pp. 3-23; also Catalan, English, French, Spanish> {non-fiction, politics} {Catalan, English, French, Spanish} RELIGIOUS MATERIAL 621. Bible. Ephesians. 1993. Lila Efesiange. Tirana: RRomani Baxt. 15 pp. RC 224a. <translated from Greek> {Albania} 622. Bible. Psalms. Song of Songs. 1994. Gili pra Gilene, savi [si] e Slomonesqe [song of songs, which is Solomon=s song]. Tirana: Romani Baxt. <translated from Hebrew by Marcel Cortiade> {Albania} 118 STANDARD 2, 3 4 STANDARD 2 (KOCHANOWSKI) This is a standard variety proposed by Vania de Gila, or Jan Kochanowski. It is based on a Baltic variety, to which a variable number of Indic-derived neologisms are added. 623. $A$ $V$ ** Kochanowski, Vania de Gila. 1994. Parlons tsigane: Histoire, culture et langue du peuple tsigane. Paris: L'Harmattan. 264 pp. {school book, learning book} {France, French} 624. Kochanowski, Vania de Gila. 1992. Romano Atmo. L=âme tsigane. ChâteauneufLes-Martigues: Editions Wallâda. <novel. In Romani??? CHK> {texts, fairy tales} {France, French} 625. Gila, Vania de. 1996. Les Romané Chavé par Eux-mêmes. Tome 1. Le Roi des Serpents. Et autres contes tsiganes balto-slaves. <on cover: Le Roi des Serpents. Contes Tsiganes. Editions Bilingue. Châteauneuf-Les-Martigues: Editions Wallâda. 144 pp. ISBN 2-904201-21-1. <editions Wallada, rue du Languedoc, 13320 Châteauneuf-LesMartigues. Tel. 4279.9266. <Romani-French, facing pages. Colour illustrations> {texts, fairy tales, bilingual, color ill.} {France, French} 119 STANDARD 2, 3 4 STANDARD 3 (SKOLVERKET) This book is written in a form of Romani that is a compromise between different dialects. 626. ** $F$ Grönfors, Milja & Baki Hasan. 1998. Akana Ginas Romanes [now we read in Romani]. Stockholm: Skolverket. ISBN 91-88373-65-7. <distribution: Liber distribution, order number 5059><Ordering address: Skolverket, MINV-projektet, 10620 Stockholm, tel. +46-8-723.3200. Fax: +46-8-224420. Skolverket: Price: 65 SK> {drawings, photographs, B/W illustrations, children, ABC book, school book} {Sweden} 120 STANDARD 2, 3 4 STANDARD 4 (EUROMA, DANMARK) 627. $V$ Kruezi, Selahetin. 2003. Matematika 1. Vash Funduni Shkola. København: EUROMA. 115 pp. <publishers adres: Euroma, Ruten 167.3.3, 2700 Brønshøj, Danmark. Tel & Fax: 0045-388.10708. Email:> {schoolbook, mathematics, children} 628. $V$ Kruezi, Selahetin. 2003. Siklova Hramipe thay Drabaripe [I learn writing and reading]. København: EUROMA. 113 pp. <publishers adres: Euroma, Ruten 167.3.3, 2700 Brønshøj, Danmark. Tel & Fax: 0045-388.10708. Email:> {schoolbook, children, ABC book} 121 STANDARD 2, 3 4 SWEDISH ROMANI (ROMMANO) Swedish Romani is an intertwined variety. Romani words are used in a Swedish grammatical framework. 629. * $D$ Johansson, Roger. 1977. Svensk Rommani. Med etymologiska och grammatiska kommentarer av Gösta Bergman och Erik Ljungberg samt förord av Adam Heymowski [Swedish Romani. With etymological and grammatical comments of Gösta Bergman and Erik Ljungberg and a preface of Adam Heymowski]. Acta Academiae Regiae Gustavi Adolphi 55. Uppsala: Ab Lundequistska Bokhandeln.<Rommani-Swedish, with example sentences> {academic, dictionary} {Sweden, Swedish} 122 STANDARD 2, 3 4 UKRAINE Several dialects are spoken in the Ukraine. See also Baltic Romani and Russian Romani. 630. * Barannikov, A.P. 1933. The Ukrainian and South Russian Gypsy Dialects. Leningrad: Izdatel'stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR. 2 Volumes. Volume 1: Survey of the Ukrainian and South Russian Gypsy dialects. 1-108 pp. Volume 2: Gypsy Texts. 109-226 pp. <translated from Russian>. {grammar, texts, academic} {Russia, English} 631. Barannikov, A.P. 1933b. Ukraiski ta pivdenno-rosiyiski tsyganski dialekty [The Ukrainian and South Russian Gypsy dialects]. Leningrad: Leningrad: Izdatel'stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR. {grammar, texts, academic} {Russia, Russian} 632. Danilkyn, Oleksii (Danileva, O.O). 2000. Romane Rjatjakipe Paramisa. Legendi Ciganckoi Noci [Romani nocturnal legends]. Kyiv: Holovna spetsializovana redaktsiia literatury movamy natsional'nykh menshyn Ukraïny/ Roma of Ukraine Program. 64 pp. ISBN 966-522-042-X. <order from: Roma of Ukraine Program, 46, Artema Street, Kyiv, 04053 Ukraine;} <in Cyrillic><parallel text in Romani and Ukrainian> {B/W drawings, stories, poetry} {Ukraine, Ukrainian} 633. Kozimirenka, M. & I. Mazore. 1998. O „hindlar. Bukvar= dla cygan=skych deti. [the ???. ABC book for Gypsy children]. Kiev: Ravlyk. 75 pp. ISBN 5-7-07-954-X. <Cyrillic, AMixed Ukrainian Romani AHymponi@ with words from Plashchuytka, Lovari, Vlax dialects> {ABC book, pictures, poetry, tales} {Ukraine} 634. Kozimirenka, M. 2000. Romano Kham [Romani sun]. Kiev: Vidavnictva nats. Men=shinstv. CHK PP, ISBN, <Ukrainian translations by S. Kellar> {poetry, bilingual Romani/Ukrainian} {Ukraine, Ukrainian} 635. Kozimirenka, M. 2000. Kala CHK tu baro javesa. So te kaj - saro dñinesa. Korostien, Ukraine: MKM Druk. 23 pp. ISBN 966-95582-2-0. {poetry, riddles} {Ukraine, Ukrainian} 636. Shevchenko, T. 1996. Dume mire.... Vykedyne poezii. Pier: Mikha Kozimirenka/ Kiev: Spec. redakt. Lit. Movami nats. Menshin. Ukrainy. 222 pp. ISBN 966-552-035-7. {poetry} {Ukraine, Ukrainian} 123 STANDARD 2, 3 4 URSARI Ursari (Abear leaders@) is a name for (at least) two distinct Romani varieties. They are spoken in Rumania and neighbouring countries. 637. $F$ ## ** Copoiu, Petre. 1996. Rromane Paramìƒa. PoveÕti ÚiganeÕti [Romani Stories], BucureÕti: Editura Kriterion. 148 pp. ISBN 973.2604638. (Biblioteca Rrom| Nr. CHK) <preface: G. Sar|u, on the dialect and the transcription; pp. 4-5> <ordering address: Editura Kriterion, str. Presei Libere, nr. 1, BucureÕti/Bucharest, Rumania. Tel. #40-2243628><Roumanian-Romani, facing pages> {fiction, adults} {Roumania, Roumanian} 638. Kantea, Grigore.V. 1940. Folkloros Romano. ChiÕin|u (Moldavia): Kišinov Kartja. 40 pp. {texts, fairy tales} {Moldova} 639. Kantea, Grigore.V. 1969. Folkloros Romano. Karta Moldovenjacke. 40 pp. {texts, fairy tales} {Moldova} 640. $F$ ## ** Nicol|escu-PlopÕor, Dr. C.Ô. 1997. Paramìsa haj Gil| Rromané. PoveÕti Õi Cântece Rrome [Romani stories and songs]. BucureÕti: Editura Kriterion.120 p. ISBN 973-26-0486-7. (Biblioteca Rrom| Nr. 1) <edited by Gheorghe Sar|u, Adina Potochin & Edy S|vescu> <ordering address: Editura Kriterion, str. Presei Libere, nr. 1, BucureÕti/Bucharest, Rumania. Tel. 2243642> <RC-609> {stories, songs, fairy tales} {Roumania, Roumanian} RELIGIOUS MATERIAL 641. Bible. Matthew. 1996. Evanghelia pala o Matei. BucureÕti/Bucharest: Interconf. Bible Society of Romania. <translated by Stefan Bîrnis> <5000 Lei. Order from: Interconf. Bible Society, Calea Calarasilor, nr. 173, bl. 42, ap. 36-68, Sector 3, cod. 74118, Bucuresti, Romania, Tel: +40 1 320 84 79, Fax: +40 1 323 43 84, E-mail:> <Ursari and Rumanian on facing pages> {Roumania, Roumanian} 124 VLAX - OLAH - VLACH VLAX Vlax is the name of a group of dialects that are generally influenced by the Rumanian language. See also Gurbet, Lovari, Kalderash, Ursari, which are Vlax dialects. Vlax dialects are traditionally spoken in Rumania, Hungary, Ukraine, Yugoslavia, Greece, and also in most countries that have a Romani minorities whi immigrated in the last 125 years or so. See also Kyuchukov, Hristo et al. Ca. 1995, under Bulgaria. 642. $V$ Adviƒ, Šemso. 1985. Poesie. Testo romanes a fronte. Boves: Primalpe (& Centro Studi Zingari di Torino). 32 pp. NO ISBN. RC-443. <Italian Xoraxanó, Romani-Italian facing page><RC-443><pronunciation key> {poetry, adults, no ill.} {Italy, Italian} 643. $A2$ ** Bari, Károly. 1990. Le V‘šeski D‘j [the mother of the woods]. Budapest: Országos KözmmávelÅdési Központ / national Educational Center. 507 pp. <texts from Hungary in several Vlax dialects: Vlax, Masari, Grastari, Drizari, Lovari, Kalderash, Cerhari, „urari> {texts, oral tradition, songs, fairy tales} {Hungary, Hungarian} 644. $SNOT$ Bari Jozef, Belecz Jozef, Eröss Gustav, Menko Gabriella, Oltai György, Rezmüves Melinda, Rostas Rudolf, Simon Beata, Szöke Erzsebet, Vajda Imre. 1994. Az ember csak a maga sorsárul tud beszélni Y.O manus numa pal= peszko trajo zshanel te vorbil [a person can only speak about his own life]. Budapest: Romano Kher Könyvek. 147 pp. <Vlax, Cerhari, Lovari> <photographs pp 147-154> {stories, ballads, songs, adults} {Hungary, Hungarian} 645. $A2$ ## ** Bergström, Gunilla. 1982. Naj ande tu rat, Ardom? Kathar e Gunilla Bergström. Translated by Wasyl Curylo. Edited by Lambert Scherp. Stockholm: Wasyl Curylo. CHK pp. ISBN: 91-7260-660-6. <Distribution: Skolöverstyrelsen, S-10642 Stockholm, Sweden> <translated from Swedish by Wasyl Curylo> {non-Romani content, illustrated, colour drawings, children} {Sweden} 646. * Cibu, Ioan. 1932. Dictionar Româno-Úigan. Sebes-Alba: Tipografia Johann Stegmann. 32 pp. <dictionary Romani-Rumanian> {dictionary, Romanian} {Roumania, Roumanian} 647. $F$ ** Creolatin Jim. 1992. CHK Sar te Vrakeres a „hib Sranan Tongo [how to speak the language Sranan Tongo]. Amsterdam: occasional Paper No. 2 of Patrin (Amsterdam), November 1992. CHK DATA, CHK PP. <course in Sranan Creole of Suriname written in Vlax> {language course} {Netherlands, USA} 648. $A2$ ** Csenki, Imre, Rudolf Víg and Pál Sztanó. 1993. Püspökladányi Cigány Népdalok. Hungarian Gypsy Folk Songs. CHK place: Cigány Haz/Romano Kher; Hungaroton Classic. <With cassette tape><Text booklet is 48 pp. Songs in Vlax dialects of Püspökladányi, Hungary, from singers whose ancestors probably came from Transsylvania. Romani texts with Hungarian and English translations. Introductions by Imre Csenki and Katalin Kovalscik> {cassette, songs, musical notation} 125 VLAX - OLAH - VLACH {Hungary, Hungarian, English}} 649. ** Franzese, Sergio. 1986. Il dialetto dei Rom Xoraxane, note grammaticali e glossario [The dialect of the Xoraxani Rom, grammatical notes and vocabulary]. Roma: Opera Nomadi. 81 pp. <grammar 6-34; glossary Romani-Italian-English 35-51: ItalianRomani 51-62; semantic domains 63-79> {dictionary, grammar, texts} {Italy, Italian} 650. ** Franzese, Sergio. 198. Amarí …hib, Amaro barvalipé. La nostra lingua, la nostra ricchezza. Sussidiario di Lingua Romaní (dialetto Xoraxanó) [Our language, our richness. Overview of the Romani language (Xoraxani dialect)] Torino: Eurostudio. 65 pp. <pronounciation 3-4; pictures + words 5-52; glossary Romani-Italian 53-63> {vocabulary, grammar, children, B/W drawings, children, adults, ABC book} {Italy, Italian} 651. Hancock, Ian. 1973. Deš Cerne Bališe [three young lambs]. Chicago. {children=s book; mathematics; school book} {USA} 652. Hancock, Ian. 1973. Me šaj Dñinav [I can read]. Chicago. {children=s book; school book}. {USA} 653. ** Hancock, Ian F. 1995. A Handbook of Vlax Romani. Columbus, OH: Slavica Publishers. 178 pp. <ordering address: Slavica Publishers, Indiana University, 2611 E. 10th street, 47408-2263, Bloomington, Indiana,47408-26033, USA> {grammar, adults} {USA, English} 654. *? $F$ Kovalcsik, Katalin. 1985. Szlovákiai oláhcigány népdalok. Európai cigány népzene 1 [Slovakian Romani Folksongs. European Gypsy Music I]. Budapest. 188 pp. {songs, musical notation, scholarly} {Hungary, Slovakia, Hungarian} 655. ** Liapis, Antonis. 1998. Glossario tis Romani, opos ti miloun i musulmani Roma tis ellinikis Thrakis elleno-Romano [dictionary of the Romani language as spoken by the Muslim Roma in Greek Thrace (Greek Romani)] Komotini: Antonis Liapis. 157 pp. <dictionary Romani-Greek> {dictionary} {Greece, Greek} 656. $343$ Ravasz, Joszef. 1992. Jileskero kheroro. Dom…ek v srdcí szívházikó [little house of the heart]. Bratislava: Romani Kultura. 44 pp. ISBN: 80-85562-00-6. <text in Slovak, Hungarian, Romani/ Lovari. Romani content> <Translated into Romani by Gyorgy RostasBFarkas> {fairy tales, color illustrations, drawings} {Slovak, Slovakia, Hungarian 657. Rinkeby. 1997 (1977 CHK?). Ame le Ìom. Vi Zigenare [We the Gypsies]. Rinkeby. No publisher, no ISBN. 29 pp. <pictures, photographs, colour illustrations><bilingual Swedish-Romani> {Sweden, Swedish} 126 VLAX - OLAH - VLACH 658. Rostás Mihaly. 1988. A mesemondó Rostás Mihály. Mihalj Rostás, a Gypsy StoryTeller. 201 pp. Isbn 963 7762 28 0. <language discussed on pp. 197-201 in English and pp. 191-195 in Rostás> {Vlax, Cerhari}{adults, stories, in Romani (…urari, Lovari) and with Hungarian and English translations} {Hungary, Hungarian, English} 659. Rostás, Mihály. 1999. Lujza meséi. Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Cërhár Cigányy Népmesék. Budapest: Magyarországi Cigányok NyelvÅrzÅ Egyesülete. 145 pp.<bilingual Romani and Hungarian> {ill., oral tradition, stories} {Hungary, Hungarian} 660. $S$ ** Sar|u, Gheorghe. 1992. Limba Romaní. Manual Pentru Clasele de înv|Û|tori romi ale Ôcolilor Normale [the Rromani language. Textbook for the Roma teachers from the pedagogical academies]. BucureÕti: Editura Didactic| Õi Pedagogic|,. 238 pp. ISBN 973-30-2113-X. <Distribution: Editura Didactic| Õi Pedagogic|, Ministerul Înv|Ûâmantului, Str. Spiru Haret nr. 12, RO-BucureÕti, Romania> {school book, children, grammar, texts} {Roumania, Roumanian} 661. Sar|u, Gheorghe. 1994. Manual de limba rromani [manual of the Romani language]. BucureÕti: Editura Didactica si Pedagogica R.A. 241 pp. <available from Aven Ametza, Vasile Ionesco, tel. 2243642> <revised 2000 as Curs de Limba Romani> {grammar} {Roumania, Roumanian} 662. ** ^395-I $527$ ** Sar|u, Gheorghe. 1992. Mic dicÛionar rom-român [Small dictionary Romani-Romanian]. Bucharest: Kriterion. 173 pp. <covers Rumanian varieties in Standard 1 spelling: Kalderash, Zlatari, Ursari, Vlax> <ordering address: Editura Kriterion, str. Presei Libere, nr. 1, BucureÕti/Bucharest, Rumania. Tel. 2243628> {dictionary} {Roumania, Roumanian} 663. $F$ Tashlin, Frank. N.y. O Ri…h kaj Nas [the bear that wasn=t]. <translated from English>. 65 pp [unnumbered]. No ISBN, no publisher.<glossary Romani-English, covers all words> {children, many B/W drawings, no Romani content} {USA} 664. Vekerdi, Jószef & György Mészáros. 1974. A magyarországi oláh cigány nyelvjarás mondattana [Syntax of the Vlax Gypsy dialect in Hungary]. Budapest: A Magyar Nyelvtudomány Társaság Kiadványai 135. 164 pp. {grammar, scholarly} {Hungarian, Hungary} 127 VLAX - OLAH - VLACH RELIGIOUS MATERIAL 665. $S$ Bible. NT. 1987. Nyevo Teshtamento. Amare Rajesko Le Jesusko Nyevo Jekkethanipe Le Shtar Evandyeliumura. [Cover: La Biblake Svunci Evangeliumura]. Pécs: Cigány Kulturális és KózmávelÅdési Egyesület Pécs, Jószef u. 4. 223 pp. ISBN 96385061-0-5. <translated by Choli Daróczi Jószef><illustrated by Fenyvesi Jószef, Kosztics László, Orsós Teréz & Ráczné Kalányos Gyöngyi> {Hungary} 666. Bible. Matthew. 1991. O Svunto Evandyelimo sar o Mathe Ramosardya les. Budapest: Szent István Társulat az Apostoli Szentszék Könyvkiadója. 162 p. ISBN 963360-510-5. <translated by Choli Daróczi Jószef><Matthew on p. 7-93; comments (Asemnoipe@) on p. 95-156. English-based spelling, explained on p. 161162><publisher=s address: Szent István Társulat, 1053 Budapest, Kossuth L. U. 1.> <price: 350 forint. Order from: Szent István Társulat, 1053 Budapest, Haller u. 19-21, Hungary, Tel: +(36)-(1)2185-820> {Hungary} 667. ^586b Bible. Mark. 1997? O laso neviumos sar ramosardya les o Marko. N. p: World Home Bible League. 39 pp. <translated by Derek Tipler> 668. ^587c Bible. John. 1979?. O lacio nevimos sar ramosardeas les o Joano. N.p.: (Netherlands?): Open Doors. 91 pp. <translated by Ioan Simanu/Sinamu> {Netherlands} 128 VLAX - OLAH - VLACH WELSH ROMANI 669. Leland, Charles Godfrey. 1901. The Breitman Ballads. A new Edition. London: Kegan Paul Trench Trübner & Co. 317 pp. <i gili Romaneskro. A Gipsy Ballad. Pp. 45-47><one song translated into Romani by C.G. Leland> {song} {Britain} 670. MacAlister, Donald. 1928. Romani Versions. London: T. & A. Constable, Ltd.. {poetry, adults} {Britain} 671. ** $D$ Sampson, John. 1926a [1968]. The Dialect of the Gypsies of Wales. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 230 pp + 419 pp. {grammar, dictionary, scholarly} {Britain, English} 672. Sampson, John. 1931. Romane Gilia. Romani Poems: Poems in Romani with English Renderings. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 83 pp. {poetry, adults, no ill.} {Britain} 129 VLAX - OLAH - VLACH XORAXANI The word AXoraxano@ means Muslim or Turk. The varieties labelled AXoraxane@ are not all the same. Italian Xoraxani belongs to the Vlax branch, and other varieties of Xoraxani to the Balkan branch. 673. ** Liapis, Antonis. 1998. Glossario tis Romani, opos ti miloun i musulmani Roma tis ellinikis Thrakis elleno-Romano [dictionary of the Romani language as spoken by the Muslim Roma in Greek Thrace (Greek Romani)] Komotini: Antonis Liapis. 157 pp. {dictionary} {Greece, Greek} 674. ** Franzese, Sergio. 1986. Il dialetto dei Rom Xoraxane, note grammaticali e glossario [The dialect of the Xoraxani Rom, grammatical notes and vocabulary]. Roma: Opera Nomadi. 81 pp. <grammar 6-34; glossary Romani-Italian-English 35-51: ItalianRomani 51-62; semantic domains 63-79> {Xoraxano, vocabulary, grammar, Vlax} {Italy, Italian,Yugoslavia} 675. ** $526$ Romanov, ManuÑ. 1990. 17 purane romane gil| andar-i Bälgària. Tarnuv. No publ, no ISBN. 40 pp. <RC-40> {songs, poetry, adults} {Bulgaria? Albania} Religious material, Muslim 676. ???. 1997. Mevludi-Šerif t-a-j 5-vakti-namazi but. E Dovajenca Prahope Epenaza. Talkinesa thaj Sijnaci Dovaja. [prayers for the dead and five times prayer to God. chk trans.] <translated from Arabic into Albanian, from Albanian into Romani by Repep Bisljim Abdulaha> {Yugoslavia} 677. Durmiš, Hafis. No year. E Hafis Durmiseskoro Mevlidi. Mevlidi Šerif ki Romani ci 1912-1981. [prayers for the dead in Romani, 1912-1981]. CHK pp. CHK PUBL. CHK ILL. {Yugoslavia} 678. $R$ Gjuner, Abdula. 1995. Romano Mevlidi thaj Iljanie. [prayers for the dead in Romani and prayers]. Oss, Netherlands: Abdulah Gjünler. CHK TRANS. {Netherlands} 130 YUGOSLAVIA YUGOSLAV ROMANI (BALKAN) In (former) Yugoslavia a variety of dialects is spoken. Some publications are listed under the names of the individual dialects. See also Arli, Gurbet, Prizren, Standard 1. See also Acton under anthologies. 679. ?? CHK YEAR. Na dñanena aver gova si amaro dñivdipa. {Yugoslavia} 680. Antologija Narodne Poezija Vojvopanskih Rom. 102 pp. [anthology of folk poetry of Roma of the Vojvodina] CHK PUBL, ISBN. <Serbokroat-Romani, facing pages> {adults, bilingual, poetry} {Yugoslavia, Vojvodina, Serbocroatian} 681. 2000. Djelem, djelem. <anthology of poems from South Serbia>. Leskovac: Roma Culture Club. {poetry} {Yugoslavia, Serbia, Serbian} 682. Herojenge Revoluciakerenge ano maripe thaj a…hipe. Sarajevo: LLBO AZadrijar@. Biblioteka Droma Revoluciake. 92 pp. <translated from Serbokroat into Romani by R. Djuriƒ> colour photographs of medals, pictures of heroes} {adults, political, ill: colour photographs} {Yugoslavia, Bosnia} 683. Jasenovac. 2000. Anthology of poems???? CHK. Gnjilane: International Centre for Holocaust Studies. 684. Kiralý, ErnÅ & Kovalcsik Katalin (compilers). 1992. ErnÅ Kiralý=s Collection of Gypsy Folk Music from Voivodina/Kiralý ErnÅ Vajdasagi Cigány Népzenei Gyájtése. Budapest: MTA Zenetudományi Intézete/ Institute of Musicology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. (Gypsy Folk Music of Europe 3). 268 pp. ISBN 963-7074-38-4. <Publisher=s address: Institute of Musicology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, H-1250 Budapest, Pf 28, Hungary> <text in Hungarian, English and Serbocroatian> {songs, musical notation} {Yugoslavia, Hungary, English, Serbocroatian} 685. * Koultour Artistik Amalipe. 19?? CHK YEAR. Romano Allav [Romani word]. Prizren: Koultour Artistik Amalipe ADourmish Asllano@. <part Arli Romani, Part Serbokroat> <see also under Aperiodicals@> {adults, essays, poetry, translations} {Yugoslavia, Kosovo} 686. Krasniƒi, Ali & Mehmed Saƒip. CHK YEAR. Romani Poezija. Kedia kotar Ali Krasniƒi, & Mehmed Saƒip [Romani Poetry. Collected by Ali Krasniƒi, & Mehmed Saƒip]. CHK PP> PUBL< CITY {poetry, anthology} {Yugoslavia, Serbocroatian} 687. Mustafiƒ, Refika. 1998. Tradicijske romske pesme niškog regiona. Novi Sad. Drushtvo vojvodine za jezik i kinshevnost roma. 67 pp. No ISBN. {poetry, adults} {Yugoslavia, Serbia} 131 YUGOSLAVIA 688. ** Puxon, Grattan. 1973. Roma. Roma: Amaro Drom. Minority Rights Group, report Nr. 14. <translated from English into Romani; originally 1973/1975> 1980. 30 pp.<reprinted 1975, 1980> {adults, history, culture, Romani content} {Britain} 689. $A$ Romano Alav. Prizren: Kulturako Artistikano Amalipe. Periodical. {essays, poetry, theater} {Yugoslavia, Kosovo} 690. [moved to 203b] $R$ ** Seferoviƒ, Ragib & Sandra Rajkoviƒ. 2000. Romani Angluni Alfabeta. Prva Romska Po…etnica. Zagreb: Unija Roma Hrvatske. {Croatia, Croat} 691. Terzic, Nedeljko. 1997. Nocne ptice = Rjatune ciriklja [night birds]. Beograd: Prosveta. 83 pp. {Yugoslavia, Serbia, Serbian} 692. Uhlik, Rade. 1937. Romane gjilja - Ciganske pesme [Romani songs]. Prijedor: Vu…en štrbac. {poetry, songs, adults} {Yugoslavia, Serbocroatian} 693. $R$ * Uhlik, Rade. 1983. Srpskohrvatsko-Romski-Engleski rje…nik (Romengo alavari ). Sarajevo: Svjetlost. <dictionary Serbocroatian-Romani-English> {dictionary} {Yugoslavia, Bosnia, Serbocroatian, English} 694. Uhlik, Rade. 1941-1944. Bosnian Romani. Tales and vocabulary published in the Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society in several issues between 1941 and 1944. Mostly Gurbet 695. Uhlik, Rade. 1947. Srpskohrvatsko-ciganski re…nik (Romane alava) [SerbocroatianGypsy dictionary (Gypsy words)]. Sarajevo: Svjetlost'. 196 pp. <SerbocroatianRomani> {dictionary} {Yugoslavia, Bosnia, Serbocroatian, English} RELIGIOUS MATERIAL 696. Bible. Song of Songs. 1990. Ðili pe Ðiljende. [translation of Solomon=s Song of Songs]. Novi Sad: Dobra Vest, Zagreb: Kršƒanska Šadašnjost. 54 pp. RC44}<Publishers= addresses: Dobra Vest, Koruška 24, Novi Sad; Kršƒanska Šadašnjost, Maruliƒev 24, Zagreb, Croatia <@Serbian Romani@> <translation of Solomon=s Song of Songs by Trifun Dimiƒ><sedentary non-Muslims of Novia Sad area> {poetry, religious, B/W illustrations} {Croatia} 132 UNKNOWN VARIETIES - NA DðANAS UNKNOWN Save dialektura? Who knows which dialects these are written in? 697. Colceriu, Iosif. 2000. DicÛionar Ûig|nesc. Ghid de conversaÛie. Turda: Editura S.C. Hiperborea IMPEX S.R.L. CHK pp, address etc. <conversation guide pp. 10-45> {dictionary, conversation guide} {Roumania} 698. Dñemail, Ibraim. 1980. Nok=en Skarabej. Skopje. {poetry} {Macedonia} 699. Dñemail, Ibraim. 1992.I gramatika dela dñivdipa. Tsiganologische Studien 1/2: 189196. <poetry, Romani and German> {Germany, Macedonia} 700. Emin, Ramiz. 19???. Chavori i Korkoro [the little boy is alone]. CHK Reviewed in NGLS 8(3): 4. CHK 701. Gergely, Dezideriu. 2003. Praktike Pozitiva: Mashkarthemutni Jurispudéncia dikhindos diskriminazia [practical positive: international law with regard to discrimination]. Strasbourg: OSCE. {law, politics} {France} 702. $S$ Hristov, Hristo. 1998. Asvia Ando Devlikanipe. Tears in heaven. Sleji v Raja. Sofia: Stigmati. 40 pp. ISBN: 954-9521-08-7. <Poetry, Bulgarian and English translations, on separate pages, Vlax> {Bulgaria, English} 703. Hübschmannová, Milena. 1970s. Przystowia Cygánskie: Romane Phenibena [Romani sayings]. Poland <bilingual Romani-Polish> {Poland, Polish} 704. Könyvkiadó, Aranyhal. 1998. Elsö 100 Szavam cigányul (100 words in Romani). 24 pp. {Children. Colour illustration. Picture dictionary} {Hungary, Hungarian} 705. Manuš, Leksa. CHK YEAR. Risinok. Ciganyenok i Cigano…ka …itayut knišky (bukvar). Romani …=ib. CHK place: The author. CHK PP. <same as 298b???> {ABC book, In Cyrillic; in Russian; no more data}{collection JC} 706. ** Pott, Augustus F. 1844-1845. Die Zigeuner in Europa und Asien. Ethnographisch-linguistische Untersuchung vornehmlich ihrer Herkunft und Sprache. Two volumes. Halle: Heynemann. vii, xvi, 476pp. & iv, 540 p. <reprint 1964. Leipzig: Edition Leipzig> {lexicon, grammar, reprint, HRL, origins, etymology} {Germany} KALAJDZI/VLAX??? 133 UNKNOWN VARIETIES - NA DðANAS 707.$S$ Randov-Ivrand, Ivan. 1999. Cherheniengoro Asabe. Zvezden Smiax [laughing of stars]. Sofia: Scorpion. 35 pp. ISBN: 954-8210-41-X. <Poetry, Romani + Bulgarian, translations facing pages, Vlax/ Kalajdzi, no illustrations> {Bulgaria, Bulgarian} 708. ^625b Satkevich, Nikolai. 1982. Tsyganskoe solntse / stiki i poemy ; perevel s tsgyanskogo Il'ia Falikov. CHK TRANS. Moskva : Sovetskii pisatel'. 86pp. <translated into Russian by Ilya Falikov><bilingual Romani-Russian?> {poetry, adults} {Russia} 709. State, Carmen. 2000. Ghid de conversaÛie român-rom.[conversation guide Roumanian-Romani]. Slobozia: Editura Ôatra. 40 pp. {Roumania, Roumanian} 710. Tripathi, Bhagirath Prasad. 1986. Gyps§-Bh~s~. [Gypsy language. A linguistic study of the Gypsy language. Varanasi: Sampurnanad Sankrit University. 147 pp. (V~gyogaCetana-Granthamala IV) {grammar of Romani written in Hindi} {India} 134