Catalogue and systematics of Pliensbachian, Toarcian and Aalenian radiolarian genera and species Špela Goričan Elizabeth S. Carter Paulian Dumitrică Patricia A. Whalen Rie S. Hori Patrick De Wever Luis O'Dogherty Atsushi Matsuoka Jean Guex Špela Goričan, Elizabeth S. Carter, Paulian Dumitrică, Patricia A. Whalen, Rie S. Hori, Patrick De Wever, Luis O’Dogherty, Atsushi Matsuoka & Jean Guex Catalogue and systematics of Pliensbachian, Toarcian and Aalenian radiolarian genera and species © 2006, Založba ZRC / ZRC Publishing Izdajatelj / Issued by Paleontološki inštitut Ivana Rakovca ZRC SAZU Za izdajatelja / Represented by Adrijan Košir Založnik / Published by Založba ZRC / ZRC Publishing, ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana Zanj / For the publisher Oto Luthar Glavni urednik / Editor-in-Chief Vojislav Likar Oblikovanje platnic / Cover design Robert Križmančič Tisk / Printed by Littera picta d. o. o., Ljubljana Naklada / Printrun 500 izvodov / copies Izdajo je finančno podprla / The publication was financially supported by Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost RS / Slovenian Research Agency CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana 563.14”6152” CATALOGUE and systematics of Pliensbachian, Toarcian and Aalenian radiolarian genera and species / Špela Goričan ... [et al.]. - Ljubljana : Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU = ZRC Publishing, 2006 ISBN-10 961-6568-65-5 ISBN-13 978-961-6568-65-4 1. Goričan, Špela 229850112 Vse pravice pridržane. Noben del te izdaje ne sme biti reproduciran, shranjen ali prepisan v kateri koli obliki oz. na kateri koli način, bodisi elektronsko, mehansko, s fotokopiranjem, snemanjem ali kako drugače, brez predhodnega pisnega dovoljenja lastnikov avtorskih pravic (copyrighta). All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. Catalogue and systematics of Pliensbachian, Toarcian and Aalenian radiolarian genera and species Špela Goričan Paleontološki inštitut Ivana Rakovca ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana Elizabeth S. Carter Department of Geology, Portland State University Paulian Dumitrică Institut de Géologie et Paléontologie, Université de Lausanne Patricia A. Whalen Department of Geosciences, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville Rie S. Hori Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Science, Ehime University, Matsuyama Patrick De Wever Département Histoire de la Terre, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris Luis O’Dogherty Departamento de Geología, Facultad de Ciencias del Mar, Universidad de Cádiz Atsushi Matsuoka Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Niigata University Jean Guex Institut de Géologie et Paléontologie, Université de Lausanne Ljubljana, 2006 On the cover: Citriduma De Wever The spatial vessel on the front cover reveals why radiolarians allow us to travel to pleasurable places which are like dreams even though they are firmly anchored in the reality of the radiolarian world, where Paulian Dumitrica reigns as a master (Citriduma is an anagram of his name). Authors’ addresses Špela Goričan Paleontološki inštitut Ivana Rakovca ZRC SAZU Novi trg 2 SI-1000 Ljubljana Slovenia Patricia A. Whalen Department of Geosciences University of Arkansas 118 Ozark Hall Fayetteville Arkansas 72701, USA Elizabeth S. Carter Department of Geology Portland State University Portland, Oregon 97207-0751, USA mailing address: 17375 Jordan Road, Sisters, Oregon 97759, USA Rie S. Hori Department of Earth Sciences Faculty of Science Ehime University Matsuyama 790-8577 Japan Paulian Dumitrică Institut de Géologie et Paléontologie Université de Lausanne, BFSH 2 CH-1015 Lausannne mailing address: Dennigkofenweg 33, CH-3073 Guemligen, Switzerland Patrick De Wever Département Histoire de la Terre Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle 43 rue Buffon F-75005 Paris France Luis O’Dogherty Departamento de Geología Facultad de Ciencias del Mar Universidad de Cádiz Campus Río S. Pedro 11510 Puerto Real, Cádiz Spain Atsushi Matsuoka Department of Geology Faculty of Science Niigata University Niigata 950-2181 Japan Jean Guex Institut de Géologie et Paléontologie Université de Lausanne, BFSH 2 CH-1015 Lausannne Switzerland CONTENTS Abstract 6 Povzetek 6 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 7 1. INTRODUCTION 9 1.1. Objectives of this publication 9 1.2. Organization of chapters 10 2. SYSTEMATICS 13 2.1. Concepts of systematics and limitations 13 2.2. Notes for user 14 2.3. Systematic description of genera and species 15 3. DESCRIPTION OF LOCALITIES 415 4. LISTING OF SPECIES 427 4.1. Alphabetical listing by genus 427 4.2. Alphabetical listing by species 431 4.3. Listing in ascending order of species/subspecies codes 436 REFERENCES 439 5 Abstract This volume comprises a catalogue of 90 genera, 274 species and 13 subspecies of Pliensbachian, Toarcian and Aalenian Radiolaria. Two genera, 37 species and 3 subspecies are new formal descriptions, 24 species are described in open nomenclature. Each taxon is presented with a complete and up-to-date synonymy, original description and original remarks (translated into English where necessary), subsequent emendations, remarks by the authors of this catalogue, and etymology. Descriptions of species/subspecies further contain the original measurements, type locality, and data on geographic distribution. Plates illustrate the holotype and one or several specimens from our material, from different paleogeographic realms where possible. The material was collected from 30 measured sections in the Circum-Pacific belt (Baja California Peninsula, Oregon, British Columbia, Japan) and the Tethyan realm (Oman, Turkey, Slovenia, Austria). Abbreviated locality information and a list of all treated taxa are given in the last two chapters. Povzetek Knjiga je katalog 90 rodov, 274 vrst in 13 podvrst pliensbachijskih, toarcijskih in aalenijskih radiolarijev. Dva rodova, 37 vrst in 3 podvrste so formalno opisani novi taksoni, 24 vrst je opisanih v odprti nomenklaturi. Vsak takson je predstavljen z vso dosedanjo sinonimiko, originalnim opisom in originalnimi opombami (v prevodu, če originalni jezik ni angleščina), poznejšimi revizijami, pripombami avtorjev tega kataloga in etimologijo. Opisi vrst in podvrst vsebujejo še originalne meritve, ime tipične lokalitete in podatke o geografski razširjenosti. Vsaka vrsta ali podvrsta je predstavljena s samostojno tablo, na kateri so slike holotipa in več primerkov iz naših vzorcev. Kjer je mogoče, so ilustrirani primerki z različnih paleogeografskih območij. Vzorci so bili pobrani na 30 profilih, posnetih v cirkumpacifiškem pasu (Kalifornijski polotok, Oregon, Britanska Kolumbija, Japonska) in v območju Tetide (Oman, Turčija, Slovenija, Avstrija). Dodatek na koncu knjige vsebuje kratek opis vzorčevanih profilov in seznam vseh obravnavanih taksonov. 6 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The greater part of funding for this publication was provided by the Ministry of Science and Education and Slovenian Research Agency, Republic of Slovenia, who financed the salary of Š. Goričan through research programmes P0-0521 and P1-0008, partially granted exchange visits of Š. Goričan and E.S. Carter through bilateral project BI-US/04-05/46, and covered printing expenses for the monograph. Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, France, financed severalmonth fellowships to L. O’Dogherty and Š. Goričan, thus enabling joint work with P. De Wever in Paris. Š. Goričan further thanks French colleagues Jean Marcoux, Cécile Robin, François Guillocheau and François Béchennec, who invited her to participate in CNRS projects in Oman, where the most complete Tethyan Pliensbachian to Aalenian radiolarian-bearing successions are exposed. She is also grateful to her students Petra Meglič, Nevenka Šorli and Mojca Zega, who processed several hundred radiolarian samples, some of which were used for this publication. E.S. Carter thanks the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC,Vancouver) for providing field, sample processing and SEM support, and for providing earlier collections made by B.E.B. Cameron. She is especially grateful to Howard Tipper (‘Tip’) (GSC, deceased 2005) whose passionate interest in the paleontology of the Pliensbachian provided encouragement and support for this work (contract no. 23254-00532/001/XSB) together with ammonite identifications and zonal assignments. She also thanks Paul Smith (University of British Columbia) for continuing to provide ammonite support. P. Dumitrica thanks Kuei-Yu Yeh, Emile Pessagno and Isamu Hattori for providing residues with extraordinarily well-preserved radiolarians from Oregon and Japan. His field trips in Oman for collecting samples and studies of the radiolarian fauna from the Hamrat Duru Basin (processing of samples and illustration of specimens with SEM) were supported by the Swiss National Foundation (project No. 2000 – 050681) and carried out at the Institute of Geological Sciences at the University of Bern. He would like to especially thank Ingo Blechschmidt, with whom he collaborated during all field trips and the time of radiolarian study. Illustrations of holotypes and other specimens in our previous works have been reproduced from original publications. These are indicated in the plate captions by reference to the author(s), year, plate and figure numbers of the original publication. We are thankful for permissions granted by the following journals/institutions: Bulletins of American Paleontology, Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, NY, USA; Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae, Birkhäuser Verlag, Switzerland; Geologisch-Paläontologische Mitteilungen Innsbruck, University of Innsbruck, Austria; Journal of Geosciences, Osaka City University, Japan; Journal of Paleontology, University of Iowa, USA; Marine Micropaleontology, Elsevier, The Netherlands; Mémoires de Géologie (Lausanne), Institut de Géologie et Paléontologie, Université de Lausanne, Switzerland; Micropaleontology Press, New York, USA; Mineral Research and Exploration Bulletin, Ankara, Turkey; Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada and Natural Resources Canada, Geological Survey of Canada; NRC (National Research Council) Research Press, Canada; National Museum of Natural Science, Taiwan; News of Osaka Micropaleontologists (Dr. Katsuo Sashida, editor of Special Volume 13), Japan; Palaeontographica, E. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung (Nägele u. Obermiller), Science Publishers, Stuttgart, Germany; Revue de Micropaléontologie, Paris, France; The Palaeontological Society of Japan. We especially wish to thank Jean Pierre Caulet for allowing us to use the RadWorld relational database, a “work in progress” prepared by himself, Catherine Nigrini and Annika Sanfilippo. He constantly provided us with the latest version of this database containing original and subsequent descriptions of numerous radiolarian genera and their type species, thus sparing us much re-typing for the present publication. We are indebted to all Slovenian colleagues who participated in the final preparation of this catalogue. Dragica Turnšek and Simon Pirc read the manuscript and gave valuable suggestions in the final stages of work. Tina Zajc helped in preparation of plates, Robert Križmančič designed the cover, and Adrijan Košir prepared the final graphic design and page setting of the entire book. 7 8 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Objectives of this publication The main goal of this catalogue is to present a set of uniformly and precisely defined radiolarian species that will serve as a coherent taxonomic base to establish a global radiolarian zonation for three Jurassic stages: the Pliensbachian, Toarcian, and Aalenian. Earliest Jurassic (Hettangian and Sinemurian) and Middle to Late Jurassic radiolarians have been studied extensively but Pliensbachian to Toarcian faunas are less well known taxonomically, and especially biochronologically. Aalenian radiolarians are included in order to connect the top of the studied interval with the base of the global low-latitude radiolarian zonation of Baumgartner et al. (1995b). Pliensbachian, Toarcian and early Aalenian radiolarians have hitherto been systematically studied mostly from the Circum-Pacific belt: western North America (Pessagno & Whalen, 1982; Yeh, 1987a, b; Carter et al., 1988; Cordey, 1998; Whalen & Carter, 2002), Japan (Hori, 1988, 1990, 1997; Sashida, 1988; Hori & Otsuka, 1989; Matsuoka, 1991, 2004; Yao, 1997), and the Philippines (Yeh & Cheng, 1996, 1998). Only a few localities are described from the Tethyan realm s.s.: Turkey (Pessagno & Poisson, 1981; De Wever, 1981b, c, 1982a, b), Oman (De Wever et al., 1990), and Slovenia (Goričan et al., 2003). It should also be noted that most of the published taxonomic work is based on a few excellently preserved but isolated samples (e.g. Yeh, 1987a, b; Pessagno & Poisson, 1981; De Wever, 1981b, c, 1982a, b) whereas few continuous sections suitable for biochronological studies have been analyzed thus far. The existing radiolarian zonations for the Pliensbachian to Aalenian time interval (Pessagno et al., 1987b; Carter et al., 1988; Hori, 1990) are local and mainly characterized by a low-resolution potential (Fig. 1.1). The only highresolution range chart has been constructed for Queen Charlotte Islands (Carter et al., 1988) but contains two rather long discontinuities in the early Pliensbachian and early Toarcian. The construction of a global radiolarian zonation for the Pliensbachian to Aalenian interval is essential for future zonation of the entire Jurassic. Because of this recognized need and because some of us were currently studying rich assemblages of this age, we initiated a joint international project under the framework of INTERRAD (International Association of Radiolarian Paleontologists). The Pliensbachian to Aalenian Working Group was formed in 2000 during the 9th INTERRAD Meeting in Blairsden, California. During two one-week meetings, held in 2001 and 2002 at the Ivan Rakovec Institute of Paleontology 9 Fig. 1.1. State of the art in Pliensbachian to Aalenian radiolarian biochronology. Radiolarian biozones are tied to standard ammonite zones. ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana, we agreed upon radiolarian taxa and stratigraphic sections to be included in the zonation. Moreover, a provisional range chart was calculated with BioGraph computer program which is based on the Unitary Association Method (UA) (Guex, 1977, 1991; Savary & Guex, 1999). The preliminary information was presented at two congresses - 6th International Symposium on the Jurassic System (September 2002, Palermo) and 10th INTERRAD Meeting (September 2003, Lausanne). Editing of systematics was compiled during September 2004 at Carters’ home in Sisters, Oregon, and concluded during October 2005 in Ljubljana. The present catalogue is the first publication of our collaborative research. It is a synthesis of previous knowledge on the taxonomy of Pliensbachian to Aalenian species complemented by actualized definitions and further remarks, where necessary. In order to provide a complete set of potentially important species, some newly described species were added. The illustrated material comes from 30 measured sections in the Circum-Pacific belt (Baja California Sur, Oregon, British Columbia, Japan) and the Tethyan realm (Oman, Turkey, Slovenia, Austria) (Fig. 1.2). 10 The final goal of our joint project is to construct a radiolarian zonation that will span the missing interval between the well-established Hettangian to Sinemurian (Carter et al., 1998) and Middle Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous (Baumgartner et al., 1995b) radiolarian biozones. The range chart will be published in a separate paper. 1.2. Organization of chapters The organization of our work and of this book was inspired by INTERRAD Jurassic-Cretaceous Working Group, whose publication (Baumgartner et al., 1995c) has during ten years of application proven to be an extremely useful reference tool, indispensable in systematic and especially biostratigraphic studies. The main part of this book is Chapter 2 Systematics, arranged in alphabetical order of genera and species. In addition to obligatory headings, such as synonymy, description, and remarks, a paragraph with known occurrences is added in order to increase the applicability Fig. 1.2. World map with localities studied by the Pliensbachian to Aalenian Working Group. 1 – NBC. Northeastern British Columbia (Williston Lake) 2 – QCI. Queen Charlotte Islands (from north to south: Graham, Maude, Moresby, Louise and Kunga islands) 3 – OR. Oregon (Izee - Paulina and Izee - John Day roads) 4 – BCS. Baja California Sur (Punta San Hipólito) 5 – SI. Slovenia: Julian Alps (Mt. Mangart) 6 – AT. Austria: Northern Calcareous Alps (Teltschengraben) 7 – TR. Turkey: Taurus Mountains, Gümüslu Allochthon (Gümüslu village) 8 – OM. Oman, Hawasina Nappes: Hamrat Duru Group (Wadi Mu’aydin, Jabal Safra, Al Sawad, Wadi Saal, Al Kashbah Mt., Sabt), Al Aridh Group (Al Aridh village, Jabal Buwaydah), Umar Group (Humadiyin) 9 – JP. Japan: Mino Terrane (Inuyama, Nanjo, Mt. Norikuradake, Gujo-Hachiman, Kamiaso areas), Chichibu Terrane (Kuma area) of the database for paleobiogeographic studies. The number of Pliensbachian and Toarcian species included here is far greater than that of the Aalenian representatives, because many Aalenian species have already been included in the catalogue of Baumgartner et al. (1995a). Only those typical Middle Jurassic species needing revision, completion of synonymy or additional illustrations reappear in this book. The stratigraphic ranges of taxa are not indicated because this portion of the project has not been completed yet. Chapter 3 contains basic data on all localities where studied material was collected. When the Pliensbachian to Aalenian Working Group was created in 2000, a few localities integrated in this book were fully described (Carter et al., 1988; De Wever, 1981b, c, 1982a, b) and since that time some other papers have been published (Whalen & Carter, 2002; Goričan et al., 2003; Matsuoka, 2004). Detailed descriptions of remaining localities and their radiolarian inventory (e.g. Pliensbachian of Queen Charlotte Islands, Pliensbachian to Aalenian of Oman) are in preparation and will be published as individual papers in the near future. Herein, only the location, a short description of lithology and the overall stratigraphic range of the studied successions are given. Stratigraphically important co-occurring fossils are indicated and the original publication is cited, if available. Chapter 4 is an index of all taxa treated in the catalogue. In order to allow an easy search, the list of species appears in three different arrangements. The same list is sorted in alphabetical order of genera (Chapter 4.1.), alphabetical order of species (Chapter 4.2.), and ascending order of alphanumerical species codes (Chapter 4.3.). 11 12 2. SYSTEMATICS 2.1. Concepts of systematics and limitations The main purpose of this catalogue is to provide precise clues for doubtless identification of taxa that are useful for global biochronology. The concept of species is basically the same as that in Baumgartner et al. (1995a). Some morphotypes with narrow delimitations were combined into more broadly defined species. If morphological characteristics of a taxon are narrowly defined but clearly distinguishable in well-preserved material, we used such a taxon as a subspecies. In this case the corresponding species is denominated with sensu lato and has a separate entry in the database, so that in poorly-preserved material species identification is at least possible. On the other hand, when a selected species contains a continuum of variabilities, we called it species group without further subdivison. Generic level taxonomy was not the prime concern of this book. Some long ago described genera (e.g. Stichocapsa Haeckel 1881) certainly need thorough revision but this would necessitate more detailed taxonomic and phylogenetic studies, which were beyond the scope of this catalogue. More modern descriptions were, nevertheless, carefully examined and emended, if necessary. A clear actualized definition was considered especially important for those genera having their first or last occurrence in the Pliensbachian to Aalenian interval and may therefore be used for biochronology at generic level. We recently discovered that some genera included in this catalogue (Atalanta, Beatricea, Canutus, and Thurstonia) are homonyms of other genera described long ago. The resolution of this problem is not within the scope of this publication and will be addressed in the future by individual authors. Suprageneric classification is deliberately ignored in this book; for this information the reader is referred to De Wever et al. (2001). 13 2.2. Notes for user The included taxa are treated in alphabetical order of genera and species. The following headings are used to define a taxon: Taxon code: Species and subspecies are coded. This code has no significance in taxonomy but is required by the BioGraph computer program for range-chart calculation. Some species have been used previously in the calculation of other range charts (Baumgartner et al., 1995b; Carter et al., 1998); their codes are unchanged. The codes used by Carter et al. (1998) and the ones newly designated in this book are composed of three letters and two digits, while the species codes defined by Baumgartner et al. (1995a, b) have four digits. Synonymy: All synonyms appear in chronological order. Doubtful synonymy is preceded by “?”, taxa explicitly excluded from a particular synonymy are preceded by “not”. Type designation: This heading designates holotype and paratypes in the description of new species/subspecies. Original description: This heading gives the original description by the author of the taxon. Original descriptions in languages other than English are translated. Because the description is an authentic copy from the original publication, this heading may be called Original diagnosis or split into Original diagnosis plus Original description. Emended definition (description): Gives subsequent emendations with the reference to the publication cited. If no publication is cited, this means that the taxon is emended herein. Original remarks are the remarks by the author of the taxon. If in the original publication only a reference to remarks under another taxon is given, the remarks under the latter taxon are also provided. Further remarks are mostly remarks by the authors of this catalogue. In a few cases, relevant previously published comments are given and the source is cited. Measurements are the measurements from the original publication. 14 Etymology makes reference to the origin of the formal name of the taxon. Type locality states the type locality of individual species and subspecies. Included species/subspecies: This heading appears with genera and species sensu lato, and gives a list of species or subspecies treated in this catalogue. Names are preceded by codes. Occurrence: This heading gives a list of previously known plus our ‘new’ localities for each species/subspecies. Only broader regions and not individual locations are listed. Names of lithostratigraphic units are indicated, when available. The occurrence of the holotype always appears as the first on the list. Plates: Each species/subspecies has its plate that is numbered with the code of the taxon. The plates show the holotype (for formal taxa) and one or several illustrations, from more than one locality if possible. Magnification is indicated in the plate caption and scale bars are added. The figure caption indicates for each figure, the following: country code (e.g. QCI), sample number (e.g. 99-CNAMI-10), and photograph/specimen number (e.g. GSC 34567). The figure number of the holotype is followed by (H), author, year, plate, and figure of original illustration. The same indication is given for figures previously used in other publications by the authors of this catalogue. Permissions granted for reproduction of the illustrations are gratefully acknowledged. List of country codes used in the figure captions: AT = Austria BCS = Baja California Sur, Mexico JP = Japan NBC = Northeastern British Columbia, Canada OM = Oman OR = Oregon, USA QCI = Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, Canada SI = Slovenia TR = Turkey Repository: The holotypes and paratypes of newly described species are stored in the authors’ collections. Repository numbers correspond to specimen numbers, indicated in plate captions. 2.3. Systematic description of genera and species Genus: Acaeniotylopsis Kito & De Wever 1994 Type species: Acaeniotylopsis triacanthus Kito & De Wever 1994 Synonymy: 1994 Acaeniotylopsis n. gen. – Kito & De Wever, p. 130. Original description: Test composed of spherical or subspherical shell with some radial spines, a medullary shell and microsphere. Cortical shell comprises massive nodes connected to each other by short bars. Outer medullary shell is spherical and is connected to cortical shell by several strong triradiate radial beams and by numerous thin secondary radial beams, which join nodes on cortical shell. Primary beams merge into spines. Inner medullary shell polyhedral. Original remarks: The genus differs from Acaeniotyle Foreman 1973 by the absence of perforated mammae on the cortical shell, by a cortical shell composed of bars with nodes and by the presence of the primary radial beams. Further remarks: The genus also differs structurally from Acaeniotyle in having a double medullary shell with a true microsphere whereas the medullary shell of Acaeniotyle is, by its size, closer to the macrosphere in the sense of Hollande and Enjumet (1960). The genus differs essentially from Acaeniotyle in having a double medullary shell, and primary radial spines. Etymology: Acaeniotyle + -opsis (masculine), in reference to a similar morphology to Acaeniotyle Foreman. Included species: 2001 Acaeniotylopsis ghostensis (Carter) 1988 4066 Acaeniotylopsis triacanthus Kito & De Wever 1994 15 Acaeniotylopsis ghostensis (Carter) 1988 Species code: 2001 Synonymy: 1988 Acaeniotyle (?) ghostensis Carter n. sp. – Carter et al., p. 33, pl. 9, fig. 6. 1994 Acaeniotylopsis ghostensis (Carter) – Kito & De Wever, p. 132, pl. 1, figs. 7-8. 1995a Acaeniotylopsis ghostensis (Carter) – Baumgartner et al., p. 56, pl. 2001, figs. 1-2. 1997 Acaeniotylopsis ghostensis (Carter) – Yao, pl. 3, fig. 102. Original diagnosis: Test subspherical and slightly flattened with 3 long, sturdy, tribladed spines. Surface of cortical shell covered with strong, slightly perforate nodes. Original description: Test subspherical, flattened in plane of equatorial spines. Nodes on cortical shell strong, moderately spaced with somewhat flattened distal surfaces (tops); surfaces with fine perforations, some bearing remnants of fine central spines. Nodes connected by strong bars that form circular, elliptical and subtriangular pores. Spines tribladed and long (entire ones greater than 3/4 diameter of test) carrying narrow rounded ridges and wider grooves; complete spines are pointed. First medullary shell has small irregular pore frames connected to cortical shell by radial beams. Radial beams (3) are strong, triradiate and continuous with each primary spine; beams of lesser strength are attached to cortical shell at base of nodes. Original remarks: Genus queried; the form described is doubtfully assigned to this genus because nodes are smaller, knob-like rather than rounded, and have fewer perforations, and all are much older. Further remarks: By Kito & De Wever (1994): Our specimens have longer radial spines than the specimens of the original description. The microsphere was not described in the original description, but external features and internal structure of type specimens are completely identical with our material. Measurements (µm): Based on 13 specimens. Diameter of test Length of longest spine HT 146 121 Av. 145 108 Min. 175 145 Max. 139 82 Etymology: Named for Ghost Creek, north of the type locality. Type locality: GSC locality C-080597. Toarcian of Phantom Creek Formation, Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Phantom Creek Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Italy; Japan. Acaeniotylopsis triacanthus Kito & De Wever 1994 Species code: 4066 Synonymy: 1989 Acaeniotyle (?) sp. 1 – Kito, p. 95, pl. 3, figs. 1-5, 8-9. 1991 Acaeniotyle sp. B. – Tonielli, p. 21, pl. 1, fig. 20. 1991 Acaeniotyle ? sp. A – Carter & Jakobs, p. 342, pl. 2, fig. 8. 1994 Acaeniotylopsis triacanthus n. sp. - Kito & De Wever, p. 132, pl. 1, figs. 4-6, 9-11; pl. 3, figs. 5a-b, 6. 1995a Acaeniotylopsis variatus triacanthus Kito & De Wever – Baumgartner et al., p. 58, pl. 4066, figs. 1-7. 1997 Acaeniotylopsis v. triacanthus Kito & De Wever – Yao, pl. 3, fig. 104. Original description: Test composed of a spherical or subspherical cortical shell with three strong radial spines; one outer and one inner medullary shell. Cortical shell constituted of massive nodes connected by short bars. Pores are small, polygonal or circular. Three radial spines are arranged in a plane at about 120 degrees. Radial spines possess three wide grooves (primary grooves) alternating with three narrow grooves (secondary grooves). A short spine on each ridge arises at the end of the radial spine and provides a clove-like tip. Outer medullary shell is spherical and connected to cortical shell by three triradate primary beams and thin secondary beams. Inner medullary shell is polygonal, composed of pentagonal pore frames. 16 Original remarks: This species differs from Acaeniotyle diaphorogona variata Ozvoldova 1979 in the construction of the cortical shell. The cortical shell lacks perforated mammae. The species also differs from Acaeniotylopsis ghostensis (Carter) in the aspect of its cortical shell and in having branched spines. Measurements (µm): Based on 13 specimens. Diameter of cortical shell Length of spine A Length of spine B Length of spine C HT 189 206 187 193 Av. 160 159 - Min. 128 111 - Max. 204 222 - Etymology: From the Greek tri- (three) + acanthus (spine). Type locality: Sample S69, Contrada la Ferta, Sicily, Italy. Occurrence: Italy; Japan; Phantom Creek Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands. Plate 2001. Acaeniotylopsis ghostensis (Carter). Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Carter et al. 1988, pl. 9, fig. 6. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-080611, GSC 128704. Plate 4066. Acaeniotylopsis triacanthus Kito & De Wever. Magnification x150. Fig. 1(H). Kito & De Wever 1994, pl. 1, fig. 11. Fig. 2. Carter & Jakobs 1991, pl. 2, fig. 11. Fig. 3. Baumgartner et al. 1995a, pl. 4066, fig. 3. 17 Genus: Anaticapitula Dumitrica & Zügel 2003 Type species: Anaticapitula clauda Dumitrica & Zügel 2003 Synonymy: 2003 Anaticapitula n. gen. – Dumitrica & Zügel, p. 52. Original description: Highly ovate dicyrtid test with bladed apical horn and thorax prolonged into a thin-walled terminal tube. Cephalis and thorax continuous externally, without collar stricture. Initial spicule with A, V, D, two L, two l, and a long Ax. Cephalis and thorax with a superimposed network of strong ridges. With or without feet representing external extensions of L and D. Feet, when present, with an outer blade and two lateral blades. Original remarks: By its general shape and the tubular prolongation of the thorax this genus shows characters in common with the genus Rhopalosyringium Campbell & Clark, 1944. A comparable axobate was illustrated by De Wever (1982) in the Lower Jurassic species Ovum pertusum De Wever, 1982. Jacus (?) anatiformis De Wever, 1982, described from the lower Pliensbachian of Turkey, is also almost identical to A. pennata n. gen., n. sp. and, although De Wever (1982) did not mention the presence of Ax in his species, a small light-grey spot opposite to the ventral spine, representing probably a small Ax, is visible in a broken specimen figured by him (De Wever 1982; pl. 11, fig. 13). Jacus (?) italicus Jud, 1994 described from the Lower Cretaceous (Jud 1994) has a morphology similar to J. (?) anatiformis and should also be assigned to the genus Anaticapitula n. gen. From Napora, Anaticapitula n. gen. differs by having a well developed Ax in the initial spicule, thorax continuous with the velum, no crown of spines on the apical horn, and a much larger cephalis. Etymology: From the Latin anas: duck; and capitulus: small head. Feminine gender. Included species: JAC02 Anaticapitula anatiformis (De Wever) 1982a JAC04 Anaticapitula omanensis Dumitrica n. sp. Anaticapitula anatiformis (De Wever) 1982a Species code: JAC02 Synonymy: 1982 Bisphaerocephalina (?) sp. – Imoto et al., pl. 1, fig. 10. 1982a Jacus ? anatiformis n. sp. – De Wever, p. 205, pl. 11, figs. 10-15. 1982b Jacus ? anatiformis De Wever – De Wever, p. 343, pl. 54, figs. 1-5; pl. 58, figs. 1, 2, 6. 1984 Jacus sp. A – Murchey, pl. 2, fig. 29. 1984 Jacus sp. B – Murchey, pl. 2, fig. 28. 1987 Jacus sp. A – Hattori, pl. 11, fig. 7. 1987 Jacus sp. D – Hattori, pl. 11, fig. 8. 1989 Jacus sp. A – Hattori, pl. 5, fig. I. 1989 Jacus? sp. B – Hattori, pl. 5, fig. J. 1990 Jacus anatiformis De Wever – De Wever et al., pl. 3, fig. 10. 1998 Jacus ? anatiformis De Wever – Whalen & Carter, p. 74, pl. 18, figs. 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 27. 1997 Thetis sp. B – Yao, pl. 10, fig. 467. 1998 Jacus ? anatiformis De Wever – Yeh & Cheng, p. 32, pl. 6, fig. 10. 2001 Jacus cf. anatiformis De Wever – Gawlick et al., pl. 2, fig. 16. 2001 Jacus anatiformis De Wever – Gawlick et al., pl. 5, fig. 19. 2002 Jacus ? anatiformis De Wever – Hori & Wakita, pl. 3, fig. 7. 2002 Jacus ? anatiformis De Wever – Whalen & Carter, p. 138, pl. 16, fig. 18. 2002 Anaticapitula anatiformis (De Wever) – Tekin, p. 191, pl. 5, fig. 8. 2003 Jacus ? aff. anatiformis De Wever – Goričan et al., p. 296, pl. 4, figs. 5-6. 2003 Jacus ? sp. – Goričan et al., p. 296, pl. 4, fig. 7. 2004 Anaticapitula (?) sp. – Matsuoka, fig. 144. 2004 Anaticapitula (?) anatiformis (De Wever) – Matsuoka, fig. 145. 18 Original description: Form with two segments, a strong apical horn, three diverging feet on thorax and a free subcylindrical velum. Apical horn triradiate along most of length, but some specimens with a rounded end. Hemispherical cephalis imperforate, smooth, with small pustules or with strong longitudinal wrinkles. A round pore, rather large, prolongs cephalic spine V. Thorax roughly tetrahedral in form with lateral edges extending in three feet. Wall composed of two superimposed irregular latticed networks: a delicate inner one and a coarse outer one. Thorax extends in a subcylindrical velum with a thin wall and tiny irregular pores. Original remarks: This form is tentatively assigned to this genus because of the relationship between the velum and feet: whether the velum is free from the feet or bound to them could be considered a generic criterion, but it seems hasty to me in our present stage of knowledge. This form resembles Lithomelissa amazon Foreman (1968, p. 26) but is distinguished from it by its slender appearance proximally. It differs also from all other species of Lithomelissa by the lack of an axial spine (Ax). The observation of different layers and their disposition on the thorax and velum suggests the same growth pattern as described by Petrushevskaya M.G. (1962) for Cenozoic forms: development of thoracic wall, then proximal part of velum, and lastly, the simultaneous development of a proximal external layer on the thorax-velum suture zone and distal part of velum. Plate JAC02. Anaticapitula anatiformis (De Wever). Magnification x300. Fig. 1(H). De Wever 1982a, pl. 11, fig. 10. Fig. 2. JP, IJIII12. Fig. 3. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 16, fig. 18. Fig. 4. QCI, GSC loc. C-080612, GSC 128815. Fig. 5. OM, Haliw-038-R08-26. Fig. 6. OM, BR706-R05-01. Fig. 7. Goričan et al. 2003, pl. 4, fig. 5. Fig. 8. Goričan et al. 2003, pl. 4, fig. 6. Fig. 9. OM, BR706-R12-14. Fig. 10. QCI, GSC loc. C-175306, GSC 128816. Fig. 11. OM, BR706-R05-14. 19 This species differs from J. coronatus, J. clatratus and J. isa by its free velum. Further remarks: This species may easily be assigned to the genus Anaticapitula (Dumitrica & Zügel, 2003) by the twolayered, thick-walled cephalis and thorax, and the tubular distal extension of the thorax. This species is structurally close to Anaticapitula clauda Dumitrica & Zügel. A large variety of forms are now included in Anaticapitula anatiformis. These forms differ in length of feet and structure of thoracic wall, which can be two-layered and irregular as in the holotype, or simple, composed of large uniform polygonal pore frames. Etymology: From Latin anas, -atis, duck and formis form. In a form of a duck, by resemblence to the appearance of duck in flight. Type locality: Sample 1662D, Gümüslü Allochthon, Taurus Mts., Turkey. Occurrence: Gümüslü Allochthon, Turkey; Sandilands and Ghost Creek formations, Queen Charlotte Islands; San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur; Dürrnberg Formation, Austria; Skrile Formation, Slovenia; Hocaköy Radiolarite, Turkey; Musallah Formation, Oman; Liminangcong Chert, Philippines; Japan. Measurements (µm): Based on 11 specimens. Length of apical horn Width of thorax Total length (including velum and apical horn) Av. 82 84 Min. 67 75 Max. 100 100 238 200 290 Anaticapitula omanensis Dumitrica n. sp. Species code: JAC04 Synonymy: 1989 Thetis spp. – Hattori, pl. 7, figs. E-G. 1997 Thetis sp. D – Yao, pl. 10, fig. 469. 2004 Anaticapitula (?) sp. – Matsuoka, fig. 142. portion between top of cephalis and the level of the three spines. Pores of thorax irregular in size, shape and arrangement; intervening bars of the outer layer usually forming ribs in various directions. Type designation: Holotype specimen BR1121-R08-17 from sample BR 1121, Guwayza Formation, Tawi Sadh Member, Wadi Mu'aydin, Oman. Remarks: Anaticapitula omanensis differs from A. anatiformis in having much shorter D and L spines; the conical part of thorax is also shorter and inverted. Diagnosis: Test small, subrhombic in outline with a threebladed pointed apical horn and short spines D, Lr and Ll. Measurements (µm): Based on 9 specimens. Description: Test small, pyramidal in the upper half, inverted conical in the lower half. Cephalis globular, imperforate, lower part covered by ribs extending from outer layer of thorax. Apical horn long, three-bladed, gently pointed. Thorax much larger than cephalis, inflated in the middle part where it bears three short laterally-downward directed spines. Spines distally three-bladed, proximally multi-bladed with secondary blades representing prolongations of the intervening bars of the external layer of the thoracic wall. Collar stricture indistinct or slightly visible by a change in outline. Beyond the level of the three spines, thorax decreases gradually in diameter and terminates irregularly. This part of thorax approximally equal in length to the 20 Maximum length of shell with apical horn Length of apical horn Diameter of thorax at the level of the three spines HT Min. Max. 170 170 209 53 50 70 87 85 88 Etymology: From its occurrence in Oman. Type locality: Sample BR 1121, Guwayza Formation, Tawi Sadh Member, Wadi Mu'aydin, Oman. Occurrence: Guwayza Formation, Tawi Sadh Member, Oman; Mino Terrane, Japan. Plate JAC04. Anaticapitula omanensis Dumitrica n. sp. Magnification x300. Fig. 1(H). OM, BR1121-R08-17. Fig. 2. OM, BR1121-R06-13. Fig. 3. OM, BR1121-R08-15. Fig. 4. OM, BR1121-R07-03. Fig. 5. OM, BR1122-R02-12. Fig. 6. OM, BR1121-R08-08. Fig. 7. OM, BR1121-R10-01. 21 Genus: Archaeodictyomitra Pessagno 1976, emend. Pessagno 1977b Type species: Archaeodictyomitra squinaboli Pessagno 1976 Synonymy: 1976 Archaeodictymitra n. gen. – Pessagno 1976, p. 49. 1977b Archaeodictyomitra Pessagno – Pessagno, p. 41. 1987b Combusta n. gen. – Yeh, p. 60. 1995a Archaeodictyomitra Pessagno – Baumgartner et al., p. 96. Original description: Test conical, non-lobate, becoming somewhat spindle-shaped in unbroken or mature forms; cephalis, thorax, abdomen, and post-abdominal chambers covered by linearly arranged continuous costae which converge in the area of the cephalis and thorax; pores distributed in single row between costae, entirely relict on earlier chambers and observable only on etched or eroded specimens. Emended definition: By Pessagno (1977b): Definition as in Pessagno (1976), but including forms with constrictions; constrictions not occurring at joints. Original remarks: Archaeodictyomitra n. gen., differs from Dictyomitra Zittel by being non-lobate in outline and lacking well-developed strictures; and by possessing relict pores and lacking primary pores. It differs from Diplostrobus Squinabol for the reasons cited above and by lacking an apical horn. Only a few of the many potential species known to be assignable to this genus have been described from Jurassic and Cretaceous strata. »Dictyomitra« margarita Aliev, 1961, from the Lower Cretaceous of Russia is definitely assignable to Archaeodictyomitra. Further remarks: Combusta Yeh is herein considered a junior synonym of Archaeodictyomitra Pessagno because there is no structural difference between the two genera. Both lack an apical horn and constrictions or have only very weak constrictions at joints; both possess longitudinal costae with a row of pores in the intercostal depressions, and a distal aperture. Included species: ADM01 Archaeodictyomitra munda (Yeh) 1987b ADM02 Archaeodictyomitra sp. A ADM03 Archaeodictyomitra sp. B Archaeodictyomitra munda (Yeh) 1987b Species code: ADM01 Synonymy: 1987b Combusta munda n. sp. – Yeh, p. 61, pl. 20, figs. 6-7, 11, 17; pl. 28, figs. 8, 25. 1987b Combusta sp. A – Yeh, p. 61, pl. 20, fig. 10. 1987b Combusta sp. B – Yeh, p. 61, pl. 28, figs. 9, 16. 2003 Parahsuum spp. – Goričan et al., p. 296, pl. 5, fig. 14 only. 2003 Archaeodictyomitra sp. sensu Kojima et al. 1991 – Kashiwagi & Kurimoto, pl. 3, fig. 11. 2004 Archaeodictyomitra munda (Yeh) – Matsuoka, fig. 187. Original description: Test as with genus, with seven to nine post-abdominal chambers. Cephalis medium in size, domeshaped. Cephalis, thorax, and abdomen sparsely perforate. Post-abdominal chambers with one row of small pore frames between adjacent costae. Costae moderately thick, merging apically. About twelve costae visible laterally. Further remarks: Distally more inflated forms (Combusta sp. A of Yeh, 1987b) and forms with slight constrictions (Combusta sp. B of Yeh, 1987b) are regarded as intraspecific variability of Archaeodictyomitra munda (Yeh). 22 Measurements (µm): Ten specimens measured. HT Mean Max. Min. Length of test (max.) 200 195 200 190 Width of test (max.) 94 90 94 85 Etymology: Mundus-a-um (Latin, adj.) = elegant. Type locality: Sample OR-600A, Hyde Formation along Izee-Paulina road, east-central Oregon. Occurrence: Hyde and Snowshoe formations of eastcentral Oregon; Fannin Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Skrile Formation, Slovenia; Japan. Plate ADM01. Archaeodictyomitra munda (Yeh). Magnification x300. Fig. 1(H). Yeh 1987b, pl. 19, fig. 11. Fig. 2. Matsuoka 2004, fig. 187. Fig. 3. Goričan et al. 2003, pl. 5, fig. 14. 23 Archaeodictyomitra sp. A Species code: ADM02 Synonymy: 1989 Lupherium ? sp. C – Hattori, pl. 16, fig. D. 2004 Archaeodictyomitra sp. – Matsuoka, fig. 186. Remarks: Test spindle-shaped with cephalis, thorax, abdomen and an undetermined number of post abdominal chambers that gradually increase in width as added. Narrow, linearly arranged costae, 12-14 arranged over test; costae converging apically. Single row of pores between costae; pores relict on early chambers becoming more open distally. This is one of the oldest species of Archaeodictyomitra (earliest Pliensbachian) and may be ancestral to A. munda (Yeh). A. sp. A is smaller (length <150µm) than A. munda and the final chamber/s are not constricted. Occurrence: Ghost Creek Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Mino Terrane, Japan. Archaeodictyomitra sp. B Species code: ADM03 Remarks: Test large, narrowly conical apically becoming almost tubular toward aperture. Coarse linearly arranged costae (12-14) on exterior of test; costae with rounded edges. Cephalis and thorax covered with a heavy layer of microgranular silica. Occurrence: Fannin Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands. Genus: Archaeohagiastrum Baumgartner 1984 Type species: Archaeohagiastrum munitum Baumgartner 1984 Synonymy: 1984 Archaeohagiastrum n. gen – Baumgartner, p. 758 Original description: Test composed of four rays, placed at right angles and of about equal length. The rays are formed of a primary beam, three primary canals and six external beams. Original remarks: The rays of Archaeohagiastrum correspond to the medullary rays of the more evolved hagiastrins and represent the simplest possible hagiastrid structure. It was referred to as ancestor of Hagiastrum in Baumgartner (1980, Textfig. 7 and p. 284). Tetraporobracchia Kozur and Mostler 1979 has the same ray structure but rays are arranged along tetraedric or cubic axes. 24 Archaeotriastrum De Wever 1981b has a similar ray structure but has three rays. Because of its simple ray structure this genus is tentatively included with the hagiastrins. It should, together with Archaeotriastrum, be assigned to a new subfamily ancestral to the Hagiastrinae. Etymology: From the Greek archaeo = ancient, ancestral form to Hagiastrum. Included species: 3149 Archaeohagiastrum longipes Baumgartner 1995 3271 Archaeohagiastrum munitum Baumgartner 1984 HAG01 Archaeohagiastrum oregonense (Yeh) 1987b HAG02 Archaeohagiastrum pobi Whalen & Carter 1998 Plate ADM02. Archaeodictyomitra sp. A. Magnification x300. Fig. 1. QCI, C-080612, GSC 128708. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-305388, GSC 128709. Fig. 3. Matsuoka 2004, fig. 186. Plate ADM03. Archaeodictyomitra sp. B. Magnification x200. Fig. 1. QCI, GSC loc. C-140495, GSC 128710. 25 Archaeohagiastrum longipes Baumgartner 1995 Species code: 3149 Synonymy: 1982 Tetratrabs sp. - Kishida & Sugano 1982, pl. 6, fig. 11. 1987 Archaeohagiastrum sp. A – Hattori, pl. 3, figs. 3-4. 1988 Archaeohagiastrum sp. A – Hattori, pl. 5, fig. B. 1988 Tetratrabs sp. aff. T. gratiosa Baumgartner – Carter et al., p. 30, pl. 7, fig. 10. 1989 Archaeohagiastrum sp. – Hattori, pl. 4, fig. F. 1989 Archaeohagiastrum sp. A – Hattori, pl. 25, fig. F. 1991 Tetratrabs sp. aff. T. zealis (Ozvoldova) – Carter & Jakobs, p. 344, pl. 2, fig. 7. 1995a Archaeohagiastrum longipes Baumgartner n. sp. – Baumgartner et al., p. 106, pl. 3149, figs. 1-6. 1996 Archaeohagiastrum sp. A – Yeh & Cheng, p. 96, pl. 1, fig. 2; pl. 8, figs. 6, 7, 12. 1997 Archaeohagiastrum longipes Baumgartner – Yao, pl. 7, fig. 334. Original description: Form with four smooth slender rays of about equal length about at right angles, constructed as with genus. One row of large circular pores between each external beam. Beam cross-section hexagonal. Central area small, smooth, with small, irregular pores or with 4-7 small nodes. Lateral beams are continuous around the central area. The external beams of rays are smooth or slightly nodose. Ray tip sometimes slightly thickened, with short three-bladed central spine. Original remarks: This species differs from A. munitum by distincly longer and slenderer rays and a generally less nodose test surface. Central knobs are present but much less developed than with A. munitum. Measurements (µm): Based on 7 specimens. Length of rays AX Length of rays BX Length of rays CX Length of rays DX Width of rays Width of central area HT 208 198 195 41 70 av. 210 45 75 min. 192 33 65 max. 218 47 82 Etymology: Longipes, latin for "long-footed" named for its long rays compared to the type species of this genus. Type locality: Sample OR 554, Snowshoe Formation, EastCentral Oregon. Occurrence: Snowshoe Formation, east-central Oregon; Phantom Creek Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Italy; Dürrnberg Formation, Austria; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman; Liminangcong Chert, Philippines; Japan. Archaeohagiastrum munitum Baumgartner 1984 Species code: 3271 Synonymy: 1982 Crucella sp. A – Sashida et al., pl. 1, fig. 9. 1982 Tetratrabs sp. B – Wakita, pl. 5, fig. 4. 1984 Archaeohagiastrum munitum n. sp. – Baumgartner, p. 759, pl. 2, figs. 9-13. 1985 Archaeohagiastrum munitum Baumgartner – Nagai, pl. 2, figs. 5-5a. 1985 Archaeohagiastrum munitum Baumgartner – Yamamoto et al., p. 34, pl. 3, figs. 7a-b. 1988 Tetraditryma sp. B – Carter et al., p. 31, pl. 16, fig. 8. 1990 Archaeohagiastrum munitum Baumgartner – Kito et al. 1990, pl. 1, fig. 6. 1994 Archaeohagiastrum munitum Baumgartner – Goričan, p. 62, pl. 5, fig. 14. 1995a Archaeohagiastrum munitum Baumgartner – Baumgartner et al., p. 108, pl. 3271, figs. 1-6. 1997 Archaeohagiastrum munitum Baumgartner – Yao, pl. 7, fig. 335. Original description: Small form with four smooth to nodose rays of about equal length constructed as with genus. Central area small, occupied by four to five broad, highly raised, connected nodes, which alternate with four pores placed at the proximal termination of the median beams. The fifth node is central or slightly excentric and fused to one of the corner nodes. A nearly centrally placed pore often occurs. Lateral beams are continuous around the central area. The external beams of rays are slightly to strongly 26 nodose, nodes increase in size towards central area and are sometimes connected by a blade like ridge. Ray tip blunt or with short central spine of round cross section. Original remarks: A. munitum differs from other yet undescribed species of this genus by being distinctly smaller and by having a strongly nodose test. Measurements (µm): Based on 7 specimens. Length of rays AX: Length of rays BX: Length of rays CX: Length of rays DX: Width of rays: Maximum length of spines: Width of central nodose area: min. 114 120 108 111 51 66 65 max. 95 42 48 60 av. 87 35 28 47 HT 120 51 66 76 Etymology: Munitum: fortified, protected (Latin), referring to the nodose surface of test and central area. Type locality: Blake Bahama Basin, West Atlantic (DSDP Leg 71, Site 534). Occurrence: Worldwide. Plate 3149. Archaeohagiastrum longipes Baumgartner. Magnification x150. Fig. 1(H). Baumgartner et al. 1995a, pl. 3149, fig. 4. Fig. 2. OM, BR871-R03-07. Fig. 3. AT, BMW21-31. Fig. 4. Carter et al. 1988, pl. 7, fig. 10. Fig. 5. Carter & Jakobs 1991, pl. 2, fig. 7. Plate 3271. Archaeohagiastrum munitum Baumgartner. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Baumgartner 1984, pl. 2, fig. 9. Fig. 2. Carter et al. 1988, pl. 16, fig. 8. Fig. 3. JP, MNA-10, MA11555. Fig. 4. JP, NK9-62. 27 Archaeohagiastrum oregonense (Yeh) 1987b Species code: HAG01 Synonymy: 1987 Tetraditryma sp. A – Hattori, pl. 3, fig. 1. 1987b Higumastra oregonensis n. sp. – Yeh, p. 26, pl. 8 figs. 7, 15, 20; pl. 23, fig. 16; pl. 29, figs. 11, 18. 1990 Higumastra oregonensis Yeh – Nagai, pl. 5, fig. 2. 1998 Archaeohagiastrum sp. aff. A. pobi n. sp. – Whalen & Carter, p. 45, pl. 10, figs. 1, 6, 10, 13, 17. Original description: Rays relatively uniform in width, elongate, with short massive primary spines. Primary spines triradiate proximally, circular in cross section distally. Central area small, square in outline. Rays nearly equal in length, comprised of three rows of tetragonal pore frames. Central area of cortical shell consisting of pentagonal and hexagonal pore frames quadrilaterally arranged. Pore frames larger on rays; all pore frames without prominent nodes at vertices. Test with or without patagium. Measurements (µm): Ten specimens measured. HT Mean Max. Min. Length of ray 92 95 101 78 Width of ray 31 28 31 24 Width of central area 61 58 61 54 Length of spine 30 42 45 30 Type locality: Locality 600A, Hyde Formation along IzeePaulina road, east-central Oregon. Occurrence: Hyde and Snowshoe formations, Oregon; Sandilands Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Japan. Archaeohagiastrum pobi Whalen & Carter 1998 Species code: HAG02 Synonymy: 1998 Archaeohagiastrum pobi n. sp. – Whalen & Carter, p. 44, pl. 10, figs. 3, 4, 5, 9. 1998 Pseudocrucella sp. A – Cordey, p. 70, pl. 20, fig. 1. Original description: Test composed of four short rays at right angles, terminating in very long, massive, triradiate spines. Each ray comprised of an internal primary beam, three primary canals and six external beams. External spine ridges and grooves part of integral geometry of four-rayed test. Longitudinal beams developed on edges of each spine ridge (two per spine, totaling six beams); transverse bars connecting these beams creating linear rows of fairly regular pore frames, most tetragonal (four to fine horizontal rows of pores per ray). Large raised elliptical to subrectangular nodes aligned perpendicular to beams; nodes located at vertices of external beams and transverse bars. Three hagiastrid canals formed by transverse bars spanning the deeply grooved spine ridges. Central area large, composed mostly of triangular pore frames with large subrounded nodes at vertices. Spines very long with broad, rounded ridges and deep rounded grooves. Original remarks: Baumgartner (1980, p. 284) wrote, "An early Sinemurian sample (QC 549) contains 3 types of hagiastrids. One of them, a possible ancestor of Hagiastrum, has a central area similar to the Emiluvia-like forms" (=Udalia in this paper) "and possesses 3 primary canals and 6 external beams. It seems possible that this form is the first hagiastrid and has evolved from Emiluvia-like forms by developing transverse bars between raised ridges of primary spines and thus enclosing primary grooves to form primary 28 canals". We believe the two species of Archaeohagiastrum discussed and illustrated here conform to this statement. Archaeohagiastrum pobi n. sp. differs from A. munitum Baumgartner by the arrangement of pores and/or nodes in the central area and by having much longer spines. See A. sp. aff. A. pobi n. sp. for further comparison. Measurements (µm): Based on 9 specimens. HT Max. Min. Mean Length of longest ray 134 134 94 114 Width of widest ray 50 64 41 50 Length of longest spine 260 260 103 170 Etymology: Species name formed by an arbitrary combination of letters (ICZN, 1985, p. 109, Appendix D, pt. V, Recommendation 26). Species named in honour of Dr. Peter O. Baumgartner (POB), Université de Lausanne who investigated the early history of the hagiastrids (Baumgartner, 1980) and whose ideas have led us to the description of the earliest species of Archaeohagiastrum and Hagiastrum. Type locality: Locality 89-CNA-KUH-8, Sandilands Formation, Kunga Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, Canada. Occurrence: Sandilands and Ghost Creek formations, Queen Charlotte Islands; Bridge River Complex, British Columbia. Plate HAG01. Archaeohagiastrum oregonense (Yeh). Magnification x300, except Fig. 3b x600. Fig. 1(H). Yeh 1987b, pl. 8, fig. 7. Fig. 2. OR600A-R03-11. Fig. 3. OR, OR600A, Fig. 3a. R1-1311b, Fig. 3b. R1-1311a. Plate HAG02. Archaeohagiastrum pobi Whalen & Carter. Magnification x150. Fig. 1(H). Carter et al. 1998, pl. 10, fig. 3. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-305417, GSC 128801. 29 Genus: Archaeospongoprunum Pessagno 1973 Type species: Archaeospongoprunum venadoense Pessagno 1973 Synonymy: 1973 Archaeospongoprunum n. gen. – Pessagno, p. 57. Original description: Test cylindrical, ellipsoidal, or ellipsoidal and lobate with two polar spines; polar spines triradiate or tetraradiate in axial section with longitudinally or spirally arranged ridges alternating with grooves. Spongy meshwork comprised of polygonal pore frames arranged in concentric layers. Original remarks: Archaeospongoprunum, n. gen., differs from Spongoprunum Haeckel by possessing polar spines with longitudinal grooves separated by longitudinal ridges. A number of species of Archaeospongoprunum have grooves and ridges that assume a spiral rather than a longitudinal arrangement. Included species: ASP01 Archaeospongoprunum coyotense Whalen & Carter 2002 Archaeospongoprunum coyotense Whalen and Carter 2002 Species code: ASP01 Synonymy: 1987 ?Archaeospongoprunum spp. – Hattori, pl. 22, fig. 8. 1989 Archaeospongoprunum sp. – Hattori & Sakamoto, pl. 18, fig. L. 2002 Archaeospongoprunum coyotense n. sp. – Whalen & Carter, p. 110, pl. 4, figs. 1, 2, 6, 7, 10. Original description: Test elongated along polar axis, cylindrical in shape; test surface planiform where it joins polar spines. Meshwork moderately coarse, composed of large, irregularly shaped and distributed pentagonal pore frames. Polar spines massive, triradiate in axial section with narrow, rounded longitudinal ridges and steep-sided, longitudinal grooves; longitudinal ridges sometimes split along proximal margin (see holotype). Original remarks: Archaeospongoprunum coyotense n. sp., is distinguished from A. bipartitum Pessagno 1973, by having stronger triradiate spines, more irregular pore frames and the absence of a sulcus. A. coyotense n. sp. is similar to Archaeospongoprunum sp. B (pl. 5, no. 199) and A. sp. B2 30 (pl. 5, no. 201) of Yao 1997; it differs from the former in having more tapering spines, and from the latter in having a more cylindrical test. Measurements (µm): (Refer to text-figure 7 of Whalen & Carter, 2002). (n) = number of specimens measured AA'(9) A'S'(8) 120 180 165 206 120 143 142 165 AS(8) 53 195 105 141 BB'(9) 101 131 90 107 cc'(9) 38 38 23 31 dd'(9) 38 38 26 33 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: This species is named for Estero de Coyote located to the southeast of the type area. Type locality: Sample SH-412-14, San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Occurrence: San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur; Japan. Plate ASP01. Archaeospongoprunum coyotense Whalen & Carter. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 4, fig. 1. Fig. 2. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 4, fig. 2. 31 Genus: Archaeotritrabs Steiger 1992, emend. Jud 1994 Type species: Archaeotritrabs gracilis Steiger 1992 Synonymy: 1992 Archaeotritrabs n. gen. – Steiger, p. 40. 1994 Archaeotritrabs Steiger emend. – Jud, p. 64. 1995a Archaeotritrabs Steiger emend. Jud – Baumgartner et al., p. 112. Original description: Hagiastrid with three arms composed of 6 longitudinal ribs, which generate a hexagonal cross section of the arms. The longitudinal ribs are noddy. Between them 6 rows of simple pore frames occur. The arm tips increase in width and have a rounded to trapezoidal contour. The arm tips can have spines. Emended description: By Jud (1994): Test three-rayed. Rays of equal length, composed of 8 beams. Cross-section of rays rectangular to octogonal. Beams connected with one another by bars forming rectangular pores on the upper and lower sides of the test, and rectangular to trapezoidal pores on the lateral sides. Ray tips inflated, with small, polygonal pore-frames and usually with spines. Original remarks: The genus Archaeotritrabs differs from the genera of the subfamiliy of the Tritrabinae by having simple pore rows between longitudinal ribs. After Baum- gartner (1980) the Tritrabinae are defined by double pore rows. It is questionable whether these forms can be related to the Tritrabinae on the base of the hexagonal cross section of the arms. The morphological range of the group should be extended in the sense of having simple pore rows. Otherwise a new subfamily should be created to include simple pore rows on the same level as double pore rows. Because of the rare material this is actually impossible. Further remarks: By Jud (1994): The genus was described as possessing 6 longitudinal beams on each ray. This interpretation is a result of insufficient observation of the lateral parts of the rays. Specimens unquestionably assignable to A. gracilis Steiger occurring in our material prove that this species has 8 beams and that the rays have a subrectangular cross-section. Moreover, cross-sections show that the rays have 4 channels and not 3, as characteristic of Tritrabs (P. Dumitrica, personal communication, and pl. 4, fig. 7). Etymology: Greek: archaios – old. Designation signifying that it is the probable ancestor of the genus Tritrabs. Included species: ATT01 Archaeotritrabs hattorii Dumitrica n. sp. Archaeotritrabs hattorii Dumitrica n. sp. Species code: ATT01 Synonymy: 1985 Homoeoparonaella sp. B – Nagai, pl. 1, figs. 5, 5a. 1987 Homoeoparonaella sp. O – Hattori, pl. 3, figs. 16, 17. 1987 Tritrabs (?) sp. C – Hattori, pl. 3, fig. 18. 1989 Tritrabs spp. – Hattori, pl. 38, fig. B. Type designation: Holotype pl. ATT01, fig. 3, sample BR871, chert of Tawi Sadh Member reworked in the Guwayza Formation, Al Khashbah Mountains, Oman. Description: Rays equal in length, slender, spindle-shaped, increasing slowly in diameter up to the distal third, then decreasing to terminate in a pointed tip. Sometimes there are 2 lateral spines in the equatorial plane originating in the transverse ridges of lateral faces. Rays approximately octagonal in cross-section, with 8 rows of pores separated by 8 longitudinal beams. Pore frames rectangular but of two types: those on oblique faces are simple whereas those on upper, lower and lateral faces have high transverse ridges and 2 pores in each rectangle separated by the branches of the primary ray which form the 4 canals. One row usually offset with pore frames of neighbouring rows. All vertices of pore frames pointed. Central area large and triangular outlined by three beams that connect the two longitudinal beams on the face of each ray. 32 Remarks: Archaeotritrabs hattorii differs from A. gracilis Steiger in having spindle-shaped rays with pointed tips, and lacks nodes on rays. The triangular area in the center of shell is a characteristic also known in Tritrabs casmaliaensis (Pessagno). In the latter species the triangle has one cortical beam in each corner, whereas A. hattorii has two. All other characteristics, except the microsphere, differ in these two species. The central part of the test of A. hattorii is very thin, the cortical shell in the center of the triangular area includes the top and the bottom of the microsphere as illustrated for Tritrabs and the Tritrabidae (Dumitrica in De Wever et al., 2001). Measurements (µm): Based on 4 specimens. Length of rays from the center to the distal end Maximum diameter of rays HT Min. Max. 140 115 140 32 47 22 Etymology: The species is named for Dr. Isamu Hattori, Geological Laboratory, Fukui University, Japan, to honour his valuable contribution to the knowledge of Jurassic radiolarians of Japan. Type locality: Sample BR871, chert of Tawi Sadh Member reworked in the Guwayza Formation, Al Khashbah Mountains, Oman. Occurrence: Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman; Mino Terrane, central Japan. Plate ATT01. Archaeotritrabs hattorii Dumitrica n. sp. Magnification x300. Fig. 1. JP, Nanjo Massif, IH84120461. Fig. 2. JP, Nanjo Massif, IH84120461. Fig. 3(H). OM, BR871-R09-12. Fig. 4. OM, BR871-R04-14. Fig. 5. OM, BR871-R04-15. 33 Genus: Ares De Wever 1982a Type species: Ares armatus De Wever 1982a Synonymy: 1982a Ares n. gen. – De Wever, p. 202. 1986 Parares n. gen – Takemura, p. 46. Original description: Form with three very strong spines, recurved or not, corresponding to the extensions of the cephalic spines A, V, and D. Six collar pores of variable size; the largest are the cardinal pores, the smallest are the jugular pores. Collar structure not plane, jugular and especially cervical pores are oblique to the cardinal pores. Spines A and V free, spine D attached to the shell by bridges. Cephalis small, hemispherical. Thorax robust with two spines as extensions of D and V. Pores of the flared postthoracic part (abdomen ?, velum ?) distributed in more or less regular longitudinal rows. Original remarks: This genus differs from Dictyoceras, some species of which resemble A. armatus n. sp., in having two thoracic arms (extensions of V and D) instead of three. It is distinguished from other genera by these two characteristic arms. Further remarks: Species lacking an apical horn or having only a very short one were assigned to Parares by Takemura (1986). These species were later included in the genus Ares, with Parares considered a junior synonym (Baumgartner et al., 1995a), since the length of the apical horn is not considered a generic character. In fact if we take into account the range of the species as known thus far and the morphology one can see that the evolution of the genus followed a trend towards reduction of the apical horn and eventually its disappearance together with exaggerated development of the ventral spine. During this evolution the ventral spine changed its position and shape from obliquely downward directed and straight (in the Sinemurian species A. moresbyensis Whalen & Carter and A. sutherlandi Whalen & Carter) to obliquely upward directed and recurved (in the Toarcian species A. avirostrum n. sp. and the Aalenian-Bajocian species A. cylindricus Takemura). Its exaggerated development pushed the cephalis to the dorsal side of the apex of shell. In this process the apical horn changed also its position from practically axial (in the Sinemurian species) to dorso-apical. During the Pliensbachian the apical horn and ventral spine are already almost symmetrically curved and displaced from the shell axis (A. cuniculiformis n. sp.) and during the Toarcian the apical horn is already shorter than the ventral spine (A. avirostrum n. sp.). Etymology: Ares is the Greek War God, son of Zeus and Hera, who was involved in the Trojan war when his daughter Penthesilea was killed by Achilles. Included species and subspecies: ARS03 Ares armatus De Wever 1982a ARS07 Ares avirostrum Dumitrica & Matsuoka n. sp. ARS06 Ares cuniculiformis Dumitrica & Whalen n. sp. 4061 Ares cylindricus s.l. (Takemura) 1986 3001 Ares cylindricus cylindricus (Takemura) 1986 4032 Ares cylindricus flexuosus (Takemura) 1986 ARS04 Ares mexicoensis Whalen & Carter 2002 ARS01 Ares moresbyensis Whalen & Carter 1998 ARS02 Ares sutherlandi Whalen & Carter 1998 ARS08 Ares takemurai Dumitrica & Matsuoka n. sp. 4008 Ares sp. A sensu Baumgartner et al. 1995a Ares armatus De Wever 1982a Species code: ARS03 Synonymy: 1982a Ares armatus n. sp. – De Wever, p. 203, pl. 10, figs. 1-4. 1982a Ares sp. 1 – De Wever, p. 203, pl. 10, figs. 5, 6. 1982b Ares armatus De Wever – De Wever, p. 335, pl. 51, figs. 2, 4, 5, 8. 1982b Ares sp. 1 – De Wever, p. 336, pl. 52, figs. 1, 2. 2004 Ares armatus De Wever – Matsuoka, fig. 131. Original description: Cephalis small, spherical, not perforated, with an irregular, slightly pustulate surface. Apical horn curved towards the frontal side, triradiate; grooves correspond to the location of the secondary lateral (l) and vertical (V) spines of the cephalic skeleton. Thorax has an irregular surface, because of ribs between pores. Thoracic pores and post-thoracic pores circular, closely similar in 34 size. Pores often subdivided by a star-shaped lattice. Vertical spine free, sub-rectilinear, triradiate; one ridge attached to the cephalis-thorax junction, prolongs the V spine. Dorsal spines triradiate, slightly curved, and linked to the shell by latticed bridges. Post-thoracic part (velum or abdomen ?) forms a perforated veil which extends the thorax. Circular pores quincuncially distributed on longitudinal rows. Post-thoracic part has a stricture before a distal widening. Original remarks: This species differs from Ares sp. by having a partly vertical apical horn, well-differentiated thorax with larger pores, a sub-rectilinear vertical spine, and narrowing on the post-thoracic part close to the thorax. Measurements (µm): total length (apical horn included) length of cephalis + thorax + post-thoracic part cephalis length cephalis width thorax length thorax width approx. length of the curved apical horn length of vertical spines length of dorsal spine HT 205 Av. 206 Min. Max. 200 220 140 135 100 160 20 30 30 70 21 29 30 72 20 25 30 70 24 33 32 80 155 150 120 130 160 140 125 130 Etymology: From the Latin armatus, -a, -um, adj. = armed. Refering to martial look that evokes an Antiquity soldier. Type locality: Sample 1662D, Gümüslü Allochthon, Taurus Mts., Turkey. Occurrence: Gümüslü Allochthon, Turkey; Nanjo Massif, Mino Terrane, central Japan. Plate ARS03. Ares armatus De Wever. Magnification x250, except Fig. 4b x500. Fig. 1(H). De Wever 1982a, pl. 10, fig. 4. Fig. 2. Matsuoka 2004, fig. 131. Fig. 3. De Wever 1982a, pl. 10, fig. 5. Fig. 4a, b. TR, 1662D-R11a, b. 35 Ares avirostrum Dumitrica & Matsuoka n. sp. Species code: ARS07 Synonymy: ? 1987 Cuniculiformis sp. D – Hattori, pl. 20, fig. 14. 1989 Ares spp. – Hattori, pl. 34, figs. L, M. 2004 Ares sp. – Matsuoka, fig. 132. Type designation: Holotype specimen MA 13750 from sample MNA-10, Nanjo Massif, Mino Terrane, central Japan. Diagnosis: A species of Ares with apical horn much shorter than ventral spine; dorsal spine straight running along thorax, and thorax campanulate with thick, undulate distal end. Description: Test conical with a slight constriction at the middle of thorax resulting in a campanulate shape. Cephalis small, poreless, displaced on the dorsal side of the apical part of shell. Ventral spine long, curved, and bladed. Apical horn much shorter than ventral spine; obliquely upward directed and slightly curved when longer. Dorsal spine straight, thin, circular in cross section beyond thorax; it is longer than the thorax and tangential to it. Pores of thorax quincuncially arranged, pore frames usually hexagonal, increasing in size distally. Distal end of thorax expanded, thick, and undulate. Remarks: Ares avirostrum n. sp. differs from all the other species of the genus so far known in that the distal part of thorax is clearly delineated. It is morphologically interme- 36 diate between A. cuniculiformis n. sp. and A. cylindricus Takemura. From the former it differs in having a much shorter apical horn; from the latter it differs in having a rather long apical horn and a straight dorsal spine, which is adjacent to the wall of thorax. A. avirostrum is very close to Ares takemurai n. sp. but differs in being slightly more slender and the distal part of thorax is constricted and built of intervening bars that become thinner and thinner. Ares sp. A of Baumgartner et al. (1995a) differs from Ares avirostrum n. sp. in having a more robust and curved dorsal spine and a narrower thorax. Measurement (µm): Based on 15 specimens. Dimensions Length of test without spines Diameter of thorax Length of apical horn Length of ventral spine HT 167 161 48 173 Min. Max. 160 200 140 197 30 63 100 173 Etymology: From the Latin avis – bird and rostrum – beak; noun. Type locality: Sample MNA-10, Nanjo Massif, Mino Terrane, central Japan (Matsuoka, 2004). Occurrence: Mino Terrane, Japan; Tawi Sadh Member, Guwayza Formation, Oman; Fernie Formation, NE British Columbia. Plate ARS07. Ares avirostrum Dumitrica & Matsuoka n. sp. Magnification x200, except Fig. 1c(H) x800. Fig. 1(H). JP MNA-10. Fig. 1a(H). Matsuoka 2004, fig. 132. Fig. 1b(H). MA13749. Fig. 1c(H). MA13748. Fig. 2. JP, MNA-10, MA13771. Fig. 3. JP, MNA-10, MA13778. Fig. 4. NBC, GSC loc. C-305813, GSC 111805. Fig. 5. OM, BR871-R07-20. Fig. 6. OM, BR524-R05-09. Fig. 7. OM, BR528-R10-11. 37 Ares cuniculiformis Dumitrica & Whalen n. sp. Species code: ARS06 Synonymy: ? 1987 Cuniculiformis sp. A – Hattori, pl. 20, fig. 11. ? 1987 Cuniculiformis sp. B – Hattori, pl. 20, fig. 12. ? 1989 Gen. 2, sp. 1 – Hattori, pl. 21, fig. K. ? 1997 Ares sp. A0 – Yao, pl. 8, fig. 382. Type designation: Specimen figs. 1 and 1a, stub 1662DR03-13, sample 1662D, Gümüslü Allochthon, Taurus Mts., Turkey. Diagnosis: A species of Ares with a conical test, A and V spines relatively equal and recurved, and D spine long, over twice length of test. Description: Test high-conical with elliptical or rounded polygonal pores. Cephalis small, poreless situated on the dorsal side of the apical part of test, surface weakly pustulate. Apical and ventral spines robust, bladed, recurved and slightly dissimilar, usually slightly shorter than D spine and may be more curved. D spine downwardly directed, slightly curved, running along thorax and continuing a long distance beyond. Remarks: A. cuniculiformis n. sp. resembles A. armatus De Wever, with which it partly co-occurs, but it differs in having a narrower test, A and V spines are relatively equal 38 in length and both are recurved. There is a slight difference between this species from the Pliensbachian (Turkey and Baja California) and the species from the lower Toarcian (Japan). In the former (and especially the holotype) the apical horn is almost of the same length as the ventral horn, whereas in the latter, the apical horn is shorter. They are probably part of the phylogenetical lineage that gave rise to A. cylindricus Takemura. Measurements (µm): Based on 4 specimens. Length of test excluding spines Length of ventral spine Length of apical horn Maximum diameter of thorax HT Min. Max. 187 119 187 153 117 153 147 50 147 120 75 130 Etymology: From the Latin cuniculus – hare and forma– shape; noun. Type locality: Sample 1662D, Gümüslü Allochthon, Taurus Mts., Turkey. Occurrence: Gümüslü Allochthon, Turkey; San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur. Plate ARS06. Ares cuniculiformis Dumitrica & Whalen n. sp. Magnification x200, except fig. 1b(H) x400. Fig. 1(H)a, b. TR, 1662D-R03-13a, b. Fig. 2. BCS, BPW30. 39 Ares cylindricus s.l. (Takemura) 1986 Species code: 4061 Synonymy: 1986 Parares cylindricus n. sp. – Takemura, p. 46, pl. 4, figs. 3-7. 1986 Parares flexuosus n. sp. – Takemura, p. 47, pl. 4, figs. 8-11. ? 1986 Nassellaria gen. et sp. indet. C in Yao et al. 1982 – De Wever & Cordey, pl. 1, fig. 11. 1987 Parares (?) aff. P. cylindricus Takemura – Hattori, pl. 20, fig. 9. 1995a Ares cylindricus (Takemura) – Baumgartner et al., p. 116. See also subspecies. Included subspecies. 3001 Ares cylindricus cylindricus (Takemura) 1986 4032 Ares cylindricus flexuosus (Takemura) 1986 Ares cylindricus cylindricus (Takemura) 1986 Species code: 3001 Synonymy: 1986 Parares cylindricus n. sp. – Takemura, p. 46, pl. 4, figs. 3-7. 1987 Parares (?) aff. P. cylindricus Takemura – Hattori, pl. 20, fig. 9. 1989 Parares cylindricus Takemura – Kito, p. 204, pl. 23, fig. 11. 1995a Ares cylindricus cylindricus (Takemura) – Baumgartner et al., p. 116, pl. 3001, figs. 1-4. 1997 Ares cylindricus cylindricus (Takemura) – Yao, pl. 8, fig. 385. Original description: Cephalis small, poreless and spherical, with well developed and triradiate vertical spine. Vertical spine curved downward and in some specimens, slightly curved upward distally. Thorax cylindrical and long, with elliptical pores arranged longitudinally and hexagonally. No apertural ring at the end of the thorax. Dorsal spine strong and triradiate, about twice as long as thorax. Dorsal spine curved slightly proximally and distally straight and slightly twisted anticlockwisely. Some bars connecting dorsal spine and thoracic wall at several points in some specimens. Original remarks: Parares cylindricus n. sp. differs from P. flexuous n. sp. in cylindrical thorax and distally straight dorsal spine. Measurements (µm): Based on 10 specimens. Length of shell including two spines Height of cephalo-thorax Maximum width of shell including two spines Width of thorax Min. 470 185 345 105 Max. 610 270 465 135 Etymology: The species name, cylindricus, cylindrical in English is derived from the shape of thorax. Type locality: Sample TKN-105, Komami, Yamato village, Gifu Prefecture, central Japan. Occurrence: Japan, Italy. Ares cylindricus flexuosus (Takemura) 1986 Species code: 4032 Synonymy: 1986 Parares flexuous n. sp. – Takemura, p. 47, pl. 4, figs. 8-11. 1989 Parares flexuous Takemura – Kito, p. 204, pl. 23, fig. 12. 1995a Ares cylindricus flexuosus (Takemura) – Baumgartner et al., p. 118, pl. 4032, figs. 1-3. 1997 Ares cylindricus flexuosus (Takemura) – Yao, pl. 8, fig. 388. Original description: Cephalis small, spherical and poreless, with stout and triradiate vertical spine, which is curved downward distally. Thorax conical to subconical and slightly narrow distally, without apertural ring. Thoracic pores spherical to ellipsoidal, usually arranged longitudinally and hexagonally. Dorsal spine which is twisted anticlockwisely strong, triradiate and remarkably curved downwardly. Original remarks: Parares flexuous n.sp. is distinguished from P. cylindricus by its conical to subconical thorax and markedly curved dorsal spine. 40 Further remarks: By Baumgartner et al. (1995a): The name flexuous is emended (I.C.Z.N., art.33a (I)) into flexuosus, which is the correct Latin name. Measurements (µm): Based on 4 specimens. Length of shell including two spines Height of cephalo-thorax Maximum width of shell including two spines Width of thorax Min. 280 145 360 100 Max. 335 175 420 110 Etymology: The species name, flexuosus, means bending, derived from its curved dorsal spine. Type locality: Sample TKN-105, Komami, Yamato Village, Gifu Prefecture, central Japan. Occurrence: Japan, Italy. Plate 4061. Ares cylindricus s.l. (Takemura). Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Ares cylindricus cylindricus (Takemura) 1986, pl. 4, fig. 4. Fig 2(H). Ares cylindricus flexuosus (Takemura) 1986, pl. 4, fig. 8. Fig. 3. JP, MIN-1, MA09001. Fig. 4. JP, MKM-1, MA10325. Fig. 5. JP,GUH39-14, RH676. Fig. 6. JP, GUH39-11, RH673. Fig. 7. JP, MIN-10, MA09917. 41 Ares mexicoensis Whalen & Carter 2002 Species code: ARS04 Synonymy: thorax, and a steeper-sided thorax; with its sturdy arms and horn Ares mexicoensis n. sp. is a more robust species than Ares moresbyensis Whalen and Carter 1998. Original description: Small, dome-shaped cephalis with massive apical horn; cephalis mostly imperforate with some small pores near base. Horn triradiate in axial section with narrow, rounded, longitudinal ridges and broad, longitudinal grooves. Thorax gradually increasing in width distally; meshwork on thorax composed of irregular pentagonal and tetragonal pore frames (mostly pentagonal) becoming slightly larger distally. Thoracic arms massive, gently curving downward with one arm slightly longer than other; shorter arm positioned higher on thorax at base of cephalis; arms triradiate in axial section with narrow, longitudinal ridges alternating with steep-sided longitudinal grooves; narrow, transverse thoracic ridges, formed by a slight alignment of the pore frames, continue onto arms, joining with longitudinal ridges. Measurements (µm): Based on 14 specimens. 1984 Ares sp. – Whalen & Pessagno, pl. 1, fig. 11. 2002 Ares mexicoensis n. sp. – Whalen & Carter, p. 140, pl. 15, figs. 5, 12; pl. 18, figs. 6, 9. Original remarks: Ares mexicoensis n. sp., is distinguished from A. armatus De Wever 1982, in having a shorter cephalic horn and thoracic arms, larger pore frames on the Length (excludes horn) 150 150 105 134 Length of long arm 128 (broken) 210 135 169 Length of short arm 128 150 105 133 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: This species is named for the United States of Mexico. Type locality: Sample BPW80-30, San Hipólito Formation, Punta San Hipólito, Vizcaino Peninsula, Baja California. Occurrence: San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur; Fannin Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Tawi Sadh Member, Guwayza Formation, Oman. Ares moresbyensis Whalen & Carter 1998 Species code: ARS01 Synonymy: Not 1984 Ares sp. – Whalen & Pessagno, pl. 1, figs. 11, 12. 1998 Ares moresbyensis n. sp. – Whalen & Carter, p. 75, pl. 21, figs. 1, 2, 11; pl. 27, figs. 2, 8. Original description: Test with small, dome-shaped cephalis and prominent tapering horn; horn approximately equal in length to thorax, triradiate in axial section with narrow, rounded longitudinal ridges and broad, rounded longitudinal grooves; horn not aligned exactly with long axis of test. Cephalis with small to medium polygonal pore frames sometimes obscured by a layer of microgranular silica. Thorax elongate, trapezoidal in outline with large, pentagonal, hexagonal, and circular pore frames. Two prominent spines attached to thorax at base of cephalis at 45º angle with long axis of test; spines tapering distally, triradiate in axial section with narrow, rounded longitudinal ridges and broad, rounded longitudinal grooves; near base of cephalis, longitudinal ridges extend onto thorax forming prominent transverse ridges. One spine slightly longer and more massive than other; longer spines equal to length of thorax. 42 Original remarks: The larger, more irregularly shaped thoracic pore frames of Ares moresbyensis n. sp. distinguish it from A. sutherlandi n. sp. Measurements (µm): (n) = number of specimens measured. Length Width (excluding horn) (6) of thorax (6) 105 71 120 75 90 71 75 112 Maximum length of short arm (5) 90 120 68 92 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: This species is named for Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, located to the west of the type locality. Type locality: Sample QC-675, Sandilands Formation, Kunga Island - north side, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Sandilands Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands. Plate ARS04. Ares mexicoensis Whalen & Carter. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 15, fig. 5. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-304567, GSC 128706. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-140495, GSC 128707. Fig. 4. OM, BR485-R20-10. Plate ARS01. Ares moresbyensis Whalen & Carter. Magnification x250. Fig. 1(H). Carter et al. 1998, pl. 21, fig. 1. 43 Ares sutherlandi Whalen & Carter 1998 Species code: ARS02 Synonymy: 1984 Ares sp. – Whalen & Pessagno, pl. 1, fig. 12. 1998 Ares sutherlandi n. sp. – Whalen & Carter, p. 76, pl. 21, figs. 3, 16; pl. 27, figs. 1, 7. 2002 Ares sp. A – Whalen & Carter, p. 142, pl. 15, figs. 6, 13. Original description: Test with small, dome-shaped cephalis with prominent broad, tapering horn; horn approximately one-half length of cephalis and thorax combined, triradiate in axial section with narrow, rounded longitudinal ridges and broad, rounded longitudinal grooves. Cephalis with variably-sized pore frames usually partially obscured by layer of microgranular silica. Thorax elongate, cylindrical, with irregularly arranged small- to mediumsized polygonal (mostly pentagonal) pore frames; thoracic pore frames sometimes partially masked by an outer layer of irregular, polygonal pore frames. Two prominent spines attached to thorax and base of cephalis; spines triradiate in axial section with narrow, rounded longitudinal ridges and broad, rounded longitudinal grooves. Larger, more robust spine forming an approximate 55° angle with long axis of test; larger spines bonded to thorax by approximately four narrow, linear ridges which extend from longitudinal ridge of spine and continue obliquely across proximal part of test; smaller spine at 40° to long axis of test. Original remarks: See remarks under A. moresbyensis n. sp. Measurements (µm): (n) = number of specimens measured. Length Width (excluding horn) (6) of thorax (6) 109 120 83 97 75 75 75 75 Maximum length of short arm (5) 90 90 60 75 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: This species is named in honor of A. Sutherland Brown (British Columbia Department of Mines and Petroleum Resources, Vancouver, B.C.) who first mapped the entire Queen Charlotte Archipelago and provided a detailed account of the geology. Type locality: Sample QC-675, Sandilands Formation, Kunga Island - north side, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Sandilands Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur. Ares takemurai Dumitrica & Matsuoka n. sp. Species code: ARS08 Synonymy: ? 1987 Parares (?) sp. A – Hattori, pl. 20, fig. 8. 1987 Parares (?) sp. C – Hattori, pl. 20, fig. 10. 1989 Ares sp. A – Hattori, pl. 3, fig. K. 1989 Parares (?) spp. – Hattori, pl. 3, fig. M, not fig. L. 2004 Ares sp. – Matsuoka, fig. 133. Type designation: Holotype specimen MA 13779 from sample MNA-10, Nanjo Massif, Mino Terrane, Japan. Diagnosis: A species of Ares with thorax constricted medially as well as distally. Apical horn much shorter than V spine, D very long and straight. Description: Test conical, two-segmented with a slight constriction in the middle part of thorax. Cephalis small, poreless, displaced on the dorsal side of the apical part of shell. Ventral spine long, curved, and bladed. Apical horn much shorter than ventral spine, obliquely directed upward and slightly curved. Dorsal spine straight, thin, very long, one to two times length of thorax, circular in cross section beyond thorax, three-bladed on the tangential portion. Pores of thorax quincuncially arranged, pore frames usually hexagonal, increasing in size distally. Distal half of thorax expanded, convex in outline, constricted terminally and built of intervening bars that become ever thinner. Distal border irregular. 44 Remarks: Ares takemurai n. sp. is very close to A. avirostrum n. sp.: the A, V and D spines and proximal half of thorax are morphologically similar, the only major difference is the shape of the distal half of thorax. This part is expanded with a clear-cut border in A. avirostrum, whereas in A. takemurai the distal half of thorax is also expanded, but the terminal part is constricted and made of intervening bars that become ever thinner. Measurements (µm): Based on 11 specimens Dimensions Length of test excluding spines Length of ventral spine Length of apical horn Length of dorsal spine Maximum diameter of thorax HT Min. Max. 170 95 190 170 75 180 70 40 70 390 90 400 160 85 160 Etymology: The species is named for Dr. Atsushi Takemura, Hygoyo University of Teacher Education, Japan, to honour his valuable contribution to the taxonomy of Jurassic Radiolaria. Type locality: Sample MNA-10, Nanjo Massif, Mino Terrane, Japan. Occurrence: Nanjo Massif, Mino Terrane, Japan; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman. Plate ARS02. Ares sutherlandi Whalen & Carter. Magnification x300. Fig. 1(H). Carter et al. 1998, pl. 21, fig. 3. Fig. 2. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 15, fig. 6. Plate ARS08. Ares takemurai Dumitrica & Matsuoka n. sp. Magnification x200. Fig. 1. JP, MNA-10, MA13743. Fig. 2. JP, MNA-10, MA13608. Fig. 3(H). Matsuoka 2004, fig. 133. 45 Ares sp. A sensu Baumgartner et al. 1995a Species code: 4008 Synonymy: 1982 Nassellaria D (in Yao et al., 1982) – Matsuda & Isozaki, pl. 1, fig. 21. 1986 Parares sp. – Takemura, p. 47, pl. 4, fig. 12. 1987 Parares (?) sp. A – Hattori, pl. 20, fig. 8. 1990 Ares ? sp. D – Hori, Fig. 8.25. 1995a Ares sp. A – Baumgartner et al., p. 118, pl. 4008, fig. 1. 1996 Ares sp. A – Yeh & Cheng, p. 118, pl. 2, fig. 8; pl. 7, figs. 1, 2, 12. 1997 Ares sp. A Baumgartner et al. – Yao, pl. 8, fig. 387. 1997 Ares ? sp. D of Yao – Hori, pl. 1, fig. 11. Original remarks: This species differs from A. cylindricus by having a short triradiate apical horn. Occurrence: Mino Terrane, Japan; Liminangcong Chert, Philippines. Genus: Atalanta Cordey & Carter 1996 Type species: Atalanta emmela Cordey & Carter 1996 Synonymy: 1996 Atalanta n. gen. – Cordey & Carter, p. 446. Original diagnosis: Multicyrtid nassellarian. Proximal part of test smooth, without ornamentation. Two rows of pore frames per segment; pores regularly aligned transversely and obliquely, not longitudinally. Original description: Multicyrtid test conical and may be constricted distally. Cephalis nonperforate with a horn. Proximal part of test smooth without ornamentation. Postabdominal segments have two transverse rows of circular pores arranged hexagonally. Pores regularly aligned transversely and obliquely, not longitudinally. Proximal segments show no development of transverse ridges. More distally, segment junctions thicken to form transverse ridges that show a slight to moderately exaggerated zig-zag outline. Nodes more or less well developed at pore frame intersections. Depending on species and (or) preservation, the conical test may be constricted distally. Original remarks: Atalanta n. gen. differs from Wrangellium Pessagno and Whalen (1982) by possessing hexagonal pore frames that are not aligned longitudinally. It differs from Triversus Takemura (1986) in lacking an amphipyndax-type cephalic skeletal structure and in possessing two, rather than three, rows of pores per chamber. Atalanta n. gen. differs from Proparvicingula Carter (1993), Parvicingula Pessagno (1977), and Ristola Pessagno & Whalen (1982) by possessing two rows of pores between 46 circumferential ridges instead of three, and further differs from Proparvicingula Carter in having a single rather than double test wall. Atalanta n. gen. differs from Pseudoristola Yeh (1987b) by possessing well-developed circumferential ridges on postabdominal chambers, and the final chamber is open rather than bulbous and closed. Comparisons with Nitrader n. gen are developed under that genus. Remarks under Nitrader n. gen.: Nitrader has clear external affinities with Atalanta n. gen., as both possess two rows of offset pores set in hexagonal pore frames arranged between two circumferential ridges, and both have an apical horn. Nevertheless, the pore arrangement of Nitrader is different from Atalanta in that the pores are H-linked on each side of transverse ridges. The structure of the proximal chambers also differs: Atalanta has a smooth proximal portion with no clear signs of segmentation, whereas Nitrader develops an external ornamentation composed of a rugose network of segmentation similar to Proparvicingula Carter, a new genus recently described from the Rhaetian of the Queen Charlotte Islands (Carter 1993). This suggests that Nitrader n. gen. could be an intermediate form between Proparvicingula Carter and Atalanta n. gen. Etymology: Atalanta is an arbitrary combination of letters (ICZN 1985, article 11b (iii), p. 20). Included species: ATA02 Atalanta emmela Cordey & Carter 1996 Plate 4008. Ares sp. A sensu Baumgartner et al. Magnification x200. Fig. 1. JP, IYII 12-50. Fig. 2. JP, Hori 1990, fig. 8.25. Fig. 3. Baumgartner et al. 1995a, pl. 4088, fig. 1. 47 Atalanta emmela Cordey & Carter 1996 Species code: ATA02 Synonymy: 1991 Gen. indet. Z sp. A – Tipper et al., pl. 8, fig. 8. 1996 Atalanta emmela n. gen., n. sp. – Cordey & Carter, p. 447, pl. 1, figs. 1-3. 1998 Atalanta emmela Cordey & Carter – Cordey, p. 126, pl. 25, fig. 1. 1998 Atalanta emmela Cordey & Carter – Whalen & Carter, p. 67, pl. 24, fig. 13. 2001 Atalanta emmela Cordey & Carter – Gawlick et al., pl. 2, fig. 22. 2002 Atalanta emmela Cordey & Carter – Whalen & Carter, p. 128, pl. 16, figs. 1, 8. 2002 Atalanta emmela Cordey & Carter – Tekin, p. 190, pl. 4, figs. 10, 11. Original diagnosis: Multicyrtid nassellarian, conical. Cephalis with simple horn. Proximal part of test smooth, without ornamentation. Original description: Multicyrtid test, conical. Cephalis nonperforate with a horn of medium length disposed asymmetrically. Proximal part of test smooth, without ornamentation. Post-abdominal segments have two transverse rows of circular pores arranged in hexagonal pore frames. Proximal segments show no development of transverse ridges. Transverse ridges begin to develop at one-third to one-half of total length of test at junctions between segments; ridges formed by a thickening of the pore frames. Nodes more or less well-developed at pore frame intersections. Width of segments increases regularly towards the distal aperture. Original remarks: Atalanta emmela, n. sp., differs from Atalanta epaphrodita, n. sp., in possessing a single horn, more weakly developed thickening of transverse ridges, and the test is not constricted distally. Measurements (µm): Based on 4 specimens. Length of horn Length of test, excluding horn Maximum diameter of test HT 35 220 125 Min. 30 200 105 Max. 40 260 140 Etymology: From the greek emmeles meaning harmonious. Type locality: GSC loc. C-150155, Sandilands Formation, Kunga Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Sandilands Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; chert clast from Voght Creek conglomerate, south Intermontane Belt, British Columbia; San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur; Dürrnberg Formation, Austria; Hocaköy Radiolarite, Turkey. Genus: Bagotum Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Type species: Bagotum maudense Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Synonymy: 1982 Bagotum n. gen. – Pessagno & Whalen, p. 117. Original description: Test ellipsoidal; final post-abdominal chamber terminating in latticed, hemispherical cap. Cephalis lacking horn. Original remarks: Bagotum n. gen., differs from Stichocapsa Rüst (1885, type species S. jaspidea Rüst, 1885) by displaying a thick, double-layered test, typically with more irregular pore frames. Furthermore, whereas the proximal part of the test of Bagotum is bluntly rounded or domeshaped, that of Stichocapsa is conical. Both genera possess dome-shaped latticed caps on their final post-abdominal chambers. Bagotum, n. gen., differs from Droltus n. gen., 48 by lacking a horn, being ellipsoidal rather than conical and by having a final post-abdominal chamber terminating in a latticed, dome-shaped cap. Etymology: Bagotum is a name formed by an arbitrary combination of letters (ICZN, 1964, Appendix D, Pt. VI, Recommendation 40, p.113). Included species: BAG01 Bagotum erraticum Pessagno & Whalen 1982 BAG03 Bagotum funiculum Whalen & Carter 2002 BAG02 Bagotum helmetense Pessagno & Whalen 1982 BAG04 Bagotum kimbroughi Whalen & Carter 2002 BAG05 Bagotum maudense Pessagno & Whalen 1982 BAG06 Bagotum modestum Pessagno & Whalen 1982 BAG07 Bagotum pseudoerraticum Kishida & Hisada 1985 Plate ATA02. Atalanta emmela Cordey & Carter. Magnification x250. Fig. 1(H). Cordey & Carter 1996, pl. 1, fig. 2. Fig. 2. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 16, fig. 1. 49 Bagotum erraticum Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Species code: BAG01 Synonymy: 1982 Bagotum erraticum n. sp. – Pessagno & Whalen, p. 117, pl. 1, fig. 10. 1988 Bagotum aff. erraticum Pessagno & Whalen – Li, pl. 1, fig. 3. 1995 Bagotum erraticum Pessagno & Whalen – Suzuki, pl. 8, fig. 1. 1998 Bagotum sp. cf. B. erraticum Pessagno & Whalen – Kashiwagi, pl. 2, figs. 6, 7. 2001 Bagotum erraticum Pessagno & Whalen – Gawlick et al., pl. 5, fig. 7. Original description: Test inflated, broader distally than proximally, usually with four post-abdominal chambers. Cephalis hemispherical; remaining chambers trapezoidal in outline; final post-abdominal chamber with broad, dome-shaped cap. Post-abdominal chambers increasing slowly in length; increasing moderately rapidly in width proximally; final one or two post-abdominal chambers decreasing slightly in width. Proximal one-third of test with vermicular appearance due to presence of irregular, often elongate polygonal pore frames in outer layer. Remainder of test with more regular tetragonal (frequently square or rectangular) and pentagonal pore frames which sometimes are aligned longitudinally in rows. Original remarks: Bagotum erraticum, n sp., is compared with Bagotum maudense, n. sp., under the latter species. Further remarks: The more irregular pore frames and inflated distal portion of test distinguish this species from Bagotum maudense Pessagno & Whalen. Measurements (µm): Based on 11 specimens. Length 212.5 225 175 194.7 Width (maximum) 100 112.5 87.5 99.7 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: Erraticus-a-um (Latin, adj.) = erratic. Type locality: Sample QC-549, Sandilands Formation (Kunga Formation in Pessagno & Whalen, 1982), Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Sandilands and Ghost Creek formations, Queen Charlotte Islands; Dürrnberg Formation, Austria; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation and Musallah Formation, Oman; Dengqen area, Tibet; Japan. Bagotum funiculum Whalen & Carter 2002 Species code: BAG03 Synonymy: Original remarks: Bagotum funiculum n. sp. is distinguished from B. erraticum Pessagno and Whalen 1982, by the more massive linear pore frames on the distal postabdominal chambers. Original description: Test with approximately four postabdominal chambers. Cephalis hemispherical with small spine; post-abdominal chambers trapezoidal in outline, gradually increasing in width; final post-abdominal chamber abruptly decreasing in width, terminating in closed dome-like cap. Post-abdominal chambers gradually increasing in height. Cephalis and thorax composed of small, irregularly shaped pore frames (circular and tetragonal) on outer latticed layer. Pore frames of outer latticed layer on first few post-abdominal chambers very irregularly distributed and shaped (circular, elongate, pentagonal, tetragonal). Pore frames of outer latticed layer on distal half of test composed of regular, square to rectangular pore frames with bars strongly aligned longitudinally. Measurements (µm): (n) = number of specimens measured 1984 Bagotum spp. – Whalen & Pessagno, pl. 2, figs. 7, 8, 11. 2002 Bagotum funiculum n. sp. – Whalen & Carter, p. 114, pl. 9, figs, 5, 6, 9. 50 Length (4) 240 255 225 236 Width (max.) (5) 150 150 86 98 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: Funiculus, i (Latin, m) = thin rope, cord, string. Type locality: Sample SH-412-14, San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Occurrence: San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur; Fannin Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands. Plate BAG01. Bagotum erraticum Pessagno & Whalen. Magnification x300. Fig. 1(H). Pessagno & Whalen 1982, pl. 1, fig. 10. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-305388, GSC 128712. Fig. 3. OM-99-83, 011401. Fig. 4. OM-251, 021530. Fig. 5. JP, MNA-10, MA12232. Plate BAG03. Bagotum funiculum Whalen & Carter. Magnification x300. Fig. 1(H). Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 9, fig. 5. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-175310, GSC 128713. 51 Bagotum helmetense Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Species code: BAG02 Synonymy: 1982 Bagotum? helmetense n. sp. – Pessagno & Whalen, p. 118, pl. 1, fig. 11; pl. 12, fig. 23. 1984 Bagotum spp. – Whalen & Pessagno, pl. 2, figs. 1, 2. 1993 Bagotum (?) helmetense Pessagno & Whalen – Kashiwagi & Yao, pl. 1, fig. 6. 1998 Bagotum helmetense Pessagno & Whalen – Whalen & Carter, p. 61, pl. 15, fig. 1; pl. 26, fig. 1. 1998 Bagotum (?) helmetense Pessagno & Whalen – Kashiwagi, pl. 2, fig. 4, not fig. 5. 2002 Bagotum helmetense Pessagno & Whalen – Whalen & Carter, p.114, pl. 10, figs. 1, 14. 2002 Bagotum helmetense Pessagno & Whalen – Tekin, p. 186, pl. 3, fig. 6. Original description: Test as with genus, usually with six post-abdominal chambers. Cephalis hemispherical with small spine; post-abdominal chambers trapezoidal in outline. Proximal post-abdominal chambers gradually increasing in width; distal post-abdominal chambers gradually decreasing in width; domelike cap on final post-abdominal chamber with irregular tetragonal and pentagonal pore frames. Post-abdominal chambers gradually increasing in height. Cepahlis and thorax with small, irregularly shaped pore frames (circular and elongate) in outer latticed layer; larger, irregularly shaped polygonal pore frames (mostly elongate) in outer latticed layer of post-abdominal chambers. Pore frames of outer latticed layer not aligned on any portion of test. Original remarks: Bagotum (?) helmetense, n. sp., differs from all other species of Bagotum by showing no linear arrangement of pore frames. Peculiar circular structure (diameter approximately 1/3 width of test) formed by pore frames of outer latticed layer obscured on some specimens; inner latticed layer of test exposed in center of circular structure. Further remarks: The circular structure formed by pore frames of the outer latticed layer, that was first observed on upper Sinemurian bagotids from the Queen Charlotte Islands, is also observed on some specimens from Baja California Sur. Measurements (µm): Based on 10 specimens. Length 175 198 142 167.8 Width (max.) 80 90 63 78.3 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: Bagotum helmetense, n. sp., is named for Helmet Island, northwest of its type locality. Type locality: Sample QC 590A, Sandilands Formation (Kunga Formation in Pessagno & Whalen, 1982), Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Sandilands and Ghost Creek formations, Queen Charlotte Islands; San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur; Hocaköy Radiolarite, Turkey; Japan. Bagotum kimbroughi Whalen & Carter 2002 Species code: BAG04 Synonymy: 1984 Bagotum spp. – Whalen & Pessagno, pl. 2, fig. 3-6. 1987 Bagotum aff. B. maudense – Hattori, pl. 15, fig. 3. ? 1987b Drulanta (?) sp. A – Yeh, pl. 4, fig. 27. ? 1987b Drulanta (?) sp. C – Yeh, p. 74, pl. 4, fig. 26. 1992 Bagotum? sp. – Sashida, pl. 1, fig. 18. 1998 Bagotum sp. C – Whalen & Carter, p. 62, pl. 15, fig. 3. 2002 Bagotum kimbroughi n. sp. – Whalen & Carter, p. 114, pl. 9, figs. 7, 8, 12-15; pl. 17, figs. 4, 5. Original description: Test large, strong, usually with four to five post-abdominal chambers. Cephalis hemispherical; abdomen and post-abdominal chambers trapezoidal in outline. All post-abdominal chambers rapidly increasing in width distally till large, final post-abdominal chamber which terminates in dome-like cap; post-abdominal chambers gradually increasing in height distally. Cephalis and thorax with small, irregularly shaped pore frames in outer latticed layer; larger, regularly shaped tetragonal pore frames (square and rectangular) in outer latticed layer of post-abdominal chambers aligned in rows. Circular struc52 ture (diameter approximately one third width of test) observed in outer latticed layer of test; inner latticed layer exposed in center of circular structure. Original remarks: The larger pore frames and the eccentric, ellipsoidal test of Bagotum kimbroughi n. sp., with its final post-abdominal chamber almost twice as wide as the thorax and abdomen, distinguish it from B. modestum Pessagno and Whalen. Circular structures similar to those reported on specimens of Bagotidae and Canutidae from the Sandilands and Ghost Creek formations, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Measurements (µm): Based on 11 specimens. Length 203 248 180 203 Width (max.) 120 135 120 127 HT Max. Min. Mean Plate BAG02. Bagotum helmetense Pessagno & Whalen. Magnification x300. Fig. 1(H). Pessagno & Whalen 1982, pl. 1, fig. 11. Fig. 2. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 10, fig. 1. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-305386, GSC 128714. Etymology: This species is named for Dr. David Kimbrough (San Diego State University) a noted student of the Mesozoic rocks of the Vizcaino Peninsula and Cedros Island. Type locality: Sample BPW80-30, San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur. Occurrence: San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur; Sandilands Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Japan. Plate BAG04 Bagotum kimbroughi Whalen & Carter. Magnification x300. Fig. 1(H). Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 9, fig. 7. Fig. 2. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 9, fig. 8. 53 Bagotum maudense Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Species code: BAG05 Synonymy: 1982 Bagotum maudense n. sp. – Pessagno & Whalen, p. 118, pl. 3, figs. 6, 11, 20. 1984 Bagotum sp. aff. B. modestum Pessagno & Whalen – Murchey, pl. 1, fig. 29. 1987b Bagotum sp. aff. B. maudense Pessagno & Whalen – Yeh, p. 53, pl. 9, fig. 12; pl. 28, fig. 13. 1989 Bagotum sp. aff. B. maudense Pessagno & Whalen – Hattori, pl. 10, fig. K. ? 1996 Bagotum modestum Pessagno & Whalen – Pujana, p. 137, pl. 1, fig. 11. 1997 Parahsuum maudense (Pessagno & Whalen) – Yao, pl. 13, fig. 637. 1997 Parahsuum sp. NC2 – Yao, pl. 13, fig. 643. 1998 Bagotum sp. aff. B. maudense Pessagno & Whalen – Kashiwagi, pl. 1, fig. 4. 2001 Bagotum maudense Pessagno & Whalen – Gawlick et al., pl. 5, fig. 8. Original description: Test relatively elongate, central portion nearly cylindrical. Cephalis hemispherical; remaining chambers trapezoidal in outline. Post-abdominal chambers gradually increasing in length; first one or two post-abdominal chambers increasing moderately rapidly in width; increasing more gradually in width medially in cylindrical portion of test; final one or two post-abdominal chambers decreasing in width. Cephalis and thorax with small irregular tetragonal and pentagonal pore frames; pore frames of other chambers a mixture of large pentagonal and tetragonal pore frames. Domelike cap on final post-abdominal 54 chamber with relatively large, irregular tetragonal and pentagonal pore frames. Test typically with seven postabdominal chambers. Original remarks: Bagotum maudense, n. sp., differs from B. erraticum, n. sp., by having a slender, less inflated test that is centrally more cylindrical in character. Furthermore, B. maudense possesses a greater preponderance of linearly arranged square to rectangular pore frames. Measurements (µm): Based on 10 specimens. Length 250 287.5 210 219.25 Width (max.) 100 130 90 108 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: This species is named for Maude Island, its type locality. Type locality: Sample QC 534, Fannin Formation (Maude Formation in Pessagno & Whalen, 1982), Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Fannin Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Nicely and Hyde formations and Warm Springs member of the Snowshoe Formation, Oregon; Franciscan Complex, California; Sierra Chacaicó Formation, Argentina; Dürrnberg Formation, Austria; Japan. Plate BAG05. Bagotum maudense Pessagno & Whalen. Magnification x300. Fig. 1a(H). Pessagno & Whalen 1982, pl. 3, fig. 6. Fig. 1b(H). Pessagno & Whalen 1982, pl. 3, fig. 11. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-080611, GSC 128715. Fig 3. GSC loc. C-080612, GSC 128716. Fig. 4. JP, MNA-10, MA13268. 55 Bagotum modestum Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Species code: BAG06 Synonymy: 1982 Bagotum modestum n. sp. – Pessagno & Whalen, p. 120, pl. 3, fig. 7, 16, 17. 1984 Bagotum spp. – Whalen & Pessagno, pl. 2, fig. 9, 10. 1990 Bagotum modestum Pessagno & Whalen – Hori, Fig. 8.29. 1993 Bagotum modestum Pessagno & Whalen – Kashiwagi & Yao, pl. 1, fig. 8. 1998 Bagotum modestum Pessagno & Whalen – Kashiwagi, pl. 1, fig. 13 2002 Bagotum modestum Pessagno & Whalen – Whalen & Carter, p. 116, pl. 10, figs. 9, 11, 12. 2003 Bagotum modestum Pessagno & Whalen – Goričan et al., p. 296, pl. 5, fig. 22. 2004 Lantus? sp. – Hori, pl. 1, fig. 62 only. 2004 Bagotum modestum Pessagno & Whalen – Matsuoka, fig. 193. Original description: Test broader distally than proximally, having six post-abdominal chambers. Cephalis moderately broad, hemispherical; remaining chambers trapezoidal in cross section. Post-abdominal chambers all with linearly arranged square to rectangular pore frames; chambers gradually increasing in length; all but last one or two postabdominal chambers increasing moderately rapidly in width as added; final one or two post-abdominal chambers decreasing slightly in width as added. Dome-shaped cap covering final post-abdominal chamber with irregular polygonal pore frames. 56 Original remarks: Bagotum modestum, n. sp., differs from all other new species of Bagotum described herein by showing linearly arranged pore frames on all post-abdominal chambers. Further remarks: Some specimens (pl. BAG06, figs. 5-9) have a well-differentiated proximal part, separated from the rest of the shell by a distinct constriction. Measurements (µm): Based on 9 specimens. Length 200 250 200 223.6 Width (max.) 100 125 100 108.6 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: Modestus-a-um (Latin, adj.) = moderate, orderly, restrained. Type locality: Sample NSF 960, Franciscan Complex, California. Occurrence: Franciscan Complex, California; San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur; Skrile Formation, Slovenia; Musallah Formation, Oman; Japan . Plate BAG06. Bagotum modestum Pessagno & Whalen. Magification x300. Fig. 1(H). Pessagno & Whalen 1982, pl. 3, fig. 7. Fig. 2. Matsuoka 2004, fig. 193. Fig. 3. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 10, fig. 9. Fig. 4. Goričan et al. 2003, pl. 5, fig. 22. Fig. 5. Hori 1990, fig. 8.29. Fig. 6. OM-00-252, 021730. Fig. 7. OM-00-118, 000611. Fig. 8. OM-00-252, 022015. Fig. 9. OM-00-252, 021725. 57 Bagotum pseudoerraticum Kishida & Hisada 1985 Species code: BAG07 Synonymy: ? 1983 Bagotum (?) sp. – Hattori & Yoshimura, pl. 8, fig. 6. 1985 Bagotum pseudoerraticum n. sp. – Kishida & Hisada, p. 113, pl. 2, figs. 1-5. 1992 Bagotum aff. pseudoerraticum Kishida & Hisada – Sashida, pl. 1, figs. 13-15, 17. 1998 Bagotum (?) helmetense Pessagno & Whalen – Kashiwagi, pl. 2, fig. 5, not fig. 4. 1998 Bagotum pseudoerraticum Kishida & Hisada – Kashiwagi, pl. 2, figs. 8, 9. 2002 Bagotum sp. A – Hori & Wakita, pl. 3, fig. 3. Original diagnosis: Test inflated, usually made up of 7 chambers. Final post-abdominal chamber with domeshaped cap. Outer layer of test with vermicular appearance. Original description: Test inflated, usually with 4 postabdominal chambers, 5th or 6th chamber broadest. Cephalis hemispherical. Remaining chambers trapezoidal in outline. Final post-abdominal chamber with dome-shaped cap. Thorax, abdomen and first post-abdominal chambers increasing slowly in height and increasing rapidly in width as added; distal 2 chambers decreasing slightly in height and width as added. Test with vermicular appearance due to presence of irregular, often elongate polygonal frames in outer layer. Inner layer of test with pores aligned longitudinally in rows. Original remarks: Bagotum pseudoerraticum n. sp. differs from Bagotum erraticum Pessagno and Whalen 1982, in having vermicular appearance through the outer layer and more inflated test. It is likely that the latter gave rise to the former in early Early Jurassic. Measurements (µm): Based on 10 specimens. Length 166 166 153 161 Width 92 105 88 97 HT Max. Min. Av. Type locality: Locality 230, Ueno-mura area, Kanto Mountains, Central Japan. Occurrence: Kanto Mountains, Japan; Ghost Creek Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Musallah Formation, Oman. Genus: Beatricea Whalen & Carter 1998 Type species: Beatricea christovalensis Whalen & Carter 1998 Synonymy: 1998 Beatricea n. gen. – Whalen & Carter, p. 57. Original description: Test small, circular to sub-rectangular in outline with four long spines in the same plane 90° apart. Cortical shell thick with planiform upper and lower surfaces each with variably sized central cavity; sides of cortical shell straight. Shell composed of numerous layers of small, irregularly shaped pore frames lacking concentric arrangement. Layers of pore frames much thicker on margins of test. Spines usually triradiate in axial section, rarely circular. Original remarks: Beatricea n. gen. differs from Praeorbiculiformella Pessagno by always possessing four strong primary spines at 90˚ and in lacking concentrically 58 arranged pore frames. Beatricea n. gen. differs from Sophia n. gen. and Udalia n. gen. in possessing irregularly arranged pore frames as well as a central cavity; Beatricea n. gen. further differs from Sophia n. gen. in lacking a central spicular network. Etymology: This genus is named for the ship C. P. R. Princess Beatrice a sailing vessel in the Queen Charlotte Islands in the early 1900s. Included species: ORB04 Beatricea? argescens (Cordey) 1998 PDC01 Beatricea? baroni (Cordey) 1998 SPI03 Beatricea christovalensis Whalen & Carter 1998 ORB07 Beatricea sanpabloensis (Whalen & Carter) 2002 CRU18 Beatricea? sp. A Plate BAG07. Bagotum pseudoerraticum Kishida & Hisada. Magnification x300. Fig. 1(H). Kishida & Hisada 1985, pl. 2, fig. 1. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-305388, GSC 128717. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-305388, GSC 128718. Fig. 4. QCI, GSC loc. C-304281, GSC 128719. Fig. 5. OM-00-254, 022133. 59 Beatricea? argescens (Cordey) 1998 Species code: ORB04 Synonymy: 1988 Orbiculiforma sp. A – Carter et al., p. 45, pl. 1, fig. 9. 1989 Emiluvia ? spp. – Hattori, pl. 2, fig. J. 1996 Orbiculiforma sp. A of Carter in Carter et al. – Hori et al., pl. 1, fig. 19. 1998 Orbiculiforma argescens n. sp. – Cordey, p. 94, pl. 21, figs. 6, 9, 11. Original diagnosis: Orbiculiforma possessing four strong spines. Original description: Thick test circular to subsquare in outline with four arms (one at each corner). Lower and upper surfaces planar. Test sides vertical to slightly concave. Cortical cavity deep and with smaller pores than those of external crown. Test with polygonal pore frames (pentagonal to hexagonal) with stout nodes at vertices. Four coplanar spines orthogonally disposed and circular in cross-section: sometimes elongated proximal pores, extending up to two-third length of spine. Original remarks: This form resembles to O. quadrata Pessagno by its subsquare shape and four spines, but differs from it by its more massive skeleton and pore-frames and much longer, massive radial spines. Further remarks: This species differs from Beatricea christovalensis Whalen & Carter by having a more squareshaped test and shorter spines. See also remarks under B.? baroni (Cordey) and Beatricea? sp. A. Etymology: From Greek argo- shiny. Type locality: Locality GSC C-300407, Bridge River Complex, Lake Carpenter, British Columbia. Occurrence: Bridge River Complex, British Columbia; Fannin Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Fernie Formation, NE British Columbia; Japan; Newcastle Group, New Zealand. Beatricea? baroni (Cordey) 1998 Species code: PDC01 Synonymy: 1998 Pseudocrucella? baroni n. sp. – Cordey, p. 70, pl. 20, fig. 5-7. 2002 Pseudocrucella? baroni Cordey – Whalen & Carter, p. 105, pl. 1, figs. 5, 6, 9, 10, 13, 14. Original diagnosis: Pseudocrucella? with wide central zone, broad, short latticed arms, and long distal spines. Original description: Test almost square, built with a latticed zone whose corners are prolonged with massive triradiate spines. Square zone corresponds to the development of four latticed arms externally constructed with cortical shell; the latter comprising several longitudinal beams (from three to four per lateral face), connected by transverse bars. Nodes observed at the intersection of bars and beams. Cortical shell absent on central part of test, revealing the medullary shell formed by small orthogonal pore frames. Latticed faces of arms concave. Long triradiate spines extend from arms. Original remarks: Pseudocrucella? baroni differs from all other species of Pseudocrucella by a broad development of central zone, short latticed parts on arms and long distal spines. This morphotype is questionably assigned to the genus Pseudocrucella because the latticed zones on the arms of 60 Pseudocrucella are usually longer. The concavity of lateral faces suggests that this form cannot be assigned to the genus Higumastra. Further remarks: This species differs from Beatricea argescens (Cordey) because the outer edges of the test between spines are concave, and the spines are longer and more developed. Measurements (µm): Based on 2 specimens. Total length of ray Maximum width of rays Diameter of central cavity Min. 80 45 45 Max. 110 75 55 Av. 95 50 50 Etymology: Arbitrary combination of letters (ICZN, 1985, art. 11b(iii), p. 20). Type locality: Locality GSC C-300407, Bridge River Complex, Lake Carpenter, British Columbia. Occurrence: Bridge River and Hozameen complexes, British Columbia; San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur. Plate ORB04. Beatricea? argescens (Cordey). Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Cordey 1998, pl. 21, fig. 6. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-C-080611, GSC 111799. Fig. 3. Carter et al. 1988, pl. 1, fig. 9. Fig. 4. QCI, GSC loc. C-305417, GSC 111800. Fig. 5. QCI, GSC loc. C-080612, GSC 111801. Fig. 6. NBC, GSC loc. C-305208, GSC 111802. Plate PDC01. Beatricea? baroni (Cordey). Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Cordey 1998, pl. 20, fig. 5. Fig. 2. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 1, fig. 5. Fig. 3. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 1, figs. 6, 10. 61 Beatricea christovalensis Whalen & Carter 1998 Species code: SPI03 Synonymy: 1998 Beatricea christovalensis n. sp. – Whalen & Carter, p. 57, pl. 11, figs. 13, 14, 16-20, 22. 2002 Beatricea christovalensis Whalen & Carter – Suzuki et al., p. 175, figs. 6 G-H. 2002 Beatricea christovalensis Whalen & Carter – Tekin, p. 185, pl. 3, fig. 1. Original description: Test small, sub-rectangular in outline with four, long prominent spines. Test thick with planiform upper and lower surfaces and straight sides. Cortical shell with irregularly shaped tetragonal and polygonal pore frames with very small nodes at pore frames vertices. Central cavity variable in size but usually about one-half diameter of cortical shell. Central area of test thinner than margins and often missing. Spines usually triradiate (rarely circular) in axial section with narrow longitudinal ridges and broad grooves sometimes showing torsion. Original remarks: This is the first species of Beatricea n. gen. described from the Lower Jurassic of Queen Charlotte Islands. Several morphological features of this species are quite variable: the size and shape of cortical shell, the width of the central cavity, and the length of primary spines. For the present we have included all Hettangian and Sinemurian specimens in one widely variable species, Beatricea christovalensis n. sp. We recognize a possible relationship between B. christovalensis and Spumellarian indet. B but owing to our incomplete knowledge of the inner structure of both forms, their differences are not addressed in this paper. Measurements (µm): Based on 12 specimens. Diameter of corticall shell 225 225 97 150 Diameter of central area 124 124 38 67 Length of primary spines (max.) 237 329 84 193 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: This species is named for the San Christoval Range in Queen Charlotte Islands. Type locality: Sample 89-CNA-KUG-1A, Sandilands Formation, Kunga Island, north side; Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Sandilands, Ghost Creek and Fannin formations, Queen Charlotte Islands; Hocaköy Radiolarite, Turkey; Pucara Group, Peru. Beatricea sanpabloensis (Whalen & Carter) 2002 Species code: ORB07 Synonymy: 1984 Orbiculiforma sp. – Whalen & Pessagno, pl. 1, fig.18. 2002 Orbiculiformella sanpabloensis n. sp. – Whalen & Carter, p. 109, pl. 1, figs. 1-2. Original description: Test small, circular in outline with vertical sides and upper and lower surfaces of rim rounded. Test thick in proportion to diameter. Four to six primary peripheral spines, medium length, triradiate in axial section; very small subsidiary spines or spinules located between principal peripheral spines. Central cavity shallow almost one half diameter of test, with raised center. Meshwork primarily composed of large, irregularly shaped polygonal pore frames; meshwork distinctly finer in central cavity area. Original remarks: The rounded top, bottom and rim surfaces of Orbiculiformella sanpabloensis n. sp. distinguish it from O. trispinula (Carter 1988) while the much shorter spines and larger central cavity distinguish it from O. trispinosa (Yeh 1987). Measurements (µm): Based on 7 specimens. Width (Max.) 158 225 158 194 Width of central cavity (Max.) 90 135 75 103 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: This species is named for Punta San Pablo located to the northwest of the type area. Type locality: Sample SH-412-14, San Hipolito Formation, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Occurrence: San Hipolito Formation, Baja California Sur; Fannin Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands. Beatricea? sp. A Species code: CRU18 Synomnymy: 2002 Crucella? sp. A – Whalen & Carter, p. 107, pl. 1, figs. 4, 8, 12. Remarks: The test outline of Beatricea? sp. A appears to be intermediate between Beatricea? argescens (Cordey) and Beatricea? baroni (Cordey). Occurrence: San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur. 62 Plate SPI03. Beatricea christovalensis Whalen & Carter. Magnification: Fig. 1 x150 (scale bar A), Figs. 2, 3 x200 (scale bar B). Fig. 1(H). Carter et al. 1998, pl. 11, fig. 14. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-304566, GSC 128886. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-304566, GSC 128887. Plate ORB07. Beatricea sanpabloensis (Whalen & Carter). Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 1, figs. 1-2. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-080611, GSC 128850. Plate CRU18. Beatricea? sp. A. Magnification x200. Fig. 1. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 1, fig. 4. 63 Genus: Bernoullius Baumgartner1984 Type species: Eucyrtis (?) dicera Baumgartner, in Baumgartner et al. 1980 Synonymy: 1984 Bernoullius n. gen. – Baumgartner, p. 759. Original description: Spongodiscid spumellarian with distinct bilateral symmetry: A delicate, finely spongy main body of flattened egg-shape carries on the narrow end two symmetric, strongly developed, usually triradiate lateral spines and sometimes one central spine. Original remarks: Because of the clear bilateral symmetry, the spines were interpreted as cephalic horns of a nassellarian by Baumgartner in Baumgartner et al. 1980. Well preserved specimens from DSDP Site 534A show that the spines are attached to a finely spongy body lacking any resemblance to nassellarian morphology. For most specimens, the spongy body is not as poorly preserved as spongy round mass at the base of the spines. Kozur & Mostler (1979, pl. 21, fig. 2) illustrated a Triassic form which possibly belongs to this genus. Etymology: Dedicated to Daniel Bernoulli, Zurich, Switzerland, in honour of his contribution to the understanding of ancient passive continental margins in the AlpineMediterranean realm. Included species: 3222 Bernoullius delnortensis Pessagno, Blome & Hull 1993 BER01 Bernoullius saccideon (Carter) 1988 Bernoullius delnortensis Pessagno, Blome & Hull 1993 Species code: 3222 Synonymy: 1987 Bernoullius sp. A – Goričan, p. 181, pl. 1, fig. 17. 1993 Bernoullius delnortensis Pessagno, Blome & Hull n. sp. – Pessagno et al., p. 120, pl. 1, figs. 4, 15, 26. 1994 Bernoullius rectispinus Kito, De Wever, Danelian & Cordey s.l. – Goričan, p. 63, pl. 8, figs. 7, 8, ?9, 11, 12 only. 1995a Bernoullius rectispinus delnortensis Pessagno, Blome & Hull – Baumgartner et al., p. 126, pl. 3222, figs. 1-4. 1997 Bernoullius delnortensis Pessagno, Blome & Hull – Hull, p. 16, pl. 1, fig. 2. 2004 Bernoullius delnortensis Pessagno, Blome & Hull – Matsuoka, fig. 2. Original description: Test relatively slender, flaring slightly laterally away from spines. Primary spines straight, rather short and massive, triradiate in axial section with three longitudinal ridges alternating with three longitudinal grooves. Longitudinal grooves, narrow, deeply incised, gradually decreasing in width in a distal direction. Ridges wide proximally, becoming progressively narrower in a distal direction. Original remarks: This form greatly resembles Bernoullius sp. A of Goričan (1987). It possesses straight, short, subequal spines with parallel sided, deeply incised grooves separating wide, longitudinal ridges which wedge out distally. Bernoullius sp. A of Gorican, however, possesses short spines which are nearly equal in length and are somewhat shorter than those of B. delnortensis. B. delnortensis differs from B. sp. A (herein) by having considerably shorter, 64 wider, and more massive primary spines. B. delnortensis differs from B. cristatus Baumgartner (1984) by having spines which are straight and lack curved tips. Further remarks: By Baumgartner et al. (1995a): This subspecies differs from Bernoullius rectispinus rectispinus by having smaller size. The species also differs from Bernoullius dicera and B. cristatus by having straight spines. Measurements (µm): Based on 4 specimens (see Pessagno et al., 1993 for explanation of system of measurements for this species). AA': Sx: S'x': BB': SS': HT 210 165 135 - av. 206 130 136 135 187 min. 195 105 123 105 180 max. 225 165 150 180 195 Etymology: This species is named for Del Norte County, California. Type locality: Volcanopelagic strata above Josephine ophiolite, Smith River subterrane, Klamath Mountains, northwestern California. Occurrence: Worldwide. Plate 3222. Bernoullius delnortensis Pessagno, Blome & Hull. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Pessagno et al. 1993, pl. 1, fig. 4. Fig. 2. OM, BR871-R02-11. Fig. 3. OM, BR871-R02-15. Fig. 4. OM, BR871-R02-16. Fig. 5. Matsuoka 2004, fig. 2. 65 Bernoullius saccideon (Carter) 1988 Species code: BER01 Synonymy: 1988 Spongiostoma saccideon Carter n. sp. – Carter et al., p. 46, pl. 12, figs. 4, 7, 10. ? 1988 Spongiostoma sp. A – Carter et al., p. 47, pl. 12, figs. 8, 9. Original diagnosis: Test subcircular in outline, composed of two spongy concentric layers which gape open. Short hinge on one edge marked by two strong triradiate spines; periphery with a few very fine secondary spines. Original description: Test as for genus; subcircular in outline. Hinge normally short and straight with a well defined, triradiate primary spine on either end. A few short and very fine, secondary spines radiating from the circular periphery have been noted on some tests. Original remarks: Compared to Spongiostoma sp. A under that species. Common to very abundant in middle/upper Toarcian samples. Measurements (µm): Measurements are treated in a very preliminary manner as many of these specimens appear incomplete. Based on 11 specimens. Maximum diameter of test Length of hinge (between centres at margin) Length of longest spine HT 121 Av. 207 Max. 250 Min. 160 109 100 120 76 109 124 165 80 Etymology: Latin, saccus (n.), bag or pouch; saccideon = of sac-like appearance. Type locality: GSC locality C-080583, Phantom Creek Formation, Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Phantom Creek Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands. Genus: Bipedis De Wever 1982a Type species: Bipedis calvabovis De Wever 1982a Synonymy: 1982a Bipedis n. gen – De Wever, p. 192. Original description: Form with two segments, with a strong apical horn and two or four feet. Cephalic skeleton with spines A, V, MB, Ll, Lr, ll and lr; spine D is absent. Apical horn is an extension of A spine. A cephalic opening exists at the prolongation of V spine. Two feet correspond to Ll and Lr, sometimes two smaller feet occur as external extensions of ll and lr. Original remarks: When only two feet are present, they are not separated from each other by an angle of 180°, due to the respective locations of Ll and Lr spines on the cephalic skeleton. For practical reasons, I have placed this genus in the Pylentonemidae, although the absence of the D spine makes this placement uncertain. Etymology: From the Latin bi = two, and pes, pedis = foot (form with two feet). Included species: BPD13 Bipedis calvabovis De Wever 1982a BPD05 Bipedis diadema Whalen & Carter 1998 BPD14 Bipedis fannini Carter 1988 BPD15 Bipedis japonicus Hori n. sp. BPD16 Bipedis yaoi Hori n. sp. Bipedis calvabovis De Wever 1982a Species code: BPD13 Synonymy: 1982a Bipedis calvabovis n. sp. – De Wever, p. 193, pl. 2, figs. 7-11. 1982b Bipedis calvabovis De Wever – De Wever, p. 337, pl. 52, figs. 5-9. 1982 Bipedis calvabovis De Wever – De Wever & Origlia-Devos, pl. 1, fig. J, ? figs. K, L. 2002 Bipedis sp. aff. B. calvabovis De Wever – Tekin, p. 192, pl. 5, fig. 10. Original description: Bipedis with a strong apical horn and two lanceolate feet, triradiate in cross- section along their length. Cephalis smooth and imperforate proximally, smooth or longitudinally ribbed, perforate or not, distally. Cephalis with a small lateral opening protected by a perfo66 rate hood at the end of the V spine (Pl. 2, fig. 7, 8, 10, 11). The change in outline between the cephalis and thorax is sometimes very clear (Pl. 2, fig. 8) and sometimes not (Pl. 2, fig. 10). Cephalis and thorax cone-shaped. Thorax with small irregular pores in different specimens: large (Pl. 2, fig. 7) or small (Pl. 2, fig. 10). Cephalis and thorax more robust in specimens with smaller pores than in specimens with large pores. This could result from a more or less important (ontogenetical ?) development of an external silica layer as is the case in other forms. Original remarks: A form close to B. calvabovis n. sp. was found but it has four feet instead of two. Plate BER01. Bernoullius saccideon (Carter). Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Carter et al. 1988, pl. 12, figs. 4, 10. Fig. 2. Carter et al. 1988, pl. 12, fig. 7. Measurements (µm): Based on 10 specimens. Length apical horn Cephalo-thorax length Cephalo-thorax width Length of feet bovis = ox. For similarity with skull of bovids, when the apical horn is turned downwards. HT 100 100 100 153 Av. 90 103 100 118 Min. 75 90 90 100 Max. 100 125 109 153 Etymology: From the Latin calva, –ae =skull; and bos, Type locality: Sample 1662D, Gümüslü Allochthon, Taurus Mts., Turkey. Occurrence: Gümüslü Allochthon and Hocaköy Radiolarite, Turkey; Drimos Formation, Greece; Haliw (Aqil) Formation, Oman. Plate BPD13. Bipedis calvabovis De Wever. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). De Wever 1982a, pl. 2, fig. 7. Fig. 2. OM, Haliw-038-R08-05. 67 Bipedis diadema Whalen & Carter 1998 Species code: BPD05 Synonymy: 1998 Bipedis diadema n. sp. – Whalen & Carter, p. 76, pl. 21, figs. 7-10, 13, 17; pl. 22, fig. 1; pl. 27, figs. 11, 12. Original description: Test hemi-elliptical in outline with small hemispherical cephalis and medium-sized horn; horn usually triradiate in axial section proximally with narrow, rounded longitudinal ridges and broad grooves becoming rounded in axial section distally. Cephalis mostly smooth, imperforate, covered with thick, irregular layer of microgranular silica; some relict pores observed on cephalis where layer of microgranular silica is thinner. Both cephalis and thorax compressed in plane of feet. Thorax with mostly small, irregularly shaped pore frames with slight development of orientation transverse to long axis of the test. Test with two medium-sized feet, triradiate in axial section with narrow rounded ridges and broad grooves; feet curved slightly inward towards center of test; mouth elliptical in outline with prominent, broad imperforate band. Original remarks: Bipedis diadema n. sp., is distinguished from all other species of Bipedis by the very wide imperforate band which rims the mouth, the hemi-elliptical outline, and the compressed thorax and cephalis. Measurements (µm): Based on 10 specimens. Length (excluding horn) 105 105 90 101 Width (max.) 90 109 75 94 Length of feet (max.) 75 75 45 65 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: Diadema, atis (Latin; neuter) = a royal headband, diadem. Type locality: Sample QC 675. Sandilands Formation, Kunga Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Sandilands and Ghost Creek formations, Queen Charlotte Islands. Bipedis fannini Carter 1988 Species code: BPD14 Synonymy: 1988 Bipedis fannini Carter n. sp. – Carter et al., p. 61, pl. 2, figs. 7, 8. Original diagnosis: Dicyrtid with small cephalis, globose thorax with roughened surface, long triradiate horn and two downward curving terminal feet. Original description: Bilaterally symmetrical dicyrtid test. Cephalis medium-sized, spherical, sparsely perforate basally with long, tapering apical horn. Horn triradiate with deep grooves on basal half. Thorax large and globose with constricted circular aperture and two strong, triradiate downward curving terminal feet. Thorax with roughned surface composed of low nodes or tubercles surrounded by small circular to elliptical pores. Original remarks: This species appears to be entirely new and differs significantly from all other known species of Bipedis. Rare at type locality, abundant in older Pliensbachian samples. 68 Measurements (µm): Based on 9 specimens. Height of cephalis and thorax Maximum width of thorax Length of apical horn Length of feet HT 132 139 60 - Av. 148 121 62 105 Max. 170 140 70 120 Min. 132 120 52 75 Etymology: Named in honour of John Fannin, curator of the provincial museum in Victoria, British Columbia, in the late 1800's. Type locality: GSC locality C-080577, Fannin Formation, Creek locality, Maude Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Ghost Creek and Fannin formations, Queen Charlotte Islands and Williston Lake, north-east British Columbia. Plate BPD05. Bipedis diadema Whalen & Carter. Magnification x300. Fig. 1(H). Carter et al. 1998, pl. 21, fig. 7. Fig. 2. Carter et al. 1998, pl. 21, fig. 8. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-080612, GSC 128711. Fig. 4. Carter et al. 1998, pl. 21, fig. 10. Fig. 5. Carter et al. 1998, pl. 21, fig. 9. Fig. 6. QCI, GSC loc. C-080612, GSC 128720. Plate BPD14. Bipedis fannini Carter. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Carter et al. 1988, pl. 2, figs. 7-8. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-080611, GSC 128721. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-080613, GSC 128889. Fig. 4. QCI, GSC loc. C-304566, GSC 128890. Fig. 5. QCI, GSC loc. C-080611, GSC 128891. Fig. 6. NBC, GSC loc. C-305813, GSC 128892. 69 Bipedis japonicus Hori n. sp. Species code: BPD15 Synonymy: 1982 Nassellaria gen. and sp. indet. B – Yao et al., p. 41, pl. 2, fig.13. 1986 Bipedis sp. – Hori, p. 52, fig. 6-12. 1990 Bipedis sp. A – Hori, p. 581, fig. 8-12. 1993 Bipedis sp. – Fujii et al., p. 87, pl. 2, fig. 4. 1994 Bipedis sp. A – Matsuoka et al., pl. 5, fig. 14. 1997 Bipedis horiae n. sp. – Sugiyama, p. 145, fig. 39.10, not fig. 28.7. Type designation: Holotype specimen no.Kb05-18 (pl. BPD15, fig. 1), sample Kb05, Katsuyama Section. Description: Test dicyrtid with large dome-shaped cephalis and a long massive horn, triradiate in axial section. Cephalis smooth, imperforate at base of horn. Thorax large, relatively inflated, subspherical with fairly regular polygonal pore frames. Two wing-like feet attached at base of thorax; feet inwardly curving, triradiate in axial section. Narrow longitudinal ridges and broad grooves visible along side of thorax for most part. Large aperture at base of thorax. Remarks: Bipedis sp. A of Hori (1990) was placed in synonymy with Bipedis horiae by Sugiyama (1997), but these two species are quite different in the shape of shell and feet. Bipedis sp. A of Hori (1990) is described herein as Bipedis japonicus n. sp., which is distinguished from Bipedis horiae Sugiyama by having very long stout feet and a strong horn. B. japonicus n. sp. differs from Bipedis rotundus Whalen and Carter by having long well-developed feet and horn, and a wider thorax with more regularly arranged pore frames. Measurements (µm): Based on 5 specimens. Height of cephalis and thorax Maximum width of thorax Length of apical horn Length of feet HT 147 146 107 134 Av. Max. Min. 130 147 120 144 153 133 84 99 113 140 153 133 Etymology: This species of Bipedis occurs mainly in Lower Jurassic strata of Japan. Type locality: Kb05 (UFI3+183cm) UF (Katsuyama) section, Inuyama, Mino terrane, Japan. Occurrence: Mino terrane, Japan. Bipedis yaoi Hori n. sp. Species code: BPD16 Synonymy: 1990 Bipedis sp. B – Hori, p. 581, fig. 8-13. 1990 Bipedis sp. A – Yao, p. 341, pl. 2, fig. 10. 1994 Bipedis sp. B – Matsuoka et al., p. 53, pl. 5, fig. 21. 2001 Bipedis sp. – Gawlick et al., pl. 6, fig. 9. 2005 Bipedis sp. – Hori, pl. 9, fig. 27. Type designation: Holotype specimen no. IYII24-28 (pl. BPD16, fig. 1), sample IYII24, IY Section. Description: Cephalis small and spherical with a long horn; horn triradiate or solid circular in axial section. Thorax large and spherical with fairly regularly arranged polygonal pore frames, a circular aperture and two long feet. Feet asymmetrical, straight or sometimes curving outward distally. Feet thin, blade-like in axial section proximally terminating with a solid spine. Remarks: This species is distinguished from all other species of Bipedis by having a large almost spherical thorax. It is similar to Bipedis hannai Whalen and Carter 1998, but differs by having longer feet, a longer stout horn and larger 70 shell. B. yaoi Hori n. sp. differs from Bipedis japonicus Hori n. sp. and B. horiae Sugiyama 1997 by having thin feet that are circular in cross section terminally, and a small circular aperture. Measurements (µm): Based on 12 specimens. Height of cephalis and thorax Maximum width of thorax Length of apical horn Length of feet Diameter of aperture HT 147 150 102 131 77 Av. Max. Min. 143 157 130 145 152 132 96 105 72 94 112 139 79 89 68 Etymology: This species is named in honor of Akira Yao for his pioneering works on Lower Jurassic radiolarian fossils. Type locality: IYII24 (IY Section), bedded chert sequences, Inuyama, Mino terrane, southwest Japan. Occurrence: Mino terrane, Japan; Dürrnberg Formation, Austria. Plate BPD15. Bipedis japonicus Hori n. sp. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). JP, Kb05-18, RH(1) 1834. Fig. 2. JP, Kb05-12, RH(1) 1832. Plate BPD16. Bipedis yaoi Hori n. sp. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Hori 1990, fig. 8.13. Fig. 2. JP, IYII24-29, RH(1) 1683. 71 Genus: Bistarkum Yeh 1987b Type species: Bistarkum rigidium Yeh 1987b Synonymy: Original remarks: The name Bistarkum is introduced to avoid assigning species to Amphibrachium whose definition is obscured by poor descriptions and illustrations of its type species. Original description: Test medium to large in size, with two rays linearly aligned. Rays nearly equal in length, often terminated with expanded tips. Tips subcircular; elliptical in outline, or bifurcated. Meshwork of test comprised of sponge layers or regular (i.e., triangular) or irregular polygonal pore frames. Cross section of rays ellipsoidal, rectangular; or subrectangular in outline. Rays with or without spines at distal surface of tips or along sides of rays. Etymology: Bistarkum is a name formed by an arbitrary combination of letters (ICZN, 1985, Appendix D, Pt. I.4 Recommendation 40, p.201). 1971 Amphibrachium Haeckel emend. – Pessagno, p. 20. 1980 Amphibrachium Hertwig emend. – Baumgartner, p. 300. 1987b Bistarkum n. gen. – Yeh, p. 42. Included species: BIS04 Bistarkum mangartense Goričan, Šmuc & Baumgartner 2003 BIS02 Bistarkum phantomense (Carter) 1988 BIS01 Bistarkum rigidium Yeh 1987b BIS03 Bistarkum saginatum Yeh 1987b Bistarkum mangartense Goričan, Šmuc & Baumgartner 2003 Species code: BIS04 Synonymy: 1997 Bistarkum sp. A – Yao, pl. 6, fig. 265. ? 1997 Bistarkum sp. C0 – Yao, pl. 6, fig. 269. 2003 Bistarkum mangartense n. sp. – Goričan, Šmuc & Baumgartner, p. 293, pl. 2, figs. 7-10. 2004 Bistarkum mangartense Goričan, Šmuc & Baumgartner – Matsuoka, fig. 27. Original description: Test ellipsoidal; cylindrical through most of its length and terminating with hemispherical ray tips. Rays circular in cross-section, central area not differentiated externally. Spongy meshwork very fine. Short spines, circular in cross-section, occur on the surface of well-preserved specimens. Spines more numerous at ray tips than in the middle part of the shell. Original remarks: Bistarkum mangartense n. sp. differs from other Bistarkum species by its ellipsoidal shape without enlargement at ray tips. From Bistarkum phantomense 72 (Carter) it differs also by being circular in cross-section. Bistarkum sp. C0 of Yao (1997) is questionably assigned to Bistarkum mangartense, because the shell seems more flattened, i.e. elliptical and not circular in cross-section. Measurements (µm): Based on 21 specimens. Total length (excluding spines) L Width (across the center) W W/L ratio HT 153 88 0.57 Max. 225 123 0.70 Min. Av. 126 190 74 100 0.36 0.53 Etymology: Named after type locality. Type locality: Sample MM 21.70, Skrile Formation, Mt. Mangart in the Julian Alps, Slovenia. Occurrence: Skrile Formation, Slovenia; Mino Terrane, Japan. Plate BIS04. Bistarkum mangartense Goričan, Šmuc & Baumgartner. Magnification x250. Fig. 1. Matsuoka 2004, fig. 27. Fig. 2. SI, MM6.76, 000532. Fig. 3. Goričan et al. 2003, pl. 2, fig. 10. Fig. 4. Goričan et al. 2003, pl. 2, fig. 8. Fig. 5(H). Goričan et al. 2003, pl. 2, fig. 7. 73 Bistarkum phantomense (Carter) 1988 Species code: BIS02 Synonymy: 1988 Amphibrachium (?) phantomensis n. sp. – Carter et al., p. 39, pl. 12, fig. 1; figure 9. 1997 Bistarkum sp. C – Yao, pl. 6, fig. 267. 2003 Bistarkum phantomense (Carter) – Goričan et al., p. 295, pl. 2, figs. 13-16. Original diagnosis: Two-rayed form with very fine, spongy meshwork. One or both rays variably bilobed. Further remarks: We include also specimens with both rays almost symetrically developed. An indentation in the lobe of the ray tips can be very indistinct or absent. The rays are very short so that the shell sometimes appears only slightly constricted in the middle part. A weakly differentiated circular central area is observed in some specimens. Bistarkum phantomense differs from Bistarkum saginatum Yeh by having wider rays. Original description: Two-rayed patulibracchiid with very fine, layered spongy meshwork. Tips of rays widely expanded and rounded; may form either one large lobe or bifurcate to form two smaller lobes. On some bilobed specimens lobes become elongate, giving the test an almost three-rayed appearance. Rays equal in length, very short and wide, no defined central area. Spines on ray tips vary from a single central spine to numerous fine ones. Measurements (µm): Based on 11 specimens. Original remarks: Genus is tentatively placed with Amphibrachium and queried because of the bilobed nature of ray tips. It is conceivable, however, that it is an extreme variant of Paronaella spongiosa n. sp. It is postulated that in the early late Toarcian a variant form of Paronaella had appeared (see Pl. 11, fig. 7); by the late Toarcian the figured two-layered bilobed form (A. (?) phantomensis) had evolved through enlargement of the primary ray and reduction of the secondary and tertiary rays to form a single bilobed ray. Etymology: Named for Phantom Creek, south of type locality. Length of ray Width of ray AX BX cc' dd' HT 130 135 166 209 Av. 137 140 185 232 Max. 170 170 280 280 Min. 125 125 140 180 Type locality: GSC locality C-080597, Phantom Creek Formation, Graham Island. Occurrence: Phantom Creek Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands, Guwayza Formation, Oman; Skrile Formation, Slovenia; Japan. Bistarkum rigidium Yeh 1987b Species code: BIS01 Synonymy: 1987b Bistarkum rigidium n. sp. – Yeh, p. 43, pl. 1, figs. 5, 17, pl. 22, figs. 1, 3, 7, 11. 1987b Gorgansium rigidum n. sp. – Yeh, pl. 30, fig. 13. 1987b Bistarkum bifurcum n. sp. – Yeh, p. 43, pl. 1, fig. 10; pl. 21, fig. 5; pl. 22, figs. 5-6. 1987b Bistarkum sp. cf. G. bifurcum n. sp. – Yeh, p. 43, pl. 9, fig. 13; pl. 21, fig. 11. 2004 Bistarkum rigidium Yeh – Matsuoka, fig. 22. Original description: Rays about equal in length, medium of width, one ray usually slightly wider than the other; both rays terminating in large ellipsoidal tips. Width of tips about equal to length of ray shafts. Test comprised of small irregularly arranged polygonal pore frames without prominent small nodes at vertices. Several spines with circular cross-section and variable length occurring at distal surface of tips and sides of rays. Original remarks: Bistarkum rigidium Yeh, n. sp., differs from G. bifurcum n. sp., by lacking bifurcate tips and by having a wider test. Further remarks: B. rigidium Yeh and B. bifurcum Yeh are synonymized because a morphological continuum of forms 74 with ellipsoidal to distictly bifurcating ray tips generally occurs in a single sample. Specimens with only moderately developed bifurcation (determined as Bistarkum cf. bifurcum by Yeh, 1987b) are the most common. Measurements (µm): System of measurement shown in text-figure 7 of Yeh (1987b). Ten specimens measured. HT Mean Max. Min. LR 230 225 230 184 WR 90 77 90 64 WT 150 158 172 150 LT 80 75 80 54 Etymology: Rigidius-a-um (Latin, adj.) = rigid. Type locality: Sample OR-589D, Warm Springs member, Snowshoe Formation, east-central Oregon. Occurrence: Nicely and Hyde formations, and Warm Springs m+ember of the Snowshoe Formation, Oregon; Mino Terrane, Japan; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman. Plate BIS02. Bistarkum phantomense (Carter). Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Carter et al. 1988, pl. 12, fig. 1. Fig. 2. OM, BR871-R06-24. Fig. 3. SI, MM5.00, 010111. Fig. 4. SI, MM11.76, 010128. Fig. 5. Goričan et al. 2003, pl. 2, fig. 16. Fig. 6. Goričan et al. 2003, pl. 2, fig. 14a. Fig. 7. Goričan et al. 2003, pl. 2, fig. 15. Fig. 8a. Goričan et al. 2003, pl. 2, fig. 13. Fig. 8b. SI, MM11.76, 010127. Plate BIS01. Bistarkum rigidium Yeh. Magnification x100. Fig. 1(H). Yeh 1987b, pl. 22, fig. 11. Fig. 2. Matsuoka 2004, fig. 22. Fig. 3. OM, BR1123-R05-03. Fig. 4. OM, BR1123-R05-02. 75 Bistarkum saginatum Yeh 1987b Species code: BIS03 Synonymy: ? 1885 Heliodiscus inchoatus n. sp. – Rüst, p. 293 (23), pl. 29 (4), fig. 13. 1987b Bistarkum saginatum n. sp. – Yeh, p. 44, pl. 22, figs. 13, 16. 1988 ?Heliodiscus inchoatus Rüst – Carter et al., p. 38, pl. 12, figs. 2, 5. 2004 Bistarkum saginatum Yeh – Matsuoka, fig. 24. Original description: Rays extremely short, wide, subellipsoidal in cross-section, with large subtriangular to hemispherical tips. Test comprised of nearly uniformly sized irregular polygonal pore frames. Pore frames without prominent nodes at vertices. Short spines occurring on distal surface of tips and sides of rays. Original remarks: This species differs from other Bistarkum spp. in this report by having extremely large tips and by having short, massive rays. Further remarks: ?Heliodiscus inchoatus Rüst, illustrated by Carter et al. (1988) appears to be the same species but with more expanded ray tips. Measurements (µm): System of measurements shown in text-figure 7 of Yeh (1987b). Ten specimens measured. HT Mean Max. Min. LR 183 181 187 170 WR 70 72 75 70 WT 158 154 161 150 LT 107 105 107 98 Etymology: Saginatus-a-um (Latin, adj.) = flattened. Type locality: OR-589D, Warm Springs Member, Snowshoe Formation, east-central Oregon. Occurrence: Nicely and Hyde formations, and Warm Springs member of the Snowshoe Formation, east-central Oregon; Phantom Creek Formation, Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands; Mino Terrane, Japan; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman. Genus: Broctus Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Type species: Broctus selwynensis Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Synonymy: 1982 Broctus n. gen. – Pessagno & Whalen, p. 120. Original description: Test as with family: spindle-shaped. Final post-abdominal chamber terminating in narrow, tubular structure (pl. 2, fig. 20) extending from aperture; cephalis lacking horn. Pore frames regular to irregular, tending to be more regular distally than proximally. Original remarks: Broctus n. gen., differs from Bagotum n. gen. by being spindle-shaped instead of ellipsoidal and 76 differs from Bagotum, Droltus, and Noritus by having a final post-abdominal chamber terminating in a narrow tubular structure. Etymology: Broctus is a name formed by an arbitrary combination of letters (ICZN, 1964, Appendix D, pt. VI, Recommendation 40, p.113). Included species: BRO02 Broctus kuensis Pessagno & Whalen 1982 BRO03 Broctus ruesti Yeh 1987b BRO01 Broctus selwynensis Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Plate BIS03. Bistarkum saginatum Yeh. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Yeh 1987b, pl. 22, fig. 13. Fig. 2. Matsuoka 2004, fig. 24. Fig. 3a,b. Carter et al. 1988, pl. 12, figs. 2, 5. Fig. 4. OM, BR706-R02-13a. Fig. 5. OM, BR871-R01-01. Fig. 6. OM, BR871-R01-02. Fig. 7. OM, BR871-R02-06. Fig. 8. OM, BR706-R13-08. 77 Broctus kuensis Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Species code: BRO02 Synonymy: 1982 Broctus kuensis n. sp. – Pessagno & Whalen, p. 120, pl. 1, fig. 7; pl. 2, figs. 17, 21. 2002 Broctus kuensis Pessagno & Whalen – Tekin, p. 186, pl. 3, fig. 7. Original description: Test as with genus, usually having six to seven post-abdominal chambers. Cephalis conical; thorax, abdomen, and post-abdominal chambers trapezoidal in cross section. Post-abdominal chambers increasing rapidly in width; last two post-abdominal chambers rapidly decreasing in width. Cephalis and thorax with small irregular, polygonal pore frames almost completely obscured by cover of microgranular silica. Abdomen and post-abdominal chambers composed of irregular tetragonal and pentagonal pore frames gradually increasing in size distally; final two post-abdominal chambers composed of larger, aligned, tetragonal (rectangular) pore frames. Original remarks: See remarks under B. selwynensis, n. sp. Measurements (µm): Based on five specimens. Length 245.0 245.0 185.0 207.6 Width (max.) 100.0 100.0 78.0 91.0 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: Broctus kuensis, n. sp., is named for Kue Passage, west of its type locality. Type locality: Sample QC 590A, Sandilands Formation (Kunga Formation in Pessagno & Whalen, 1982), north shore of Kunga Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Sandilands Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Hocaköy Radiolarite and Gümüslü Allochthon, Turkey. Broctus ruesti Yeh 1987b Species code: BRO03 Synonymy: 1987b Broctus ruesti n. sp. – Yeh, p. 54, pl. 4, figs. 1-3, 7, 21. 1987b Broctus sp. aff. B. ruesti n. sp. – Yeh, p. 54, pl. 4, fig. 6. 1987b Broctus sp. A – Yeh, p. 54, pl. 4, figs. 13, 25. 1987 Canutus (?) sp. A – Hattori, pl. 15, fig. 13. 1997 Parahsuum sp. B – Yao, pl. 14, fig. 657. 2004 Broctus ruesti Yeh – Ziabrev et al., Fig. 5-9. Original description: Test spindle-shaped (conical when broken), with five to seven post-abdominal chambers. Cephalis small, hemispherical without horn. Chambers increasing gradually in length, rapidly in width as added. Final post-abdominal chamber terminating in narrow tubular extension. Test wall double-layered. Inner latticed wall consisting of regularly aligned square to rectangular pore frames. Outer layer of cephalis imperforate, covered with layer of microgranular silica. Thorax and subsequent chambers with massive costae and thin transverse bars forming rectangular pore frames overlapping on inner layer. Bars of outer layer fragile, often broken and leaving short remnants at costae. About eleven to thirteen costae visible laterally. Pore frames gradually increasing in size from thorax to final post-abdominal chamber then decreasing in size distally. Original remarks: Broctus ruesti n. sp., differs from B. sp. A by having a narrower test with regular rectangular pore frames throughout the test rather than irregular pore 78 frames on earlier chambers and regular pore frames on final post-abdominal chambers. Further remarks: Broctus ruesti Yeh is similar to Broctus selwynensis Pessagno & Whalen in general shape of the test and linear arrangement of pores. These two species differ in the shape of the first segments: B. ruesti is pointed apically whereas B. selwynensis is rounded. Note that our specimens of. B. ruesti (pl. BRO03, figs. 2-4) are considerably smaller than the type material. Measurements (µm): Ten specimens measured. HT Mean Max. Min. Length (max.) 400 350 400 270 Width (max.) 230 200 230 180 Etymology: This species is named for Dr. D. Ruest, in honor of his contribution to the study of Radiolaria. Type locality: Sample OR-536J, Nicely Formation, southeast side of Morgan Mountain, east-central Oregon. Occurrence: Nicely Formation, Oregon; Fannin Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Musallah Formation, Oman; Japan; Bainang Terrane, Tibet. Plate BRO02. Broctus kuensis Pessagno & Whalen. Magnification Fig. 1 x200, Fig. 2 x300. Fig. 1. TR, 1662D-R01-07. Fig. 2(H). Pessagno & Whalen 1982, pl. 1, fig. 7. Plate BRO03. Broctus ruesti Yeh. Magnification Fig. 1 x 150 (scale bar A), Figs. 2-4 x200 (scale bar B). Fig. 1(H). Yeh 1987b, pl. 4, fig. 21. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-304565, GSC 128893. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-080610, GSC 128894. Fig. 4. OM-00-254, 022204. 79 Broctus selwynensis Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Species code: BRO01 Synonymy: 1982 Broctus selwynensis n. sp. – Pessagno & Whalen, p. 121, pl. 1, fig. 6; pl. 2, figs 18, 20; pl. 12, fig. 10. Original description: Test as with genus, usually with seven or eight post-abdominal chambers. Cephalis hemispherical, imperforate. Abdomen and post-abdominal chambers increasing rapidly in width; last two post-abdominal chambers rapidly decreasing in width. Thorax, abdomen and post-abdominal chambers trapezoidal in cross section. Thorax, abdomen and proximal post-abdominal chambers with small, irregular polygonal pore frames in outer latticed layer; central part of test composed of more regular tetragonal (mostly rectangular) pore frames in outer latticed layer aligned in rows; final post-abdominal chamber and tubular structure composed of less regularly aligned tetragonal and pentagonal pore frames. Original remarks: The aligned pore frames over the central portion of the test distinguishes B. selwynensis, n. sp., from B. kuensis, n. sp. The latter species does not show such a strong alignment of pore frames, except for the final two post-abdominal chambers. Further remarks: See remarks under Broctus ruesti Yeh. Measurements (µm): Based on 10 specimens. Length 237.5 260.0 210.0 238.8 Width (max.) 107.5 120.0 90.0 106.3 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: Broctus selwynensis is named for Selwyn Inlet, northwest of its type locality. Type locality: Sample QC 590A, Sandilands Formation (Kunga Formation in Pessagno & Whalen, 1982), north shore of Kunga Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Sandilands, Ghost Creek and Fannin formations, Queen Charlotte Islands; Williston Lake, NE British Columbia; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation and Haliw Formation, Oman. Genus: Canoptum Pessagno 1979 Type species: Canoptum poissoni Pessagno, in Pessagno et al. 1979 Synonymy: 1979 Canoptum Pessagno n. gen. – Pessagno et al., p. 182. 1987a Paracanoptum n. gen. – Yeh, p. 67. 1987a Neowrangellium n. gen. – Yeh, p. 65. Original description: Test spindle-shaped (often conical when broken) with dome-shaped cephalis lacking horn. Thorax and abdomen trapezoidal in outline. Post-abdominal segments subtrapezoidal in outline, separated from each other by rather broad, slightly perforate, circumferential ridges at the joints; pores on ridges circular to elliptical in shape, not set in pore frames. Ridges of inner layer considerably narrower. Area between a given ridges imperforate or sparsely perforate. Segments somewhat constricted between joints and circumferential ridges. Each postabdominal segment separated by partitions with large, circular apertures. 80 Original remarks: Canoptum n. gen., differs from Spongocapsula Pessagno in having a two-layered test wall lacking spongy meshwork. It differs from Parvicingula Pessagno in possessing a two-layered test with a microgranular outer layer lacking discrete pore frames. Etymology: Canoptum is an arbitrary combination of letters (see ICZN, 1964. p. 113. recommendation 40). Included species: CAN12 Canoptum anulatum Pessagno & Poisson 1981 CAN13 Canoptum artum Yeh 1987b CAN08 Canoptum columbiaense Whalen & Carter 1998 CAN09 Canoptum dixoni Pessagno & Whalen 1982 CAN11 Canoptum margaritaense Whalen & Carter 1998 CAN14 Canoptum rugosum Pessagno & Poisson 1981 Plate BRO01. Broctus selwynensis Pessagno & Whalen. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Pessagno & Whalen 1982, pl. 1, fig. 6. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-140418, GSC 111806. Fig. 3. OM, BR1121-R10-14. Fig. 4. OM, Haliw-R03-05. Fig. 5. QCI, GSC loc. C- 080611, GSC 128722. Fig. 6. QCI, GSC loc. C-080612, GSC 128723. Fig. 7. NBC, GSC loc. C305208, GSC 128724. Fig. 8. QCI, GSC loc. C-140495, GSC 128725. 81 Canoptum anulatum Pessagno & Poisson 1981 Species code: CAN 12 Synonymy: 1981 Canoptum anulatum n. sp. – Pessagno & Poisson, p. 60, pl. 9, figs. 6-9, pl. 10, figs. 1-9. 1982 Dictyomitrella (?) sp. – Imoto et al., pl. 1, fig. 5. 1982 Canoptum anulatum Pessagno & Poisson – Pessagno & Whalen, p. 123, pl. 6, figs. 1-2. 1982 Canoptum anulatum Pessagno & Poisson – De Wever & Origlia-Devos, p. 1, fig. X. 1984 Canoptum anulatum Pessagno & Poisson – Murchey, pl. 1, fig. 32. 1984 Canoptum anulatum Pessagno & Poisson – Whalen & Pessagno, pl. 3, fig. 7. 1985 Canoptum anulatum Pessagno & Poisson – Kishida & Hisada, pl. 2, figs. 21-22. 1987a Paracanoptum anulatum (Pessagno & Poisson) – Yeh, p. 67, pl. 1, figs. 12, 13. 1987b Paracanoptum anulatum (Pessagno & Poisson) – Yeh, p. 58, pl. 4, fig. 28; pl. 15, fig. 4; pl. 27, fig. 1, 9, 11. 1987 Canoptum anulatum Pessagno & Poisson – Hattori, pl. 18, fig. 9. 1988 Canoptum anulatum Pessagno & Poisson – Carter et al., p. 50, pl. 5, figs. 9-10, 14. 1989 Canoptum sp. aff. C. anulatum Pessagno & Poisson – Hattori, pl. 14, fig. A, not fig. B. 1990 Canoptum anulatum Pessagno & Poisson – De Wever et al., pl. 4, fig. 5. 1992 Paracanoptum anulatum (Pessagno & Poisson) – Pessagno & Mizutani, pl. 99, fig. 3. 1997 Canoptum anulatum Pessagno & Poisson – Yao, pl. 12, fig. 574. 1998 Paracanoptum anulatum (Pessagno & Poisson) – Cordey, pl. 24, fig. 1-2, 11. 1998 Canoptum anulatum Pessagno & Poisson – Kashiwagi, pl. 1, fig. 15. 2002 Canoptum anulatum Pessagno & Poisson – Whalen & Carter, p. 118, pl. 10, fig. 5. 2004 Canoptum anulatum Pessagno & Poisson – Matsuoka, fig. 245. 2004 Canoptum anulatum Pessagno & Poisson – Ishida et al., pl. 5, fig. 9, 10. Original description: Cephalis dome-shaped, lacking a horn. Subsequent chambers trapezoidal in outline, numerous; closely spaced except for final chambers. Post-abdominal chambers eleven to fifteen in number, separated by prominent circumferential ridges; ridges with short, discontinuous costae; approximately fifteen costae visible on a given ridge laterally. Short costae at right angles to 82 circumferential ridges, forming linked-H pattern. Single small, circular pores occurring between two given costae and adjacent to ridge. Pores, ridges and costae usually buried by microgranular outer layer of shell material except when specimen is excessively etched. Pores in area between ridges usually elliptical in shape, set in linearly arranged, rectangular pore frames; usually buried by outer layer of shell material. Final two post-abdominal chambers (segments) decreasing in width, increasing in height; penultimate chamber often with tubular extension. Original remarks: Canoptum anulatum, n. sp., possesses circumferential ridges that are significantly different from those of the type species of Canoptum, C. poissoni Pessagno (1979). The linked-H circumferential ridge structure displayed by C. anulatum is shared by a number of yet undescribed forms from the Lower Jurassic. Forms with this sort of structure have not been observed below the Hettangian. C. anulatum is tentatively included in Canoptum in this report. However, it may be desirable in the future to include it under a new genus. C. anulatum also differs from C. poissoni by having a slender, more elongate test with more closely spaced postabdominal chambers (segments). Measurements (µm): Based on seven specimens. Length Width HT 310 95 Min. 310 90 Max. 435 100 Etymology: Anulatus-a-um (Latin, adj.): beringed, ornamented with rings. Type locality: Sample 1662D, Gümüslü Allochthon, Taurus Mts., Turkey. Occurrence: Gümüslü Allochthon, Turkey; Bridge River Complex, and Fannin and Whiteaves formations, Queen Charlotte Islands; Nicely and Hyde formations, Warm Springs member of the Snowshoe Formation, Oregon; Franciscan Complex, California; San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur; Drimos Formation, Greece; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman; Japan. Plate CAN12. Canoptum anulatum Pessagno & Poisson. Magnification x250, except Figs. 2b and 7b x500. Fig. 1(H). Pessagno & Poisson 1981, pl. 9, fig. 6. Fig. 2a,b. TR, 1662D-R06-17. Fig. 3. JP, MNA-10, MA10776. Fig. 4. OM, BR1122R01-04. Fig. 5. OM, BR682-R09-02. Fig. 6. QCI, GSC loc. C-140495, GSC 128726. Fig. 7a,b. OM, BR523-R01-10a, b. Fig. 8. OM, BR1122-R02-07. Fig. 9. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 10, fig. 5. 83 Canoptum artum Yeh 1987b Species code: CAN13 Synonymy: 1987b Canoptum artum Yeh n. sp. – Yeh, p. 56, pl. 5, fig. 23; pl. 6, figs. 5, 19-20; pl. 14, fig. 9; pl. 27, fig. 4. 1987b Canoptum sp. aff. C. artum Yeh n. sp. – p. 57, pl. 27, figs. 2, 10., 24-25. 2004 Canoptum artum Yeh – Matsuoka, fig. 246. 2004 Canoptum sp. – Hori et al., pl. 6, figs. 21, 22. Original description: Test wide, conical, with six to eight post-abdominal chambers. Cephalis conical to domeshaped without horn. Cephalis, thorax, and abdomen imperforate, covered with layer of microgranular silica and separated from each other by one row of small pores. All post-abdominal chambers lobated, closely spaced, gradually increasing in width and length as added. Abdomen and subsequent chambers separated from each other by smooth, perforated circumferential ridges. Ridges usually with two to four rows of small irregular polygonal pore frames. Inner latticed layer of test comprised of larger, irregular polygonal pore frames, outer layer of microgranular silica imperforate at constricted median band of earlier post-abdominal chambers, perforated with small polygonal pore frames at final three or four post-abdominal chambers. Original remarks: Canoptum artum, n. sp., differs from Canoptum poissoni Pessagno by having a wider test with 84 a larger cephalis and more closely spaced post-abdominal chambers, and by having an outer layer of test wall more perforate on final post-abdominal chambers. Further remarks: Note that the size of this species is quite variable. The length of the test ranges from 190 µm (pl. CAN13, fig. 8) to 450 µm (pl. CAN13, fig. 5). Measurements (µm): Ten specimens measured. HT Mean Max. Min. Length (max.) 300 295 310 240 Width (max.) 150 150 150 108 Etymology: Artus-a-um (Latin, adj.) = close, tight. Type locality: OR-589D, Warm Springs member of the Snowshoe Formation, near Izee, east-central Oregon. Occurrence: Nicely and Hyde formations, and Warm Springs member of the Snowshoe Formation, Oregon; Ghost Creek and Fannin formations, Queen Charlotte Islands; Mino Terrane, Japan; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation and Musallah Formation, Oman. Plate CAN13. Canoptum artum Yeh. Magnification Figs. 1-5 x200 (scale bar A), Figs. 6-8 x300 (scale bar B). Fig. 1(H). Yeh 1987b, pl. 6, fig. 5. Fig. 2. OM, BR1121-R08-11. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-304281, GSC 128727. Fig. 4. QCI, GSC loc. C-080612, GSC 128728. Fig. 5. QCI, GSC loc. C-080612, GSC 128729. Fig. 6. OM-00-117, 021134. Fig. 7. JP, MNA-10, MA13392. Fig. 8. OM, BR1122-R02-07. 85 Canoptum columbiaense Whalen & Carter 1998 Species code: CAN08 Synonymy: 1998 Canoptum columbiaense n. sp. – Whalen & Carter, p. 64, pl. 15, figs 6, 10, 11, 15, 19. 1998 Canoptum sp. – Kashiwagi, pl. 2, fig. 12. 2002 Canoptum dixoni Pessagno & Whalen – Suzuki et al., p. 181, figs. 8 C-E, J-K. ? 2002 Canoptum columbiaense Whalen & Carter – Tekin, p. 189, pl. 4, fig. 5. Original description: Test conical, usually with 10 to 11 post-abdominal chambers. Cephalis and thorax combined steeply conical, almost knob-like, with distinct break in slope from abdomen. Abdomen and post-abdominal chambers trapezoidal in outline, gradually increasing in width and height as added. Cephalis and thorax smooth, imperforate, covered by layer of microgranular silica. Post-abdominal chambers separated from each other and abdomen by moderately wide circumferential ridges alternating with constrictions. Inner latticed layer of post-abdominal chambers consisting of small, irregular polygonal pore frames exposed on circumferential ridges; layer of microgranular silica in constrictions mostly covering polygonal pore frames on proximal part of test; many pore frames exposed within constrictions on distal part of test. Original remarks: Canoptum columbiaense n. sp. differs from C. margaritaense n. sp. by the absence of pronounced nodes on the circumferential ridges; and from C. unicum Pessagno and Whalen by the development of a thicker layer of microgranular silica in the constrictions and the shape of the cephalis. Measurements (µm): Based on 11 specimens. Length 218 259 195 232 Width (max.) 98 120 90 108 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: This species is named for the Province of British Columbia. Type locality: Sample QC-676, Sandilands Formation, Kunga Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Sandilands, Ghost Creek and Fannin formations, Queen Charlotte Islands; Pucara Group, Peru; Japan. Canoptum dixoni Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Species code: CAN09 Synonymy: 1982 Canoptum dixoni Pessagno & Whalen n. sp. – Pessagno & Whalen, p. 124, pl. 2, fig. 1-2, 8-9, 14; pl. 12, fig. 2. 1988 Canoptum anulatum Pessagno & Poisson – Li, pl. 1, fig. 2. 1998 Canoptum dixoni Pessagno & Whalen – Whalen & Carter, p. 64, pl.17, fig. 1; pl. 26, fig. 5. 2002 Canoptum dixoni Pessagno & Whalen – Whalen & Carter, p. 118, pl. 10, figs. 3, 4. Original description: Test as with genus; conical, usually with 12 to 14 post-abdominal chambers. Cephalis conical; thorax, abdomen, and post-abdominal chambers increasing gradually in width and height as added. Thorax, abdomen, and post-bdominal chambers trapezoidal in outline. Cephalis and thorax smooth, imperforate, covered by layer of microgranular silica. Cephalis, thorax, and abdomen together forming prominent area of test. Post-abdominal chambers separated from each other and abdomen by narrow circumferential ridges alternating with constrictions. Inner latticed layer of post-abdominal chambers consisting of small, irregular polygonal pore frames exposed on circumferential ridges; layer of microgranular silica in constrictions mostly covering polygonal pore frames, particularly on proximal portion of test (many more pores within constrictions remaining open distally). Distinctive beadlike structures on circumferentail ridges formed by 86 raised areas of microgranular silica surrounded by small polygonal pores. Original remarks: Canoptum dixoni, n. sp. is distinguished from other species of Canoptum by the beaded nature of its narrow circumferential ridges. Measurements (µm): Based on 7 specimens. Length 312.5 360.0 312.5 339.7 Width (maximum) 112.5 120.0 100.0 110.5 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: This species is named for Captain George Dixon who explored the Queen Charlotte Islands in 1787. Type locality: QC 590A, Sandilands Formation (Kunga Formation in Pessagno & Whalen, 1982), north shore of Kunga Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. Occurrence: Sandilands formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur; Dengqen area, Tibet; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation and Musallah Formation, Oman. Plate CAN08. Canoptum columbiaense Whalen & Carter. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Carter et al. 1998, pl. 15, fig. 6. Fig. 2. Carter et al. 1998, pl. 15, fig. 11. Fig. 3. Carter et al. 1998, pl. 15, fig. 10. Fig. 4. QCI, GSC loc. C-080613, GSC 128730. Fig. 5. QCI, GSC loc. C-304566, GSC 128731. Fig. 6. QCI, GSC loc. C-304565, GSC 128732. Fig. 7. QCI, GSC loc. C-304281, GSC 128733. Fig. 8. QCI, GSC loc. C-140495, GSC 128734. Fig. 9. QCI, GSC loc. C-175309, GSC 128735. Plate CAN09. Canoptum dixoni Pessagno & Whalen. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Pessagno & Whalen 1982, pl. 2, fig. 1. Fig. 2. Pessagno & Whalen 1982, pl. 2, fig. 2. Fig. 3. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 10, fig. 3. Fig. 4. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 10, fig. 4. Fig. 5. OM-00-252, 021824. 87 Canoptum margaritaense Whalen & Carter 1998 Species code: CAN11 Synonymy: 1987 Canoptum preanulatum Pessagno & Whalen – Hattori, pl. 18, figs. 7, 8. 1987a Neowrangellium pessagnoi n. sp. – Yeh, p. 66, pl. 1, figs. 3, 4, ?10, 22, 23, ; not pl. 1, figs. 5-7, 11, 14. 1998 Canoptum margaritaense n. sp. – Whalen & Carter, p. 64, pl. 17, figs. 2, 3. ? 2002 Canoptum margaritaense Whalen & Carter – Tekin, p. 189, pl. 4, figs. 6, 7. Original description: Test conical, lobulate, usually with 11 to 13 post-abdominal chambers. Cephalis conical; thorax, abdomen and post-abdominal chambers trapezoidal in outline, increasing gradually in width and height as added. Cephalis and thorax smooth, imperforate, covered by layer of microgranular silica. Post-abdominal chambers separated from each other and abdomen by broad, nodose circumferential ridges alternating with constrictions; constrictions covered by thick layer of microgranular silica. Inner latticed layer of post-abdominal chambers usually obscured but when exposed, consisting of small, polygonal pore frames. H-linked pattern on circumferential ridges formed by raised nodes of microgranular silica surrounded by small polygonal pores. Original remarks: The H-linked pattern on the circumferential ridges distinguish Canoptum margaritaense n. sp. from C. dixoni Pessagno and Whalen and C. columbiaense n. sp. Further remarks: In this species we include forms without pores in the constrictions that are identical to the paratypes of Neowrangellium pessagnoi Yeh but differ from the holotype by lacking a horn. Measurements (µm): Based on 6 specimens. Length 368 368 225 287 Width (max.) 128 128 83 101 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: This species is named for Cape St. Margarita, the northern tip of the Queen Charlotte Islands. Type locality: Sample QC-675, Sandilands Formation, Kunga Island - north side, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Sandilands, Ghost Creek and Fannin formations, Queen Charlotte Islands; Hyde Formation, Oregon. Canoptum rugosum Pessagno & Poisson 1981 Species code: CAN14 Synonymy: 1981 Canoptum rugosum n. sp. – Pessagno and Poisson, p. 61, pl. 11, figs. 5-9; pl. 13, fig. 3; pl. 14, figs. 1-2. 1982 Canoptum rugosum Pessagno & Poisson – Pessagno and Whalen, p. 125, Pl. 6, Fig. 7. 1987 Canoptum rugosum Pessagno & Poisson – Hattori, pl. 18, figs. 10-12. 1988 Canoptum rugosum Pessagno & Poisson – Sashida, p. 23, pl. 2, figs. 13, 14, 22, 23. 1988 Canoptum rugosum Pessagno & Poisson – Li, pl. 1, fig. 1. 1989 Canoptum rugosum Pessagno & Poisson – Hattori, pl. 13, figs. F, G, H, I. 1995 Canoptum rugosum Pessagno & Poisson – Suzuki, pl. 8, fig. 2. 1998 Canoptum rugosum Pessagno & Whalen – Kashiwagi, pl. 1, fig. 16, pl. 2, fig. 11. 2003 Canoptum rugosum Pessagno & Poisson – Goričan et al., p. 297, pl. 5, fig. 11. 2003 Canoptum cf. rugosum Pessagno & Poisson – Kashiwagi & Kurimoto, pl. 3, fig. 14. 2004 Canoptum rugosum Pessagno & Poisson – Matsuoka, fig. 244. 2005 Canoptum sp. cf. C. rugosum Pessagno & Poisson – Kashiwagi et al., pl. 5, fig. 1. Original description: Test as with genus. Cephalis hemispherical; post-cephalic chambers trapezoidal in ouline increasing relatively rapidly in width and height as added. Circumferential ridges absent between cephalis and thorax 88 and between abdomen and thorax; present between abdomen and first post-abdominal chamber and each of subsequent four or five post-abdominal chambers. Circumferential ridge when stripped of outer layer of microgranular shell material displaying linked-H pattern identical to that described for C. anulatum, n. sp. Post-abdominal chambers constricted medially, giving rise to lobulate test outline. Inner layer of post-abdominal chambers comprised of two rows of massive tetragonal pore frames between circumferential ridges. Outer microgranular layer on well preserved specimens with rugose surface; rugosities probably a reflection of massive of inner layer. Original remarks: Canoptum rugosum, n. sp., differs from C. anulatum, n. sp., (1) by having a shorter, broader test with one half to one third the number of post-abdominal chambers; (2) by having widely rather than closely spaced circumferential ridges; (3) by having post-abdominal chambers with a rugose surface; and so forth. Both species share the same linked-H circumferential ridge structure. Measurements (µm): Based on eight specimens. Length Width HT 140 75 Min. 140 65 Max. 165 95 Plate CAN11. Canoptum margaritaense Whalen & Carter. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Carter et al. 1998, pl. 17, fig. 2. Fig. 2. Carter et al. 1998, pl. 17, fig. 3. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-080611, GSC 128736. Fig. 4. QCI, GSC loc. C080611, GSC 128737. Fig. 5. QCI, GSC loc. C-080610, GSC 128738. Etymology: Rugosus-a-um (Latin, adj.): wrinkled. Type locality: Sample 1662D, Gümüslü Allochthon, Taurus Mts., Turkey. Occurrence: Gümüslü Allochthon, Turkey; Ghost Creek Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Skrile Formation, Slovenia; Dengqen area, Tibet; Japan; Musallah Formation, Oman. Plate CAN14. Canoptum rugosum Pessagno & Poisson. Magnification x300. Fig. 1(H). Pessagno & Poisson 1981, pl.11, fig. 5. Fig. 2. OM-00-117, 021130. Fig. 3. JP, MNA-10, MA13381. Fig. 4. SI, MM6.76, 010301. Fig. 5. Goričan et al. 2003, pl. 5, fig. 11. Fig. 6. QCI, GSC loc. C-304281, GSC 128739. 89 Genus: Canutus Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Type species: Canutus tipperi Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Synonymy: 1982 Canutus n. sp. – Pessagno & Whalen, p.127. Original description: Test spindle-shaped to subconical; when spindle-shaped, often quite inflated. Cephalis without horn. Abdomen and post-abdominal chambers with two or three layers of fragile polygonal pore frames. Original remarks: Canutus n. gen., differs from Archaeodictyomitra Pessagno by having a test with several latticed layers of pore frames, by developing pillar-like nodes, and by lacking costae. Further remarks: Only the inflated spindle-shaped forms are considered to belong to Canutus Pessagno & Whalen, the subconical forms are now assigned to Parahsuum Yao. See also further remarks under genus Parahsuum. Etymology: Canutus is a name formed by an arbitrary combination of letters (ICZN, 1964, Appendix D, Pt. VI, Recommendation 40, p.113). Included species: CTS06 Canutus baumgartneri Yeh 1987b CTS08 Canutus diegoi Whalen & Carter 2002 CTS09 Canutus hainaensis Pessagno & Whalen 1982 CTS10 Canutus nitidus Yeh 1987b CTS15 Canutus rennellensis Carter n. sp. CTS03 Canutus rockfishensis Pessagno & Whalen 1982 CTS12 Canutus tipperi gr. Pessagno & Whalen 1982 CTS16 Canutus sp. O Canutus baumgartneri Yeh 1987b Species code: CTS06 Synonymy: 1987b Canutus baumgartneri n. sp. – Yeh, p. 59, pl. 19, figs. 3-5, 9, 16-17, 20-21. Original description: Test spindle-shaped, large, inflated, usually with five to six post-abdominal chambers. Cephalis hemispherical, covered with layer of microgranular silica. Thorax and subsequent chambers trapezoidal in outline, gradually increasing in width, final three postabdominal chambers gradually decreasing in width. Test wall consisting of three layers. Inner latticed layer and intermediate (second) latticed layer comprised of medium size square to rectangular pore frames (pl. 19, figs. 4-5, 16, 21), outermost latticed layers consisting predominantly of triangular pore frames. Distal post-abdominal chambers often lacking outermost layer of meshwork and showing rectangular pore frames of inner latticed layer(s) (pl. 19, figs. 3, 20). Original remarks: Canutus baumgartneri, n. sp. differs from C. blomei Pessagno & Whalen by having a less inflated test with less massive pore frames. It can be distinguished from C. tipperi Pessagno and Whalen by having a test with less massive pore frames and a less pointed cephalis. 90 Further remarks: Canutus tipperi and C. blomei are synonymized herein as the C. tipperi group. C. baumgartneri differs from this group mainly by having less massive, more irregularly-shaped pore frames. Lowest Pliensbachian representatives of this genus are more strongly spindle-shaped (almost closed at the bottom) and pore frames are even more irregular. Measurements (µm): Ten specimens measured. HT Mean Max. Min. Length (max.) 367 370 380 363 Width (max.) 227 228 230 225 Etymology: This species is named after Dr. P. O. Baumgartner, in honor of his studies on the Mesozoic Radiolaria. Type locality: Sample OR-600D, Hyde Formation at IzeePaulina road, east-central Oregon. Occurrence: Hyde Formation, Oregon; Ghost Creek and Fannin formations, Queen Charlotte Islands. Plate CTS06. Canutus baumgartneri Yeh. Magnification x150. Fig. 1(H). Yeh 1987b, pl. 20, fig. 3. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-304568, GSC 128770. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-175306, GSC 128771. Fig. 4. QCI, GSC loc. C-304567, GSC 128772. Fig. 5. QCI, GSC loc. C-175311, GSC 128773. Fig. 6 QCI, GSC loc. C-080611, GSC 128774. 91 Canutus diegoi Whalen & Carter 2002 Species code: CTS08 Synonymy: 1984 Canutus? sp. – Whalen & Pessagno, pl. 3, fig. 5, 6. ? 1987 Canutus (?) sp. K – Hattori, pl. 15, fig. 10. 2002 Canutus diegoi n. sp. – Whalen & Carter, p. 120, pl. 10, figs. 6, 10, 13, 16, 17; pl. 17, figs. 6, 7. Original description: Test spindle shaped, slightly inflated with approximately six post-abdominal chambers; large, dome-shaped cephalis covered by layer of microgranular silica; thorax, abdomen and post-abdominal chambers trapezoidal in outline, gradually increasing in width; last few post-abdominal chambers gradually decreasing in width and terminating in a short, irregular tubular extension. Chambers gradually increasing in height till central post-abdominal chamber and then gradually decreasing in height. Cephalis, thorax, abdomen and post-abdominal chambers on proximal half of test with irregularly shaped pore frames in outer latticed layer; distal post-abdominal chambers composed of slightly more aligned tetragonalpentagonal pore frames. Inner latticed layer of entire test composed of strong, rectangular pore frames. Original remarks: The less inflated test and strongly tapering distal chamber distinguish this species from Canutus rockfishensis Pessagno and Whalen 1982. Measurements (µm): Based on 9 specimens. Length 225 225 180 203 Width (Max.) 120 135 120 124 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: Canutus diegoi n. sp., is named for Diego de Becerra, one of the early explorers of the Baja California Peninsula. Type locality: Sample BPW80-30, San Hipólito Formation, Punta San Hipólito, Vizcaino Peninsula, Baja California Sur. Occurrence: San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur. Canutus hainaensis Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Species code: CTS09 Synonymy: 1982 Canutus hainaensis n. sp. – Pessagno & Whalen, p. 128, pl. 4, figs. 3-4; pl. 5, figs. 1, 13, 14, 16-18, 20; pl. 12, fig. 9. 1988 Canutus hainaensis Pessagno & Whalen – Carter et al., p. 51, pl. 3, figs. 10-11. 1992 Canutus hainaensis Pessagno & Whalen – Pessagno & Mizutani, pl. 99, figs. 5, 14, 19. Original description: Test elongate, spindle-shaped, often large, with seven to nine post-abdominal chambers usually present. Cephalis conical, rounded apically; remaining chambers trapezoidal in cross section. Thorax, abdomen, and all but final two post-abdominal chambers increasing moderatly rapidly in width and more gradually in length as added. Final two post-abdominal chambers decreasing somewhat in width. Inner latticed layer of post-abdominal chambers consisting of square to rectangular pore frames with nodes at vertices; pore frames gradually increasing in size, becoming large on final post-abdominal chamber. Outer latticed layer (second layer) consisting of regular to irregular, commonly tetragonal (rectangular) and triangular pore frames. Outer latticed layer not developed on final chamber of well-preserved specimens; pore frames of inner layer with rudimentary nodes. 92 Original remarks: Canutus hainaensis, n. sp., is considerably more elongate and much less inflated than C. tipperi, n. sp. It also differs from C. tipperi by having a cephalis rounded rather than pointed apically and by having two rather than three layers of meshwork on its post-abdominal chambers. Measurements (µm): Based on 6 specimens. Length 375.0 400.0 300.0 357.5 Width (max.) 200.0 200.0 160.0 177.9 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: This species is named for Haina, an abandoned Indian village on the east shore of Maude Island. Type locality: Sample QC 534, Ghost Creek Formation (Maude Formation in Pessagno & Whalen, 1982), Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Ghost Creek and Fannin formations, Queen Charlotte Islands. Plate CTS08. Canutus diegoi Whalen & Carter. Magnification Fig. 1a x200, Fig. 1b x300. Fig. 1(H)a, b. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 10, figs. 10, 13. Plate CTS09. Canutus hainaensis Pessagno & Whalen. Magnification x150. Fig. 1(H). Pessagno & Whalen 1982, pl. 4, fig. 3. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-304567, GSC 128775. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-304567, GSC 128776. Fig. 4. QCI, GSC loc. C-175311, GSC 128895. 93 Canutus nitidus Yeh 1987b Species code: CTS10 Synonymy: 1987b Canutus nitidus n. sp. – Yeh, p. 59, pl. 6, figs. 1, 17; pl. 19, figs. 1-2, 6, 11, 18-19. 1987b Canutus sp. aff. C. nitidus n. sp. – Yeh, p. 60, pl. 4, figs. 4-5, 22. 1988 Canutus nitidus Yeh – Carter et al., p. 50, pl. 3, figs. 5, 8, 12. 1988 Canutus sp. aff. C. nitidus Yeh – Carter et al., p. 51, pl. 3, fig. 6. Original description: Test spindle-shaped, large, very inflated, usually with five to six post-abdominal chambers. Cephalis small, hemispherical, usually without rudimentary spine. Abdomen, thorax to second post-abdominal chamber rapidly increasing in width, remaining post-abdominal chambers rapidly decreasing in width. Cephalis covered with layer of microgranular silica, remaining chambers comprised of two inner layers of variable size of irregular polygonal pore frames (pl. 19, fig. 6), outer most layer of triangular pore frames. Pore frames thin in rims and thick in sides, with largest pores at middle portion of test, decreasing in size apically and distally. Final post-abdominal chamber terminating in narrow tubular extension. Original remarks: Canutus nitidus, n. sp., differs from C. baumgartneri n. sp., by possessing a very inflated test 94 with extremely small cephalis, and by having a test with two inner layers of variable sized irregular pore frames. Further remarks: By Carter et al. (1988): The narrow tubular extension terminating the distalmost post-abdominal chamber, as described by Yeh (1987b, p. 59), has not been observed in any specimens. Measurements (µm): Ten specimens measured. HT Mean Max. Min. Length (max.) 324 315 325 302 Width (max.) 248 243 250 237 Etymology: Nitidus-a-um (Latin, adj.) = sleek, glittering. Type locality: Sample OR-600M, Hyde Formation at IzeePaulina road, east-central Oregon. Occurrence: Hyde Formation, Oregon; Fannin Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Fernie Formation, NE British Columbia. Plate CTS10. Canutus nitidus Yeh. Magnification x150. Fig. 1(H). Yeh 1987b, pl. 20, fig. 1. Fig. 2. Carter et al. 1988, pl. 3, fig. 5. Fig. 3. NBC, GSC loc. C-305208, GSC 128896. Fig. 4. QCI, GSC loc. C-175309, GSC 128897. Fig. 5. QCI, GSC loc. C-304567, GSC 128898. Fig. 6. QCI, GSC loc. C-080612, GSC 128899. Fig. 7. QCI, GSC loc. C175306, GSC 128900. Fig. 8. QCI, GSC loc. C-304567, GSC 128777. Fig. 9. QCI, GSC loc. C-304567, GSC 128778. Fig. 10. QCI, GSC loc. C-304567, GSC 128901. Fig. 11. QCI, GSC loc. C-304567, GSC 128902. 95 Canutus rennellensis Carter n. sp. Species code: CTS15 Synonymy: 1982 Canutus blomei n. sp. – Pessagno & Whalen, p. 127, pl. 3, fig. 14 only. 1996 Canutus sp. A - Pujana, p. 138, pl. 1, figs. 18, 19. 1996 Canutus sp. A of Carter – Pujana, p. 138, pl. 1, fig. 20. 2004 Canutus sp. – Matsuoka, fig. 211. Type designation: Holotype GSC 111711 and paratype GSC 111712 from GSC loc. C-080612; Ghost Creek Formation (lower Pliensbachian). Description: Test spindle-shaped, large, inflated, usually with five or six post-abdominal chambers. Cephalis hemispherical; thorax, abdomen and first few abdominal chambers rapidly increasing in width, last few post-abdominal chambers strongly decreasing in width. Apical portion of test fairly pointed and covered with a layer of microgranular silica. Pore frames on early chambers relatively small, irregularly-shaped and arranged; on medial chambers pore frames mainly tetragonal and aligned in rows, some with costae-like ridges between. Pore frames on distalmost chamber(s) smaller and irregular. Remarks: Canutus rennellensis n. sp. differs from the C. tipperi group in having finer, more irregular meshwork, and distal chambers are more constricted. It differs from C. baumgartneri Yeh in having much finer meshwork and pore frames on distal post-abdominal chambers are aligned rather than irregular. Measurements (µm): Based on 6 specimens. Length (excl. horn) Maximum width HT 326 195 Max. 353 205 Min. 316 179 Mean 328 191 Etymology: Species named for the type locality at Rennell Junction, the confluence of logging roads leading north to Masset and west to Rennell Sound; Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. Type locality: Sample CAA-79-Ren-Phant, lms 1 (GSC loc. C-080611), Ghost Creek Formation, Rennell Junction section, central Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Ghost Creek and Fannin formations, Queen Charlotte Islands; Sierra Chacaicó Formation, Argentina; Mino Terrane, Japan; Haliw (Aqil) and Musallah formations, Oman. Canutus rockfishensis Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Species code: CTS03 Synonymy: 1982 Canutus rockfishensis n. sp. – Pessagno & Whalen, p. 129, pl. 2, figs. 4, 12, 15, 19; pl. 12, fig. 22. 1998 Canutus rockfishensis Pessagno & Whalen – Whalen & Carter, p. 65, pl. 17, fig. 18; pl. 26, fig. 8. 2002 Canutus rockfishensis Pessagno & Whalen – Suzuki et al., p. 184, fig. 9 I. Original description: Test as with genus, spindle-shaped, large, moderately inflated, usually with seven postabdominal chambers. Cephalis and thorax conical, mostly imperforate, composed of inner latticed layers of pore frames covered by an outer layer of microgranular silica. Abdomen and proximal post-abdominal chambers rapidly increasing in width, central two or three post-abdominal chambers gradually increasing in width; last two postabdominal chambers rapidly decreasing in width; thorax, abdomen and post-abdominal chambers trapezoidal in cross section. All post-abdominal chambers increasing in height distally. Abdomen and most post-abdominal chambers composed of irregular pentagonal to tetragonal pore frames in outer latticed layer; last two post-abdominal chambers composed of aligned tetragonal (rectangular) pore frames. Inner latticed layer composed of rectangular pore frames. Original remarks: Canutus rockfishensis, n. sp., differs from C. blomei, n. sp., by having a test which is not nearly so 96 broad and by having post-abdominal chambers with two rather than three layers of latticed meshwork. Furthermore, most of the outer latticed layer of C. rockfishensis possesses irregular pore frames, whereas that of C. blomei possesses triangular pore frames. Further remarks: The holotype of Canutus blomei Pessagno & Whalen is now assigned to C. tipperi Pessagno & Whalen while its paratype is assigned to C. rennellensis Carter n. sp. C. rockfishensis Pessagno & Whalen differs from both these species by having a much less inflated test. Measurements (µm): Based on 10 specimens. Length 222.5 270.0 220.0 243.0 Width (maximum) 125.0 150.0 125.0 138.5 HT Max. Min. Mean Type locality: Sample QC 590A, Sandilands Formation (Kunga Formation in Pessagno & Whalen 1982), Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Sandilands and Fannin formations, Queen Charlotte Islands; Nicely Formation, east-central Oregon; Pucara Group, Peru. Plate CTS15. Canutus rennellensis Carter n. sp. Magnification x150. Fig. 1(H). QCI, GSC loc. C-080612, GSC 111711. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-080612, GSC 128783. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-304281, GSC 128784. Fig. 4. QCI, GSC loc. C080612, GSC 111712. Fig. 5. JP, MNA-10, MA13048. Fig. 6. OM-00-118, 000604. Plate CTS03. Canutus rockfishensis Pessagno & Whalen. Magnification x250. Fig. 1(H). Pessagno & Whalen 1982, pl. 2, fig. 4. 97 Canutus tipperi gr. Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Species code: CTS12 Synonymy: 1982 Canutus tipperi n. sp. – Pessagno & Whalen, p. 129, pl. 4, figs 7-9, 11, 12, 14-17; pl. 12, fig. 21. 1982 Canutus blomei n. sp. – Pessagno & Whalen, p. 127, pl. 3, figs. 13, 15 (not fig. 14); pl. 12, fig. 20. 1988 Canutus tipperi Pessagno & Whalen – Carter et al., p. 51, pl. 3, fig. 3. Original description: Test spindle-shaped, pointed apically, large, inflated, usually with seven to nine post-abdominal chambers. Cephalis hemispherical; remaining chambers trapezoidal in cross section; cephalis and thorax with apically converging ridges on better preserved specimens. Abdomen and first three post-abdominal chambers rapidly increasing in height as added. Inner latticed layer and intermediate (second) latticed layer comprised of large square to rectangular pore frames (pl. 4, figs. 15, 17); outer latticed layer comprised predominantly of triangular pore frames. Final post-abdominal chamber of well-preserved specimens often lacking outer two layers of meshwork and showing only rudimentary development of nodes at pore frame vertices. Queen Charlotte Islands indicate that test morphology is quite variable. Basal Pliensbachian forms are small, less than half the size of the type species, others are elongate and less inflated, but all retain the typical massive rectangular pore structure of C. tipperi. The shape of the apical portion of the test is also variable, ranging from the fairly pointed shape of the holotype to the more hemispherical shape of the original holotype of C. blomei (the latter now synonymized with C. tipperi). C. tipperi was originally recorded from the Rennell Junction member of the Fannin Formation (upper lower Pliensbachian) but is now known to appear in basal beds of the lower Pliensbachian Ghost Creek Formation and ranges throughout the entire Pliensbachian. Measurements (µm): Based on 6 specimens. Length 475.0 475.0 280.0 313.0 Width (max.) 200.0 200.0 180.0 195.4 HT Max. Min. Mean Original remarks: Canutus tipperi n. sp. is compared to C. blomei n. sp. under the latter species. Original remarks under C. blomei: Canutus blomei, n. sp., appears closely related to C. tipperi, n. sp. It can be distinguished from C. tipperi by the less pointed and more rounded nature of the apical portion of the test. Furthermore, the test of C. blomei is more inflated and ellipsoidal in character than that of C. tipperi. In addition, its pore frames are more massive with less prominent nodes. Type locality: QC 532, Fannin Formation (Maude Formation in Pessagno & Whalen, 1982), Skidegate Inlet, Maude Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Further remarks: Canutus tipperi is an extremely large multicyrtid with distinctive pore structure, but recent studies of Canutus in over 80 Pliensbachian samples from Occurrence: Ghost Creek and Fannin formations, Queen Charlotte Islands, and Williston Lake, northeastern British Columbia. 98 Etymology: This species is named for Dr. Howard W. Tipper, Geological Survey of Canada, in honor to his contributions to the study of the Jurassic ammonite biostratigraphy of the Queen Charlotte Islands. Plate CTS12. Canutus tipperi gr. Pessagno & Whalen. Magnification x150. Fig. 1(H). Pessagno & Whalen 1982, pl. 4, fig. 7. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-175311, GSC 128779. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-175309, GSC 128780. Fig. 4. QCI, GSC loc. C-080612, GSC 128781. Fig. 5. QCI, GSC loc. C-175309, GSC 128782. Fig. 6. Carter et al. 1988, pl. 3, fig. 3. Fig. 7. QCI, GSC loc. C-127867, GSC 128903. 99 Canutus sp. O Species code: CTS16 Remarks: Test large, subconical to slightly spindle-shaped. Cephalis hemispherical, thorax and abdomen trapezoidal, post abdominal chambers gradually increasing in width as added Cephalis and thorax sparsely perforate covered with a layer of microgranular silica. Pore frames on initial postabdominal chambers mostly irregular, on distal portion pore frames mainly tetragonal and aligned vertically. This species differs from C. hainaensis in having a more broadly conical shape with prominently aligned distal chambers. Occurrence: Ghost Creek Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Musallah Formation, Oman. Genus: Carterwhalenia Dumitrica n. gen. Type species: Saitoum (?) minai Whalen & Carter 2002 Description: Test monocyrtid, hemispherical to subglobular with an initial spicule consisting of apical (A), dorsal (D), ventral (V), and primary lateral spines (Lr, Ll) originating in a short median bar (MB), and arches LL, LD, LV, AV, AL, and AD. A spine extended outside into apical horn, and D and L into feet. Apical horn and feet four-bladed and practically equal, at least in type species. Blades with a row of three or more pores decreasing in size distally. Pores aligned between the axis of apical horn and feet and the external border of blades. Ventral spine of initial spicule extended outside cephalic wall into a short bladed spine. Remarks: Carterwhalenia n. gen. externally resembles Saitulpus Dumitrica & Zügel from which it differs structurally especially in missing the secondary lateral spines of the initial spicule. By this character it also resembles very much the Cenozoic genera Euscenium Haeckel, Archiscenium Haeckel, and Pteroscenium Haeckel. From each it differs in having four-bladed rather than three-bladed spines. Carterwhalenia is close to the Middle and Upper Jurassic genus Turriseiffelus Dumitrica & Zügel, in the structure of the 100 initial spicule, apical horn, feet, and cephalic wall, but differs in having four-bladed, short apical horn and feet. The pores of the blades of the apical horn and feet of this genus have the same origin as similar pores of the genera Turriseiffelus, Pteroscenium (e.g. Pteroscenium pinnatum Haeckel 1887, pl. 53, figs. 14-16), and Arachnoplecta Dumitrica & Zügel 2003. They appear as meshes among the axis of these spines, a bar forming the external margin of the blades and branches arising practically perpendicular from the axis of the spines. Usually these branches may extend into thorns outside the margin of the blades. Until present the genus is represented only by its type species. Etymology: The genus is named for my radiolarian colleagues E. S. Carter and P. A. Whalen to honour their valuable contribution to the knowledge of Upper Triassic and Lower Jurassic radiolarians. Included species: SUM03 Carterwhalenia minai (Whalen & Carter) 2002 Plate CTS16. Canutus sp. O. Magnification x200. Fig. 1. QCI, GSC loc. C-175311, GSC 128785. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-080612, GSC 128786. Fig. 3. OM-00-115, 023003. Fig. 4. OM-00-115, 023010. Fig. 5. QCI, GSC loc. C-175306, GSC 128787. Fig. 6. QCI, GSC loc. C-175306, GSC 128904. Fig. 7. QCI, GSC loc. C-175309, GSC 128905. 101 Carterwhalenia minai (Whalen & Carter) 2002 Species code: SUM03 Synonymy: 2002 Saitoum? minai n. sp. – Whalen & Carter, p. 130, pl. 12, figs. 7-9, 16, 17; pl. 13, fig. 10. Original description: Test monocyrtid, sub-spherical in shape with massive apical horn and three feet. Horn triradiate in axial section with narrow, longitudinal ridges and broad grooves for most of length; elongated pores occasionally located at base of grooves of horn; horn circular in axial section distally, separated from triradiate portion by three to four short verticils; verticils aligned at right angles to long axis of horn; horn located off center of highest point on cephalic dome. Three massive feet triradiate in axial section for most of length, circular in axial section distally; triradiate and circular portions of feet separated by verticils aligned at right angles to long axis of feet; proximal part of feet sometimes with small pores piercing grooves. Imperforate border collar continuous with ridges of feet. Pore frames irregular, triangular to circular, sometimes appearing to radiate from a central point. V-spine prominently exposed on exterior of test at point half way between border collar and apex of test. Original remarks: Saitoum? minai n. sp. is distinguished from other species of Saitoum by the massive, spiny triradiate apical horn and feet with verticils. This species differs from species of Saitulpus (Dumitrica and Zügel, in press) in that the V spine does not connect with the border collar. Further remarks: An attentive look at the apical horn and feet of the type specimens (holotype and two paratypes) and of the two specimens herein presented from the Pliensbachian of Turkey (pl. SUM03, figs. 4a-b, 5a-b) shows that these external spines are four-bladed rather than threebladed as originally mentioned and that the secondary lateral spines are completely missing. Measurements (µm): (n) = number of specimens measured. HT Max. Min. Mean Length (6) (excludes horn) 98 105 83 92 Width (5) (Max.) 90 113 90 104 Length of foot (7) 90 105 75 87 Etymology: This species is named for F. Mina (Geólogos de Petróleos Mexicanos), one of the first geologists to study the rocks of the Vizcaino Peninsula, Baja California Sur. Type locality: Sample BPW80-30, San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur. Occurrence: San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur; Gümüslü Allochthon, Turkey. Genus: Charlottea Whalen & Carter 1998 Type species: Charlottea amurensis Whalen & Carter 1998 Synonymy: 1998 Charlottea n. gen. – Whalen & Carter, p. 37. Original description: Test with three prominent spines in same plane, equally spaced or with two spines closer together; spines triradiate in axial section, tapering distally. Cortical shell spherical to sub-spherical, sometimes triangular in outline with flattened upper and lower surfaces. Outer layer of pore frames on cortical shell irregularly shaped (usually tetragonal, triangular, pentagonal) and sized, with nodes at pore frame vertices; larger pores on cortical shell sometimes observed at base of spines. Original remarks: The external morphology of Charlottea n. gen. and Ferresium Blome is very similar but the inner structure is different: Charlottea n. gen. contains an eccentric spicular meshwork occupying a large part of the central area of the test; Ferresium Blome contains a small microsphere surrounded by a loosely constructed inner spongy meshwork of bars and small arches (see Family Ferresidae of Carter 1993, p. 68). Charlottea n. gen., is distinguished from all other genera of the Subfamily Charlotteinae by having three straight spines in the same plane. 102 Further remarks: The families Perispyridiidae, Ferresiidae and the subfamily Charlotteinae are considered junior synonyms of the family Eptingiidae because they have a similar initial spicule, and three spines of the spicule extend outside of the test (De Wever et al., 2001). Etymology: Charlottea n. gen., is named for the British ship Queen Charlotte, for which Captain George Dixon named the Queen Charlotte Islands in August of 1787. Included species: CHA02 Charlottea amurensis Whalen & Carter 1998 CHA09 Charlottea hotaoensis Carter n. sp. CHA10 Charlottea penderi Carter n. sp. CHA03 Charlottea proprietatis Whalen & Carter 1998 CHA05 Charlottea triquetra Whalen & Carter 1998 CHA07 Charlottea sp. A sensu Whalen & Carter 2002 CHA08 Charlottea sp. B CHA11 Charlottea sp. C XNM01 Charlottea? sp. Y Plate SUM03. Carterwhalenia minai (Whalen & Carter). Magnification x300. Fig. 1(H). Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 12, fig. 7. Fig. 2. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 12, fig. 9. Fig. 3. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 12, fig. 8. Fig. 4a,b. TR, 1662D-R07-10. Fig. 5a,b. TR, 1662D-R01-08. 103 Charlottea amurensis Whalen & Carter 1998 Species code: CHA02 Synonymy: ? 1989 Acaeniotyle spp. – Hattori, pl. 1, fig. G. 1998 Charlottea amurensis n. sp. – Whalen & Carter, p. 37, pl. 2, figs. 8, 9, 10; pl. 3, figs. 1, 2, 9. 2001 Charlottea amurensis Whalen & Carter – Gawlick et al., pl. 2, fig. 5. 2002 Charlottea amurensis Whalen & Carter – Suzuki et al., p. 168, figs. 4 H-J. Original description: Test with medium-sized cortical shell and three moderately long spines. Cortical shell subspherical and somewhat compressed in plane of spines; cortical shell composed of medium-sized, irregularly shaped, tetragonal and triangular pore frames with prominent elongated nodes at pore frame vertices; pore frame bars much thinner in Y direction than Z direction (refer to Pl. 4, fig. 11 for measurement system); large pores sometimes located on cortical shell at base of spines. Internal spicular network composed of delicate pore frames with no difference in thickness between Y and Z direction and no apparent pattern or orientation. Spines tapering distally, usually shorter than diameter of cortical shell, triradiate in axial section with narrow, rounded longitudinal ridges and broad, rounded longitudinal grooves; spines evenly spaced around cortical shell. Original remarks: The more delicate, elongated nodes and triradiate spines of Charlottea amurensis n. sp. distinguish it from C. johnsoni n. sp. Measurements (µm): Based on 7 specimens. Maximum diameter of cortical shell Maximum length of primary spines HT Max. Min. Mean 146 150 138 147 105 120 75 95 Etymology: This species is named for Amur Rocks in Dana Passage, located to the northwest of the type locality. Type locality: Sample QC-676, Sandilands Formation, Kunga Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Sandilands Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Dürrnberg Formation, Austria; Pucara Group, Peru. Charlottea hotaoensis Carter n. sp. Species code: CHA09 Synonymy: 1989 Protoperispyridium ? spp. – Hattori, pl. 3, fig. G. 1997 Perispyridium sp. A02 – Yao, pl. 15, fig. 707. 2004 Perispyridium sp. – Matsuoka, fig. 184. Type designation: Holotype GSC 111713 and paratype GSC 111714 from GSC loc. C-304566; Rennell Junction member of the Fannin Formation (upper lower Pliensbachian). Description: Test with small cortical shell, triangular to subtriangular in outline and three medium-sized spines of equal length. Surface of cortical shell slightly convex with large subtriangular to irregularly shaped pore frames and deeply incised pores, sub-round in shape. Pore frame vertices usually with small to medium sized nodes; some groups of pore frames partly surrounded by massive raised ridges. Spines assymetrically arranged; two spines closer together than the third. Spines stout, triradiate and strongly tapering with narrow ridges and wide grooves. Remarks: Charlottea hotaoensis n. sp. differs from C. triquetra Whalen & Carter in having a strongly triangular rather than subtriangular shell and less convex shell 104 surfaces. It is likely that C. hotaoensis n. sp. is derived from C. triquetra. In our material, C. triquetra ranges from upper Sinemurian to basal Pliensbachian; C. hotaoensis n. sp. does not range below the Pliensbachian. This new species may also represent the transition between the two eptingiid genera, Charlottea and Perispyridium. Measurements (µm): Based on 5 specimens. Diameter of cortical shell Length of longest spine HT 132 80 Max. 153 126 Min. 123 56 Mean 132 93 Etymology: This species is named for the Haida village of Hotao on the southwest side of Maude Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Type locality: Sample 99-CNA-MI-9 (GSC loc. C-304566), Rennell Junction member of the Fannin Formation; Fannin Bay, south side of Maude Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Ghost Creek and Fannin formations, Queen Charlotte Islands; Mino Terrane, Japan. Plate CHA02. Charlottea amurensis Whalen & Carter. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H)a,b. Carter et al. 1998, pl. 2, figs. 8, 9. Plate CHA09. Charlottea hotaoensis Carter n. sp. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). GSC loc. C-304566, GSC 111713. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-304566, GSC 128742. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-175306, GSC 128743. Fig.4. QCI, GSC loc. C304566, GSC 111714. Fig. 5. QCI, GSC loc. C-305388, GSC 128744. Fig. 6. QCI, GSC loc. C-305388, GSC 128745. Fig. 7. QCI, GSC loc. C-175311, GSC 128746. 105 Charlottea penderi Carter n. sp. Species code: CHA10 Type designation: Holotype GSC 111715 from GSC loc. C-080611, Ghost Creek Formation (lower Pliensbachian). Paratype GSC 111716 from GSC loc. C-304566, Rennell Junction member of the Fannin Formation (upper lower Pliensbachian). Description: Cortical shell generally subtriangular, somewhat fluted and irregular in outline with convex upper and lower surfaces and three medium-sized, strongly tapering spines. Surface of shell double layered; inner layer of pore frames variably-sized and irregular in shape. Outer layer of pore frames extremely variable in size (some quite enormous), irregular in shape; outer layer of pore frames with very large raised nodes some coalescing to form strong raised ridges. Pores subequal in size, irregular in shape. Primary spines equally distributed around shell; spines composed of very narrow ridges and wide deep grooves. Remarks: Charlottea penderi differs from Charlottea hotaoensis n. sp. in having an irregularly-shaped cortical shell with more convex surfaces, large raised nodes some forming ridges, and primary spines are more equally distributed around shell. Measurements (µm): Based on 6 specimens. Diameter of cortical shell Length of longest spine HT 137 84 Max. 167 100 Min. 110 73 Mean 140 85 Etymology: This species is named after Captain Pender who originally named Maude Island during the 1866 survey. Type locality: Sample 99-CNA-MI-9 (GSC loc. C-304566), Rennell Junction member of the Fannin Formation; Fannin Bay, south side of Maude Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Ghost Creek Formation, and Rennell Junction member of the Fannin Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Fernie Formation, northeastern British Columbia. Charlottea proprietatis Whalen & Carter 1998 Species code: CHA03 Synonymy: 1998 Charlottea proprietatis n. sp. – Whalen & Carter, p. 39, pl. 4, figs. 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13. Original description: Test with large, inflated cortical shell with three long, broad spines. Cortical shell subspherical in shape and subrectangular in outline with irregularly sized and shaped tetragonal and triangular pore frames with prominent, elongated nodes at pore frame vertices; pore frame bars thin in Y direction, much thicker in Z direction; larger pores usually located at base of spines. Internal spicular network composed of thin, coarsely interwoven pore frames with no apparent pattern or orientation. Spines triradiate in axial section with narrow, rounded longitudinal ridges and broad, rounded longitudinal grooves; spines evenly spaced around cortical shell. Original remarks: The distinctive subrectangular outline of Charlottea proprietatis n. sp. distinguishes it from all other species of Charlottea. 106 Measurements (µm): HT Max. Min. Mean Maximum diameter of cortical shell 180 180 150 161 (8 specimens measured) Maximum length of primary spines 120 221 120 188 (5 specimens measured) Etymology: Proprietas, atis (Latin; noun) = a property, pecularity. Type locality: Sample QC-675, Sandilands Formation, Kunga Island - north side, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Sandilands and Ghost Creek formations, Queen Charlotte Islands. Plate CHA10. Charlottea penderi Carter n. sp. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). GSC loc. C-080611, GSC 111715. Fig. 2. NBC, GSC loc. C-305208, GSC 128747. Fig. 3. NBC, GSC loc. C-305208, GSC 128748. Fig. 4. GSC loc. C-304566, GSC 111716. Fig. 5. QCI, GSC loc. C-080611, GSC 128749. Fig. 6. QCI, GSC loc. C-080612, GSC 128750. Plate CHA03. Charlottea proprietatis Whalen & Carter. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Carter et al. 1998, pl. 4, fig. 1. 107 Charlottea triquetra Whalen & Carter 1998 Species code: CHA05 Synonymy: Original remarks: The shorter, less massive spines and less prominent nodes of C. triquetra n. sp. distinguish it from Charlottea sp. C. Original description: Test with small, slightly elongated cortical shell compressed in plane of spines and three moderately long spines. Cortical shell with large, irregularly shaped and sized pentagonal and hexagonal pore frames with low, rounded nodes at pore frame vertices; pores irregularly sized (large and small), usually subcircular in outline. Internal spicular network composed of very delicate pore frames with no pattern or orientation. Spines triradiate in axial section with narrow, rounded longitudinal ridges and broad, rounded longitudinal grooves; spines usually shorter than or equal to long dimension of cortical shell; two spines closer together than third, sometimes curving inwards toward long axis of cortical shell. Measurements (µm): 1998 Charlottea triquetra n. sp. – Whalen & Carter, p. 39, pl. 4, figs. 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 14, 15. Charlottea sp. A sensu Whalen & Carter 2002 Species code: CHA07 Synonymy: 2002 Charlottea sp. A – Whalen & Carter, p. 122, pl. 7, figs. 4, 5. Original remarks: The pronounced torsion of the short, triradiate spines of Charlottea sp. A distinguishes it from C. amurensis Whalen and Carter 1998 and C. harbridgensis Whalen and Carter 1998. Occurrence: San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur. Charlottea sp. B Species code: CHA08 Remarks: Cortical shell similar in size and shape to C. amurensis Whalen & Carter, but spines are shorter and more robust with thin rounded ridges and deep grooves; distal ridges of spines with numerous small thorn-like protuberances. Occurrence: Sandilands and Ghost Creek formations, Queen Charlotte Islands; Baja California Sur. 108 Maximum diameter of cortical shell (6 specimens measured) Maximum length of primary spines (5 specimens measured) HT Max. Min. Mean 75 90 75 84 71 75 68 73 Etymology: Triquetrus, a, um, (Latin, adj.) = three cornered, triangular. Type locality: Sample QC-677, Sandilands Formation, Kunga Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Sandilands and Ghost Creek formations, Queen Charlotte Islands. Plate CHA05. Charlottea triquetra Whalen & Carter. Magnification x300. Fig. 1(H)a,b. Carter et al. 1998, pl. 4, figs. 2, 3. Plate CHA07. Charlottea sp. A sensu Whalen & Carter. Magnification x200. Figs. 1-2. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 7, figs. 4-5. Plate CHA08. Charlottea sp. B. Magnification x200. Fig. 1. QCI, GSC loc. 304281, GSC 128740. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. 305417, GSC 128741. Fig. 3. BCS, SH-412-14. 109 Charlottea sp. C Species code: CHA11 Remarks: Cortical shell subtriangular in shape, multilayered. Outer layer composed of densely packed triangular pore frames with large highly raised nodes at vertices. Spines short, thin and circular in axial section. Internal structure unknown. Occurrence: Rennell Junction member of the Fannin Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Fernie Formation, northeastern British Columbia. Charlottea? sp. Y Species code: XNM01 Synonymy: 1988 Tripocyclia (?) sp. A – Carter et al., p. 27, pl. 1, fig. 4. Remarks: Large shell with three long straight spines. Shell thick, comprised of several layers of latticed pore frames; outer layer made up of medium-sized, irregularly shaped and arranged pore frames (mostly triangular, tetragonal and pentagonal); pore frames with small rounded nodes at vertices. Spines very long, usually broken; spines triradiate with wide rounded ridges and narrow deep grooves. Spines prolonged internally to the edges of a small microsphere. This species is questionably assigned to Charlottea because pore frames on the thick-walled outer shell are smaller, more irregularly arranged, and lack the typical triangular pattern of Charlottea. Further study of the inner structure is needed to confirm genus identity. Occurrence: Fannin Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands. 110 Plate CHA11 Charlottea sp. C. Magnification x200. Fig. 1. QCI, GSC loc. C-304566, GSC 111791. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-304566-, GSC 111792. Fig. 3. NBC, GSC loc. C-305208, GSC 111793. Plate XNM01. Charlottea? sp. Y. Magnification x 150. Fig. 1. QCI, GSC loc. 304566, GSC 128906. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. 304566, GSC 128907. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. 304566, GSC 128908. Fig. 4. QCI, GSC loc. 304567, GSC 128909. Fig. 5. QCI, GSC loc. 304566, GSC 128910. 111 Genus: Citriduma De Wever 1982a Type species: Citriduma radiotuba De Wever 1982a Synonymy: lower part giving a discoidal shape to this genus; thorax bears lateral tubes. Original description: Neosciadiocapsidae with a cephalic structure including 8 spines (A, V, D, MB, Lr, Ll, lr and ll). Location of cephalis on one side distinguishes the upper and a lower face. Cephalis hemispherical, with an apical horn and a lateral horn, respectively outgrowing from A and V spines of the cephalic skeleton. Thorax, closed in the Etymology: Anagram of P. Dumitrica (Bucarest), in honor to his meticulous work upon Mesozoic radiolarians. 1982a Citriduma n. gen – De Wever, p. 202. Included species: 4033 Citriduma hexaptera (Conti & Marcucci) 1991 CIT05 Citriduma radiotuba De Wever 1982a Citriduma hexaptera (Conti & Marcucci) 1991 Species code: 4033 Synonymy: 1987 Gn. sp. indet. – Hattori, pl. 23, figs. 18. ? 1989 Gen. sp. indet. – Hattori, pl. 17, fig. L. 1991 Podocapsa (?) hexaptera n. sp. – Conti and Marcucci, p. 803, pl. 3, figs. 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18. 1992 Unnamed 6-rayed livarellids – Yeh, pl. 3, fig. 6. 1995a Podocapsa (?) hexaptera Conti & Marcucci – Baumgartner et al., p. 428, pl. 4033, figs. 1-5. 1997 Citriduma sp. A – Yao, pl. 12, fig. 558. 2003 Citriduma hexaptera (Conti & Marcucci) – Goričan et al., p. 297, pl. 5, fig. 4. 2004 Citriduma hexaptera (Conti & Marcucci) – Matsuoka, fig. 128. Original description: The shell shows two distinct parts: a hemispherical small proximal part without apparent segmental division but possibly including cephalis and thorax, and a large and flat abdomen with six porous wings, lacking a terminal tube. None of the available specimens show a horn on the proximal part referable to cephalis. The proximal part presents loosely scattered pores smaller than those of the abdomen and wings. The abdomen shows circular uniformly distributed pores. Six conical wings are seated along the equatorial zone of the abdomen: they show pores similar to those of abdomen. Original remarks: This species differs from P. amphitreptera in the flat rather than globose shape of the distalmost 112 segment, in having six equatorial wings and lacking a terminal tube. Its tentative assignment to genus Podocapsa is based on the presence of porous wings and of a broad distalmost segment. Further remarks: By Goričan et al. (2003): Citriduma hexaptera differs from the Rhaetian Citriduma asteroides Carter, 1993 and Citriduma sp. C (Carter, 1993) by having a constant number of tubes (always six), longer tubes and smaller pores. Measurements (µm): Based on 5 specimens. Length wings Width wings Diameter abdomen Min. 90 30 125 Max. 160 50 200 HT 100 35 135 Etymology: Greek, hexa = six plus pteron = wing. Type locality: Ponte di Lagoscuro, Liguria, Italy. Occurrence: Liguria, Italy; Skrile Formation, Slovenia; Japan; Warm Springs member of the Snowshoe Formation, Oregon; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman. Plate 4033. Citriduma hexaptera (Conti & Marcucci). Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Conti & Marcucci 1991, pl. 3, fig. 12. Fig. 2. Matsuoka 2004, fig. 128. Fig. 3. OM, BR706-R12-16. Fig. 4. Goričan et al. 2003, pl. 5, fig. 4. 113 Citriduma radiotuba De Wever 1982a Species code: CIT05 Synonymy: 1982a Citriduma radiotuba n. sp. – De Wever, p. 202, pl. 8, figs. 10-11; pl. 9, figs. 1-8. 1982b Citriduma radiotuba De Wever – De Wever, p. 285, pl. 39, figs. 1-5; pl. 40, figs. 1-7. Original description: Discoidal dicyrtid fringed by numerous radial tubes. Location of cephalis on one side distinguishes the upper and a lower face. Cephalis hemispherical with an apical horn and a lateral horn, respectively outgrowing from A and V spines of the cephalic skeleton. Cephalis imperforate, covered with numerous spiny irregularities. Thorax forms the largest part of the test. It is a biconvex disc laterally extended by twelve to twenty tubes. These tubes are situated on prolongation of ridges which originate at the base of the cephalis and may sometimes protrude outside the tubes (Pl. 9, fig. 3). Tubes are distally narrower and terminally closed, ending in a point. One specimen shows, on the upper side of the disc near the cephalis and under the lateral spine, a horizontal opening whose significance is unknown. Near the cephalis, the thoracic wall is made of two latticed layers, closely linked by small pillars. Distally, these two latticed layers are interconnected and constitute a two-layered wall. Interior of thorax hollow in the center but pillars exist between the upper and the lower face laterally. These pillars are in line with the radial ridges that are visible outside and inside the test. Cephalis has spines typical of nassellarians; A and V extend outside as horns. D, Ll, Lr, ll and lr extended peripherally. Measurements (µm): Based on 6 specimens. Width of thorax including tubes 609 609 333 468 Width of thorax without tubes 418 418 233 307 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: From the Latin radiare = to radiate, and tuba, -ae = tube, pipe. Type locality: Sample 1662D, Gümüslü Allochthon, Taurus Mts., Turkey. Occurrence: Gümüslü Allochthon, Turkey; Fannin Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands. Genus: Crubus Yeh 1987b Type species: Crubus chengi Yeh 1987b (subsequent designation by Carter, in Carter et al., 1988) Synonymy: 1987b Crubus n. gen – Yeh, p. 69. 1988 Crubus Yeh – Carter et al., p. 53. Original description: Test as with family, conical to subcylindrical, with constrictions between joints. Cephalis conical, with horn. Cephalis and thorax usually sparsely perforate, covered with layer of microgranular silica. Outer layer of abdomen and first one or two post-abdominal chambers covered with small irregular polygonal pore frames, remaining chambers with costae superimposed between each row of pore frames. Original remarks: Crubus, n. gen., differs from Drulantus, n. gen., by having a horn, and by having a lobated test with outer layer of test wall comprised of small irregular polygonal pore frames on the apical portion of the test. 114 Further remarks: By Carter et al. (1988): Yeh (1987) designated Crubus robustus Yeh, 1987 as the type species of the genus Crubus. However, in the original description of this species and in all Yeh's subsequent references to this taxon, the binominal name appears as Crubus (?) robustus. In the original description Yeh states »this species is questionably assigned to Crubus n. gen. because it lacks a horn«. Querying generic assignment of a type species invalidates that species as type (see Article 67C, ICZN, 1985). A new type species is herein designated that more clearly conforms to the generic description and is better documented. Included species: CRB01 Crubus chengi Yeh 1987b Plate CIT05. Citriduma radiotuba De Wever. Magnification x150 (scale bar A) except Figs. 3b-3c x500 (scale bar B). Fig. 1(H)a,b. De Wever 1982a, pl. 9, figs. 1, 3. Fig. 2. TR, 1662D-R02-05. Fig. 3a,b,c. TR, 1662D-R02-05. 115 Crubus chengi Yeh 1987b Species code: CRB01 Synonymy: 1987b Crubus chengi n. sp. – Yeh, p. 69, pl. 18, figs. 13-15, 19-20, 24; pl. 19, figs. 7, 15. 1987b Crubus firmus n. sp. – Yeh, p. 69, pl. 18, figs. 12, 18. 1987b Crubus (?) robustus n. sp. – Yeh, p. 70, pl. 3, fig. 18; pl. 18, figs. 9, 10, 22. 1987b Crubus sp. A – Yeh, p. 70, pl. 18, figs. 11, 17. Original description: Test wide, subcylindrical, usually with eight to ten post-abdominal chambers. Cephalis conical, with short massive rudimentary horn and covered with layer of microgranular silca. Thorax to second post-abdominal chambers covered by layer of massive, irregular polygonal pore frames. Costae moderately thick, about ten to twelve visible laterally. Original remarks: Crubus chengi Yeh, n. sp., differs from C.(?) robustus, n. sp., by having a long, massive horn, and having a test with apical portion more pointed in nature. Crubus chengi, n. sp., differs from C. firmus, n. sp., by having a more cylindrical test with more massive horn on a smaller cephalis. Further remarks: We consider that Crubus chengi, C.? robustus, C. firmus, and C. sp. A represent variation in a single species. Measurements (µm): Ten specimens measured. HT Mean Max. Min. Length (max.) 287 280 287 272 Width (max.) 143 140 143 130 Etymology: This species is named for Dr. Yen-Nien Cheng for his help on this project. Type locality: Sample OR-600M, Hyde Formation at IzeePaulina road, east-central Oregon. Occurrence: Nicely and Hyde formations, Oregon; Fannin Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands. Genus: Crucella Pessagno 1971 Type species: Crucella messinae Pessagno 1971 Synonymy: 1971 Crucella n. gen. – Pessagno, p. 52. Original description: Test as with subfamily. Four rays, elliptical to rectangular in cross-section with polygonal meshwork arranged linearly to sublinearly; rays equal in length; tapering distally; terminating in centrally placed spines. Central area with polygonal (often triangular) meshwork; sometimes with a lacuna, with or without patagium. Original remarks: Crucella n. gen., differs from Hagiastrum Haeckel (1) by possessing rays of nearly equal length; (2) by possessing rays with tapered rather than bulbous tips; and (3) by having prominent spine at the tip of each ray. Etymology: From the Latin crux = cross. 116 Included species and subspecies: CRU21 Crucella angulosa s.l. Carter 1988 CRU11 Crucella angulosa angulosa Carter 1988 CRU12 Crucella angulosa longibrachiata Carter n. ssp. PDC02 Crucella beata (Yeh) 1987b CRU22 Crucella cavata s.l. Whalen & Carter 1998 CRU10 Crucella cavata cavata Whalen & Carter 1998 CRU20 Crucella cavata giganticava Carter n. ssp. CRU19 Crucella cavata intermedicava Carter n. ssp. PDC05 Crucella jadeae Carter & Dumitrica n. sp. CRU13 Crucella mijo De Wever 1981b CRU14 Crucella mirabunda Whalen & Carter 2002 CRU15 Crucella spongase De Wever 1981b CRU16 Crucella squama (Kozlova) 1971 3131 Crucella theokaftensis Baumgartner 1980 Plate CRB01. Crubus chengi Yeh. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Yeh 1987b, pl. 18, fig. 15. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C304566, GSC 128752. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-304567, GSC 128753. Fig. 4. QCI, GSC loc. C-304566, GSC 128754. 117 Crucella angulosa s.l. Carter 1988 Species code: CRU21 Synonymy: 1988 Crucella angulosa Carter n. sp. – Carter et al., p. 43, pl. 4, figs. 11, 12. See also subspecies. Included subspecies: CRU11 Crucella angulosa angulosa Carter 1988 CRU12 Crucella angulosa longibrachiata Carter n. ssp. Crucella angulosa angulosa Carter 1988 Species code: CRU11 Synonymy: 1988 Crucella angulosa Carter n. sp. – Carter et al., p. 43, pl. 4, fig.11 only. 1998 Pseudocrucella carpenterensis n. sp. - Cordey, p. 69, pl. 19, figs. 3, 4. Original diagnosis: Test cruciform. Rays medium to long and of uniform width, with long sturdy central spines. Original description: Test cruciform with medium to long rays terminated by long central spines. Rays uniform in width, of more or less equal length, diverging abruptly from the central area. Pore frames irregular in size, shape and arrangement; composed of thin bars with small rounded pores at vertices. Rays rectangular in cross-section. Central spines have (three?) wide, rounded, longitudinal ridges alternating with wide, strong grooves. Original remarks: This form, although extremely variable in ray length, bears no resemblance to any described species of Crucella. Indeed, the longer-rayed forms (e.g., Pl. 4, fig. 12), having finer bars and smaller nodes, may be found to represent another species when additional, better preserved specimens are found. Measurements (µm): Based on 10 specimens. Length of ray Width of ray Length of longest spine HT 111 39 95 Av. 124 51 71 Max. 191 66 119 Min. 111 39 45 Etymology: Latin, angulosus (adj.), full of corners. Type locality: GSC locality C-080577, Fannin Formation, Maude Island. Occurrence: Ghost Creek, Fannin, Whiteaves and Phantom Creek formations, Queen Charlotte Islands; Fernie Formation, Williston Lake, NE British Columbia; Bridge River Complex, British Columbia. Crucella angulosa longibrachiata Carter n. ssp. Species code: CRU12 Synonymy: 1988 Crucella angulosa Carter n. sp. – Carter et al., p. 43, pl. 4, fig. 12, not fig. 11. Type designation: Holotype GSC 111717 from GSC loc. C305208, Fernie Formation (lower Pliensbachian). Measurements (µm): Based on 9 specimens. Length of longest ray Max. width of ray tips Length of longest spine HT 126 65 203 Max. 158 75 214 Min. 112.5 47 150 Mean 136 59 221 (7) Description: Test cruciform with long rays terminated by long central spines. Rays uniform in width, of more or less equal length. Pore frames irregular in size, shape and arrangement; composed of thin bars with small rounded pores at vertices. Rays rectangular in cross-section. Central spines with three wide, rounded, longitudinal ridges alternating with wide, strong grooves. Etymology: From the Latin: longus, -a, -um = long, and brachium, i = arm; longibrachiatus, -a,- um = with long arms; adjective. Remarks: This species differs from C. angulosa angulosa in always having much longer arms. Crucella angulosa Carter originally consisted of two distinctive morphotypes: one with short arms and one with much longer arms; these are now separated into subspecies. Occurrence: Fernie Formation, Williston Lake, NE British Columbia; Fannin Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands. 118 Type locality: Sample 00-TD-HALL (GSC loc. C-305208), Fernie Formation, Black Bear ridge, Williston Lake, British Columbia Plate CRU11. Crucella angulosa angulosa Carter. Magnification x150. Fig. 1(H). Carter et al. 1988, pl. 4, fig. 11. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-080611, GSC 128757. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-080611, GSC 128755. Fig. 4. QCI, GSC loc. C304566, GSC 128756. Fig. 5. NBC, GSC loc. C-305208, GSC 128758. Plate CRU12. Crucella angulosa longibrachiata Carter n. ssp. Magnification x150. Fig. 1(H). NBC, GSC loc. C-305208, GSC 111717. Fig. 2. Carter et al. 1988, pl. 4, fig. 12. 119 Crucella beata (Yeh) 1987b Species code: PDC02 Synonymy: 1987b Pseudocrucella beata n. sp. – Yeh, p. 28, pl. 2, figs. 11-12; pl. 23, figs. 10, 25. Original description: Test thick with four wide rays. Rays subellipsoidal in cross section, medium in length, with five to six external beams and four to five sublinearly arranged rows of rectangular pore frames. Central area large with irregularly arranged subtriangular or rectangular pore frames. Primary spines medium in length, moderately thick, circular in axial section. Test with or without patagium. Original remarks: Pseudocrucella beata, n. sp., differs from P. jurassica, n. sp., by having a wider test with rays which are ellipsoidal in axial section and by lacking a central cavity. Measurements (µm): Ten specimens measured. HT Mean Max. Min. Length of ray 108 105 108 103 Width of ray Width at base of central area 84 130 82 131 84 134 80 130 Length of spine 86 88 103 83 Etymology: Beatus-a-um (Latin, adj.) = happy. Type locality: Sample OR-536J, Nicely Formation, southeast side of Morgan Mountain, east-central Oregon. Occurrence: Nicely Formation, Oregon; Fannin Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands. Crucella cavata s.l. Whalen & Carter 1998 Species code: CRU22 Synonymy: See subspecies. Included subspecies: CRU10 Crucella cavata cavata Whalen & Carter 1998 CRU20 Crucella cavata giganticava Carter n. ssp. CRU19 Crucella cavata intermedicava Carter n. ssp. Crucella cavata cavata Whalen & Carter 1998 Species code: CRU10 Synonymy: 1998 Crucella cavata n. sp. – Whalen & Carter, p. 49, pl. 12, figs. 15, 18, 19, 21, 22. Original description: Test with large central area, four short rays expanded distally, each with a moderately long central spine. Rays wide, subrectangular in axial section with upper and lower planiform surfaces. Rays gradually widening to ray tips. Each ray with one long, massive spine, circular in axial section. Rays with irregularly sized and shaped polygonal pore frames with no development of external lineation; small nodes at pore frame vertices. Prominent circular lacuna in central area variable in size with sides sloping towards center. Original remarks: The distinctive lacuna distinguishes Crucella cavata n. sp. from all other species of Crucella Pessagno in the Sandilands fauna. 120 Measurements (µm): Number of specimens measured = (n) Length of Maximum width Width of ray Length of longest of central area tips (Max.) longest ray (12) (12) (12) spine (7) 124 82 97 111 225 82 122 150 124 54 79 94 180 69 101 128 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: Cavatus, a, um (Latin; adj.) = hollowed out. Type locality: Sample 86-OF-KUC-8, Sandilands Formation, north side of Kunga Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Sandilands Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands. Plate PDC02. Crucella beata (Yeh). Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Yeh 1987b, pl. 23, fig. 10. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C080611, GSC 128759. Plate CRU10. Crucella cavata cavata Whalen & Carter. Magnification x150. Fig. 1(H). Carter et al. 1998, pl. 12, fig. 15. 121 Crucella cavata giganticava Carter n. ssp. Species code: CRU20 Type designation: Holotype GSC 111718 from GSC loc. C140413; Rennell Junction member of the Fannin Formation (upper lower Pliensbachian). Description: Large cruciform test with massive deep lacuna and a short central spine on each ray tip. Rays wide, subrectangular in axial section, upper and lower surfaces planiform. Rays slightly expanded towards tips; tips rounded, not tapering. Pore frames surrounding and within central lacuna large, mostly triangular in shape with moderately large nodes at vertices; pore frames smaller towards ray tips. Lacuna occupying most the central area of test. Primary spines at ray tips short and rod-like. Remarks: Crucella cavata giganticava n. ssp. differs from C. cavata cavata in having much larger, more regularly shaped pore frames with stronger nodes at vertices, and primary spines are smaller. Lacuna in C. cavata giganticava n. ssp. larger than in all other subspecies. Measurements (µm): Based on 6 specimens. Length of longest ray Max. width of ray tips Max. width of central cavity Length of longest spine HT 153 111 116 broken Max. 184 135 116 111 Min. 111 80 56 58 Mean 148 102 78 78 (3) Etymology: From Latin: giganteus, -a, -um = giant, gigantic and cavus, -a, -um = caved; adjective. Type locality: North side Cumshewa Inlet, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Ghost Creek Formation and Rennell Junction member of the Fannin Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands. Crucella cavata intermedicava Carter n. ssp. Species code: CRU19 Type designation: Holotype GSC 128888 from GSC loc. C080612; Ghost Creek Formation (lower Pliensbachian). Description: Test with relatively small central area and four moderately long rays each with a strong central spine. Rays constant in width or just slightly expanded distally, subrectangular in axial section with upper and lower surfaces planiform. Each ray with one massive spine (usually broken), triradiate in axial section. Rays with small irregularly arranged pore frames, mostly triangular and tetragonal in shape; small nodes at pore frame vertices. Lacuna in central area variable in size, deep with steep sides. Remarks: Crucella cavata intermedicava Carter n. ssp. differs from C. cavata cavata Whalen & Carter in possessing slimmer rays with slightly larger, more regularly arranged pore frames, and spines are triradiate rather than circular in axial section. Differs from C. cavata giganticava n. ssp. in having narrower rays, less massive pore frames, and a smaller lacuna. 122 Measurements (µm): Based on 7 specimens. Length of longest ray Max. width of ray tips Max. width of central area HT 108 72 55 Max. 168 72 61 Min. 112 47 37 Mean 133 62 48 Etymology: From Latin: intermedius, -a, -um = intermediate and cavus, -a, -um = caved; adjective. Type locality: Sample CAA-80-T-7, lms. (GSC loc. C080612), Ghost Creek Formation, Rennell Junction, Yakoun River area, central Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. Occurrence: Ghost Creek Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Musallah Formation, Oman. Plate CRU20. Crucella cavata giganticava Carter n. ssp. Magnification x150. Fig. 1(H). QCI, GSC loc. C-140413, GSC 111718. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-304566, GSC 128760. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-304566, GSC 128761. Plate CRU19. Crucella cavata intermedicava Carter n. ssp. Magnification x150. Fig. 1(H). QCI, GSC loc. C- 080612, GSC 128888. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-175311, GSC 128762. Fig. 3. OM-00-251, 021518. 123 Crucella jadeae Carter & Dumitrica n. sp. Species code: PDC05 Synonymy: Whalen & Carter but differs in having longer arms and mostly triradiate rather than circular spines. Type designation: Holotype, pl. PDC05, fig. 1 (Yeh 1987b, pl. 2, fig. 18); paratype, fig. 2, GSC 128877; Ghost Creek Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands. Measurements (µm): Based on 6 specimens. 1987b Pseudocrucella sp. E – Yeh, p. 30, pl. 2, fig. 18; pl. 3, fig. 14. Description: Test flat with long and narrow rays; rays increasing very slowly in width distally and terminating in more or less expanded tips. Each ray with a three-bladed, pointed distal spine the length of which is about half the length of ray. Central area flat, small. Surface of rays and central area with small, dense, irregularly arranged pores. Sides of rays vertical to slightly concave. Remarks: As written by Yeh (1987b) this form differs from Pseudocrucella magna Blome (1984b) by having rays with expanded tips and with less massive spines. Crucella jadeae is very close to the Sinemurian species C. kaisunensis Length of rays Width of rays at base With of rays at tip HT 170-200 50 70-88 Max. 390 70 140 Min. 180 50 68 Mean 230 56 91 Etymology: The species is named for Kuei-Yu Yeh (Jade) who illustrated the first specimens. Type locality: OR-536J, southeast side of Morgan Mountain, east-central Oregon. Occurrence: Nicely Formation, east-central Oregon; Ghost Creek Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman. Crucella mijo De Wever 1981b Species code: CRU13 Synonymy: 1981b Crucella mijo n. sp. – De Wever, p. 35, pl. 4, figs. 1, 2. 1982b Crucella mijo De Wever – De Wever, p. 253, pl. 28, figs. 1-3. 1996 Crucella sp. A – Pujana, p. 136, pl. 1, fig. 14. 2002 Crucella mijo De Wever – Suzuki et al., p. 176, fig. 7 C. Original description: Patulibracchiinae with four wineskin-shaped arms terminating in a spine triradiate in axialsection along its length. Fine spongy network visible, in a relic stage, mainly at base of arms and between them where it is probably more protected. Here and there one or several tiny spines arise radially from this web (Pl. 4, fig. 1). At base of terminal spine on arms, ridges, which separate grooves (corresponding to prolongation of a pore), are carved by secondary grooves. Pores tend to be disposed in an orthogonal network in center, oblique relative to axis of arms, and sometimes slightly aligned on arms. Nodes are often present at intersection of bars on the network. Original remarks: This species differs from Crucella messinae Pessagno (1971, p. 55) by its wineskin-shaped arms and spines triradiate along their length with grooves carved at base. It is distinguished from C. plana Pessagno (1971, p. 56) and C. espartoensis Pessagno (1971, p. 54) which have different pores, less visible nodes and primary spines rounded in cross-section; from C. irwini Pessagno (1971, 124 p. 55) by the shape of the arms. Stauralastrum euganeum Squinabol (1903, p. 123) has a more massive shape and does not show aligned pores. Measurements (µm): Based on 8 specimens. Overall length (2 arms + center, without spines) Maximal width of arm Diagonal of central part Av. Min. Max. HT 366 350 380 380 100 115 85 85 116 140 110 85 Length of terminal spines sometimes reach 115 µm, as on holotype. Etymology: Arbitrary combination of letters (ICZN, Append. D, V, 26) Type locality: Sample 1662D, Gümüslü Allochthon, Taurus Mts., Turkey. Occurrence: Gümüslü Allochthon, Turkey; Rennell Junction member of the Fannin Formation; Fernie Formation, NE British Columbia; Sierra Chacaicó Formation, Argentina; Pucara Group, Peru. Plate PDC05. Crucella jadeae Carter & Dumitrica n. sp. Magnification x100. Fig. 1(H). Yeh 1987b, pl. 2, fig. 18. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-305388, GSC 128877. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-305386, GSC 111807. Fig. 4. OM, BR524-R04-07. Fig. 5. OM, BR523-R03-19. Plate CRU13. Crucella mijo De Wever. Magnification x150. Fig. 1(H). De Wever 1981b, pl. 4, fig. 2. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-304566, GSC 128763. Fig. 3. NBC, GSC loc. C-305208, GSC 128764. Fig. 4. QCI, GSC loc. C-304566, GSC 128765. 125 Crucella mirabunda Whalen & Carter 2002 Species code: CRU14 Synonymy: 1987 Crucella sp. B - Hattori, pl. 4, fig. 8. 1988 Pseudocrucella sp. A – Carter et al., p. 29, pl. 7, figs. 8-9. 2002 Crucella mirabunda n. sp. – Whalen & Carter, p. 106, pl. 1, figs. 7, 11; pl. 2, figs. 1, 8. Original description: Rays with irregularly sized and shaped triangular and tetragonal pore frames with no linear arrangement; pore frames with medium-sized nodes at vertices. Rays subcircular in axial section gradually widening toward distal part of ray. Each ray with one massive spine, triradiate in axial section with broad, rounded longitudinal ridges and narrow longitudinal grooves. Central area broad, flat with no lacuna; pore frames in central area with similar construction and arrangement as rays. Original remarks: Crucella mirabunda n. sp. differs from C. kaisuensis Whalen and Carter 1998 by having shorter triradiate spines; it differs from C. mijo De Wever 1981b by having shorter, broader rays and more robust spines. Measurements (µm): Based on 10 specimens. Length of ray (Max.) 105 120 83 98 Length of spine when entire (Max.) 75 116 60 88 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: Mirabundus, a, um (Latin, adj.) = full of wonder. Type locality: Sample SH-412-14, San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur. Occurrence: San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur; Phantom Creek Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Japan. Crucella spongase De Wever 1981b Species code: CRU15 Synonymy: 1981 Crucella sp. A – Pessagno & Poisson, pl. 2, figs. 6, 8. 1981b Crucella spongase n. sp. – De Wever, p. 36, pl. 5, figs. 1-3. 1982b Crucella spongase De Wever – De Wever, p. 254, pl. 29, figs. 1-3. Original description: Patulibracchiinae with four arms orthogonally disposed, each ending in a spine, with a patagium. Arms massive, sometimes bearing very small spines, and covered with a thin spongy network, often residual. Terminal spines triradiate in cross section, but one of them without a 3 part symmetry in cross section. Indeed, one of the basal pores, open in a groove, is much larger than the other two. This large pore suggests a bracchiopyle (Pl. 5, fig. 2). Arms inflated in center of test, which is flat, and does not show a depressed part (lacuna). Network is looser in center, where pores are triangular, than distally where pores are rectangular. Nodes exist at bar intersections. 126 Original remarks: This form differs from Histiastrum valanginica Aliev (1965) by presence of secondary spines, irregularly arranged pores without alignment, and absence of lacuna. Measurements (µm): 10 specimens measured. Total length of both arms without terminal spines Length of primary spines HT Max. Min. Mean 336 400 297 336 59 32 59 47 Etymology: Anagram of E. A. Pessagno Jr. in honor of his pioneer work on Mesozoic Radiolaria. Type locality: Sample 1662D, Gümüslü Allochthon, Taurus Mts., Turkey. Occurrence: Gümüslü Allochthon, Turkey; Dürrnberg Formation, Austria. Plate CRU14. Crucella mirabunda Whalen & Carter. Magnification x200. Fig 1(H). Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 1, fig. 7. Fig. 2. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 2, fig. 1. Plate CRU15. Crucella spongase De Wever. Magnification x150. Fig. 1(H). De Wever 1981b, pl. 5, fig. 3. Fig. 2. AT, BMW-21-24. 127 Crucella squama (Kozlova) 1971 Species code: CRU16 Synonymy: 1971 Hagiastrum squama n. sp. – Kozlova, p. 1175, pl. 1, fig. 10. 1973 Hagiastrum squama n. sp. – Kozlova, p. 59, pl. 18, fig. 8. 1981b Crucella squama (Kozlova) – De Wever, p. 38, pl. 5, fig. 7. 1982b Crucella squama (Kozlova) – De Wever, p. 255, pl. 29, fig. 4. 1988 Crucella sp. aff. C. squama (Kozlova) – Carter et al., p. 43, pl. 12, figs. 11, 12. 2002 Crucella squama (Kozlova) – Whalen & Carter, p. 106, pl. 2, figs. 2, 5. Original description: Skeleton small, cross-shaped, thick. Four similar, short, triangular arms ending in thick, threebladed spines. Structure of central part of the disk and arms similar, skeleton consisting of several porous layers that pass in one another. Pores rounded, oval and reniform. Original remarks: By the outline of skeleton and shape of arms Hagiastrum squama Kozlova, sp. nov. is close to Stauralastrum (?) sp. Holmes from which it differs only in having less long arms; the comparison with this species is difficult because due to the poor preservation of specimens W. M. Holmes did not describe the structure of skeleton. Further remarks: Crucella squama is very similar to Crucella beata (Yeh) but differs from the latter in having threebladed spines. Measurements (µm): Length of arms from centre (without spines) width of arms at base Width of spines at base Diameter of pores Min. 105 75 6 Max 120 105 27 12 Etymology: Squama (Lat.) – scale. Type locality: Sample Timano-Ural region, Pizhma river, Lower Kimmeridgian Marls. Occurrence: Timano-Ural region, Russia; Gümüslü Allochthon, Turkey; San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur; Fannin, Whiteaves and Phantom Creek formations, Queen Charlotte Islands. Crucella theokaftensis Baumgartner 1980 Species code: 3131 Synonymy: 1980 Crucella theokaftensis n. sp. – Baumgartner, p. 308, pl. 8, figs 19-22; pl. 12, fig. 1. 1982 Crucella theokaftensis Baumgartner – Aita, pl. 3, fig. 12. ? 1985 Crucella theokaftensis Baumgartner – Nagai, pl. 5, figs. 5, 5a. 1987 Crucella theokaftensis Baumgartner – Aita, p. 63, pl. 1, fig. 8; pl. 8, fig. 3. 1987 Crucella theokaftensis Baumgartner – Kito, pl. 1, fig. 10. 1989 Crucella sp. A – Hattori, pl. 25, fig. G. 1995a Crucella theokaftensis Baumgartner – Baumgartner et al., p. 158, pl. 3131, figs. 1-3. 1997 Crucella theokaftensis Baumgartner – Hull, p. 20, pl. 4, figs. 6, 12, 14. 2003 Crucella theokaftensis Baumgartner – Goričan et al., p. 293, pl. 1, fig. 19. 2004 Crucella theokaftensis Baumgartner – Matsuoka, fig. 44. Original description: Test as with genus, central area inflated subspherical on both sides raised over rays. Rays slender conical tapering into long triradiate spines. Central area with small, irregular pore frames, ray with lengthened pores becoming larger toward the base of the spines, sometimes weakly linearly arranged. 128 Original remarks: This species is related to C. messinae but differs in having an inflated central area with smaller pores and slenderer conical rays. The specimen from the lowest sample of the Argolis Peninsula POB 899 (pl. 8. fig. 19; pl. 12, fig. 1) differs from the topotypic material (POB 986) in having much shorter spines and a smaller test; see measurements. Measurements (µm): Based on 7 specimens. Length of rays AX Length of rays BX Length of rays CX Length of rays DX Width of rays at base L. longest spine HT 140 210 200 70 150 Av. 119 65 61 Min. 97 50 50 Max. 210 80 150 Etymology: Named for the type locality. Type locality: Locality D of Baumgartner (1980); Argolis Peninsula (Peloponnesus, Greece). Occurrence: Worldwide. Plate CRU16. Crucella squama (Kozlova). Magnification x150. Fig. 1(H). Kozlova 1971, pl. 1, fig. 10. Fig. 2. De Wever 1981b, pl. 5, fig. 7. Fig. 3. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 2, fig. 2. Plate 3131. Crucella theokaftensis Baumgartner. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Baumgartner 1980, pl. 8, fig. 22. Fig. 2. Matsuoka 2004, fig. 44. Fig. 3. Goričan et al. 2003, pl. 1, fig. 19. 129 Genus: Cyclastrum Rüst 1898 Type species: Cyclastrum infundibuliforme Rüst 1898 Synonymy: 1898 Cyclastrum n. gen – Rüst, p. 28. Original description: Three rays are linked at their distal ends by a band of patagium. Included species: CYC01 Cyclastrum asuncionense Whalen & Carter 2002 CYC02 Cyclastrum scammonense Whalen & Carter 2002 CYC03 Cyclastrum veracruzense Whalen & Carter 2002 CYC04 Cyclastrum sp. A Cyclastrum asuncionense Whalen & Carter 2002 Species code: CYC01 Synonymy: 2002 Cyclastrum asuncionense n. sp. – Whalen & Carter, p. 110, pl. 4, figs. 8, 9, 14; pl. 17, fig. 1. Original description: Test subtriangular in outline, margins gently convex between peripheral spines; test thin with rounded edges. Spines medium-sized, slender, triradiate in axial section with rounded, longitudinal ridges, and grooves. Meshwork along triangular margin of test composed of medium sized tetragonal and pentagonal pore frames with no distinctive alignment. Central portion of test depressed, broad, triangular in outline, with three-rayed area defined by smaller, more delicate pore frames than on remainder of test; three-rayed structure raised above central cavity and each ray aligned with peripheral spines. distinguishes C. asuncionense from all other species of Cyclastrum. Measurements (µm): (n) = number of specimens measured. Diameter of cortical shell (Max.) (8) 236 274 225 245 Length of primary spine (Max.) (6) 90 90 41 60 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: This species is named for Punta Asuncion located to the northwest of the type area. Original remarks: See remarks under Cyclastum veracruzense n. sp. and Cyclastrum scammonense n. sp. Type locality: Sample SH-412-14, San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Further remarks: The shape of the test, moderately compressed, subtriangular in outline with rounded edges, Occurrence: San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur. Cyclastrum scammonense Whalen & Carter 2002 Species code: CYC02 Synonymy: ? 1998 Orbiculiforma silicatilis n. sp. – Cordey, p. 93, pl. 21, fig. 7 (not figs. 5, 8). 2002 Cyclastrum scammonense n. sp. – Whalen & Carter, p. 111, pl. 4, figs. 3-5, 11-13, 15; pl. 5, figs. 1, 2, 9. Original description: Test outline a nearly straight-sided equilateral triangle; test very thick with vertical sides. Recessed area sometimes girdles edge of test. Spines mediumsized, triradiate in axial section with broad, rounded longitudinal ridges and narrow longitudinal grooves, becoming circular in axial section distally. Pore frames irregularly shaped, pentagonal, tetragonal and circular showing an indistinct lineation subparallel to margin of test. Central area of test broad, triangular in outline and slightly depressed. Subspherical area, in center of test, with smaller pore frames, connecting with poorly defined rays aligned with peripheral spines. Original remarks: Cyclastrum scammonense n. sp. is distinguished from C. veracruzense n. sp. and C. asuncionense n. sp. by having a straight-sided test. 130 Measurements (µm): (n) = number of specimens measured Diameter of Length of cortical shell (max.) (17) primary spine (max.) (14) 225 71 255 94 195 45 222 62 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: This species is named for Scammon's Lagoon (a haven for migrating gray whales) located to the northeast of the type area. Type locality: Sample SH-412-14, San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Occurrence: San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman. Plate CYC01. Cyclastrum asuncionense Whalen & Carter. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H)a, b. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 4, figs. 8-9. Plate CYC02. Cyclastrum scammonense Whalen & Carter. Magnification x200. Fig. 1a,b(H). Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 4, figs. 3-4. Fig. 2. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 5, fig. 2. Fig. 3a,b. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 4, figs. 5, 12. Fig. 4. OM, BR1121, 15928. 131 Cyclastrum veracruzense Whalen & Carter 2002 Species code: CYC03 Synonymy: 1984 unidentified Radiolaria – Whalen & Pessagno, pl. 1, fig. 14. 2002 Cyclastrum veracruzense n. sp. – Whalen & Carter, p. 111, pl. 5, figs. 3, 4, 13; pl. 17, fig. 2. Original description: Test outline a nearly straight-sided equilateral triangle; on some specimens (including holotype), margins curved gently inward between peripheral spines. Test very thin with gently rounded edges. Spines short, stout, triradiate in axial section with narrow, rounded longitudinal ridges and broad shallow longitudinal grooves. Meshwork along triangular margin of test composed of irregular, medium-sized tetragonal and pentagonal pore frames with no distinctive alignment. Central area of test slightly depressed, broad, triangular in outline, with three-rayed area defined by smaller pore frames with slightly more alignment than on remainder of test; threerayed structure aligned with peripheral spines. Original remarks: The shorter, broader peripheral spines and distinctive shape of Cyclastrum veracruzense n. sp., distinguish it from C. asunsionense n. sp. Cyclastrum sp. A Species code: CYC04 Description: This species is subtriangular in outline and very thick with near vertical margins. Upper and lower surfaces of test with a broad outer rim composed mostly of subrectangular pore frames, and a narrow poorly defined central cavity made up of smaller pore frames. Test has a single spine at each corner of test; spines very small, triradiate at base becoming circular towards tips. Remarks: This species differs from Cyclastrum asuncionense Whalen & Carter in having a much thicker test, a smaller central area and short minuscule spines. Occurrence: Ghost Creek Formation and Rennell Junction member of the Fannin Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands. 132 Further remarks: The very thin, compressed test and short peripheral spines distinguish Cyclastrum veracruzense n. sp. from all other species of Cyclastrum. Measurements (µm): Based on 6 specimens. Diameter of cortical shell (max.) 225 225 195 218 Length of primary spine (max.) 53 79 30 59 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: This species is named for Pico Vera Cruz located to the north of the type area. Type locality: Sample SH-412-14, San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur. Occurrence: San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur; Fannin Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands. Plate CYC03. Cyclastrum veracruzense Whalen & Carter. Magnification x200. Fig. 1a,b(H). Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 5, figs. 3-4. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-304567, GSC 128766. Plate CYC04. Cyclastrum sp. A. Magnification x200. Fig. 1. QCI, GSC loc. C-305386, GSC 128767. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-304566, GSC 128768. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-304566, GSC 128769. 133 Genus: Danubea Whalen & Carter 1998 Type species: Danubea howardi Whalen & Carter 1998 Synonymy: 1998 Danubea n. gen. – Whalen & Carter, p. 40. Original description: Test with two prominent spines in the polar positions. Cortical shell inflated, sub-elliptical in outline with slightly planiform surfaces adjacent to spines; meshwork composed of tetragonal and triangular pore frames with prominent nodes at pore frame vertices; large pores sometimes located on cortical shell at base of spines. Spines triradiate in axial section and tapering distally. Original remarks: The bipolar spines of Danubea n. gen., distinguish it from all other genera of the Subfamily Charlotteinae. Danubea n. gen. differs from Pantanellium Pessagno by having an inner eccentric spicular network. Protopsium Pessagno and Poisson differs from Danubea n. gen. by having spongy meshwork. Etymology: Danubea n. gen., is named for the steamer Danube, a well known trading ship in the Queen Charlotte Islands in the late 1800s. Included species: DAN02 Danubea sp. A sensu Whalen & Carter 2002 Danubea sp. A sensu Whalen & Carter 2002 Species code: DAN02 Synonymy: 2002 Danubea sp. A – Whalen & Carter, p. 112, pl. 7, figs. 7, 8. Original remarks: The much smaller cortical shell with smaller pore frames but with more prominent nodes at pore frame vertices and the proportionally longer, more massive polar spines distinguish this species from D. howardi Whalen and Carter. Occurrence: San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur; Rennell Junction member of the Fannin Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands. Genus: Droltus Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Type species: Droltus lyellensis Pessagno & Whalen, 1982 Synonymy: 1982 Droltus n. gen – Pessagno & Whalen, p. 120 Original description: Test conical to cylindrical, lacking strictures at joints. Cephalis with short to long horn. Aperture of final post-abdominal chamber open, not enclosed by latticed dome-shaped cap. Original remarks: Droltus is compared to Bagotum, n. gen., under the latter genus. Further remarks: Droltus differs from Broctus by lacking a narrow tubular structure on the final postabdominal chamber. 134 Etymology: Droltus is a name formed by an arbitrary combination of letters (ICZN, 1964, Appendix D, Pt. VI, Recommendation 40, p.113). Included species: DRO07 Droltus eurasiaticus Kozur & Mostler 1990 DRO02 Droltus hecatensis Pessagno & Whalen 1982 DRO03 Droltus laseekensis Pessagno & Whalen 1982 DRO06 Droltus lyellensis Pessagno & Whalen 1982 DRO08 Droltus sanignacioensis Whalen & Carter 2002 Plate DAN02. Danubea sp. A sensu Whalen & Carter. Magnification Fig. 1 x200, Fig. 2 x400. Fig. 1. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 7, fig. 7. Fig. 2. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 7, fig. 8. 135 Droltus eurasiaticus Kozur & Mostler 1990 Species code: DRO07 Synonymy: 1982 Parahsuum (?) sp. A – Yao, pl. 3, fig. 6. 1990 Droltus eurasiaticus n. sp. – Kozur & Mostler, p. 223, pl. 17, fig. 3-4. 1998 Droltus eurasiaticus Kozur & Mostler – Yeh & Cheng, p. 20, pl. 12, fig. 1. 2002 Droltus eurasiaticus Kozur & Mostler – Whalen & Carter, p. 116, pl. 16, figs. 5, 6. Original description: Test conical, multicyrtid, with 6-7 postabdominal segments lacking strictures at joints. Cephalis rounded conical, imperforate, with prominent apical horn. Cephalis covered by a layer of microgranular silica. Thorax and subsequent chambers trapezoidal in cross section. Pores arranged in vertical lines. In the thorax they are closed by layer of microgranular silica. In the remaining chambers the pores are open and become increasingly larger toward the final postabdominal chamber. Outer latticed layer indistinct, with large pore frames, arranged in vertical lines and with small to distinct nodes at pore frame vertices. Original remarks: The other Droltus species of our material have tricarinate spines. Measurements (µm): Length of test Maximum width Min. 200 83 Max. 214 100 Etymology: According to its occurrence in Eurasia. Type locality: Kirchstein Limestone, Kirchstein, Bavaria, Germany. Occurrence: Kirchstein Limestone, Germany; Várhegy Limestone, Hungary; San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur; Liminangcong Chert, Philippines. Droltus hecatensis Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Species code: DRO02 Synonymy: 1982 Droltus hecatensis n. sp. – Pessagno & Whalen, p. 121; pl. 1, fig. 12, 13, 18, 22; pl. 4, figs. 1, 2, 6, 10; pl. 12, figs. 18-19. 1988 Droltus sp. – Sashida, p. 24, pl. 3, figs. 7, 16, 17. 1989 Droltus hecatensis Pessagno & Whalen – Hattori, pl. 12, fig. F. 1996 Droltus hecatensis s.l. Pessagno & Whalen – Pujana, p. 138, pl. 1, figs. 6, 16, 17. 1996 Bagotidae gen. et sp. indet. – Pujana, p. 138, pl. 1, fig. 10. 1998 Droltus hecatensis Pessagno & Whalen – Whalen & Carter, p. 63, pl. 15, fig. 14. 2001 Droltus hecatensis Pessagno & Whalen – Gawlick et al., pl. 5, fig. 13. 2002 Droltus hecatensis Pessagno & Whalen – Suzuki et al., p. 181, figs. 8 G, L-M, not fig. 8 H. 2002 Droltus hecatensis Pessagno & Whalen – Tekin, p. 186, pl. 3, fig. 9. Original description: Test conical with six or seven postabdominal chambers which are about 5 times as wide as long. Cephalis small, hemispherical, having small horn with subsidiary spine. Cephalis and thorax imperforate. Thorax and subsequent chambers trapezoidal in cross section. Outer latticed layer of abdomen and first several postabdominal chambers with irregularly sized and shaped polygonal (predominantly tetragonal and pentagonal) pore frames; pore frames of last two or three post-abdominal chambers larger, more uniformly sized, predominantly tetragonal (square to rectangular) and aligned in rows. 136 Original remarks: This species differs from D. lyellensis, n. sp., by having a larger, more massive horn with a subsidiary spine, by being more pointed apically, and by having more aligned and more uniformly sized tetragonal pore frames on its final post-abdominal chambers. Measurements (µm): Based on 9 specimens. Length excluding horn 250.0 260.0 225.0 243.33 Width (maximum) 125.0 150.0 117.5 132.2 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: D. hecatensis, n. sp., is named for Hecate Straight east of its type locality. Type locality: Sample QC 534, Rennell Junction member of the Fannin Formation (Maude Formation in Pessagno & Whalen, 1982), Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Sandilands, Ghost Creek and Fannin formations, Queen Charlotte Islands; Sierra Chacaicó Formation, Argentina; Pucara Group, Peru; Dürrnberg Formation, Austria; Hocaköy Radiolarite, Turkey; Musallah Formation and Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman; Japan. Plate DRO07. Droltus eurasiaticus Kozur & Mostler. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Kozur & Mostler 1990, pl. 1, fig. 3. Fig. 2. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 16, fig. 6. Fig. 3. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 16, fig. 5. Plate DRO02. Droltus hecatensis Pessagno & Whalen. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Pessagno & Whalen 1982, pl. 4, fig. 1. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-080611, GSC 128788. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-175310, GSC 128789. Fig. 4. QCI, GSC loc. C-304567, GSC 128790. Fig. 5. OM-00-251, 021431. Fig. 6. OM, BR1122-R02-10. Fig. 7. JP, MNA-10, MA13212. 137 Droltus laseekensis Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Species code: DRO03 Synonymy: 1982 Droltus laseekensis n. sp. – Pessagno & Whalen, p. 122, pl. 2, fugs. 5, 6, 11, 16; pl. 12, fig. 8, 15. 1998 Droltus laseekensis Pessagno & Whalen – Whalen & Carter, p. 63, pl. 15, fig. 8; pl. 26, fig. 4. 2004 Droltus laseekensis Pessagno & Whalen – Matsuoka, fig. 199. Original description: Test as with genus, conical, usually with seven or eight post-abdominal chambers. Abdomen and most post-abdominal chambers rapidly increasing in width; final three post-abdominal chambers gradually increasing in width. Cephalis conical with small horn. Cephalis and thorax sparsely perforate, covered by veneer of microgranular silica; outer latticed layer of abdomen and most post-abdominal chambers with irregularly sized and shaped polygonal (tetragonal and pentagonal) pore frames; pore frames of last two or three post-abdominal chambers slightly larger, more uniformly sized and shaped (rectangular) and aligned in rows. Measurements (µm): Based on 10 specimens. Length excluding horn 257.5 280.0 190.0 232.3 Width (maximum) 142.5 142.5 95.0 122.6 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: D. laseekensis, n. sp., is named for Laseek Bay, north of its type locality. Type locality: Sample QC 590A, Sandilands Formation (Kunga Formation in Pessagno & Whalen 1982), Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Sandilands and Ghost Creek formations and Rennell Junction member of the Fannin Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Mino Terrane, Japan. Original remarks: D. laseekensis, n. sp., differs from D. hecatensis, n. sp., by having pore frames on its final postabdominal chambers that are more irregular in shape and disposition. Droltus lyellensis Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Species code: DRO06 Synonymy: 1982 Droltus lyellensis n. sp. – Pessagno & Whalen, p. 122, pl. 2, figs. 3, 10; pl. 12, fig. 7. 1998 Droltus lyellensis Pessagno & Whalen – Whalen & Carter, p. 63, pl. 16, fig. 9. 2002 Droltus lyellensis Pessagno & Whalen – Suzuki et al., p. 182, fig. 8 I. Original description: Test conical to subcylindrical with five or six post-abdominal chambers over 5 times as wide as long. Cephalis relatively small, hemispherical with asymmetrically oriented short horn. Cephalis and thorax sparsely perforate. Outer latticed layer of abdomen and postabdominal chambers with somewhat irregular tetragonal, pentagonal, and hexagonal pore frames. Tetragonal pore frames often aligned in rows, tending to be more uniformly sized. Original remarks: Droltus lyellensis, n. sp., is compared to D. hecatensis n. sp., under the latter species. 138 Measurements (µm): Based on 9 specimens. Length excluding horn 170.0 210.0 125.0 162.0 Width (maximum) 87.5 100.0 75.0 90.5 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: This species is named for Lyell Island south of its type locality in the Queen Charlotte Islands. Type locality: Sample QC 550, Sandilands Formation (Kunga Formation of Pessagno & Whalen, 1982), north shore of Kunga Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Sandilands and Ghost Creek formations and Rennell Junction member of the Fannin Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Pucara Group, Peru. Plate DRO03. Droltus laseekensis Pessagno & Whalen. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Pessagno & Whalen 1982, pl. 2, fig. 6. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-305386, GSC 128791. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-175311, GSC 128792. Fig. 4. QCI, GSC loc. C-304566, GSC 128878. Fig. 5. Matsuoka 2004, fig. 199. Plate DRO06. Droltus lyellensis Pessagno & Whalen. Magnification x250. Fig. 1(H). Pessagno & Whalen 1982, pl. 2, fig. 3. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-175310, GSC 128793. 139 Droltus sanignacioensis Whalen & Carter 2002 Species code: DRO08 Synonymy: 1984 Bagotum sp. – Whalen & Pessagno, pl. 2, figs. 12-14. 1990 Droltus (?) sp. – De Wever at al., pl. 4, fig. 6. 1998 Droltus sp. – Kashiwagi, pl. 1, fig. 12; pl. 2, figs. 2, 3. 2002 Droltus sanignacioensis n. sp. – Whalen & Carter, p. 116, pl. 10, figs. 7, 8, 15. 2003 Parahsuum sp. – Kashiwagi & Kurimoto, pl. 3, fig. 5. Original description: Test conical, with approximately five post-abdominal chambers. Cephalis hemispherical without a horn. Thorax, abdomen and most post-abdominal chambers gradually increasing in width till last postabdominal chamber which slightly decreases in width. Outer latticed layer on proximal half of test composed of narrow, irregularly shaped pore frames elongated parallel to long axis of test; pore frames of outer latticed layer on distal half of test tetragonal (rectangular) in outline and aligned in rows. Measurements (µm): (n) = number of specimens measured. Length (10) 165 180 135 158 Width (Max.) (11) 90 105 90 95 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: Droltus sanignacioensis is named for the town of San Ignacio located to the east of the type area. Type locality: Sample BPW80-30, San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur. Occurrence: San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur; Ghost Creek Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Williston Lake, north-east British Columbia; Musallah Formation, Oman; Japan. Original remarks: The elongated, irregularly shaped pore frames on the proximal portion of the test distinguish this species from Droltus lyellensis Pessagno and Whalen 1982. Genus: Ducatus Whalen & Carter 2002 Type species: Ducatus hipolitoensis Whalen & Carter 2002 Synonymy: 2002 Ducatus n. gen. – Whalen & Carter, p. 132. Original description: Test multicyrtid, composed of cephalis, thorax, abdomen, and swollen post-abdominal chamber. Cephalis with horn. Post-abdominal chamber always much larger than cephalis, thorax, and abdomen, terminating in long, gently tapering, closed tubular extension. Post-abdominal chamber with two prominent, porous arms, gently tapering to closed distal tips; arms circular in axial-section, attached at mid-point of spherical portion of post-abdominal chamber, at right angles to long axis of test. 140 Original remarks: The presence of circumferential porous arms or wings rather than solid spines distinguishes Ducatus n. gen., from Katroma Pessagno and Poisson 1981, and Podobursa Wisniowski 1889, emend. Foreman 1973. Ducatus is distinguished from Podocapsa Rüst l885, by having only two circumferential wings, rather than three. Etymology: Ducatus is a name formed by an arbitrary combination of letters (ICZN 1985, Appendix D, pt. VI, Recommendation 40, p. 201). Included species: DUC01 Ducatus hipolitoensis Whalen & Carter 2002 Plate DRO08. Droltus sanignacioensis Whalen & Carter. Magnification x250. Fig. 1(H). Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 10, fig. 7. Fig. 2. OM-00-252, 021731. Fig. 3. OM-00-118, 000629. Fig. 4. NBC, GSC loc. C-305208, GSC 128911. Fig. 5. QCI, GSC loc. C-305417, GSC 128794. Fig. 6. QCI, GSC loc. C-080611, GSC 128795. Fig. 7. QCI, GSC loc. C305417, GSC 128912. 141 Ducatus hipolitoensis Whalen & Carter 2002 Species code: DUC01 Synonymy: 1984 unidentified Radiolaria – Whalen & Pessagno, pl. 1, fig. 13. 2002 Ducatus hipolitoensis n. sp. – Whalen & Carter, p. 132, pl. 13, figs. 3, 5-7, 11-13, 15; pl. 18, figs. 3, 4. Original description: Test large with cephalis, thorax, abdomen, and post-abdominal chamber. Cephalis large, dome-shaped with horn; cephalis and thorax covered with layer of microgranular silica. Moderately sized single horn, circular in cross-section, tapering distally. Abdomen trapezoidal in outline; noticeable change in slope between chamber wall of thorax and abdomen; abdomen partially covered by layer of microgranular silica. Sub-spherical post-abdominal chamber, large, inflated; hexagonal pore frames larger on medial portion of post-abdominal chamber becoming smaller towards abdomen and terminal tube. Two large porous arms extending at right angles from post abdominal chamber at medial position and 180° apart; arms as long as distal closed tube and covered with pores aligned with long axis of arms. Original remarks: Ducatus hipolitoensis n. sp. is a monospecific genus at this time and is not compared to any other species. Measurements (µm): (n) = number of specimens. Length (9) (excludes horn) 375 375 251 300 Length of arms (Max.) (10) 143 143 79 106 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: Ducatus hipolitoensis n. sp. is named for Punta San Hipólito, type locality of the species. Type locality: Sample SH-412-14, San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur. Occurrence: San Hipólito Formation, Baja California. Genus: Dumitricaella De Wever 1982a, emend. Dumitrica herein Type species: Dumitricaella pauliani De Wever 1982a Synonymy: 1982a Dumitricaella n. gen. – De Wever, p. 197. Original description: Form with two segments bearing a strong apical horn, two lateral spines and three feet. Cephalic skeleton consists of actines A, V, D, MB, Ll, Lr, ll and lr. At the extremity of V is a large pore (sometimes double) on the cephalic wall. The actines ll and lr give rise to two lateral spines; the actines D, Ll and Lr to the three distal feet. Wall of test composed of several layers as for Jacus n. gen. Emended description: Skeleton two-segmented with an initial skeleton consisting of spines A, V, D, Ll, Lr, ll, lr originating in a short MB. A spine extended into a strong, three-bladed apical horn. V and ll and lr, or only l spines extended outside wall into horizontally directed horns. Wall of cephalis and possibly of thorax two layered. D, Ll and Lr extended into three, three-bladed feet. Cephalis relatively large, more or less separated from thorax by a constriction. Thorax short with a wide aperture and a distinct rim. 142 Original remarks: Dumitricaella differs from Jacus by the presence of the two horizontal lateral spines. Further remarks: The inclusion of Dumitricaella trispinosa n. sp. in this genus makes it necessary to emend the genus specifying that the V spine may also be prolonged outside the cephalic wall. In fact, the V spine is easily prolonged outside the cephalis in many genera, whereas the two l spines commonly stop in the cephalic wall. By most its characters Dumitricaella seems to be closely related to Napora Pessagno from which it differs essentially by the presence of the two secondary lateral spines on the cephalis. Etymology: Dedicated to P. Dumitrica (Romania) for his excellent, very meticulous work on Triassic radiolarians. Included species: JAC05 Dumitricaella trispinosa Dumitrica n. sp. Plate DUC01. Ducatus hipolitoensis Whalen & Carter. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 13, fig. 3. Fig. 2. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 13, fig. 5. 143 Dumitricaella trispinosa Dumitrica n. sp. Species code: JAC05 Synonymy: 1989 Dumitricaella? spp. – Hattori, pl. 19, fig. L. Type designation: Specimen R20-02 (pl. JAC05, fig. 1) from sample BR 485, Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman. Diagnosis: Dumitricaella with three equal V and l spines. Description: Test small, pyramidal with a thick, pointed, three-bladed apical horn. Blades of horn aligned with spines V and the two l. Cephalis relatively large, perforate, thick-walled with three short, broad, laterally directed, three-bladed spines. Spines sometimes replaced by a lobelike prolongation of cephalis that becomes trilobate. Pores of cephalis with rounded triangular or quadrangular raised pore frames that can form ridges with different orientations. Collar stricture relatively well marked by a constriction. Thorax slightly longer and broader than cephalis, pyramidal. Dorsal and primary lateral spines prolonged from the base of cephalis in the wall of thorax, their outer blade forming a high rib, and extended into three divergent, curved, pointed feet. Distal end of thorax wide, open and bordered distally by an imperforate peristome. Pores of thorax small, rounded; pore frames aligned to form longitudinal, transversal or oblique ribs. Remarks: Dumitricaella trispinosa n. sp. differs from D. pauliani De Wever in having V and l spines equally developed, in having these spines shorter, and a rather well marked collar constriction. Measurements (µm): Based on 7 specimens. Total length of skeleton Length of apical horn Length of cephalis Length of thorax Diameter of cephalis with spines or lobes Diameter of thorax Min. 160 45 26 46 50 72 Max. 195 60 35 60 74 100 Etymology: From the three spines (V, lr and ll) laterally extended from the cephalis. Type locality: Sample BR 485, Guwayza Formation, Tawi Sadh Member, Jabal Safra, Oman. Occurrence: Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman; Skrile Formation, Slovenia; Japan. Genus: Elodium Carter 1988 Type species: Elodium cameroni Carter 1988 Synonymy: 1988 Elodium Carter – Carter et al., p. 56. 1996 Elodium Carter – Yeh & Cheng, p. 118. Original description: Test conical and large, with well developed horn and numerous closely spaced post-abdominal chambers separated by nodose circumferential ridges. Three rows of longitudinally aligned circular to subcircular pores in polygonal (mostly tetragonal) pore frames, between circumferential ridges. Lateral pore rows flanking ridges slope steeply away from ridges. Post-abdominal chambers constricted between ridges. Pores in constricted area may be irregular to absent on distalmost chambers of test. Cephalis and thorax sparsely perforate to imperforate, covered with outer layer of microgranular silica; this covering may extend onto earliest post-abdominal chambers. 144 Original remarks: Elodium n. gen. possesses three rows of primary (open) pores between circumferential ridges; it differs from Parvicingula Pessagno in that these pores are longitudinally aligned rather than offset. Further remarks: Elodium Carter can be distinguished from Parahsuum Yao by having prominent circumferential ridges and much less pronounced longitudinal costae. Etymology: Elodium is formed by an arbitrary combination of letters (ICZN, 1985, Appendix D, Pt. VI, Recommendation 40, p. 201). Included species: 3411 Elodium cameroni Carter 1988 PHS08 Elodium? mackenziei Carter n. sp. ELD02 Elodium pessagnoi Yeh & Cheng 1996 ELD03 Elodium wilsonense (Carter) 1988 Plate JAC05. Dumitricaella trispinosa Dumitrica n. sp. Magnification x300. Fig. 1(H). OM, BR485-R20-02. Fig. 2. OM, BR871-R05-22. Fig. 3. BR871-R03-01. Fig. 4. BR871-R08-09. Fig. 5. OM, BR871-R03-03. Fig. 6. OM, BR871-R09-14. Fig. 7. SI, MM6.76, 000506. 145 Elodium cameroni Carter 1988 Species code: 3411 Synonymy: 1988 Elodium cameroni n. sp. – Carter et al., p. 56, pl. 13, figs. 1, 2, 6, 9. 1991 Elodium cameroni Carter – Tipper et al., pl. 9, fig. 12. 1991 Elodium cameroni Carter – Carter & Jakobs, p. 342, pl. 3, fig. 18. 1995a Elodium cameroni Carter – Baumgartner et al., p. 194, pl. 3411, figs. 1-2. 1996 Elodium sp. aff. E. pessagnoi n. sp. – Yeh & Cheng, p. 120, pl. 11, fig. 7 only. 1997 Elodium aff. cameroni Carter – Yao, pl. 13, fig. 635. Not 1997 Elodium cameroni Carter – Yao, pl. 13, fig. 636. Original diagnosis: Large conical-cylindrical test with 10 to 14 post-abdominal chambers and a strong asymmetric apical horn. All pores large, primary and circular; three rows on proximal chambers, two rows on distalmost chambers. Original description: Test large with 10 to 14 strongly constricted post-abdominal chambers separated by nodose circumferential ridges; nodes low and rounded. Cephalis and thorax trapezoidal in external outline, partially perforate, covered by veneer of microgranular silica. Cephalis has strong, asymmetric apical horn. All pores on post-abdominal chambers circular and primary (open); those within constricted areas smaller, disappearing on distalmost chambers. Earliest post-abdominal chambers trapezoidal, increasing gradually in width and height, distal chambers almost cylindrical with slight decrease in height. Original remarks: Elodium cameroni is compared to E. nadenensis n. sp., under the latter. Elodium cameroni is very abundant, in all middle/upper Toarcian samples. Original remarks under Elodium nadenensis Carter in Carter et al. (1988): Differs from Elodium cameroni n. sp. by having a more conical, apically pointed test with a heavier coating of microgranular silica. In addition, the horn is shorter, more symmetrical and circumferential ridges are wider and more rounded. Differs from Lupherium (?) sp. B by having more prominent circumferential ridges. Abundant. Measurements (µm): Based on 20 specimens. Length (excluding horn) Maximum width HT 369 161 Av. 352 159 Max. 450 185 Min. 280 147 Etymology: This species is named in honour of B.E.B. Cameron for his important contribution to the Mesozoic stratigraphy and foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Queen Charlotte Islands, B.C. Type locality: GSC locality C-080597. Phantom Creek Formation. Yakoun River, Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia; Liminangcong Chert, Philippines; Japan. Elodium? mackenziei Carter n. sp. Species code PHS08 Synonymy: ? 1982 Lupherium sp. A – Pessagno & Whalen, p. 136, pl. 6, fig. 4. 1987b Lupherium sp. G – Yeh, p. 68, pl. 23, fig. 5. 1988 Lupherium (?) sp. B – Carter et al., p. 54, pl. 5 fig. 11; pl. 13, figs. 5, 10, 12. ? 1990 Parahsuum simplum Yao – De Wever at al., pl. 4, fig. 9. ? 2004 Archaeodictyomitra? sp. – Hori, pl. 1, fig. 55. 2004 Lupherium sp. – Matsuoka, figs. 217, 218. Type designation: Holotype GSC 80758 (Carter et al. 1988, pl. 13, figs. 5, 10, 12), from GSC loc. C-080583; Phantom Creek Formation (upper Toarcian). Description: Test elongate, quite pointed apically, usually with ten to twelve post-abdominal chambers. Cephalis conical, possibly including a short apical horn. Remaining chambers in apical half of the test trapezoidal, increasing more in height than width as added; next few chambers cylindrical, final two chambers slightly constricted. Slightly raised circumferential ridges visible between postabdominal chambers on the distal portion of the test. Costae fine, narrowly spaced throughout length of test. Pores subcircular to subelliptical in shape. 146 Remarks: Elodium? mackenziei n. sp. differs from Elodium nadenense Carter (1988) in having less prominent circumferential ridges between post abdominal chambers and an absent to poorly developed apical horn. It differs from E. wilsonense Carter (1988) in having a more narrowly conical shape and less differentiated apical horn. Genus Elodium is queried because the three rows of aligned pores between chambers that characterize the genus are not well developed. E.? mackenziei n. sp. may be ancestral to all other species of Elodium in the upper Toarcian and Aalenian of Queen Charlotte Islands and it may also represent the link between Parahsuum and Elodium. Measurements (µm): Based on 11 specimens. Length (excl. horn) Maximum width HT 310 118 Max. 343 131 Min. 210 92 Mean 290 120 Etymology: This species is named for J.D. MacKenzie (Geological Survey of Canada) who first mapped central Graham Island in 1913-1914. Plate 3411. Elodium cameroni Carter. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Carter et al. 1988, pl. 13, fig. 2. Fig. 2. Carter & Jakobs 1991, pl. 3, fig. 18. Fig. 3. Carter et al. 1988, pl. 13, fig. 1. Type locality: Sample GSC loc. C-080583, Phantom Creek Formation, Yakoun River, Graham Island, approximately 2 km south of Ghost Creek; east side of the river, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Fannin member of the Fannin Formation, Whiteaves and Phantom Creek formations, Queen Charlotte Islands; Nicely and Hyde formations, Oregon; Mino Terrane, Japan. Plate PHS08. Elodium? mackenziei Carter n. sp. Magnification x250. Fig. 1(H). Carter et al. 1988, pl. 13, fig. 5. Figs. 2, 3. Matsuoka 2004, figs. 217, 218. 147 Elodium pessagnoi Yeh & Cheng 1996 Species code: ELD02 Synonymy: 1982 Parahsuum? sp. – Matsuda & Isozaki, pl. 1, figs. 18, 19. 1989 Parahsuum (?) sp. aff. P. (?) magnum Takemura – Hori & Otsuka, p. 182, pl. 3, figs. 13-15. 1990 Parahsuum (?) aff. P. magnum Takemura – Hori, Fig. 9.37. 1995a Parahsuum sp. M - Baumgartner et al., p. 384, pl. 2015, figs. 1, ?2. 1996 Elodium jurassicum n. sp. – Yeh & Cheng, p. 118, pl. 11, figs. 1, 2, 6, 12, 13. 1996 Elodium pessagnoi n. sp. – Yeh & Cheng, p. 120, pl. 4, figs. 5, 7-8, 10-13; pl. 11, figs. 3, 4, 9, 14. 1996 Elodium sp. aff. E. pessagnoi n. sp. – Yeh & Cheng, p. 120, pl. 6, fig. 13; pl. 11, figs. 5, 11, 15, not fig. 7. 1996 Elodium sp. cf. E. pessagnoi n. sp. – Yeh & Cheng, p. 120, pl. 4, fig. 6. 1996 Elodium sp. B – Yeh & Cheng, p. 122, pl. 12, figs. 1, 6, 8, 12, not fig. 4. 1996 Elodium sp. C – Yeh & Cheng, p. 122, pl. 12, fig. 2, 7, 9, 10. 1996 Elodium sp. D – Yeh & Cheng, p. 122, pl. 12, figs. 3, 15. 1996 Elodium sp. E – Yeh & Cheng, p. 122, pl. 12, figs. 5, 11. 1997 Parahsuum (?) aff. P. magnum Takemura – Hori, pl. 1, fig. 7. 2004 Parahsuum (?) sp. aff. magnum Hori & Otsuka – Ishida et al., pl. 5, fig. 21. Original description: Test medium in size, conical in shape, multicyrtid with six to seven post-abdominal chambers. Cephalis and thorax moderately broad, hemispherical with massive horn. Horn tapered, circular in axial section. Outer test layer of cephalis and thorax covered with raised irregular pore frames. First postabdominal chamber separated from abdomen and subsequent postabdominal chambers separated from each other by nodose circumferential ridges. Abdomen and postabdominal chambers trapezoidal in shape; each chamber having three rows of tetragonal pore frames. Pore frames longitudinally aligned. Postabdominal chambers increasing very slowly in height and gradually in width as added. Further remarks: In Elodium pessagnoi we include all forms with a long straight apical horn, circular in crosssection. The test is conical or subcylindrical in shape; the apical portion of the test is covered by simple circular pores or possesses an additional layer of raised irregular nodes. Elodium jurassicum is herein synonymized with E. pessagnoi. It should be noted that holotypes of these two species (and most specimens of informal species) illustrated from Busuanga Island (Yeh & Cheng, 1996) are from a single sample. Measurements (µm): Based on 7 specimens. Max. Max. test width test length HT 148 284 Mean 145 264 Max. 150 291 Min. 138 239 Length No. of of horn postabdom. chambers 49 6 55 5.5 74 6 41 5 Etymology: This species is named for Prof. E. A. Pessagno, UT-Dallas, U.S.A., in honor of his great contribution to Mesozoic radiolarian studies. Type locality: Liminangcong Chert near Ocam Ocam village, Busuanga Island, Philippines. Occurrence: Liminangcong Chert, Philippines; Japan. Elodium wilsonense (Carter) 1988 Species code: ELD03 Synonymy: 1988 Crubus wilsonensis Carter n. sp. – Carter et al., p. 53, pl. 5, fig. 12. 1996 Elodium sp. cf. E. wilsonense (Carter) – Yeh & Cheng, p. 122, pl. 12, figs. 13, 14. Original diagnosis: Test large, broadly conical with short horn. Eighteen costae visible laterally; three longitudinally aligned pores per chamber between adjacent costae. Ridges slightly raised with small nodes superimposed on costae. Original description: Test broadly conical, rounded apically with short cylindrical horn. Cephalis hemispherical, all other chambers trapezoidal in outline. Cephalis imperforate, thorax and abdomen sparsely perforate; all three covered with a layer of microgranular silica. Usually 7 to 9 postabdominal chambers. All but final chamber increase gradually in width and height. Fifteen continuous narrow costae visible laterally, nodose along ridges. Single 148 rows of longitudinally aligned pores (three per chamber, set in square pore frames) alternate with costae. Original remarks: Differs from Crubus firmus Yeh in having three rows of linearly arranged pore frames per chamber, larger pores on initial chambers, a stouter horn, and stronger costae. Further remarks: Elodium wilsonense differs from E. cameroni Carter in having fewer postabdominal chambers and much less prominent circumferential ridges. It differs from E. pessagnoi Yeh & Cheng in having a more broadly conical shape, two rows of pore frames on early postabdominal chambers and a shorter apical horn. Measurements (µm): Based on 10 specimens. Length (excluding horn) Maximum width HT 334 188 Av. 290 171 Max. 334 190 Min. 210 155 Plate ELD02. Elodium pessagnoi Yeh & Cheng. Magnification x250. Fig. 1(H). Yeh & Cheng 1996, pl. 11, fig. 3. Fig. 2. JP, NK86050720. Fig. 3. Hori 1990, fig. 9-37. Etymology: Named for Wilson Creek on Graham Island, site of one of the early coal mines. Occurrence: Whiteaves Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Liminangcong Chert, Philippines. Type locality: GSC locality C-080579, Whiteaves Formation, Creek locality, Maude Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Plate ELD03. Elodium wilsonense (Carter). Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Carter et al. 1988, pl. 5, fig. 12. 149 Genus: Eospongosaturninus Kozur & Mostler 1990 Type species: Spongosaturnalis protoformis Yao 1972 Synonymy: 1990 Eospongosaturninus n. gen. – Kozur & Mostler, p. 211. Original description: Shell large, spongy, consisting of several concentric layers. Microsphere latticed. The shell reaches on the ridge around the base of the peripolar spines. Ring transversally elongated elliptical, narrow to moderately broad, in parts of the ring undifferentiated, in other parts with ridge near the inner side of the ring. Outer margin of ring smooth or with one peripolar spine on the long axis poles. Near the base of the peripolar spines tiny auxiliary spines may be present. Original remarks: Eospongosaturninus n. gen. is the forerunner of Spongosaturninus Campbell and Clark, 1944b that has more distinct ridges along the whole inner margin of the ring, a latticed second medullary shell and a rather large third medullary shell (transitional to a cortical shell) covered by a still rather thick spongy layer. Pseudacanthocircus n. gen. has an undifferentiated ring and the shell reaches never until the ring. Spongosaturnalis Campbell and Clark, 1944b displays more distinct ridges along the whole inner margin of the ring and the shell does not reach the ring. Eospongosaturninus n. gen. lies in the transition field between the genera Pseudacanthocircus n. gen., Spongosaturninus Campbell and Clark, 1944b and Spongosaturnalis Campbell and Clark, 1944b. The type species is surely the forerunner of Spongosaturninus Campbell and Clark, 1944b. In Eospongosaturninus? bispinosus (Yao, 1972) the overreach of the shell on the ring is not so dis- tinct and in several specimens the inner ridge on the ring is indistinct, partly even missing (Yao, 1972, pl. 2, fig. 9). The specimen, figured by Yao (1972, pl. 2, fig. 8) as Spongosaturnalis bispinosus belongs to an other species and is probably the first representative of the genus Spongosaturnalis Campbell and Clark, 1944b. The genus Acanthocircus Squinabol, 1903b has strong outer ridges on the ring or the ridges cover the whole ring. A deep furrow on the lateral outer side of the ring is always present. This genus is only homoeomorphic to the Pseudacanthocircidae n. fam. (and in it to Eospongosaturninus n. gen.) and evolved from the parasaturnalinid stock. Further remarks: In disagreement with Kozur and Mostler (1990) we consider that in spite of its name Eospongosaturninus has nothing to do with Spongosaturninus and is not »in the transition field between the genera Pseudacanthocircus Kozur and Mostler, Spongosaturninus Campbell and Clark and Spongosaturnalis Campbell and Clark«. In the Middle Jurassic the genus should be restrained to the type species. Its main generic character is the three-bladed ring in the middle part and twisting of the ring, the result being the change of the position of the blades from the middle part to the distal part. Etymology: Forerunner of Spongosaturninus Campbell & Clark 1944. Included species: 2021 Eospongosaturninus protoformis (Yao) 1972 Eospongosaturninus protoformis (Yao) 1972 Species code: 2021 Synonymy: 1972 Spongosaturnalis protoformis n. sp. – Yao, p. 27, pl. 1, figs. 2-7; pl. 10, figs. 1-2. 1995a Acanthocircus protoformis (Yao) – Baumgartner et al., p. 64, pl. 2021, figs. 1-3. 1996 Acanthocircus protoformis (Yao) – Yeh & Cheng, p. 108, pl. 2, fig. 11. Original description: Spongosaturnalis with simple ring, where no spine is developed. Shell approximately spherical, spongy, composed of irregular meshes which become denser centrally. Polar spines short, smooth, not always distinguished when shell extends completely across ring. Polar spines change to sturdy spines inside shell. When shell is not preserved, numerous fragmentary thorns are observed on sturdy spines and rarely on ring where each of polar spines bifurcates. Ring generally bilaterally symmetrical or ovoidal, simple, with ridges on both edges near polar spines. Ridge on outer edge extends across ends 150 of polar spines, and another one on inner edge disappears at polar spines. Both ridges become obsolete on terminal end of ring. No spine on ring. Original remarks: This species may be similar to Saturnalis simplex Squinabol (1914, p. 286-287, pl. 22, fig. 2; Jurassic, Fontanafredda (Euganei), Italy) in the shape of the saturnalin ring, but the generic assignment of S. simplex is doubtful because the nature of the shell is not known, namely the shell is not preserved and the fragmentary thorns are not observed on the polar spines. Spongosaturnalis protoformis differs from S. bispinus (described below) in lacking spine on each terminal end of the ring, and in having ridges on both edges of the ring. Further remarks: In spite of the similarity to Saturnalis simplex Squinabol the species differs from the latter by the character of the blades. Measurements (µm): Based on 6 specimens. HT Av. Diameter of ring along polar spines 170 191 Diameter of ring transversaly 335 362 153 Diameter of shell 110 Length of polar spine 20 15 Breadth of ring 11-21 12-20 Min. Max. 170 210 330 420 110 180 7 20 9 29 Type locality: Manganese carbonate ore, Mino Belt, river side of the Kiso, east of Unuma, Kagamihara City, Gifu Prefecture, Central Japan. Occurrence: Inuyama area, Japan; Italy; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman; Liminangcong Chert, Philippines; Snowshoe Formation, Oregon. Plate 2021. Eospongosaturninus protoformis (Yao). Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Yao 1972, pl. 1, fig. 2. Fig. 2. JP, IYII-17. Fig. 3. OM, BR871-R01-08. Fig. 4. OM, BR871-R01-11. Fig. 5. BR871-R01-05. Fig. 6. OM, BR871R01-12. Fig. 7. OM, BR871-R02-12. Fig. 8. JP, Nanjo Massif, IH84120462-R05-08. Fig. 9. OR555-R07-07. 151 Genus: Eucyrtidiellum Baumgartner 1984 Type species: Eucyrtidium (?) unumaensis Yao 1979 Synonymy: 1984 Eucyrtidiellum n. gen. – Baumgartner, p. 764. 1986 Monosera n. gen – Takemura & Nakaseko, p. 1021. 1986 Eucyrtidiellum Baumgartner – Takemura, p. 66. 1990 Eucyrtidiellum Baumgartner – Nagai & Mizutani, p. 593. Original description: Test composed of four segments. Cephalis small, spherical, poreless with variably developed straight or slightly oblique apical horn, rare forms with apical and vertical horn. A sutural pore is present at collar stricture or on proximal portion of thorax. Thorax domeshaped, poreless, with irregular ornamentation consisting of ridges and nodes leaving depressions (“closed pores” of some authors) or with plicae. One or two rows of pores may occur at stricture between thorax and abdomen. Abdomen inflated annular to hemispherical, poreless, except for the distal quarter, where one or two irregular rows of pores may occur. Ornamentation of abdomen varying with species. One row of large pores marks the joint with fourth segment. Fourth segment delicate, mostly cylindrical, covered with circular pores in loose diagonal rows, with a distal poreless constriction. Original remarks: The Mesozoic species hitherto questionably assigned to Eucyrtidium are assigned to this new genus, because they bear no resemblance to the type species E. acuminatum (Ehrenberg). Further remarks: The stratigraphic record and structural features prove that Eucyrtidiellum is derived from the genus Thetis De Wever, and especially T. oblonga De Wever. In fact, the two genera seem to be synonymous: both have four segmented tests where the first three are thickerwalled and the fourth is thin-walled and usually not preserved; a practically imperforate cephalis; and usually an apical horn that is always circular in cross section. What would differentiate T. oblonga De Wever, the type species of the genus Thetis, from the other species of the genus Eucyrtidiellum would be the presence of three thoracic spines representing probably the dorsal and the two primary lateral spines, and the large ventral pore aligned with the ventral spine. However, a ventral pore is present with Thetis, or at least the type species. T. oblonga? (De Wever, 1982a, pl. 4, fig. 16) seems to show it, and a specimen we illustrate herein from the type sample shows clearly such a pore (see under T. oblonga, pl. THT01, fig. 4). The fact that the holotype of T. oblonga shows no ventral pore is because it is illustrated in the dorsal position. Included species: EUC09 Eucyrtidiellum disparile gr. Nagai & Mizutani 1990 EUC10 Eucyrtidiellum gujoense (Takemura & Nakaseko) 1986 EUC03 Eucyrtidiellum gunense gr. Cordey 1998 EUC06 Eucyrtidiellum nagaiae Dumitrica, Goričan & Matsuoka n. sp. EUC07 Eucyrtidiellum omanojaponicum Dumitrica, Goričan & Hori n. sp. EUC04 Eucyrtidiellum ramescens Cordey 1998 Eucyrtidiellum disparile gr. Nagai & Mizutani 1990 Species code: EUC09 Synonymy: 1986 Eucyrtidiellum sp. a and sp. a1 – Nagai, pl. 1, figs. 5, 6. 1986 Monosera unumaensis (Yao) – Takemura & Nakaseko, p. 1022, pl. 4, fig. 9. 1987 Eucyrtidiellum sp. A – Hattori, pl. 12, figs. 1, 2. 1987 Eucyrtidiellum aff. E. unumaensis Yao – Hattori, pl. 12, figs. 5, 6. 1988 Eucyrtidiellum sp. a – Nagai, pl. 1, figs. 1a-d, 2. 1988 Eucyrtidiellum sp. A – Hattori, pl. 8, fig. D. 1988 Eucyrtidiellum sp. aff. E. unumaensis Yao – Hattori, pl. 8, fig. J. 1989 Eucyrtidiellum spp. – Hattori, pl. 7, fig. H. 1989 Eucyrtidiellum unumaensis (Yao) - Hattori, pl. 28, Fig. H. 1990 Eucyrtidiellum disparile n. sp. – Nagai & Mizutani, p. 594, fig. 3. 6-8a,b,c. 1991 Eucyrtidiellum sp. cf. E. disparile – Kojima et al., pl. 1, fig. 17. 1993 Eucyrtidiellum disparile Nagai & Mizutani – Fujii et al., pl. 1, fig. 13. 1993 Eucyrtidiellum sp. a – Fujii et al., pl. 1, fig. 14. 1995 Eucyrtidiellum disparile Nagai & Mizutani – Nagai, pl. 4, fig. 3; pl. 5, fig. 8. 1997 Eucyrtidiellum aff. unumaense (Yao) – Yao, pl. 10, fig. 458. 152 1998 Eucyrtidiellum disparile Nagai & Mizutani – Kashiwagi, pl. 1, fig. 18. Not 2001 Eucyrtidiellum disparile Nagai & Mizutani – Matsuoka et al., pl. 3, fig. 16. 2003 Eucyrtidiellum disparile Nagai & Mizutani – Goričan et al., p. 296, pl. 5, figs. 2, 3. 2004 Eucyrtidiellum disparile Nagai & Mizutani – Hori, pl. 3, fig. 42; pl. 5, figs. 52-54, not fig. 55; pl. 6, figs. 4-8, pl. 10, fig. 27. 2004 Eucyrtidiellum sp. – Ishida et al., pl. 5, fig. 13. ? 2004 Eucyrtidiellum disparile Nagai & Mizutani – Matsuoka, fig. 177. 2004 Eucyrtidiellum disparile Nagai & Mizutani – Suzuki & Ogane, pl. 8, fig. 2. 2005 Eucyrtidiellum aff. disparile Nagai & Mizutani – Hori, pl. 8, fig. 20. 2005 Eucyrtidiellum disparile Nagai & Mizutani – Hori, pl. 8, fig. 21; pl. 12, figs. 18-20, 49; pl. 13, figs. 24-25. 2005 Eucyrtidiellum disparile Nagai & Mizutani – Kashiwagi et al., pl. 6, fig. 11. Original diagnosis: Abdomen has circular pores regularly arranged along two diagonal lines on its whole surface. Original description: This species has a test which is composed generally of three segments, cephalis, thorax and abdomen. Cephalis is small, spherical with a mediumsized apical horn. Sutured pores are arranged at a stricture between thorax and abdomen. Thorax truncated-conical with closed pores and irregular hexagonal meshworks on the whole surface. Abdomen is relatively large and inflated-hemispherical, with circular pores regularly arranged along two diagonal lines on its whole surface. Original remarks: External shell form of Eucyrtidiellum disparile is almost identical with that of E. unumaense, but differs in having pores on its entire abdomen. Many specimens of Eucyrtidiellum have been provisionally described as Eucyrtidium (?) sp. or Eucyrtidiellum (?) sp., just because of the presence of opened pores in their abdomen. Further remarks: Although initially we were tempted to separate this species into two subspecies, one with shorter apical horn, the other with longer apical horn, we decided against this because, except for the length of this horn, the test morphology is similar in almost all the other respects. The specimen determined by Matsuoka (2004) as E. disparile is questionably included in the synonymy of this species because it lacks pores on the middle part of the abdomen. Accordingly, this specimen is closer to E. unumaense (Yao) and looks intermediary between the two species. This would prove that the evolutionary trend giving rise to E. unumaense started in the early Toarcian. Measurements (µm): Based on 10 specimens. Height of apical horn Height of entire body including cephalis, thorax and abdomen Height of cephalis Width of cephalis Height of thorax Width of thorax Height of abdomen Width of abdomen Min. 3 Max. 13 Av. 8 67 100 79 5 8 14 31 41 48 19 21 23 38 66 77 13 17 18 35 48 71 Etymology: Derived from Latin adjective disparilis, -e, which means unlike or dissimilar. Type locality: Sample MNHK05, Kamiaso, Mino Terrane, central Japan. Occurrence: Japan; Skrile Formation, Slovenia; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman. Plate EUC09. Eucyrtidiellum disparile gr. Nagai & Mizutani. Magnification x400. Fig. 1(H). Nagai & Mizutani 1990, fig. 3-8c. Fig. 2. Goričan et al. 2003, pl. 5, fig. 2. Fig. 3. Goričan et al. 2003, pl. 5, fig. 3. Fig. 4. OM, BR1121-R06-10. Fig. 5. OM; BR1121-R06-24. Fig. 6. OM, BR706-R13-03. Fig. 7. JP, MNA-10, MA13437. Fig. 8. JP, MNA-10, MA11896. 153 Eucyrtidiellum gujoense (Takemura & Nakaseko) 1986 Species code: EUC10 Synonymy: 1986 Monosera gujoensis n. sp. – Takemura & Nakaseko, p. 1022, figs. 4.10, 4.11, 5.1-5.3. 1986 Eucyrtidiellum gujoensis (Takemura & Nakaseko) – Takemura, p. 67, pl. 12, figs. 13-15. 1986 Eucyrtidiellum sp. e – Nagai, p. 14, pl. 1, figs. 3a-c. 1987 Eucyrtidiellum gujoensis – Hattori, pl. 12, figs. 14, 15. 1989 Eucyrtidiellum sp. aff. E. gujoensis Takemura – Hattori & Sakamoto, pl. 10, fig. B. 1988 Eucyrtidiellum gujoensis (Takemura & Nakaseko) – Nagai, pl. 2, figs. 5, 9. 1988 Eucyrtidiellum sp. f – Nagai, pl. 2, fig. 8. 1989 Tethys oblonga De Wever – Hattori, pl. 7, figs. C, D. 1989 Eucyrtidiellum gujoensis Takemura & Nakaseko – Nagai, pl. 1, fig. 7; pl. 2, fig. 7a-b; pl. 3, fig. 7; pl. 4, fig. 5. 1995 Eucyrtidiellum gujoensis Takemura – Nagai, pl. 5, fig. 9. 1995 Eucyrtidiellum sp. f – Nagai, pl. 5, fig. 10. 1997 Eucyrtidiellum sp. D0 – Yao, pl. 10, fig. 452. 2001 Eucyrtidiellum disparile Nagai & Mizutani – Matsuoka et al., pl. 3, fig. 16. 2002 Eucyrtidiellum gujoense (Takemura & Nakaseko) – Hori & Wakita, pl. 3, fig. 4. 2004 Eucyrtidiellum gujoense (Takemura & Nakaseko) – Matsuoka, fig. 178. 2004 Eucyrtidiellum sp. D0 sensu Yao – Hori, pl. 2, fig. 8. Original diagnosis: A species of Monosera characterized by the existence of pore frames on abdominal surface and by irregular or longitudinal arrangement and dense distribution of abdominal pores. Original description: Cephalis small, spherical to subspherical, poreless with a strong rod-like apical horn. Thorax truncated conical to subhemispherical with usually irregularly arranged pores or relict pores. Abdomen subspherical with pores on surface. Abdominal pores with pore frames, longitudinally or irregularly distributed in great density. Fourth segment inflated-cylindrical with irregularly distributed pores. Cephalic structure same as genus. 154 Original remarks: Monosera gujoensis n. sp. is distinguished from M. unumaensis by the presence of abdominal pore frames and the distribution and density of abdominal pores. Monosera gujoensis differs from Eucyrtidium ptyctum Riedel and Sanfilippo in the absence of plicae on the surface of the abdomen and in the presence of abdominal pores and pore frames. Further remarks: Morphologically E. gujoense is very close to Thetis oblonga De Wever from which it differs in having a shorter, conical apical horn, and lacks spines on the thorax, and shoulders on the upper third of the abdomen. Measurements (µm): Based on 15 specimens. Length of apical horn Height of cephalis Height of thorax Height of abdomen Width of cephalis Width of thorax Width of abdomen Min. 10 15 20 40 20 40 70 Max. 50 20 30 50 25 50 90 Etymology: The trivial name, gujoensis, is derived from the Gujo County, Gifu Prefecture, Japan. Type locality: Manganese carbonate ore deposits (sample TKN-105) from the Gujo-hachiman area of the Mino Terrane, Japan. Occurrence: Japan; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation and Musallah Formation, Oman. Plate EUC10. Eucyrtidiellum gujoense (Takemura & Nakaseko). Magnification x400. Fig. 1(H). Takemura & Nakaseko 1986, fig. 4-10. Fig. 2. Matsuoka 2004, fig. 178. Fig. 3. OM, BR1121-R08-28. Fig. 4. OM-00-252, 021905. Fig. 5. OM-00-258, 022630. 155 Eucyrtidiellum gunense gr. Cordey 1998 Species code: EUC03 Synonymy: 1982 Eucyrtidium (?) sp. C – Imoto et al., pl. 1. fig. 9. 1984 Eucyrtidiellum sp. A – Murchey, pl. 2, fig. 25. 1984 Eucyrtidiellum sp. B – Murchey, pl. 2, fig. 26. 1986 Eucyrtidiellum sp. C group – Nagai, p. 12, pl. 2, fig. 10, not 11-12. 1987 Eucyrtidiellum sp. C – Hattori, pl. 12, fig. 10. 1990 Eucyrtidiellum sp. C3 – Nagai, pl. 4, fig. 2, 3. 1992 Eucyrtidiellum sp. – Sashida, pl. 1, figs. 19, 20. 1995 Eucyrtidiellum sp. C – Nagai, pl. 4, fig. 6. 1997 Eucyrtidiellum sp. Q0 – Yao, pl. 10, fig. 453. 1998 Eucyrtidiellum gunensis n. sp. – Cordey, p. 109, pl. 25, figs. 8-9. 2004 Eucyrtidiellum sp. Q0 sensu Yao – Hori, pl. 2, fig. 7. 2004 Eucyrtidiellum gunense Cordey – Matsuoka, fig. 180. 2005 Eucyrtidiellum sp. C sensu Nagai – Hori, pl. 8, figs. 16-18, not fig. 19. Original diagnosis: Eucyrtidiellum with a long and massive apical horn. Original description: Shell with four segments. Cephalis cylindrical and seems incorporated into the proximal part of the long, stout apical horn. Diameter of base of horn same as cephalis; decreasing progressively to the generally sharp tip. Sutural pore observed at base of horn. Thorax small, without pores proximally and smooth or with small costae. Abdomen wide, sphaeroidal, porous and without costae. One row of large pores separates abdomen form fourth segment which is seldom preserved. Fourth segment made of thick pore frames with a loose network. Original remarks: This form is close to E. gujoensis (Takemura and Nakaseko), but differs mainly by having a much stouter and longer apical horn (horn includes cephalis). E. gujoensis is known only from the Middle Jurassic while E. gunense n. sp. appears during the Lower Jurassic. This new morphotype shows apparent affinities with species attributed to genus Thetis De Wever (Thetis undulata De Wever, 1982a, p. 196, pl. 5, fig. 8, 9, ?Thetis oblonga De Wever, 1982a, p. 196, pl. 4, fig. 15-16); cephalic structure of Thetis has not been observed by its author, but this genus possesses three external cephalic spines, which are probably external extensions of inner cephalic spines (De Wever, personal communication, 1987). However, the cephalic structure of Eucyrtidiellum does not have these three spines; this implies true phylogenetic differences 156 between Eucyrtidiellum and Thetis in spite of the common external resemblance of certain species. Further remarks: Most specimens from Oman and Japan included in this species do not correspond perfectly to the original diagnosis and differ significantly from the holotype, but to a lesser extent from the paratype. The apical horn is shorter and conical in our specimens, and the thorax is larger, well marked by the cortical and lumbar constrictions and is either truncate conical or convex in outline. The thorax is also completely porous whereas the original description mentions that it is poreless proximally. The abdomen is also different: the holotype shows a sphaeroidal abdomen but the abdomen of the paratype is also truncated conical. The original description also mentions a row of large pores separating the abdomen from the postabdominal segment. Our study shows that there are no such pores at the postlumbar boundary, but false pores (when existing) result from some ribs superposed on the test in different directions, most in a longitudinal direction. The fourth segment is wide open and inverted truncate conical, in some specimens (pl. EUC03, figs. 3, 4) it is almost closed distally. One of the characteristic features of this species, besides those mentioned in the original description or in the paragraph above, is that the abdominal pores are commonly aligned in oblique rows and, consequently, most are rhombically framed. Also the surface of the abdomen may have some oblique ribs representing thickened intervening bars. E. gunense is very close to Thetis oblonga but differs in having the cephalis less marked, and lacking thoracic spines, and in having thick ribs on the entire postabdominal segment or only proximally around the postlumbar stricture. Etymology: From the name of a local stream Gun. Type locality: Locality GSC C-300407, Bridge River Complex, Carpenter Lake, British Columbia. Occurrence: Bridge River Complex, British Columbia; Hyde Formation, Oregon; Franciscan Complex, California; Skrile Formation, Slovenia; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman; Japan. Plate EUC03. Eucyrtidiellum gunense gr. Cordey. Magnification x300. Fig. 1(H). Cordey 1998, pl. 25, fig. 8. Fig. 2. OR600A-R03-01. Fig. 3. SI, MM11.76, 010211. Fig. 4. OM-99-83, 011312. Fig. 5. OM, BR1121-R06-25. Fig. 6. OM, BR1121-R08-27. Fig. 7. OM, BR1121-R08-03. Fig. 8. OM; BR524-R04-19. Fig. 9. OM, BR1122-R02-1. Fig. 10. OM, BR1122-R02-14. Fig. 11. OM; BR1121-R08-21. Fig. 12. Matsuoka 2004, fig. 180. Fig. 13. OM, BR523-R03-08. Fig. 14. OM, BR1121-R08-24. Fig. 15. OM, BR1121-R08-06. 157 Eucyrtidiellum nagaiae Dumitrica, Goričan & Matsuoka n. sp. Species code: EUC06 Synonymy: 1986 Eucyrtidiellum sp. C2 – Nagai, pl. 2, fig. 12. 1987 Eucyrtidiellum sp. C2 – Hattori, pl. 12, fig. 12. 1989 Eucyrtidiellum spp. – Hori & Otsuka, pl. 4, fig. 3, not figs. 1, 2. 1990 Eucyrtidiellum sp. C2 – Nagai, pl. 4, figs. 1a-c. 1995 Eucyrtidiellum sp. C2 – Nagai, pl. 4, figs. 7a-b, 8. 1997 Eucyrtidiellum sp. X – Yao, pl. 10, fig. 456. 1997 Eucyrtidiellum sp. Y – Yao, pl. 10, fig. 457. 2003 Eucyrtidiellum sp. C2 sensu Nagai – Kashiwagi & Kurimoto, pl. 4, figs. 8, 9. 2004 Eucyrtidiellum sp. – Matsuoka, fig. 179. Type designation: Holotype specimen MA13547 (pl. EUC06, figs. 1a,b) from sample MNA-10, Nanjo Massif, Mino Terrane, Japan. Diagnosis: Eucyrtidiellum with stout apical horn and strong longitudinal abdominal costae separated by 2-4 longitudinal rows of pores. Description: Test composed of three segments. Cephalis smooth, poreless, incorporated into a long, stout, pointed apical horn, circular in cross-section throughout length. Sutural pore situated in the proximal part of the cephalis. Thorax larger, trapezoidal in outline, with a regular meshwork of polygonal pore frames. Abdomen inflated, porous, ornamented with 7-9 strong, continuous vertical costae visible laterally. Pores on abdomen circular; number of pore rows between adjacent costae may vary from two (rarely one) to four on a single specimen. Remarks: Eucyrtidiellum nagaiae n. sp. differs from E. ramescens Cordey by having well-individualized costae throughout the abdomen. The wall of the abdomen is otherwise smoother, perforate but the pore frames do not form coalescent thickenings as in E. ramescens and the apical horn is shorter. The stout apical horn and the rows of intercostal pores also differentiate this species from E. ptyctum (Riedel & Sanfilippo). Measurements (µm): Based on 8 specimens. Height of cephalis and apical horn Width of cephalis at base Height of thorax Maximum width of thorax Height of abdomen Maximum width of abdomen HT Min. Max. Mean 86 37 86 57 40 20 43 29 24 20 32 25 58 40 58 48 80 107 47 114 118 95 112 77 Etymology: Named for Hiromi Nagai, Nagoya University, to honour her contribution to the knowledge of Mesozoic Radiolaria and especially of Eucyrtidiellum. Type locality: Sample MNA-10, Nanjo Massif, Mino Terrane, Japan. Occurrence: Nanjo Massif, Mino Terrane, Japan; Hyde Formation, Oregon; Musallah Formation, Oman. Eucyrtidiellum omanojaponicum Dumitrica, Goričan & Hori n. sp. Species code: EUC07 Synonymy: 1990 Eucyrtidiellum (?) sp. C group – Hori, fig. 8. 27. 1997 Eucyrtidiellum sp. C group of Nagai – Hori, pl. 1, fig. 12. Type designation: Holotype specimen 15862 (pl. EUC07, fig. 1) from sample BR1122, Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Wadi Mu’aydin, Oman. Diagnosis: Eucyrtidiellum with numerous thin, longitudinal abdominal costae and a row of pores in each intercostal depression. Description: Test composed of four segments of which only the first three are completely preserved. Cephalis integrated into the proximal part of the long, stout conical apical horn and visible as a slightly inflated portion at the base of the latter. Diameter of horn at base the same as cephalis, decreasing progressively to the sharp tip. Thorax small, truncate conical with convex sides and numerous small pores disposed irregularly. Abdomen wide, subglobular and porous; pores circular aligned in longitudinal rows, each row separated by thin costae. Fourth segment preserved only as remains. 158 Remarks: The species is very rare and is described based on 3 specimens only. E. omanojaponicum n. sp. resembles E. nagaiae n. sp. in having longitudinal abdominal costae, but the costae are weaker and separated by a single row of pores whereas E. nagaiae has 2-4 rows of pores in the intercostal intervals. Measurements (µm): Based on 3 specimens. Length of apical horn + cephalis Length of thorax Length of abdomen Diameter of cephalis Diameter of thorax Diameter of abdomen HT Min. Max. 59 38 84 27 26 30 65 54 86 24 24 27 55 45 55 93 83 105 Etymology: From its occurrence in Oman and Japan. Type locality: Sample BR 1122 from theTawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Wadi Mu’aydin, Oman. Occurrence: Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman; Japan. Plate EUC06. Eucyrtidiellum nagaiae Dumitrica, Goričan & Matsuoka n. sp. Magnification x300. Fig. 1a,b(H). JP, MNA-10, MA13547, MA13548. Fig. 2. JP, MNA-10, MA12501. Fig. 3. OM-00-255, 022326. Fig. 4. JP, MNA-10, MA12499. Fig. 5. OM-00-254, 022126. Fig. 6. Hori & Otsuka 1989, pl. 4, fig. 3. Plate EUC07. Eucyrtidiellum omanojaponicum Dumitrica, Goričan & Hori n. sp. Magnification x300. Fig. 1(H). OM, BR1122-R04-04. Fig. 2. Hori 1990, fig. 8-27. Fig. 3. OM-00-92, 011110. 159 Eucyrtidiellum ramescens Cordey 1998 Species code: EUC04 Synonymy: 1982 Eucyrtidium (?) sp. C – Yao et al., pl. 2, fig. 12. 1982 »Eucyrtidium« sp. – Nishizono et al, pl. 2, fig. 13. 1986 Eucyrtidiellum sp. C1 – Nagai, pl. 2, fig. 11. 1987 Eucyrtidiellum sp. C1 – Hattori, pl. 12, fig. 11. 1995 Eucyrtidiellum sp. C1 – Nagai, pl. 4, fig. 5. 1998 Eucyrtidiellum ramescens n. sp. – Cordey, p. 110, pl. 25, figs. 7, 11-13. 2004 Eucyrtidiellum sp. C1 sensu Nagai – Hori, pl. 5, fig. 24. 2005 Eucyrtidiellum sp. C sensu Nagai – Hori, pl. 8, fig. 19, not figs. 16-18. Original diagnosis: Eucyrtidiellum with a very long apical horn and massive, porous abdominal costae. Original description: Test composed of four segments. Cephalis cylindrical and appears integrated into the proximal part of the long, stout apical horn. Diameter of horn at base, the same as cephalis, decreasing progressively to the sharp tip. Sutural pore situated in proximal part or near the collar edge. Thorax small, without pores in proximal part and smooth or with small costae. Abdomen wide, sphaeroidal and porous; pores circular without specific alignment. Some pore-frames reinforced near proximal part of abdomen and become thicker distally giving rise to longitudinal costae, sometimes transversally connected. One row of large pores separates abdomen from fourth segment which is seldom preserved. Fourth segment composed of thick pore frames with a loose network. Original remarks: This form differs from E. gunensis n. sp. by the presence of thick abdominal and post-abdominal costae. Etymology: From Latin ramus (branch). Type locality: Locality GSC C-300407, Bridge River Complex, lake Carpenter, British Columbia. Occurrence: Bridge River Complex, British Columbia; Musallah Formation, Oman; Japan. Genus: Farcus Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986 Type species: Farcus graylockensis Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986 Synonymy: 1986 Farcus n. gen. – Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh, p. 23. Original diagnosis: Test as with family but possessing a single, massive apical horn that is attached to the apical bar. Thorax lacking tubular, velum-like structure distally. Original description of family Farcidae (Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986, p. 22): Test dicyrtid with single layer of latticed meshwork on both cephalis and thorax. Latticed layer of cephalis and occasionally proximal portion of thorax covered by thin outer layer of microgranular silica. Cephalis large, hemispherical with one horn (e.g., Farcus n. gen.), or two horns (e.g., Rolumbus n. gen.), which are triradiate in axial section. Cephalic skeletal elements cyrtoid, including vertical bar, primary left lateral bar, primary right lateral bar, median bar, secondary left lateral bar, secondary right lateral bar, and apical bar (dorsal bar absent). Thorax large, inflated, with four (rarely five) feet that are triradiate in axial section. Four feet opposed to two primary lateral and 160 two secondary lateral bars; fifth foot, if present, opposed to vertical bar. Base of thorax hemispherical with centrallyplaced circular aperture (mouth) that has an imperforate rim. Thorax with (e.g., Rolumbus, n. gen.) or without (e.g., Farcus, n. gen.) fragile tubular, velum-like structure extending distally from aperture (mouth) of well-preserved specimens. Original remarks: Farcus n. gen., is compared to Rolumbus n. gen., under the latter genus. Etymology: Farcus (masc.) is a name formed by an arbitrary combination of letters (ICZN, 1964, Appendix D, Pt. VI, Recommendation 4, p. 113). Included species: FAR02 Farcus asperoensis Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986 FAR04 Farcus graylockensis Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986 FAR03 Farcus kozuri Yeh 1987b Plate EUC04. Eucyrtidiellum ramescens Cordey. Magnification x300. Fig. 1(H). Cordey 1998, pl. 25, fig. 7. Fig. 2. OM-00-118, 000702. 161 Farcus asperoensis Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986 Species code: FAR02 Synonymy: 1986 Farcus asperoensis n. sp. – Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh, p. 23, pl. 3, figs. 12, 16, 17, 21; pl. 11, fig. 9. 2002 Farcus asperoensis Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh – Whalen & Carter, p. 124, pl. 11, figs. 3, 11, 15. Original diagnosis: Cephalis medium-sized, hemispherical, with single, massive triradiate horn; cephalis commonly covered by layer of microgranular silica. Horn triradiate in axial section with rounded, longitudinal ridges and narrow grooves. Thorax with small, polygonal pore frames, commonly partially covered by a thin layer of microgranular silica. Four feet, medium-sized, triradiate in axial section with narrow, rounded longitudinal ridges and broad grooves. Four feet commonly attached to base of thorax, although on some specimens two of the feet are attached part way up the thorax. Circular mouth surrounded by imperforate rim. Original remarks: Farcus asperoensis n. sp., differs from other species of Farcus by the nature of the distinctive imperforate rim surrounding the mouth. An undescribed species of Farcus (Pl. 11, fig. 14) from the Hyde Formation of east-central Oregon possesses an elongated thorax and massive horn similar to those of F. asperoensis, n. sp. Measurements (µm): Numbers of specimens measured are in parentheses. length of cephalis length of thorax width of thorax at top width of thorax at base length of horn width of horn at base length of foot (maximum) HT 20 80 48 50 48 13 32 Mean 22.3 (9) 80 (9) 50.5 (9) 61.2 (8) 64.6 (9) 20.4 (9) 61.3 (9) Max. 30 (9) 90 (9) 64 (9) 70 (8) 80 (9) 25 (9) 80 (9) Min. 18 (9) 70 (9) 43 (9) 50 (8) 48 (9) 13 (9) 32 (9) Etymology: This species is named for Pico Aspero, which is located east of its type area. Type locality: Sample SH-412-14, San Hipólito Formation, Vizcaino Peninsula, Baja California Sur. Occurrence: San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur; Musallah Formation, Oman. Farcus graylockensis Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986 Species code: FAR04 Synonymy: 1986 Farcus graylockensis n. sp. – Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh, p. 24, pl. 2, figs. 4, 6-8, 12, 15. 1987b Farcus graylockensis Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh – Yeh, p. 76, pl. 1, fig. 7. 1996 Farcus graylockensis Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh – Pujana, p. 139, pl. 1, fig. 7. 1997 Farcus graylockensis Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh – Yao, pl. 8, fig. 395. 1997 Farcus aff. kozuri Yeh – Yao, pl. 8, fig. 396. 2002 Farcus graylockensis Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh – Tekin, p. 189, pl. 4, fig. 2. Original diagnosis: Single horn wide, massive, triradiate in axial section; horn comprised of three wide, wedge-shaped grooves alternating with three wide, rounded ridges. Thorax with massive, uniformly-sized tetragonal and pentagonal pore frames. Feet moderately long, triradiate in axial section; three longitudinal grooves deep, wider proximally than distally, wedging out distally; three longitudinal ridges rounded, becoming progressively narrower distally. Original remarks: This species differs from similar forms among the Hilarisiregidae Takemura and Nakaseko, 1982, by possessing a dicyrtid test, and considerably different wall structure (see Pl. 1, figs. 4, 5, 10). 162 Measurements (µm): Based on 10 specimens. length of cephalis length of thorax width of thorax at top width of thorax at base length of horn width of horn at base length of foot (maximum) HT 25 100 62.5 112.5 70 25 95 Mean 25.7 92.5 63.7 106.2 72.7 23.5 96.5 Max. 30 100 87.5 120 87.5 25 125 Min. 20 75 50 100 62.5 20 75 Etymology: Farcus graylockensis n. sp., is named for Graylock Butte, which is located north of its type locality. Type locality: OR-536, Nicely Formation, southeast side of Morgan Mountain, east-central Oregon. Occurrence: Nicely Formation, Oregon; Sierra Chacaicó Formation, Argentina; Hocaköy Radiolarite, Turkey; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman; Japan. Plate FAR02. Farcus asperoensis Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh. Magnification x300. Fig. 1(H). Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986, pl. 3, fig. 12. Fig. 2. Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986, pl. 3, fig. 16. Fig. 3. OM-00-251, 021607. Plate FAR04. Farcus graylockensis Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh. Magnification x300. Fig. 1(H). Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986, pl. 2, fig. 6. Fig. 2. OM, BR1122-R01-09. 163 Farcus kozuri Yeh 1987b Species code: FAR03 Synonymy: 1986 Farcus sp. A – Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh, p. 24, pl. 3, fig. 4. 1986 Farcus sp. B – Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh, p. 24, pl. 3, fig. 13. 1987b Farcus kozuri n. sp. – Yeh, p. 75, pl. 1, figs. 2, 6, 13. Original description: Test dicyrtid, cephalis medium in size, hemispherical, imperforate, covered with layer of microgranular silica. Single horn moderately massive, triradiate with three narrow ridges alternating with three wide grooves. Thorax hemispherical, with slightly variable size of massive polygonal pore frames. Distal portion of thorax with three to four prominent transverse ridges, ridges continuous or slightly offset, parallel to each other and merging with those of feet. Feet massive, medium in length, tapering distally, triradiate in axial section with three wide, deep longitudinal grooves alternating with three narrow longitudinal ridges. Original remarks: Farcus kozuri, n. sp., differs from F. graylockensis Pessagno, Whalen, and Yeh (1986) by possessing three to four well-developed transverse ridges on the distal portion of thorax. Measurements (µm): Based on 10 specimens. Length of cephalis Length of thorax width of thorax at top width of thorax (maximum) length of apical horn length of foot (maximum) HT 29 78 43 114 78 100 Mean 29 84 42 112 65 90 Max. 30 78 43 114 78 100 Min. 28 90 40 108 36 78 Etymology: This species is named for Dr. H. Kozur, in honor of his studies on Mesozoic Radiolaria. Type locality: Sample OR-536J, Nicely Formation, southeast side of Morgan Mountain, east-central Oregon. Occurrence: Nicely Formation, Oregon; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman. Genus: Foremania Whalen & Carter 1998 Type species: Foremania sandilandsensis Whalen & Carter 1998 Synonymy: 1998 Foremania n. gen. – Whalen & Carter, p. 79. Original description: Test elongate, cylindrical with singlelayered wall. Cephalis large, dome shaped with irregularly branching horn. Post-abdominal chambers generally rectangular in outline; first few chambers very gradually increasing in size as added; post-abdominal chambers gradually decreasing in width producing an open tube. Regularly shaped pore frames on most post-abdominal chambers; pore frames more regular in shape (tetragonal) and aligned in distinct horizontal and vertical rows on distal portion of test; pore frames smaller on more proximal part of test, larger and more regularly shaped on distal part of test. 164 Original remarks: The narrow but open tubular extension of the test and the very regularly shaped and aligned pore frames on the distal post-abdominal chambers distinguish Foremania n. gen. from Pseudoeucyrtis Pessagno. The single-layered wall distinguishes Foremania n. gen. from Canutus Pessagno and Whalen and Droltus Pessagno and Whalen. Etymology: This genus is named in memory of Helen Foreman a noted scholar of fossil Radiolaria. Included species: FRM01 Foremania sandilandsensis gr. Whalen & Carter 1998 Plate FAR03. Farcus kozuri Yeh. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Yeh 1987b, pl. 1, fig. 6. Fig. 2. Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986, pl. 3, fig. 4. Fig. 3. Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986, pl. 3, fig. 13. 165 Foremania sandilandsensis gr. Whalen & Carter 1998 Species code: FRM01 Synonymy: 1982a gen. et sp. indet. 1 – De Wever, p. 220, pl. 13, figs. 13-14. 1982b gen. et sp. indet. 1 – De Wever, p. 354, pl. 56, figs. 10-11. ? 1990 Nassellaria gen. et sp. indet. – De Wever et al., pl. 4, fig. 2. 1990 Gen. sp. indet. 1 in De Wever 1982 – De Wever et al., pl. 4, fig. 3. 1998 Foremania sandilandsensis n. sp. – Whalen & Carter, p. 79, pl. 24, figs. 14, 15, 18-21, 24-26. Original description: Test elongate, cylindrical, commonly with ten postabdominal chambers. Cephalis large, domeshaped with horn; horn irregularly shaped, branching, usually with two or three prongs varying in size. Cephalis and thorax mostly imperforate, almost completely covered by layer of microgranular silica. Thorax and abdomen trapezoidal in outline. Most postabdominal chambers subrectangular to square in outline, very gradually increasing in width and height as added; last few postabdominal chambers gradually decreasing in width. On well preserved specimens, test terminating in a narrow, open tube. Pore frames on initial chambers of test small and irregularly shaped; pore frames on test gradually increasing in size as added, becoming much more regularly tetragonal and aligned in distinct horizontal and vertical rows on distal part of test; small rounded nodes at vertices of all pore frames. Original remarks: Foremania sandilandsensis is the only species of Foremania yet recognized. Since the test is very large and seldom complete, the observed number of postabdominal chambers depends on preservation. Further remarks: The size of this species is very variable. The length of the specimens illustrated herein varies from 140µm (pl. FRM01, fig 1(H)) to 530µm (pl. FRM01, fig. 8a). Measurements (µm): Based on 5 specimens. Length 140 227 140 200 Max. width 26 103 26 80 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: This species is named for Sandilands Island, located in Skidegate Inlet, north of South Bay, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Type locality: Sample QC 590A. Kunga Island, north side, Sandilands Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, Canada. Occurrence: Sandilands and Ghost Creek formations, Queen Charlotte Islands; Dürrnberg Formation, Austria; Gümüslü Allochthon, Turkey; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation and Musallah Formation, Oman; Japan. Genus: Gigi De Wever 1982a Type species: Gigi fustis De Wever 1982a Synonymy: 1982a Gigi n. gen. – De Wever, p. 194. 1988 Gigi De Wever – Hori, p. 558. Original description: Two-segmented test with a long porous closed tube. Apical horn small, simple or forked. On the cephalis, or at the collar stricture, one (or several ?) spines corresponding to the external prolongation of cephalic spines are present. Cephalic skeleton not in collar plane. Revised description: By Hori (1988): Test comprising 2 to 3 chambers, cephalis, thorax or abdomen, or both and closed tube, without radial spines. The proximal portion subspherical, having smooth surface and circular pores with a crown-like apical horn and thorn(s). Tube porous and elongated cylindrically, sometimes weakly expanded near the distal end. 166 Original remarks: This genus differs from Katroma by having only two segments, very small cephalic horns (except the apical horn) and smaller pores. It differs from Podobursa by the number of segments and the structure of the pores. This genus could be considered as older than Katroma (P. Dumitrica, pers. com.). Further remarks: Contrary to the assumption in the original remarks, our new data show that Katroma appears prior to Gigi. Etymology: Name formed by an arbitrary combination of letters (ICZN, art. 40, p. 113). Included species: GIG01 Gigi fustis De Wever 1982a Plate FRM01. Foremania sandilandsensis gr. Whalen & Carter. Magnification Figs. 1-7 x300 (scale bar A), Figs. 8-16 x200 (scale bar B), except Fig. 8b x400. Fig. 1(H). Carter et al. 1998, pl. 24, fig. 20. Fig. 2. Carter et al. 1998, pl. 24, fig. 19. Fig. 3. Carter et al. 1998, pl. 24, fig. 18. Fig. 4. OM; BR1121-R10-06. Fig. 5. OM, BR1121-R10-11. Fig. 6. OM, BR1121R08-18. Fig. 7. QCI, GSC loc. C-305417, GSC 111808. Fig. 8a,b. TR, 1662D-R03-12. Fig. 9. TR, 1662D-R02-13. Fig. 10. JP, IYII8-85. Fig. 11. OM-00-252, 022012. Fig. 12. AT, BMW21-17. Fig. 13. OM-00-118, 000612. Fig. 14. OM, BR528-R10-07. Fig. 15. OM, BR524-R04-24. Fig. 16. OM, BR706-R12-03. 167 Gigi fustis De Wever 1982a Species code: GIG01 Synonymy: 1982a Gigi fustis n. sp. – De Wever, p. 195, pl. 4, figs. 1-8. 1982b Gigi fustis De Wever – De Wever, p. 340, pl. 57, figs. 1-6, 12. 1982 Gigi fustis De Wever – De Wever & Origlia-Devos, pl. 1, fig. F. 1988 Gigi sp. aff. G. fustis De Wever – Hori, p. 559, fig. 9.1, 2. 1988 Katroma dengqenesis n. sp. – Li, p. 328, pl. 1, fig. 18, not fig. 9. 1993 Katroma sp. – Kashiwagi & Yao, pl. 1, fig. 10. 1993 Gigi fustis De Wever – Kashiwagi & Yao, pl. 1, fig. 11. 1994 Gigi fustis De Wever – Goričan, p. 70, pl. 16, figs. 11-13. 1995 Gigi fustis De Wever – Suzuki, pl. 8, fig. 5. 1997 Gigi cf. G. fustis De Wever – Hori, pl. 1, fig. 20. 1997 Gigi sp. cf. G. fustis De Wever – Hori et al., fig. 2.3. 1998 Gigi fustis De Wever – Kashiwagi, pl. 2, figs. 13, 14. 2001 Gigi fustis De Wever – Kashiwagi, fig. 6.4. 2004 Gigi fustis De Wever – Matsuoka, fig. 116. Original description: Two-segmented test with a long closed tube and a very small clove-shaped apical horn. Horn sometimes simple and not branched when poorly preserved. Cephalis conical, porous. Cephalic skeleton massive, especially at the level of median bar. One spine of the cephalic skeleton (probably V) outgrowing as a small horn. Thorax globular with small pores. Thorax extending in a long tube with widely open proximal pores and smaller distal pores; the latter are aligned along the tube and show a tendency towards helicoidal distribution. Two keels seem to be developed distally. Original remarks: This species differs from Katroma neagui, K. bicornus and K. sp. A, K. sp. B, by having a simpler outline, smaller horns (apical and lateral), and especially by its two-segmented test. Measurements (µm): Based on 14 specimens. Total length (including the apical horn) Tube length Tube width Length of cephalis plus thorax Maximum width of thorax HT Max. Min. Mean 450 490 360 443 320 24 107 79 390 33 170 110 260 24 90 72 315 28 120 88 Etymology: From the Latin fustis, -is, m. = bludgeon, referring to general shape. Type locality: Sample 1662D, Gümüslü Allochthon, Taurus Mts., Turkey. Occurrence: Gümüslü Allochthon, Turkey; Budva Zone, Montenegro; Pindos Zone, Greece; Haliw (Aqil) Formation, Oman; Dengqen area, Tibet; Japan; New Zealand. Genus: Gorgansium Pessagno & Blome 1980 Type species: Gorgansium silviesense Pessagno & Blome 1980 Synonymy: 1980 Gorgansium n. gen. – Pessagno & Blome, p. 234. Original description: Cortical shell typically elliptical with 3 primary spines of unequal length usually occurring in same plane. Primary spines asymmetrically arranged; 2 spines closer together, often considerably shorter than third spine. Cortical shell usually compressed in plane of 3 primary spines. First medullary shell small, spherical with fragile pore frames. Original remarks: Gorgansium, n. gen. differs from Betraccium Pessagno, (Pessagno et al., 1979), in the asymmetri168 cal arrangement and unequal length of its primary spines. Whereas Betraccium has symmetrically arranged, more or less equidistant spines of equal length, Gorgansium has its 2 shorter spines situated close together. Etymology: Gorgansium is a name formed by an arbitrary combination of letters (ICZN, 1964. Appendix D. Pt. 6. recommendation 40. p.113). The gender of this genus is neuter. Included species: GOR02 Gorgansium gongyloideum Kishida & Hisada 1985 GOR03 Gorgansium morganense Pessagno & Blome 1980 Plate GIG01. Gigi fustis De Wever. Magnification x300, except Fig. 1b(H) x500. Fig. 1a,b(H). De Wever 1982a, pl. 4, figs. 1, 2. Fig. 2. TR, 1662D-R02-08. Fig. 3. Matsuoka 2004, fig. 116. Fig. 4. JP, Nanjo chert, NA-16, RH(1)394. Fig. 5. JP, Nanjo chert, NAI-76, RH(1)442. Fig. 6. JP, Nanjo chert, NA-11-12, RH(1)391. Fig. 7. OM, Haliw-039-R02-05. Fig. 8. OM, Haliw-038-R09-23. Fig. 9. OM, Haliw-038-R08-08. Fig. 10. OM, Haliw-039-R02-06. Fig. 11. OM, Haliw038-R08-19. Fig. 12. OM, Haliw-039-R06-20. Fig. 13. OM, Haliw-039-R02-08. Fig. 14. OM, Haliw-039-R06-28. 169 Gorgansium gongyloideum Kishida & Hisada 1985 Species code: GOR02 Synonymy: 1982 Gorgansium sp. A – Kishida & Sugano, pl. 4, fig. 8. 1984 Gorgansium sp. aff. morganense Pessagno & Blome – Whalen & Pessagno, pl. 1, figs. 15-16. 1985 Gorgansium gongyloideum n. sp. – Kishida & Hisada, p. 116, pl. 1, figs. 21-22. 1986 Gorgansium gongyloideum Kishida & Hisada – Kishida & Hisada, Fig. 4.4. 1990 Gorgansium gongyloideum Kishida & Hisada – Hori, Fig. 8.6. 1994 Gorgansium gongyloideum Kishida & Hisada – Goričan, p. 70, pl. 1, fig. 6. 1998 Gorgansium gongyloideum Kishida & Hisada – Yeh & Cheng, p. 12, pl. 1, fig. 1. 2002 Gorgansium gongyloideum Kishida & Hisada – Whalen & Carter, p. 105, pl. 6, figs. 3-5, 9-11. 2002 Gorgansium gongyloideum Kishida & Hisada – Tekin, p. 179, pl. 1, fig. 4. 2003 Gorgansium spp. – Goričan et al., p. 291, pl. 1, fig. 7. Original diagnosis: Cortical shell spherical, with three three-bladed primary spines. Two spines somewhat shorter than third spine. Third spine as long as diameter of cortical shell. Original description: Cortical shell spherical, with predominantly hexagonal pore frames lacking well-developed nodes at vertices. Thickness of pore frame bars in Z direction about two times as thick as in Y direction (Textfig. 5). Seven pore frames visible on test surface along AB, six to seven pore frames visible along CD (Text-fig. 5). Primary spines triradiate in axial section; composed of three narrow grooves alternating with three moderately wide ridges longitudinally. Two primary spines nearly equal in length; third spine somewhat longer. Third spine as long as diameter of cortical shell. Original remarks: Gorgansium gongyloideum n. sp. differs from Gorgansium crassum n. sp., in having cortical shell without compression, more numerous pore frames and primary spines with wider ridges. Measurements (µm): Based on 5 specimens. System of measurements shown in Text-fig. 5 of Kishida & Hisada (1985). AB 78 81 78 79 CD 81 83 81 82 AT 80 88 78 82 EF 61 69 56 62 GH 59 68 57 61 HT Max. Min. Av. Etymology: The name is derived from the Latin adjective gongylis + deus, meaning spherical. Type locality: Locality 230 of Kishida & Hisada (1985), Ueno-mura area, Kanto Mountains, Central Japan. Occurrence: Japan; Fernie Formation, northeastern British Columbia; San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur; Skrile Formation, Slovenia; Budva Zone, Montenegro; Hocaköy Radiolarite, Turkey; Liminangcong Chert, Philippines. Gorgansium morganense Pessagno & Blome 1980 Species code: GOR03 Synonymy: 1980 Gorgansium morganense n. sp. – Pessagno & Blome, p. 234, pl. 6, figs. 10, 18, 23. Original description: Cortical shell circular in outline compressed somewhat in plane of spines and comprised of large pore frames with poorly developed nodes at the vertices. Bars of pore frames of medium thickness along Y; thicker along Z (text-fig. 5). Five to 6 pore frames visible on test surface along AB; 5 pore frames visible along CD (see pl. 8, fig. 16). Two primary spines nearly equal in length; third spine longer. All 3 spines triradiate in axial section, comprised of 3 massive, wide ridges alternating with 3 moderately wide grooves longitudinally; grooves somewhat wider than ridges. Original remarks: This species differs from G. silviesense, n. sp., in having a cortical shell that is circular rather than elliptical in outline and in having much longer primary spines. 170 Measurements (µm): Based on 7 specimens. System of measurement shown in plate 8, figure 16 of Pessagno & Blome (1980). AB 94 96 106 88 CD 75 81 113 75 AT 94 93 106 81 EF 69 55 75 56 GH 75 65 88 63 HT Av. Max. Min. Etymology: G. morganense is named for Morgan Mountain near its type locality. Type locality: Sample OR 536, Nicely Formation, northeast side of Morgan Mountain, Oregon. Occurrence: Nicely Formation, Oregon; Fannin Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands. Plate GOR02. Gorgansium gongyloideum Kishida & Hisada. Magnification x300. Fig. 1(H). Kishida & Hisada 1985, pl. 1, fig. 21. Fig. 2. JP, MNA-10, MA11018. Fig. 3. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 6, fig. 3. Fig. 4. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 6, fig. 5. Fig. 5. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 6, fig. 4. Plate GOR03. Gorgansium morganense Pessagno & Blome. Magnification x300. Fig. 1(H). Pessagno & Blome 1980, pl. 6, fig. 10. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-304566, GSC 128796. 171 Genus: Haeckelicyrtium Kozur & Mostler 1979, emend. Carter 1993 Type species: Haeckelicyrtium austriacum Kozur & Mostler 1979 Synonymy: 1979 Haeckelicyrtium n. gen. – Kozur & Mostler, p. 98. 1993 Haeckelicyrtium Kozur & Mostler – Carter, p. 96. 1997 Haeckelicyrtium Kozur & Mostler – Sugiyama, p. 154-155. Original description: Cephalis imperforate without apical horn. Thorax very wide, cap-shaped, with rough pores, which can be completely closed in the proximal part by an imperforate layer. Abdomen short, very strongly and abruptly flaring into a disc distally. Distal border smooth in the type species, but with short, wide and blunt spines distributed in the disc plane in Haeckelicyrtium? spinosum n. sp. Aperture wide, circular. Internal spicule as in family. Emended description: Carter (1993): Includes forms with or without an apical horn. Distal rim of abdomen may be spinose as well as smooth. Original remarks: Dreyericyrtium n. gen. and Deflandrecyrtium n. gen. have an apical horn. Dreyericyrtium is however considerably more slender, and Deflandrecyrtium has a two-segmented conical cephalis as well as laterally and downwardly directed spines at the distal end of the abdomen. Further remarks: Sugiyama writes that based on evidence from Hori (1992) and from diverse Lower and Middle Jurassic assemblages of Yao (1997), the genus Haeckelicyrtium disappears at the end of the Triassic. However, Carter et al. (1998) found Haeckelicyrtium sp. A in Hettangian/Sinemurian strata of the Sandilands Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands, Whalen and Carter (2002) found Haeckelicyrtium sp. B in Baja California Sur, and abundant Haeckelicyrtium (H. crickmayi described herein) are present in Pliensbachian formations of Queen Charlotte Islands. Rare specimens of Haeckelicyrtium are also known from the Fernie Formation of northeastern British Columbia. Etymology: Named for E. Haeckel, the famous pioneer of radiolarian research. Included species: HCK05 Haeckelicyrtium crickmayi Carter n. sp. HCK04 Haeckelicyrtium sp. B sensu Whalen & Carter 2002 Haeckelicyrtium crickmayi Carter n. sp. Species code: HCK05 Type designation: Holotype GSC 111719 and paratype GSC 111720 from GSC loc. C-304281, Ghost Creek Formation (lowermost Pliensbachian). in having a less distinct boundary between the thorax and cephalis and in possessing long, net-like arms on the edge of the skirt. Description: Cephalis small and globular, imperforate, without horn. Thorax short, funnel-shaped, with small circular to subcircular pores. Abdomen abruptly flaring to a wide, downwardly directed net-like skirt composed mostly of large subcircular to circular pore frames becoming larger towards periphery. Periphery of skirt most irregular with outer portions of skirt extending as flared perforate arms of variable width. All arms of skirt terminating in one or more short circular spines; narrower arms commonly terminate with bifurcating spines. Measurements (µm): Based on 9 specimens. Remarks: Haeckelicyrtium crickmayi n. sp. differs from H. karcharos Carter (1993) in lacking a horn and in possessing long, net-like arms of variable width on the edge of the skirt that terminate in one or more spines. It differs from Haeckelicyrtium sp. B of Whalen and Carter (2002) Diameter of cephalis Max. diameter of thorax (excl. arms and spines) HT 52 Max. 66 Min. 32 Mean 51 (7) 464 469 352 429 Etymology: Named for Colin H. Crickmay, who contributed significantly to the knowledge of Late Triassic and Early Jurassic ammonoids of British Columbia Type locality: Ghost Creek Formation, South side of Maude Island, several hundred metres west of Ells Bay, Skidegate Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Ghost Creek and Fannin formations, Queen Charlotte Islands; Fernie Formation, NE British Columbia. Haeckelicyrtium sp. B sensu Whalen & Carter 2002 Species code: HCK04 Synonymy: 1998 Haeckelicyrtium karcharos Carter – Yeh & Cheng, p. 32, pl. 12, fig. 8. 2002 Haeckelicyrtium sp. B – Whalen & Carter, p. 122, pl. 16, fig. 9. 172 Original remarks: The pore frames of this species are more massive than the pore frames of Haeckelicyrtium sp. A of Whalen & Carter 1998. Occurrence: San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur; Liminangcong Chert, Philippines. Plate HCK05. Haeckelicyrtium crickmayi Carter n. sp. Magnification x100. Fig. 1(H). GSC loc. C-304281, GSC 111719. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-304567, GSC 128803. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-304281, GSC 111720. Fig. 4. QCI, GSC loc. C304567, GSC 128913. Fig. 5. NBC, GSC loc. C-305208, GSC 128802. Plate HCK04. Haeckelicyrtium sp. B sensu Whalen & Carter. Magnification x150. Fig. 1. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 16, fig. 9. 173 Genus: Hagiastrum Haeckel 1881 Type species: Hagiastrum plenum Rüst 1885 (subsequent designation by Campbell, 1954) Synonymy: arranged subsidiary beams to cortical shell. Medullary shell as with family, rays circular in cross section, composed of several medullary beams comprising 3 (sometimes up to 6) primary canals. Central area of medullary shell with internal vertical beamlets. Original description: 3c. Tribe: Euchitonida. Porodiscida with arms, arms chambered situated in the equatorial plane and radiating from the margin of the disk (often with terminal spines on the arms, and often with the arms joined by a patagium or chambered web). C. With four arms, arranged in the form of a rectangular cross. CI. With simple arms. Ia. Without patagium. Further remarks: By Baumgartner (1980): Included are only those four-rayed forms displaying linear arrangement of beams and pore rows and having an inner structure as in the subfamily. Species with more irregular pore arrangement assigned to this genus by Kozur and Mostler (1978) and Pessagno, Finch and Abbott (1979), should be assigned to the genus Crucella Pessagno under the Patulibracchiidae Pessagno, emend. This volume: Although Hagiastrum is the type genus of the family Hagiastridae the cross-section of rays of the type species of Hagiastrum is not yet known. In revising the family, Baumgartner (1980) made no remarks on the number of beams and rows of pores because of the difficulty to find a specimen confidently assigned to the type species. Herein we assign to this genus all species answering more or less the emended definition without taking into account the ray structure. However, we note that Hagiastrum macrum De Wever (see below) has rays with 3 primary and 9 secondary canals. 1881 Hagiastrum n. gen. – Haeckel, p. 460. 1887 Hagiastrum Haeckel – Haeckel, p. 542. 1971 Hagiastrum Haeckel emend. – Pessagno, p. 52. 1977b Hagiastrum Haeckel emend. – Pessagno, p. 72. 1980 Hagiastrum Haeckel emend. – Baumgartner, p. 289. Emended description: By Baumgartner (1980): Test as with subfamily, composed of 4 arms approximately at right angles. Rays slender elongate usually with bulbous tips, with or without spines. Emendation of the subfamily Hagiastrinae Riedel 1971 (Baumgartner, 1980, p. 288): Test as with family, composed of 2 to 4 rays extending from a central area which is simply formed by the convergence of the rays. Cortical rays composed of numerous (8-12) longitudinal external beams, connected by bars regularly in transverse rows forming single rows of circular, rectangular or parallelogram-shaped pores between beams. Cross-section of ray circular or elliptical. Central area of cortical shell usually with smaller, more irregular pore frames, nodes may be developed. Medullary shell centrally placed, about one-third the diameter of cortical shell, leaving a cylindrical cortical space around it. Medullary shell connected by numerous radially Etymology: From the Greek agion = holy, and astron = starrulet. Included species: HAG06 Hagiastrum macrum gr. De Wever 1981b HAG03 Hagiastrum majusculum Whalen & Carter 1998 HAG04 Hagiastrum rudimentum Whalen & Carter 1998 Hagiastrum macrum gr. De Wever 1981b Species code: HAG06 Synonymy: 1981b Hagiastrum macrum n. sp. – De Wever, p. 29, pl. 1, figs. 7-9. 1982b Hagiastrum macrum De Wever – De Wever, p. 232, fig. 75, pl. 20, figs. 7-8; pl. 21, fig. 1. 1987b Tetratrabs imlayi n. sp. – Yeh, p. 31, pl. 21, figs. 8, 10, 12. 2004 Tetraditryma macra (De Wever) – Matsuoka, fig. 41. Original diagnosis: Hagiastrum with four long and thin rays ornamented with long secondary spines. Original description: Straight arms, composed of stout longitudinal beams with regularly distributed connecting bars that form quadrangular pores. This network exists only on arms, while pores are randomly arranged in center. Original remarks: This species is distinguished from other species of Hagiastrum by its skeleton-like shape and welldeveloped secondary spines. 174 Arm structure is slightly different from other Hagiastrinae. In this subfamily the medullary shell is surrounded by a cortical space, crossed by bars. For H. macrum, the large number of bars and their distinctive shape seem to form porous canals that fill the cortical space (pl. 1, fig. 9). This is in agreement with P. O. Baumgartner’s observations (1981, pers. comm.) who noticed that the cortical space is more and more restricted in early forms. Further remarks: Although not mentioned in the original description, the view along one broken ray (De Wever 1981b, pl. 1. fig. 9) shows 3 primary canals surrounded by 9 secondary canals and 9 or more external beams; such structure is similar to that of Homoeoparonaella elegans (see Baumgartner, 1980). Measurements (µm): Based on 7 specimens. HT Min. Max. Mean Total length 442 430 496 458 (of two rays without terminal spines) 40 40 54 44 Width of rays Length of terminal spines 70 62 70 66 Etymology: From Latin macer, -a, -crum, adj. = with little substance, thin, stunted. By analogy with the emaciated shape of this form. Type locality: Sample 1662D, Gümüslü Allochthon, Taurus Mts., Turkey. Occurrence: Gümüslü Allochthon, Turkey; Fernie Formation, NE British Columbia; Hyde Formation and Warm Springs member of the Snowshoe Formation, Oregon; Mino Terrane, Japan; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman. Plate HAG06. Hagiastrum macrum gr. De Wever. Magnification 150x. Fig. 1(H). TR, De Wever 1981b, pl. 1, fig. 7. Fig. 2. TR, 1662D-R07-11. Fig. 3. NBC, GSC C-305208, GSC 128807. Fig. 4. OM, BR871-R04-04. Fig. 5. OM, BR525R08-10. Fig. 6. OM; BR1121-R07-18. Fig. 7. OM; BR706-R12-15. Fig. 8. OM-00-231, 020405. 175 Hagiastrum majusculum Whalen & Carter 1998 Species code: HAG03 Synonymy: 1987b Tetratrabs sp. E – Yeh, p. 32, pl. 11, fig. 12; pl. 22, fig. 2. 1988 Hagiastrum sp. cf. H. egregium Rüst – Carter et al., p. 29, pl. 7, figs. 11, 12. 1988 Hagiastrum sp. A – Carter et al., p. 29, pl. 2, fig. 2. 1990 Hagiastrum sp. – Nagai, pl. 5, fig. 7. 1991 Hagiastrum sp. cf. H. egregium Rüst – Carter & Jakobs, p. 342, pl. 2, fig. 10. 1996 Hagiastrum cf. H. egregium Rüst – Tumanda et al., p. 172, fig. 6.6. 1996 Tetraditryma sp. A – Yeh & Cheng, p. 97, pl. 1, fig. 5. 1996 Hagiastrum sp. A – Yeh & Cheng, p. 96, pl. 1, fig. 12. 1997 Tetraditryma sp. F – Yao, pl. 7, fig. 331. 1998 Hagiastrum sp. A – Cordey, p. 67, pl. 19, figs. 5, 7, 9-10 only. 1998 Hagiastrum majusculum n. sp. – Whalen & Carter, p. 45, pl. 10, figs. 11-12, 14-16. 2002 Hagiastrum majusculum Whalen & Carter – Whalen & Carter, p. 103, pl. 8, figs. 3, 11, 13. 2004 Hagiastrum rudimentum Whalen & Carter – Matsuoka, fig. 38. Original description: Test composed of four long, nodose rays with bulbous tips terminating in moderately long triradiate spines. Rays usually composed of eight external nodose longitudinal beams; beams display strong linearity frequently becoming slightly twisted. Beams connected by transverse bars forming single, longitudinal rows of square to tetragonal pore frames; pores circular to subcircular. Nodes at vertices of pore frames elliptical to subrectangular, strongly raised and highly distinctive. Central area small, composed of triangular and rectangular pore frames with large nodes at vertices. Bulbous ray tips composed of square pore frames with weak nodes at vertices. Spines moderate in length, triradiate. Original remarks: This form is likely derived from Hagiastrum rudimentum n. sp. It differs from the latter species in having longer rays with more strongly pronounced linearity, stronger nodes on both rays and central area, and in developing bulbous tips at the ends of the rays. Further remarks: This species now includes forms with six to eight external beams and a slightly larger, more nodose central area. Measurements (µm): Based on 14 specimens. Length of longest ray 249 395 205 292 Width of widest ray 43 52 37 43 Width of bulbous tips 99 74 85 Length of longest spine 131 75 92 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: Name from the Latin majusculus, um (m.) meaning somewhat larger or greater. Type locality: Sample 86-OF-KUB-2, Sandilands Formation, Kunga Island - north side, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Sandilands, Ghost Creek, Fannin and Phantom Creek formations, Queen Charlotte Islands; Bridge River Complex and Williston Lake, British Columbia; San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur; Hyde Formation, Oregon; Japan; Liminangcong Chert, Philippines; Skrile Formation, Slovenia; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman. Plate HAG03. Hagiastrum majusculum Whalen & Carter. Magnification Figs. 1-5 x100 (scale bar A), Figs. 6-10 x150 (scale bar B), except Fig. 8c x300. Fig. 1(H). Carter et al. 1998, pl. 10, fig. 11. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-304567, GSC 128806. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-304567, GSC 128804. Fig. 4. QCI, GSC loc. C-175306, GSC 128805. Fig. 5. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 8, fig. 3. Fig. 6. OR600A-R01-03. Fig. 7. OR600A-R01-07. Fig. 8a,b,c. OM, BR682-R10-10. Fig. 9. JP, MNA-10, MA10864. Fig. 10. SI, MM5.00, 010102. 176 177 Hagiastrum rudimentum Whalen & Carter 1998 Species code: HAG04 Synonymy: 1987 Hagiastrum sp. C – Hattori, pl. 3, fig. 14. 1998 Hagiastrum sp. A – Cordey, p. 67, pl. 19, figs. 6, 8 only. 1998 Hagiastrum rudimentum n. sp. – Whalen & Carter, p. 46, pl. 10, figs. 2, 7, 8, 18, 19. 2002 Hagiastrum rudimentum Whalen & Carter – Suzuki et al., p. 178, figs. 7 H-I. 2002 Hagiastrum rudimentum Whalen & Carter – Whalen & Carter, p. 103, pl. 8, fig. 2. Original description: Test with four long rays, almost cylindrical in cross-section, sometimes broadening slightly near tips. Rays terminating in long triradiate spines having broad ridges and grooves. Rays usually composed of eight external longitudinal beams separated by a single row of pore frames and connected by transverse bars to from a single linear row of pores between two beams. Nodes at vertices of pore frames round and moderately raised. Central area large, composed mostly of triangular and tetragonal pore frames with strongly raised circular nodes at vertices. Original remarks: This is the earliest species of Hagiastrum to appear in our samples. It has a few irregularly arranged pores on the rays but in all other aspects seems to conform to the definition of Hagiastrum as emended by Baumgartner (1980). See. H. majusculum n. sp. for comparisons. Measurements (µm): Based on 10 specimens. Length of longest ray 181 244 161 206 Width of widest ray 38 56 38 46 Length of longest spine 43 146 43 62 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: Name from the Latin rudimentum meaning first principle, beginning. Type locality: Sample QC-675, Sandilands Formation, Kunga Island - north side, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Sandilands and Ghost Creek formations, Queen Charlotte Islands; Bridge River Complex, British Columbia; San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur; Pucara Group, Peru; Japan. Genus: Helvetocapsa O’Dogherty, Goričan & Dumitrica 2006 Type species: Tricolocapsa matsuokai Sashida, in Sashida et al. 1999 Synonymy: 2006 Helvetocapsa O’Dogherty, Goričan & Dumitrica n. gen. – O’Dogherty et al., p. 450. Original diagnosis: Test spindle shaped, multisegmented, composed of three, four, or possibly more segments. Last segment inversely conical with a small constricted aperture at its base. Segmental divisions generally not well pronounced externally, only faint strictures present in some species. Small circular pores on surface arranged in longitudinal rows. Numerous longitudinal plicae are generally well developed on the entire test. One row of pores present between neighbouring plicae. Original remarks: The genus is similar to Striatojaponocapsa Kozur, from which it differs by having an inversely conical last segment with a simple aperture but no appendage or eccentric porous depression. It differs from Protunuma Ichikawa and Yao by having only one row of pores between adjacent plicae. A relatively continuous stratigraphic record can be reconstructed for Helvetocapsa n. gen. from previously 178 known occurrences. The genus ranges from the early Toarcian (Matsuoka 1991a, Goričan et al. 2003), through Aalenian and Bajocian (Yao 1997; Sashida et al. 1999) to the Bathonian (Yamamoto et al. 1985; this study). Species of this genus have previously been assigned to different genera, depending on the number of segments. We grouped them together because the available data suggest that the number of pores (one vs. two or more) between adjacent plicae is an important taxonomic character but the number of segments varies through time in the same phylogenetic lineage. Etymology: Referring to the occurrence in Switzerland. Included species and subspecies: TPS03 Helvetocapsa minoensis (Matsuoka) 1991 SCP03 Helvetocapsa nanjoensis (Matsuoka) 1991 SCP06 Helvetocapsa plicata s.l. (Matsuoka) 1991 SCP04 Helvetocapsa plicata plicata (Matsuoka) 1991 SCP05 Helvetocapsa plicata semiplicata (Matsuoka) 1991 Plate HAG04. Hagiastrum rudimentum Whalen & Carter. Magnification x150. Fig. 1(H). Carter et al. 1998, pl. 10, fig. 2. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-080612, GSC 128808. 179 Helvetocapsa minoensis (Matsuoka) 1991 Species code: TPS03 Synonymy: 1987 Tricolocapsa sp. A – Hattori, pl. 13, fig. 1. 1987 Tricolocapsa sp. B – Hattori, pl. 13, fig. 2. 1989 Tricolocapsa sp. A – Hattori, pl. 10, fig. A. 1989 Tricolocapsa spp. – Hattori, pl. 10, fig. D. 1990 Tricolocapsa sp. – Nagai, pl. 4, figs. 5a-b. 1991 Tricolocapsa minoensis n. sp. – Matsuoka, p. 723, Fig. 2. 1a-5b. ? 1991 Tricolocapsa sp. cf. T. plicarum – Kojima et al., pl. 1, fig. 10. 1997 Tricolocapsa minoensis Matsuoka – Yao, pl. 9, fig. 422. 2003 Tricolocapsa minoensis Matsuoka – Goričan et al., p. 297, pl. 4, figs. 13a-b, 14a-b. 2004 Tricolocapsa minoensis Matsuoka – Matsuoka, fig. 81. Original description: Shell of three segments, drop-like shaped. Cephalis hemispherical, poreless. Thorax truncate conical. Abdomen large, subspherical with constricted aperture. Collar and lumber strictures slightly recognizable or indistinct externally. Outer surface of shell ornamented with continuous longitudinal plicae. Eleven to 15 moderately spaced plicae visible on outer shell. One row of pores present between longitudinal plicae. Pores small to moderate in size, circular and uniform in shape. Aperture moderate in size, circular. Original remarks: Pores vary in size among specimens, from small (Figures 2-1a,b) to moderate (Figure 2-3). Tricolocapsa minoensis, n. sp., differs from T. plicarum Yao by lacking a dish-like basal appendage, by having more spaced plicae and by its smaller size. Measurements (µm): Numbers of specimens measured are in parentheses. Total height of shell Maximum width of shell Diameter of aperture HT 115 94 13 Max. 115 94 14 Min. Mean 93 105 72 83 12 13 (15) (15) (6) Etymology: This species is named for the Mino Terrane which includes the type area, Nanjo Massif. Type locality: Sample MNA-10, Nanjo Massif, Mino Terrane, central Japan. Occurrence: Japan; Hyde Formation, Oregon; Skrile Formation, Slovenia; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman. Helvetocapsa nanjoensis (Matsuoka) 1991 Species code: SCP03 Synonymy: 1991 Stichocapsa nanjoensis n. sp. – Matsuoka, p. 733, Fig. 9. 1 – 4b. 1997 Stichocapsa nanjoensis Matsuoka – Yao, pl. 9, fig. 440. 2004 Stichocapsa nanjoensis Matsuoka – Matsuoka, fig. 88. Original description: Shell of four segments, spindleshaped. Cephalis hemispherical, poreless. Thorax truncate conical, abdomen barrel-shaped and fourth segment inverted conical with a constricted, circular aperture. Collar stricture pronounced externally. Other segmental joints indistinct externally. Eight to 10 weakly developed longitudinal plicae run from thorax to the distal end in lateral view. One row of pores arranged between the longitudinal plicae. Pores circular to subcircular, small and uniform in size. Original remarks: Stichocapsa nanjoensis, n. sp. is distinguished from S. biconica, n. sp. by its small size, by consisting of four segments rather than five and by having longi- 180 tudinal plicae. It also differs from Cyrtocapsa (?) kisoensis Yao by having longitudinal plicae and by lacking an apical horn. Measurements (µm): Numbers of specimens measured are in parentheses. HT Total height of shell 104 Maximum width of shell 62 Diameter of aperture - Max. 104 63 8 Min. Mean 90 96 (10) 54 59 (10) 7 8 (5) Etymology: The species is named for the Nanjo Massif, its type locality. Type locality: MNA-10, Nanjo Massif, Mino Terrane, central Japan. Occurrence: Mino Terrane, Japan; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation and Musallah Formation, Oman. Plate TPS03. Helvetocapsa minoensis (Matsuoka). Magnification x400. Fig. 1(H). Matsuoka 1991, Fig. 2.1a. Fig. 2. OM, BR1122-R02-04. Fig. 3. OM, BR1122-R04-16. Figs. 4a-b, 5a-b. Goričan et al. 2003, pl. 4, figs. 14a-b, 13a-b. Plate SCP03. Helvetocapsa nanjoensis (Matsuoka). Magnification x500. Fig. 1(H). Matsuoka 1991, Fig. 9.1. Fig. 2. OM, BR1122-R04-15. Figs. 3a, b. OM-00-254-022212, 022213. 181 Helvetocapsa plicata s.l. (Matsuoka) 1991 Species code: SCP06 Synonymy: 1991 Stichocapsa plicata n. sp. – Matsuoka, p. 727, Fig. 5-1a-5b: 6-1a-6b. See also subspecies. Included subspecies: SCP04 Helvetocapsa plicata plicata (Matsuoka) 1991 SCP05 Helvetocapsa plicata semiplicata (Matsuoka) 1991 Original description: Shell of four to six segments, droplike or spindle shaped. Cephalis hemispherical, poreless. The last segment large, inverted hemispherical or inverted conical with a constricted aperture. Remaining segments including thorax and abdomen truncate conical. Strictures between segments indistinct externally. Fifteen to 22 densely spaced longitudinal plicae visible on outer shell except for cephalis. The longitudinal plicae distinct or partly obscure. One row of pores present between the plicae. Pores uniform, small and circular. Aperture small, circular, occasionally with a short protruding rim. Original remarks: Two subspecies are included under this species; these are S. plicata plicata, n. subsp. and S. plicata semiplicata, n. subsp. S. plicata, n. sp. differs from S. convexa Yao by having longitudinal plicae between which one row of pores is present. Measurements (µm): Numbers of specimens measured are in parentheses. HT Total height of shell 154 Maximum width of shell 108 Diameter of aperture 8 Max. 170 124 8 Min. 110 80 6 Mean 142 96 7 (29) (29) (12) Etymology: This specific name comes from the Latin plicatus-a-um (= plicate). Type locality: MNA-10, Nanjo Massif, Mino Terrane, central Japan. Occurrence: See subspecies. Helvetocapsa plicata plicata (Matsuoka) 1991 Species code: SCP04 Synonymy: 1989 Tricolocapsa sp. B. – Hattori, pl. 10, fig. B. 1989 Tricolocapsa spp. – Hattori, pl. 10, fig. F. 1989 Tricolocapsa sp. D. – Hattori, pl. 29, fig. D. 1989 Tricolocapsa sp. – Hattori & Sakamoto, pl. 19, fig. B. 1991 Stichocapsa plicata plicata n. subsp. – Matsuoka, p. 729, fig. 5. 1a – 5b. 1997 Stichocapsa plicata Matsuoka – Yao, pl. 9, fig. 437. 2003 Stichocapsa plicata plicata Matsuoka – Goričan et al., p. 297, pl. 4, fig. 17a-b. 2004 Stichocapsa plicata plicata Matsuoka – Matsuoka, fig. 84. n. subsp. differs from S. plicata semiplicata, n. subsp. by having distinct longitudinal plicae that extend from the thorax to the distal end. Further remarks: In comparison to the type material, some specimens have less numerous plicae and much larger pores with thicker pore frames (pl. SCP04, figs. 6-9). They are included in Helvetocapsa plicata plicata, because transitional forms (pl. SCP04, figs. 5a-b) also exist. Measurements (µm): Numbers of specimens measured are in parentheses. Original description: Shell of four to five segments, droplike or spindle shaped. Cephalis hemispherical, poreless. The last segment large, inverted hemispherical or inverted conical with a constricted aperture. Remaining segments including thorax and abdomen truncate conical. Strictures between segments indistinct externally. Fifteen to 22 densely spaced longitudinal plicae visible on outer shell. The plicae distinct on whole shell except for cephalis. One row of pores present between plicae. Pores uniform, small and circular. Aperture small, circular, occasionally with a short protruding rim. Type locality: MNA-10, Nanjo Massif, Mino Terrane, central Japan. Original remarks: Shape varies among specimens; some are drop-like shaped (Figure 5-1a, 3a, 4, 5a, b) and others spindle shaped (Figure 5-2a). Stichocapsa plicata plicata, Occurrence: Japan; Skrile Formation, Slovenia; Musallah Formation and Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman. 182 HT Total height of shell 154 Maximum width of shell 108 Diameter of aperture 8 Max. 170 124 8 Min. 110 82 6 Mean 142 102 7 (20) (20) (9) Etymology: This subspecies is the nominotypical subspecies of Stichocapsa plicata, n. sp. Plate SCP04. Helvetocapsa plicata plicata (Matsuoka). Magnification x400. Fig. 1(H) a, b. Matsuoka 1991, Figs. 5.1a-b. Figs. 2, 3. Matsuoka 1991, Fig. 5.3a, 4. Fig. 4. Goričan et al. 2003, pl. 4, fig. 17a. Figs. 5a, b. OM-99-89011416, 011415. Fig. 6. OM-00-263-021330. Figs. 7a, b. OM-00-252-022010, 022011. Fig. 8. OM-00-251-021609. Fig. 9. OM-00-115-023022. 183 Helvetocapsa plicata semiplicata (Matsuoka) 1991 Species code: SCP05 Synonymy: 1991 Stichocapsa plicata semiplicata n. subsp. – Matsuoka, p. 729, Fig. 6. 1a – 6b. 1997 Stichocapsa semiplicata Matsuoka – Yao, pl. 9, fig. 438. 2004 Stichocapsa plicata semiplicata Matsuoka – Matsuoka, fig. 85. 2005 Stichocapsa plicata semiplicata Matsuoka – Kashiwagi et al., pl. 5, fig. 8. Original description: Shell of five to six segments, drop-like shaped. Cephalis hemispherical, poreless. The last segment large, truncate subspherical with a constricted aperture. Remaining segments including thorax and abdomen truncate conical. Strictures between segments indistinct externally. Fifteen to 22 densely spaced longitudinal plicae visible on outer shell except for cephalis and the middle part of shell. Pores small, circular and arranged longitudinally. One row of pores present between the plicae. Aperture small, circular, occasionally with a short protruding rim. 184 Original remarks: Stichocapsa plicata semiplicata, n. subsp. is compared to S. plicata plicata, n. subsp. under the latter subspecies. Measurements (µm): Numbers of specimens measured are in parentheses. Total height of shell Maximum width of shell Diameter of aperure HT 139 95 7 Max. 149 99 8 Min. 123 80 7 Mean 142 94 7 (9) (9) (3) Etymology: The subspecific name comes from the Latin semi (=half) and plicatus-a-um (=plicate). Type locality: Sample MNA-10, Nanjo Massif, Mino Terrane, central Japan. Occurrence: Japan; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman. Plate SCP05. Helvetocapsa plicata semiplicata (Matsuoka). Magnification x400. Fig. 1(H)a, b. Matsuoka 1991, Fig. 6.1a-b. Figs. 2, 3. Matsuoka 1991, Figs. 6.3, 6.5. Fig. 4. OM, BR524-R05-16. 185 Genus: Hexasaturnalis Kozur & Mostler 1983 Type species: Spongosaturnalis? hexagonus Yao 1972 Synonymy: 1983 Hexasaturnalis n. gen. – Kozur & Mostler, p. 28. 1983 Yaosaturnalis n. gen. – Kozur & Mostler, p. 31. Original description: Ring and outer spines strongly bladed. Outline of ring hexagonal to octagonal or subquadratically rounded. 4-8 very strong outer spines. Two massive polar spines opposite to interspine spaces on the outer margin of the ring. No auxiliary spines. Ring often a little constricted in the polar spine attachment region. Cortical shells spongy, widely separated from the inner margin of the ring. Medullary shell latticed. Original remarks: By increase of the number of marginal spines the hexagonal to octagonal outline of the ring is transformed to a polygonal to subcircular one. In this manner the genus Spongosaturnalis Campbell and Clark, 1944b, evolved in the Cretaceous from Hexasaturnalis n. gen. Praehexasaturnalis n. gen. from the Norian has the same outline of ring, but the polar spines are still situated opposite to the marginal spines and the narrow ring is still flat to shallow oval in cross section. Yaosaturnalis n. gen. has the same outline and structure of ring as Hexasaturnalis n. gen., but auxiliary spines are present. Further remarks: Herein we follow De Wever et al. (2001) who synonymized Yaosaturnalis Kozur & Mostler with Hexasaturnalis Kozur & Mostler. Etymology: According to the outline. Included species: 3502 Hexasaturnalis hexagonus (Yao) 1972 SAT11 Hexasaturnalis octopus Dumitrica & Hori n. sp. 3089 Hexasaturnalis tetraspinus (Yao) 1972 Hexasaturnalis hexagonus (Yao) 1972 Species code: 3502 Synonymy: 1972 Spongosaturnalis ? hexagonus n. sp. – Yao, p. 31, pl. 6, figs. 1-3; pl. 11, figs. 3a-c. 1982 Spongosaturnalis ? hexagonus Yao – Wakita & Okamura, pl. 5, fig. 2. 1982 Spongosaturnalis ? hexagonus Yao – Matsuda & Isozaki, pl. 1, fig. 20. 1982 Spongosaturnalis ? hexagonus Yao – Wakita, pl. 4, fig. 11. 1982 Spongosaturnalis (?) tetraspinus Yao – Kishida & Sugano, pl. 6, fig. 9, not 10. 1982 Acanthocircus hexagonus (Yao) – Kido, pl. 3, fig. 10. Not 1986 Hexasaturnalis hexagonus (Yao) – Grill & Kozur, pl. 2, fig. 5. 1987 Acanthocircus hexagonus (Yao) – Hattori, pl. 1, fig. 2. not 1988 Mesosaturnalis hexagonus (Yao) – Carter et al., pl. 47, pl. 9, figs. 11-12. 1988 Acanthocircus hexagonus (Yao) – Hattori, pl. 1, fig. K. 1989 Acanthocircus hexagonus (Yao) – Hattori & Sakamoto, pl. 2, fig. B, not fig. C. 1989 Acanthocircus hexagonus (Yao) – Hattori, pl. 18, fig. B, pl. 35, fig. F. 1989 Mesosaturnalis sp. cf. M. hexagonus (Yao) – Hori & Otsuka, pl. 4, fig. 9. 1990 Mesosaturnalis hexagonus (Yao) – Hori, Fig. 9.42. 1991 Mesosaturnalis hexagonus (Yao) – Carter & Jakobs, p. 343, pl. 2, fig. 15. 1993 Acanthocircus hexagonus Yao – Fujii et al., pl. 1, fig. 3. 1995a Hexasaturnalis hexagonus (Yao) – Baumgartner et al., p. 252, pl. 3502, figs. 1-3. 1996 Mesosaturnalis hexagonus (Yao) – Tumanda et al., p. 173, fig. 5.19. 1996 Acanthocircus hexagonus (Yao) – Yeh & Cheng, p. 106, pl. 2, fig. 9; pl. 7; fig. 4. 1997 Mesosaturnalis hexagonus Yao – Hori, pl. 1, figs. 10a-c. 186 1997 Hexasaturnalis hexagonus (Yao) – Yao, pl. 5, fig. 218. ? 1997 Hexasaturnalis aff. hexagonus (Yao) – Yao, pl. 5, fig. 222. 2002 Hexasaturnalis hexagonus (Yao) – Hori & Wakita, pl. 3, fig. 16. 2004 Hexasaturnalis hexagonus (Yao) – Hori, pl. 4, fig. 38; pl. 6, fig. 2; pl. 9, fig. 6; pl. 13, fig. 59; pl. 23, fig. 21. 2005 Hexasaturnalis hexagonus (Yao) – Hori, pl. 12, fig. 21; pl. 13, fig. 36. Original description: Spongosaturnalid with subhexagonal ring, and with six strong spines on ring. Shell not preserved, but believed to be wholly spongy because numerous fragmentary thorns, which may be connected with spongy shell, are clearly observed on sturdy spines. Polar spines short, thick, with no ridge. Ring bilaterally symmetrical, subhexagonal, strong, with clear ridge on outer edge. Inner edge of ring curves rather smoothly, while outer edge is subhexagonal, with spine at each vertex. Ring which joins with polar spine bends slightly toward inside. Spines, situated diagonally on ring, strong, somewhat long, of sharp tip, with clear ridges which continue to one on outer edge of ring. Original remarks: This species differs from Spongosaturnalis ? septispinus in the number of the spine, and from S. ? minoensis in lacking auxiliary spines on the inner margin of the saturnalin ring. Spongosaturnalis ? sp., reported by Foreman (1971, pl.1, fig.4; Cretaceous sediments core, Site 61, west margin of East Mariana Basin, through the Deep Sea Drilling Project), is similar to this species, but the former has slender spines on which there is no ridge. Measurements (µm): Based on 6 specimens. Diameter of ring longitud. Diameter of ring trans. Diameter of shell Lenght of polar spine Lenght of spine Breadth of ring HT 243 278 136 23 126 36 Av. 198 245 104 19 101 27 Min. 156 188 75 10 62 17 Max. 243 282 136 25 130 39 Type locality: Manganese carbonate ore, Mino Belt, river side of the Kiso, east of Unuma, Kagamihara City, Gifu Prefecture, Central Japan. Occurrence: Worldwide. Plate 3502. Hexasaturnalis hexagonus (Yao). Magnification x150. Fig. 1(H). Yao 1972, pl. 6, fig. 2. Fig. 2. Hori 1990, fig. 9-42. 187 Hexasaturnalis octopus Dumitrica & Hori n. sp. Species code: SAT11 Synonymy: 1972 Spongosaturnalis ? sp. a – Yao, pl. 8, figs. 6, 7. 1997 Hexasaturnalis sp. A – Yao, pl. 5, fig. 221. Type designation: Holotype pl. SAT11, fig. 1, sample BR871, chert of Tawi Sadh Member reworked in the Guwayza Formation, Al Khashbah Mountains, Oman. Diagnosis: Hexasaturnalis with eight-spined ring. Description: Shell spongy, ellipsoidal when preserved. Ring symmetrical, subcircular or elliptical, rounded on the inner margin, octagonal on outer margin, with a spine at each corner. Inner margin without auxiliary spines. Middle part of ring more or less constricted in the vicinity of contact with polar rays. Outer blades of ring well developed especially at proximal part of ring. Spines usually strong, four-bladed, pointed; peripolar spines longer than distal spines, the latter rarely extremely short. Commonly distal spines closer to each other than to peripolar spines. 188 Remarks: This new species differs from the other species of the genus Hexasaturnalis in the number of spines. Measurements (µm): Based on 6 specimens. Longitudinal size of ring Transversal size of ring Length of shell Length of polar rays Length of peripolar spines Length of distal spines Breadth of ring bar HT 213 220 90 67+ 47-60 27-33 20 Av. 195 236 56 56 28 21 Min. 180 220 47 40 20 17 Max. 213 267 73 67 47 27 Etymology: From the Greek octo - eight and pous, podos – foot, referring to the number of spines; noun. Type locality: Sample BR871, Tawi Sadh Member, Guwayza Formation, Al Khasbah Mountains, Oman. Occurrence: Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman; Japan; Snowshoe Formation, Oregon. Plate SAT11. Hexasaturnalis octopus Dumitrica & Hori n. sp. Magnification x150. Fig. 1(H). OM, BR871-R01-10. Fig. 2. OM, BR871-R01-07. Fig. 3. JP, IYII10-143. Fig. 4. JP, IYII14-41. Fig. 5. JP, IYII14-65. Fig. 6. JP, IYII14-44. Fig. 7. JP, IYII14-43. Fig. 8. JP, IYII10-142. Fig. 9. JP, IYII10-11. Fig. 10. JP, IYII-144. Fig. 11a,b. OR555-R07-13. 189 Hexasaturnalis tetraspinus (Yao) 1972 Species code: 3089 Synonymy: 1972 Spongosaturnalis ? tetraspinus n. sp. – Yao, p. 29, pl. 4, figs. 1-6; pl. 11, figs. 1-2. 1982 Spongosaturnalis ? tetraspinus Yao – Wakita, pl. 4, fig. 12. not 1982 Spongosaturnalis ? tetraspinus Yao – Kishida & Sugano, pl. 6, figs. 9-10. ? 1984 Mesosaturnalis squinaboli – Carayon et al., pl. 1, fig. 2. ? 1986 Hexasaturnalis hexagonus (Yao) – Grill & Kozur, pl. 2, fig. 5. 1987 Mesosaturnalis tetraspinus (Yao) – Goričan, p. 184, pl. 3, fig. 1. 1988 Acanthocircus tetraspinus Yao – Hattori, pl. 2, fig. B. ? 1988 Mesosaturnalis hexagonus (Yao) – Carter et al., pl. 47, pl. 9, figs. 11-12. 1989 Acanthocircus tetraspinus Yao – Hattori, pl. 35, fig. G. 1990 Mesosaturnalis tetraspinus (Yao) – Yao, pl. 3, fig. 24. 1991 Mesosaturnalis tetraspinus (Yao) – Carter & Jakobs, p. 343, pl. 2, fig. 16. 1991 Hexasaturnalis tetraspinus (Yao) – Tonielli, p. 23, pl. 1, fig. 5. 1995a Hexasaturnalis tetraspinus (Yao) – Baumgartner et al., p. 254, pl. 3089, figs. 1-3. 1996 Acanthocircus tetraspinus (Yao) – Yeh & Cheng, p. 106, pl. 2, fig. 10. 1997 Hexasaturnalis tetraspinus (Yao) – Yao, pl. 5, fig. 219. ? 1997 Hexasaturnalis aff. tetraspinus (Yao) – Yao, pl. 5, fig. 220. 2004 Hexasaturnalis tetraspinus (Yao) – Hori, pl. 4, fig. 39, pl. 11, fig. 43, pl. 13, fig. 60. 2005 Hexasaturnalis tetraspinus (Yao) – Hori, pl. 12, fig. 22. Original description: Spongosaturnalid with four strong spines on proximal part of ring. Shell not preserved, but judged from numerous fragmentary thorns attached to tip of polar spines and on sturdy spines, it is most probably 190 spongy. Polar spines extend and bifurcate to form a subcircular ring with distinct indentation proximally. Ring bilaterally symmetrical, strong, with clear ridge on outer edge. Four spines are present symmetrically on proximal part of ring. Spines strong, slightly curved, with sharp tip, and with clear ridges. In some specimens, short spine is present on terminal end of ring. Original remarks: This species is distinguished from other species by the strong spines on the proximal part of the ring. There is little variation in the shape of the ring, excluding the presence of a short spine at the terminal end. Complete specimen with the shell was not found and fragmentary rings are common. Although the generic assignment of this species is slightly doubtful, it may belong to the genus Spongosaturnalis because of its morphological feature. Measurements (µm): Based on 6 specimens. Diameter of ring longit. Diameter of ring; trans. Diameter of shell Length of polar spine Length of spine Breadth of ring HT 360 485 105 95 90 37 Av. 294 374 102 63 75 30 Min. 220 220 80 40 58 16 Type locality: Inuyama area, central Japan. Occurrence: Worldwide. Max. 360 485 120 95 100 37 Plate 3089. Hexasaturnalis tetraspinus (Yao). Fig. 1(H). Magnification x100. Fig. 1(H). Yao 1972, pl. 4, fig. 6. Fig. 2. JP, IYII-14. Fig. 3. JP, IYII5-65. Fig. 4. OR555-R07-15. Fig. 5. OR555-R07-14. 191 Genus: Higumastra Baumgartner 1980 Type species: Higumastra inflata Baumgartner 1980 Synonymy: 1980 Higumastra n. gen. – Baumgartner, p. 290. Original description: Test composed of 4 rays at right angles. Cortical rays composed of thin external beams connected by regular bars forming large circular pores in longitudinal rows. Ray tips with central or 2 lateral and central spines. Inner structure in rays and medullary shells always visible in transmitted light observation. Centrally placed shells (1 or 2) are on both sides joined to the cortical shell. Vertical septae lying below the median pore row extend from the innermost medullary shell and divide the inner space of the rays into 2 main canals of semicircular cross section. Vertical septum composed of primary beam and primary lamellae penetrated by large lamellar pores. Vertical septum with 1 or 2 channels below the median pore row on each side. Patagium may be well developed, present as remnants, or absent. Original remarks: Higumastra n. gen. differs from all other four-armed hagiastrids by the easily visible inner structure and in having large pore frames in longitudinal rows with a distinct median pore row. Etymology: Higumastra is an anagram of Hagiastrum. Included species: HIG01 Higumastra laxa Yeh 1987b HIG04 Higumastra lupheri Yeh 1987b HIG03 Higumastra transversa Blome 1984b Higumastra laxa Yeh 1987b Species code: HIG01 Synonymy: 1987b Higumastra laxa n. sp. – Yeh, p. 25, pl. 8, figs. 13, 18; pl. 29, fig. 20. 1987b Higumastra splendida n. sp. – Yeh, p. 26, pl. 8, figs. 2, 4, 11-12, 16, 18, 25-27. 1987b Higumastra sp. aff. H. splendida n. sp. – Yeh, p. 27, pl. 8, figs. 5, 28. 1987b Higumastra sp. A – Yeh, p. 27, pl. 8, figs. 3, 17. 1997 Higumastra laxa Yeh – Yao, pl. 7, fig. 317. ? 2003 Higumastra laxa Yeh – Goričan et al., p. 293, pl. 1, fig. 18. 2004 Higumastra laxa Yeh – Matsuoka, fig. 48. Original description: Test with large central area and short, wide rays. Rays tapering distally with short, massive triradiate spines. One spine slightly longer than other three. Rays comprised of large tetragonal and pentagonal pore frames with five pores visible laterally at proximal end and three pores visible distally. Central area of cortical shell consisting of concentrically arranged pentagonal and hexagonal pore frames without prominent nodes at vertices. Test with or without patagium. Original remarks: Higumastra laxa, n. sp., differs from H. splendida, n. sp., by lacking massive nodes at pore frame vertices and by having wider rays with shorter primary spines. 192 Remarks: In this work Higumastra laxa Yeh and Higumastra splendida Yeh are synonymized. Measurements (µm): Ten specimens measured. Length of ray 61 73 60 65 Width of ray at base 61 73 58 65 Width of central area 122 128 118 123 Length of spine 61 61 30 45 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: Laxus-a-um (Latin, adj). = wide. Type locality: OR-600M, Hyde Formation at Izee-Paulina road, east-central Oregon. Occurrence: Hyde Formation and Warm Springs member of the Sowshoe Formation, east-central Oregon; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman; Japan. Plate HIG01. Higumastra laxa Yeh. Magnification x250. Fig. 1(H). Yeh 1987b, pl. 8, fig. 13. Figs. 2a, b. OR600A, 13151a,b. Fig. 3. OR600A, 13126. Fig. 4. OM, BR682-R09-21. Fig. 5. OM, BR1122-R02-19. Fig. 6. OM, BR524-R05-27. 193 Higumastra lupheri Yeh 1987b Species code: HIG04 Synonymy: 1987b Higumastra lupheri n. sp. – Yeh, p. 25, pl. 8, figs. 8, 24. 1988 Higumastra sp. A – Carter et al., p. 29, pl. 10, fig. 6. 2004 Higumastra lupheri Yeh – Matsuoka, fig. 48. Original description: Rays medium in length, wide proximally, slightly tapering distally with long massive triradiate spines, one spine slightly longer than other three. Test comprised of large, nearly uniform size of linearly arranged tetragonal pore frames on rays, small pentagonal and hexagonal concentrically arranged pore frames at central area. Central area medium in size. All pore frames lacking prominent nodes at vertices. Test with or without patagium. Original remarks: Higumastra lupheri, n. sp., differs from H. oregonensis, n. sp., by having wider and shorter rays with longer primary spines and by concentrically arranged pore frames on the cortical shell of central area. Measurements (µm): Ten specimens measured. Length of ray 165 170 150 160 Width of ray at base 110 116 105 108 Width of central area 220 225 215 220 Length of spine 110 118 105 110 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: This species is named for Dr. R. L. Lupher in honor of his early contribution to the geology of east-central Oregon. Type locality: Sample OR-600A, Hyde Formation at IzeePaulina road, east-central Oregon. Occurrence: Hyde Formation and Warm Springs member of the Sowshoe Formation, east-central Oregon; Phantom Creek and Graham Island formations, Queen Charlotte Islands; Mino Terrane, Japan; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman. Higumastra transversa Blome 1984b Species code: HIG03 Synonymy: 1984b Higumastra transversa n. sp. – Blome, p. 350, pl. 1, figs. 3-5, 8-13, 16-19; pl. 15, fig. 4. 1988 Crucella sp. A – Carter et al., p. 43, pl. 15, figs. 9, 12. 1991 Higumastra sp. cf. H. transversa Blome – Carter & Jakobs, p. 342, pl. 2, fig. 3. Original description: Test as with genus. Rays usually short, of equal length; rays usually slightly twisted (nodose dorsal surface of ray slightly offset with respect to ventral surface); rays inflated, subrectangular in axial section, usually thickest medially; rays terminating in relatively long central spines, circular in axial section. Meshwork of cortical shell (both rays and central area) consisting of two visible layers of pentagonal and hexagonal pore frames: nodose outer layer composed of three to four rows of nodose pore frames visible on both dorsal and ventral surfaces, pore frames possessing massive, subspherical nodes at the pore frame vertices; outer layer extending linearly from distal end of rays onto middle of central area; inner layer visible on lateral portions of central area, pore frames more regular in size, remnants of subsidiary beams (pillars which connect inner layer to outer layer) sometimes observable at pore frame vertices (see pl. 1, fig. 12). Some specimens exhibit remnants of patagium on lateral surfaces between rays (see pl. 1, fig. 16). Medullary shell as with genus. Original remarks: Higumastra transversa differs from H. inflata by having slightly twisting, subrectangular rays, a 194 cortical shell with massive nodes at the pore frame vertices, and longer central spines on the ray tips. Further remarks: Forms with slightly tapering rays disposed in an X-shaped pattern (i.e. not at 90˚) are also included. Measurements (µm): Based on 7 specimens. Ray length 100, 105, 106, 112 120 105 115 Ray width 72, 75, 78, 79 87 60 74 Cortical shell width 147 168 133 147 Spine length 87, 90, 112, 118 114 65 96 HT Max. Min. Av. Etymology: Transversus-a-um (latin, adj., f.) = transverse, oblique, in an oblique direction. Type locality: Sample 80AJM 8A, Shelikof Formation, Puale Bay, southern Alaska. Occurrence: Shelikof Formation, Alaska; Lonesome Formation, Oregon; Phantom Creek and Graham Island formations, Queen Charlotte Islands. Plate HIG04. Higumastra lupheri Yeh. Magnification x250. Fig. 1(H). Yeh 1987b, pl. 8, fig. 8. Fig. 2. OR600A, 13162. Fig. 3. OM, BR1121, 15921. Fig. 4. OM, BR706, 15780. Fig. 5. OM, BR1121, 15931. Fig. 6. JP, MNA-10, MA10707. Plate HIG03. Higumastra transversa Blome. Magnification x150. Fig. 1(H). Blome 1984b, pl. 3, fig. 3. Fig. 2. Carter et al. 1988, pl. 15, fig. 9. Fig. 3. Carter & Jakobs 1991, pl. 2, fig. 3. 195 Genus: Homoeoparonaella Baumgartner 1980 Type species: Paronaella elegans Pessagno 1977a Synonymy: 1980 Homoeoparonaella n. gen – Baumgartner, p. 288. Original description: Test as with subfamily, composed of 3 rays with equal to subequal interradial angles lacking a bracchiopyle and a patagium. Cortical rays composed of numerous longitudinal external beams connected by short bars in transverse rows forming small pore frames. Nodes well developed. Ray tips bulbous with or without central spines. Medullary shell composed of centrally placed medullary rays merging in central area. Medullary rays composed of 3 (sometimes 5) primary canals arranged around primary beams. Medullary shell connected by numerous radially arranged subsidiary beams to cortical shell. Original remarks: Homoeoparonaella, n. gen. differs from Paronaella Pessagno, 1971 (placed in Patulibracchiidae herein) by its regular linear arrangement of pores and external beams and by its differentiation into cortical and medullary shells. It is distinguished from all other three-armed hagiastrid genera in having numerous external beams and in lacking a bracchiopyle. Etymology: Homoeoparonaella is named for its external homeomorphy with Paronaella Pessagno. Included species: HOM01 Homoeoparonaella lowryensis Whalen & Carter 2002 HOM02 Homoeoparonaella reciproca Carter 1988 Homoeoparonaella lowryensis Whalen & Carter 2002 Species code: HOM01 Synonymy: 1998 Homoeoparonaella sp. A – Whalen & Carter, p. 46, pl. 13, fig. 13, 17. 2002 Homoeoparonaella lowryensis n. sp. – Whalen & Carter, p. 104, pl. 3, figs. 5, 6, 13, 15. Original description: Elongate slender rays, sub-circular in axial section, all approximately same length. Expanded ray tips with slightly planiform top and bottom surfaces. Meshwork on rays composed of irregularly shaped triangular and tetragonal pore frames with distinct nodes at pore frame vertices; alignment of pore frames parallel to long axis of each ray. Meshwork on expanded ray tips composed of irregularly shaped and distributed rectangular to circular pore frames with slight development of nodes at pore frame vertices. Each ray with one small spine, usually broken. Original remarks: Homoeoparonaella hydensis Yeh 1987 and H. reciproca Carter 1988 appear to be distinctly different species from H. lowryensis n. sp. because their pore frames are much more regular. 196 Measurements (µm): Based on 10 specimens. Length of ray 225 225 173 193 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: This species is named for Pico Lowry located to the northeast of the type area. Type locality: Sample SH-412-14, San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Occurrence: San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur; Sandilands Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Dürrnberg Formation, Austria; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman. Plate HOM01. Homoeoparonaella lowryensis Whalen & Carter. Magnification x150. Fig. 1(H). Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 3, fig. 5. Fig. 2. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 3, fig. 6. Fig. 3. AT, BMW21-27. Fig. 4. OM, BR1121, 15892. 197 Homoeoparonaella reciproca Carter 1988 Species code: HOM02 Synonymy: much smaller. The alternating pore frame pattern batween beams is diagnostic of H. reciproca but observable on well preserved specimens only. Original diagnosis: Test has three rays of moderate (near equal) length with strongly expanded ray tips terminated by numerous short, fine spines. Pore frames and beams are aligned longitudinally, producing a pattern of single rows of square pore frames that alternate with double rows of triangular pore frames. Measurements (µm): Based on 11 specimens. 1988 Homoeoparonaella reciproca Carter – Carter et al., p. 28, pl. 7, figs. 2-3. Original description: Three-rayed test. Rays of moderate length, interradial angles subequal. Rays composed of 8-10 longitudinal beams with transverse bars oriented both perpendicular and oblique to the beams, forming single rows of square pore frames that alternate with double rows of triangular pore frames. Rays circular in axial section. Pore frames on ray tips are irregularly distributed, polygonal in shape. Original remarks: Rays are short and stout compared with those of Homoeoparonaella argolidensis Baumgartner. Homoeoparonaella reciproca differs from H. hydensis Yeh in having double rows of triangular pore frames alternating with single rows of square pore frames; H. hydensis has only linearly arranged square pore frames and is also 198 Lengths of rays AX BX CX Width of rays Width of ray tips Length of longest spine HT 185 202 202 46-49 122-133 23 Av. 191 Max. 210 Min. 150 56 128 29 62 140 43 46 95 22 Etymology: Latin, reciprocus (adj.), alternating. Refers to the alternating pattern of rows of square, and rows of triangular, pore frames between longitudinal beams. Type locality: GSC locality C-080584, Phantom Creek Formation, Yakoun River, Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Island, British Columbia. Occurrence: Whiteaves and Phantom Creek formations, Queen Charlotte Island; Japan; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman. Plate HOM02. Homoeoparonaella reciproca Carter. Magnification x150. Fig. 1(H). Carter et al. 1988, pl. 7, fig. 2. Fig. 2. OM, BR706, 15800. Fig. 3. JP, MNA-10, MA11574. 199 Genus: Hsuum Pessagno 1977a Type species: Hsuum cuestaense Pessagno 1977a Synonymy: 1977a Hsuum n. gen – Pessagno, p. 280. 1986 Hsuum Pessagno 1977a, emend. – Takemura, p. 49. 1986 Transhsuum n. gen – Takemura, p. 51. Original description: Test multicyrtoid, conical lacking strictures. Cephalis conical, with small horn and sparse irregularly dispersed pores. Thorax trapezoidal with sparse irregularly displaced pores. Abdomen and post-abdominal chambers with massive, continuous to discontinuous, diverging costae; three to six rows of small square pore frames with circular pores between costae. Costae of some species with irregular branches that link adjoining costae and obscure linearly arranged pore frames beneath. Pores of all post-thoracic chambers tending to remain open during ontogeny and to be primary pores. Original remarks: Hsuum n. gen., appears to build its test by secreting costal projections each time a new chamber is formed; linearly arranged square pore frames are then secreted between costal projections. Because it shares the same mode of test building as the Archaeodictyomitridae Pessagno, it is tentatively placed in this family. Hsuum differs from Archaeodictyomitra Pessagno in having several rows of pores between costae and by possessing primary rather than relict pores (cf. Pessagno, 1976). Further remarks: For purposes of this catalogue we include Hsuum Pessagno and Transhsuum Takemura together, although we recognize morphological difference. Etymology: This genus is named for Dr. Kenneth J. Hsu (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland) to honor his contributions to the study of the Franciscan complex. Included species: HSU01 Hsuum altile Hori & Otsuka 1989 HSU02 Hsuum arenaense Whalen & Carter 2002 HSU03 Hsuum busuangaense Yeh & Cheng 1996 HSU04 Hsuum exiguum Yeh & Cheng 1996 HSU05 Hsuum lucidum Yeh 1987b 3195 Hsuum matsuokai Isozaki & Matsuda 1985 3278 Hsuum medium (Takemura) 1986 HSU06 Hsuum mulleri Pessagno & Whalen 1982 HSU07 Hsuum optimum Carter 1988 HSU08 Hsuum philippinense Yeh & Cheng 1996 HSU11 Hsuum plectocostatum Carter n. sp. HSU10 Hsuum sp. A sensu Carter 1988 Hsuum altile Hori & Otsuka 1989 Species code: HSU01 Synonymy: 1982 “Lithostrobus” sp. b – Kido, pl. 4, figs. 9, 10. 1982 Hsuum sp. – Matsuda & Isozaki, pl. 1, figs. 1, 2. 1984 Hsuum sp. B – Murchey, pl. 1, fig. 23. 1985 Hsuum sp. A – Kishida & Hisada, pl. 4, figs. 11, ?13, 14. 1988 Hsuum (?) matsuokai Isozaki & Matsuda – Hattori, pl. 13, fig. E. 1989 Hsuum altile n. sp. – Hori & Otsuka, p. 180, pl. 1, figs. 1-6. 1990 Hsuum altile Hori & Otsuka – Hori, Fig. 9.33. 1996 Hsuum altile Hori & Otsuka – Yeh & Cheng, p. 108, pl. 10, figs. 1, 2, 6, 10, 11. 1997 Hsuum altile Hori & Otsuka – Hori, pl.1, fig. 2. 2001 Hsuum altile Hori & Otsuka – Matsuoka et al., pl. 3, fig. 8. 2004 Hsuum altile Hori & Otsuka – Hori, pl. 5, fig. 41; pl. 22, figs. 52-53. ? 2004 Hsuum altile Hori & Otsuka – Ishida et al., pl. 5, fig. 15. 2005 Hsuum altile Hori & Otsuka – Kashiwagi et al., pl. 6, fig. 1. Original description: Test multi-segmented, exact number of chambers unknown, possibly less than 8 or 9. Outline of test gourd-shaped with a weak to strong stricture in proximal 1/3 portion. Cephalis hemispherical with an apical horn; horn solid and mostly polygonal in cross-section. The proximal portion of test, above stricture, possessing irregularly arranged pores and circular to polygonal pore frames; surfaces of pore frames smooth to rough, occasionally spiny (Pl. 1, Fig. 1c). The distal portion below stricture 200 inflated and having longitudinally and transversally aligned pores and 14 to 19 longitudinal continuous costae; longitudinal costae mostly long, developed at an interval of 2 or 3 rows of pores, and frequently having branches. Immediately below stricture, some discontinuous costae occasionally observed. In complete specimens, costae disappeared at the distal end of test (Pl. 1, Figs. 3a, b, 5). Original remarks: Hsuum altile sp. nov. is very similar to Hsuum (?) matsuokai Isozaki and Matsuda, 1985b on its form and costal arrangement. The former, however, differs from the latter by lacking robust massive apical horn which is tetraradiate cruciform in cross section and possessing irregular arranged pores on proximal portion of test. On the basis of morphological resemblances and stratigraphic positions, H. sp. α (= the provisional name of H. altile) is regarded as the ancestor of H. (?) matsuokai. This species also resembles Hsuum sp. B of Takemura (1986) and Hsuum parvulum Yeh, 1987 but differs in having irregular pore frames on proximal part of test and in being larger and gourd-shaped. Hsuum sp. aff. H. mirabundum of Pessagno and Whalen (1982) and Hsuum sp. A of Carter in Carter et al. (1988) are similar to H. altile. However, the former two species can be distinguished from the latter by possessing costae on proximal portion of test. Etymology: The name is derived from the Latin adjective altilis, meaning stout. Measurements (µm): Based on 9 specimens. HT Av. Max. Min. Height 306+ 275 326 236+ Width 141 145 165 130 H/W 2.2+ 1.9 2.2 1.6+ Type locality: The Mt. Norikuradake area, Azumi village, Azumi-gun, Nagano Prefecture, central Japan. Occurrence: Japan; Liminangcong Chert, Philippines; Xialu chert, Tibet; Franciscan Complex, California. Plate HSU01. Hsuum altile Hori & Otsuka. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Hori & Otsuka 1989, pl. 1, fig. 1a. Figs. 2-4. Hori & Otsuka 1989, pl. 1, figs. 2a, 3a, 5. 201 Hsuum arenaense Whalen & Carter 2002 Species code: HSU02 Synonymy: 1984 Hsuum sp. – Whalen & Pessagno, pl. 4, figs. 1-4. 2002 Hsuum arenaense n. sp. – Whalen & Carter, p. 124, pl. 12, figs. 1, 2, 11, 15; pl. 17, figs 10, 11. Original description: Conical test with approximately seven to eight post-abdominal chambers. Dome-shaped cephalis covered by layer of microgranular silica and terminating in a very small horn. Thorax and post-abdominal chambers mostly trapezoidal in outline (sub-rectangular distally), increasing gradually in width and height as added. Costae, about twice as high as wide, with lateral branches much more irregularly developed in proximal parts of test; costae becoming shorter, narrower with fewer lateral branches and more linearly arranged in distal portions of test. Inner layer consisting of large pore frames, square to rectangular, with round to elliptical pores. Pore frames appear smaller in proximal parts of test due to more extensive development of costae and lateral branches. Original remarks: The development of very irregularly branching costae on the proximal portions of the test (more developed on some specimens than others) distinguish Hsuum arenaense n. sp from H. mulleri Pessagno and Whalen 1982, H. parvulum Yeh 1987 and from other Lower and Middle Jurassic species of Hsuum. Measurements (µm): Based on 11 specimens. Length 240 240 195 220 Width (Max.) 105 128 105 114 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: This species is named for Isla Arena located to the southeast of its type area. Type locality: Sample BPW80-30, San Hipólito Formation, Vizcaino Peninsula, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Occurrence: San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur. Hsuum busuangaense Yeh & Cheng 1996 Species code: HSU03 Synonymy: at distal portion). This form differs from H. altile Hori and Otsuka (1989) by having a relatively inflated postabdominal chambers and by having apical portion with short, irregularly arranged costae rather than with dense polygonal pore frames at the outer layer test wall. Original description: Test multicyrtid, subspindle-shaped, pointed apically and terminating in a moderately long horn. Cephalis subconical in shape. Cephalis, thorax, and abdomen chambers relatively narrower, outer layer of test wall covered by short, irregularly arranged costae. Post-abdominal chambers inflated, outer layer of test wall covered with long, continuous longitudinal costae. Two or three longitudinal rows of tetragonal pore frames between every two post-abdominal costae. Post-abdominal chambers lacking strictures. Final portion of post-abdominal chambers decreasing in width prominently. Measurements (µm): Five specimens measured. 1982 Hsuum sp. – Matsuda & Isozaki, pl. 1, fig. 2. 1996 Hsuum busuangaense n. sp. – Yeh & Cheng, p. 110, pl. 3, figs. 5, 9, 13. 2004 Hsuum aff. altile Hori & Otsuka – Hori, pl. 4, fig. 19. Original remarks: This form is characterized by having a subspindle-shaped inflated test and by having two types of costae structure (short, irregularly arranged costae at apical portion and long, continuous longitudinal costae 202 HT Mean Max. Min. Max. test width 148 153 158 148 Max. test length 303 296 308 279 Length of horn 37 34 39 27 Etymology: This form is named for its type locality, the Busuanga Island, Philippines. Type locality: Sample CR91-30B, Liminangcong Chert, Busuanga Island, Philippines. Occurrence: Liminangcong Chert, Philippines; Japan. Plate HSU02. Hsuum arenaense Whalen & Carter. Magnification Fig. 1a(H) x 200, Fig. 1b(H) x400. Fig. 1a,b(H). Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 12, figs. 1, 11. Plate HSU03. Hsuum busuangaense Yeh & Cheng. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Yeh & Cheng 1996, pl. 3, fig. 5. Fig. 2. JP, UFI (22). 203 Hsuum exiguum Yeh & Cheng 1996 Species code: HSU04 Synonymy: 1989 Parahsuum (?) sp. B – Hori & Otsuka, p. 183, pl. 3, figs. 11-12. 1989 Parahsuum (?) sp. Y – Hori & Otsuka, p. 182, pl. 3, figs. 6-7. 1990 Parahsuum (?) sp. B – Hori, Fig. 9.32. 1997 Parahsuum (?) sp. B – Hori, pl. 1, fig. 5. 1996 Hsuum exiguum n. sp. – Yeh & Cheng, p. 110, pl. 3, figs. 1, 2, 6, 10; pl. 10, fig. 3. 2004 Hsuum sp. – Hori, pl. 3, fig. 30 only; pl. 22, figs. 57-60, 62. 2004 Hsuum sp. X sensu Hori & Otsuka – Hori, pl. 4, figs. 20-23. 2004 Hsuum sp. Y sensu Hori & Otsuka – Hori, pl. 4, figs. 24-26. 2005 Hsuum exiguum Yeh & Cheng – Kashiwagi et al., pl. 6, fig. 2. Original description: Test relatively short, bell-shaped, cephalis hemispherical in outline, with a moderately long, stout horn. Cephalis and thorax covered by a layer of medium-sized irregular polygonal pore frames. Costae of outer latticed layer short, discontinuous and poorly developed. Post-abdominal chambers slightly increasing in width distally. Final post-abdominal chamber terminated with a rim-like structure. 204 Original remarks: This form is characterized by its small, short test and by having a stout long horn at cephalis and a rim-like structure at its final post-abdominal chamber. Measurements (µm): Five specimens measured. HT Mean Max. Min. Max. test width 124 130 142 124 Max. test length 213 216 238 203 Length of horn 52 55 43 66 Etymology: Exiguus-a-um (Latin, adj.) = short Type locality: Sample CR91-30B, Liminangcong Chert, Busuanga Island, Philippines. Occurrence: Liminangcong Chert, Philippines; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman; Japan.. Plate HSU04. Hsuum exiguum Yeh & Cheng. Magnification x300. Fig. 1(H). Yeh & Cheng 1996, pl. 3, fig. 1. Fig. 2. Hori 1990, fig. 9-32. Fig. 3. JP, Nanjo mudstone-1. Fig. 4. JP, Nanjo mudstone-2. Fig. 5. JP, NKII19-14. Fig. 6. OM, BR871-R08-30. Fig. 7. OM, BR871-R08-04. Fig. 8. OM, BR871-R07-08. Fig. 9. OM, BR871-R06-15. Fig. 10. OM, BR871-R06-16. Fig. 11. OM, BR871-R06-23. Fig. 12. OM, BR828-2-R12-03. 205 Hsuum lucidum Yeh 1987b Species code: HSU05 Synonymy: 1987b Hsuum (?) lucidum n. sp. – Yeh, p. 64, pl. 16, figs. 4, 8, 16. 1987b Hsuum validum n. sp. – Yeh, p. 66, pl. 3, fig. 26; pl. 5, figs. 17, 22; pl. 17, fig. 12; pl. 28, fig. 1. 1987b Hsuum sp. E – Yeh, p. 67, pl. 16, fig. 9; pl. 28, fig. 12. 2003 Transhsuum lucidum (Yeh) – Goričan et al., p. 296, pl. 5, figs. 12, 13. 2004 Hsuum lucidum Yeh – Matsuoka, fig. 225. Original description: Test conical, lobate, pointed apically, usually with six to seven post-abdominal chambers. Cephalis small, conical, without rudimentary horn. Cephalis and thorax covered with layer of microgranular silica. Abdomen and post-abdominal chambers rapidly increasing in width, gradually increasing in length as added. Post-abdominal chambers with inner layer of massive tetragonal pore frames with small circular pores; outer layer of mesh work with short, moderately massive costae. Costae mostly occurring on joints of chambers. Original remarks: Hsuum (?) lucidum, n. sp., differs from H. parasolensis Pessagno and Whalen by lacking a horn on cephalis, and by having a more conical test with less massive costae. Further remarks: According to Yeh’s (1987b) original description Hsuum validum differs from Hsuum lucidum by having a subconical instead of a conical test. We consider that this difference is not expressed well enough to distinguish two different species, therefore both species are synonymized. Measurements (µm): Ten specimens measured. HT Mean Max. Min. Length (max.) 245 253 270 241 Width (max.) 153 148 155 140 Etymology: Lucidus-a-um (latin, adj.) = bright. Type locality: Sample OR-600A, Hyde Formation at IzeePaulina road, east-central Oregon. Occurrence: Nicely and Hyde formations, Oregon; Fannin and Phantom Creek formations, Queen Charlotte Islands; Skrile Formation, Slovenia; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation and Musallah Formation, Oman; Mino Terrane, Japan. Plate HSU05. Hsuum lucidum Yeh. Magnification x300. Fig. 1(H). Yeh, 1987b, pl. 16, fig. 4. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C304568, GSC 128809. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-175309, GSC 128810. Fig. 4. QCI, GSC loc. C-304568, GSC 111809. Fig. 5. SI, MM5.00, 000103. Figs. 6-7. Goričan et al. 2003, pl. 5, figs. 12-13. Fig. 8. JP, MNA-10, MA13145. Fig. 9. OM-00-117, 021128. Fig. 10. OM-00-254, 022202. Fig. 11. OM, BR1123-R05-06. 206 207 Hsuum matsuokai Isozaki & Matsuda 1985 Species code: 3195 Synonymy: 1982 Hsuum sp. C – Hattori & Yoshimura, pl. 3, fig. 8. 1982 Hsuum sp. B – Kishida & Sugano, pl. 7, figs. 14-16. 1982 Unnamed nassellaria – Wakita & Okamura, pl. 7, fig. 3. 1984 Hsuum sp. – Yao, pl. 1, figs. 6-7. 1985 Hsuum sp. – Ishida, pl. 1, fig. 3. 1985 Hsuum (?) matsuokai n. sp. – Isozaki & Matsuda, p. 438, pl. 3, figs. 1-14. 1985 Hsuum maxwelli Pessagno – De Wever & Miconnet, pl. 4, fig. 3. 1986 Hsuum primum n. sp. – Takemura, p. 50, pl. 5, figs. 17-21. 1986 Hsuum sp. – Matsuoka, pl. 2, figs. 1, 3. 1987 Hsuum aff. mclaughlini Pessagno & Blome – Goričan, p. 183, pl. 2, fig. 11. 1987 Hsuum primum Takemura – Hattori, pl. 17, figs. 11-13, not figs. 8-9. Not 1988 Hsuum (?) matsuokai Isozaki & Matsuda – Hattori, pl. 13, fig. E. 1988 Hsuum (?) matsuokai Isozaki & Matsuda – Sashida, p. 19, pl. 4, figs. 16-18. 1989 Hsuum primum Takemura – Hattori & Sakamoto, pl. 15, figs. I-J. 1989 Hsuum (?) matsuokai Isozaki & Matsuda – Hattori & Sakamoto, pl. 16, fig. I. 1990 Hsuum matsuokai Isozaki & Matsuda – Hori, Fig. 9.53. 1991 Hsuum matsuokai Isozaki & Matsuda – Yao, pl. 2, fig. 18. 1992 Ogivus falloti n. sp. – El Kadiri, p. 46, pl. 2, figs. 3-4. 1992 Hsuum matsuokai Isozaki & Matsuda – Sashida, pl. 2, fig. 4. 1994 Hsuum matsuokai Isozaki & Matsuda – Goričan, p. 73, pl. 19, figs. 9, 11-13. 1995a Hsuum matsuokai Isozaki & Matsuda – Baumgartner et al., p. 284, pl. 3195, figs. 1-5(H). 2001 Hsuum matsuokai Isozaki & Matsuda – Matsuoka et al., pl. 3, fig. 4. 2004 Hsuum matsuokai Isozaki & Matsuda – Hori, pl. 2, fig. 56, pl. 9, fig. 36, pl. 10, fig. 4. 2004 Hsuum aff. matsuokai Isozaki & Matsuda – Hori, pl. 9, fig. 37, pl. 10, figs. 5-6, 8. 2004 Hsuum matsuokai Isozaki & Matsuda – Suzuki & Ogane, pl. 9 fig. 20. 2004 Hsuum primum Takemura – Suzuki & Ogane, pl. 9, figs. 22, 23. 2005 Hsuum matsuokai Isozaki & Matsuda – Hori, pl. 13, fig. 6. Original description: Shell of 7 segments, possibly more, long, spindle-shaped; slenderly conical in proximal 3 segments; broad, barrel-shaped in distal half. Cephalis conical with robust apical horn, coated by outer microgranular layer, on which sparse irregularly dispersed pores remain open. Apical horn variously ornamented with thick blades or narrow grooves, having transverse section typically of tetraradiate cruciform with 4 blades at base, almost circular at tip. Internally, 6 collar pores, divided by median bar, D-bar, V-bar, 2 L-bars and 2 l-bars. Post-cephalic segments free from the outer microgranular layer, trapezoidal in longitudinal section; each segment becoming wide distally except for the distal-most one, which is reversely trapezoidal in longitudinal section. Average ratio of height to width of a single segment approximately 1:3 for thorax and abdomen, approximately 1:4 for 208 post-abdominal segments. Wall of segment, thin; its longitudinal section flat in proximal half, slightly convex outward in distal half. Pores circular, uniform in size. Square pore frames aligned longitudinally and transversely; in 2 to 3 longitudinal rows of pores between every neighbouring pairs of costae, in 4 transverse rows for each segment. 16-19 continuous costae developing on post-abdominal segments. Weak irregular transverse bars rarely present, linking adjoining costae. Internal partitions rudimentary, circular in outline with a large centrally placed aperture. Original remarks: Ornamentation on cephalis varies considerably from specimen to specimen. Generallly, larger specimens tend to have slenderer shell and apical horn of more completely tetraradiate cruciform section (pl. 3, figs. 1-2). Most of the specimens possess 4 rudimentary ornamenting blades around apical horn. This species is distinguished from other species of the genus Hsuum Pessagno by its extraordinarily conspicuous apical horn with various ornamentation and restricted development of thick costae within distal half of the shell. Furthermore, bifurcation of costae or distally widening silhouette of the shell cannot be recognized in H. (?) matsuokai n. sp. although they are common features among most of the species belonging to Hsuum Pessagno. Pessagno & Whalen (1982) established some new multicyrtoid nassellarian genera of Early to Middle Jurassic age, such as Droltus and Canutus, which are essentially characterized by linear arrangement of square pore frames. H. (?) matsuokai n. sp. is not referable to them in wall structure mentioned above. On the other hand, the proximal half of the shell of this species looks rather like that of genus Parahsuum Yao, except for its robust apical horn. In these circumstances, this species is here provisionally classified under genus Hsuum Pessagno. Further remarks: By Baumgartner et al. (1995a): This species differs from its ancestor Hsuum altile Hori & Otsuka 1989 by having a robust massive apical horn which is tetraradiate cruciform in cross-section. Measurements (µm): Based on 13 specimens. HT Mean Max. Min. Height 380 310 410 240 Width 150 140 160 120 Etymology: This species is named for Dr. Matsuoka in honor to his contribution to Jurassic radiolarian biostratigraphy in southwest Japan. Type locality: Sample 140, Hisuikyo, Kamiaso area, Gifu Prefecture, central Japan. Occurrence: Worldwide. Plate 3195. Hsuum matsuokai Isozaki & Matsuda. Magnification 200x. Fig. 1(H). Isozaki & Matsuda 1985, pl. 3, fig. 1. Fig. 2. JP, HM1-11, RH623. Fig. 3. OM, BR292-4-R10-01. Fig. 4. OM, BR292-4-R10-03. Fig. 5. OM-99-137, 020710. Fig. 6. OM-99-137, 000827. 209 Hsuum medium (Takemura) 1986 Species code: 3278 Synonymy: 1986 Transhsuum medium n. sp. – Takemura, p. 51, pl. 6, figs. 1-2; not pl. 5, figs. 25-26. 1987 Hsuum sp. – Hattori, pl. 17, fig. 16. 1990 Transhsuum medium Takemura – Hori, fig. 9.43. 1997 Transhsuum medium Takemura – Hori, pl. 1, fig. 4. 1995a Transhsuum medium Takemura – Baumgartner et al., p. 582, pl. 3278, figs. 1-3. Original description: Shell conical to cylindrical, with 10 to 15 segments, with strictures at joints of distal segments. Cephalis conical and poreless, with or without conical apical horn. Thorax truncated-conical usually with a single transverse row of small pores. In some specimens some longitudinal ridges covering on the surface of cephalo-thorax. Abdomen and post-abdominal segments cylindrical with small pores, which are usually rectangularly arranged on the inner surface. Each post-abdominal segment bearing four to five transverse rows of pores. Indistinct discontinuous costae, their length is equal to the height of one segment, lying on distal segments. In mature specimens, small spines arising on the shell surface. Original remarks: The shell structure of the proximal part of Transhsuum medium resembles that of the distal part of Parahsuum cruciferum (pl. 5, figs. 9, 11). Therefore it suggests that this new species represents the initial stage of the formation of Transhsuum-type discontinuous costae and that it is the intermediate form between Parahsuumlike form and Transhsuum. Further remarks: Herein we follow Baumgartner et al. (1995a) who assigned forms with a strong apical horn to this species. Measurements (µm): Based on 8 specimens. Length of shell Maximum width of shell Min. 265 100 Max. 385 135 Etymology: The name medium, derived from medius, means intermediate. Type locality: Sample TKN-105, Komami, Yamato Village, Gifu Prefecture, central Japan. Occurrence: Japan; Sogno Formation, Lombardy, Italy. Hsuum mulleri Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Species code: HSU06 Synonymy: 1982 Hsuum mulleri n. sp. – Pessagno & Whalen, p. 133, pl. 5, figs. 6, 8, 9; pl. 12, figs. 16-17. 1982 Hsuum sp. D – Pessagno & Whalen, p. 134, pl. 5, fig. 5. Original description: Test conical, elongate for genus, usually with seven post-abdominal chambers. Cephalis hemispherical with short rudimentary horn; other chambers, except for later post-abdominal chambers, trapezoidal in outline; later post-abdominal chambers subrectangular in outline. Cephalis and thorax imperforate to sparsely perforate; pores buried by layer of microgranular silica. Abdomen and post-abdominal chambers with inner latticed layer of fragile, thin, linearly arranged, square pore frames and outer latticed layer of moderately massive, discontinuous costae which are inserted between rows of pore frames. Costae with few ramifications, more or less equally developed over abdomen and post-abdominal chambers. Postabdominal chambers increasing slightly in length and more rapidly in width as added; final two or three chambers show little increase in width. Original remarks: Hsuum mulleri, n. sp., differs from H. sp. D by having a narrower, more elongate test and less massive, more evenly distributed costae which show few branches laterally. 210 Measurements (µm): Based on 6 specimens. Length excluding horn 325.0 325.0 230.0 270.8 Width (max.) 137.5 145.0 100.0 126.3 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: This species is named for Dr. Jan E. Muller (Geological Survey of Canada, Vancouver) in honor of his contributions to the geology of British Columbia. Type locality: Sample QC 534, Fannin Formation (Maude Formation in Pessagno & Whalen, 1982), Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Ghost Creek and Fannin formations, Queen Charlotte Islands; Fernie Formation, Williston Lake, northeastern British Columbia. Plate 3278. Hsuum medium (Takemura). Magnification 200x. Fig. 1(H). Takemura 1986, pl. 6, fig. 1. Fig. 2. Hori 1990, fig. 9-43. Plate HSU06. Hsuum mulleri Pessagno & Whalen. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Pessagno & Whalen 1982, pl. 5, fig. 6. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-080611, GSC 128811. Fig. 3. NBC, GSC loc. C-305208, GSC 128812. Fig. 4. QCI, GSC loc. C-080611, GSC 128914. Fig. 5. QCI, GSC loc. C-080611, GSC 128813. 211 Hsuum optimum Carter 1988 Species code: HSU07 Synonymy: 1988 Hsuum optimus Carter n. sp. – Carter et al., p. 51, pl. 5, fig. 6. Original diagnosis: Test large, slender conical with short cylindrical horn. Chamber boundaries marked by rows of distinct elongate nodes. Pores small and circular. Original description: Test large, elongate conical, pointed apically with short, slender, cylindrical horn and as many as 11 postabdominal chambers. Cephalis hemispherical and imperforate; all remaining chambers perforate, trapezoidal in outline. Chamber width increases gradually throughout entire test length; chamber height fairly constant. Test has inner layer of small, linearly arranged, square to rectangular pore frames; pores circular to subcircular. Outer layer consists, in the first three or four chambers, of discontinuous costae. In subsequent chambers, the surface is marked by nonlinear, elongate nodes at chamber joints. Original remarks: Differs from all other species of Hsuum in having elongate nodes (rather than raised costae) superimposed on the longitudinal bars of the inner latticed layer. Differs from Hsuum sp. B, in having a more conical shape with more numerous, closely spaced elongate nodes. Extremely abundant. Further remarks: Hsuum optimum differs from H. philippinense Yeh & Cheng by having a hemispherical cephalis and a short horn, circular in cross section. Measurements (µm): Based on 14 specimens. Length excluding horn Maximum width HT 346 190 Av. 293 165 Max. 346 190 Min. 210 125 Etymology: Latin, optimus (adj.), best. Type locality: GSC locality C-080579, Whiteaves Formation, Creek locality, Maude Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Whiteaves and Phantom Creek formations, Queen Charlotte Islands; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman. Hsuum philippinense Yeh & Cheng 1996 Species code: HSU08 Synonymy: 1996 Hsuum philippinense n. sp. – Yeh & Cheng, p. 112, pl. 3, figs. 3, 4, 8, 12. 1996 Hsuum sp. aff. H. philippinense n. sp. – Yeh & Cheng, p. 112, pl. 9, figs. 3, 4, 10, 11, 12. Original description: Test subcylindrical, pointed apically and terminating in a short horn. Cephalis and thorax covered by a layer of microgranular silica, costae present at apical portion, often arranged in radial pattern. Costae of outer latticed layer short, discontinuous, and staggered. Costae quite well-developed, nodose in lateral view. Final post-abdominal chambers slightly decreasing in width as added. Original remarks: This form is characterized by having a triangular-shaped cephalis with a short pointed horn, and by having short, discontinuous, nodose costae throughout the post-abdominal chambers. 212 Further remarks: See remarks under Hsuum optimum Carter. Measurements (µm): Four specimens measured. HT Mean Max. Min. Max. test width 121 124 132 121 Max. test length 271 281 313 259 Length of horn 25 28 36 20 Etymology: This species is named for the country of its type locality, the Philippines. Type locality: Busuanga Island (CR91-30B), Philippines. Occurrence: Busuanga Island, Philippines; Japan; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation and Musallah Formation, Oman. Plate HSU07. Hsuum optimum Carter. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Carter et al. 1998, pl. 5, fig. 6. Fig. 2. OM, BR871-R08-07. Plate HSU08. Hsuum philippinense Yeh & Cheng. Magnification x250. Fig. 1(H). Yeh & Cheng, 1996, pl. 3, fig. 3. Fig. 2. OM-00-256, 022423. Fig. 3. OM-00-256, 022525. Fig. 4. OM, BR871-05. Fig. 5. JP, NK9-50. 213 Hsuum plectocostatum Carter n. sp. Species code: HSU11 Synonymy: 1988 Hsuum sp. B – Carter et al., p. 52, pl. 5, figs. 7, 8. 1989 Hsuum (?) sp. Z – Hori & Otsuka, p. 182, pl. 3, fig. 8. 1991 Hsuum sp. B – Carter & Jakobs, p. 343, pl. 3, fig. 15. 1996 Hsuum sp. cf. H. philippinense n. sp. – Yeh & Cheng, p. 114, pl. 9, figs. 5, 13. Type designation: Holotype GSC 99415 (Carter & Jakobs 1991, pl. 3, fig. 15; late early Aalenian), from GSC loc. C156399, Phantom Creek Formation. Description: Test large, conical, pointed apically, with eight or nine post-abdominal chambers and a short, tapering cylindrical horn. Cephalis hemispherical and imperforate with several heavy outer costae penetrating almost on to horn; all remaining chambers trapezoidal, expanding gradually in width as added; final post-abdominal sometimes decreasing in width (see holotype, pl. HSU11, fig. 1). Inner layer of pore frames linearly arranged, square to subrectangular in shape, pores subrounded. Outer layer of test consisting of irregularly twisted costae with small rounded nodes superimposed on circumferential ridges. Remarks: Hsuum plectocostatum n. sp. differs from Hsuum optimum Carter in having a more broadly conical shape and Hsuum sp. A sensu Carter 1988 Species code: HSU10 Synonymy: 1988 Hsuum sp. A – Carter et al., p. 52, pl. 5, fig. 2. Remarks: The distal post-abdominal chambers of this pyritized form are similar to Hsuum altile Hori & Otsuka but initial chambers are quite different: they lack the typical porous structure of H. altile and instead have discontinuous costae that appear almost node-like. Occurrence: Whiteaves Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands. 214 the costae, although irregularly fluted/twisted, are more continuous and possess small rounded nodes at ridges. It differs from H. infirmum Sashida (1988) in having a much larger test with a lobate outline, and stronger costae. Measurements (µm): Based on 13 specimens. HT Mean Max. Min. Max. test width 170 150 237 112.5 Max. test length 329 286 416 229 Length of horn 15 24 37 15 Etymology: From the Latin: plecto + costatus, -a, -um referring to twisted costae. Type locality: Sample GSC loc. C-156399, Phantom Creek Formation Yakoun River, 2.0 km south of Ghost Creek, east side of river; Graham Island; Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Whiteaves and Phantom Creek formations, Queen Charlotte Islands; Liminangcong Chert, Philippines; Japan. Plate HSU11. Hsuum plectocostatum Carter n. sp. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Carter & Jakobs 1991, pl. 3, fig. 15. Fig. 2. Carter et al. 1988, pl. 5, fig. 7. Fig. 3. Carter et al. 1988, pl. 5, fig. 8. Plate HSU10. Hsuum sp. A sensu Carter. Magnification x250. Fig. 1. Carter et al. 1988, pl. 5, fig. 2. 215 Genus: Katroma Pessagno & Poisson 1981, emend. Whalen & Carter 1998 Type species: Katroma neagui Pessagno & Poisson 1981 Synonymy: Original description: Test multicyrtid, comprised of cephalis, thorax, abdomen, and with type species one postabdominal chamber. Post-abdominal chamber terminating in long, cylindrical, open, tubular extension. Cephalis hemispherical with horn; thorax and abdomen trapezoidal in outline. First post-abdominal chamber subspherical, considerably larger than previous chambers and with variable number of medially arranged circumferential spines. closed, while on others it remains open. Since this tube is often broken distally, it is not considered morphologically diagnostic whether it is open or closed. This volume: Since the open or closed tube is not a diagnostic character, there seems to be no difference between Katroma and Podobursa, in which case Katroma should be considered a junior synonym of Podobursa. For the time being, we retain the generic name Katroma but restrict it to Early Jurassic species, because a phylogenetic relationship between Early and Middle Jurassic Syringocapsidae is not yet fully understood. It is interesting to note that no Katroma, Syringocapsa or Podobursa have been recorded in a well preserved early-middle Aalenian HK 140 sample from Japan, although they are diverse in older and younger assemblages (see Yao, 1997). Original remarks: Katroma differs from Podobursa Wisniowski by having an open tube on its final post-abdominal chamber. Etymology: The name Katroma is formed by an arbitrary combination of letters (ICZN, 1964, Appendix D, Pt. IV, Recommendation 40, p.113). Its gender is feminine. Further remarks: By Whalen & Carter (1998): The small cephalic spines noted by De Wever (1982a) on specimens of Katroma from Turkey were not observed on either the Sinemurian or upper Pliensbachian specimens of Katroma from British Columbia or Baja California Sur (Whalen, 1985). Due to the vagaries of preservation, these spines are not considered a diagnostic feature of this genus. Transmitted light photography has revealed that on some species of Katroma, the final chamber is the postabdominal chamber, while on others it is the abdominal chamber. The genus Katroma is hereby emended to accommodate both conditions. In addition, the terminal tube on some species is Included species: KAT07 Katroma angusta Yeh 1987b KAT08 Katroma aurita Whalen & Carter 2002 KAT09 Katroma bicornus De Wever 1982a KAT12 Katroma brevitubus Dumitrica & Goričan n. sp. KAT10 Katroma clara Yeh 1987b KAT17 Katroma elongata Carter n. sp. KAT13 Katroma neagui Pessagno & Poisson 1981, emend. De Wever 1982a KAT14 Katroma ninstintsi Carter 1988 KAT16 Katroma? sinetubus Carter n. sp. KAT18 Katroma sp. 4 1981 Katroma n. gen. – Pessagno & Poisson, p. 62. 1982a Katroma Pessagno & Poisson emend. – De Wever, p. 193. 1988 Katroma Pessagno & Poisson – Hori, p. 551. 1998 Katroma Pessagno & Poisson, emend. – Whalen & Carter, p. 69. Katroma angusta Yeh 1987b Species code: KAT07 Synonymy: 1984 Katroma sp. – Whalen & Pessagno, pl. 1, fig. 3. 1987b Katroma angusta n. sp. – Yeh, p. 79, pl. 23, fig. 8; pl. 30, fig. 10. 1987b Katroma inflata n. sp. – Yeh, p. 81, pl. 9, fig. 11; pl. 10, figs. 12-13, 22. 1998 Katroma megasphaera n. sp. – Yeh & Cheng, p. 28, pl. 5, fig. 18; pl. 7, figs. 16, 18, 21, not figs. 9, 20; pl. 9, figs. 15, 16, 25; pl. 10, figs. 6, 11, 19. 2002 Katroma angusta Yeh – Whalen & Carter, p. 134, pl. 14, figs. 1-3, 9, 10; pl. 18, figs. 7, 8. ? 2004 Katroma angusta Yeh – Hori et al., pl. 6, fig. 4. Original description: Cephalis small, dome-shaped, with short, well-developed horn. Horn circular in axial section. Thorax and abdomen closely spaced, trapezoidal in outline. First post-abdominal chamber inflated in larger subellipsoidal outline and terminating in a narrow tubular extension. Tubular extension tapering distally. Cephalis, thorax, and abdomen sparsely perforate, covered with layer of microgranular silica. Meshwork of first post-abdominal chamber 216 and tubular extension comprised mainly of pentagonal and hexagonal pore frames. Size of pore frames decreasing apically and distally with largest pore frames at central portion of post-abdominal chamber. Pore frames thin in rims and sides. Original remarks: Katroma angusta, n. sp., differs from K. inflata, n. sp., by having a smaller, narrower test with shorter horn. Measurements (µm): Ten specimens measured. HT Length of apical horn 37 Length of proximal 37 conical portion Width of conical portion at base 73 146 Length of inflated segment 154 Width of inflated segment Mean 40 Max. 43 Min. 37 52 66 37 72 140 154 73 146 161 70 132 150 Etymology: Angustus-a-um (Latin, adj.) = narrow. Type locality: Sample OR-589D, Warm Springs member, Snowshoe Formation, east-central Oregon. Occurrence: Nicely and Hyde formations, and Warm Springs member of the Snowshoe Formation, Oregon; Ghost Creek Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur; Liminangcong Chert, Philippines; Dürrnberg Formation, Austria. Plate KAT07. Katroma angusta Yeh. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Yeh 1987b, pl. 23, fig. 8. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C304281, GSC 128817. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-080612, GSC 128818. Fig. 4. QCI, GSC loc. C-140418, GSC 128819. Fig. 5. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 14, fig. 2. Fig. 6. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 14, fig. 1. Fig. 7. AT, BMW21-37. 217 Katroma aurita Whalen & Carter 2002 Species code: KAT08 Synonymy: 1984 Katroma spp. – Whalen & Pessagno, pl. 1, figs. 1, 7. 2002 Katroma aurita n. sp. – Whalen & Carter, p. 134, pl. 13, figs. 4, 8, 9; pl. 18, figs. 1, 2, 5. Original description: Test multicyrtid with cephalis, thorax, abdomen and post-abdominal chamber. Small cephalis with massive horn, usually double-pronged. Prongs of horn at an angle of approximately 80° to each other, tapering distally, flattened, with small irregularly spaced spines on margins; horn sometimes more irregular, without clear development of two prongs. Cephalis and thorax hemispherical, perforate but often covered by a thin layer of microgranular silica. Abdomen trapezoidal in outline, perforate, with pores sometimes marked by thin layer of microgranular silica. Large inflated post-abdominal chamber sub-spherical in shape, widest at central point and ending in a closed, tapering cylindrical tube. Meshwork on postabdominal chamber composed predominantly of pentagonal pore frames, larger medially and decreasing in size towards the abdomen and closed terminal tube. Numerous strong circumferential spines located at widest part of post-abdominal chamber. Original remarks: Katroma aurita n. sp. is distinguished from K. bicornus De Wever 1982, by the spines on the double-pronged horn, as well as the more numerous, circumferential spines positioned at right angles to the post-abdominal chamber. Measurements (µm): (n) = number of specimens measured Length (14) (excludes horn) 315 345 248 290 Width (max.) (15) 135 150 105 129 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: Auritus, a, um (Latin, adj.) = long eared lepus. Type locality: Sample BPW80-30, San Hipólito Formation, Vizcaino Peninsula, Baja California Sur. Occurrence: San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur. Katroma bicornus De Wever 1982a Species code: KAT09 Synonymy: 1982a Katroma bicornus n. sp. – De Wever, p. 193, pl. 3, figs. 1-4. 1982b Katroma bicornus De Wever – De Wever, p. 304, pl. 46, figs. 1-4. 1982 Syringocapsa sp. A – Imoto et al., pl. 1, fig. 7. 1982 Katroma bicornus De Wever - De Wever & Origlia-Devos, pl. 1, figs. H, I. 1984 Katroma aff. neagui Pessagno & Poisson – Murchey, pl. 1, fig. 28. 1987b Katroma bifurca n. sp. – Yeh, p. 79, pl. 3, figs. 3-4, 24. 1989 Katroma sp. B – Hattori, pl. 3, fig. A. 1990 Katroma cf. bicornus De Wever – Hori, Fig. 8.19. 1996 Katroma bicornus De Wever – Tumanda et al., p. 181, Fig. 5.1. 1997 Katroma cf. bicornus De Wever – Hori, pl. 1, fig. 21. 1997 Katroma bicornus De Wever – Yao, pl. 11, fig. 544. 1998 Katroma bicornus De Wever – Yeh & Cheng, p. 28, pl. 7, fig. 22. 2004 Katroma bicornus De Wever – Matsuoka, fig. 121. Original description: Katroma bearing two stout spines disposed at 120° from one another, on each side of test axis. Porous cephalis in shape of truncated cone. Test bears thin, long spines probably related to cephalic spines. Porous thorax in shape of a truncated cone. There is almost no change in contour between cephalis and thorax. Abdomen inflated, much larger than cephalis and thorax, wider than long. Its median part bears about ten radial spines, rounded in cross-section. Postabdominal tube is subcylindrical, distally closed, with pores sometimes elongated in axial direction. Pores are large all over test with a maximum size on abdomen. 218 Original remarks: Pores sometimes filled by a thin network as a spider’s web. This form differs from K. neagui Pessagno and Poisson by its two stout horns, long cephalic spines, larger pores and a wider, distinct abdomen. Measurements (µm): Based on 4 specimens. Length of horns Length of cephalis Length of thorax Length of abdomen Length of postabdominal tube Width of cephalis in the middle Width of thorax in the middle Width of abdomen Mean 65 53 51 119 Min. 60 50 45 114 43 62 152 42 50 140 Max. 71 60 59 125 200 45 71 165 HT 60 60 59 125 42 65 165 Etymology: From latin bi-, two and cornu, -us, horn; form with two horns. Type locality: Sample 1662D, Gümüslü Allochthon, Taurus Mts., Turkey. Occurrence: Gümüslü Allochthon, Turkey; Nicely Formation, Oregon; Franciscan Complex, California; Drimos Formation, Greece; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman; Liminangcong Chert, Philippines; Japan. Plate KAT08. Katroma aurita Whalen & Carter. Magnification Fig. 1a(H) x200, Fig. 1b(H) x300. Fig. 1a(H). Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 13, fig. 4. Fig. 1b(H). Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 13, fig. 8. Plate KAT09. Katroma bicornus De Wever. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). De Wever 1982a, pl. 3, fig. 2. Fig. 2. OM, BR474-R17-09. Fig. 3. JP, IYII24-15. Fig. 4. Hori 1990, Fig. 8.19. 219 Katroma brevitubus Dumitrica & Goričan n. sp. Species code: KAT12 Synonymy: 1982 Syringocapsa sp. B – Yao, pl. 4, figs. 14-15. 1982 Syringocapsa sp. B – Yao et al., pl. 2, fig. 15. 1982 Syringocapsa sp. B – Imoto et al., pl. 1, fig. 8. 1990 Syringocapsa sp. B – Hori, Fig. 8.11. 1997 Syringocapsa sp. B of Yao 1982 – Hori, pl. 1, fig. 18. 1997 Syringocapsa sp. D – Yao, pl. 11, fig. 545. 1998 Katroma megasphaera n. sp. – Yeh & Cheng, p. 28, pl. 7, figs. 9, 20 only. 1998 Katroma sp. B – Yeh & Cheng, p. 30, pl. 9, fig. 23. 2001 Syringocapsa inflata (Yeh) – Gawlick et al., pl. 6, fig. 6. 2004 Syringocapsa sp. – Hori, pl. 5, fig. 61. Type designation: Specimen SG 022014 from sample OM-00-252, Musallah Formation, Jabal Buwaydah center east. Description: Test composed of three segments and a tubular extension. Cephalis and thorax short, broadly conical, collar stricture not well pronounced externally. Apical horn indistinct, short, circular in cross-section. Cephalothorax bears small circular pores. Abdomen inflated, spherical, much larger than cephalothorax, covered with mediumsized hexagonal and pentagonal pore frames. Abdomen without circumferential spines. Tubular extension short, inverted conical, porous. Pores similar in size to those of abdomen. Tubular extension closed; in well-preserved 220 specimens it ends with a short spine, circular in crosssection. Remarks: Katroma brevitubus n. sp. differs from K. angusta Yeh by having a much shorter terminal tube. It differs from Katroma ninstintsi Carter by having a shorter cephalothorax, more expanded abdomen, and shorter terminal tube. Measurements (µm): Based on 11 specimens. Length of cephalis and thorax Length of abdomen Length of terminal tube Maximum width of abdomen HT 42 145 64 159 Min. 33 104 36 124 Max. 55 156 79 183 Mean 43 125 55 141 Etymology: From Latin: brevis,-e (short) and tubus,-i (tube); noun. Type locality: Sample OM-00-252 from Musallah Formation, Jabal Buwaydah center east. Occurrence: Musallah Formation, Haliw (Aqil) Formation and Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman; Dürrnberg Formation, Austria; Liminangcong Chert, Philippines; Japan. Plate KAT12. Katroma brevitubus Dumitrica & Goričan n. sp. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). OM-00-252-022014. Fig. 2. OM, BR706-R14-02. Fig. 3. OM-00-252-021819. Fig. 4. OM, Haliw-039-R06-22. Fig. 5. OM, Haliw-038-R09-02. Fig. 6. OM-00-251-021422. Fig. 7. OM-00-252-021814. Fig. 8. AT, BMW21-18. Fig. 9. JP, MNA-10, MA118883. 221 Katroma clara Yeh 1987b Species code: KAT10 Synonymy: 1984 Katroma sp. – Whalen & Pessagno, pl. 1, fig. 2. 1987b Katroma clara n. sp. – Yeh, p. 80, pl. 3, figs. 6-7. 1987 Katroma neagui Pessagno & Poisson, emend. De Wever – Goričan, p. 184, pl. 1, fig. 2. 1988 Katroma kurusuensis n. sp. – Hori, p. 553, fig. 6.1a-5. 1989 Katroma sp. A – Hattori, pl. 2, fig. K. 1990 Katroma sp. N – Hori, fig. 8.20. 1990 Katroma kurusuensis Hori – Hori, fig. 8.21. 1997 Katroma kurusuensis Hori – Hori, pl. 1, fig. 16. ? 1998 Katroma sp. – Cordey, p. 110, pl. 22, figs. 7, 10. 2002 Katroma clara Yeh – Whalen & Carter, p. 134, pl. 14, figs. 4, 5, 11, 12, 15; pl. 18, figs. 12, 13. 2004 Katroma clara Yeh – Matsuoka, fig. 112. 2004 Katroma sp. – Matsuoka, fig. 113. 2005 Katroma kurusuensis Hori – Hori, pl. 9, fig. 13. Original description: Cephalis dome-shaped, with crownlike horn having four to five short branches, each branch circular in cross-section. Thorax and abdomen trapezoidal in outline. Three earlier chambers narrow, long, subcylindrical in shape, sparsely perforate, covered by layer of microgranular silica. First post-abdominal chamber inflated, subspherical in outline, terminating in narrow subcylindrical tubular extension. Test mainly comprised of pentagonal and hexagonal pore frames. Pore frames small on earlier chambers, medium-sized on postabdominal chamber with thick rims and thin sides. One row of ten to twelve short circumferential spines on equatorial surface of first postabdominal chamber. Tubular extension perforate with small pores in spiral rows of pore frames. 222 Original remarks: Katroma clara, n. sp., differs from Katroma bifurca, n. sp., by having a horn with four to five branches rather than with two branches, by having circumferential spines on inflated post-abdominal chamber, and by possessing a test with earlier chamber subcylindrical in shape rather than conical in shape. Further remarks: By Whalen & Carter (2002): Katroma clara Yeh differs from K. neagui Pessagno and Poisson 1981, by the more globular shape of the post-abdominal chamber and from all other species of Katroma by the distinctive, branching horn. Measurements (µm): Ten specimens measured. HT Mean Max. Length of apical horn 22 28 40 Length of proximal conical 108 109 110 portion Width of conical portion at base 86 83 86 162 162 162 Length of inflated segment 151 151 200 Width of inflated segment Min. 22 108 80 150 151 Etymology: Clarus-a-um (Latin, adj.) = clear. Type locality: Sample OR-536J, Nicely Formation, southeast side of Morgan Mountain, east-central Oregon. Occurrence: Nicely Formation, Oregon; San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur; Budva Zone, Montenegro; Gümüslü Allochthon, Turkey; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman; Japan. Plate KAT10. Katroma clara Yeh. Magnification x200, except Fig. 7 x300. Fig. 1(H). Yeh 1987b, pl. 3, fig. 6. Fig. 2. TR, 1662D-R02-01. Fig. 3. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 14, fig. 4. Fig. 4. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 14, fig. 5. Fig. 5. JP, MNA10, MA11880. Fig. 6. JP, Ku-2-23. Fig. 7. Hori 1988, Fig. 6-1b. Fig. 8. Hori 1990, Fig. 8-21. Fig. 9. OM, BR524-R05-23. Fig. 10. OM, BR1121-R07-25. Fig. 11. OM, BR477-R19-03. 223 Katroma elongata Carter n. sp. Species code: KAT17 Synonymy: 1998 Katroma sp. aff. K. irvingi n. sp. – Whalen & Carter, p. 70, pl. 19, figs. 11, 19. 1998 Katroma coliforme Hori – Yeh & Cheng, p. 28, pl. 7, fig. 6. 2001 Syringocapsa coliformis Hori – Gawlick et al., pl. 5, fig. 10; pl. 6, fig. 7. 2001 Syringocapsa angusta (Yeh) – Gawlick et al., pl. 5, fig. 11. 2001 Gigi aff. fustis De Wever – Gawlick et al., pl. 5, fig. 12. does not range above the Sinemurian, but the successor species, Katroma elongata n. sp., does and is abundant through most of the Pliensbachian. For this reason, it has been described as a separate species. Syringocapsa coliforme Hori (1988) differs from Katroma elongata n. sp. in having a more massive apical horn and a narrower abdominal profile. Type designation: Holotype GSC 111721 from GSC loc. C- 080612; Ghost Creek Formation (lower Pliensbachian). Measurements (µm): Based on 9 specimens. Description: Cephalis small, dome-shaped, with small apical horn, circular in axial section. Thorax, abdomen and first abdominal chamber trapezoidal in outline with small polygonal pore frames. Final post-abdominal chamber marginally inflated, composed of medium-sized polygonal pore frames. No significant break between first and final post-abdominal chambers. Terminal tube narrow, imperforate or with very small pore frames randomly distributed. Remarks: Whalen & Carter (1998) originally included this species with Katroma irvingi Whalen and Carter, a species with widely ranging variation mainly in the size of the final post abdominal chamber. Recent studies of the Pliensbachian fauna, however, indicate that K. irvingi s. s. 224 Length (excl. horn) Maximum width HT 376 138 Max. 376 138 Min. 277 84 Mean 329 110 Etymology: Latin (adj.) elongatus-a-um = elongate Type locality: Sample CAA-T-80-7 (GSC loc. C-080612), Ghost Creek Formation, Rennell Junction, central Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Ghost Creek Formation and Rennell Junction member of the Fannin Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Dürrnberg Formation, Austria; Liminangcong Chert, Philippines. Plate KAT17. Katroma elongata Carter n. sp. Magnification x250. Fig. 1(H). QCI, GSC loc. C-080612, GSC 111721. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-127868, GSC 128814. Fig. 3. Carter et al. 1998, pl. 19, fig. 11. 225 Katroma neagui Pessagno & Poisson 1981, emend. De Wever 1982a Species code: KAT13 Synonymy: 1981 Katroma neagui n. sp. – Pessagno & Poisson, p. 62, pl. 12, figs. 1-5; pl. 15, fig. 3. 1982a Katroma neagui Pessagno & Poisson, emend. – De Wever, p. 193, pl. 3, figs. 5-8. 1982b Katroma neagui Pessagno & Poisson, emend. De Wever – De Wever, p. 305, pl. 45, figs. 8, 9, 11, 12. 1992 Katroma neagui Pessagno & Poisson – Pessagno & Mizutani, pl. 99, figs. 7, 12, 16, 17, 20, 21. Original description: Test as with genus. Meshwork consisting of massive tetragonal to pentagonal pore frames (predominantly pentagonal); pores becoming larger on tubular extension of first post-abdominal chamber. Cephalis with crown-like horn with four branches; branching components of horn circular in axial section. Row of short spines (approximately 12 in number) occurring circumferentially around medial portion of post-abdominal chamber; spines circular in axial section. Length of tubular extension on first post-abdominal chamber more than half of total length of test. Original remarks: Katroma neagui n. sp., differs from Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous species of Podobursa (e.g., P. berggreni Pessagno) by having twelve rather than three circumferentially arranged spines around the medial portion of the final post-abdominal chamber and by having an open, tubular extension on its final post-abdominal chamber. Further remarks: By De Wever (1982a): The morphological characters described by E. A. Pessagno Jr. and 226 A. Poisson remain valid, except for the following. The apical horn has 3 to 5 branches and not always 4. Cephalis bears at least one very small lateral spine similar to that of Gigi fustis n. sp. This species has only 3 segments, not 4; the third one is inflated and continued by a distally closed, and not open, tube. The occurrence of cephalic spines is paramount for the generic assignment. As a matter of fact, E. A. Pessagno et A. Poisson based the difference between Katroma and Podobursa on a respectively open and closed abdominal tube; now, fig. 6 clearly shows a closed tube. Measurements (µm): Based on 8 specimens. Width of abdomen Length of cephalis-abdomen Length of first post-abdominal chamber Width of first post-abdominal chamber Length of tube on post-abdominal chamber HT Max. Min. 70 70 50 65 110 115 100 50 120 120 310 310 235 Etymology: This species is named for Dr. Teodor Neagu, University of Bucharest (Romania) in honor of his contributions to Mesozoic stratigraphy and micropaleontology. Type locality: Sample 1662D, Gümüslü Allochthon, Taurus Mts., Turkey. Occurrence: Gümüslü Allochthon, Turkey. Plate KAT13. Katroma neagui Pessagno & Poisson. Magnification x200x. Fig. 1(H). Pessagno & Poisson 1981, pl. 12, fig. 1. Fig. 2. TR, 1662D-R01-09. Fig. 3. TR, 1662D-R02-03. 227 Katroma ninstintsi Carter 1988 Species code: KAT14 Synonymy: 1985 Katroma sp. – Igo et al., pl. 15, fig. 14. 1987b Katroma sp. A – Yeh, p. 81, pl. 3, fig.1, pl. 6, figs. 4, 14. 1988 Katroma ninstintsi Carter n. sp. – Carter et al., p. 60, pl. 2, figs. 4, 9. 1992 Katroma sp. – Pessagno & Mizutani, pl. 99, figs. 6, 10, 11, 15. 1996 Katroma sp. A. – Tumanda et al., p. 181, Fig. 4.15. 1998 Katroma sp. A – Yeh & Cheng, p. 30, pl. 7, figs. 7, 10. 2001 Syringocapsa inflata (Yeh) – Gawlick et al., pl. 5, fig. 9. Original diagnosis: Tricyrtid test; abdomen expanded and globose with long, open tubular extension. Apical horn small and asymmetrical. Original description: Tricyrtid test: cephalis small and hemispherical; thorax trapezoidal, expanding more rapidly in height than width; abdomen enlarged and globose, terminating in an open tubular extension. Irregularly shaped pore frames small on initial chambers, becoming larger on expanded portion of abdomen and decreasing in size on tubular extension. Apical horn small and more or less asymmetrical. On some specimens this horn appears to divide in the manner of Katroma neagui Pessagno and Poisson (see Pl. 2, fig. 9, this report). Lateral spine (V-spine) present, but very short and usually broken in type material. Very small, radial spines (positioned at maximum extension of abdomen) are more often than not eroded. Original remarks: A number of forms are tentatively grouped together as Katroma ninstintsi; they are thought to represent variants of one species. Collectively they differ in exhibiting a more or less abrupt transition from expanding 228 thorax to inflated abdomen. This change is sometimes quite distinct (see Pl. 2, fig. 9) in other cases not (holotype, Pl. 2, fig. 4). Katroma ninstintsi normally differs from K. bicornus De Wever in having only one very small, asymmetrical apical horn and the radial abdominal spines are much smaller. It differs from K. neagui Pessagno and Poisson in having a more expanded abdominal chamber and, whereas the apical horn on some specimens appears to divide, it is much shorter and usually has only two, rather than four, radial branches. Measurements (µm): Based on 13 specimens. Length of apical horn Length of cephalis and thorax Length of abdomen Length of terminal tube Maximum width of abdomen HT 15 46 96 106 107 Av. 22.3 85 120 144 155 Max. 61 105 150 170 200 Min. 14 46 92 120 107 Etymology: Named for Haida Indian Chief Ninstints, of Anthony Island. Type locality: GSC locality C-080577, Fannin Formation, Creek locality, Maude Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Ghost Creek and Fannin formations, Queen Charlotte Islands; Fernie Formation, northeastern British Columbia; Nicely Formation, Oregon; Dürrnberg Formation, Austria; Liminangcong Chert, Philippines; Japan. Plate KAT14. Katroma ninstintsi Carter. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Carter et al. 1988, pl. 2, fig. 4. Fig. 2. Carter et al. 1988, pl. 2, fig. 9. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-140495, GSC 128820. Fig. 4. NBC, GSC loc. C-305208, GSC 128821. Fig. 5. NBC, GSC loc. C-305208, GSC 128822. Fig. 6. QCI, GSC loc. C-080612, GSC 128823. Fig. 7. QCI, GSC loc. C-140495, GSC 128915. Fig. 8. NBC, GSC loc. C-305208, GSC 128916. Fig. 9. OM, Haliw-039-R07-03. Fig. 10. OM, Haliw-039-R03-09. 229 Katroma? sinetubus Carter n. sp. Species code: KAT16 Type designation: Holotype GSC 111722 and paratype GSC 111723 from GSC loc. C-080611; Ghost Creek Formation (lower Pliensbachian). Description: Test with three or four chambers and a strong apical and antapical spine. Cephalis small, mostly imperforate with a strong triradiate horn; horn single on holotype (pl. KAT16, fig. 1) but bifurcating on paratype (pl. KAT16, fig. 4). Thorax and abdomen trapezoidal in outline, usually with small polygonal pore frames, but pore frames sometimes larger. Final post-abdominal chamber strongly inflated composed of large pentagonal and hexagonal pore frames; pore frames reduced in size distally. Final post-abdominal chamber terminating in a short triradiate antapical spine; spine with sharp narrow ridges and wide, deep grooves. Remarks: Genus queried because Katroma, as described by Pessagno & Poisson (1981), has an inflated final chamber that terminates in a long open or closed tube. Katroma? sinetubus n. sp. differs from all other described species of Katroma Katroma sp. 4 Species code: KAT18 Synonymy: 2002 Katroma sp. A – Whalen & Carter, p. 136, pl. 14, fig. 8. Remarks: This species is very similar to Katroma clara Yeh, from which it differs in having thorns along the entire apical horn and in lacking the terminal branching. The horn can be circular (pl. KAT18, fig. 1) or triradiate in cross section (pl. KAT18, figs. 2, 3). Occurrence: San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur; Haliw (Aqil) Formation, Oman. 230 in that the distalmost abdominal chamber terminates in a strong antapical spine rather than a terminal tube. Measurements (µm): Based on 7 specimens. Length of test (excl. horn and distal spine) Maximum width Length of distal spine HT Max. Min. Mean 233 233 188 212 171 broken 171 42 141 22 157 36 (4) Etymology: Latin, sine + tubus = without tube; noun. Type locality: Sample CAA-79-Ren-Phant, lms 1 (GSC loc. C-080611), Ghost Creek Formation, Rennell Junction section, central Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Ghost Creek Formation and Rennell Junction member of the Fannin Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands. Plate KAT16. Katroma? sinetubus Carter n. sp. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). QCI, GSC loc. C-080611, GSC 111722. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-080611, GSC 111723. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-304281, GSC 128824. Fig. 4. QCI, GSC loc. C304281, GSC 128825. Plate KAT18. Katroma sp. 4. Magnification x200. Fig. 1. BCS, loc. SH-412-14. Fig. 2. OM, Haliw-038-R08-18. Fig. 3. OM, Haliw-039-R02-10. 231 Genus: Lantus Yeh 1987b Type species: Lantus sixi Yeh 1987b Synonymy: 1984b Milax n. gen. – Blome, p.372. 1987b Lantus n. gen. – Yeh, p. 90. ? 1988 Hemicryptocephalis n. gen – Li, p. 329. Original description: Test multicyrtid, conical, with horn, usually with strictures at joints, final post-abdominal chamber closing, with large subspherical, latticed expansion. Cephalis conical or dome-shaped. Cephalis, thorax and abdomen sparsely perforate, covered by layer of microgranular silica. Post-abdominal chambers consisting of single layer of dense, small, tetragonal, pentagonal, or hexagonal pore frames. Pore frames regular to irregular in shape and size. Original remarks: Lantus n. gen., differs from Pseudoristola n. gen., by having a test with well-developed horn, strictures at joints, and smaller, less regular polygonal pore frames. Further remarks: Lantus differs from Minocapsa Matsuoka in having a conical rather than ovoid shape and more postabdominal chambers. It differs from Stichocapsa Haeckel by lacking an aperture. Milax Blome is synonymized with Lantus, because the name Milax is occupied for a gastropod genus (Gray 1855). Hemicryptocephalis Li is questionably synonymized with Lantus Yeh, because the description of the former is unclear for the following reasons: (1) Li mentions that a constricted aperture is absent but does not indicate whether the genus is totally closed distally or not, and no illustrations are provided to show this characteristic; (2) the genus supposedly has “two descending spines to form the second post-cephalis cavity” but again this distinguishing feature is not illustrated and it is certainly not present in the genus Lantus. Etymology: Lantus is a name formed by an arbitary combination of letters (ICZN, 1985, Appendix D, pt. VI, Recommendation 40, p.201). Included species: LAN05 Lantus intermedius Carter n. sp. LAN01 Lantus obesus (Yeh) 1987b LAN04 Lantus praeobesus Carter n. sp. LAN02 Lantus sixi Yeh 1987b LAN03 Lantus sp. A sensu Whalen & Carter 2002 Lantus intermedius Carter n. sp. Species code: LAN05 Synonymy: 1988 Hemicryptocephalis dengqensis n. sp. - Li, p. 330, pl. 1, figs. 5, 6; not fig. 4, ? fig. 10. 1989 Pseudoristola ? spp. – Hattori, pl. 15, fig. D. 1997 Parahsuum sp. NB – Yao, pl. 13, fig. 642. Type designation: Holotype GSC 111724 from GSC loc. C304566, Rennell Junction member of the Fannin Formation (upper lower Pliensbachian). Description: Test conical, usually with four or five postabdominal chambers. Cephalis small, conical, apparently lacking horn. Cephalis imperforate, thorax and abdomen sparsely perforate covered with a layer of microgranular silica. Post-abdominal chambers trapezoidal, variable in width, increasing more in height than width as added, final chamber closed with an ellipsoidal cap. Pore frames on post abdominal chambers polygonal very gradually increasing in size distally. Slightly raised transverse ridges and/or slight alignment of pores on distal chambers observed on some specimens. Remarks: This species differs from Lantus praeobesus n. sp. in being less inflated distally and by sometimes possessing a few very rudimentary circumferential ridges between 232 chambers. L. intermedius differs from L. sixi Yeh in lacking constrictions between post abdominal chambers. L. intermedius appears to be intermediate between L. praeobesus which first appears in the earliest Pliensbachian and L. sixi Yeh which appears later in the late Pliensbachian and Toarcian. Measurements (µm): Based on 12 specimens. Max. length Max. width HT 258 126 Max. 340 158 Min. 226 116 Mean 273 140 Etymology: From Latin: intermedius, -a, -um = intermediate; adjective. Type locality: Sample 99-CNA-MI-9 (GSC loc. C-304566), Rennell Junction member of the Fannin Formation, Maude Island, west of Ells Bay, Skidegate Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Uppermost Ghost Creek Formation and Fannin Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Fernie Formation, NE British Columbia; Haliw (Aqil) Formation, Oman; China; Japan. Plate LAN05. Lantus intermedius Carter n. sp. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). QCI, GSC loc. C-304566, GSC 111724. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-304567, GSC 128829. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-140495, GSC 128830. Fig. 4. QCI, GSC loc. C140495, GSC 128831. Fig. 5. QCI, GSC loc. C-140495, GSC 128832. Fig. 6. NBC, GSC loc. C-305208, GSC 128833. Fig. 7. OM, Haliw-038-R09-25. 233 Lantus obesus (Yeh) 1987b Species code: LAN01 Synonymy: 1987b Pseudoristola obesa n. sp. – Yeh, p. 96, pl. 14, figs. 11-12. 2001 Stichocapsa obesa (Yeh) – Gawlick et al., pl. 5, fig. 6. 2003 Stichocapsa convexa Yao – Kashiwagi & Kurimoto, pl. 4, figs. 1, 2. 1997 Pseudoristola obesa Yeh – Yao, pl. 15, fig. 724. 2005 Sethocapsa sp. – Hori, pl. 8, figs. 29-30, 50. Original description: Test conical, short, with two postabdominal chambers, without circumferential ridges. Cephalis small, dome-shaped, without horn. Cephalis, thorax, and abdomen closely spaced, sparsely perforate, covered with layer of microgranular silica. Post-abdominal chamber consisting of single layer of pentagonal and hexagonal pore frames. Pore frames increasing in size distally. Bulbous expansion large, subspherical in outline, comprised of nearly two thirds of whole test. Original remarks: Pseudoristola obesa differs from other Pseudoristola spp. in this report by having an extremely short test with a very large bulbous spherical final postabdominal chamber. 234 Further remarks: Generic name changed to Lantus because this species lacks the typical parvicingulid arrangement of pores. Measurements (µm): Ten specimens measured. Length of proximal Width at Length conical part (= last base of of last segment excluded) conical part segment 102 120 HT 114 100 128 Mean 111 102 138 Max. 114 Min. 107 96 120 Width of last segment 156 162 171 156 Etymology: Obesus-a-um (Latin, adj.) = fat. Type locality: Sample OR-600A, Hyde Formation along Izee-Paulina road, east-central Oregon. Occurrence: Hyde Formation and Warm Springs member of the Snowshoe Formation, Oregon; Fannin Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Dürrnberg Formation, Austria; Haliw (Aqil) Formation, Musallah Formation and Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman. Plate LAN01. Lantus obesus (Yeh). Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Yeh 1987b, pl. 14, fig. 12. Fig. 2. AT, BMW21-52. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-304567, GSC 128826. Fig. 4. QCI, GSC loc. C305417, GSC 128917. Fig. 5. OM, BR1121-R10-12. Fig. 6. OM, BR1121-R06-18. Fig. 7a, b. OM-00-252-021533, 021534. Fig. 8. OM, BR485-R20-06. Fig. 9. OM, Haliw-038R09-03. Fig. 10. OM, BR1122-R04-02. 235 Lantus praeobesus Carter n. sp. Species code: LAN04 Synonymy: 1988 Hemicryptocephalis dengqensis n. sp. – Li, p. 330, pl. 1, figs. ? 4, ? 10; not figs. 5, 6. 1993 Stichocapsa sp. – Kashiwagi & Yao, pl. 1, fig. 5. 1998 Lantus sp. A – Yeh & Cheng, p. 34, pl. 12, fig. 9. ? 2001 Stichocapsa sp. – Kashiwagi, Fig. 6.5. Type designation: Holotype GSC 111725 from GSC loc. C304566; Rennell Junction member of the Fannin Formation (upper lower Pliensbachian). Description: Test broadly conical, usually with four to five post-abdominal chambers. Cephalis small, conical, usually without a rudimentary horn. Cephalis imperforate, thorax and abdomen sparsely perforate covered with a layer of microgranular silica. Post-abdominal chambers trapezoidal, rapidly increasing in width as added, final chamber closed with a large ellipsoidal cap. Pore frames on post-abdominal chambers polygonal increasing in size distally. Remarks: This species differs from Lantus obesus (Yeh) 1987 in having a shorter, less inflated final post-abdominal chamber with smaller pore frames, and in lacking a constriction between the final two chambers. L. praeobesus n. sp. is the oldest species of Lantus included in this catalogue; it first appears in the basal Pliensbachian and is abundant throughout the stage. 236 Hemicryptocephalis dengquensis Li is questionably synonymized with L. praeobesus n. sp. because the description of the former is unclear (see remarks under genus Lantus). Measurements (µm): Based on 6 specimens. Max. length Max. width HT 255 145 Max. 289 167 Min. 203 134 Mean 239 152 Etymology: From the Latin, prae (prefix) and obesus (adj.) = before obesus. Type locality: Sample 99-CNA-MI-9 (GSC loc. C-304566); Rennell Junction member of the Fannin Formation, Maude Island, west of Ells Bay, Skidegate Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Ghost Creek Formation and Rennell Junction member of the Fannin Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Fernie Formation, NE British Columbia; Haliw (Aqil) Formation, Musallah Formation, and Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman; Japan; Liminangcong Chert, Philippines. Plate LAN04. Lantus praeobesus Carter n. sp. Magnification Figs. 1-8 x200 (scale bar A), Figs. 9-13 x 300 (scale bar B). Fig. 1(H). QCI, GSC loc. C-304566, GSC 111725. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-304281, GSC 128834. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-304281, GSC 128835. Fig. 4. QCI, GSC loc. C-080612, GSC 128836. Fig. 5. NBC, GSC loc. C-305208, GSC 128837. Fig. 6. OM, Haliw-038-R08-31. Fig. 7. OM, Haliw-038-R09-12. Fig. 8. OM, Haliw-038-R09-17. Fig. 9. OM-00-252021918. Fig. 10. OM, BR1122-R02-11. Fig. 11. OM, BR1121-R09-20. Fig. 12. OM, BR1121-R08-02. Fig. 13. OM, BR1121-R06-15. 237 Lantus sixi Yeh 1987b Species code: LAN02 Synonymy: 1987b Lantus sixi n. sp. – Yeh, p. 90, pl. 4, fig. 16; pl. 17, figs. 9, 13, 17, 24. 1987b Lantus sp. cf. L. sixi n. sp. – Yeh, p. 90, pl. 4, fig. 17; pl. 5, fig. 18; pl. 17, fig. 14. 1997 Lantus sixi Yeh – Yao, pl. 15, fig. 725. 2004 Lantus sp. – Matsuoka, figs. 96, 97. Original description: Test small, conical in shape, usually four to five post-abdominal chambers. Cephalis small, conical, with short, massive horn. Earlier chambers sparsely perforate, covered by layer of microgranular silica. Postabdominal chambers having small polygonal pore frames. Pore frames increasing in size distally, irregular on apical portion but tending to be aligned in a regular fashion on final one or two post-abdominal chambers. Final postabdominal chamber closed by large, latticed, subellipsoidal cap. Further remarks: Differs from all other species included here in having very slight strictures between post-abdominal chambers. Apical horn not always distinct. Lantus sp. A sensu Whalen & Carter 2002 Species code: LAN03 Synonymy: 2002 Lantus sp. A – Whalen & Carter, p. 142, pl. 16, fig. 10. Original remarks: This species differs from Lantus sixi Yeh 1987 in lacking constrictions and by having larger pore frames on distal chambers. Occurrence: San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur; Rennell Junction member of the Fannin Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman. 238 Measurements (µm): Ten specimens measured. Length of apical horn Length of proximal conical part (= last segment excluded) Width at base of conical part Length of last segment Width of last segment HT Mean 13 10 Max. Min. 13 8 117 123 130 115 65 52 95 75 58 102 86 65 108 65 52 95 Etymology: This species is named for Mr. Walter M. Six, Jr. for his help on this project. Type locality: Sample OR-600A, Hyde Formation along Izee-Paulina road, east-central Oregon. Occurrence: Nicely and Hyde formations, and Warm Springs member of the Snowshoe Formation, Oregon; Fannin member of the Fannin Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Japan. Plate LAN02. Lantus sixi Yeh. Magnification x300. Fig. 1(H). Yeh 1987b, pl. 17, fig. 9. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-304568, GSC 128827. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-175306, GSC 128828. Plate LAN03. Lantus sp. A sensu Whalen & Carter. Magnification x300. Fig. 1. QCI, GSC loc. C-304568, GSC 128918. Fig. 2. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 16, fig. 10. Fig. 3. OM, BR523-R01-13. 239 Genus: Laxtorum Blome 1984a, emend. Carter 1993 Type species: Laxtorum hindei Blome 1984a Synonymy: 1984a Laxtorum n. gen. – Blome, p. 56. 1993 Laxtorum Blome emend. – Carter, p. 112. Original description: Test multicyrtid, consisting of four or more post-abdominal chambers (segments). Cephalis conical, imperforate, with a large, well-developed horn. Thorax trapezoidal in outline, perforate, in some specimens buried by microgranular silica. Abdomen and post-abdominal chambers trapezoidal in outline. Test wall consisting of two layers: inner layer comprised of triangular to pentagonal pore frames that lack nodes; outer layer comprised of triangular to hexagonal pore frames with massive, polygonal nodes at the pore frame vertices, nodes low in relief; pores of both layers of pore frames large, subcircular to polygonal in outline; pore frames of the outer layer generally restricted to the circumferential ridges, with the exception of the final post-abdominal chambers. Post-abdominal chambers commonly increasing more rapidly in width than in height. Emended definition: Carter (1993): Genus emended to include the following: (1) test may possess up to twelve postabdominal chambers, (2) test may have slender, lateral spines that extend radially from medial and/or distal post-abdominal chambers, and are distributed equally to subequally around perimeter of test, and (3) test may terminate in an open, flaring terminal tube that lacks septal partitions. Original remarks: Laxtorum new genus differs from Canoptum Pessagno, 1979, by having a test in which the pores are not buried by an outer layer of accreted microgranular silica. Etymology: Laxtorum is a name formed by an arbitrary combination of letters (ICZN, 1964, p. 113, Appendix D, Pt. IV, Recommendation 40). Included species: LAX06 Laxtorum hemingense Whalen & Carter 1998 Laxtorum hemingense Whalen & Carter 1998 Species code: LAX06 Synonymy: absence of a prominent horn. It differs from all Rhaetian species of Laxtorum in having larger, open, more regularly aligned pore frames and in lacking a terminal tube. Original description: Test conical with approximately eight to nine postabdominal chambers. Cephalis small, steeply dome-shaped with or without a small horn; horn circular in axial section; cephalis imperforate, covered with a thick layer of microgranular silica. Thorax, abdomen and all postabdominal chambers gradually increasing in width as added. Thorax trapezoidal in outline with mediumsized pores mostly obscured by layer of microgranular silica. Mostly tetragonal pore frames on abdomen and postabdominal chambers subaligned in transverse rows. Circumferential ridges composed of thicker, more irregular pore frame bars (zig-zag structure) on proximal parts of test becoming thinner and straighter distally; circumferential ridges with irregular longitudinal extensions superimposed on adjacent pore frames. Measurements (µm): Based on 5 specimens. 1998 Laxtorum hemingense n. sp. – Whalen & Carter, p. 80, pl. 25, figs. 6-8, 13-14, 24-25; pl. 27, figs. 5, 6, 16, 20. Original remarks: Laxtorum hemingense n. sp. is distinguished from Laxtorum sp. A and Laxtorum sp. B by the 240 Length (excluding horn) 240 240 218 229 Max. width 105 109 98 104 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: This species is named for Heming Head, located on the east side of Talunkwan Island, northwest of the type locality. Type locality: Sample QC-549, Sandilands Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Sandilands and Ghost Creek formations, Queen Charlotte Islands. Plate LAX06. Laxtorum hemingense Whalen & Carter. Magnification x250. Fig. 1(H). Carter et al. 1998, pl. 25, fig. 6. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-080612, GSC 128919. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-175311, GSC 128920. 241 Genus: Minocapsa Matsuoka 1991 Type species: Minocapsa cylindrica Matsuoka 1991 Synonymy: 1991 Minocapsa n. gen. – Matsuoka, p. 734. Original description: Closed cyrtid. Shell consisting of four or more segments, pyriform to ovoidal. Cephalis hemispherical without apical horn. Thorax and abdomen truncate conical. Final segment large, hemispherical without aperture. Pores, circular to subcircular and closely spaced. Original remarks: Minocapsa, n. gen. is distinguished from Stichocapsa Haeckel by lacking aperture. It also differs from Zhamoidellum Dumitrica and Cryptamphorella Dumitrica by not being cryptothoracic and by consisting of four or more segments rather than three. Further remarks: Minocapsa differs from Lantus Yeh by having fewer segments and the height of the last segment is greater than the remainder of the test. Both genera lack an aperture. Etymology: The generic name is named for the Mino Terrane which includes the type area, Nanjo Massif. Included species: MCP01 Minocapsa cylindrica Matsuoka 1991 MCP02 Minocapsa globosa Matsuoka 1991 TPS02 Minocapsa? megaglobosa (Matsuoka) 1991 Minocapsa cylindrica Matsuoka 1991 Species code: MCP01 Synonymy: 1987 Bagotum sp. E – Hattori, pl. 15, fig. 4. 1989 Bagotum sp. aff. B. modestum Pessagno & Whalen – Hattori & Sakamoto, pl. 13, fig. K. 1990 Stichocapsa (?) sp. – Nagai, pl. 4, fig. 6. 1991 Minocapsa cylindrica n. sp. – Matsuoka, p. 735, figs. 10.1a-5b. 1997 Minocapsa cylindrica Matsuoka – Yao, pl. 10, fig. 450. ? 2003 Stichocapsa sp. B – Kashiwagi & Kurimoto, pl. 4, fig. 4. 2004 Minocapsa cylindrica Matsuoka – Hori, pl. 2, fig. 14. 2004 Minocapsa cylindrica Matsuoka – Matsuoka, fig. 91. Original description: Shell of five segments, ovoidal. Cephalis spherical; thorax and abdomen truncate conical. The proximal three segments form a conical proximal part. The distal two segments form a cylindrical to ovoidal distal part. The last segment hemispherical without aperture. Segmental joints generally indistinct externally; joint between abdomen and fourth segment faintly marked by change in contour from the conical proximal part to the cylindrical to ovoidal distal part. Pores circular to subcircular, rather densely spaced and set in tetragonal to hexagonal pore frames. Pores on the distal part tend to be arranged longitudinally. Pores around distal end slightly larger than those on the rest of the shell; these pores 242 surrounded by circular rims. Small nodes or spines situated at the pore frame vertices. Original remarks: This species differs from Minocapsa globosa, n. sp. by consisting of five segments rather than four, by possessing a more slender distal part and by the pores of the distal part tending to be longitudinally arranged. Measurements (µm): Six specimens measured. Total height of shell Max. width of shell HT 193 120 Max. 193 135 Min. 165 115 Mean 181 125 Etymology: The specific name comes from the Latin cylindricus-a-um (=cylindrical). Type locality: MNA-10, Nanjo Massif, Mino Terrane, central Japan. Occurrence: Mino Terrane, Japan; Musallah Formation, Oman; Skrile Formation, Slovenia; Hyde Formation, Oregon. Plate MCP01. Minocapsa cylindrica Matsuoka. Magnification x400. Fig. 1(H). Matsuoka 1991, Fig. 10-1a. Fig. 2. SI, MM 5.00-010122. Fig. 3. OM-00-252-021927. 243 Minocapsa globosa Matsuoka 1991 Species code: MCP02 Synonymy: 1991 Minocapsa globosa n. sp. – Matsuoka, p. 736, figs. 11.1a-4b. 1997 Minocapsa globosa Matsuoka – Yao, pl. 10, fig. 451. 2004 Minocapsa globosa Matsuoka – Matsuoka, fig. 90. Original description: Shell of four segments, pyriform. Cephalis spherical; thorax and abdomen truncate conical. The proximal three segments form a conical proximal part. The fourth segment large, subspherical without aperture. Collar and lumber strictures indistinct externally. Joint between abdomen and fourth segment marked by rapid change in contour from the conical proximal part to spherical distal part. Pores circular to subcircular, densely spaced and set in polygonal (largely hexagonal) pore frames. Pores around distal end slightly larger than those on the rest of shell and surrounded by rims. Small nodes situated at the pore frame vertices in some specimens. Original remarks: This species is compared to Minocapsa cylindrica, n. sp. under the latter species. Measurements (µm): Six specimens measured. Total height of shell Max. width of shell HT 173 140 Max. 185 149 Min. 170 135 Mean 177 142 Etymology: The specific name is derived from the Latin globosus-a-um (=spherical). Type locality: MNA-10, Nanjo Massif, Mino Terrane, central Japan. Occurrence: Mino Terrane, Japan. Minocapsa? megaglobosa (Matsuoka) 1991 Species code: TPS02 Synonymy: 1991 Tricolocapsa (?) megaglobosa n. sp. – Matsuoka, p. 724, figs. 3. 1a-5b. 1997 Tricolocapsa megaglobosa Matsuoka – Yao, pl. 9, fig. 423. 2003 Tricolocapsa ? megaglobosa Matsuoka – Goričan et al., p. 297, pl. 4, fig. 12. 2004 Tricolocapsa (?) megaglobosa Matsuoka – Matsuoka, fig. 82. Original description: Shell of three segments with a dishlike basal appendage. Cephalis hemispherical, poreless. Thorax truncate-conical with circular, densely spaced pores. Abdomen large, inflated, barrel-shaped with circular, densely spaced pores larger than those in thorax. Collar stricture distinct externally. Lumber stricture slightly recognizable externally. Joint between abdomen and basal appendage marked by a row of pores slightly larger than those in abdomen. Basal appendage half to a third of abdomen in width, with circular to subcircular densely spaced pores smaller than those in remaining part of shell surface. segments, and the presence of an inflated segment. However, according to the generic diagnosis of Minocapsa, the last segment is large whereas in this species the last segment is very small and the third segment is the largest. Regardless, even if assignation to Minocapsa is questionable, the assignation of this species to Tricolocapsa Haeckel is completely wrong because this Cenozoic genus has three segments and a cephalic tube. It is possible that Minocapsa? megaglobosa has amphipyndacid affinities because the paratype illustrated in transmitted light by Matsuoka (1991, fig. 3.5) seems to show a two-segmented cephalis. The globular, imperforate cephalis of this species also suggests amphipyndacid affinities. Measurements (µm): Numbers of specimens measured are in parentheses. Total height of shell Maximum width of shell Width of basal appendage HT 153 105 55 Max. Min. Mean 160 120 145 88 101 117 61 47 55 (12) (12) (11) Original remarks: This species is questionably assigned to Tricolocapsa, because it possesses a dish-like basal appendage. This species is distinguished from Tricolocapsa (?) fusiformis Yao by having a large, inflated abdomen, densely spaced pores and a distinct collar stricture. Etymology: This specific name is derived from the Latin mega (=large) and globosus-a-um (=spherical). Further remarks: Tricolocapsa? megaglobosa is herein tentatively assigned to the genus Minocapsa Matsuoka because, in common with this genus, it has the following elements: the absence of an aperture, more than three Occurrence: Mino Terrane, Japan; Skrile Formation, Slovenia; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation and Musallah Formation, Oman. 244 Type locality: Sample MNA-10, Nanjo Massif, Mino Terrane, central Japan. Plate MCP02. Minocapsa globosa Matsuoka. Magnification x300. Fig. 1(H). Matsuoka 1991, Fig. 11-1a. Fig. 2. Matsuoka 1991, Fig. 11-2. Fig. 3. Matsuoka 1991, Fig. 11-3. Plate TPS02. Minocapsa? megaglobosa (Matsuoka). Magnification x400. Fig. 1(H). Matsuoka 1991, Fig. 3.1a. Fig. 2. OM, BR485-R21-15. Fig. 3. OM-00-251-021611. Fig. 4. OM-00-117-021213. 245 Genus: Napora Pessagno 1977a Type species: Napora bukryi Pessagno 1977a Synonymy: 1977a Napora n. gen – Pessagno, p. 94. 1977b Ultranapora n. gen. – Pessagno, p. 38. 1982a Jacus n. gen. – De Wever, p. 204. 1986 Napora Pessagno emend. – Pessagno et al., p. 34. 1986 Napora Pessagno emend. – Takemura, p. 43. 2003 Napora Pessagno – Dumitrica & Zügel, p. 57. Original description: Test dicyrtid with a large conical cephalis and a large subglobular thorax. Cephalis with massive horn bearing longitudinal ridges and grooves and often having subsidiary spines. Thorax with coarse, equal size, polygonal (usually hexagonal) pore frames and circular pores and with a large circular aperture (mouth) at base; three slightly curved feet with longitudinally developed ridges and grooves occurring at base of thorax. Original remarks: Napora n. gen., differs from Tripilidium in possessing a dicyrtid test with a well-developed apical horn. Further remarks: By Dumitrica & Zügel (2003): The study of the initial spicule of the species Napora modesta n. sp. in transmitted light showed that the cephalic initial skeleton consists of MB, V, A, two L, two l, D, and the arches VL, Ll, lD, Al. The arch AV is absent, but an arch AD seems to exist because one of the three blades of the apical horn has a dorsal direction. Genus Jacus De Wever, 1982 is herein considered a junior synonym of Napora. The differences between these two genera concern only the superficial structure of thorax, a character that can be considered of specific level. The absence of the cephalocone, considered by De Wever (1982) an additional distinctive character from Napora, has no value because in both genera it is nothing else than the short ventral spine. Moreover, both genera have the apical horn with a verticil of three spines or spinules as extensions of the three blades; exceptions are very rare. This is also a character that differentiates Napora and Jacus from Anaticapitula n. gen. Etymology: Napora is an anagram for C. F. Parona, one of the early students of Jurassic Radiolaria. Included species: NAP09 Napora blechschmidti Dumitrica n. sp. NAP08 Napora bona Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986 NAP02 Napora cerromesaensis Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986 NAP06 Napora conothorax Carter & Dumitrica n. sp. NAP01 Napora graybayensis Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986 3410 Napora nipponica Takemura 1986 NAP03 Napora reiferensis (Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh) 1986 NAP04 Napora relica Yeh 1987b JAC01 Napora sandspitensis (Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh) 1986 Napora blechschmidti Dumitrica n. sp. Species code: NAP09 Type designation: Holotype pl. NAP09, fig. 3, sample BR871-R03-08, all paratypes also from BR871, chert of Tawi Sadh Member reworked in the Guwayza Formation, Al Khashbah Mountains, Oman. Description: Test high pyramidal with a thick apical horn. Apical horn long, multi-bladed proximally, three-bladed distally, pointed, with a crown of three small thorns between the two portions. Blades of proximal part cover the cephalis that is practically invisible outside. Cephalis indistinct externally, screened by the blades of the apical horn. Thorax pyramidal with convex sides and 2-4 transversal ribs. One rib may be higher making a shoulder on the thorax. Pore frames mostly quadrangular, usually aranged in transverse rows between ribs. One row between each intercostal area. Rows of pores toward cephalis may be more or less disturbed. Feet straight to slightly curved, gently pointed, three-bladed, slightly divergent; external blades rather high along thorax where they make the edges of the pyramid. Remarks: Napora blechschmidti resembles N. bona Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh and N. hasta Yeh & Cheng but differs especially by having a many-bladed apical horn. 246 Measurements (µm): Based on 4 specimens. Total height of shell with horn and feet Height of apical horn and cephalis Height of thorax Breadth of thorax Length of feet Min. 230 100 43 100 73 Max. 260 140 60 115 97 Etymology: The species is named for Ingo Blechschmidt as a sign of friendship and to honour his contribution to the geology of the Hamrat Duru Basin, Oman. Type locality: Sample BR871, chert of Tawi Sadh Member reworked in the Guwayza Formation, Al Khashbah Mountains, Oman. Occurrence: Upper part of the Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman. Plate NAP09. Napora blechschmidti Dumitrica n. sp. Magnification x250. Fig. 1. OM, BR871-R08-11. Fig. 2. OM, BR871-R07-19. Fig. 3(H). OM; BR871-R06-10. Fig. 4. OM, BR871-R06-10. Fig. 5. OM, BR871-R08-14. 247 Napora bona Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986 Species code: NAP08 Synonymy: 1986 Napora bona n. sp. – Pessagno et al., p. 36, pl. 6, figs. 4, 5. 1986 Napora sp. A – Pessagno et al., p. 46, pl. 7, fig. 14. 1988 Napora sp. aff. N. cosmica Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh – Carter et al., p. 58, pl. 14, fig. 2. 1989 Napora triangularis Takemura – Hattori, pl. 20, fig. C. 1991 Napora bona Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh – Carter & Jakobs, p. 343, pl. 3, fig. 4. 2004 Napora bona Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh – Matsuoka, fig. 138. Original diagnosis: Cephalis large, hemispherical, with well developed large cephalocone and a medium-length horn. Horn triradiate in axial section with three medium-width longitudinal ridges alternating with three somewhat wider longitudinal grooves; ridges wider on proximal two thirds of horn, flaring outwards to give rise to three short spines. Thorax pyramidal with linear, circumferentially-arranged tetragonal pore frames; faces of distal one or two rows of pore frames sloping inwards. Feet incurved, triradiate in axial section with three sharply-bladed longitudinal ridges alternating with three wide longitudinal grooves; ridges high in relief. Original remarks: Napora bona appears closely related to Napora sp. A (Pl. 7, Fig. 14). It differs from the latter form by possessing larger, less numerous, and more irregularly shaped thoracic pore frames. Both forms display a row of inwardly-sloping pore frames at the base of the thorax. N. bona differs from N. cosmica, n. sp., by having a larger cephalis with a well-developed cephalocone; shorter, less curved feet; larger, less numerous, more irregular thoracic pore frames; a shorter, more massive horn; and an inturned row of pore frames at the base of the thorax. Measurements (µm): Number of specimens measured are in parentheses. Length of cephalis Length of thorax Width of thorax at top Width of thorax at base Length of horn Width of horn at base Length of foot (maximum) HT 20 37.5 37.5 70 32.5 20 62.5 Mean Max. Min. 22.5 (7) 25 (7) 12.5 (7) 32.8 (7) 37.5 (7) 25 (7) 36.4 (7) 37.5 (7) 30 (7) 77.1 (7) 95 (7) 62.5 (7) 45.6 (4) 50 (4) 32.5 (4) 21.4 (7) 25 (7) 17.5(7) 67.5 (4) 82.5 (4) 50 (4) Etymology: (Latin) bonus = good, useful. Type locality: Sample OR-580, Warm Springs member, Snowshoe Formation, near bridge over South Fork of John Day River, east-central Oregon. Occurrence: Warm Springs member of the Snowshoe Formation, Oregon; Phantom Creek Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Japan. Napora cerromesaensis Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986 Species code: NAP02 Synonymy: 1986 Napora cerromesaensis n. sp. – Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh, p. 38, pl. 4, figs. 2-4, 10, 15, 16. 2002 Napora cerromesaensis Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh – Whalen & Carter, p. 140, pl. 15, fig. 10. 2004 Napora sp. cf. N. cerromesaensis Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh – Ziabrev et al., Fig. 5-8. Original diagnosis: Cephalis relatively small, hemispherical, with massive apical horn; cephalis may be partially obscured by a thin layer of microgranular silica. Horn approximately same length as test, triradiate in axial section with narrow, rounded, longitudinal ridges alternating with broad, deep grooves; ridges extended into broad spines midway from base to terminus of horn; narrow ridges of apical horn may extend down over cephalis, although not as pronounced as on horn; horn tapers distally. Thorax subpyramidal in shape with large, irregularly shaped tetragonal and pentagonal pore frames arranged in poorly-defined transverse rows. Massive triradiate feet attached to base of thorax, curved slightly inward. Mouth subtriangular in outline, surrounded by imperforate rim. Original remarks: Napora cerromesaensis, n. sp., is distinguished from Napora (?) graybayensis, n. sp., by the more 248 regular arrangement of the pore frames and the thin layer of microgranular silica on the cephalis. In addition, N. cerromesaensis possesses a more massive horn and feet that are not as curved as those of N.(?) graybayensis, n. sp. Further remarks: This species differs from Napora bona Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh in that the feet are more massive and less outwardly directed. Measurements (µm): Numbers of specimens measured are in parentheses. Length of cephalis Length of thorax Width of thorax at top Width of thorax at base Length of horn Width of horn at base Length of foot (maximum) HT 20 80 40 90 70 20 80 Mean 16.8 (11) 70.5 (10) 38.1 (11) 99.5 (11) 86.3 (11) 22.7 (11) 95.9 (11) Max. 20 (11) 80 (10) 45 (11) 110 (11) 100 (11) 25 (11) 120 (11) Min. 15 (11) 60 (10) 30 (11) 90 (11) 70 (11) 20 (11) 70 (11) Etymology: The species is named for Cerro Mesa, located to the northeast of its type locality. Type locality: Sample BPW-30, San Hipólito Formation, Vizcaino Peninsula, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Plate NAP08. Napora bona Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh. Magnification x250. Fig. 1(H). Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986, pl. 6, fig. 4. Fig. 2. JP, MNA-10, MA12702. Fig. 3. Carter & Jakobs 1991, pl. 3, fig. 4. Plate NAP02. Napora cerromesaensis Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh. Magnification x250. Fig. 1(H). Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986, pl. 4, fig. 2. Fig. 2. Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986, pl. 4, fig. 3. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-304567, GSC 128838. Fig. 4. QCI, GSC loc. C-304566, GSC 128839. Fig. 5. QCI, GSC loc. C-304567, GSC 128840. Fig. 6. QCI, GSC loc. C304567, GSC 128841. Fig. 7. NBC, GSC loc. C-305813, GSC 111726. 249 Occurrence: San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur; Nicely Formation, Oregon; Rennell Junction member of the Fannin Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Fernie Formation, NE British Columbia; Bainang Terrane, Tibet. Napora conothorax Carter & Dumitrica n. sp. Species code: NAP06 Type designation: Holotype pl. NAP06, fig. 1; paratype 1, fig. 2, both from Fernie Formation, Williston Lake, British Columbia; paratype 2, fig. 3, Haliw Formation, Humadiyin, Oman. Description: Cephalis indistinct externally and imperforate, included at the upper part of thorax. Apical horn threebladed, relatively thin and short, bearing a verticil of three spinules and terminating in a short conical spine. Vertical spine not visible outside. Thorax and cephalis forming a wide, short cone with longitudinal ridges on the upper part, especially on cephalis, and 3-4 prominent transversal ridges. Ridges interconnected by vertical crests forming rectangular depressions. Pores in single transverse rows between ridges. Feet strongly triradiate and recurved, long, and pointed, with thin ridges and deep grooves. Outer ridge of each foot extends outward from the area of the raised ridge. Remarks: The apical horn and the feet of this species resemble those of Napora latissima Takemura with differing only in that the feet are less divergent and less curved. The paratype from Oman is rather similar to the holotype and paratype from British Columbia but has less pronounced transversal ribs and longitudinal ribs are more visible. Although partly broken, the only preserved foot of this specimen seems to show characters similar to the feet of the holotype and paratype. Measurements (µm): Based on 3 specimens. HT Paratype 1 Paratype 2 Length of apical horn 37 47 Height of cephalothorax 83 87 90 Diameter of thorax 100 103 100 Length of feet 157 - Etymology: From the conical shape of the thorax; noun. Type locality: GSC loc. C-305208, Fernie Formation, Williston Lake, northeastern British Columbia. Occurrence: Fernie Formation, Williston Lake, northeastern British Columbia; Haliw (Aqil) Formation, Oman. Napora graybayensis Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986 Species code: NAP01 Synonymy: 1986 Napora (?) graybayensis n. sp. – Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh, p. 39, pl. 2, figs. 1-3, 10, 11, 14; pl. 11, figs. 3, 4. 1998 Napora? graybayensis Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh – Whalen & Carter, p. 75, pl. 21, fig. 4. Original diagnosis: Cephalis relatively small, hemispherical, with massive horn; pore frames of cephalis commonly not covered by layer of microgranular silica. Horn triradiate in axial section throughout most of its length, with three narrow, rounded, longitudinal ridges alternating with three broad, shallow grooves; horn tapering sharply distally; length of horn one-half to equal to length of test; small spines commonly located on ridges approximately at midpoint of horn. Thorax subpyramidal in shape with medium- to very large-sized, irregularly-shaped, tetragonal to pentagonal pore frames; pore frames arranged in poorly-defined transverse rows with slight development of transverse ridges separating the rows. Feet of moderate length, curved inward, triradiate in cross-section, consisting of three very narrow, longitudinal ridges alternating with broad shallow grooves. Mouth triangular in outline, bounded by narrow, imperforate rim. Original remarks: This species of Napora is distinguished from others by the irregular shape and distribution of 250 the pore frames. It is questionably assigned to the genus Napora because of its peculiar, irregular pore frames, poor definition externally between the cephalis and thorax, and the lack of a microgranular layer proximally. Measurements (µm): Numbers of specimens measured are in parentheses. HT Length of cephalis 10 Length of thorax 50 30 Width of thorax at top 50 Width of thorax at base Length of horn 50 12.5 Width of horn at base Length of foot (maximum) 30 Mean 13.3 (9) 56.6 (9) 36.6 (9) 69.4 (9) 42.2 (7) 14.1 (9) 65 (8) Max. 20 (9) 75 (9) 45 (9) 80 (9) 60 (7) 20 (9) 80 (8) Min. 10 (9) 45 (9) 30 (9) 50 (9) 30 (7) 10 (9) 45 (8) Etymology: This species is named for Gray Bay, which is located north of its type locality. Type locality: Sample QC-675, Sandilands Formation (Kunga Formation of Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh, 1986) Kunga Island - north side, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, Canada. Occurrence: Sandilands and Ghost Creek formations, Queen Charlotte Islands. Plate NAP06. Napora conothorax Carter & Dumitrica n. sp. Magnification x300. Fig. 1. NBC, GSC loc. C-305208, GSC 128843. Fig. 2. NBC, GSC loc. C-305208, GSC 128844. Fig. 3. OM, Haliw-038-R08-10. Plate NAP01. Napora graybayensis Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh. Magnification x400. Fig. 1(H). Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986, pl. 2, fig. 1. Fig. 2. Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986, pl. 2, fig. 2. Fig. 3. Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986, pl. 2, fig. 3. Fig. 4. QCI, GSC loc. C-175311, GSC 128842. 251 Napora nipponica Takemura 1986 Species code: 3410 Synonymy: 1986 Napora nipponica n. sp. – Takemura, p. 44, pl. 2, figs. 16-21. 1989 Napora nipponica Takemura – Hattori & Sakamoto, pl. 2, fig. M, not fig. L. 1991 Napora nipponica Takemura – Carter & Jakobs, p. 343, pl. 3, fig. 1. 1993 Napora nipponica Takemura – Pessagno et al., p. 158, pl. 8, fig. 10. 1995a Napora nipponica Takemura – Baumgartner et al., p. 330, pl. 3410, figs. 1-2. 1997 Napora nipponica Takemura – Yao, pl. 8, fig. 372. cal horn and feet, and a transverse arrangement of thoracic pores. N. nipponica is also distinguishable from other species of Napora by its shape of apical horn and three feet. Further remarks: Differs from Napora bona Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh by having smaller, more numerous pores on thorax and the feet are more incurved. Measurements (µm): Based on 15 specimens. Length of the shell including horn and feet Height of cephalo-thorax Maximum width of shell including feet Width of thorax Min. 200 60 115 75 Max. 270 85 160 110 Original description: Cephalis small and subspherical with straight and triradiate apical horn, and with or without cephalocone. Ridges of apical horn may or may not originate at the base of the cephalis. A node located at the position of about half way along each ridge. Thorax subspherical or hemispherical to trigonally pyramidal, with usually transversely arranged circular pores. Three feet triradiate and curved convexly. Aperture subtriangular to circular with remarkable circular or subtriangular apertural ring around it. Etymology: The trivial name is derived from Nippon, Japan in Japanese. Original remarks: Although Napora nipponica n. sp. resembles in its shape to N. bukryi Pessagno, N. nipponica differs from N. bukryi in possessing a considerably long api- Occurrence: Mino Terrane, Japan; Phantom Creek Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Josephine Ophiolite, California. Type locality: Maganese carbonate ore deposit, sample TKN-105. Gujo-Hachiman area, Mino Terrane, central Japan. Napora reiferensis (Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh) 1986 Species code: NAP03 Synonymy: Original remarks: Jacus reiferensis, n. sp., is distinguished from Jacus coronatus De Wever, 1982, by the nature of the meshwork on the thorax and velum(?) as well as the structure of the horn. Original diagnosis: Cephalis medium-sized, hemispherical, commonly covered with a thin layer of microgranular silica; small spine may extend from base of cephalis. Apical horn massive, more than one-half length of test, distally trifurcating. Proximal two-thirds of horn triradiate in axial section with narrow, rounded ridges and broad grooves; distal portion of horn separated into three tapering lobes; lobes elliptical in cross-section, approximately at right angles to long axis of test and in some specimens curving slightly downward; lobes of horn ranging from onehalf to equal the length of the triradiate portion of horn. Thorax subpyramidal in outline with small- to mediumsized, slightly nodose, irregularly shaped, elliptical and tetragonal pore frames; pore frames arranged in poorlydefined transverse rows separated by transverse ridges. Massive triradiate feet, attached to base of thorax, curved slightly inward. Subsidiary meshwork (velum?), with very irregularly-shaped and –spaced pore frames and imperforate rim, some attached to base of thorax. Mouth subtriangular in outline. Measurements (µm): Numbers of specimens measured are in parentheses. 1986 Jacus reiferensis n. sp. – Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh, p. 32, pl. 4, figs. 7-8, 11; pl. 5, figs. 6, 14. 2002 Napora reiferensis (Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh) – Whalen & Carter, p. 140, pl. 15, figs. 7, 11. 252 HT Mean Max. Length of cephalis 20 20.9 (11) 25 (11) Length of thorax 50 63.1 (11) 80 (11) Width of thorax at top 45 43.1 (11) 50 (11) Width of thorax at base 110 100 (11) 120 (11) Length of horn 65 63.6 (11) 85 (11) Width of horn at base 25 20.4 (11) 25 (11) Length of foot (maximum) 100 93.5 (10) 120 (10) Min. 15 (11) 50 (11) 40 (11) 90 (11) 55 (11) 15 (11) 70 (10) Etymology: This species is named for Pico Reifer, which is located east of its type area. Type locality: Sample BPW-30, San Hipólito Formation, Vizcaino Peninsula, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Occurrence: San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur. Plate 3410. Napora nipponica Takemura. Magnification Fig. 1(H) x300, Fig. 2. x200. Fig. 1(H). Takemura 1986, pl. 2, fig. 20. Fig. 2. Carter & Jakobs 1991, pl. 3, fig. 1. Plate NAP03. Napora reiferensis (Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh). Magnification x 250. Fig. 1(H). Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986, pl. 4, fig. 7. Fig. 2. Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986, pl. 5, fig. 6. 253 Napora relica Yeh 1987b Species code: NAP04 Synonymy: 1986 Jacus (?) species B – Pessagno et al., p. 34, Pl. 5, Fig. 9. 1987b Napora relica n. sp. – Yeh, p. 85, Pl. 10, Figs. 4, 17. 1987b Napora sp. aff N. relica Yeh – Yeh, p. 85, Pl. 24, Figs. 8, 21, 23. 1989 Napora sp. A – Hattori, pl. 5, fig. L. 1989 Napora sp. B – Hattori, pl. 5, fig. M. 2002 Napora sp. B of Hattori – Hori & Wakita, pl. 3, fig. 5. 2003 Napora relica Yeh – Goričan et al., p. 296, pl. 4, fig. 4. 2004 Napora relica Yeh – Matsuoka, fig. 139. Original description: Cephalis relatively large, hemispherical, imperforate, covered with layer of microgranular silica. Horn moderately long, triradiate with three narrow ridges alternating with three narrow grooves; each ridge terminating in long pointed spine. Axial part of horn also terminating in short spine and surrounded by long curved spines extending out from ridges. Thorax subhemispherical in outline, with mixture of tetragonal, pentagonal, and hexagonal pore frames arranged in five to six transverse rows; larger pore frames on middle portion of thorax. Aperture large, subcircular in outline. Feet long, tapering distally, triradiate with three narrow ridges alternating with three grooves, grooves wider proximally and narrow distally. Further remarks: This species is easily recognized by its distinctive horn with three, long, curved pointed spines. Measurements (µm): Ten specimens measured. Length of cephalis Length of thorax Width of thorax at top Width of thorax at base Length of horn Length of foot (maximum) HT 25 63 30 94 63 113 Mean 25 61 30 95 62 115 Max. 27 63 32 97 65 118 Min. 23 59 29 93 61 110 Etymology: Relicus-a-um (Latin, adj.) = outstanding. Type locality: Sample OR-600M, Hyde Formation at IzeePaulina road, east-central Oregon. Occurrence: Nicely and Hyde formations, and Warm Springs member of the Snowshoe Formation, Oregon; Skrile Formation, Slovenia; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman; Japan. Napora sandspitensis (Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh) 1986 Species code: JAC01 Synonymy: 1986 Jacus (?) sandspitensis n. sp. – Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh, p. 33, pl. 2, figs. 5, 9, 13, 16, 17; pl. 11, fig. 13. 1998 Jacus(?) sandspitensis Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh – Whalen & Carter, p. 75. Original diagnosis: Cephalis small, hemispherical, with small cephalocone and relatively short horn. Proximal two-thirds of horn triradiate in axial section with three narrow grooves alternating with three rounded ridges of approximately the same width. Grooves often deeplyincised proximally, becoming shallower distally; ridges each bearing short spines before their termination. Distal onethird of horn circular in axial section; lacking ridges and grooves. Thorax with very coarse, nodose polygonal pore frames; distal portion of thorax with mixture of tetragonal and pentagonal pore frames arranged in rows between angled ridges. Feet long, triradiate in axial section with three narrow ridges that alternate with three wide grooves; short spines occur along ridges on proximal half of each foot, suggesting velum attachement. Mouth subcircular in outline, surrounded by an imperforate rim. Original remarks: This species is questionably assigned to Jacus because it possesses a true cephalocone. It is conceivable that the spine extending from the »hole« (cephalopyle?) of De Wever’s (1982) specimens of Jacus merely represents a remnant of a fragile cephalocone not preserved in his 254 badly-etched material. The presence of a velum in J. (?) sandspitensis is probably indicated by the short spines that occur on the proximal half of the feet. It should be noted that some specimens of Napora, such as N. praespinifera (Pessagno, 1977b) and N. spinifera (Pessagno, 1977b) display velum-like structure below the thorax and between the proximal halves of the feet; however, we have never observed the basal closure of this velum-like structure. Jacus (?) sandspitensis differs from J. coronatus De Wever, 1982, by possessing a structurally simpler horn lacking a crownlike mass at its tip, and by having considerably longer, slender feet. Both species possess ridges at the base of the thorax, which separate rows of pore frames. Measurements (µm): Numbers of specimens measured are in parentheses. HT Mean Length of cephalis 25 23.8 (9) Length of thorax 100 76.1 (9) 50 48.0 (9) Width of thorax at top 112.5 105.5 (9) Width of thorax at base Length of horn 55 81.7 (7) 47.5 35.8 (9) Width of horn at base Length of foot (maximum) 170 147.5 (5) Max. 25 (9) 100 (9) 62.5 (9) 125 (9) 92.5 (7) 47.5 (9) 175 (5) Min. 15 (9) 55 (9) 40 (9) 95 (9) 50 (7) 25 (9) 95 (5) Etymology: This species is named for the town of Sandspit in the Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Plate NAP04. Napora relica Yeh. Magnification x250x. Fig. 1(H). Yeh 1987b, pl. 10, fig. 4. Fig. 2. JP, IYII-20. Fig. 3. Goričan et al. 2003, pl. 4, fig. 4. Fig. 4. OM, BR1121-R09-06. Fig. 5. OM, BR524-R05-24. Fig. 6. OM, BR525-R08-01. Plate JAC01. Napora sandspitensis (Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh). Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986, pl. 2, fig. 9. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-080613, GSC 128845. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-140495, GSC 128846. Fig. 4. QCI, GSC loc. C-175311, GSC 111727. 255 Type locality: Sample QC-534, Rennell Junction member of the Fannin Formation (Maude Formation in Pessagno et al., 1986), Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Sandilands and Ghost Creek formations, and Rennell Junction member of the Fannin Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman. Genus: Naropa Dumitrica n. gen. Type species: Naropa vi Hori, Whalen & Dumitrica n. sp. Description: Test conical, dicyrtid or eventually tricyrtid, with non-bladed apical and ventral horns and three triradiate feet having two blades on the external side and one on the internal side. Thorax latticed, wide open. Initial spicule unknown but supposed to be similar to that of Napora. Remarks: Superficially this new genus resembles Napora and other ultranaporids but differs in having both apical and ventral horns non-bladed and the feet with one blade directed towards the axis of shell and two directed laterally. Unlike this new genus, the apical horn of Napora is always three-bladed and commonly has a crown of spinules, the ventral horn is short and bladed, and one blade is always centrifugally directed and represents the prolongation of the dorsal and primary lateral spines of the initial spicule. Etymology: The name is an anagram of Napora, which, in turn, is an anagram of Parona, one of the pioneers of the study of fossil radiolarians. Feminine gender. Included species: UTD01 Naropa vi Hori, Whalen & Dumitrica n. sp. Naropa vi Hori, Whalen & Dumitrica n. sp. Species code: UTD01 Synonymy: 1990 Dumitricaella (?) sp. A – Hori, p. 581, fig. 8.24. 2002 Ultranaporid gen. et sp. indet. – Whalen & Carter, p. 140, pl. 16, fig. 14. Type designation: Holotype specimen pl. UTD01, fig. 1 from sample BPW80-14 Baja California Sur. Description: Test conical, dicyrtid. Cephalis small, with polygonal pore frames. Apical and ventral horns long, cylindrical and fused at the base; horns disposed in a V shape. Thorax conical with hexagonal pore frames arranged in staggered horizontal rows and, in some specimens, with a circumferential ridge at middle part. Distal opening of thorax triangular, surrounded by a wide imperforate rim. Feet straight, divergent, triradiate, pointed distally. Two outer blades of each foot interconnected with the corresponding blade of neighbouring feet at the base of the preforate part of the thorax. Remarks: This species is rare but morphologically distinctive. It differs from typical Napora in having both apical 256 and ventral horns circular in cross-section. Moreover, the tribladed feet display two outer blades with a wide groove in between. Measurements (µm): Number of specimens measured in parentheses. Length of cephalis Length of thorax Maximum width of thorax Length of apical horn Length of ventral horn Maximum length of feet HT 21 90 80 64 49 98 Mean 25.3 (23) 79.8 (23) 90.8 (23) 70.7 (22) 35.9 (13) 90.8 (23) Max. 33 (23) 100 (23) 107 (23) 90 (22) 53 (13) 107 (23) Min. 20 (23) 57 (23) 77 (23) 60 (22) 18 (13) 77 (23) Etymology: From the two cephalic horns that outline the V letter; noun. Type locality: Sample BPW80-14 Baja California Sur. Occurrence: San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur; Inuyama, Mino terrane and Kaiji, Kuma, Chichibu terrane, SW Japan. Plate UTD01. Naropa vi Hori, Whalen & Dumitrica n. sp. Magnification x250. Fig. 1(H). Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 16, fig. 14. Fig. 2. Hori 1990, fig. 8.24. Fig. 3. JP, Ku(b)-5-16, RH(1)1026. Fig. 4. JP, UC2-22-1, RH(1)75. Fig. 5. JP, KG9-52, RH(1)2803. 257 Genus: Noritus Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Type species: Noritus lillihornensis Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Synonymy: 1982 Noritus n. gen. – Pessagno & Whalen, p. 123. Original description: Test conical to subconical. Cephalis with well-developed horn. Pore frames polygonal, regular to irregular, aligned to nonaligned; thickened by the insertion of longitudinal and lateral ridges between pore frames; ridges not inserted between all pore frames. Wellpreserved specimens with tubular extension on final postabdominal chamber; pore frames of tubular extension thinner than those on previous chambers and with rudimentary development of ridges. Original remarks: Noritus, n. gen., differs from Droltus n. gen., by possessing a test wall on its post-abdominal chambers with a partially developed outer layer. Whereas the pore frames of Droltus are thickened along bars in all directions, those of Noritus are not; many pore frames, in fact, may display no thickening at all (cf. pl. 4, figs. 1, 6, 10 and pl. 5, figs. 3, 4, 10, 15, 19). Because of this difference in the mode of test construction, Noritus is tentatively placed in the Bagotidae. Etymology: Noritus is a name formed by an arbitrary combination of letters (ICZN, 1964, Appendix D, Pt. VI, Recommendation 40, p. 113). Included species: NTS01 Noritus lillihornensis Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Noritus lillihornensis Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Species code: NTS01 Synonymy: 1982 Noritus lillihornensis n. sp. – Pessagno & Whalen, p. 123, pl. 5, figs. 3, 4, 10, 15, 19; pl. 12, fig. 1. 1992 Noritus lillihornensis n. sp. Pessagno & Whalen – Pessagno & Mizutani, pl. 99, figs. 1, 2, 9. 2004 Noritus sp. – Matsuoka, fig. 229. with a longer, more massive horn. It differs from all species of Droltus by the characters cited under the genus. Measurements (µm): Based on 10 specimens. Length excluding horn 287.5 287.5 175.0 212.7 Width (max.) 100.0 110.0 62.5 91.7 HT Max. Min. Mean Original description: Test elongate with long massive horn on hemispherical cephalis and with five post-abdominal chambers. Cephalis and thorax with small polygonal pore frames; thorax and subsequent chambers trapezoidal in cross section. Post-abdominal chambers increasing gradually in length and somewhat more rapidly in width as added; final post-abdominal chamber with long, tubular extension which may be 1/3 length of remainder of test. Pore frames tetragonal to pentagonal (predominantly tetragonal). Ridges not developed on all pore frames. Etymology: This species is named for Lillihorn Island in Skidegate Channel. Original remarks: Noritus lillihornensis, n. sp., differs from N. sp. A by having a much slenderer, more elongate test Occurrence: Ghost Creek and Fannin formations, Queen Charlotte Islands; Japan. 258 Type locality: Sample QC 534, Fannin Formation (Maude Formation in Pessagno & Whalen, 1982), Queen Charlotte Islands, Maude Island, Skidegate Inlet, British Columbia. Plate NTS01. Noritus lillihornensis Pessagno & Whalen. Magnification x250. Fig. 1(H). Pessagno & Whalen 1982, pl. 5, fig. 3. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-080612, GSC 128847. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-080612, GSC 111728. 259 Genus: Orbiculiformella Kozur & Mostler 1978 Type species: Orbiculiforma railensis Pessagno 1977b Synonymy: 1978 Orbiculiformella n. gen. – Kozur & Mostler, p. 162. Original description: Circular spongy skeleton. Marginal part clearly inflated, with large pores. Depressed inner part rather thick, with very small pores. Six to twelve main spines extending from test. Original remarks: According to usual practice in all other radiolarian families, subquadratic forms with four main spines and circular forms with 6-12 main spines will be herein considered as two separate genera. The genus Orbiculiforma Pessagno 1973 will be restricted to subquadratic forms with four main spines, the circular forms with 6-12 main spines will be assigned to the new genus Orbiculiformella. Further remarks: The genus should be emended to comprise species with more than six spines, without limiting the higher number. The genus is probably polyphyletic but because of the imperfect preservation of the microsphere and of the absence of studies of the microsphere of all species, we include here all species having the external morphologic diagnostic characters described by the authors of the genus. Etymology: Arbitrary word formation. This paper: the name is a diminutive of Orbiculiforma. Included species and subspecies: ORB05 Orbiculiformella callosa (Yeh) 1987b ORB06 Orbiculiformella incognita (Blome) 1984b ORB03 Orbiculiformella lomgonensis (Whalen & Carter) 1998 ORB11 Orbiculiformella mediocircus Dumitrica n. sp. ORB02 Orbiculiformella? robusta (Whalen & Carter) 1998 ORB08 Orbiculiformella teres (Hull) 1997 ORB13 Orbiculiformella? trispina s.l. (Yeh) 1987b ORB09 Orbiculiformella? trispina trispina (Yeh) 1987b ORB10 Orbiculiformella? trispina trispinula (Carter) 1988 Orbiculiformella callosa (Yeh) 1987b Species code: ORB05 Synonymy: 1987b Orbiculiforma callosa n. sp. – Yeh, p. 41, pl. 2, fig. 25; pl. 5, fig. 19; pl. 11, fig. 11, pl. 22, figs. 10, 12. 1988 Orbiculiforma kwunaensis Carter n. sp. – Carter et al., p. 44, pl. 1, figs. 8, 11. 1996 Orbiculiforma sp. A – Pujana, p. 135, pl. 1, fig. 12. 1998 Orbiculiforma callosa Yeh – Cordey, p. 93, pl. 21, figs. 2, 4, 10. 2002 Orbiculiformella kwunaensis Carter – Whalen & Carter, p. 109, pl. 1, fig. 3. 2003 Orbiculiforma ? callosa Yeh – Goričan et al., p. 295, pl. 3, figs. 1-4. 2004 Orbiculiformella sp. – Matsuoka, fig. 53. Original description: Test thick, circular in outline, with large, deep central cavity. Test consisting of concentric layers of small irregular polygonal pore frames with circular to elliptical pores. Pore frames slightly larger on rims, smaller in central cavity and median band of margin. Margin slightly concaved with several small peripheral spines. Peripheral spines usually thin, short, circular in cross-section. Diameter of central cavity about half the diameter of test. Original remarks: Orbiculiforma callosa, n. sp., differs from O. (?) trispina, n. sp., by having a test with larger central cavity and by having several small peripheral spines rather than three massive, elongate spines. Further remarks: Orbiculiformella kwunaensis Carter is synonymized with O. callosa Yeh because the larger pore frames in central area are now judged to be species variability. 260 Note that some Pliensbachian specimens (pl. ORB05, fig. 8) can be more than twice as large as the holotype. Measurements (µm): Ten specimens measured. HT Mean Max. Min. Diameter of shell 160 170 187 158 Diameter of central cavity 80 82 87 75 Length of spines 38 45 30 Etymology: Callosus-a-um (Latin, adj.) = hard. Type locality: Sample OR-600A, Hyde Formation along Izee-Paulina road, east-central Oregon. Occurrence: Nicely and Hyde formations, and Warm Springs member of the Snowshoe Formation, Oregon; Fannin Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Bridge River Complex, British Columbia; San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur; Sierra Chacaicó Formation, Argentina; Skrile Formation, Slovenia; Dürrnberg Formation, Austria; Gümüslü Allochthon; Turkey; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman; Mino Terrane, Japan. Plate ORB05. Orbiculiformella callosa (Yeh). Magnification Figs. 1-5 x200 (scale bar A), Figs. 6-11 x 150 (scale bar B). Fig. 1a(H). Yeh 1987b, pl. 22, fig. 12. Fig. 1b(H). Yeh 1987b, pl. 22, fig. 10. Fig. 2. OM, BR871-R02-14. Fig. 3. Goričan et al. 2003, pl. 3, fig. 1. Fig. 4. OM, BR871-R02-13. Figs. 5a, b. OM, BR1122-R04-13a, b. Fig. 6. Carter et al. 1988, pl. 1, fig. 11. Fig. 7. AT, BMW21-21. Fig. 8. TR, 1662D-R06-16. Fig. 9a. BCS, Loc. SH-412-14. Fig. 9b. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 1, fig. 3. Figs. 10a, b. OM, BR706-R06-22a, b. Fig. 11. OM, BR1121-R07-19. 261 Orbiculiformella incognita (Blome) 1984b Species code: ORB06 Synonymy: 1984b Orbiculiforma (?) incognita n. sp. – Blome, p. 353, pl. 5, figs. 1, 2, 8, 9, 12, 13. 1988 Spongotrochus (Stylospongidium) sp. aff. S. (S.) echinodiscus Clark and Campbell – Carter et al., p. 46, pl. 10, figs. 7, 10. 2003 Orbiculiforma ? incognita Blome – Goričan et al., p. 296, pl. 3, figs. 5-7. Original description: Test thin, circular in outline. Meshwork consisting of irregular, polygonal (tetragonal to hexagonal) pore frames, becoming slightly smaller toward central area; pores circular to elliptical in outline. Central cavity extremely shallow, narrow; width approximately one-third that of test diameter. Sides of test gently rounded. Periphery of test possessing numerous, slender, rodlike peripheral spines; spines circular in axial section. Original remarks: Orbiculiforma (?) incognita, n. sp. differs from O. monticelloensis Pessagno 1973 as well as other species of Orbiculiforma described in this report by having an extremely shallow central area and by having longer, rodlike peripheral spines. This form differs from other taxa belonging to the genus Orbiculiforma by not possessing a well-developed central cavity and is therefore questionably assigned to this genus. Further remarks: We include also forms with upper and lower planar surfaces of the shell and uniformly sized pores. Our specimens have a rather well-pronounced groove running along the test margin, whereas in the type material the test margins are gently rounded. Measurements (µm): Based on 6 specimens. Test diam. (max.) 179 181 162 172 Spine length 26-36 65 22 36 HT Max. Min. Av. Etymology: Incognitus-a-um (Latin, adj., f.) = unexamined, unknown, unrecognized. Type locality: Sample 80AJM 8A, Shelikof Formation, Puale Bay, southern Alaska. Occurrence: Shelikof Formation, southern Alaska; Phantom Creek and Graham Island formations, Queen Charlotte Island, British Columbia; Skrile Formation, Slovenia. Orbiculiformella lomgonensis (Whalen & Carter) 1998 Species code: ORB03 Synonymy: 1998 Praeorbiculiformella? lomgonensis n. sp. – Whalen & Carter, p. 58, pl. 9, fig. 8. Original description: Test large, circular in outline with a straight-sided pariphery; test relatively thick in proportion to diameter. Seven relatively broad grooves radiating from centre of test to margin. Meshwork composed primarily of small, irregularly shaped polygonal pore frames; meshwork generally uniform in size over surface of test. Original remarks: Although the overall characteristics of Praeorbiculliformella? lomgonensis n. sp. suggest inclusion with Praeorbiculliformella Kozur and Mostler, the unusual radiating grooves have not been observed on any other species of this genus. 262 Measurements (µm): Based on 17 specimens. Maximum diameter of cortical shell 340 395 281 347 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: This species is named for Lomgon Bay located on the north side of Tasu Sound. Type locality: Sample 86-CAA-T-2/3, Sandilands Formation, Graham Island, Yakoun River area, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Sandilands and Ghost Creek formations, Queen Charlotte Islands. Plate ORB06. Orbiculiformella incognita (Blome). Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Blome 1984b, pl. 5, fig. 1. Fig. 2. Carter et al. 1988, pl. 10. fig. 10. Fig. 3. Carter et al. 1988, pl. 10, fig. 7. Fig. 4. Goričan et al. 2003, pl. 3, fig. 7. Fig. 5. SI, MM 21.70-000333. Figs. 6a, b. Goričan et al. 2003, pl. 3, figs. 5a, b. Plate ORB03. Orbiculiformella lomgonensis (Whalen & Carter). Magnification x150. Fig. 1(H). Carter et al. 1998, pl. 9, fig. 8. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-305386, GSC 128848. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-080612, GSC 128849. 263 Orbiculiformella mediocircus Dumitrica n. sp. Species code: ORB11 Type designation: Holotype specimen 1662D-R09-05 from sample 1662D, Gümüslü Allochthon, Taurus Mts., Turkey. a thick circular ring between the central depression and sloping periphery. Diagnosis: Test spongy, circular with a large central depression, a rounded sloping periphery and a thick spongy circular ridge between the two. Measurements (µm): Based on 4 specimens. Diameter of central cavity External diameter of thick ring Diameter of entire skeleton HT 360 490 605 Min. 220 345 420 Max. 360 490 605 Description: Test spongy, circular with a wide central depression bordered by a thick, high, spongy circular ring which is hemispherical in transverse section. Periphery of disc beyond the ring sloping resulting in a round-angled circular band without solid spines but having fine spinules. Meshwork of test with rounded polygonal meshes which are larger on the thick ring decreasing in size on the periphery. Type locality: Sample 1662D, Gümüslü Allochthon, Taurus Mts., Turkey. Remarks: This species is well distinguished from other species of the genus by its larger size and the presence of Occurrence: Gümüslü Allochthon, Taurus Mts., Turkey; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman. Etymology: From the Latin medius – in the middle and circus – circle; noun. Orbiculiformella? robusta (Whalen & Carter) 1998 Species code: ORB02 Synonymy: 1998 Praeorbiculiformella robusta n. sp. – Whalen & Carter, p. 58, pl. 9, figs. 2, 3, 4, 19. Original description: Test large, nearly circular in outline with straight-sided periphery, very thin in proportion relative to diameter. Very broad, shallow depression in centre of test usually destroyed. Three strong, principal spines intersect in centre of test; point of intersection surrounded by dense spongy meshwork with small pores; principal spines usually triradiate in axial section and extend from periphery of feet. Subsidiary spine located between each principal peripheral spine; subsidiary spines extend from margins of test only, not penetrating to centre of test. Meshwork primarily composed of small, irregularly shaped pentagonal and tetragonal pore frames; meshwork generally uniform in size over entire test. Original remarks: The large test and strong spines distinguish Praeorbiculiformella robusta n. sp. from P. yanensis n. sp. 264 Measurements (µm): Based on 13 specimens. Diameter of cortical shell 325 354 225 295 Width of central area 195 228 195 181 Length of longest spine 118 125 52 92 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: Robustus, a, um (Latin; adj.) = hard and strong like oak. Type locality: Sample 89-CNA-KUG-1A, Sandilands Formation, north Kunga Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Sandilands Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands. Plate ORB11. Orbiculiformella mediocircus Dumitrica n. sp. Magnification x150. Figs. 1(H)a-c. TR, 1662D-R09-05a-c. Fig. 2. OM, BR476-R18-01. Plate ORB02. Orbiculiformella? robusta (Whalen & Carter). Magnification x150. Fig. 1(H). Carter et al. 1998, pl. 9, fig. 2. 265 Orbiculiformella teres (Hull) 1997 Species code: ORB08 1997 Orbiculiforma teres n. sp. – Hull, p. 16, pl. 1, figs. 10, 11, 15, 19. 1999 Orbiculiforma (?) teres Hull – Kiessling, p. 41, pl. 8, fig. 6. 2003 Orbiculiforma? teres Hull – Goričan et al., p. 296, pl. 3, figs. 8-13. differs from Orbiculiforma multifora Pessagno and Poisson (1981) by having a very indistinct or no central depression. De Wever (1981b, p. 46, plate 7, figs. 6-8) illustrated a closely related spongodiscid which, in addition to peripheral spines, possesses two polar spines. Original description: Test large, relatively thin, subcircular in outline. Central cavity very shallow. Twelve to eighteen short spines along periphery; base of spines usually weakly triradiate, becoming circular in axial section distally. Meshwork fine, composed of tetragonal and pentagonal pore frames. Measurements (µm): Based on 7 specimens. AA’ and BB’ represent the diameter of the spongy test in two planes oriented perpendicular to one another. Synonymy: Original remarks: Orbiculiforma teres, n. sp., is distinguished by its large size, very shallow central cavity, and numerous short peripheral spines. Further remarks: By Goričan et al. (2003): Included are lenticular forms with angled sides of test and numerous peripheral spines. Spines can vary from short and thin to rather thick, sometimes bladed or flattened at the base. Some specimens have a small shallow central depression (Plate III, fig. 11 a, b) whereas others show a perfectly biconvex shell (Plate III, figs. 9, 13). Orbiculiforma? teres 266 AA’ BB’ HT 225.0 75.0 Min. 215.0 50.0 Max. 252.0 80.0 Mean 235.4 68.2 Etymology: Teres (Latin, adj.) = smooth, polished. Type locality: Sample SM-50, Volcanopelagic strata overlying the Coast Range Ophiolite, Stanley Mountain, California Coast ranges. Occurrence: Volcanopelagic strata at Stanley Mountain, California; Ameghino Formation, Antarctic Peninsula; Skrile Formation, Slovenia. Plate ORB08. Orbiculiformella teres (Hull). Magnification x250. Fig. 1(H). Hull 1997, pl. 1, fig. 10. Figs. 2a, b. Goričan et al. 2003, pl. 3, figs. 12a, b. Fig. 3. Goričan et al. 2003, pl. 3, fig. 9. Figs. 4a, b. Goričan et al. 2003, pl. 3, figs. 8a, b. Fig. 5. Goričan et al. 2003, pl. 3, fig. 13. Fig. 6. Goričan et al. 2003, pl. 3, fig. 10. Fig. 7. Goričan et al. 2003, pl. 3, fig. 11b. Fig. 8. SI, MM 21.70, 010224. Figs. 9a, b. SI, MM 11.76, 000226, 000227. 267 Orbiculiformella? trispina s.l. (Yeh) 1987b Species code: ORB13 Synonymy: 1987b Orbiculiforma (?) trispina n. sp. – Yeh, p. 42, pl. 9, figs. 2, 10 (O. (?) trispinosa in plate caption). See also subspecies. Included subspecies: ORB09 Orbiculiformella? trispina trispina (Yeh) 1987b ORB10 Orbiculiformella? trispina trispinula (Carter) 1988 Orbiculiformella? trispina trispina (Yeh) 1987b Species code: ORB09 Synonymy: 1987b Orbiculiforma (?) trispina n. sp. – Yeh, p. 42, pl. 9, figs. 2, 10 (O. (?) trispinosa in plate caption). 1998 Orbiculiforma silicatilis n. sp. – Cordey, p. 93, pl. 21, figs. 5, ? 8, not fig. 7. Original description: Test thick, circular in outline, with small, deep central cavity and three periphery spines. Periphery spines elongate, relatively massive, circular in cross-section with most portion circular in cross-section with only proximal end triradiate with three deep grooves alternating with three rounded ridges. Three spines nearly equally spaced. Meshwork of test predominantly of relatively uniform size of small irregular pore frames. Margin of test slightly concaved. Original remarks: Orbiculiforma (?) trispina, n. sp., can be easily distinguished from other Orbiculiforma spp. in this report by having three long massive periphery spines. It is possible that this form should be assigned to a new genus. Measurements (µm): Ten specimens measured. Diameter of shell 158 170 187 158 Diameter of central cavity 53 82 88 75 Etymology: Tri = three, spina = spine. Length of spines 168 38 45 30 HT Mean Max. Min. Type locality: Sample OR-600A, Hyde Formation along Izee-Paulina road, east-central Oregon. Occurrence: Nicely and Hyde formations, Oregon; Fannin Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Bridge River and Hozameen complexes, British Columbia. Orbiculiformella? trispina trispinula (Carter) 1988 Species code: ORB10 Synonymy: 1988 Orbiculiforma trispinula Carter n. sp. – Carter et al., p. 44, pl. 1, figs. 7, 10. Original diagnosis: Test discoidal with large central depression and three short radial spines. Meshwork spongy and coarse, pore frames larger in central area. Original description: Test a circular disc with large central cavity and three radial spines. Surface of test planiform, sides vertical. Central cavity large (approximately half test diameter) and deeply depressed. Pore frames polygonal and concentrically arranged; very small and delicate in the middle of the central area, but immediately surrounding ones are somewhat larger; composed of thin fragile bars. Pore frames on rim-like upper surfaces small, bars are coarser and small nodes occur at vertices of bars. Spines short and circular in section. Original remarks: This form differs from Orbiculiforma(?) trispina Yeh by having a larger overall diameter and thick268 ness, a wider central cavity (and narrower rim) and much smaller radial spines. Further remarks: Orbiculiformella? trispina trispinula is now considered a subspecies of Orbiculiformella? trispina (Yeh). Measurements (µm): Based on 7 specimens. HT Av. Max. Min. Maximum diameter of test 206 218 230 200 Maximum diameter of central cavity 134 130 155 110 Length of spines 46 43 46 40 Etymology: Latin, trispinula (adj.), three small spines. Type locality: GCS locality C-080577, Fannin Formation, Creek locality, Maude Island. Occurrence: Ghost Creek and Fannin formations, Queen Charlotte Islands; Fernie Formation, NE British Columbia. Plate ORB09. Orbiculiformella? trispina trispina (Yeh). Magnification x 200. Fig. 1(H). Yeh 1987b, pl. 9, fig. 2. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-304566, GSC 128851. Plate ORB10. Orbiculiformella? trispina trispinula (Carter). Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Carter et al. 1988, pl. 1, fig. 7. Fig. 2. NBC, GSC loc. C-305208, GSC 128852. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-080612, GSC 128853. Fig. 4. QCI, GSC loc. C-080612, GSC 128854 . 269 Genus: Palaeosaturnalis Donofrio & Mostler 1978, emend. Kozur & Mostler 1981 Type species: Spongosaturnalis triassicus Kozur & Mostler 1972 Synonymy: 1978 Palaeosaturnalis n. gen. – Donofrio & Mostler, p. 33. 1981 Palaeosaturnalis Donofrio & Mostler emend. – Kozur & Mostler, p. 55. 1983 Palaeosaturnalis Donofrio & Mostler emend. Kozur & Mostler – Kozur & Mostler, p. 19. 1984 Palaeosaturnalis Donofrio & Mostler emend. – De Wever, p. 15. Original diagnosis: Form with a smooth, flat, simple ring of very variable width, bearing spines all around; thorns on the external side missing. In most cases, auxiliary or sustaining bars are developed near polar bars. Cortical and medullary shells as with family. Emended description: Kozur & Mostler (1981): Forms with a smooth, flattened, simple ring of variable width and a periphery with spines. The two polar spines are always opposite to the spines of outer margin. Sustaining spines of second order absent. Cortical shell mostly spongy, widely separated from the ring. One medullary shell usually present. Original remarks: The name Palaeosaturnalis was chosen because Triassic representatives are all characterized by a ring with a circular cross-section. Unlike Jurassic-Cretaceous representatives, the polar sustaining bars [of the Triassic forms] are, except some specimens, in direct continuation of the peripheral spines (see text-fig. 8). Moreover, the stratigraphically younger forms mostly lack sustaining bars, whereas they are very frequent in Triassic forms. Further remarks: The genus Palaeosaturnalis differs from Pseudoheliodiscus in not having auxiliary or/and subsidiary rays (De Wever, 1984, p. 15-16). Included species: SAT13 Palaeosaturnalis aff. liassicus Kozur & Mostler 1990 SAT12 Palaeosaturnalis subovalis Kozur & Mostler 1990 SAT14 Palaeosaturnalis sp. B sensu Whalen & Carter 2002 Palaeosaturnalis aff. liassicus Kozur & Mostler 1990 Species code: SAT13 Synonymy: aff. 1990 Palaeosaturnalis liassicus n. sp. – Kozur & Mostler, p. 192, pl. 1, figs. 2, 3; pl. 12, figs. 1, 3, 4, 6, 8-10; pl. 13, figs. 1, 2, 6, 7. 2002 Paleosaturnalis sp. A – Whalen & Carter, p. 108, pl. 5, fig. 5. Remarks: This species differs from typical Palaeosaturnalis liassicus by having fewer peripolar spines. Occurrence: San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur. Palaeosaturnalis subovalis Kozur & Mostler 1990 Species code: SAT12 Synonymy: 1972 Spongosaturnalis ? sp. c – Yao, p. 35, pl. 8, fig. 3. 1987b Acanthocircus sp. B – Yeh, p. 49, pl. 5, fig. 13. 1990 Palaeosaturnalis subovalis n. sp. – Kozur & Mostler, p. 193, pl. 1, fig. 7; pl. 13, figs. 4, 9. 1991 Palaeosaturnalis sp. aff. P. liassicus Kozur & Mostler – Yang & Mizutani, p. 65, pl. 2, figs. 4, 11, 13; not pl. 3, figs. 2, 12, 13. 2002 Palaeosaturnalis lenggriesensis Kozur & Mostler – Tekin, p. 182, pl. 2, fig. 2. Not 2002 Palaeosaturnalis subovalis Kozur & Mostler – Tekin, p. 182, pl. 2, fig. 5. Original description: Shell slightly ellipsoidal, spongy, consisting of several concentric layers. Microsphere latticed. Ring suboval to oval, narrow, flat, undifferentiated, with 9-11 slender, relatively short spines. One axial spine as long as the circumaxial spines, the other one is considerably longer and somewhat more slender. A larger smooth segment is present to both sides of the axial spines. Polar spines very robust. 270 Original remarks: In Palaeosaturnalis haeckeli n. sp. the circumaxial spines are more variable in their length. On both sides of the axial spines 1-2 large, widely spaced spines are present. The remaining circumaxial spines are smaller and closely spaced. Further remarks: The very few specimens we included in this species resemble very well the holotype and especially one paratype (Kozur & Mostler, 1990, pl. 1, fig. 7). Measurements (µm): Diameter of shell (parallel to polar axis) Diameter of shell (perpendicularly to polar axis) Diameter of ring (parallel to polar axis) Diameter of ring (perpendicularly to polar axis) Min. Max. 76 90 60 77 192 215 190 240 Plate SAT13. Palaeosaturnalis aff. liassicus Kozur & Mostler. Magnification x150. Fig. 1. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 5, fig. 5. Plate SAT12. Palaeosaturnalis subovalis Kozur & Mostler. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Kozur & Mostler 1990, pl. 13, fig. 4. Fig. 2. OM, BR706-R13-13. Fig. 3. JP, IYII17-63, RH(1)1660. Fig. 4. NBC, GSC loc. C-305208, GSC 111729. 271 Etymology: According to the suboval ring outline. Type locality: Sample L1, Kirchstein Limestone at Mt. Kirchstein, 6.5 km WSW of Lenggries/Isar, Bavaria, Germany. Occurrence: Kirchstein Limestone, Germany; Varhegy Cherty Limestone Formation, Hungary; Hocaköy Radiolarite, Turkey; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman; Japan; Nadanhada Terrane, China; Nicely Formation, Oregon; Fernie Formation, NE British Columbia. Palaeosaturnalis sp. B sensu Whalen & Carter 2002 Species code: SAT14 Synonymy: 2002 Paleosaturnalis sp. B – Whalen & Carter, p. 108, pl. 5, figs. 6, 10. Original remarks: This species is distinguished by having bifurcating polar spines. Occurrence: San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur. Genus: Pantanellium Pessagno 1977a Type species: Pantanellium riedeli Pessagno 1977a Synonymy: is under study from the Upper Triassic and another from the Lower Cretaceous. Original description: Test divided into ellipsoidal to subspherical cortical shell and spherical first medullary shell, both with massive polygonal pore frames having nodes at vertices. Cortical shell with bipolar primary spines possessing well-developed alternating, longitudinally arranged ridges and grooves. One spine often somewhat shorter than other. Primary spines interconnected and occurring along same axes as primary beams which connect cortical shell to first medullary shell; diameter of two primary beams about half that of primary spines. Secondary radial beams also connecting cortical shell (pl. 6, fig. 6); extending from nodal points of pore frame vertices of both cortical and first medullary shells. Further remarks: Kozur & Mostler (1990, p. 214) argued that Pantanellium Pessagno is a younger synonym of Ellipsoxiphus Dunikowski 1882 with Xiphosphaera (Ellipsoxiphus) suessi Dunikowski 1882 as type species. In modern radiolarian literature the name Ellipsoxiphus has been used for Cenozoic species only. On the other hand, Mesozoic species have been assigned to Pantanellium by a great majority of authors and this usage has largely prevailed even since 1990. Pantanellium is a thoroughly studied genus with a well-established stratigraphic range from the Late Triassic to the Early Cretaceous (Aptian). In spite of the Principle of Priority we continue to use the generic name Pantanellium, because its replacement with Ellipsoxiphus would certainly cause confusion (see ICZN 1999, art. 23.2 and Preamble p. XX). 1977a Pantanellium n. gen. – Pessagno, p. 78. Original remarks: Pantanellium n. gen., differs from Protoxiphotractus Pessagno in having bipolar spines with longitudinally arranged, alternating grooves and ridges. Many workers, for example Foreman (1973, p. 258), have included species assignable to this genus under Sphaerostylus Haeckel. Unfortunately, the single illustration and the description of the type species of Sphaerostylus (i.e., S. zitteli Rüst) are exceedingly poor and of virtually no use to any worker hoping to make a definitive identification. The resurrection of the name Sphaerostylus can serve no purpose. It is suggested, therefore, that the name Sphaerostylus be considered a nomen dubium. Pantanellium is known to include several species. At present, only the type species and P. fischeri (Pessagno) have formal names. One new species 272 Etymology: This genus takes its name from Dante Pantanelli, one of the early students of Mesozoic Radiolaria. Included species: PAN20 Pantanellium brevispinum Carter n. sp. PAN14 Pantanellium carlense Whalen & Carter 1998 PAN18 Pantanellium cumshewaense Pessagno & Blome 1980 PAN11 Pantanellium danaense Pessagno & Blome 1980 PAN19 Pantanellium inornatum Pessagno & Poisson 1981 PAN16 Pantanellium skedansense Pessagno & Blome 1980 Plate SAT14. Paleosaturnalis sp. B sensu Whalen & Carter. Magnification x 150. Fig. 1. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 5, fig. 6. 273 Pantanellium brevispinum Carter n. sp. Species code: PAN20 Synonymy: 1980 Pantanellium sp. G – Pessagno & Blome, p. 248, pl. 6, fig. 9. 1997 Pantanellium sp. C – Yao, pl. 3, fig. 139. Type designation: Holotype GSC 111730 from GSC loc. C080611; Ghost Creek Formation (lower Pliensbachian). Description: Cortical shell relatively large, spherical to subspherical with medium-sized pores and very low rounded nodes at pore frame vertices. Pore frames pentagonal and hexagonal, thicker in Z direction than in Y direction; five pore frames visible along AA’, six visible along BB’. Polar spines very short, less than one-quarter diameter of test; spines strongly tapering, one slightly longer than the other. Spines usually triradiate in axial section with three, narrow ridges and three relatively wide grooves. Remarks: Pantanellium brevispinum n. sp. differs from P. haidaense Pessagno & Blome by having much shorter polar spines, and lower nodes at pore frame vertices. Measurements (µm): Based on 6 specimens. System of measurement shown in text-figure 5 of Pessagno & Blome (1980). AA’ A’S’ AS BB’ cc’ dd’ HT 105 37 32 100 39 32 Max. 111 37 37 111 39 32 Min. 94 37 32 93 23 23 Mean 102 43 34 100 32 27 Etymology: From the Latin brevis + spinus, -a, -um (with short spines). Type locality: Sample CAA-79-Ren-Phant, lms 1 (GSC loc. C-080611), Ghost Creek Formation, Rennell Junction section, central Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Ghost Creek and Fannin formations, Queen Charlotte Islands; Japan. Pantanellium carlense Whalen & Carter 1998 Species code: PAN14 Synonymy: 1984 Pantanellium sp. – Whalen & Pessagno, pl. 1, fig. 17. 1998 Pantanellium carlense n. sp. – Whalen & Carter, p. 47, pl. 2, figs. 1, 2, 13, 14, 17, 18. 2002 Pantanellium carlense Whalen & Carter – Whalen & Carter, p. 105, pl. 9, figs. 1, 2, 10, 11. Original description: Cortical shell subspherical in shape, slightly elongated in plane of polar spines, with mediumto large- sized pentagonal and hexagonal pore frames. Bars of pore frames thin along Y, thicker along Z (refer to Fig. 23). All pore frames with irregularly shaped, spinose nodes at vertices. Five pore frames visible along AA’; five to six pore frames visible along BB’. Polar spines triradiate in axial section with narrow, rounded longitudinal ridges and grooves; one polar spine approximately one third shorter than the other; base of shorter polar spine slightly wider at cc’ than the base of other spine at dd’. First medullary shell with thin, fragile pentagonal and hexagonal pore frames. Original remarks: The elongated cortical shell with spiny nodes at pore frame vertices distinguishes Pantanellium carlense n. sp. from all other species of Pantanellium. 274 Measurements (µm): (n) = number of specimens measured. System of measurement shown in text-figure 5 of Pessagno & Blome (1980). AA’ (7) 60 68 60 65 A’S’ (6) 120 120 105 116 AS (6) 86 90 79 83 BB’ (7) 71 86 71 79 cc’ (7) 34 45 34 40 dd’ (7) 45 53 38 46 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: This species is named for Mount Carl, located to the north of the type locality. Type locality: Sample QC-675, southeast side of Kunga Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. Occurrence: Sandilands Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur. Plate PAN20. Pantanellium brevispinum Carter n. sp. Magnification x300. Fig. 1(H). QCI, GSC loc. C-080611, GSC 111730. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-080611, GSC 128856. Plate PAN14. Pantanellium carlense Whalen & Carter. Magnification x250, except Fig. 1(H)b x 500. Fig. 1(H) a, b. Carter et al. 1998, pl. 2, figs. 1, 17. Fig. 2. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 9, fig. 2. 275 Pantanellium cumshewaense Pessagno & Blome 1980 Species code: PAN18 Synonymy: 1980 Pantanellium cumshewaense n. sp. – Pessagno & Blome, p. 240, pl. 6, figs. 1, 2, 15, 17, 21, 22. Original description: Cortical shell subspherical with large, predominantly hexagonal pore frames with poorly developed nodes of low relief at vertices. Bars of pore frames moderately thick; thickness about equal along Y and Z (text-fig. 5). Four to 5 pore frames visible along AA’; 5 pore frames visile along BB’. Polar spines triradiate in axial section; longitudinally comprised of 3 broad grooves alternating with 3 narrow ridges. One polar spine somewhat shorter than other; longer spine somewhat rounded distally, not coming to sharp point; ridges of longer spine disappearing on distal third of spine. First medullary shell with small, fragile pore frames. Original remarks: P. cumshewaense, n. sp., differs from P. baileyi, n. sp., in having better defined pore frames which lack spines. Measurements (µm): Based on 11 specimens. System of measurement shown in text-figure 5 of Pessagno & Blome (1980). AA’ 110 101 120 90 A’S’ 88 97 115 80 AS 65 63 85 40 BB’ 95 97 110 90 cc’ 20 23 35 15 dd’ 35 29 40 20 HT Av. Max. Min. Etymology: This species is named for Cumshewa Inlet south of Skidegate Bay in the Queen Charlotte Islands. Type locality: Sample QC 534, Fannin Formation (Maude Formation in Pessagno & Blome, 1980), Queen Charlotte Islands. Occurrence: Fannin Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands. Pantanellium danaense Pessagno & Blome 1980 Species code: PAN11 Synonymy: 1980 Pantanellium danaense n. sp. – Pessagno & Blome, p. 241, pl. 4, figs. 9-11, 15. 1990 Ellipsoxiphus cf. danaensis (Pessagno & Blome) – Kozur & Mostler, p. 215, pl. 14, fig. 13; ? pl. 15, fig. 15. 1998 Pantanellium danaense Pessagno & Blome – Whalen & Carter, p. 47, pl. 2, figs. 4, 5. 2004 Pantanellium danaense Pessagno & Blome – Hori et al., pl. 5, fig. 4; pl. 6, fig. 16. Original description: Cortical shell spherical with large (occasional small) pentagonal and hexagonal pore frames; pentagonal pore frames about equal in number to hexagonal pore frames. Bars of pore frames thin along Y; thick along Z (text-fig. 5). All pore frames with spinose nodes at vertices. Six pore frames visible along AA’; 5 pore frames visible along BB’. Polar spines triradiate in axial section, 1 polar spine shorter than the other; shorter spine with 3 moderately wide longitudinal ridges alternating with 3 longitudinal grooves of about the same width. Longer spine with 3 thin longitudinal ridges alternating with 3 wide longitudinal grooves; grooves about 3 times wider than ridges. First medullary shell with thin, fragile, hexagonal and pentagonal pore frames. 276 Original remarks: P. danaense, n. sp., differs from P. riedeli Pessagno in having: (1) less massive pore frames; (2) spinose nodes at the pore frame vertices; and (3) less massive, thinner polar spines. Measurements (µm): Based on 6 specimens. System of measurement shown in text-figure 5 of Pessagno & Blome (1980). AA’ 85 80 85 75 A’S’ 90 79 90 65 AS 45 46 60 40 BB’ 100 93 100 90 cc’ 30 23 30 20 dd’ 20 23 25 20 HT Av. Max. Min. Etymology: This species is named for Dana Inlet in its type area. Type locality: Sample QC 550, Sandilands Formation (Kunga Formation in Pessagno & Blome, 1980), Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Sandilands, Ghost Creek and Fannin formations, Queen Charlotte Islands; Kirchstein Limestone, Germany; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman; Japan. Plate PAN18. Pantanellium cumshewaense Pessagno & Blome. Magnification x250. Fig. 1(H). Pessagno & Blome 1980, pl. 6, fig. 1. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-304566, GSC 128857. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-305417, GSC 111731. Plate PAN11. Pantanellium danaense Pessagno & Blome. Magnification x300. Fig. 1(H). Pessagno & Blome 1980, pl. 4, fig. 9. Fig. 2. OM, BR871-R09-01. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-140495, GSC 128858. Fig. 4. QCI, GSC loc. C-305417, GSC 128859. Fig. 5. QCI, GSC loc. C-140495, GSC 128860. Fig. 6. QCI, GSC loc. C-140495, GSC 111732. 277 Pantanellium inornatum Pessagno & Poisson 1981 Species code: PAN19 Synonymy: 1981 Pantanellium inornatum n. sp. – Pessagno & Poisson, p. 56, pl. 6, figs. 1-9. 1981c Pantanellium inornatum Pessagno & Poisson – De Wever, p. 144, pl. 5, fig. 2. 1982b Pantanellium inornatum Pessagno & Poisson – De Wever, p. 128, pl. 1, fig. 8, 9. 1982 Pantanellium inornatum Pessagno & Poisson – De Wever & Origlia-Devos, pl. 1, fig. N. 1982 Pantanellium sp. – Imoto et al., pl. 1, fig. 11. 1988 Pantanellium cf. browni Pessagno & Blome – Li, pl. 1, fig. 13. 1988 Pantanellium aff. inornatum Pessagno & Poisson – Li, pl. 1, fig. 14. 1993 Pantanellium cf. kluense Pessagno & Blome – Kashiwagi & Yao, pl. 1, fig. 13. 1995 Sphaerostylus inornatum (Pessagno & Poisson) – Suzuki, pl. 8, fig. 7. 1996 Pantanellium sp. A – Pujana, p. 136, pl. 1, fig. 8. 1998 Pantanellium inornatum Pessagno & Poisson – Kashiwagi, pl. 2, figs. 16, 17, 21. 1998 Pantanellium sp. aff. P. kungaense Pessagno & Blome – Yeh & Cheng, p. 13, pl. 1, fig. 4. 1998 Pantanellium sp. cf. P. inornatum Pessagno & Poisson – Yeh & Cheng, p. 13, pl. 5, fig. 5, not fig. 3. 1998 Pantanellium skedansense Pessagno & Blome – Yeh & Cheng, p. 13, pl. 1, fig. 5. Original description: Cortical shell, thin, spherical with relatively slender triradiate bipolar spines; triradiate bipolar spines with three rounded, narrow ridges alternating with three narrow grooves. Meshwork of cortical shell comprised of equal number of hexagonal and pentagonal pore frames. Pentagonal pore frames slightly smaller than hexagonal pore frames. Meshwork of first medullary shell 278 thick likewise comprised of hexagonal pentagonal pore frames. Secondary radial beams between cortical shell and first medullary shell circular in axial section. Original remarks: Pantanellium inornatum Pessagno, n. sp., differs from P. riedeli Pessagno (1977a) (1) by having longer, slender polar spines with narrow ridges separated by narrow grooves; (2) by having smaller, narrower ridges separated by narrow grooves; (3) by having smaller, more numerous pore frames; and (4) by having a thinner walled cortical shell and a thicker walled first medullary shell. Measurements (µm): Based on 9 specimens. System of measurements after Pessagno (1973). A’S 110 110 85 AS 85 85 55 cc’ 25 30 25 dd’ 20 25 20 AA’ 85 90 85 BB’ 80 85 75 HT Max. Min. Etymology: Inornatus-a-um (Latin, adj.): unadorned. Type locality: Sample 1662D, Gümüslü Allochthon, Taurus Mts., Turkey. Occurrence: Gümüslü Allochthon, Turkey; Ghost Creek and Fannin formations, Queen Charlotte Islands; Sierra Chacaicó Formation, Argentina; Dürrnberg Formation, Austria; Haliw (Aqil) and Musallah formations, Oman; Dengqen area, Tibet; Liminangcong Chert, Philippines; Japan. Plate PAN19. Pantanellium inornatum Pessagno & Poisson. Magnification x250. Fig. 1(H). Pessagno & Poisson 1981, pl. 6, fig. 1. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-304566, GSC 111733. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-080611, GSC 128861. Fig. 4. QCI, GSC loc. C-080611, GSC 128862. Fig. 5. QCI, GSC loc. C-080611, GSC 128863. Fig. 6. OM-00-115-023029. Fig. 7. OM, Haliw-039-R03-06. Fig. 8. OM, Haliw-039-R06-21. Fig. 9. OM, Haliw-039-R02-17. Fig. 10. OM, Haliw-038-R08-11. Fig. 11. AT, BMW 21-8. Fig. 12. JP, Ku(b)-11-24. 279 Pantanellium skedansense Pessagno & Blome 1980 Species code: PAN16 Synonymy: 1980 Pantanellium skedansense n. sp. – Pessagno & Blome, p. 246, pl. 5, figs. 8, 9, 15, 20, 23. 1998 Pantanellium skedansense Pessagno & Blome – Whalen & Carter, p. 49, pl. 1, fig. 12. 2002 Pantanellium skedansense Pessagno & Blome – Whalen & Carter, p. 105, pl. 6, figs. 7, 8, 13, 14. Original description: Cortical shell spherical to subspherical with hexagonal and occasional pentagonal pore frames having poorly developed nodes at their vertices. Bars of pore frames thin in both Y and Z directions (text-fig. 5). Five to 6 pore frames visible along AA’ and 6 along BB’. Polar spines long, triradiate in axial section, one spine somewhat longer than the other; some specimens with slightly curved spinal tips. Both spines comprised of 3 broad longitudinal grooves alternating with 3 ridges; grooves about 2 times as wide as ridges. Grooves and ridges maintaining about same width throughout. Original remarks: Pantanellium skedansense, n. sp., appears closely related to P. inornatum Pessagno and Poisson (in press). It differs from the latter species primarily in possessing longer polar spines with much broader grooves. Pantanellium skedansense also closely resembles P. sanrafaelense, n. sp., in terms of the distribution and size of its pore frames and the structure of its primary spines; the longer polar spine of both species usually possesses a curved tip as well as wide grooves. Pantanellium skedansense differs from P. sanrafaelense by lacking prominent, massive nodes at pore frame vertices. It is suggested that P. skedansense may be ancestral to P. sanrafaelense. Measurements (µm): Based on 5 specimens. System of measurement shown in text-figure 5 of Pessagno & Blome (1980). AA’ 80 72 80 70 A’S’ 115 104 115 85 AS 90 80 90 70 BB’ 75 68 75 60 cc’ 31 25 31 20 dd’ 18 18 20 15 HT Av. Max. Min. Etymology: This species is named for Skedans Point north of Kunga Island. Genus: Parahsuum Yao 1982 Type species: Parahsuum simplum Yao 1982 Synonymy: 1982 Parahsuum n. gen. – Yao, p. 61. 1982 Lupherium n. gen. – Pessagno & Whalen, 1982, p. 135. 1986 Parahsuum Yao – Takemura, p. 47. 1987b Drulanta n. gen. – Yeh, p. 71. 1987b Fantus n. gen. – Yeh, p. 61. 1988 Parahsuum Yao – Hori & Yao, p. 49. 1990 Parahsuum Yao – Kozur & Mostler, p. 222. Original description: Shell multisegmented, conical to spindle-shaped lacking well-developed strictures. Cephalis conical to dome-shaped, poreless with or without apical horn. Thorax trapezoidal in outline with sparse irregulary displaced pores. Abdomen and post-abdominal segments with continuous edged costae. Single row of square pore frames with circular, primary pores between costae. Original remarks: Parahsuum differs from Hsuum Pessagno (1977a, p. 81) in having single row of pores between costae, from Archaeodictyomitra Pessagno (1976, p. 49) in having primary pores, and from Mita Pessagno (1977b, p. 44) in having edged costae. Further remarks: For the distinction between Parahsuum Yao and Canutus Pessagno & Whalen we follow Kozur & Mostler (1990) who wrote: “Some of the Canutus s.l. species, but not the type species Canutus tipperi Pessagno and Whalen, 1982, belong also to Parahsuum Yao, 1982. There280 fore Canutus Pessagno and Whalen, 1982 is not synonymous with Parahsuum Yao, 1982. Canutus can be distinguished from Parahsuum by an outer layer that covers parts or all of the inner pore frames with very large rectangular pores. Moreover, typical Canutus have a spindle-shaped test. More elongate subconical species of Canutus s.l., in which the outer layer is reduced to nodes on the pore frame vertices or directly superimposed on the inner pore frames (no bars of the outer pore frame between the bars of the inner pore frames) as Canutus giganteus Pessagno and Whalen, 1982, C. indomitus Pessagno and Whalen, 1982 and C. izeensis Pessagno and Whalen, 1982 are here placed into Parahsuum Yao, 1982.” Etymology: This genus is named according to the similarity of the external shape with Hsuum Pessagno. Included species: PHS02 Parahsuum edenshawi (Carter) 1988 DRO05 Parahsuum fondrenense (Whalen & Carter) 1998 PHS09 Parahsuum formosum (Yeh) 1987b 2012 Parahsuum izeense (Pessagno & Whalen) 1982 PHS03 Parahsuum longiconicum Sashida 1988 PHS04 Parahsuum mostleri (Yeh) 1987b PHS05 Parahsuum ovale Hori & Yao 1988 PHS01 Parahsuum simplum Yao 1982 PHS06 Parahsuum vizcainoense Whalen & Carter 2002 PHS07 Parahsuum? sp. A sensu Whalen & Carter 2002 Type locality: Sample QC 550, Sandilands Formation (Kunga Formation in Pessagno & Blome, 1980), Queen Charlotte Islands. Occurrence: Sandilands and Ghost Creek formations, Queen Charlotte Islands; Fernie Formation, Williston Lake, northeastern British Columbia; San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur. Plate PAN16. Pantanellium skedansense Pessagno & Blome. Magnification x250. Fig. 1(H). Pessagno & Blome 1980, pl. 5, fig. 8. Fig. 2. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 6, fig. 7. Fig. 3. NBC, GSC loc. C-305813, GSC 111734. 281 Parahsuum edenshawi (Carter) 1988 Species code: PHS02 1988 Drulanta edenshawi Carter n. sp. – Carter et al., p. 53, pl. 2, fig. 5 only. 1990 Drulanta sp. cf. mostleri Yeh – De Wever et al., pl. 4, fig. 4. ? 1998 Parahsuum sp. – Kashiwagi, pl. 1, fig. 8. 2004 Parahsuum sp. – Matsuoka, fig. 210. Original remarks: Drulanta edenshawi has a more variable morphology than D. mostleri Yeh. It can have a shorter, stouter test that is very rounded apically as illustrated by the holotype (Pl. 2, fig. 5) as well as a more elongate test illustrated by the paratype (Pl. 2, fig. 6). It is generally larger than D. mostleri and has much coarser costae. Original diagnosis: Test conical, rounded apically without horn. 9 to 12 strong, rounded longitudinal costae visible laterally between single rows of large circular to rectangular pores. Test has a »welded« appearance. Measurements (µm): Based on 17 specimens. Synonymy: Original description: Test elongate, conical, rounded apically without horn and usually with six or seven postabdominal chambers. Cephalis hemispherical, all other chambers trapezoidal in outline. All but final one or two chambers increasing gradually in height and width; distal chambers on complete specimens slightly reduced in width. Some tests very slightly constricted at joints. Cephalis and thorax perforate, covered with a smooth layer of microgranular silica. Two rows of thin, circular to rectangular pore frames per chamber; pores circular to subcircular. Continuous costae strong, and rounded; superimposed on test between single longitudinal rows of coarse pores; 9 to 12 costae visible laterally. Test has a »welded« appearance. Length Maximum width HT 296 148 Av. 290 149 Max. 350 170 Min. 210 112 Etymology: Named for Albert Edward Edenshaw, a prominent chief of the Haida Indians whose head village was at Kiusta, later at Kung (both are located on the north coast of Graham Island). Type locality: GCS locality C-080577, Fannin Formation, Creek locality, Maude Island. Occurrence: Fannin Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Haliw Formation, Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Musallah Formation, Oman; Japan. Parahsuum fondrenense (Whalen & Carter) 1998 Species code: DRO05 Synonymy: Further remarks: This species seems to be closely related to Parahsuum formosum (Yeh) from which it differs, because its vertical costae are not continuous throughout the test. Original description: Test conical, finely costate, with approximately four to six postabdominal chambers. Cephalis medium sized, dome-shaped, sparsely perforate, mostly covered by layer of microgranular silica; cephalis with short, delicate horn, circular in axial section. Thorax, abdomen, and postabdominal chambers trapezoidal in outline, increasing gradually in width and height as added. Pore frames of outer latticed layer on abdomen and postabdominal chambers square to rectangular, aligned in distinct transverse and vertical rows, becoming larger as added. First few postabdominal chambers with about 8 costae visible laterally; number of costae increasing to about 12 on final postabdominal chamber. Measurements (µm): Based on 6 specimens. 1998 Droltus fondrenensis n. sp. – Whalen & Carter, p. 63, pl. 15, figs. 9, 18. Original remarks: The much more regularly aligned pore frames of the outer latticed layer, distinguish Droltus fondrenensis n. sp. from D. firmus n. sp. 282 Length (excluding horn) 195 225 150 191 Max. width 105 128 94 112 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: This species is named for Fondren Science Building at the University of Texas at Dallas where much of the systematic research for this paper was carried out. Type locality: Sample QC-677, Sandilands Formation, Kunga Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. Occurrence: Sandilands Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands. Plate PHS02. Parahsuum edenshawi (Carter). Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Carter et al. 1988, pl. 2, fig. 5. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-080611, GSC 128879. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-304566, GSC 128880. Fig. 4. QCI, GSC loc. C-080612, GSC 111735. Fig. 5. OM, Haliw-039-R02-13. Fig. 6. OM, BR524-R05-15. Fig. 7. OM-00-251-021433. Plate DRO05. Parahsuum fondrenense (Whalen & Carter). Magnification x250. Fig. 1(H). Carter et al. 1998, pl. 15, fig. 9. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-304281, GSC 128797. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-175311, GSC 128798. Fig. 4. QCI, GSC loc. C-175310, GSC 128799. Fig. 5. QCI, GSC loc. C-080611, GSC 128800. 283 Parahsuum formosum (Yeh) 1987b Species code: PHS09 Synonymy: 1987b Drulanta formosa n. sp. – Yeh, p. 72, pl. 19, figs. 13-14. 2004 Droltus sp. – Matsuoka, fig. 204. Measurements (µm): Based on ten specimens. HT Mean Max. Min. Max. length 200 205 210 194 Max. width 140 142 146 137 Original description: Test as with genus, costate throughout the test except cephalis and thorax. Costae massive, about ten visible laterally. Cephalis relativelly small, conical. Cephalis and thorax covered with layer of microgranular silica. Meshwork of inner latticed layer consisting of square to rectangular pore frames and increasing in size distally. Chambers increasing in width rapidly and in length gradually as added. Type locality: Sample OR-600A, Hyde Formation along Izee-Paulina road, east-central Oregon. Further remarks: See remarks under Parahsuum fondrenense (Whalen & Carter). Occurrence: Hyde Formation, Oregon; Ghost Creek and Fannin formations, Queen Charlotte Islands; Japan. Etymology: Formosus-a-um (Latin, adj.) = beautiful. Parahsuum izeense (Pessagno & Whalen) 1982 Species code: 2012 Synonymy: 1982 Canutus izeensis n. sp. – Pessagno & Whalen, p. 129, pl. 6, figs. 8, 10, 15. 1982 Canutus giganteus n. sp. – Pessagno & Whalen, p. 127, pl. 4, figs. 5, 13. 1987b Broctus izeensis (Pessagno & Whalen) – Yeh, pl. 4, fig. 29. ? 1987b Broctus (?) sp. A – Yeh, p. 54. 1988 Canutus giganteus Pessagno & Whalen – Carter et al., p. 50, pl. 3, fig. 1. 1988 Canutus izeensis Pessagno & Whalen – Carter et al., p. 51, pl. 3, fig. 2. 1995a Parahsuum izeense (Pessagno & Whalen) – Baumgartner et al., p. 378, pl. 2012, figs. 1-2. 1996 Canutus izeensis (Pessagno & Whalen) – Pujana, p. 138, pl. 1, fig. 15. 1998 Canutus izeensis Pessagno & Whalen – Cordey, p. 104, pl. 25, figs. 5, 10. 2003 Parahsuum izeense (Pessagno & Whalen) – Goričan et al., p. 296, pl. 5, figs. 18-19. Original description: Test short, inflated, spindle-shaped, usually with six post-abdominal chambers. Cephalis hemispherical, knoblike; remaining chambers trapezoidal in cross section; cephalis and thorax usually imperforate. Abdomen and all but last two or three post-abdominal chambers increasing rapidly in width and gradually in length as added; last two or three post-abdominal chambers decreasing somewhat in width. Inner latticed layer of postabdominal chambers consisting of moderately sized square to rectangular pore frames with nodes at vertices; 15 rows of pore frames visible laterally; three pore frames per row occurring between two longitudinal ridges and joints of chamber. Outer (second) latticed layer consisting of fragile, 284 irregular, polygonal pore frames. Outer latticed layer best developed on earlier post-abdominal chambers. Original remarks: Canutus izeensis, n. sp. differs from C. tipperi, n. sp. by having a less inflated test, a hemispherical, knoblike cephalis, and considerably smaller pore frames in the inner layer. Further remarks: Parahsuum giganteum and P. izeense are synonymized because they represent a continuum of test shape from slender to broad. Measurements (µm): Based on 8 specimens. Length 350.0 350.0 250.0 303.1 Width (max.) 200.0 200.0 150.0 175.0 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: This species is named for the village of Izee near its type locality. Type locality: OR-536, Nicely Formation, southeast side of Morgan Mountain, east-central Oregon. Occurrence: Nicely Formation, Oregon; Fannin Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Bridge River Complex, British Columbia; Franciscan Complex, California; Sierra Chacaicó Formation, Argentina; Apennines, Italy; Skrile Formation, Slovenia; Musallah Formation, Oman. Plate PHS09. Parahsuum formosum (Yeh). Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Yeh 1987b, pl. 19, fig. 13. Fig. 2. JP, MNA-10, MA13299. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-175306, GSC 128881. Fig. 4. QCI, GSC loc. C-127898, GSC 111736. Plate 2012. Parahsuum izeense (Pessagno & Whalen). Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Pessagno & Whalen 1982, pl. 6, fig. 8. Fig. 2. Pessagno & Whalen 1982, pl. 4, fig. 5. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-080577, GSC 128703. Fig. 4. Goričan et al. 2003, pl. 5, fig. 18. Fig. 5. OM-00-254-022034. 285 Parahsuum longiconicum Sashida 1988 Species code: PHS03 Synonymy: 1988 Parahsuum longiconicum n. sp. – Sashida, p. 20, pl. 2, figs. 1-4, 16, 17. 1988 Parahsuum kanyoense n. sp. – Sashida, p. 21, pl. 1, figs. 14, 15, 20-24; 1990 Parahsuum aff. longiconicum Sashida – Hori, Fig. 8.14 1996 Parahsuum longiconicum Sashida – Tumanda et al., p. 178, Fig. 4.2. 1997 Parahsuum sp. aff. P. longiconicum Sashida – Hori, pl. 1, fig. 24. 1998 Parahsuum longiconicum Sashida – Kashiwagi, pl. 1, fig. 4. ? 2001 Parahsuum cf. longiconicum Sashida – Kashiwagi, Fig. 6.3. 2003 Parahsuum longiconicum Sashida – Goričan et al., p. 296, pl. 5, fig. 16. 2003 Parahsuum cf. longiconicum Sashida – Kashiwagi & Kurimoto, pl. 3, figs. 7, 10. 2004 Parahsuum longiconicum Sashida – Hori, pl. 8, figs. 49-50, 54. 2004 Parahsuum sp. – Hori, pl. 8, figs. 51-52, 55-57, ? fig. 59. 2004 Parahsuum kanyoense Sashida – Hori, pl. 8, fig. 53. 2004 Parahsuum longiconicum Sashida – Ishida et al., pl. 5, figs. 3, 4. Original diagnosis: Parahsuum of cone-shaped test with long conical horn. Original description: Conical test of medium width with a massive conical horn on hemispherical cephalis. Cephalis usually has wide and deep grooves at the base of conical horn. Thorax and subsequent chambers trapezoidal in outline, increasing gradually in width and length as added except for final post-abdominal chamber. Complete specimens with six to seven post-abdominal chambers. Outer layer comprised continuous edged costae except for apical region. Single row of square pore frames between 286 costae. Weak circumferential ridges present at joint part of the first and second post-abdominal chambers. Ten to eleven costae usually visible on side view of final postabdominal chamber. Original remarks: This species closely resembles Parahsuum kanyoense, n. sp. in general shell shape. However, the present new species has a longer conical horn and more uniform frame work on the outer surface of shell. Further remarks: Parahsuum longiconicum Sashida differs from P. formosum (Yeh) by having linearly arranged costae only on the distal half to two thirds of the test and by having a much stronger horn. Measurements (µm): Based on 15 specimens. Length 230 205 220 Max. width 130 110 120 No. of postabdominal Length chambers of horn 7 50 Max. 6 25 Min. 6 40 Mean Etymology: Latin, longus means long and conica, conical. Type locality: Sample TAK-5, Takarazawa Valley, Itsukaichi area, Tokyo Prefecture, central Japan. Occurrence: Japan; Liminangcong Chert, Philippines; Haliw (Aqil) Formation and Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman; Skrile Formation, Slovenia; Dürrnberg Formation, Austria; Fannin Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands. Plate PHS03. Parahsuum longiconicum Sashida. Magnification Figs. 1-5, 9, 11 x200 (scale bar A), Figs. 6-8, 10, 12-15 x300 (scale bar B). Fig. 1(H). Sashida 1988, pl. 2, fig. 1. Fig. 2. GSC loc. C-304568, GSC 128883. Fig. 3. GSC loc. C-304568, GSC 128884. Fig. 4. GSC loc. C-080613, GSC 128885. Fig. 5. GSC loc. C-304568, GSC 111803. Fig. 6. JP, MNA-10, MA12861. Fig. 7. JP, MNA-10, MA13012. Fig. 8. JP, IYII-11-69. Fig. 9. Hori 1990, Fig. 8-14. Fig. 10. Goričan et al. 2003, pl. 5, fig. 16. Fig. 11. AT, BMW21-55. Fig. 12. OM, BR1121-R09-26. Fig. 13. OM, BR1122-R02-03. Fig. 14. OM, BR1121-R08-01. Fig. 15. OM, Haliw-038-R08-32. 287 Parahsuum mostleri (Yeh) 1987b Species code: PHS04 Synonymy: 1987b Drulanta mostleri n. sp. – Yeh, p. 72, pl. 18, Figs. 3-4, 21. 1987b Drulanta sp. cf. D. mostleri n. sp. – Yeh, p. 73, pl. 18, fig. 1. 1987b Drulanta mirifica n. sp. – Yeh, p. 72, pl. 4, fig. 8; pl. 18, figs. 5, 7-8, 23. 1987b Drulanta sp. aff. D. mirifica n. sp. – Yeh, p. 72, pl. 3, fig. 17. 1987 Canutus aff. C. hainaensis – Hattori, pl. 15, fig. 11. 1988 Drulanta edenshawi Carter n. sp. – Carter et al., p. 53, pl. 2, fig. 6 only. 1989 Drulanta sp. aff. D. pulchra Yeh – Hattori, pl. 12, fig. K. 1989 Drulanta sp. aff. D. mirifica Yeh – Hattori, pl. 12, fig. L. 1997 Parahsuum mirifica (Yeh) – Yao, pl. 14, fig. 648. 1998 Drulanta mirifica Yeh – Yeh & Cheng, p. 23, pl. 8, fig. 17, pl. 9, fig. 19. 2002 Parahsuum mostleri (Yeh) – Whalen & Carter, p. 126, pl. 15, figs. 4, 14. 2003 Parahsuum mostleri (Yeh) – Goričan et al., p. 296, pl. 5, fig. 20. Original description: Cephalis small, conical, usually with seven to nine post-abdominal chambers. Cephalis domeshaped without horn. Thorax and subsequent chambers trapezoidal in outline. Cephalis and thorax sparsely perforate, covered with layer of microgranular silica. Abdomen and all post-abdominal chambers comprised of ten, longitudinal costae superimposed on each row of pore frames. About nine to ten costae visible laterally. Pore frames medium in size. Chambers increasing gradually in width as added with final post-abdominal chamber remaining in the same width or decreasing slightly in width. Original remarks: Drulanta mostleri, n. sp., differs from D. mirifica, n. sp., by having a shorter test with smaller cephalis. Further remarks: Drulanta mostleri and Drulanta mirifica are herein assigned to Parahsuum and synonymized because they represent variability amongst the population. P. mostleri is more elongated and more pointed apically than P. edenshawi (Carter). Measurements (µm): Ten specimens measured. Max. length 221 218 222 216 Max. width 117 119 123 115 HT Mean Max. Min. Etymology: This species is named after Dr. H. Mostler in honor of his studies on the Mesozoic Radiolaria. Type locality: Sample OR-600A, Hyde Formation along Izee-Paulina road, east-central Oregon. Occurrence: Hyde Formation, Oregon; Fannin Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; San Hipólito Formation, Baja Californian Sur; Skrile Formation, Slovenia; Dürrnberg Formation, Austria; Liminangcong Chert, Philippines; Japan. Parahsuum ovale Hori & Yao 1988 Species code: PHS05 Synonymy: 1982 Parahsuum (?) sp. C – Yao, pl. 4, figs. 9-11. 1982 Parahsuum (?) sp. C – Yao et al., pl. 2, fig. 10. 1986 Parahsuum (?) sp. C – Hori, fig. 6.3. 1986 Parahsuum sp. C – Matsuoka, pl. 1, fig. 2. 1986 Parahsuum sp. C – Matsuoka & Yao, pl. 1, fig. 3. 1986 Parahsuum directiporata (Rüst) – Sato et al., fig. 17.11. 1986 Bagotum sp. A – Sashida et al., fig. 5.18. 1988 Parahsuum ovale n. sp. – Hori & Yao, p. 51, pl. 1, figs. 3a-e, 4a-c, 6-8, 9a, b. 1988 Parahsuum takarazawaense n. sp. – Sashida, p. 19, pl. 1, figs. 6-13, 18, 19. 1990 Parahsuum ovale Hori & Yao – Hori, fig. 8.16. 1990 Parahsuum ovale Hori & Yao – Yao, pl. 2, fig. 2. 1992 Parahsuum takarazawaense Sashida – Sashida, pl. 1, fig. 7. 1993 Parahsuum ovale Hori & Yao – Kashiwagi & Yao, pl. 1, fig. 1. 1994 Parahsuum ovale Hori & Yao – Goričan, p. 79, pl. 17, fig. 13. 1997 Parahsuum ovale Hori & Yao – Hori, pl. 1, fig. 26. 1997 Parahsuum ovale Hori & Yao – Yao, pl. 14, fig. 654. 1998 Parahsuum ovale Hori & Yao – Kashiwagi, pl. 1, fig. 3; pl. 2, fig. 20. 2003 Parahsuum takarazawaense Sashida – Kashiwagi & Kurimoto, pl. 3, fig. 4. 2004 Parahsuum ovale Hori & Otsuka – Hori, pl. 2, figs. 1, 2; ?pl. 2, fig. 25. 288 2004 Parahsuum ovale Hori & Yao – Ziabrev et al., Fig. 5-5. 2005 Parahsuum ovale Hori & Otsuka – Hori, pl. 8, fig. 4. Original description: Shell of 6 or more segments, oval, without stricture. Cephalis poreless apically, flattened conical, without apical horn. Internal cephalic structure quite indistinct. Apical surface of shell smooth, partially with shallow irregular depressions and sparsely arranged pores. Thorax and abdomen with small, circular pores arranged irregularly and with polygonal pore frames. In some specimens, thorax and abdomen with regularly arranged pores and with tetragonal pore frames. Post-abdominal segments with 22-28 continuous longitudinal costae. Each of postabdominal segments with 2 or 3 transverse rows of pores arranged tetragonally. Edged small nodes occurring at vertices of pore frames. Original remarks: Parahsuum ovale sp. nov. differs from other species of Parahsuum in having an oval shell and being fairly flat in apical part. P. ovale is possibly co-specific with Stichocapsa directiporata Rüst. S. directiporata is distinguished from P. ovale by having a small number (1618) of longitudinal costae. Plate PHS04. Parahsuum mostleri (Yeh). Magnification x250. Fig. 1(H). Yeh 1987b, pl. 18, fig. 3. Fig. 2. AT, BMW21-16. Fig. 3. Goričan et al. 2003, pl. 5, fig. 20. Fig. 4. Carter et al. 1988, pl. 2, fig. 6. Fig. 5. QCI, GSC loc. C-305388, GSC 128882. Fig. 6. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 15, fig. 4. Plate PHS05. Parahsuum ovale Hori & Yao. Magnification x250. Fig. 1(H). Hori & Yao 1988, pl. 1, fig. 3a. Fig. 2. JP, Ku(b)-11. Fig. 3. Hori 1990, Fig. 8-16. Fig. 4. OM, Haliw-038-R09-19. Fig. 5. OM, BR1121-R06-12. Fig. 6. OM-00-252021728. 289 Measurements (µm): Based on 13 specimens. Hight 211 225 246 211 Width 120 124 141 109 H/W 1.76 1.82 2.05 1.50 Type locality: Sample 38, Inuyama Section, Kiso River, NE of Unuma, Central Japan. HT Av. Max. Min. Occurrence: Japan; Budva Zone, Montenegro; Haliw (Aqil) Formation, Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Musallah Formation, Oman; Bainang Terrane, Tibet. Etymology: The name is derived from the Latin adjective ovalis, meaning oval (egg-shaped). Parahsuum simplum Yao 1982 Species code: PHS01 Synonymy: 1982 Parahsuum simplum n. sp. – Yao, p. 61, pl. 4, figs. 1-8. 1982 Parahsuum simplum Yao – Yao et al., pl. 2, fig. 9. 1982 Parahsuum simplum Yao – Imoto et al., pl. 1, figs. 1, 2. 1983 Parahsuum simplum Yao – Ishida, pl. 2, figs. 1-2. 1984 Lupherium? spp. – Whalen & Pessagno, pl. 4, figs. 8, 10, 11. 1986 Parahsuum simplum Yao – Matsuoka & Yao, pl. 1, fig. 2. 1987 Parahsuum simplum Yao – Goričan, p. 185, pl. 1, fig. 3. 1988 Parahsuum simplum Yao – Hori & Yao, p. 51, pl. 1, figs.1a-d. 1988 Parahsuum simplum Yao – Sashida, p. 19, pl. 1, figs. 1-5, 16, 17. 1990 Parahsuum simplum Yao – De Wever et al., pl. 4, fig. 1, not fig. 9. 1990 Parahsuum simplum Yao – Hori, Fig. 8.15. 1990 Parahsuum simplum Yao – Kozur & Mostler, p. 222, pl. 17, fig. 2. 1990 Parahsuum simplum Yao – Yao, pl. 2, fig. 1. 1992 Parahsuum simplum Yao – Sashida, pl. 1, figs, 1, 2, 5, 6, not figs. 3, 4. ? 1992 Parahsuum simplum Yao – Sano et al., pl. 2, fig. A. 1994 Parahsuum simplum Yao – Goričan, p. 79, pl. 17, figs. 9, 10, 12. 1996 Canutus sp. aff. C. hainaensis Pessagno & Whalen – Pujana, p. 138, pl. 1, fig. 5. 1997 Parahsuum simplum Yao – Hori, pl. 1, fig. 25. 1997 Parahsuum simplum Yao – Sugiyama, p. 184, Fig. 28-8. 1998 Parahsuum simplum Yao – Whalen & Carter, 67, pl. 16, ig. 6. 1998 Parahsuum simplum Yao – Kashiwagi, pl. 1, figs. 1, 2; pl. 2, fig. 1. 1998 Parahsuum simplum Yao – Yeh & Cheng, p. 26, pl. 4, fig. 14. 2002 Parahsuum simplum Yao – Whalen & Carter, p. 126, pl. 12, figs. 3, 4, 12, 13; pl. 17, figs. 14, 15. 2002 Parahsuum sp. aff. P. simplum Yao – Whalen & Carter, p. 126, pl. 12, fig. 5; pl. 17, figs. 12, 13. 2002 Parahsuum simplum Yao – Tekin, p. 189, pl. 4, fig. 3. 2003 Parahsuum simplum Yao – Kashiwagi & Kurimoto, pl. 3, figs. 1-3. 290 2004 Parahsuum simplum Yao – Hori, pl. 1, fig. 51, pl. 2, fig. 24. 2004 Parahsuum simplum Yao – Hori et al., pl. 6, fig. 3. 2004 Parahsuum simplum Yao – Ishida et al., pl. 5, figs. 1, 2. 2005 Parahsuum simplum Yao – Hori, pl. 8, figs. 1-2. Original description: Shell of 6 or more segments, elongate, conical, becoming somewhat spindle-shaped in unbroken or mature forms. Cephalis poreless, conical with short apical horn. Internal cephalic structure quite indistinct. Post-thoracic segments with continuous 24-32 costae. Each of post-thoracic segments has 3 or 4 transverse rows of pores arranged tetragonally. In some specimens, weak circumferencial ridges present at joint part of segments. Original remarks: Parahsuum simplum differs from Parahsuum (?) sp. A in lacking a long apical horn, and from Parahsuum (?) sp. C in having a conical shell. Further remarks: The considerable range in variation of this species in overall size and width of distal chambers has already been recognized by Hori & Yao (1988). Measurements (µm): Based on 27 specimens. Height overall Max. height of segment Max. width of shell Min. 161 28 85 Max. 293 39 129 Av. 216 33 104 Etymology: The name is derived from the Latin adjective simplus, meaning simple. Type locality: Sample 38, Inuyama Section, Kiso River, 1 km NE of Unuma, Central Japan. Occurrence: Worldwide. Plate PHS01. Parahsuum simplum Yao. Magnification x250. Fig. 1(H). Yao 1982, pl. 4, fig. 1. Fig. 2-3. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 12, figs. 3-4. Fig. 4. QCI, GSC loc. C-080613, GSC 111737. Fig. 5. QCI, GSC loc. C-080611 GSC 111738. Fig. 6. OM, Haliw-039-R04-05. Fig. 7. OM, Haliw-039-R03-18. Fig. 8. OM, Haliw-039-R01-02. Fig. 9. OM, BR1121R08-09. Fig. 10. AT, BMW21-50. 291 Parahsuum vizcainoense Whalen & Carter 2002 Species code: PHS06 Synonymy: 1982 Lupherium sp. A – Pessagno & Whalen, p. 136, pl. 6, fig. 4. 1984 Lupherium sp. – Whalen & Pessagno, pl. 4, figs. 5-7. 1987b Lupherium sp. B – Yeh, p. 68, pl. 17, figs. 1, 4. 1987b Lupherium sp. C [Lupherium (?) sp. E in fig. captions] – Yeh, p. 68, pl. 17, figs. 2, 3, 8. 1998 Drulanta sp. cf. D. mirifica Yeh – Yeh & Cheng, p. 23, pl. 4, figs. 15, 16. 1998 Parahsuum sp. cf. P. officerense (Pessagno & Whalen) – Yeh & Cheng, p. 26, pl. 8, fig. 6. 2002 Parahsuum vizcainoense n. sp. – Whalen & Carter, p. 126, pl. 12, figs. 6, 10, 14. Original description: Test elongate, conical to spindle shaped, with six to seven post-abdominal chambers. Large dome-shaped cephalis and thorax with delicate horn, circular in cross section and often broken. Cephalis and usually thorax and abdomen covered by a layer of microgranular silica providing either a complete, smooth coating or incomplete, irregular coating. Thorax, abdomen and most post-abdominal chambers trapezoidal in outline. Post-abdominal chambers gradually increasing in width distally; final few chambers gradually decreasing in width; all post-abdominal chambers gradually increasing in height. Costae fine, closely spaced, not always perfectly aligned or continuous. Pores circular to elliptical in outline. Parahsuum? sp. A sensu Whalen & Carter 2002 Species code: PHS07 Synonymy: ? 1998 Drulanta sp. A – Yeh & Cheng, p. 23, pl. 8, fig. 11. 2002 Parahsuum? sp. A – Whalen & Carter, p. 128, pl. 16, figs. 12, 13, 17. Original remarks: The chambered test of this species is similar to the genus but it has three, short bladed wing-like extensions on distal post-abdominal chambers. Occurrence: San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur. 292 Original remarks: The more delicate costae and strong horn distinguish this species from Parahsuum simplum Yao. In addition it differs from Parahsuum officerense (Pessagno and Whalen 1982) in having a shorter test (fewer chambers) and more irregular costae and meshwork. It is possible this new species is the ancestor of P. officerense (Pessagno and Whalen). Measurements (µm): Based on 8 specimens. Length (excludes horn) 225 285 180 214 Width (Max.) 105 120 98 109 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: This species is named for the Vizcaino Peninsula, Baja California Sur. Type locality: Sample BPW80-30, San Hipólito Formation, Vizcaino Peninsula, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Occurrence: San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur; Franciscan Complex, California; Hyde Formation and Warm Springs member of the Snowshoe Formation, Oregon; Liminangcong Chert, Philippines; Japan; Skrile Formation, Slovenia. Plate PHS06. Parahsuum vizcainoense Whalen & Carter. Magnification x250, except Fig. 1b(H) x400. Fig. 1(H).Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 12, figs. 6, 10. Fig. 2. JP, IYII-3. Fig. 3. JP, MNA-10, MA12853. Fig. 4. SI, MM 6.76, 010302. Plate PHS07. Parahsuum? sp. A sensu Whalen & Carter. Magnification x250, except Fig. 2b x400. Fig. 1. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 16, fig. 12. Fig. 2. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 16, figs. 13, 17. 293 Genus: Parasaturnalis Kozur & Mostler 1972 Type species: Spongosaturnalis? diplocyclis Yao 1972 Synonymy: 1972 Parasaturnalis n. gen. – Kozur & Mostler, p. 43. Original description: The double to triple ring encloses a single row of pores and has two polar, or four to five radial rods that connect to a spongy central shell. Moderately long spines occur on the outer rim of the secondary ring. Original remarks: In Heliosaturnalis n. gen. the inner ring is firmly attached to the spongy shell. In Pseudosaturnalis the secondary ring shows numerous pores. Etymology: Composed of the prefix Para- and saturnalis. Included species: 2013 Parasaturnalis diplocyclis (Yao) 1972 SAT15 Parasaturnalis yehae Dumitrica & Hori n. sp. Parasaturnalis diplocyclis (Yao) 1972 Species code: 2013 Synonymy: 1972 Spongosaturnalis? diplocyclis n. sp. – Yao, p. 33, pl. 7, figs. 6-10; pl. 8, figs. 1-2. Not 1981c Japonisaturnalis diplocyclis (Yao) – De Wever, p. 141, pl. 1, figs. 5, 7, 8. Not 1982b Japonisaturnalis diplocyclis (Yao) – De Wever, p. 212213, pl. 13, fig. 9; pl. 14, figs. 1, 2. 1982 Parasaturnalis sp. – Wakita, pl. 4, fig. 13. 1987b Parasaturnalis vigrassi n. sp. – Yeh, p. 49, pl. 5, fig. 14; pl. 23, fig. 11. 1987b Parasaturnalis sp. B – Yeh, p. 50, pl. 9, fig. 8. 1987 Parasaturnalis diplocyclis Yao group – Hattori, pl. 1, figs. 7, 8, 9. 1989 Parasaturnalis diplocyclis Yao – Hattori, pl. 1, fig. 5; pl. 18, fig. A. 1995a Parasaturnalis diplocyclis (Yao) – Baumgartner et al., p. 388, pl. 2013, figs. 1-3. 1996 Parasaturnalis sp. A – Yeh and Cheng, p. 108, pl. 2, fig. 6, not pl. 7, fig. 8. 1997 Parasaturnalis diplocyclis (Yao) – Yao, pl. 5, fig. 206. 1997 Parasaturnalis sp. A – Yao, pl. 5, fig. 207. 2003 Parasaturnalis cf. diplocyclis (Yao) – Goričan et al., p. 291, pl. 1, fig. 15. 2003 Spongosaturnalis (?) diplocyclis Yao – Kashiwagi & Kurimoto, pl. 5, figs. 8, 9. 2004 Parasaturnalis sp. B sensu Yeh – Hori, pl. 2, fig. 20. 2004 Parasaturnalis diplocyclis (Yao) – Hori, pl. 4, fig. 40. 2004 Parasaturnalis diplocyclis (Yao) – Matsuoka, fig. 4. Original description: Spongosaturnalid with double ring, and with second spines on second ring. Shell not preserved, but fragmentary thorns on sturdy spines probably indicate that shell may be spongy. Polar spines a little long or short, somewhat thin, with no ridge. Ring double, first (inner) ring and second (outer) ring, joined by bars (called as first spines), bilaterally symmetrical, circular to subcircular, with smooth surface, and no ridge. First ring curves smoothly, with no auxiliary spine on inner margin. Second ring slightly waves with short wavelength, but in some specimens curves smoothly. Thirteen or more first spines (bars) on first ring, constant in size and shape, joining with second ring. Thirteen or more second spines on second ring, situated respectively at middle point of part joined with first spines, short, thornlike or low protrusive, with rounded or somewhat sharp ends. Spaces enclosed by 294 both rings and first spines, elliptical or subrectangular. One space at end of each polar spine generally larger than others, and in some specimens divided in two parts by transversal bar. Original remarks: Although only eight specimens, which are represented by fragmentary ring, were found, this species is established because of the morphological feature lacking auxiliary spines. ?S. catadelos, having a more complicated ring, is described by Foreman (1968, p. 1112, pl. 1, figs. la-f; Latest Cretaceous, Moreno formation, California). The ring of ?S. catadelos is broad and flat, and perforated by numerous pores arranging in some measure of regularity. It probably indicates that the complicated ring is a combination of the fundamental rings (first ring, second ring etc.) and spines (first spines, second spines etc.). There is considerable variation in the number of spines among specimens. Measurements (µm): Based on 6 specimens. D. of 1 ring; (polar spines) D. of 1 ring; (transversely) D. of 2 ring; (polar spines) D. of 2 ring; (transversely) Diameter of shell Length of polar spine Length of first spine Length of sec. spine Breath of 1 ring Breath of 2 ring HT 203 260 313 325 126 23 18-25 23 15 8 Av. 180 250 285 302 113 21 15-25 11 9 7 Min. 150 190 230 270 100 13 10 3 3 3 Max. 203 315 330 350 126 30 35 25 15 13 Type locality: Sample IN-3, manganese carbonate ore, Mino Belt, river side of the Kiso, east of Unuma, Kagamihara City, Gifu Prefecture, central Japan. Occurrence: Japan; Nicely and Hyde formations, and Warm Springs member of the Snowshoe Formation, Oregon; Apennines, Italy; Skrile Formation, Slovenia; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman; Liminangcong Chert, Philippines. Plate 2013. Parasaturnalis diplocyclis (Yao). Magnification x150. Fig. 1. Yao 1972, pl. 8, fig. 1. Fig. 2(H). Yao 1972, pl. 8, fig. 2. Fig. 3. OM, BR528-R10-16. Fig. 4. Matsuoka 2004, fig. 4. Fig. 5. OM, BR871-R02-03. Fig. 6. OM, BR528R10-21. Fig. 7. OM, BR528-R10-15. Fig. 8. BR706-R13-11. Fig. 9. OM, BR706-R13-10. Fig. 10. OM, BR871-R02-04. 295 Parasaturnalis yehae Dumitrica & Hori n. sp. Species code: SAT15 Synonymy: 1981c Japonisaturnalis diplocyclis (Yao) – De Wever, p. 141, pl. 1, fig. 5, ? figs. 7, 8. 1982b Japonisaturnalis diplocyclis (Yao) – De Wever, p. 212-213, pl. 13, fig. 9; pl. 14, ?figs. 1, 2. 1987b Parasaturnalis sp. A – Yeh, p. 49, pl. 3, fig. 16. 1992 Parasaturnalis spp. – Pessagno & Mizutani, pl. 99, figs. 10, 15. 1998 Heliosaturnalis sp. A – Yeh & Cheng, p. 16, pl. 2, fig. 20; pl. 8, fig. 9; pl. 11, fig. 11. Type designation: The holotype was illustrated by Yeh (1987b, pl. 3, fig. 16) from the Nicely Formation, Oregon. Diagnosis: A species of Parasaturnalis having the spines of secondary ring aligned with the radial bars connecting the two rings. Description: Ring double, subcircular to slightly elliptical in outline, thin, smooth. Ring commonly with 12-14 radial bars between the two rings and a similar number of short spines on the secondary ring aligned with the radial bars connecting the two rings. Shell spongy, many-layered, when larger it may be connected to primary ring also by auxiliary and/or subsidiary rays. Remarks: This new species is clearly different from Parasaturnalis diplocyclis (Yao) by the position of the spines on the secondary ring relative to the radial bars connecting the two rings. Whereas in P. diplocyclis the bars have an alternate position, in P. yehae they are aligned with these bars. The ring of P. yehae is comparable to ring of the Carnian species Heliosaturnalis magnus Kozur & Mostler. In the present state of knowledge we include in this species specimens with and without auxiliary or subsidiary rays. 296 The fossil record seems to prove that the latter are stratigraphically younger (late Pliensbachian - Toarcian) (Yeh, 1987b) than the former (Sinemurian - early Pliensbachian) (De Wever, 1981c, 1982b; Yeh & Cheng, 1998) and that the disappearance of these centripetally directed radial bars, is an evolutionary process inherited from the Late Triassic and earliest Jurassic ancestors. If so, these species could be separated into two successive subspecies of evolutionary and stratigraphic value i.e., Parasaturnalis yehae ssp. A and Parasaturnalis yehae yehae. In the present paper the existance of these two morphotypes is just suggested. Measurements (µm): Based on 6 specimens. Diameter of central shell Width of primary ring at the end of polar rays Width of secondary ring Length of primary ring Length of secondary ring HT 227 327 289 360 Min. Max. 108 120 239 305 365 407 - Etymology: The species is named after Kuei-Yu Yeh, Tainan National College of the Arts, Tainan, Taiwan, who illustrated several specimens of this species. Type locality: Sample OR-536J, Nicely Formation, Morgan Mountain, east-central Oregon (Yeh, 1987b). Occurrence: Nicely Formation, Oregon; Inuyama and Nanjo areas, Japan; Busuanga Island, Philippines; Fernie Formation, northeastern British Columbia; Gümüslü Allochthon, Turkey; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation and Haliw (Aqil) Formation, Oman. Plate SAT15. Parasaturnalis yehae Dumitrica & Hori n. sp. Magnification x150. Fig. 1(H). Yeh 1987b, pl. 3, fig. 16. Fig. 2. OM, BR528-R10-17. Fig. 3. NBC, GSC loc. C-305208, GSC 111739. Fig. 4. OM, BR706-R13-12. Fig. 5. JP, Nanjo chert, NAI-132, RH(1)468. 297 Genus: Paronaella Pessagno 1971 Type species: Paronaella solanoensis Pessagno 1971 Synonymy: 1971 Paronaella n. gen. – Pessagno, p. 46. 1971 Patulibracchium n. gen. – Pessagno, p. 26. 1980 Paronaella Pessagno emend. – Baumgartner, p. 300. 1981b Paronaella Pessagno emend. – De Wever, p. 33. 1987b Sontonaella n. gen. – Yeh, p. 44. 1993 Paronaella Pessagno emend. Baumgartner – Pessagno et al., p. 121. 1994 Fluegelium n. gen. – Steiger & Steiger, p. 457. 1999 Paronaella Pessagno, emend. Baumgartner, emend. De Wever – Kiessling, p. 38. Original description: Test lacks rays with bracchiopyle. Rays always nearly equal in length; expanded or thickened ray tips lacking. Meshwork linear to sublinear; comprised of irregular polygonal pore frames. Pore frames comprised of bars connected to weakly developed nodes. Original remarks: Paronaella n. gen. differs from Patulibracchium n. gen. and Halesium n. gen. by lacking a bracchiopyle and expanded ray tips and by always having rays which are nearly equal in length. Further remarks: We include all forms with or without a bracchiopyle and with or without bulbous tips. Etymology: This genus is named for C. F. Parona, one of the early students of Mesozoic Radiolaria. Included species and subspecies: PAR13 Paronaella corpulenta De Wever 1981b PAR22 Paronaella curticrassa Carter & Dumitrica n. sp. PAR24 Paronaella fera s.l. (Yeh) 1987b PAR15 Paronaella fera fera (Yeh) 1987b PAR10 Paronaella fera jamesi Whalen & Carter 1998 PAR16 Paronaella grahamensis Carter 1988 PAR17 Paronaella notabilis Whalen & Carter 2002 2005 Paronaella skowkonaensis Carter 1988 PAR19 Paronaella snowshoensis (Yeh) 1987b PAR20 Paronaella tripla De Wever 1981b PAR21 Paronaella variabilis Carter 1988 Paronaella corpulenta De Wever 1981b Species code: PAR13 Synonymy: 1981b Paronaella corpulenta n. sp. – De Wever, p. 33, pl. 2, figs. 7-9. 1982b Paronaella corpulenta De Wever – De Wever, p. 245, pl. 22, fig. 7; pl. 23, figs. 1-3. 1988 Paronaella sp. C – Carter et al., p. 42, pl. 11, fig. 7. 2002 Paronaella corpulenta De Wever – Whalen & Carter, p. 107, pl. 2, figs. 6, 12. 2003 Paronaella spp. – Goričan et al., p. 295, pl. 2, fig. 4 only. ? 2004 Paronaella corpulenta De Wever s.l. – Matsuoka, fig. 32. Original description: Massive form with three very wide, club-shaped arms terminating in a short, robust triradiate spine. Arms, almost as wide as long, composed of a spongy network which is embedded within other more delicate spongy material that usually remains only as fragments. This secondary spongy material is responsible for the plump shape of this species. Primary spines at distal ends of arms seem to be deep-set as in a cushion. Some forms possess secondary spines between or on arms; these spines are always thinner than primary spines, although sometimes longer. Original remarks: This species differs from Paronaella obesa (Pessagno) by absence of bracchiopyle, more massive shape, finer less frequent secondary spines and presence 298 of a patagium. Its plump shape, very rounded outline and primary spine (which appears to be deep-set as in a cushion) easily distinguishes this species from others. It differs from Paronaella tripla n. sp. by the presence of secondary spines and, mainly by its different network. Measurements (µm): Based on 10 specimens. Length of ray HT 185 Min. 167 Max. 200 Av. 177 Length of primary spines is difficult to measure since they arise from the depressed part of a “cushion”; they are generally about 50µm long. Etymology: From Latin corpulentus, -a, -um, adj. = corpulent, by analogy with the rotund shape of this species. Type locality: Sample 1662D, Gümüslü Allochthon, Taurus Mts., Turkey. Occurrence: Gümüslü Allochthon, Turkey; Ghost Creek, Fannin, Whiteaves and Phantom Creek formations, Queen Charlotte Islands; San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur; Skrile Formation, Slovenia; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman. Plate PAR13. Paronaella corpulenta De Wever. Magnification x150. Fig. 1(H). De Wever 1981b, pl. 2, fig. 7. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-175311, GSC 128864. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-175311, GSC 128865. Fig. 4. QCI, GSC loc. C-080612, GSC 128866. Fig. 5. QCI, GSC loc. C-080612, GSC 128867. Fig. 6. QCI, GSC loc. C-080612, GSC 128868. Fig. 7. OM, BR1123-R05-01. Fig. 8. OM, BR706-R03-21a. Fig. 9. Goričan et al. 2003, pl. 2, fig. 4. 299 Paronaella curticrassa Carter & Dumitrica n. sp. Species code: PAR22 Synonymy: 1987b Sontonella sp. B – Yeh, p. 47, pl. 11, fig. 10. 1988 Paronaella sp. A – Carter et al., p. 42, pl. 4, fig. 10. Type designation: Holotype, pl. PAR22, fig. 2, Carter et al. 1988, pl. 4, fig. 10 (GSC 80574); paratype, fig. 1, QCI, GSC loc. C-177371, GSC 128875. Description: Test small with a large slightly raised central area and three short stubby rays widely expanded and clubshaped at tips; each ray with a single short spine. Meshwork of test usually massive on central area and proximal part of arms, pore frames triangular to quadrangular or irregularly polygonal with nodes at vertices; meshwork slightly smaller towards ray tips. Lateral sides of rays vertical. Spines on ray tips triradiate at base then circular in axial section. Remarks: Paronaella curticrassa n. sp. differs from P. grahamensis Carter in having a larger central area and shorter rays with more widely expanded ray tips. The holotype 300 appears to be morphologically intermediate between the two other specimens illustrated. Measurements (µm): Based on 4 specimens. HT Min. Max. Av. Length of ray from shell centre 135-145 73 160 117 Minimum width of ray 50 36 85 58 120-130 65 170 111 Width of expanded tip Etymology: From the Latin curtus – short and crassus – fat, plump; adjective. Type locality: GSC loc. C-080577, Maude Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Fannin Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Hyde Formation and Warm Springs member of the Snowshoe Formation, Oregon; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman. Plate PAR22. Paronaella curticrassa Carter & Dumitrica n. sp. Magnification x200. Fig. 1. QCI, GSC loc. C-177371, GSC 128875. Fig. 2(H). Carter et al. 1988, pl. 4, fig. 10. Fig. 3. OR600A-R03-13. 301 Paronaella fera s.l. (Yeh) 1987b Species code: PAR24 Synonymy: 1987b Sontonella fera n. sp. – Yeh, p. 46, pl. 1, fig. 3; pl. 3, fig. 20. See also subspecies. Included subspecies: PAR15 Paronaella fera fera (Yeh) 1987b PAR10 Paronaella fera jamesi Whalen & Carter 1998 Paronaella fera fera (Yeh) 1987b Species code: PAR15 Synonymy: 1987b Sontonaella fera n. sp. – Yeh, p. 46, pl. 1, fig. 3; pl. 3, fig. 20. 1987b Sontonaella sp. aff. S. fera n. sp. – Yeh, p. 46, pl. 1, fig. 4. Original description: Rays nearly equal in length and width, with large expanded tips. One tip larger than other two and flanking with two short lateral spines at distal surface. The other two tips with long, massive central spines. All spines circular in cross section. Test mainly with triangular and tetragonal pore frames having prominent nodes at vertices. Pore frames irregularly arranged, medium in size, with smaller pore frames on tips. Original remarks: Sontonaella fera Yeh, n. sp., can be easily distinguished from other Sontonaella spp. in this report by having one large tip with two small spines and two smaller tips with extremely long and massive spines. 302 Measurements (µm): Ten specimens measured. System of measurement shown in text-figure 7 of Yeh (1987b). HT Mean Max. Min. LA 186 177 186 160 LB 186 177 186 160 LC 186 177 186 160 WR 50 56 60 50 LT 86 77 86 70 WT 143 140 143 135 Etymology: Ferus-a-um (Latin, adj.) = wild. Type locality: Sample OR-536D, Nicely Formation, southeast side of the Morgan Mountain, east-central Oregon. Occurrence: Nicely Formation, Oregon; Ghost Creek and Fannin formations, Queen Charlotte Islands and Fernie Formation, Williston Lake, British Columbia; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation. Plate PAR15. Paronaella fera fera (Yeh). Magnification x150. Fig. 1(H). Yeh 1987b, pl. 1, fig. 3. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C304568, GSC 128869. Fig. 3. NBC, GSC loc. C-305208, GSC 128870. Fig. 4. NBC, GSC loc. C-305208, GSC 128871. Fig. 5. QCI, GSC loc. C-080612, GSC 128872. Fig. 6. OM, BR528-R10-04. 303 Paronaella fera jamesi Whalen & Carter 1998 Species code: PAR10 Synonymy: section and spines are shorter and slightly flat with single central spine on ray tips. Several forms originally assigned to P. jamesi Whalen & Carter have now been assigned to P. grahamensis Carter. Original description: Test with short equally spaced rays; rays approximately equal in length, narrow proximally, gradually expanding in width distally. Ray tips moderately expanded and bulbous. Meshwork composed mostly of strong, triangular and tetragonal pore frames with small nodes at pore frame vertices; slight lineation of pore frames developed externally on proximal portion of rays. Each ray usually with short, circular, flat-bladed to slightly triradiate central spine; some rays with several smaller spines rather than one primary spine. Measurements (µm): Based on 8 specimens. 1998 Paronaella jamesi n. sp. – Whalen & Carter, p. 51, pl. 13, figs. 19, 23, not figs. 18, 22, 24. 2002 Paronaella jamesi Whalen & Carter – Tekin, p. 181, pl. 1, fig. 11. Original remarks: See remarks under Paronaella skenaensis n. sp. Remarks under P. skenaensis Whalen & Carter n. sp. (p. 52): Paronaella skenaensis n. sp. differs from P. jamesi n. sp. in having much finer meshwork with smaller nodes and more delicate spines. Further remarks: This species differs from Paronaella fera fera (Yeh) because the rays are not rectangular in cross- Length of longest ray 174 249 146 184 Average width of rays at base 53 66 50 59 Max. width of ray tips 121 184 113 139 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: This species is named for James Helwig, Dallas, Texas who assisted with fieldwork and construction of plates. Type locality: Sample 89-CNA-KUH-8, Sandilands Formation, north side of Kunga Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Sandilands Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Hocaköy Radiolarite, Turkey. Paronaella grahamensis Carter 1988 Species code: PAR16 Synonymy: 1987 Paronaella (?) sp. V – Hattori, pl. 4, fig. 12. 1988 Paronaella grahamensis Carter n. sp. – Carter et al., p. 40, pl. 11, figs. 11, 12; not pl. 11, fig. 10. 1998 Paronaella jamesi n. sp. – Whalen & Carter, p. 51, pl. 13, figs. 18, 22, 24, not figs. 19, 23. 2002 Paronaella grahamensis Carter – Whalen & Carter, p. 107, pl. 2, figs. 3, 4, 9, 11, 13. 2001 Paronaella grahamensis Carter – Gawlick et al., pl. 2, fig. 17. 2004 Paronaella sp. – Matsuoka, fig. 30. Original diagnosis: Moderate in size with short rays, expanded tips and slender, almost cylindrical central spine. Rays subrectangular in cross-section. Original description: Three-rayed patulibracchiid of moderate size with slender central spine. Rays short, approximately equal in length. Tips enlarged and rounded; expansion may occur gradually throughout ray length or more abruptly in distal portion only. Pore frames irregular to sublinearly aligned, uniform in size, mostly tetragonal. Central spines on ray tips are slender, variable in length, circular in section. Rays subrectangular in cross-section. 304 Original remarks: This abundant form is similar to, but much smaller than, Paronaella bona Yeh. Strong central spines are evident on almost all specimens. Measurements (µm): Based on 7 specimens. Length of longest ray Width of ray Width of ray tip Length of longest spine HT 171 47 118 65 Av. 167 60 122 58 Max. 200 70 140 130 Min. 125 47 102 35 Etymology: Named for Graham Island; type locality in central portion of island. Type locality: GSC locality C-080583, Phantom Creek Formation, Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Fannin, Whiteaves and Phantom Creek formations, Queen Charlotte Islands; Fernie Formation, NE British Columbia; San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur; Skrile Formation, Slovenia; Dürrnberg Formation, Austria; Japan. Plate PAR10. Paronaella fera jamesi Whalen & Carter. Magnification x150. Fig. 1(H). Carter et al. 1998, pl. 13, fig. 23. Fig. 2. Carter et al. 1998, pl. 13, fig. 19. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-305417, GSC 128873. Plate PAR16. Paronaella grahamensis Carter. Magnification x150. Fig. 1(H). Carter et al. 1988, pl. 11, fig. 11. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-304568, GSC 128874. Fig. 3. JP, MNA-10, MA10845. Fig. 4. NBC, GSC loc. 305208, GSC 111740. Fig. 5. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 2, fig. 4. Fig. 6. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 2, fig. 3. Fig. 7. SI, MM 5.00, 010106. 305 Paronaella notabilis Whalen & Carter 2002 Species code: PAR17 Synonymy: 1988 Paronaella sp. D – Carter et al., p. 42, pl. 11, fig. 9. 2002 Paronaella notabilis n. sp. – Whalen & Carter, p. 107, pl. 2, figs. 7, 10, 14; pl. 3, figs. 1, 8, 11. 2002 Paronaella notabilis Whalen & Carter – Tekin, p. 181, pl. 1, figs. 12, 13. Original description: Test with three stout rays; ray length slightly greater than ray width; distal part of ray somewhat inflated to bulbous. Each ray with small, tapering principal spine, circular in axial section. Small and mediumsized subsidiary spines sometimes present on ray tips. Meshwork composed of irregularly shaped tetragonal and pentagonal pore frames with slight development of nodes at pore frame vertices; no apparent development of pore frame lineation. Original remarks: The slightly more elongate, less bulbous rays, along with the presence of subsidiary spines on the ray tips, distinguish Paronaella notabilis n. sp. from P. corpulenta De Wever 1981b. Measurements (µm): Based on 11 specimens. Length of ray 90 105 83 93 Length of spine 53 75 45 55 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: Notabilis (Latin, adj.) = remarkable, striking, noteworthy. Type locality: Sample BPW80-30, San Hipólito Formation, Vizcaino Peninsula, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Occurrence: Phantom Creek and Graham Island formations, Queen Charlotte Islands; San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur; Hocaköy Radiolarite, Turkey. Paronaella skowkonaensis Carter 1988 Species code: 2005 Synonymy: 1987 Paronaella sp. O – Hattori, pl. 4, fig. 14. 1988 Paronaella sp. F – Hattori, pl. 6, fig. D. 1989 Homoeoparonaella sp. – Hattori & Sakamoto, pl. 6, fig. J. 1988 Paronaella skowkonaensis Carter n. sp. – Carter et al., p. 40, pl. 11, figs. 4-5. 1989 Tritrabs (?) spp. – Hori & Otsuka, pl. 4, fig. 7, not fig. 6. 1989 Paronaella (?) sp. – Hori & Otsuka, pl. 4, fig. 8. 1995a Paronaella skowkonaensis Carter – Baumgartner et al., p. 398, pl. 2005, figs. 1-2. 2004 Homoeoparonaella sp. – Matsuoka, fig. 35. Original diagnosis: Three-rayed patulibracchiid having long, slender rays with clavate to wedge-shaped tips. Meshwork fine and irregular. Ray tips have numerous short fine spines. Original description: Test large with three long slender rays expanding at tips. Rays subequal in length at approximately 120°. Tips rounded to wedge-shaped. External pore frames small, sublinearly arranged; tetragonal to pentagonal with weak nodes at vertices. Numerous short, fine spines extend from ray tips of well preserved specimens. Internal meshwork layered and spongy. 306 Original remarks: This form strongly resembles Rhopalastrum trixiphus Rüst 1898, but differs in having several short spines rather than a single central one on each ray tip. It has been assigned to Paronaella because of its layered spongy meshwork. Measurements (µm): Based on 10 specimens. Length of ray AX: Length of ray BX: Length of ray CX: Width of ray: Width of tip: HT 196 188 182 50 149 Av. 197 81 146 Min. 230 70 205 Max. 150 50 80 Etymology: Named for Skowkona Mountain, southeast of the type locality. Type locality: GSC locality C-080584, Phantom Creek Formation, Yakoun River, Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Island, British Columbia. Occurrence: Fannin, Whiteaves and Phantom Creek formations, Queen Charlotte Islands; Apennines, Italy; Japan. Plate PAR17. Paronaella notabilis Whalen & Carter. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 3, fig. 1. Fig. 2. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 2, fig. 7. Plate 2005. Paronaella skowkonaensis Carter. Magnification x150. Fig. 1(H). Carter et al. 1988, pl. 11, fig. 4. Fig. 2. Matsuoka 2004, fig. 35. Fig. 3. Hori & Otsuka 1989, pl. 4, fig. 8. 307 Paronaella snowshoensis (Yeh) 1987b Species code: PAR19 Synonymy: 1987b Sontonaella snowshoensis n. sp. – Yeh, p. 46, pl. 21, fig. 3; pl. 22, figs. 9, 14. 2002 Paronaella snowshoensis (Yeh) – Whalen & Carter, p. 107, pl. 3, figs. 2, 9, 12, 14. Original description: Test large with three rays nearly equal in length. Rays long, moderate in width, subcircular in outline, terminating in large rhombohedral tips with a medium length triradiate spines originating from central portion of tips. Test comprised of nearly uniformly sized sublinearly arranged triangular pore frames on ray shafts and more irregularly arranged polygonal pore frames on tips. Pore frames larger on ray shafts and smaller in central area, all pore frames with nodes at vertices. Original remarks: Sontonaella snowshoensis, n. sp., differs from S. bona, n. sp., by having rays consisting chiefly of triangular pore frames rather than tetragonal pore frames, and by having three ray shafts with three large 308 rhombohedral tips rather than with one rhombohedral tip and two ellipsoidal tips. Measurements (µm): Ten specimens measured. System of measurement shown in text-figure 7 of Yeh (1987b). HT Mean Max. Min. LA 315 320 355 300 LB 315 320 355 300 LC 315 320 355 300 WR 63 70 80 63 LT 125 115 125 100 WT 200 210 220 200 LSP 150 152 155 150 Etymology: This species is named for the Snowshoe Creek near its type locality. Type locality: OR-589D, Warm Springs member, Snowshoe Formation, east-central Oregon. Occurrence: Hyde Formation and Warm Springs member of the Snowshoe Formation, Oregon; San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur; Japan. Plate PAR19. Paronaella snowshoensis (Yeh). Magnification x 150. Fig. 1(H). Yeh 1987b, pl. 22, fig. 9. Fig. 2. JP, MNA-10, MA10797. Fig. 3. BCS, Loc. BPW80-30. Fig. 4. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 3, fig. 2. 309 Paronaella tripla De Wever 1981b Species code: PAR20 Synonymy: 1981b Paronaella tripla n. sp. – De Wever, p. 34, pl. 3, figs. 5, 6. 1982b Paronaella tripla De Wever – De Wever, p. 248, pl. 25, figs. 3-4. 1988 Paronaella sp. B – Carter et al., p. 42, pl. 11, fig. 6. Original description: Form with three massive arms each terminating in a short primary spine. Arms wide at base increasing more in width distally. Five to six longitudinal beams clearly visible on arms, connected to oblique bars framing triangular pores. Nodes, sometimes well developed, present at beam-bar intersections. Fine, loose spongy material visible on well preserved specimens on all test surfaces, especially on general plane of flattening. Original remarks: This species differs from Paronaella elegans by its much more massive shape, wider arms, thinner beams and bars and more abrupt brachial end. It is distinguished from Paronaella petroleumensis (Pessagno) 1971 by the absence of a bracchiopyle and its less inflated central part, and from P. californiensis (Pessagno) 1971 310 by the shape of its arms and absence of a bracchiopyle; Paronaella kotura Baumgartner (1980) is thinner with slimmer arms. Measurements (µm): Based on 6 specimens. Length of arm, from center to base of terminal spine Width of arm (before inflated part) Mean Min. Max. HT 196 157 220 220 107 100 120 120 Etymology: From latin triplus, -a, -um, adj. = triple. This species has three arms, three primary spines, and pores which are triangular most of the time. Type locality: Sample 1662D, Gümüslü Allochthon, Taurus Mts., Turkey. Occurrence: Gümüslü Allochthon, Turkey; Dürrnberg Formation, Austria; Phantom Creek Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands. Plate PAR20. Paronaella tripla De Wever. Magnification x150. Fig. 1(H). De Wever 1981b, pl. 3, fig. 5. Fig. 2. TR, 1662D-R08-05. Fig. 3. Carter et al. 1988, pl. 11, fig. 6. Fig. 4. AT, BMW21-29. 311 Paronaella variabilis Carter 1988 Species code: PAR21 Synonymy: 1988 Paronaella variabilis Carter n. sp. – Carter et al., p. 41, pl. 11, figs. 1-3. 2002 Paronaella variabilis Carter – Whalen & Carter, p. 107, pl. 3, figs. 3, 4, 7, 10. 2004 Paronaella sp. cf. P. bona (Yeh) – Ziabrev et al., fig. 5-7. Original diagnosis: Three-rayed patulibracchiid of variable morphology. Rays generally slender with greatly expanded elliptical, wedge or club-shaped tips. Mesh size irregular, coarse to medium, finer on ray tips. Rays terminate in numerous small spines. Original description: Three-rayed form variable in many respects. Rays moderately slender, expanding to large elliptical, club, or wedge-shaped tips. The largest interradial angle varies continuously from 120º˙to almost 150º (n=81). Pore frames irregularly arranged on most specimens, sublinear on others; always smaller on ray tips. Pore frames triangular and tetragonal, nodes highly developed. Rays cylindrical to subrectangular in cross-section. n=81 Maximum angle Minimum angle Mean 128.41º 111.99º Standard deviation 5.88 5.93 Original remarks: A variable form extremely abundant in all upper Toarcian samples. Resembles Paronaella sp. cf. P. kotura figured by Baumgartner (1980, p. 304, Pl. 9, fig. 14), but lacks fine meshwork in central area and has numerous fine spines on ray tips. It differs from P. kotura by having highly variable interradial angles, shorter, wider rays with more expanded tips, and by lacking small pores in the central area. Measurements (µm): Based on 10 specimens. Length of ray AX BX CX Width of ray Width of tip HT 196 188 182 50 149 Av. Max. Min. 197 230 150 81 146 70 205 50 80 Etymology: Latin, variabilis (adj.), changeable. Type locality: GSC locality C-080584, Phantom Creek Formation, Yakoun River, Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Island, British Columbia. Occurrence: Ghost Creek, Fannin, Whiteaves and Phantom Creek formations, Queen Charlotte Islands; San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur; Haliw (Aquil) Formation, Oman; Bainang Terrane, Tibet. Genus: Perispyridium Dumitrica 1978 Type species: Trilonche? ordinaria Pessagno 1977a Synonymy: 1978 Perispyridium n. gen. – Dumitrica, p. 35. 1987b Protoperispyridium n. gen – Yeh, p. 91. Original description: Flat eptingiids with cephalis small, surrounded in frontal plane by a triangular or subcircular peripheral latticed shell; sagittal ring inserted in the cephalic wall; arches more or less distinct. 312 Original remarks: Perispyridium seems to be the last survivor of the family. It bears the most advanced spumellarian morphology among the eptingiids, the cephalis being able to be easily confused with the microsphere and the peripheral latticed shell with the cortical shell. Included species: PSP03 Perispyridium hippaense (Carter) 1988 PSP01 Perispyridium oregonense (Yeh) 1987b Plate PAR21. Paronaella variabilis Carter. Magnification x 150. Fig. 1(H). Carter et al. 1988, pl. 11, fig. 1. Fig. 2. Carter et al. 1988, pl. 11, fig. 3. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC C-080611, GSC 128876. Fig. 4. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 3, fig. 3. Fig. 5. OM, Haliw-039-R03-10. Fig. 6. OM, Haliw-039-R03-11. 313 Perispyridium hippaense (Carter) 1988 Species code: PSP03 Synonymy: 1987b Protoperispyridium sp. A – Yeh, p. 93, pl. 13, figs. 13, 23. 1988 Protoperispyridium hippaensis Carter n. sp. – Carter et al., p. 59, pl. 6, figs. 1-2. 2004 Perisypridium sp. – Matsuoka, fig. 183. Original diagnosis: Strongly triangular, thickened peripheral shell with concave sides, heavy nodes and prominent sleeve-like extensions. Three spines are massive and triradiate with crown-like extensions (produced by subsidiary spines on ridge tips). Original description: Cephalis indistinct, peripheral shell triangular in outline, sides concave; shell thickened at right angles to frontal plane. Apical and two primary lateral spines often not at 120º. Spines massive, triradiate with alternating ridges and grooves. Ridges wide and deep, grooves relatively shallow, merging to a point. Outer tip of each ridge is widened and blunt. The subsidiary spines together produce a crown-like structure. Original remarks: Differs from Protoperispyridium sp. B, in having a thicker shell with concave sides, more massive pore frames and heavier nodes. Further remarks: Perispyridium hippaense differs from P. oregonense (Yeh) in having large nodes on the peripheral shell and spines terminating in a crown-like structure. Measurements (µm): Based on 10 specimens. Width of test (along spine axis) Length of longest spine HT Av. Max. Min. 120 130 150 112 93 96 110 82 Etymology: Named for Hippa Island, on the west coast of Graham Island. Type locality: GSC locality C-080588,Graham Island Formation, Rennell Junction, Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Whiteaves, Phantom Creek, and Graham Island formations, Queen Charlotte Islands; Hyde Formation, Oregon; Japan. Perispyridium oregonense (Yeh) 1987b Species code: PSP01 Synonymy: 1987b Protoperispyridium oregonense n. sp. – Yeh, p. 91, pl. 13, figs. 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24. 1987b Perispyridium (?) sp. A – Yeh, p. 91, pl. 3, fig. 8, pl. 24, fig. 4, 13, 22, 24. 1987b Protoperispyridium sp. D – Yeh, p. 93, pl. 24, fig. 14. 1989 Protoperispyridium sp. cf. P. oregonense Yeh – Hattori, pl. 3, fig. J. 1997 Perispyridium sp. E0 – Yao, pl. 15, fig. 708. 2003 Perispyridium cf. oregonense (Yeh) – Goričan et al., p. 296, pl. 4, fig. 1. Original description: Test convex at right angle to frontal plane. Cephalis large, with irregular large polygonal pore frames forming raised cephalic wall. Sides of peripheral shell concave inwards. Pore frames with thin rims and thick sides. Peripheral shell connected to three spines with truncated, sleeve-like extensions. Apical spines and two primary lateral spines displaced equally, about equal in length, and triradiate with three wide ridges alternating with three wide grooves, grooves about as wide as ridges. Narrow subsidiary grooves occurring on ridges. Peripheral shell consisting of large irregular pore frames with thickest portion on sleeve-like extension and connected to cephalis by two or three butresses which separate one or two small rounded pericephalic pores. 314 Measurements (µm): Ten specimens measured. LT = length of test along the axis of apical spine, WT = maximum width of test normal to the axis of apical spine. HT Mean Max. Min. LT (max.) 123 125 141 123 WT (max.) 135 131 135 128 Etymology: This species is named for the state of Oregon. Type locality: OR-600M, Hyde Formation at Izee-Paulina road, east-central Oregon. Occurrence: Hyde Formation, Oregon; Ghost Creek and Fannin formations, Queen Charlotte Islands; Skrile Formation, Slovenia; Japan. Plate PSP03. Perispyridium hippaense (Carter). Magnification x250. Fig. 1(H). Carter et al. 1988, pl. 6, fig. 1. Fig. 2. Carter et al. 1988, pl. 6, fig. 2. Fig. 3. JP, MNA-10, MA11437. Plate PSP01. Perispyridium oregonense (Yeh). Magnification x250. Fig. 1(H). Yeh 1987b, pl. 13, fig. 14. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-080611, GSC 111741. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-175309, GSC 111742. 315 Genus: Pleesus Yeh 1987b Type species: Pleesus aptus Yeh 1987b Synonymy: 1987b Pleesus n. gen. – Yeh, p. 82. Original description: Test multicyrtid, spindle-shaped (conical when broken), with or without constrictions between joints. Cephalis dome-shaped with horn. Earlier chambers covered with layer of microgranular silica, remaining chambers consisting of single layer of regular to subregular polygonal pore frames. Final post-abdominal chambers slightly inflated and terminating in open, narrow, elongate, tubular extension. Original remarks: Pleesus n. gen., differs from Katroma Pessagno and Poisson (1981) by lacking a horn on cephalis, and by having a less inflated final post-abdominal chamber. Etymology: Pleesus is a name formed by an arbitrary combination of letters (ICZN, 1985, Appendix D, pt.Vl, Recommendation 40, p. 201). Included species: PLE01 Pleesus aptus Yeh 1987b Pleesus aptus Yeh 1987b Species code: PLE01 Synonymy: 1987b Pleesus aptus n. sp. – Yeh, p. 82, pl. 10, figs. 9, 18, 23; pl. 23, fig. 7. 1996 Pleesus sp. – Tumanda et al., p. 181, Fig. 5.9. 1998 Pleesus sp. aff. P. aptus Yeh – Yeh & Cheng, p. 34, pl. 4, fig. 17. 2004 Pleesus aptus Yeh – Matsuoka, fig. 122. Original description: Test as with genus, elongate, spindleshaped, with slight constrictions between joints, with as many as nine post-abdominal chambers. Cephalis domeshaped, medium in size, without horn. Thorax and subsequent chambers trapezoidal in outline, gradually increasing in width as added, with final post-abdominal chamber slightly inflated and terminating in narrow, latticed, tubular extension. Cephalis imperforate, thorax and abdomen sparsely perforate, covered by layer of microgranular silica. Post-abdominal chambers consisting of single layer of subregular tetragonal, pentagonal, and hexagonal pore frames. Pore frames gradually increasing in size distally. 316 Measurements (µm): Ten specimens measured. HT Mean Max. Min. Length Width of Length of Max. of conical conical part inflated width part at base part 187 90 75 115 73 118 192 110 209 128 75 126 185 90 71 112 Etymology: Aptus-a-um (Latin, adj.) = useful. Type locality: Sample OR-600A, Hyde Formation along Izee-Paulina road, east-central Oregon. Occurrence: Hyde Formation and Warm Springs member of the Snowshoe Formation, Oregon; Liminangcong Chert, Philippines; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Musallah Formation, Oman; Japan. Plate PLE01. Pleesus aptus Yeh. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Yeh 1987b, pl. 10, fig. 9. Fig. 2. Matsuoka 2004, fig. 122. Fig. 3. OM, BR706-R12-08. Fig. 4. BR706-R12-04. Fig. 5. OM-00-252-021817. Fig. 6. OM-00-251-021417. 317 Genus: Plicaforacapsa O’Dogherty, Goričan & Dumitrica 2006 Type species: Stylocapsa catenarum Matsuoka 1982a Synonymy: 2006 Plicaforacapsa O’Dogherty, Goričan & Dumitrica n. gen. - O’Dogherty et al., p. 443. Original diagnosis: Test elongated fusiform, composed of two or more segments. Outer surface of shell with longitudinal plicae bearing one row of small circular pores. Cephalis small, hemispherical, last segment inflated with a constricted aperture at the base. Original remarks: Plicaforacapsa differs from other genera in having pores on the longitudinal plicae. At present two species with this ornamentation have been found in the Jurassic: Stichocapsa elegans Matsuoka from the Toarcian (Matsuoka 1991a) and Stylocapsa catenarum Matsuoka from the middle to late Bathonian (Baumgartner et al., 1995a). A direct phylogenetic relationship between them has not been demonstrated yet. Etymology: Referring to perforated plicae, feminine gender. Included species: SCP02 Plicaforacapsa? elegans (Matsuoka) 1991 Plicaforacapsa? elegans (Matsuoka) 1991 Species code: SCP02 Synonymy: 1991 Stichocapsa elegans n. sp. – Matsuoka, p. 731, Fig. 7. 1a – 5b. 2003 Stichocapsa elegans Matsuoka – Goričan et al., p. 297, pl. 4, fig. 11. 2004 Stichocapsa elegans Matsuoka – Matsuoka, fig. 86. Original description: Shell of four to five segments, elongate ovoidal. Cephalis hemispherical, poreless. Thorax, abdomen and the fourth segment in the case of fivesegmented specimens truncate conical. All segments but the last one form conical proximal part; the last segment large, hemispherical with a strongly constricted aperture. Strictures between segments indistinct externally. Ten to 12 longitudinal plicae observed on the conical proximal portion of shell in lateral view. One row of pores runs on the plicae. The distal portion of shell with smooth, perforated surface. Pores small and circular. Original remarks: Stichocapsa elegans, n. sp. differs from S. plicata, n. sp. by its slender form and by possessing 318 perforated longitudinal plicae on the conical proximal portion of the shell. Measurements (µm): Numbers of specimens measured are in parentheses. Total height of shell Max. width of shell Diameter of aperture HT 170 89 8 Max. 179 105 8 Min. 152 81 6 Mean 165 89 7 (15) (15) (2) Etymology: The specific name comes from the Latin elegans (=elegant). Type locality: MNA-10, Nanjo Massif, Mino Terrane, central Japan. Occurrence: Mino Terrane, Japan; Skrile Formation, Slovenia; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman. Plate SCP02. Plicaforacapsa? elegans (Matsuoka). Magnification x400. Fig. 1(H) a-b. Matsuoka 1991, fig. 7.1a-b. Fig. 2. Goričan et al. 2003, pl. 4, fig. 11. Fig. 3. OM, BR1121-R09-17. 319 Genus: Podocapsa Rüst 1885, emend. Foreman 1973 Type species: Podocapsa guembeli Rüst 1885 (subsequent designation by Campbell, 1954) Synonymy: 1885 Podocapsa n. gen. – Rüst, p. 304. 1973 Podocapsa Rüst emend. – Foreman, p. 267. Original description: The three following species required the definition of a new genus. A diagnosis would be: Monocyrtida clausa eradiata, testa subsphaerica, appendicibus tribus vel pluribus ubique clathratis, and it would have its analogue in the genera Haeckel’s dicyrtid genus Sethrochytris and Ehrenberg’s Lithochytris. Of the two latticed extensions the two opposite ones, which could be named basal extensions, are always equal, while the third one, the apical extension, is developed different. Further remarks: By Foreman (1973): When Campbell (1954, p. D122) subsequently designated Podocapsa guembeli Rüst, 1885 as the type species of Podocapsa, he did not, in the absence of a type designation by Rüst, indicate which of the two entirely different specimens illustrated by Rüst was to be considered as the lectotype of P. guembeli. He did reproduce one of Rüst’s illustrations, fig. 5 on pl. 36. However, since he very frequently selected a specimen other than the one or more which were eligible to be the type of the species designated as type species of the genera he treated, this illustration by Campbell is not considered to be a designation. We therefore designate Rüst’s specimen (pl. 36, fig. 6) as the lectotype of Podocapsa guembeli. Although Rüst considered this specimen to be a monocyrtid with two porous wings and a porous apical extension, it is apparent that the latter is actually the terminal tube of the distalmost segment and that the proximal segments have been broken off. The generic definition of Podocapsa is thus emended as follows: Shell of at least three segments, the proximal part small, made up of all but the distalmost segment which is large, globose, and bears three porous wings and a porous terminal tube. By Baumgartner et al. (1995a): This genus can be distinguished from the genus Podobursa by the nature of the laterally directed porous wings as opposed to laterally directed spines on Podobursa. Included species: POD01 Podocapsa abreojosensis Whalen & Carter 2002 Podocapsa abreojosensis Whalen & Carter 2002 Species code: POD01 Synonymy: 1984 unidentified Radiolaria – Whalen & Pessagno, pl. 1, fig. 8. 1998 Podocapsa sp. A – Yeh & Cheng, p. 30, pl. 6, figs. 12, 16. 2002 Podocapsa abreojosensis n. sp. – Whalen & Carter, p. 136, pl. 14, figs. 6, 7, 13, 14; pl. 18, figs. 10, 11. Original description: Test composed of cephalis, thorax and abdomen. Cephalis hemispherical, with small horn, small pores masked by a layer of microgranular silica. Thorax trapezoidal in outline with small, irregularly sized and shaped pores covered by layer of microgranular silica. Abdominal chamber spherical, inflated, much larger than first two chambers, terminating in porous, cylindrical terminal extension. Pore frames on abdomen pentagonal, hexagonal, as well as irregular in construction, much larger than on first two segments; abdominal pore frames larger in medial position becoming smaller towards thorax and terminal tube. Three, large, porous arms circumferentially arranged along widest part of abdomen, situated approximately 120° from each other. Both arms and terminal tube gently tapering distally. Arms and terminal tube usually with broken tips but some specimens show closure, particularly on the arms (holotype). Pores on arms and terminal tube slightly smaller than on abdomen, sometimes showing slight trochospiral arrangement. Original remarks: Podocapsa abreojosensis n. sp., is distinguished from P. amphitreptera Foreman 1973, by the 320 less globose shape of the cephalis and thorax and longer arms. It is possible Podocapsa? abreojosensis n. sp., may be a heterochronous homeomorph as it is so disconnected in time from all other species of this genus; for this reason, the genus is queried. However, at this time we are unable to recognize characteristics that would suggest establishing a new genus. Measurements (µm): (n) = number of specimens measured Length (10) (maximum) 278 278 173 213 Length of arms (11) 135 150 60 96 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: This species is named for Punta Abreojos located to the south of the type area. Type locality: Sample BPW80-30, San Hipólito Formation, Punta San Hipólito, Vizcaino Peninsula, Baja California, Mexico. Occurrence: San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur; Liminangcong Chert, Philippines; Haliw (Aquil) Formation, Oman. Plate POD01. Podocapsa abreojosensis Whalen & Carter. Magnification x200 except Fig. 1b(H) x300. Fig. 1(H). Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 14, figs. 6, 13. Fig. 2. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 14, fig. 7. Fig. 3. OM, BR682-R09-13. Fig. 4. OM, Haliw-039-R03-04. 321 Genus: Praeconocaryomma Pessagno 1976 Type species: Praeconocaryomma universa Pessagno 1976 Synonymy: 1976 Praeconocaryomma n. gen. – Pessagno, p. 40. Original description: Cortical shell invariably with radial spines protruding from mammae. Pore frames differing in size, shape, and distribution between cortical shell and each medullary shell, tending to be proportionately and progressively larger on each medullary shell. Radial beams connecting medullary shells about one-third as thick as those connecting cortical shell to first medullary shell. Original remarks: Praeconocaryomma n. gen., differs from Conocaryomma Lipman by invariably having three rather than four or five medullary shells. It differs from Phaenicosphaera Haeckel by possessing three medullary shells rather than one. “Acanthosphaera” magnimamma Rüst and “Heliosphaera” mammillaria Rüst from the Kieselkalk of Cittiglio, Italy, appear to be early representatives of Praeconocaryomma. These same species are now known from Tithonian strata in the California Coast Ranges. Forms figured by Rüst (1885, pl.28, figs.12-13) from the Koprolithen of Ilsede, northwestern Germany, as “Carposphaera” circumplicata Rüst and “Carposphaera” affinis Rüst are probably assignable at least to the Praeconocaryommidae. Likewise, “Conosphaera” sphaeroconus Rüst (1898, pl. 4, fig. 8) from the Kieselkalk of Cittiglio may be assignable to the Praeconocaryommidae. All three of the last-named species have cortical shells with mammae lacking radial spines; they should probably be assigned to a new genus. Included species: PRY05 Praeconocaryomma bajaensis Whalen n. sp. PRY01 Praeconocaryomma decora gr. Yeh 1987b PRY02 Praeconocaryomma immodica Pessagno & Poisson 1981 PRY03 Praeconocaryomma parvimamma Pessagno & Poisson 1981 PRY07 Praeconocaryomma sarahae Carter n. sp. PRY04 Praeconocaryomma whiteavesi Carter 1988 PRY06 Praeconocaryomma? yakounensis Carter n. sp. Praeconocaryomma bajaensis Whalen n. sp. Species code: PRY05 Synonymy: 1989 Praeconocaryomma spp. – Hattori, pl. 9, fig. M. 1996 Praeconosphaera sphaeroconus (Rüst) Yang – Pujana, p. 136, pl. 1, fig. 21. 1997 Praeconocaryomma sp. A – Yao, pl. 1, fig. 32. 2002 Praeconocaryomma sp. A – Whalen & Carter, p. 108, pl. 8, fig. 8. 2003 Praeconocaryomma spp. – Goričan et al., p. 291, pl. 1, fig. 14 only. Type designation: Holotype USNM 401912 (pl. PRY05, fig. 1) from sample BPW80-30. Paratype, GSC 111744 from GSC loc. C-140418 (pl. PRY05, fig. 2). Description: Test spherical with large, closely spaced porous mammae that comprise a large part of the total surface area. Surfaces of mammae rounded, penetrated by many small circular pores centered around a small rod-like spine. Pores in intermammary area generally small, very irregular in shape. Outermost medullary shell with variably-sized pentagonal pore frames. Thin triradiate beams connect medullary shell with mammae on cortical shell. Remarks: This form is similar to Praeconocaryomma whiteavesi Carter but differs in having less numerous but much larger mammae and correspondingly smaller intermammary areas with smaller pores. 322 Measurements (µm): Based on 6 specimens Diameter of cortical shell Diameter of mammae Height of mammae HT 224 32 20 Max. 308 53 31 Min. 207 25 14 Mean 247 37 21 Etymology: Named for Baja California Sur, Mexico. Type locality: Loc. BPW80-30, sandstone member, San Hipólito Formation, Punta San Hipólito, Vizcaino Peninsula, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Paratype from Louise Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. Occurrence: San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur; Ghost Creek and Fannin formations, Queen Charlotte Islands; Sierra Chacaicó Formation, Argentina; Skrile Formation, Slovenia; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman; Japan. Plate PRY05. Praeconocaryomma bajaensis Whalen n. sp. Magnification Figs. 1-4, 6 x200 (scale bar A), figs. 5, 7-9 x150 (scale bar B). Fig. 1(H). Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 8, fig. 8. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-140418, GSC 111744. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-304566, GSC 111745. Fig. 4. Goričan et al. 2003, pl. 1, fig. 14. Fig. 5. SI, MM 5.00, 010114. Fig. 6. OM, BR1121-R06-02. Fig. 7. QCI, GSC loc. C-305417, GSC 111746. Fig. 8. OM, BR1121-R06-06. Fig. 9. OM, BR1121-R07-24. 323 Praeconocaryomma decora gr. Yeh 1987b Species code: PRY01 Synonymy: 1987b Praeconocaryomma decora n. sp. – Yeh, p. 39, pl. 6, fig. 15; pl. 20, figs. 1-2, 9, 16, 19. 1987b Praeconocaryomma sp. A – Yeh, p. 40, pl. 2, figs. 17, 22; pl. 20, fig. 4. 1990 Praeconocaryomma decora Yeh – Nagai, pl. 6, fig. 6. 1998 Praeconocaryomma decora Yeh – Yeh & Cheng, p. 15, pl. 11, figs. 1, 5. 2002 Praeconocaryomma sp. A Yeh – Whalen & Carter, p. 108, pl. 8, fig. 5. 2003 Praeconocaryomma spp. – Goričan et al., p. 291, pl. 1, fig. 10 only. Original description: Cortical shell with closely spaced mammae. Mammae uniform in size, moderately large, high in relief, distal surface rounded, hexagonal or subcircular in outline, with long primary spine originating from center of each mamma. Primary spines slender, circular in axial section. Each mamma with five to seven short rays connecting directly to adjacent mammae or linking with rays from surrounding mammae. Rays single, bifurcate, or trifurcate. Mammary pore frames poorly developed, with thin bars connecting massive rays and formnig small subtriangles beneath mammae. Intermammary pore frames large, regular in size, mostly triangular and tetragonal in outline. Original remarks: Praeconocaryomma decora, n. sp., is very similar to P. immodica Pessagno & Poisson (1981) by having a cortical shell with large rounded, closely spaced mammae and by having primary spines circular in axial section. These two species can be distinguished by different patterns of intermammary pore frames. Measurements (µm): Ten specimens measured. HT Mean Max. Min. Diameter of cortical shell 180 180 184 174 Diameter of medullary shell 90 95 87 Length of spines 48 70 92 45 Etymology: Decorus-a-um (latin, adj.) = graceful. Type locality: Sample OR-600A, Hyde Formation along Izee-Paulina road, east-central Oregon. Occurrence: Nicely and Hyde formations, and Warm Springs member of the Snowshoe Formation, Oregon; San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur; Skrile Formation, Slovenia; Liminangcong Chert, Philippines; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman. Praeconocaryomma immodica Pessagno & Poisson 1981 Species code: PRY02 Synonymy: 1977a Praeconocaryomma magnimamma (Rüst) – Pessagno, p. 77, pl. 5, figs. 14-16; pl. 6, fig. 1. 1981 Praeconocaryomma immodica n. sp. – Pessagno & Poisson, p. 57, pl. 7, figs. 2-9. 1984 Praeconocaryomma immodica Pessagno & Poisson – Pessagno et al., p. 24, pl. 1, figs. 22-24. 1987 Praeconocaryomma aff. P. immodica Pessagno & Poisson – Hattori, pl. 21, fig. 1. 1988 Praeconocaryomma immodica Pessagno & Poisson – Carter et al., p. 31, pl. 1, fig. 1. 1996 Praeconocaryomma immodica Pessagno & Poisson – Tumanda et al., p. 173, Fig. 4.7. 1996 Praeconocaryomma immodica Pessagno & Poisson – Yeh & Cheng, p. 100, pl. 2, fig. 12. 1998 Praeconocaryomma immodica Pessagno & Poisson – Cordey, p. 89, pl. 22, figs. 1, 2. 1998 Praeconocaryomma immodica Pessagno & Poisson – Yeh & Cheng, p. 15, pl. 1, fig. 11, 14; pl. 11, fig. 15. 2004 Praeconocaryomma immodica Pessagno & Poisson – Hori, pl. 5, fig. 9. 2004 Praeconocaryomma immodica Pessagno & Poisson – Ziabrev et al., Fig. 5-6. 2005 Praeconocaryomma immodica Pessagno & Poisson – Hori, pl. 8, fig. 53. Original description: Cortical shell with prominent mammae which tend to be exceedingly high in relief. Distal surfaces (tops) of mammae imperforate, somewhat 324 flattened, pentagonal in outline; mammae with radially arranged primary spines that are circular in axial section. Each face of pentagonal mammae with large pores; pores separated by stout rays which project into intermammary areas; individual rays bifurcate or trifurcate linking up with rays of adjoining mammae and forming triangular intermammary pore frames. Massive nodes present at point of bifurcation or trifurcation. Well preserved specimens with thinner rays projecting from bottom side of rays at nodal points forming subsidiary triangular pore frames. Primary radial beams (circular in axial section) continuous with radial beams connecting cortical shell with first medullary shell and first medullary shell with second medullary shell. First medullary shell with triangular meshwork comprised of equilateral triangular pore frames; second medullary shell with polygonal pore frames. Original remarks: P. immodica, n. sp., differs from P. media, n. sp., (1) by having mammae which are pentagonal rather than hexagonal in ouline and which are considerably higher in relief; (2) by having mammae which are more closely spaced; and (3) by having more complex intermammary areas. P. media has triangular mammary pore frames closed by a bar at their base; however, the mammary pore frames of P. immodica lack the basal bar and are open basally. Plate PRY01. Praeconocaryomma decora gr. Yeh. Magnification x250. Fig. 1(H). Yeh 1987b, pl. 19, fig. 2. Fig. 2. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 8, fig. 5. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-304568, GSC 111804. Fig. 4. OM, BR1121-R09-13. Fig. 5. Goričan et al. 2003, pl. 1, fig. 10. Fig. 6. OM, BR1121-R06-01. Fig. 7. OM, BR1121-R08-29. Fig. 8. OM, BR1121-R06-03. Plate PRY02. Praeconocaryomma immodica Pessagno & Poisson. Magnification x250. Fig. 1(H). Pessagno & Poisson 1981, pl. 7, fig. 2. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-080613, GSC 111743. Fig. 3. OM, BR1121-15929. 325 This species seems to be the most advanced form in the P. parvimamma, n. sp., lineage group. At present it is not possible to link it directly to earlier and simpler forms such as P. media. It would, however, appear that the basal bar of the P. media mammary pore frames has been lost in the course of the evolution of this lineage. Measurements (µm): Based on 10 specimens. HT Max. Min. Diameter of cortical shell 206 225 193 Height of mammae 44 44 25 Etymology: Immodicus-a-um (Latin, adj.): immoderate, excessive. Type locality: Sample BK 605, red radiolarian chert in mélange, Franciscan Complex, California. Occurrence: Franciscan Complex, California; Fannin, Whiteaves and Phantom Creek formations, Queen Charlotte Islands; Bridge River Complex, British Columbia; Liminangcong Chert, Philippines; Japan; Bainang Terrane, Tibet; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman. Praeconocaryomma parvimamma Pessagno & Poisson 1981 Species code: PRY03 Synonymy: 1981 Praeconocaryomma parvimamma n. sp. – Pessagno & Poisson, p. 58, pl. 8, figs. 5-8, pl. 9, fig. 2. 1998 Praeconocaryomma parvimamma Pessagno & Poisson – Cordey, p. 89, pl. 22, figs. 3, 6. Original description: Cortical shell with mammae having radially arranged relatively long primary spines originating from the center of their flat distal (top) surfaces. Primary spines relatively long, circular in cross-section. Distal flattened surfaces of mammae hexagonal in outline; six sides of each mamma with massive triangular mammary pore frames at their base; mammary pore frames with massive nodes at their base only; pore frames and sides of mammae sloping gently outward. Six rays originating from position of nodes at base of mammary pore frames, aligned with legs of each mammary pore frame and interconnecting with rays of adjoining mammae. Large subelliptical pores occurring between rays. Cortical shell and two medullary shells connected by radial beams which are circular in axial section. First medullary shell with triangular pore frames having nodes at their vertices; second medullary shell with polygonal (pentagonal?) pore frames. Original remarks: P. parvimamma, n. sp., differs from P. media, n. sp., (1) by having much smaller, less inclined mammary pore frames and (2) by having mammae which are smaller with flattened distal (top) surfaces. P. parvimamma appears to be the earliest and simplest form of a lineage group (termed the P. parvimamma lineage group here) which includes at least four morphotypes. The data at hand indicate the the P. parvimamma lineage group makes its first appearance in the Lower Pliensbachian (?Upper Sinemurian) and its final appearance in the Lower Tithonian. During the period from Early 326 Pliensbachian to Early Tithonian times this lineage tends to change through an increase in the width and height of mammae and by developing more complex structure in the intermammary areas. All members of this group display a first medullary shell with equilateral triangular pore frames. It should be noted that the form figured by Pessagno (1977) as P. magnimamma (Rüst) is assigned to P. immodica, n. sp., herein. Rüst’s (1898, Pl. IV, fig. 1) illustration of A. magnimamma shows a form with mammae and intermammary areas perforated by numerous small pores. Pessagno originally assumed that the small pores were a figment of Rüst’s imagination and that the extremely large mammae with long smooth (circular in axial section) primary spines were the distinguishing feature of P. magnimamma. Unfortunately, however, a form quite similar to Rüst’s form occurs in Pliensbachian cherts from the Franciscan Complex. This form is referred to P. sp. aff. P. magnimamma (Rüst) herein. Measurements (µm): Based on 9 specimens. Diameter of cortical shell Height of mammae HT 235 20 Min. 200 12 Max. 260 20 Etymology: Parvus-a-um (Latin, adj.): small + mamma (-ae, F.) = breast. Type locality: Sample 1662D, Gümüslü Allochthon, Taurus Mts., Turkey. Occurrence: Gümüslü Allochthon, Turkey; Franciscan Complex, California; Bridge River Complex, British Columbia; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman. Plate PRY03. Praeconocaryomma parvimamma Pessagno & Poisson. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Pessagno & Poisson 1981, pl. 8, fig. 5. Fig. 2. TR, 1662D-R04-09. Fig. 3. TR, 1662D-R04-02. Fig. 4. TR, 1662D-R04-07. Fig. 5. OM, BR1121-R07-20. 327 Praeconocaryomma sarahae Carter n. sp. Species code: PRY07 Synonymy: ? 1987 Praeconocaryomma sp. B – Hattori, pl. 20, fig. 18. ? 1997 Praeconocaryomma ? sp. D0 – Yao, pl. 1, fig. 36. 2001 Praeconocaryomma media Pessagno & Poisson – Gawlick et al., pl. 6, fig. 2. 2002 Praeconocaryomma media Pessagno & Poisson – Suzuki et al., p. 172, fig. 4-A. 2002 Praeconocaryomma parvimamma Pessagno & Poisson – Suzuki et al., p. 172, fig. 4-B. Type designation: Holotype GSC 111747 from GSC loc. C304568 (pl. PRY07 fig. 1), Rennell Junction member of the Fannin Formation (upper lower Pliensbachian). Paratype GSC 111751 from GSC loc. C-305417 (pl. PRY07, fig. 5), Sandilands Formation (basal Pliensbachian). Description: Multi-layered cortical shell with mammae, some having remnants of short, circular primary spines. Distal surfaces of mammae low to moderately raised with relatively flat surfaces; usually hexagonal (occasionally pentagonal or septagonal) in shape. Each mamma usually surrounded by six massive triangular mammary pore frames whose outer vertices link with other mammae forming an interlocking meshwork. Inner layer(s) of shell with triangular pore frames that apparently are connected to the inner surface of external mammae directly or are connected by some type of pillar-like structures. Inner layer of pore frames slightly rotated, but usually aligned. Size of pore frames gradually decreasing towards center of test. Central structure of test unknown. It is interesting to note that the outer shell structure of P. sarahae n. sp. closely parallels that of the genus Pseudopantanellium Yeh, and species P. floridum Yeh. Both 328 species are approximately the same age which suggests the possibility that some type of horizontal gene transfer (Dumitrica & Guex, 2003) may have been operational during this time. Remarks: Praeconocaryomma sarahae n. sp. differs from P. parvimamma Pessagno & Poisson in lacking the six small pores that surround the base of each mamma. Pessagno & Poisson (1991) suggest that P. parvimamma is probably the earliest and simplest form of the genus Praeconocaryomma. P. sarahae n. sp. is even simpler morphologically and may be the older of the two. Measurements (µm): Based on 6 specimens. Diameter of cortical shell Height of mammae HT 207 10 Max. 232 11 Min. 197 7 Mean 210 10 Etymology: Named for Sarah K. Carter, a mammal biologist and ecologist for her help with the author’s research and her constant support. Type locality: Sample 99-CNA-MI-11 (GSC loc. C-304568), Rennell Juction member of the Fannin Formation, Maude Island, Skidegate Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Sandilands and Ghost Creek formations and Rennell Junction member of the Fannin Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Pucara Group, Peru; Dürrnberg Formation, Austria. Plate PRY07. Praeconocaryomma sarahae Carter n. sp. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). GSC loc. C-304568, GSC 111747. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-140495, GSC 111748. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-080612, GSC 111749. Fig. 4. QCI, GSC loc. C-140495, GSC 111750. Fig. 5. QCI, GSC loc. C-305417, GSC 111751. Fig. 6. QCI, GSC loc. C-305417, GSC 111752. Fig. 7. QCI, GSC loc. C-305417, GSC 111753. Fig. 8. QCI, GSC loc. C-305417, GSC 111754. Fig. 9. QCI, GSC loc. C305417, GSC 111755. Fig. 10. AT, BMW21-01. Fig. 11. AT, BMW21-07. 329 Praeconocaryomma whiteavesi Carter 1988 Species code: PRY04 Synonymy: 1981 Praeconocaryomma sp. aff. P. magnimamma (Rüst) – Pessagno & Poisson, p. 59, pl. 9, figs. 3-5. 1987b Praeconocaryomma sp. C – Yeh, p. 40, pl. 2, fig. 28; pl. 20, fig. 5. 1988 Praeconocaryomma whiteavesi Carter n. sp. – Carter et al., p. 31, pl. 1, figs. 3, 6. 1989 Praeconocaryomma whiteavesi Carter – Hattori, pl. 18, fig. F. 1989 Praeconocaryomma spp. – Hattori, pl. 19, fig. B. 1998 Praeconocaryomma whiteavesi Carter – Cordey, p. 90, pl. 22, fig. 8. Not 1998 Praeconocaryomma whiteavesi Carter – Yeh & Cheng, p. 15, pl. 1, figs. 9, 12. 1998 Praeconocaryomma sp. A – Yeh & Cheng, p. 15, pl. 1, fig. 10. 2005 Praeconocaryomma sp. aff. P. magnimamma (Rüst) sensu Pessagno & Poisson – Kashiwagi et al., pl. 6, fig. 12. Original diagnosis: Spherical test with small, closely spaced porous mammae. Pores in intermammary areas normally much larger; elliptical and subtriangular in shape. Original description: Test spherical with small, closely spaced, porous mammae. Surfaces of mammae penetrated by a number of small circular pores centred around a small spine, which is circular in section. Pores in intermammary area irregularly sized; larger pores subtriangular in shape, smaller pores more elliptical. Occasional nodes arise near centres of intermammary areas where a number of pores converge. First medullary shell has pentagonal pore frames of varying size with weakly developed nodes at bar vertices. Sturdy triradiate beams connect medullary shell with mammae on cortical shell. Original remarks: This form is somewhat similar to Praeconocaryomma sp. aff. P. magnimamma (Rüst) illustrated by Pessagno and Poisson (1981, p. 59, pl. 9, figs. 3-5). It differs by having smaller mammae and correspondingly larger intermammary areas with larger pores. These differences become even more apparent when this form is compared with P. magnimamma (Rüst) 1898 and P. sp. aff. P. magnimamma figured by Feary and Pessagno (1980, figs. 3, 4), and are considered significant enough to warrant designating this form a new species. Further remarks: Praeconocaryomma sp. aff. P. magnimamma (Rüst) figured by Pessagno and Poisson (see above) is now considered variability of P. whiteavesi. Measurements (µm): Based on 7 specimens. Diameter of cortical shell Height of mammae HT 196 15 Av. 189 14 Max. 200 20 Min. 180 11 Etymology: Named in honour of J. F. Whiteaves, who studied the early paleontological collection from Maude Island. Type locality: GCS locality C-080577, Fannin member of the Fannin Formation, Creek locality, Maude Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Fannin Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands and Bridge River Complex, British Columbia; Warm Springs member of the Snowshoe Formation, Oregon; Gümüslü Allochthon, Turkey; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation and Musallah Formation, Oman; Liminangcong Chert, Philippines; Japan. Praeconocaryomma? yakounensis Carter n. sp. Species code: PRY06 Type designation: Holotype GSC 111794 (pl. PRY06, fig. 1), and paratype GSC 111795 (pl. PRY06, fig. 2) from GSC loc. C-140441; Sandilands Formation (upper Sinemurian). Description: Large multi-layered cortical shell with prominent mammae. Distal surfaces of mammae small to medium in size, low to moderately raised, pentagonal to hexagonal in shape, with slightly rounded surfaces. Each mamma surrounded by six strong triangular pore frames whose vertices link with other mammae. Inner layer(s) of shell comprised of smaller irregular to subtriangular pore frames connected to the outer triangular pore frames forming a slightly depressed interconnecting meshwork. Short peripheral spines visible on some specimens. Central structure of test unknown. Remarks: Praeconocaryomma? yakounensis n. sp. differs from P. sarahae n. sp. in possessing a larger test. Furthermore, the inner layer of pore frames connects to the outer triangular pore frames forming an interlocking meshwork 330 rather than telescoping inward as in P. sarahae n. sp. In Queen Charlotte Islands, this is the oldest form (late Sinemurian) that can even questionably be assigned to the genus Praeconocaryomma Pessagno. Measurements (µm): Based on 5 specimens. Diameter of cortical shell Height of mammae HT 279 21 Max. 302 21 Min. 279 15.6 Mean 292 17.5 Etymology: Named for the type locality on the western bank of the Yakoun River, central Graham Island. Type locality: Sample CAA-86-T-2/3 (GSC loc. C-140441), Sandilands Formation, Yakoun River area, central Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Sandilands Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Plate PRY04. Praeconocaryomma whiteavesi Carter. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Carter et al. 1988, pl. 1, fig. 3. Fig. 2. OM-00-251, 021521. Fig. 3. OM, BR1121-R06-04. Fig. 4. OM, BR1121-R10-07. Fig. 5. OM, BR1121-R08-16. Plate PRY06. Praeconocaryomma? yakounensis Carter n. sp. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). GSC loc. C-140441, GSC 111794. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-140441, GSC 111795. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-140441, GSC 111796. Fig. 4. QCI, GSC loc. C-140441, GSC 111797. Fig. 5. QCI, GSC loc. C-140441, GSC 111798. 331 Genus: Praehexasaturnalis Kozur & Mostler 1983, emend. Kozur & Mostler 1990 Type species: Palaeosaturnalis tenuispinosus Donofrio & Mostler 1978 Synonymy: 1983 Praehexasaturnalis n. gen. – Kozur & Mostler, p. 30. 1990 Praehexasaturnalis Kozur & Mostler, emend. – Kozur & Mostler, p. 194. Original diagnosis: Ring narrow but not differentiated yet. Its cross section is flat. Outline of ring hexagonal to octagonal. 8-6 very strong marginal spines. 2 polar spines opposite to marginal spines. No auxiliary spines. Cortical shells spongy. Medullary shells latticed. Emended description: By Kozur & Mostler (1990): Spongy shell globular, consisting of several concentric layers. Microsphere latticed. Ring mostly narrow, rarely moderately broad, in most primitive forms with 8 spines and with rounded octagonal outline to rounded hexagonal outline, later invariably with rounded hexagonal to hexagonal outline and 6 spines, occasionally with 1-2 further, mostly distinctly smaller spines. Most primitive forms only with polar spines, higher evolved forms additionally with 2-12 auxiliary spines. Original remarks: In the ring outline this new genus is quite identical with Hexasaturnalis n.gen. but the ring is still flat to shallow oval in cross section and has no ridges. Moreover, the polar spines are situated opposite to the marginal spines. Palaeosaturnalis Donofrio and Mostler, 1978, is distinguished by its circular outline. Moreover, in most species the ring is broader. Praehexasaturnalis n.gen. is a perfect transitional form between Palaeosaturnalis Donofrio and Mostler, 1978, and Hexasaturnalis n.gen. As for the first time in this genus the typical ring outline of the Hexasaturnalinae n.subfam. appears, it is already placed in this subfamily. Further remarks: By Kozur & Mostler (1990): Kozur and Mostler (1983) assumed that Praehexasaturnalis Kozur and Mostler, 1983 represents the forerunner of Hexasaturnalis Kozur and Mostler, 1983, because the striking hexagonal ring outline is in both genera the same and Hexasaturnalis began later than Praehexasaturnalis. As already pointed out under the remarks to the Saturnaliacea Deflandre, 1953 and Parasaturnalidae Kozur and Mostler, 1972, Praehexasaturnalis is a dead-ending sidebranch of the Parasaturnalidae, in which the same hexagonal ring outline as in primitive Acanthocircinae Pessagno, 1977b emend. (Hexasaturnalis Kozur and Mostler, 1983, Yaosaturnalis Kozur and Mostler, 1983) evolved, but the other characteristics of the Acanthocircinae (peripolar spines, ridges on the outer margin of the ring) never evolved. Within the genus Praehexasaturnalis for the first time the development of taxa with auxiliary spines from taxa without auxiliary spines have been observed. Both morphologically and phylogenetically near related forms, connected by transitional forms, are here united into Praehexasaturnalis that is therefore here used in a broader sense as by Kozur and Mostler (1983). The forms with auxiliary spines continued seemingly until the Upper Cretaceous without larger morphological changes. These Upper Cretaceous forms have the highest number of auxiliary spines (about 12). However, the inner structure of the shell of these Upper Cretaceous forms is unknown. Therefore they can be only tentatively assigned to Praehexasaturnalis. Etymology: According to the supposed phylogenetic line Praehexasaturnalis n. gen. – Hexasaturnalis n. gen. Included species: SAT01 Praehexasaturnalis tetraradiatus Kozur & Mostler 1990 Praehexasaturnalis tetraradiatus Kozur & Mostler 1990 Species code: SAT01 Synonymy: 1984 Pseudoheliodiscus (?) spp. – Whalen & Pessagno, pl. 3, fig. 12, 13. 1990 Praehexasaturnalis tetraradiatus n. sp. – Kozur & Mostler, p. 195, pl. 6, figs. 8, 9, 11, 12. 1994 Praehexasaturnalis tetraradiatus Kozur & Mostler – Carter, pl. 1, fig. 19. 1998 Praehexasaturnalis tetraradiatus Kozur & Mostler – Whalen & Carter, p. 54, pl. 14, figs. 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10. 2002 Praehexasaturnalis tetraradiatus Kozur & Mostler – Whalen & Carter, p. 108, pl. 5, figs. 7, 11, 12. 2002 Praehexasaturnalis tetraradiatus Kozur & Mostler – Tekin, p. 184, pl. 2, fig. 10. 332 Original description: Shell large, globular, spongy, consisting of several concentric layers. Microsphere latticed. Shell surface with delicate, short, needle-like spines. Ring narrow, flat, undifferentiated, ouline hexagonal. 6 very large, slender spines in the 6 corners of the ring. Axial spines a little larger and more robust than the 4 circumaxial spines. Polar spines robust. Two auxiliary spines cross-like arranged with the polar spines, mostly short, elongated triangular. Original remarks: The phylomorphogenetic development within the genus Praehexasaturnalis Kozur & Mostler, 1983 emend. is now well known. The oldest forms (Lower to Middle Norian) have 8 needle-like spines, all of about the same length (the axial spines may be somewhat larger than the circumaxial spines, like in the stratigraphically younger forms). The main stock (with narrow ring) of these oldest Praehexasaturnalis is represented by Praehexasaturnalis burnensis (Blome, 1984a), synonym, see under the genus. The outline of this species is still variable (roundish octagonal, roundish suboval, subquadratic). The next younger form is Praehexasaturnalis elegans (Kozur & Mostler, 1972) from the Middle and Upper Norian. In this species the 2 spines perpendicularly to the polar spines are already distinctly shorter than the remaining spines, the outline of the ring is rounded hexagonal to rounded subquadratic. In the Upper Norian (? to Rhaetian) Praehexasaturnalis tennuispinosus (Donofrio & Mostler, 1978) occurs, in which the 2 spines perpendicular to the polar spines are not more present. The ring outline is hexagonal. In the (highest Upper Norian?) Rhaetian and Hettangian Praehexasaturnalis tetraradiatus n. sp. occur, that coincides morphologically with P. tenuispinosus, but has 2 auxiliary spines additional to the polar spines. These 4 inner spines are cross-like arranged. In the Hettangian P. kirchsteinensis evolved then remained morphologically unchanged, but displays 5-10 auxiliary spines. Maybe Upper Cretaceous forms with the same morphological character, but with peripolar spines, are the last representatives of this line that yields important guide forms for the Norian to Hettangian time-interval. 5 distinct zones can be discriminated within this interval by evaluation of the phylomorphogenetic development within the genus Praehexasaturnalis: P. burnensis without P. elegans (Lower Norian), P. elegans without P. tenuispinosus (Middle Norian), P. tenuispinosus without P. tetraradiatus (Upper Norian, higher Upper Norian radiolarian faunas not yet well investigated) P. tetraradiatus without P. kirchsteinensis (?uppermost Norian, Rhaetian), P. tetraradiatus and P. kirchsteinensis (Hettangian). Taxonomically this development is interesting, because taxa with auxiliary spines evolved from taxa without auxiliary spines. Moreover, in P. tetraradiatus the 2 polar spines and the 2 auxiliary spines are cross-like arranged, like in the genus Stauracanthocircus Kozur & Mostler, 1983 emend. This is surely a homoeomorphy (see under this genus). Measurements (µm): Diamater of shell Diameter of ring (in polar axis) Diamater of ring (perpendicular to polar axis) Width of ring Length of spines Min. 110 144 144 13 90 Max. 120 170 170 21 125 Etymology: According to the 4 rays at the inner margin of the ring (2 polar spines, 2 auxiliary spines). Type locality: Kirchstein Limestone, 6.5 km WSW of Lenggries/Isar, Bavaria, Germany. Occurrence: Kirchstein Limestone, Bavaria; Csövár Limestone and Várhegy Cherty Limestone formations, Hungary; Sandilands Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur; Hocaköy Radiolarite, Turkey. Plate SAT01. Praehexasaturnalis tetraradiatus Kozur & Mostler. Magnification x150. Fig. 1(H). Kozur & Mostler 1990, pl. 6, fig. 11. Fig. 2. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 5, fig. 7. Fig. 3. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 5, fig. 11. 333 Genus: Praeparvicingula Pessagno, Blome & Hull 1993 Type species: Parvicingula profunda Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Synonymy: Further remarks: In this catalogue we include Praecaneta with Praeparvicingula, because on many morphotypes the »H-linked« circumferential ridges are not clearly distinctive. Original description: Test conical to subcylindrical (never spindle-shaped) with horn. Final postabdominal chamber(s) either increasing in width or maintaining same width. Final chamber lacking narrow terminal tube as with Parvicingula s. s. Etymology: From the Latin prae prefix = before, and Parvicingula Pessagno. 1993 Praeparvicingula Pessagno, Blome & Hull n. gen. – Pessagno et al., p. 144. 1993 Praecaneta Pessagno, Blome & Hull n. gen. – Pessagno et al., p. 142. Original remarks: Praeparvicingula was originally referred to by Pessagno et al. (1987a, 1987b, 1989) as Parvicingula s. l. Praeparvicingula differs from Parvicingula s. s. by lacking a narrow tube on the final postabdominal chamber. Moreover, the final postabdominal chamber/chambers of Praeparvicingula continue to increase in width, either rapidly or slowly, as added. Included species: PVG01 Praeparvicingula aculeata (Carter) 1988 PVG02 Praeparvicingula elementaria (Carter) 1988 PVG03 Praeparvicingula gigantocornis (Kishida & Hisada) 1985 PVG04 Praeparvicingula nanoconica (Hori & Otsuka) 1989 TVS01 Praeparvicingula? spinifera (Takemura) 1986 PCA02 Praeparvicingula tlellensis Carter n. sp. Praeparvicingula aculeata (Carter )1988 Species code: PVG01 Synonymy: 1982 Parvicingula sp. A – Wakita, pl. 1, fig. 7. 1988 Parvicingula aculeata Carter n. sp. – Carter et al., p. 54, pl. 18, figs. 1, 2, 7. 1988a Parvicingula sp. aff. P. schoolhousensis Pessagno &Whalen – Hattori, pl. 10, fig. M. 1997 Parvicingula dhimenaensis dhimenaensis Baumgartner – Yao, pl. 13, fig. 625. Original diagnosis: Test subcylindrical with 10 or more post-bdominal chambers and very short, slender horn. Test has rows of pointed nodes in place of circumferential ridges between abdomen and first few post-abdominal chambers. Original description: Test elongate, subcylindrical with 10 or more post-abdominal chambers when well preserved. Cephalis small, conical with very short, slender horn (not visible on all specimens). Thorax, abdomen and first few post-abdominal chambers trapezoidal, remaining chambers subrectangular in outline. Cephalis and thorax sparsely perforate. Post-abdominal chambers have three lateral rows of symmetrical (predominantly pentagonal) pore frames between ridges. Pore frames in rows flanking circumferential ridges slope steeply away from ridges. Those in central row depressed, smaller and staggered; pores elliptical. Test has rows of sharp pointed nodes, rather than discrete circumferential ridges, between abdomen and first three or four post-abdominal chambers. More distal ridges are narrow with small rounded nodes. Original remarks: Differs from all other species of Parvicingula by having a very short, almost non-existent, horn and sharp pointed nodes separating the abdomen and first few post-abdominal chambers. Praeparvicingula elementaria (Carter) 1988 Species code: PVG02 Synonymy: 1988 Eucyrtidium elementarius Carter n. sp. – Carter et al., p. 60, pl. 17, fig. 13. 1988 Parvicingula sp. B – Carter at al., p. 56, pl. 18, figs. 3, 4. 2001 Eucyrtidium ex gr. elementarius Carter – Vishnevskaya, p. 162, pl. 60, fig. 9; pl. 69, figs. 6, 8. 2001 Laxtorum ? jurassicum Isozaki & Matsuda – Vishnevskaya, p. 166, pl. 69, fig. 4 only. Original diagnosis: Ovate, smooth multicyrtid with thickwalled test (at least two layers), and medium-sized symmetrical horn. 334 Original description: Test ovate, usually with six to eight post-abdominal chambers, and a medium-sized symmetrical horn. Boundaries between initial chambers indistinct; distal chambers separated by slightly thickened ridges and/ or lateral rows of small, poorly developed nodes. All chambers separated internally by planiform partitions with circular apertures. Apical chambers increase rapidly in width; intermediate chambers are cylindrical; final chamber always slightly constricted. Height of all chambers appears to be constant. Test walls thick, composed of at least two (and likely more) layers of pores set in hexagonal pore frames. Measurements (µm): Based on 7 specimens. Length (excluding horn) Maximum width HT 321 126 Av. 308 116 Max. 346 130 Etymology: Latin, aculeatus (adj.), prickly. Min. 260 109 Type locality: GSC locality C-080595, Graham Island Formation, Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Graham Island Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman; Japan. Plate PVG01. Praeparvicingula aculeata (Carter). Magnification x300. Fig. 1(H). Carter et al. 1988, pl. 18, fig. 1. Fig. 2. Carter et al. 1988, pl. 18, fig. 2. Fig. 3. OM, BR871-R07-27. Plate PVG02. Praeparvicingula elementaria (Carter). Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Carter et al. 1988, pl. 17, fig. 13. Fig. 2. Carter et al. 1988, pl. 18, fig. 4. 335 Pores circular on outer layer; small on proximal chambers, becoming larger and more uniform in size on distal chambers. Original remarks: This form bears no resemblance to any known species of Eucyrtidium. Specimens (not illustrated) of middle Toarcian age are very similar (possibly ancestral ?) to this species but differ in having a greater number of postabdominal chambers and coarser meshwork with smaller, more irregularly arranged pore frames. Further remarks: This species is now assigned to Praeparvicingula because we consider Eucyrtidium elementarius and Parvicingula sp. B of Carter (in Carter et al. 1988) conspecific and Parvicingula sp. B has slight ridges. Measurements (µm): Based on 17 specimens. HT Maximum length (excluding horn) 244 Maximum width 144 Length of horn 38 Av. 287 153 28 Max. 350 170 40 Min. 230 135 20 Etymology: Latin, elementarius (adj.), pertaining to rudiments of first principles. Type locality: Locality GSC C-080595, Graham Island Formation, Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Whiteaves, Phantom Creek and Graham Island formations, Queen Charlotte Islands; Koryak, Far East Russia. Praeparvicingula gigantocornis (Kishida & Hisada) 1985 Species code: PVG03 Synonymy: 1982 Parvicingula? sp. A – Kishida & Sugano, pl. 7, fig. 8. ? 1982 Parvicingula sp. – Matsuda & Isozaki, pl. 1, figs. 14, 17. 1982 Parvicingula sp. – Kido, pl. 4, figs. 11, 12. 1985 Parvicingula gigantocornis n. sp. – Kishida & Hisada, p. 118, pl. 4, figs. 1-5. 1988 Parvicingula gigantocornis Kishida & Hisada – Sashida, p. 22, pl. 2, figs. 5, 10-12, 20, 21; pl. 3, figs. 4, 5. 1988 Parvicingula sp. aff. P. media Pessagno &Whalen – Carter et al., p. 55, pl. 18, figs. 9, 11. 1990 Parvicingula cf. gigantocornis Kishida & Hisada – Hori, Fig. 9.31. 1991 Parvicingula sp. B – Carter & Jakobs, p. 343, pl. 3, fig. 20. 1992 Parvicingula aff. gigantocornis Kishida & Hisada – Sashida, pl. 2, fig. 7. 1993 Parvicingula sp. – Fujii et al., pl. 1, fig. 2. 2001 Praeparvicingula gigantocornis (Kishida & Hisada) – Kashiwagi, Fig. 6.6. 2003 Parvicingula gigantocornis Kishida & Hisada – Kashiwagi & Kurimoto, pl. 3, fig. 21. 2004 Parvicingula gigantocornis Kishida & Hisada – Hori, pl. 13, figs. 49-52. 2004 Parvicingula gigantocornis Kishida & Hisada – Ishida et al., pl. 5, fig. 14. Original diagnosis: Test multicyrtid, with long, massive horn. Each circumferentail ridge widely spaced, separated by two or sometimes three rows of small circular pores. Original description: Test conical, with six to eight preserved chambers, terminating in long, thick, massive apical horn. Cephalis small, hemispherical; subsequent chambers trapezoidal in outline. Cephalis and thorax sparsely pored. Each circumferential ridge widely spaced, separated by two 336 or sometimes three rows of small circular pores; center row of pores poorly developed. Abdomen and post-abdominal chambers increasing gradually in height and increasing rapidly in width as added. Original remarks: Parvicingula gigantocornis, n. sp., appears to be closely related to such species as Parvicingula matura, P. grantensis, P. vera and others described by Pessagno & Whalen (1982) from Middle Jurassic strata in North America. However, P. gigantocornis differs from these species, in having smaller pores and poorly developed center row of pores. It is likely that P. gigantocornis is a more primitive species of the genus Parvicingula. Measurements (µm): Based on 7 specimens. Length 128 160 120 138 Width 88 128 80 90 HT Max. Min. Av. Etymology: The name is derived from the Latin noun gigantocornis, meaning giant horn. Type locality: Locality 253, black bedded chert, Ueno-mura area, Kanto Mountains, Central Japan. Occurrence: Kanto Mountains, Japan; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation and Musallah Formation, Oman; Phantom Creek and Graham Island formations, Queen Charlotte Islands. Plate PVG03. Praeparvicingula gigantocornis (Kishida & Hisada). Magnification x300. Fig. 1(H). Kishida & Hisada 1985, pl. 4, fig. 1. Fig. 2. OM-00-256-022434. Fig. 3. OM, BR871-R07-06. Fig. 4. BR871-R09-02. Fig. 5. Carter & Jakobs 1991, pl. 3, fig. 20. Fig. 6. Carter et al. 1988, pl. 18, fig. 11. Fig. 7. OM, BR871-R06-20. Fig. 8. OM, BR871-R06-21. 337 Praeparvicingula nanoconica (Hori & Otsuka) 1989 Species code: PVG04 Synonymy: 1985 but the former is distinguished from the latter by having clearly meshwork of outer layer and rather longer test. The present authors doubted whether this form was one of poor preserved specimens of P. gigantocornis at the first. Resulting from comparison between the two from siliceous mudstones, this form was considered the different species from P. gigantocornis. Both species, P. nanoconica and P. gigantocornis, differ from all other species of Parvicingula by possessing a very small test and a long horn. P. nanoconica also morphologically resembles P. vera Pessagno and Whalen, 1982 and P. profunda Pessagno and Whalen, 1982. The latter two species are distinguished from the former in these following features additionally by lacking of a small test and a very long horn; by having more weakly developed circumferential ridges and by possessing chamber comprised of a central row of smaller pores than that of other two rows respectively. Almost all pores in each chamber of P. nanoconica are about equal in size. Original description: Test consisting of 5 to 7 chambers, possibly more, conical with developed circumferential ridges. Cephalis hemispherical with long apical horn; horn, solid, elongated cone. Thorax and subsequent chambers, truncated cone, increasing in width except distalmost chamber. Surface of cephalis having irregularly arranged pores. Meshwork of outer layer clearly, hexagonal symmetrically constructed by 3 rows of pore frames between two circumferential ridges; in some species, 4 rows of pore frames are served on distal part. Pores above and below adjoining circumferential ridges lined up in radius distance lag. Pore frames slope steeply away from ridges and formed wavy or nodose structure of circumferential ridges. In some specimens, proximal portion of test possessing nodose or spiny circumferential ridges. Measurements (µm): Based on 17 specimens. 1982 Parvicingula sp. – Matsuda & Isozaki, pl. 1, figs. 13, 16, 17. 1984 Parvicingula sp. A – Murchey, pl. 1, fig. 22. 1989 Parvicingula nanoconica n. sp. – Hori & Otsuka, p. 183, pl. 2, figs. 1-6. 1990 Parvicingula nanoconica Hori & Otsuka – Hori, Fig. 9.40. 1993 Parvicingula gigantocornis Kishida & Hisada – Fujii et al., pl. 1, fig. 1. 1996 Praeparvicingula nanoconica (Hori & Otsuka) – Yeh & Cheng, p. 116, pl. 6, fig. 5; pl. 9, figs. 1, 2, 7. 1997 Parvicingula sp. D2 – Yao, pl. 13, fig. 624. 1999 Praeparvicingula nanoconica (Hori & Otsuka) – Hori, pl. 1, fig. 9. 2004 Parvicingula nanoconica Hori & Otsuka – Hori, pl. 3, ig. 32, pl. 4, figs. 8-12; pl. 23. figs. 8, 9. 2004 Parvicingula sp. – Hori, pl. 23, fig. 14. 2005 Parvicingula nanoconica Hori & Otsuka – Hori, pl. 12, fig. 42. 2005 Parvicingula nanoconica Hori & Otsuka – Kashiwagi et al., pl. 6, fig. 5. HT Av. Max. Min. Height 198+ 184 233 161+ Width 98 103 134 80 H/W 2.0+ 1.8 2.4+ 1.3+ Length of apical horn 55+ 55 64 37 Etymology: The name is derived from the Latin adjective nano-conicus, meaning small coned. Type locality: The Mt. Norikuradake area, Azumi village, Azumi-gun, Nagano Prefecture, central Japan. Occurrence: Japan; Franciscan Complex, California; Musallah Formation, Oman; Liminangcong Chert, Philippines. Original remarks: Parvicingula nanoconica sp. nov. is apparently similar to P. gigantocornis Kishida & Hisada, Praeparvicingula? spinifera (Takemura) 1986 Species code: TVS01 Synonymy: 1986 Triversus spinifer n. sp. – Takemura, p. 63, pl. 10, figs. 21-23; pl. 11, figs. 1-2. 1987 Ristola sp. E – Hattori, pl. 19, fig. 6. 1989 Ristola spp. – Hattori, pl. 14, fig. H. 1997 Parvicingula aff. spinifer (Takemura) – Yao, pl. 13, fig. 609. 2003 Parvicingula spinifer (Takemura) – Goričan et al., p. 297, pl. 5, fig. 5. 2004 Triversus spinifer Takemura – Matsuoka, fig. 239. Original description: Conical to spindle-shaped shell of seven to nine segments with many spines or nodes on its surface. Cephalis small, spherical and poreless, with or without an apical horn. Thorax truncated-conical, poreless or with sparsely distributed small pores. Abdomen truncated-conical, with irregularly or transversely distributed 338 small pores. Post-abdominal segments truncated-conical proximally, cylindrical in subsequent segments and deflated in distal segments, with circular pores arranged hexagonally and in transverse three rows. Spines conical or triradiate, situated at joints of the segments. Original remarks: Triversus spinifer n. sp. is distinguished from T. japonicus in possessing many spines or nodes on its surface. Further remarks: Triversus is not a valid name because this name had been used a few years previously for a nematod (Sher, 1974). This species is questionably assigned to Praeparvicingula because of its Amphipyndax-like cephalic skeletal structure as shown by Takemura (1986). Plate PVG04. Praeparvicingula nanoconica (Hori & Otsuka). Magnification x300. Fig. 1(H). Hori & Otsuka 1989, pl. 2, fig. 1a. Fig. 2. Hori & Otsuka 1989, pl. 2, fig. 5. Fig. 3. OM-99-137-000816. Type locality: Sample TKN-105, manganese carbonate ore, Gujo-Hachiman area, Mino terrane, central Japan. Measurements (µm): Based on 10 specimens. Length of shell Max. width of shell including spines Min. 135 80 Max. 210 110 Occurrence: Japan; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman; Skrile Formation, Slovenia. Etymology: The name, spinifer, means thorny. Plate TVS01. Praeparvicingula? spinifera (Takemura). Magnification x400. Fig. 1(H). Takemura 1986, pl. 10, fig. 21. Fig. 2. JP, HM1-22, RH627. Fig. 3. JP, MNA-10, MA12396. Fig. 4. OM, BR871-R09-15. Fig. 5. Goričan et al. 2003, pl. 5, fig. 5. 339 Praeparvicingula tlellensis Carter n. sp. Species code: PCA02 Synonymy: 1984 Ristola sp. B – Murchey, pl. 1, fig. 10. 1987 Ristola sp. D – Hattori, pl. 19, fig. 5. 1987 Ristola sp. N – Hattori, pl. 19, fig. 9. 1987b Pseudoristola sp. B – Yeh, p. 97, pl. 14, fig. 21. 1988 Parvicingula sp. E – Carter et al., p. 56, pl. 5, fig. 13. 1989 Ristola spp. – Hattori, pl. 14, fig. I. 1990 Pseudoristola sp. B of Yeh – Nagai, pl. 2, fig. 9. 1997 Parvicingula sp. B – Yao, pl. 13, fig. 607. 2003 Parvicingula aff. decora (Pessagno & Whalen) – Goričan et al., p. 297, pl. 5, figs. 6-9. Type designation: Holotype GSC 80699 (Carter in Carter et al. 1988, pl. 15, figs. 1-2) from GSC loc. C-080586; Phantom Creek Formation (Aalenian). Description: Test conical, almost rounded apically with a very rudimentary horn. Cephalis hemispherical, imperforate; thorax slightly trapezoidal, sparsely perforate. Abdomen and five to seven post- abdominal chambers slightly widening distally as added; all with three rows of hexagonal pore frames. Outer rows of pore frames staggered with respect to central row; circumferential ridges separating chambers smooth, nodes low and rounded. Remarks: Praeparvicingula tlellensis n. sp. differs from P. decora (Pessagno & Whalen) in having a more gradually 340 conical outline, in lacking H-linked circumferential ridges, and in having much smaller nodes on ridges. P. tlellensis n. sp. differs from Parvicingula (?) spinata (Vinassa) in having a more rounded cephalis, smaller pores on postabdominal chambers, and rounded rather than sharp circumferential ridges. Measurements (µm): Based on 10 specimens. Length (excl. horn) Maximum width HT 192 100 Max. 234 109 Min. 184 90 Mean 210 100 Etymology: Named for the Tlell River northeast of the type locality, name of Haida origin meaning place-of-big-surf and alternately, land-of-berries. Type locality: Sample GSC loc. C-080586, Phantom Creek Formation, waterfall locality on the east side of Branch Road 59, central Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Whiteaves, Phantom Creek and Graham Island formations, Queen Charlotte Islands; Hyde Formation, Oregon; Franciscan Complex, California; Skrile Formation, Slovenia; Japan. Plate PCA02. Praeparvicingula tlellensis Carter n. sp. Magnification x300. Fig. 1(H). Carter et al. 1988, pl. 5, fig. 13. Figs. 2-5. Goričan et al. 2003, pl. 5, figs. 6-9. Fig. 6. SI, MM 21.70, 010221. 341 Genus: Protopsium Pessagno & Poisson 1981 Type species: Protopsium ehrenbergi Pessagno & Poisson 1981 Synonymy: 1981 Protopsium n. gen. – Pessagno & Poisson, p. 53. Original description: Primary test ellipsoidal (sometimes somewhat flattened) with two polar spines. Patagium-like mass of irregularly shaped and distributed pore frames occurring in one plane. Secondary spines of variable size radiating out from primary test into patagium-like mass seemingly offering support for the irregular meshwork. Polar spines with or without alternating grooves and ridges, occasionally bifurcating. Original remarks: Protopsium n. gen., differs from Archaeospongoprunum Pessagno (1973): (1) by possessing a patagium-like mass supported by secondary spines; (2) by having polar spines which may or may not have alternating ridges and grooves and which sometimes bifurcate; and (3) by sometimes displaying a somewhat compressed test. Protopsium like Archaeospongoprunum possesses meshwork arranged in concentric layers. Etymology: Protopsium is a name formed by an arbitrary combination of letters (ICZN, 1964, Appendix D, Pt. IV, Recommendation 40, p. 113). Included species: PTP01 Protopsium gesponsa De Wever 1981c Protopsium gesponsa De Wever 1981c Species code: PTP01 Synonymy: 1981c Protopsium gesponsa n. sp. – De Wever, p. 145, pl. 5, fig. 9-11. 1981c Protopsium sp. aff. P. gesponsa – De Wever, p. 148, pl. 5, fig. 19. 1981 Protopsium sp. A – Pessagno and Poisson, p. 54, pl. 4, figs. 1, 4. 1981 Protopsium sp. C – Pessagno and Poisson, p. 54, pl. 4, figs. 3, 5-8. 1982b Protopsium gesponsa De Wever – De Wever, p. 185, pl. 10, figs. 11-13; pl. 15, figs. 3-6. 2003 Protopsium gesponsa De Wever – Goričan et al., p. 295, pl. 2, figs. 11, 12. 2004 Protopsium gesponsa De Wever – Matsuoka, fig. 15. Original description: Protopsium with an ovoid shell bearing two stout spines triradiate in cross-section over half their length. Spines frequently asymmetric, conical in general shape. Original remarks: This species differs from P. ispartaensis by its less massive spines, triradiate in cross-section over half their length, and a shell with a finer network often prolongated by long spurs subparallel to spines (pl. 5, fig. 9). 342 This form is distinguished from P. ehrenbergi by its very elongate central shell and conical spines that are partially rounded in cross-section. It differs from P. libidonosum and P. posinos by the presence of two spines rather than three or more. Measurements (µm): Based on 4 specimens. Length of central shell Width of shell HT 130 82 Av. 123 90 Min. 110 82 Max. 130 100 Spines can reach 110 µm in length. Etymology: Anagram of E. A. Pessagno Jr. who illustrated this form. Type locality: Sample 1662D, Gümüslü Allochthon, Taurus Mts., Turkey. Occurrence: Gümüslü Allochthon, Turkey; Skrile Formation, Slovenia; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman; Mino Terrane, Japan. Plate PTP01. Protopsium gesponsa De Wever. Magnification x250. Fig. 1(H). De Wever 1981c, pl. 5, fig. 11. Fig. 2. Matsuoka 2004, fig. 15. Fig. 3. OM, BR706-R05-20. Figs. 4, 5. Goričan et al. 2003, pl. 2, figs. 11-12. 343 Genus: Protunuma Ichikawa & Yao 1976 Type species: Protunuma fusiformis Ichikawa & Yao 1976 Synonymy: 1976 Protunuma n. gen. – Ichikawa & Yao, p. 114. Original description: Spindle shaped, multisegmented form with inversely subconical last segment which has a small aperture at its base. No indentation at surface junction of segments. Numerous small circular pores on surface aligned in longitudinal rows and in diagonal aspect. Numerous longitudinal plicae on surface generally running continuously through segments. Apical horn not present or, if present, insignificant. Original remarks: This genus differs from Unuma in the last segment, which has no basal appendage with large pores but has a constricted, small, terminal aperture. At present, no spiny form like Unuma (Spinunuma) has been observed in the genus Protunuma. Included species: PRU01 Protunuma paulsmithi Carter 1988 Protunuma paulsmithi Carter 1988 Species code: PRU01 Synonymy: 1988 Protounuma paulsmithi Carter n. sp. – Carter et al., p. 54, pl. 6, figs. 9, 12. 1991 Protounuma paulsmithi Carter – Carter & Jakobs, p. 344, pl. 3, fig. 17. Original diagnosis: Spindle-shaped, inflated, lacking horn. Base partially constricted; aperture half of maximum diameter of test. Test surface has ten to fourteen longitudinal plicae, with two to three longitudinal rows of circular pores between flanking plicae. Original description: Test spindle-shaped, multisegmented, final chamber partially constricted at base, aperture half of maxmum diameter of test. Apical horn lacking on all specimens examined. Cephalis small and imperforate. All chambers, except for the final one or two, increase rapidly in width; final chamber(s) slightly constricted. Ten to fourteen longitudinal plicae superimposed on surface of test; plicae mostly continuous from thorax to aperture. Two to three longitudinal rows of circular pores between adjacent plicae. Pores usually arranged diagonally, but sometimes horizontally. Pore size increases very slightly from apex to base. Original remarks: This species is larger than Protunuma fusiformis Ichikawa & Yao, has a larger aperture, fewer plicae and larger pores; but like P. fusiformis it too is quite 344 variable, having both short broad forms and more elongate ‘slender’ ones. Differs from P. costata (Heitzer) in having a larger terminal aperture, fewer rows of pores between adjacent plicae, and these pores are larger. Further remarks: Protunuma paulsmithi differs from typical Middle and Late Jurassic Protunuma species in having a widely open instead of a strongly constricted aperture. This species, however, lacks a perforate basal appendage, characteristic of Unuma Ichikawa & Yao. Protunuma paulsmithi seems to be the oldest representative of the genus. Measurements (µm): Based on 19 specimens. Maximum length Maximum width HT 216 121 Av. 179 107 Max. 216 121 Min. 130 98 Etymology: Named in honour of Dr. P. L. Smith, of the University of British Columbia, for his contributions to the study of Jurassic ammonite biostratigraphy. Type locality: GSC locality C-080579, Whiteaves Formation, Creek locality, Maude Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Whiteaves and Phantom Creek formations, Queen Charlotte Islands. Plate PRU01. Protunuma paulsmithi Carter. Magnification x300, except Fig. 1b(H) x500. Fig. 1(H)a, b. Carter et al. 1988, pl. 6, figs. 9, 12. Fig. 2. Carter & Jakobs 1991, pl. 3, fig. 17. 345 Genus: Pseudocrucella Baumgartner 1980 Type species: Crucella sanfilippoae Pessagno 1977a Synonymy: medullary shell is on one side axially attached to the cortical shell. On the other side it is surrounded by cortical space. Primary canals are large, with a vertical axis of symmetry, surrounded by small, less regularly distributed canals which connect with the cortical space (see text-fig. 4K). Original description: Test as with subfamily composed of 4 rays at right angles, usually with tapering tips and long triradiate central spines. Cortical shell composed of 2 lateral and 1 to 3, sometimes merging, median external beams on each side connected by transverse bars with more or less developed nodes at intersections. Pores circular, rectangular or parallelogram-shaped in 2 or more partly continuous rows. Central area with irregular meshwork, nodose with smaller pores, or with a depression exposing the medullary shell. Lateral sides exposing the medullary rays with 2 or 3 paired or alternating rows of circular or rectangular pores. Cross section of rays rectangular or square. The discoidal Original remarks: Pseudocrucella n. gen. differs from other four-rayed hagiastrids by its inner structure, by a rectangular cross section of rays and less regularly arranged pore rows on top and bottom sides. The described internal structure has been reconfirmed in topotypes of P. sanfilippoae from Point Sal (NSF 907, Pessagno collection) (pl. 8, figs. 23-24). 1980 Pseudocrucella n. gen. – Baumgartner, p. 291. 1982b Pseudocrucella Baumgartner – De Wever, p. 239. 1984b Pseudocrucella Baumgartner – Blome, p. 351. 1995a Pseudocrucella Baumgartner – Baumgartner et al., p. 442. Included species: PDC03 Pseudocrucella ornata De Wever 1981b 3126 Pseudocrucella sanfilippoae (Pessagno) 1977a PDC04 Pseudocrucella sp. C sensu Carter 1988 Pseudocrucella ornata De Wever 1981b Species code: PDC03 Synonymy: 1981b Pseudocrucella (?) ornata n. sp. – De Wever, p. 32, pl. 2, figs. 1-6. 1982b Pseudocrucella (?) ornata De Wever – De Wever, p. 240, pl. 22, figs. 1-6. 1987b Pseudocrucella jurassica n. sp. – Yeh, p. 29, pl. 2, figs. 5, 19. 1988 Pseudocrucella sp. A – Carter et al., p. 29, pl. 7, figs. 8-9. 1991 Pseudocrucella sp. A, n. sp. – Carter & Jakobs, p. 344, pl. 2, fig. 13. Original description: Form with four orthogonal arms and patagium (sometimes poorly developed or preserved). Subcylindrical arms ending in spines, triradiate in crosssection at base and distally rounded. In cross-section, arms show three primary canals that are subtriangular in shape, surrounding the primary beam (pl. 2, fig. 6). Three small secondary canals prolongate the primary blades. This structure resembles that described by P. O. Baumgartner (1980, text-fig. 4, C) for Tetratrabs gratiosa. Arms, on surface, show three (or four) longitudinal beams, connected by transverse bars, aligned from one beam to the other thus delimiting all orthogonal network. Well-developed node present where beam and bar intersect. Central part of shell inflated with few nodes on most specimens. Original remarks: This species differs from “Pseudocrucella sp. C” cited by Baumgartner (1980, pl. 8, fig. 11) by its more regularly arranged pores, more massive nodes and the presence of a patagium. Histiastrum elizabethae Rüst (1898, p. 30) has more spindle-shaped, slim arms that do not have aligned pores on 346 their central part. Spines extend from arms without abrupt change in outline. And finally, one does not know the inner structure. Histiastrum valanginica Aliev (1965, p. 33) has a central lacuna while P. (?) ornata n. sp. has an inflated center. This species is tentatively assigned to Pseudocrucella because it does seem to have all the criteria of the genus. It has the proper external architecture, but the primary and secondary canals with their respective proportions evoke the Tritrabinae structure. Measurements (µm): Based on 8 specimens. Av. Min. Max. HT Total length (of two rays without spines) 217 220 310 264 Length of spines of rays 55 54 57 54 52 40 62 55 Width of rays Etymology: From Latin ornatus, -a, -um (adj.) = adorned, decorated. Type locality: Sample 1662D, Gümüslü Allochthon, Taurus Mts., Turkey. Occurrence: Gümüslü Allochthon, Turkey; Nicely Formation, Oregon; Phantom Creek Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Plate PDC03. Pseudocrucella ornata De Wever. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). De Wever 1981b, pl. 2, fig. 1. Fig. 2. Carter & Jakobs 1991, pl. 2, fig. 13. Fig. 3. Carter et al. 1988, pl. 7, fig. 8. 347 Pseudocrucella sanfilippoae (Pessagno) 1977a Species code: 3126 Synonymy: 1977a Crucella sanfilippoae n. sp. – Pessagno, p. 72, pl. 2, figs. 15-16. 1982 Crucella sanfilippoae Pessagno – Aita, pl. 3, fig. 9. 1980 Pseudocrucella sanfilippoae (Pessagno) – Baumgartner, p. 291, pl. 8, figs. 1, 23-24. 1981 Pseudocrucella sanfilippoae (Pessagno) – Kocher, p. 88, pl. 16, fig. 1. 1984 Pseudocrucella sanfilippoae (Pessagno) – Baumgartner, p. 781, pl. 7, fig. 17. 1988 Pseudocrucella sanfilippoae (Pessagno) – Carter et al., p. 29, pl. 7, figs. 1, 4. 1989 Pseudocrucella (?) sp. A – Hori & Otsuka, pl. 4, fig. 5. 1995a Pseudocrucella sanfilippoae (Pessagno) – Baumgartner et al., p. 444, pl. 3126, figs. 1-3. Original description: Meshwork with linearly arranged square pore frames having massive nodes at their corners. Spines triradiate in axial section proximally and circular in axial section distally. Original remarks: Crucella sanfilippoae n.sp. differs from C. messinae by virtue of its linearly arranged square pore frames and the structure of its spines. Measurements (µm): Based on 10 specimens. Length of ray Width of ray Length of spines Min. 100 50 55 Max. 170 60 120 Etymology: This species is named for Annika Sanfilippo (Scripps Institution of Oceanography) in honor of her contributions to the study of Jurassic Radiolaria Type locality: Sample NSF 907, Point Sal, Santa Barbara County, California. Occurrence: Worldwide. Pseudocrucella sp. C sensu Carter 1988 Species code: PDC04 Synonymy: 1988 Pseudocrucella sp. C – Carter et al. p. 30, pl. 7, fig. 7. 2003 Pseudocrucella sp. C sensu Carter – Goričan et al., p. 293, pl. 1, fig. 20. Remarks: This species is characterized by long slender rays and a rather irregular arrangement of pores. In Carter et al. (1988) it was considered identical with Pseudocrucella sp. C of Baumgartner (1980, p. 292, pl. 8, figs. 10, 11) but it differs from the latter by having rounded and not vertical sides of rays. Occurrence: Whiteaves and Phantom Creek formations, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia; Skrile Formation, Slovenia; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation and Musallah Formation, Oman. Plate PDC04. Pseudocrucella sp. C sensu Carter. Magnification x250. Fig. 1. Carter et al. 1988, pl. 7, fig. 7. Fig. 2. OM, BR825-3-R09-07. Fig. 3. OM-00-114, 023132. Fig. 4. Goričan et al. 2003, pl. 1, fig. 20. Fig. 5. SI, MM 6.76, 010330. Fig. 6. SI, MM 6.76, 000518. 348 Plate 3126. Pseudocrucella sanfilippoae (Pessagno). Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Pessagno 1977a, pl. 2, fig. 15. Fig. 2. Carter et al. 1988, pl. 7, fig. 1. Fig. 3. Carter et al. 1988, pl. 7, fig. 4. Fig. 4. JP, NK9-62. 349 Genus: Pseudoeucyrtis Pessagno 1977b Type species: Eucyrtis (?) zhamoidai Foreman 1973 Synonymy: Original remarks: Pseudoeucyrtis n. gen. differs from Eucyrtis Haeckel (type species = E. conoidea Rüst, 1885; see Foreman, 1973, p. 264) by lacking strictures, by having a more coarsely and densely perforate test, and by being spindle shaped. Original description: Test elongate, spindle shaped, multisegmented termination in a closed (?) tube. Cephalis imperforate with short, often massive horn. Remaining chambers coarsely perforate with polygonal pore frames; pore frames often spinose. Post-cephalic chambers (exclusive of terminal tube) increasing gradually in height, but somewhat more rapidly in width to middle of test where they begin to decrease in width. Test devoid of strictures. Further remarks: Some species may possess weakly developed strictures. Some species lack apical horn (e.g., Pseudoeucyrtis safraensis Dumitrica & Goričan n. sp.). 1977b Pseudoeucyrtis n. gen. – Pessagno, p. 58. 1990 Pseudoeucyrtis Pessagno – Yang & Wang, p. 213. 1994 Pseudoeucyrtis Pessagno – O’Dogherty, p. 179. 1997 Pseudoeucyrtis Pessagno – Hull, p. 158. Included species: PSE02 Pseudoeucyrtis angusta Whalen & Carter 1998 PSE04 Pseudoeucyrtis busuangaensis (Yeh & Cheng) 1998 PSE03 Pseudoeucyrtis safraensis Dumitrica & Goričan n. sp. Pseudoeucyrtis angusta Whalen & Carter 1998 Species code: PSE02 Synonymy: 1998 Pseudoeucyrtis angusta n. sp. – Whalen & Carter, p. 73, pl. 18, figs. 9-12, 16. ? 1998 Pseudoeucyrtis angusta Whalen & Carter – Yeh & Cheng, p. 31, pl. 9, figs. 3, 11. Not 2002 Pseudoeucyrtis angusta Whalen & Carter – Whalen & Carter, p. 138, pl. 16, fig. 3. Not 2004 Pseudoeucyrtis angusta Whalen & Carter – Matsuoka, fig. 123. Original description: Test multicyrtid, cylindrical, with narrow terminal tube. Cephalis very small, hemispherical with short horn; horn circular in axial section, sometimes slightly bifurcate; cephalis with small, polygonal pore frames usually covered by layer of microgranular silica. Thorax and abdomen roughly trapezoidal in outline with small irregularly shaped pore frames usually covered by a layer of microgranular silica. Seven to ten postabdominal chambers, rectangular, with medium-sized, irregularly shaped pore frames; chambers very gradually increasing in size to central widest part of test, then gradually decreasing in width; chambers in central part of test just slightly wider than first and last postabdominal chambers; strictures usually weakly developed between postabdomi- nal chambers in central part of test. Terminal tube usually open, with numerous circular pores. Original remarks: Pseudoeucyrtis angusta n. sp. differs from P. sp. A by possessing weakly developed strictures. The very narrow elongate test of P. angusta n. sp. distinguishes it from Protokatroma aquila n. sp. Measurements (µm): Based on 5 specimens. HT Max. Min. Mean Length (excluding horn) 592 592 526 551 Max. width 99 99 86 92 Etymology: Angustus, a, um (Latin; adj.) = narrow, tight. Type locality: Sample 89-CNA-KUD-16, Sandilands Formation, Kunga Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Sandilands Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands. Pseudoeucyrtis busuangaensis (Yeh & Cheng) 1998 Species code: PSE04 Synonymy: 1998 Protokatroma busuangaensis n. sp. – Yeh & Cheng, p. 30, pl. 7, figs. 2, 3; pl. 9, figs. 4, 5, 24. 1998 Protokatroma sp. aff. P. aquila Whalen & Carter – Yeh & Cheng, p. 30, pl. 7, fig. 1; pl. 9, figs. 6, 7. 1998 Protokatroma sp. B. – Yeh & Cheng, p. 31, pl. 10, figs. 2, 3. 2004 Pseudoeucyrtis sp. – Hori, pl. 2, figs. 49-51. Original description: Test slender, slightly swollen at median portion, with short tubular horn. Final post-abdomi350 nal chamber terminating with moderately long cylindrical closed tubular extension which gently decreases in width towards its distal end. Original remarks: This form is characterized by having a slender test which is slightly inflated at its median portion. Further remarks: The specimens from the Haliw Formation of Oman (pl. PSE04, figs. 2-7) resemble the holotype Plate PSE02. Pseudoeucyrtis angusta Whalen & Carter. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Carter et al. 1998, pl. 18, fig. 10. Fig. 2. Carter et al. 1998, pl. 18, fig. 9. Plate PSE04. Pseudoeucyrtis busuangaensis (Yeh & Cheng). Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Yeh & Cheng 1998, pl. 9. fig. 4. Fig. 2. OM, Haliw-039-R01-05a. Fig. 3. OM, Haliw-039-R02-07. Fig. 4. OM, Haliw-039-R01-07. Fig. 5. OM, Haliw-039-R01-06. Fig. 6. OM, Haliw-038-R08-23. Fig. 7. OM, Haliw-039-R01-05. 351 but differ only in being more inflated and the maximum diameter is in the proximal third of shell rather than in the middle. Measurements (µm): Based on 7 specimens. HT Max. Min. Mean Length (excluding horn) 380 397 380 387 Width (maximum) 74 77 66 72 Etymology: This form is named after its type locality, Busuanga Island, Philippines. Type locality: Sample CR91-49E, Liminangcong Chert, a reddish bedded chert sequence exposed at a road side of the Coron Highway, about 400 m to the west of milestone KM35. Occurrence: Liminangcong Chert, Busuanga Island, Philippines; Haliw (Aqil) Formation, Oman; Japan. Pseudoeucyrtis safraensis Dumitrica & Goričan n. sp. Species code: PSE03 Type designation: Holotype specimen R20-04 from sample BR 485, Tawi Sadh Member, Guwayza Formation, Jabal Safra; paratype specimen 021416, sample OM-00-251, Musallah Formation, Al Aridh Group, Jabal Buwaydah, Oman. Description: Test multicyrtid, spindle-shaped, elongate. Cephalis small, hemispherical; lacking apical horn. Following five to seven segments roughly trapezoidal in outline, increasing slowly in width as added; segments with polygonal pore frames arranged diagonally. Remainder of test slowly decreasing in width, mostly comprising a long tube; pore frames of tube larger, mostly rectangular, arranged linearly. Intersegmental constrictions indistinct, usually weakly developed on proximal part but always lacking on the terminal portion with linearly arranged pores. Remarks: Pseudoeucyrtis safraensis n. sp. differs from P. angusta Whalen & Carter 1998 and P. busuangaensis Yeh & Cheng 1998 in having linearly arranged pores. In P. safraensis the linear pore arrangement characterizes at least one third of the test. P. safraensis is similar to Foremania 352 sandilandsensis Whalen & Carter 1998 in the alignment of pores, but differs in being proportionally narrower, distally more constricted, and in lacking a large, branched apical horn. Also, the pores of F. sandilandensis are arranged in both longitudinal and transversal rows (square pattern), whereas in P. safraensis they are arranged in longitudinal rows only. Measurements (µm): Based on 5 specimens. HT Max. Min. Mean Length 670 670 408 -- Max. width 81 100 81 90 Etymology: Named after type locality. Type locality: Sample BR 485, Tawi Sadh Member, Guwayza Formation, Jabal Safra, Oman. Occurrence: Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Sabt and Musallah formations, Oman. Plate PSE03. Pseudoeucyrtis safraensis Dumitrica & Goričan n. sp. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). OM, BR485-R20-04. Fig. 2. OM, BR706-R12-18. Fig. 3. OM-01-21, 010830. Fig. 4. OM-01-21, 010829. Fig. 5. OM-00-251, 021416. Fig. 6. OM-00-252, 021822. 353 Genus: Pseudogodia Tekin 1999, emend. Carter herein Type species: Pseudogodia sonmezi Tekin 1999 Synonymy: 1999 Pseudogodia n. gen. – Tekin, p. 120. Original description: Test thick, roughly hexagonal in outline composing of big nodes. Each side of the test slightly convex. Rim of the test mainly includes big nodes (six to seven) in different size mainly situated in every corner but sometimes irregular. Nodes separating from each other and from central nodes by shallow depressions. Central nodes have same feature those of nodes situated at the side of the test. Meshwork consisting of irregular polygonal (mainly trigonal and hexagonal) pore frames and mainly circular pores in different size. Test possesses two peripheral spines tapering distally and circular in cross section, usually one of them robust and ticker than the other could be the polar spine. Emended description: Test disc-shaped, thick, subhexagonal in outline. Planar surfaces of test slightly convex, composed of large raised central area surrounded by one or more rings of large irregularly-sized tubercules. Tubercules separated from each other and from central area by shallow depressions. Meshwork of tubercules consisting of irregular polygonal (mainly trigonal and hexagonal) pore frames with irregular circular pores. Test with two or more peripheral spines. Original remarks: This genus could be distinguished from the genus Orbiculiforma Pessagno by having polygonal outline instead of circular, strong nodes both at rim and center of the test. It differs also from Cretaceous genus Godia Wu by possessing polygonal outline instead of circular and whole test of former composing mainly large nodes, latter has small pores on the surface of the test. Emended remarks: This genus is distinguished from Godia Wu in possessing a polygonal outline. By its polygonal outline it also differs from Orbiculiforma Pessagno, which is now restricted to subquadratic forms with four main spines (see original remarks under Orbiculiformella Kozur & Mostler). Pseudogodia further differs from Godia Wu and Orbiculiformella Kozur & Mostler in possessing a large central area and large raised tubercules around the periphery. Etymology: For the similarity to Cretaceous genus Godia Wu. Included species: ORB12 Pseudogodia deweveri Carter n. sp. Pseudogodia deweveri Carter n. sp. Species code: ORB12 Synonymy: 1981c G. sp. indet. – De Wever, p. 150, pl. 5, figs. 28, 29. Type designation: Holotype GSC 111756 from GSC loc. C 3045686 and paratype GSC 128855 from GSC loc. C080613; Rennell Junction member of the Fannin Formation (upper lower Pliensbachian). Description: Test disc-shaped, large and thick, subcircular to slightly scalloped in outline with short spines radiating from the periphery in different planes. Upper and lower surfaces of test with well defined raised central area, width greater than one-half diameter of test. Central area with numerous large, slight- to moderately-raised tubercules (Holotype, pl. ORB12, fig. 1). Outer rim of test covered with fine spongy pore frames; pore frames in central part of central area sometimes larger and well defined (Paratype, pl. ORB12, fig. 2), but pore frames on tubercules always much smaller. Peripheral spines short, irregularly spaced, variable in width, circular in axial section. Remarks: This distinctive species was first recognized in the Pliensbachian of Turkey (De Wever, 1981c) and mentioned 354 as having a pseudoaulophacid outline similar to Pseudoaulophacus lenticulatus Pessagno, a central thickening, and peripheral spines. There are pronounced similarities between Pseudogodia deweveri n. sp. and Orbiculiformella lomgonensis Whalen & Carter 1998, both similar in age. The former possesses large porous tubercules on the raised central area, whereas the latter has a depressed central area and raised tubercules around the periphery of the test. Until more is known, O. lomgonensis is still included with the genus Orbiculiformella. Measurements (µm): Based on 8 specimens. Diameter of cortical shell Diameter of central area HT 363 199 Max. 363 206 Min. 281 160 Mean 322 184 Etymology: Named for Patrick De Wever, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, to honour his pioneering contribution to the knowledge of Pliensbachian radiolarians and for his helpful guidance in the author’s early studies of the late Early Jurassic of Queen Charlotte Islands. Type locality: Sample 99-CNA-MI-11 (GSC loc. C-304568), Rennell Junction member of the Fannin Formation, Maude Island, east of Ells Bay, Skidegate Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Fannin Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Gümüslü Allochthon, Turkey. Plate ORB12. Pseudogodia deweveri Carter n. sp. Magnification x150. Fig. 1(H). QCI, GSC loc. C-304566, GSC 111756. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-080613, GSC 128855. 355 Genus: Pseudoheliodiscus Kozur & Mostler 1972, emend. De Wever 1984 Type species: Pseudoheliodiscus riedeli Kozur & Mostler 1972 Synonymy: 1972 Pseudoheliodiscus n. gen. – Kozur & Mostler, p. 24. 1979 Pseudoheliodiscus Kozur & Mostler, emend. Pessagno – Pessagno et al., p. 169. 1984 Pseudoheliodiscus Kozur & Mostler emend. – De Wever, p. 15. 1990 Pseudoheliodiscus Kozur & Mostler, emend. Pessagno – Kozur & Mostler, p. 189. Original diagnosis: Shell spongy to delicately latticed, with two prominent needle-shaped polar spines on the inner side. Usually with one or two medullary shells which are not always present. Shell connected directly with a girdle bearing very long radial spines. Emended diagnosis: De Wever (1984): Palaeosaturnalinae with simple ring, with auxiliary and/or subsidiary rays. Original remarks: This genus is transitional between Heliodiscus Haeckel 1862, where the spines are not fused to a ring, and Saturnalinae, where the ring is clearly detached from the shell. Further remarks: We use here the emendation of the genus by De Wever (1984) that takes into account the presence or absence of polar spines. For Pessagno (in Pessagno et al., 1979) and Kozur & Mostler (1990) this character has no value. Etymology: By similarity with Heliodiscus Haeckel, 1862. Included species: SAT16 Pseudoheliodiscus aff. alpinus Kozur & Mostler 1990 sensu Whalen & Carter 2002 SAT07 Pseudoheliodiscus yaoi gr. Pessagno 1981 Pseudoheliodiscus aff. alpinus Kozur & Mostler 1990 sensu Whalen & Carter 2002 Species code: SAT16 Synonymy: 1984 Pseudoheliodiscus (?) spp. – Whalen & Pessagno, pl. 3, fig. 8, 9. aff. 1990 Pseudoheliodiscus alpinus n. sp. – Kozur & Mostler, p. 189, pl. 5, fig. 1, 3, 5-9, 11, 12. 2002 Pseudoheliodiscus sp. aff. P. alpinus Kozur & Mostler – Whalen & Carter, p. 108, pl. 5, figs. 8, 14. Original remarks: This species differs from P. alpinus Kozur & Mostler by having fewer rays between the polar spines that are shorter and less robust. Occurrence: San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur. Pseudoheliodiscus yaoi gr. Pessagno 1981 Species code: SAT07 Synonymy: 1981 Pseudoheliodiscus yaoi Pessagno n. sp. [Pseudoheliodiscus yaoi Pessagno & Poisson n. sp. in fig. captions] – Pessagno & Poisson, p. 55, pl. 4, fig. 9; pl. 5, figs. 1, 4, 7-9; pl. 13, fig. 2. 1981c Pseudoheliodiscus yaoi Pessagno – De Wever, p. 144, pl. 5, fig. 1. 1981c Pseudoheliodiscus yaoi Pessagno ? – De Wever, p. 144, pl. 4, figs. 8-10. 1982b Pseudoheliodiscus yaoi Pessagno – De Wever, p. 224, pl. 20, fig. 6. 1982b Pseudoheliodiscus yaoi Pessagno ? – De Wever, p. 225, pl. 20, figs. 1-3. 1982 Pseudoheliodiscus yaoi Pessagno – De Wever & OrigliaDevos, pl. 1, fig. T. Original description: Test with extremely broad, flat ring having thirteen to fourteen peripheral spines and about twelve auxiliary spines. Central spongy cortical shell occupying most of ring on most specimens; cortical shell comprised of concentric layers of irregular polygonal (triangular, tetragonal, pentagonal) pore frames. Original remarks: Pseudoheliodiscus yaoi, n. sp., differs from P. riedeli Kozur & Mostler (1972) by having a much broader ring with shorter peripheral spines. It differs from 356 P. finchi Pessagno (1979) by having a somewhat wider ring and thirteen to fourteen as opposed to ten or eleven peripheral spines. Measurements (µm): Based on 8 specimens. HT Max. Min. Diameter of spongy cortical shell 140 150 135 Diameter of test including cortical shell and 230 260 230 ring, excluding peripheral spines on ring Width of ring, exclusive of peripheral spines 30 45 30 Etymology: This species is named for Dr. Akira Yao (Osaka City University) in honor of his contributions to the study of Parasaturnalidae. Type locality: Sample 1662D, Gümüslü Allochthon, Taurus Mts., Turkey. Occurrence: Gümüslü Allochthon, Turkey; Ghost Creek Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Drimos Formation, Greece; Tawi Sadh Member fo the Guwayza Formation, Oman. Plate SAT16. Pseudoheliodiscus aff. alpinus Kozur & Mostler sensu Whalen & Carter. Magnification x200. Fig. 1. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 5, fig. 8. Plate SAT07. Pseudoheliodiscus yaoi gr. Pessagno. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Pessagno & Poisson1981, pl. 4, fig. 9. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-305417, GSC 111757. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-080612, GSC 111758. Fig. 4. OM, BR485-R20-13. Fig. 5. OM, BR485-R20-16. 357 Genus: Pseudopantanellium Yeh 1987b Type species: Pseudopantanellium floridum Yeh 1987b Synonymy: 1987b Pseudopantanellium n. gen. – Yeh, p. 50. Original description: Test spherical to ellipsoidal with two triradiate polar spines. Meshwork of test comprised of numerous concentric subspherical rings of pentagonal and hexagonal pore frames anchoring to pillar-like structure at pore frame vertices. Size of pore frames decreasing gradually toward center of spherical test. Original remarks: Pseudopantanellium n. gen., has superficial resemblance to Pantanellium Pessagno (1977b). However, Pseudopantanellium can be distinguished from Pantanellium by having a series of concentric layers of pentagonal or hexagonal pore frames rather than consisting only of a cortical shell and a medullary shell. Etymology: From the Latin pseudo = false, and Pantanellium. Included species: PPN01 Pseudopantanellium floridum Yeh 1987b Pseudopantanellium floridum Yeh 1987b Species code: PPN01 Synonymy: 1987b Pseudopantanellium floridum n. sp. – Yeh, p. 50, pl. 10, figs. 3, 21; pl. 20, fig. 10. 1987b Pseudopantanellium sp. A – Yeh, p. 51, pl. 2, figs. 7, 13, 24. 1987b Pseudopantanellium sp. B – Yeh, p. 51, pl. 2, fig. 14. 1987b Pseudopantanellium sp. C – Yeh, p. 51, pl. 10, fig. 1, 15. 1987b Pseudopantanellium sp. D – Yeh, p. 51, pl. 10, fig. 2; pl. 23, figs. 4, 15. 1987 Gn. Sp. indet. – Hattori, pl. 22, fig. 17. 1996 Pseudopantanellium sp. A – Pujana, p. 137, pl. 1, fig. 2. Original description: Test as with genus, large, spherical in shape, polar spines relatively thin, medium in length, triradiate with three ridges alternating with three narrow grooves, extremely narrow subsidiary grooves occurring on ridges. Concentric rings of meshwork usually of large pentagonal and hexagonal pore frames anchoring to pillarlike structure at vertices. Pore frames of outermost layer large, with prominent thin in [sic] rims and moderately thick in [sic] sides, with prominent nodes at vertices. Five to six pore frames visible. 358 Original remarks: Pseudopantanellium floridum n. sp., can be distinguished from other Pseudopantanellium spp. in this report by having a large spherical test with very symmetrical pore frames. Measurements (µm): Ten specimens measured. HT Mean Max. Min. Maximum diameter of test 200 175 200 143 Maximum width of spine 30 25 30 17 Maximum length of polar spines 150 156 165 145 Etymology: From the Latin floridus = flowery. Type locality: Sample OR-600M, Hyde Formation at IzeePaulina road, east-central Oregon. Occurrence: Nicely and Hyde formations, Oregon; Ghost Creek and Fannin formations, Queen Charlotte Islands; Sierra Chacaicó Formation, Argentina; Japan. Plate PPN01. Pseudopantanellium floridum Yeh. Magnification x150. Fig. 1(H). Yeh 1987b, pl. 10, fig. 3. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-140495, GSC 111759. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-140495, GSC 111760. Fig. 4. QCI, GSC loc. C-304566, GSC 111761. 359 Genus: Pseudopoulpus Takemura 1986 Type species: Pseudopoulpus yamatoensis Takemura 1986 Synonymy: 1986 Pseudopoulpus n. gen. – Takemura, p. 39. 1987b Pseudopoulpus Takemura emend. – Yeh, p. 86. 2003 Pseudopoulpus Takemura – Dumitrica & Zügel, p. 32. Original description: Shell of one segment, cephalis with apical horn and three feet. Cephalis subspherical, large and perforated by many irregularly or hexagonally arranged pores. Cephalis subdivided usually slightly into two parts by longitudinal grooves on cephalic surface, which accords with arches Al. Apical horn, which is a prolongation of A, usually triradiate and thinner than the three feet. Three feet, prolongations of two L and D, triradiate and strong. MB, A, V, D, two L and two l as cephalic skeletal elements and two arches Al existing. VL, Ll, and lD at collar portion. Arch AV not existing. V not on the same plane defined by MB and two L. Original remarks: Pseudopoulpus, n. gen. differs from the genera Saitoum Pessagno and Poulpus De Wever, which belong to the subfamily Poulpinae De Wever, in lack of arch AV, which is the sagittal ring. Although Pseudopoulpus, n. gen. has a thick and latticed cephalic shell, this new genus is tentatively assigned to the family Plagoniidae Haeckel, emend. Riedel in the present paper; because of its tripod skeleton and considerably large cephalis. Cephalic skeletal structures of Cenozoic Plagoniids, however, have not yet been clarified sufficiently. Etymology: The genus name, is derived from “pseudo” and the genus name Poulpus De Wever. Included species: 2007 Pseudopoulpus acutipodium Takemura 1986 POU01 Pseudopoulpus sp. A sensu Whalen & Carter 2002 Pseudopoulpus acutipodium Takemura 1986 Species code: 2007 Synonymy: 1986 Pseudopoulpus acutipodium n. sp. – Takemura, p. 40, pl. 1, figs. 5-8. 1987b Pseudopoulpus pessagnoi n. sp. – Yeh, p. 89, pl. 12, figs. 7-9, 12, 13, 22, 26. 1987b Pseudopoulpus sp. A – Yeh, p. 89, pl. 26, fig. 18. 1987b Pseudopoulpus sp. B – Yeh, p. 89, pl. 26, fig. 14. 1987b Pseudopoulpus sp. D – Yeh, p. 90, pl. 12, fig. 1. 1991 Pseudopoulpus acutipodium Takemura – Carter & Jakobs, p. 344, pl. 3, fig. 10. 2004 Pseudopoulpus acutipodium Takemura – Matsuoka, fig. 162. Original description: Cephalis large and subspherical, with irregularly or hexagonally arranged usually circular pores and pore frames. Apical horn thin, short and triradiate proximally. Three feet strong, straight, triradiate and sharply pointed. Measurements (µm): Based on 5 specimens. Length of shell including horn and feet Height of cephalis Maximum width of shell including feet Width of cephalis Min. 175 85 180 95 Max. 240 100 215 120 Etymology: Acutipodium, means sharpened foot. Type locality: Sample TKN-105, Gujo-Hachiman area in the Mino terrane, central Japan. Occurrence: Mino Terrane, Japan; Phantom Creek Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Hyde Formation and Warm Springs member of the Snowshoe Formation, Oregon. Original remarks: P. acutipodium n. sp. is distinguished from P. yamatoensis by its sharply pointed feet. Pseudopoulpus sp. A sensu Whalen & Carter 2002 Species code: POU01 Synonymy: 1984 unidentified Radiolaria – Whalen & Pessagno, pl. 1, fig. 4. 2002 Pseudopoulpus sp. A – Whalen & Carter, p. 130, pl. 13, figs. 1, 2, 14. Original remarks: This species is similar to Pseudopoulpus pessagnoi Yeh 1987, but differs in having a more massive apical horn. 360 Further remarks: Pseudopoulpus pessagnoi Yeh is now assigned to Pseudopoulpus acutipodium Takemura. Occurrence: San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur. Plate 2007. Pseudopoulpus acutipodium Takemura. Magnification x250, except Fig. 5c x500. Fig. 1(H). Takemura 1986, pl. 1, fig. 5. Fig. 2. Matsuoka 2004, fig. 162. Fig. 3. Carter & Jakobs 1991, pl. 3, fig. 10. Fig. 4. OR600A, 13165. Figs. 5a-c. OR600A-R03-08a-c. Plate POU01. Pseudopoulpus sp. A sensu Whalen & Carter. Magnification x250. Fig. 1. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 13, fig. 2. 361 Genus: Pseudoristola Yeh 1987b Type species: Pseudoristola faceta Yeh 1987b Synonymy: 1987b Pseudoristola n. gen. – Yeh, p. 95. Original description: Test multicyrtid, conical to subconical, with two to six post-abdominal chambers. Cephalis conical to dome-shaped without horn. Thorax and subsequent chambers trapezoidal in outline. Earlier chambers covered with layer of microgranular silica, remaining chambers consisting of single layer of regular to subregular pentagonal and hexagonal pore frames. Each post-abdominal chamber with two to three transverse rows of pore frames. Pore frames slightly variable in size, usually with largest pores along partitions. Test with or without poorly developed circumferential ridges. Final post-abdominal chamber closing and with latticed bulbous expansion. Original remarks: Pseudoristola n. gen., differs from Ristola Pessagno and Whalen (1982) by having a test with pore frames more irregular in shape, by lacking well-developed circumferential ridges on post-abdominal chambers, and by having its final post-abdominal chamber closing with a large latticed bulbous expansion rather than terminating in an open tubular extension. Further remarks: See original remarks under Lantus Yeh. Etymology: From the Latin pseudo = false, and Ristola. Included species: PRL01 Pseudoristola megaglobosa Yeh 1987b Pseudoristola megaglobosa Yeh 1987b Species code: PRL01 Synonymy: 1987b Pseudoristola megaglobosa n. sp. – Yeh, p. 96, pl. 14, fig. 13; pl. 23, figs. 17, 22. 1987b Pseudoristola sp. cf. P. megaglobosa n. sp. – Yeh, p. 96, pl. 14, fig. 15. 2004 Pseudoristola megaglobosa Yeh – Matsuoka, fig. 93. Original description: Test conical, without horn, with five to six post-abdominal chambers. Cephalis conical, remaining chambers trapezoidal in outline and gradually increasing in width as added. Earlier chambers closely spaced, sparsely perforate, covered with layer of microgranular silica. Post-abdominal chamber consisting of two to three rows of polygonal pore frames in each chamber. Final postabdominal chamber terminating in large subspherical expansion. Pore frames subregular, slightly variable in size, with largest pore frames on bulbous expansion. Test without prominent circumferential ridges, with H-linked pattern along joints. 362 Measurements (µm): Ten specimens measured. Length of proximal conical part (= last segment excluded) Width at base of conical part Length of last segment Width of last segment HT Mean Max. Min. 166 180 198 165 105 133 177 107 145 190 110 160 220 105 132 177 Etymology: Megaglobosa: mega (=large) + globosa-a-um (=spherical). Type locality: Sample OR-600A, Hyde Formation along Izee-Paulina road, east-central Oregon. Occurrence: Hyde Formation and Warm Springs member of the Snowshoe Formation, Oregon; Ghost Creek and Fannin formations, Queen Charlotte Islands; Musallah Formation, Oman; Japan. Plate PRL01. Pseudoristola megaglobosa Yeh. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Yeh 1987b, pl. 23, fig. 22. Fig. 2. Matsuoka 2004, fig. 93. Fig. 3. JP, MNA-10, MA13457. Fig. 4a, b. OM-00-118, 000618, 000619. Fig. 5. QCI, GSC loc. C-304566, GSC 111762. Fig. 6. QCI, GSC loc. C-080611, GSC 111763. Fig. 7. QCI, GSC loc. C-175309, GSC 111764. Fig. 8. QCI, GSC loc. C-080613. GSC 111765. 363 Genus: Religa Whalen & Carter 2002 Type species: Religa globosa Whalen & Carter 2002 Synonymy: 2002 Religa n. gen – Whalen & Carter, p. 142. Original description: Test multicyrtid with cephalis, thorax, abdomen and usually two post-abdominal chambers. Cephalis with strong horn. Final post-abdominal chamber spherical, very inflated, significantly larger than other chambers, with circumferentially arranged, solid spines at widest part. Original remarks: The absence of a tubular extension on the terminal chamber distinguishes this genus from Podobursa Wisniowski 1889; emend. Foreman 1973, from Podocapsa Rüst, 1885; emend. Foreman 1973, and from Katroma Pessagno and Poisson 1981; emend. De Wever 1982, while the presence of strong spines circumferentially arranged along the widest part of the final post-abdominal chamber distinguishes it from Sethocapsa Haeckel 1881. The very inflated nature of the final chamber of Religa distinguishes it from Lantus Yeh 1987b. Arcanicapsa Takemura 1986 is distinguished from Religa n. gen. by having an inflated abdominal chamber and irregularly distributed spines. Etymology: The genus Religa is named from an arbitrary combination of letters (ICZN, 1985, Appendix. D, pt. VI, Recommendation 40, p. 201). Included species: REG01 Religa globosa Whalen & Carter 2002 REG02 Religa sp. A Religa globosa Whalen & Carter 2002 Species code: REG01 Synonymy: 1998 Katroma sp. aff. K. pinquitudo Whalen & Carter – Yeh & Cheng, p. 29, pl. 9, fig. 20. 2002 Religa globosa n. sp. – Whalen & Carter, p. 144, pl. 15, figs. 2, 3, 8, 9; pl. 18, figs. 14, 15. 2004 Religa globosa Whalen & Carter – Matsuoka, fig. 103. Original description: Test with small, dome-shaped cephalis with small pores masked by a thin layer of microgranular silica. Cephalis with strong horn, subcircular in axial-section with two short branches irregular in length and shape. Dome-shaped thorax much larger than cephalis, covered by a thin layer of microgranular silica. Abdomen and first post-abdominal chamber trapezoidal in outline; abdominal and post-abdominal pores more exposed, surrounded by raised areas of microgranular silica; thorax, abdomen and first post-abdominal chamber sometimes defined by transversely-aligned discontinuous ridges produced by buildup of microgranular silica. Postabdominal chamber spherical, inflated, much larger than other chambers, closed distally. Pores on globular postabdominal chamber larger medially becoming smaller towards first post-abdominal chamber and distal part of test. Circumferential spines usually at widest part of post-abdominal chamber but sometimes in a more distal position; spines triradiate in axial section at base becoming circular in axial section distally. Original remarks: Religa globosa n. sp. is an abundant and distinctive species in the upper Sinemurian and Pliensbachian and as yet, has no comparatives. Measurements (µm): Based on 12 specimens HT Max. Min. Mean Length (excludes horn) 195 195 154 174 Width (max.) 143 150 120 132 Etymology: Globosus, a, um (Latin: adj.) = globular, spherical. This species is named for the globular shape of its post-abdominal chamber. Type locality: Sample BPW80-30, San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur. Occurrence: San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur; Ghost Creek and Fannin formations, Queen Charlotte Islands; Liminangcong Chert, Philippines; Japan. Religa sp. A Species code: REG02 Remarks: This species has a much smaller apical horn than Religa globosa Whalen and Carter and lacks circumferential spines. 364 Occurrence: Ghost Creek Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Skrile Formation, Slovenia. Plate REG01. Religa globosa Whalen & Carter. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 15, fig. 2. Fig. 2. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 15, fig. 3. Fig. 3. Matsuoka 2004, fig. 103. Fig. 4. QCI, GSC loc. C-304281, GSC 111766. Fig. 5. QCI, GSC loc. C-080610, GSC 111767. Fig. 6. QCI, GSC loc. C-304281, GSC 111768. Plate REG02. Religa sp. A. Magnification x250. Fig. 1. QCI, GSC loc. C-080612, GSC 111769. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-080612, GSC 111770. Fig. 3. SI, MM 5.00, 992106. 365 Genus: Rolumbus Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986 Type species: Rolumbus mirus Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986 Synonymy: 1986 Rolumbus n. gen. – Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh, p. 26. Original diagnosis: Test as with family but possessing two massive horns: a vertical horn attached to the vertical bar and an apical horn attached to the apical bar. Tubular, velum-like structure extending from base of thorax on well-preserved specimens (Pl. 1, fig. 2). Description of family Farcidae Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986 (p. 22): Test dicyrtid with single layer of latticed meshwork on both cephalis and thorax. Latticed layer of cephalis and occasionally proximal portion of thorax covered by thin outer layer of microgranular silica. Cephalis large, hemispherical with one horn (e.g., Farcus n. gen.), or two horns (e.g., Rolumbus n. gen.), which are triradiate in axial section. Cephalic skeletal elements cyrtoid, including vertical bar, primary left lateral bar, primary right lateral bar, median bar, secondary left lateral bar, secondary right lateral bar, and apical bar (dorsal bar absent). Thorax large, inflated, with four (rarely five) feet that are triradiate in axial section. Four feet opposed to two primary lateral and two secondary lateral bars; fifth foot, if present, opposed to vertical bar. Base of thorax hemispherical with centrallyplaced circular aperture (mouth) that has an imperforate rim. Thorax with (e.g., Rolumbus n. gen.) or without (e.g., Farcus n. gen.) fragile tubular, velum-like structure extending distally from aperture (mouth) of well-preserved specimens. Original remarks: Rolumbus n. gen., differs from Hilarisirex Takemura and Nakaseko, 1982, by being dicyrtid rather than tricyrtid, by having only a single layer of latticed meshwork, and by lacking A-frames. It differs from Farcus n. gen., by having two rather than one horn and by having a tubular, velum-like structure extending from the base of the thorax (see Rolumbus sp. Pl. 1, Fig. 2). Etymology: Rolumbus (masc.) is a name formed by an arbitrary combination of letters (ICZN, 1964, Appendix D, Pt. VI, Recommendation 4, p.113). Included species: RBS01 Rolumbus gastili Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986 RBS02 Rolumbus halseyensis Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986 Rolumbus gastili Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986 Species code: RBS01 Synonymy: 1986 Rolumbus gastili n. sp. – Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh, p. 26, pl. 4, figs. 1, 5, 6, 9, 12-14.. 2002 Rolumbus gastili Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh – Whalen & Carter, p. 124, pl. 11, figs. 4, 9, 13, 16, 17. Original diagnosis: Cephalis large, dome-shaped with an irregular layer of microgranular silica; pore frames may be exposed at base of cephalis. Horns straight; apical horn longer than vertical horn; horns triradiate in axial section with narrow, rounded, longitudinal ridges and narrow grooves; discontinuous, narrow ridges may lie between three main ridges, extending part way up horn. Thorax with very irregularly-sized and -shaped tetragonal and pentagonal pore frames; pore frames arranged in poorlydefined transverse rows separated by ridges. Four feet of medium length, triradiate in axial section with narrow, rounded ridges and broad grooves. Mouth circular in outline. Tubular, velum-like structure may be preserved at base of thorax. Original remarks: The moderately-developed transverse ridges of Rolumbus gastili, n. sp., distinguish it from Rolumbus halseyensis, n. sp. 366 Measurements (µm): Numbers of specimens measured are in parentheses, X = broken. HT Mean Max. Min. Length of cephalis 30 25.3 (9) 30 (9) 20 (9) Length of thorax 85 76.8 (8) 90 (8) 65 (8) 55 49.8 (9) 58 (9) 40 (9) Width of thorax at top 100 97.3 (9) 110 (9) 75 (9) Width of thorax at base Length of apical horn 90 88.3 (9) 108 (9) 60 (9) Length of vertical horn 20X 52.6 (3) 60 (3) 48 (3) Distance between horn tips 150 126.6 (3) 140 (3) 120 (3) Length of foot (maximum) 80 69.2 (7) 80 (7) 50 (7) Etymology: This species is named for R. Gordon Gastil (San Diego State University, San Diego, CA) in honor of his immense contribution to our understanding of the geology of Baja California. Type locality: Sample BPW-30, San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur. Occurrence: San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman. Plate RBS01. Rolumbus gastili Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh. Magnification x300. Fig. 1(H). Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986, pl. 4, fig. 5. Fig. 2. Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986, pl. 4, fig. 1. Fig. 3. OM, BR485-R20-07. 367 Rolumbus halseyensis Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986 Species code: RBS02 Synonymy: 1986 Rolumbus halseyensis n. sp. – Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh, p. 28, pl. 3, figs. 1, 6, 18, 19. 2002 Rolumbus halseyensis Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh – Whalen & Carter, p. 124, pl. 11, figs. 5, 8, 12, 14. Measurements (µm): Numbers of specimens measured are in parentheses, X = broken. HT Mean Length of cephalis 35 27.1 (6) Length of thorax 55 59.6 (6) 60 49.8 (6) Width of thorax at top 90 75.8 (6) Width of thorax at base Length of apical horn 82 79 (4) Length of vertical horn 44 43.6 (5) Distance between horn tips 155 131.2 (4) Length of foot (maximum) 50X 55 (4) Max. Min. 35 (6) 15 (6) 80 (6) 50 (6) 55 (6) 44 (6) 90 (6) 55 (6) 100 (4) 54 (4) 58 (5) 28 (5) 152 (4) 98 (4) 90 (4) 30X (4) Original diagnosis: Cephalis large, hemispherical, with layer of microgranular silica and small nodes. Horns straight to slightly curved downward, apical horn much larger than vertical horn; horns triradiate in axial section with narrow, rounded, longitudinal ridges and broad grooves; small pores may be open at base of horns. Thorax with small tetragonal and pentagonal pore frames, commonly obscured by layer of microgranular silica?; pore frames arranged in poorlydefined transverse rows separated by transverse ridges. Four feet of moderate length, triradiate in axial section with narrow, rounded ridges and broad grooves. Mouth circular in outline. Tubular velum-like structure commonly extending from base of thorax. Type locality: Sample SH-412-14, San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur. Original remarks: This species is compared to Rolumbus gastili, n. sp., under the latter species. Occurrence: San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur; Fannin Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands. 368 Etymology: This species is named for Monte Halsey, which is located southeast of its type area. Plate RBS02. Rolumbus halseyensis Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh. Magnification x300. Fig. 1(H). Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986, pl. 3, fig. 1. Fig. 2. Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986, pl. 3, fig. 6. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-140495, GSC 111771. 369 Genus: Spongosaturninus Campbell & Clark 1944 Type species: Spongosaturninus ellipticus Campbell & Clark 1944 Synonymy: 1944 Spongosaturninus n. gen. – Campbell & Clark, 497. 1990 Spongosaturninus Campbell & Clark – Kozur & Mostler, p. 210. Original description: Spongostylinae with 3 concentric shells, outer shell spongy, inner a double lattice shell, and having 2 equal polar spines, distal ends of which are connected by an elliptical ring. Revised description: By Kozur & Mostler (1990): The shell consists of a tiny latticed microsphere, a second latticed medullary shell and a rather large third latticed medullary shell (or cortical shell) covered by a thick layer of spongy meshwork that reaches along the peripolar spines on the ring or even beyond the ring. Ring transversally strongly elongated elliptical, with distinct ridge on the inner margin of the ring. Cross-section of the ring therefore triangular with broad base inside. The ring has mostly 1-3 spines in each polar region of the long axis, but may be additionally spined around the whole outer ring margin. Original remarks: Possibly this new genus was derived from Saturninus by the development of a spongy, instead of latticed cortical shell, from Saturnalis by the addition of a spongy shell to the 2 concentric shells, or from our other new genus, Spongosaturnalis, by the addition of inner shells to the spongy shell. Further remarks: By Kozur & Mostler (1990): Spongosaturninus Campbell and Clark, 1944 is a transitional group to the Saturnalidae Deflandre, 1953. The third medullary shell is so large that it can be also regarded as cortical shell (see Dumitrica, 1985). However, the spongy layer on this shell is always thicker than the distance between the second and third (medullary) shells. In Saturnalis Haeckel, 1881 disappeared this thick outer spongy layer. By this the outer latticed medullary shell was transformed into a latticed cortical shell. Included species: SAT18 Spongosaturninus bispinus (Yao) 1972 Spongosaturninus bispinus (Yao) 1972 Species code: SAT18 Synonymy: 1972 Spongosaturnalis bispinus n. sp. – Yao, p. 28, pl. 2, figs. 1-9. 1996 Acanthocircus bispinus (Yao) – Yeh & Cheng, p. 106, pl. 2, figs. 4, 5; pl. 7, fig. 3. 1997 Acanthocircus bispinus (Yao) – Yao, pl. 5, fig. 210. 2004 Spongosaturninus bispinus (Yao) – Matsuoka, fig. 8. Original diagnosis: Spongosaturnalis with fundamentally one sharp spine at each opposite narrow end of ring. Original description: Shell spherical, loosely spongy, composed of irregular meshes. Ring narrow, subovoidal, with one spine (in some specimens three spines) at each opposite narrow end. Spines short or in some specimens long, smooth, with sharp tip. Ring generally smooth, in some specimens with weak ridges on both edges near narrow ends. Ridge on outer edge disappears at spines and not on them, and ridge on inner edge becomes obsolete near proximal part of ring. Polar spines short, smooth, their extensions into shell change to conical sturdy spines with fragmentary thorns joining to spongy shell. Original remarks: This species differs from S. protoformis in having two (or more) spines on the ring, and in lacking the clear ridge on the ring. S. bispinus appears to be simlar to Saturnalis minimus Squinabol (1914, p. 287-288, pl. 22, fig. 1, and pl. 23, figs. 6a-b; Jurassic, Cittiglio (Laveno), 370 and Middle Cretaceous, Novale (Vicentino), Italy) and Spongosaturninus parvulus Campbell and Clark (1944b, p. 9, pl. 3, figs. 1, 3 and 5; Late Cretaceous, Middle California) in the shape of the saturnalin ring, but differs from them in having a completely spongy shell. There is a considerable variation in length of spines and presence of ridges among specimens. According to Foreman (1968), the ridge on the saturnalin ring is an important element in specific classification of Saturnalin radiolaria. In this species, however, importance of the ridge is not quite definitive. Measurements (µm): Based on 6 specimens. D. of ring along polar spines D. of ring transversely D. of shell L. of polar spine L. of spine B. of ring HT 158 337 (86) 23 30 8-22 Min. 115 212 80 10 18 8-11 Max. 210 348 185 25 85 13-21 Mean 160 302 102 17.6 36.7 Type locality: Sample IN 11, Kiso River, Inuyama area, central Japan. Occurrence: Mino Belt, Japan; Liminangcong Chert, Busuanga Island, Philippines; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman. Plate SAT18. Spongosaturninus bispinus (Yao). Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Yao 1972, pl. 2, fig. 1. Fig. 2. JP, IYII-52. Fig. 3. Matsuoka 2004, fig. 8. Fig. 4. OM, BR871-R01-03. Fig. 5. OM, BR871-R01-06. Fig. 6. OM, BR871-R01-09. Fig. 7. OM, BR871-R02-01. Fig. 8. OM, BR871-R01-04. 371 Genus: Stauromesosaturnalis Kozur & Mostler 1990 Type species: Stauromesosaturnalis schizospinosus Kozur & Mostler 1990 Synonymy: 1990 Stauromesosaturnalis n. gen. – Kozur & Mostler, p. 201. Original diagnosis: Shell spherical or subspherical with rounded subquadratic equatorial outline, spongy, consisting of several concentric layers and a tiny latticed microsphere. Ring narrow, flat, undifferentiated, with subelliptical to rounded quadratic outline and numerous, relatively short peripheral spines. 2 peripolar and 2 auxiliary spines (also opposite to interspine spaces) are cross-like arranged. In early forms the peripolar spines are somewhat broader than the auxiliary spines. In highly evolved forms all 4 spines have the same size. At least opposite to the peripolar spines, in higher evolved forms opposite to all 4 inner spines the ring is concavely incised. Original remarks: Stauracanthocircus Kozur and Mostler, 1983 emend. has polar spines. Praemesosaturnalis Kozur and Mostler, 1983 has several small auxiliary spines, not cross-like arranged with the peripolar spines. This genus is probably the forerunner of Stauromesosaturnalis n. gen. However, also a direct derivation from Stauracanthocircus Kozur and Mostler, 1983 emend. by transformation of the polar spines into peripolar spines cannot be excluded. Japonisaturnalis Kozur and Mostler, 1972 has evolved from Stauromesosaturnalis species with bifurcated peripheral spines. If the terminal branches of adjacent spines grow together, a second ring evolved, separated from the primary ring by a pore ring. The first true Japonisaturnalis Kozur and Mostler, 1972 is known from the Pliensbachian. Etymology: According to the peripolar spines (as in Mesosaturnalis Kozur and Mostler, 1983), cross-like arranged with 2 auxiliary spines. Included species: SAT19 Stauromesosaturnalis deweveri Kozur & Mostler 1990 Stauromesosaturnalis deweveri Kozur & Mostler 1990 Species code: SAT19 Synonymy: 1981c Pseudoheliodiscus ? sp. aff. P. concordis – De Wever, p. 142, pl. 2, fig. 4. 1984 Pseudoheliodiscus(?) sp. – Whalen & Pessagno, pl. 3, figs. 10, 11. 1990 Stauromesosaturnalis deweveri n. sp. – Kozur & Mostler, p. 202. 1997 Kozurastrum sp. A – Yao, pl. 5, fig. 205. 2002 Stauracanthocircus sanrafaelensis n. sp. – Whalen & Carter, p. 108, pl. 6, figs. 1, 2; pl. 17, fig. 3. 2004 Stauromesosaturnalis deweveri Kozur & Mostler – Matsuoka, fig. 11. Original diagnosis: Shell globular, spongy. Ring narrow, flat, undifferentiated, outline rounded subquadratic, opposite to the 4 first order spines concavely incised. 21 short, triangular peripheral spines. 4 first order inner spines of equal size in cross-like arrangement, all opposite to interspine spaces. Peripolar and auxiliary spines cannot be separated. Original remarks: See under Stauromesosaturnalis schizospinosus n. gen. n. sp. Original remarks under S. schizospinosus: Stauromesosaturnalis schizospinosus n. gen. n. sp. is the forerunner of the Pliensbachian Japonisaturnalis n. sp. A (= Japonisaturnalis japonicus sensu De Wever, 1981c, pl. 1, fig. 6). By fusion of the terminal branches of adjacent peripheral spines a sec- 372 ond ring evolved that encloses together with the primary ring and the primary peripheral spines of the pore ring. The Pliensbachian Stauromesosaturnalis deweveri n. sp. displays terminally unbranched spines, the ring is concavely incised opposite to all 4 first order spines that have all the same size. Measurements (µm): Holotype from De Wever (1981c), other values from Whalen & Carter (2002), (n) = number of specimens measured. Diameter of ring Width of ring (max.) (6) (max.) (7) HT 250 and 260 15-18 Max. 300 23 Min. 255 15 Mean 269 17 Length of peripheral spine (max.) (7) 14-25 15 4 10 Etymology: In honor of Dr. P. De Wever, Paris, who figured this species for the first time. Type locality: Sample 1662D, Gümüslü Allochthon, Taurus Mts., Turkey. Occurrence: Gümüslü Allochthon, Turkey; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman; San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur; MinoTerrane, Japan. Plate SAT19. Stauromesosaturnalis deweveri Kozur & Mostler. Magnification x150. Fig. 1(H). De Wever 1981c, pl. 2, fig. 4. Fig. 2. OM, BR485-R21-02. Fig. 3. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 6, fig. 2. Fig. 4. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 6, fig. 1. 373 Genus: Stichocapsa Haeckel 1881 Type species: Stichocapsa jaspidea Rüst 1885 Synonymy: 1881 Stichocapsa n. gen. – Haeckel, p. 439. Original description: 5d-Tribe: Stichocapsida Closed, eradiate Stichocyrtida. A. Obtuse (with cephalis smooth, not spiny). Further remarks: This genus, as used in modern radiolarian literature, is polyphyletic. Although it was originally defined as having a distally closed test, most species still assigned to Stichocapsa have a constricted last segment with an aperture. Etymology: Greek Stichocapsa, jointed capsule. Included species: SCP01 Stichocapsa biconica Matsuoka 1991 Stichocapsa biconica Matsuoka 1991 Species code: SCP01 Synonymy: 1991 Stichocapsa biconica n. sp. – Matsuoka, p. 733, Fig. 8. 1a – 5b. 1997 Stichocapsa biconica Matsuoka – Yao, pl. 9, fig. 439. 2004 Stichocapsa biconica Matsuoka – Matsuoka, fig. 87. conical with a constricted aperture. Collar stricture rather distinct. Strictures between segments, except for the collar one, indistinct. Pores small to moderate and circular to subcircular. Aperture moderate in size, circular. Original description: Shell of five segments, spindle shaped. Cephalis hemispherical, poreless, occasionally with rough surface. Thorax and abdomen truncate conical. Fourth segment barrel-shaped. The last segment inverted Original remarks: This species differs from Cyrtocapsa (?) kisoensis Yao by consisting of five segments rather than four and by lacking an apical horn. Genus: Tetraditryma Baumgartner 1980 Type species: Tetraditryma pseudoplena Baumgartner 1980 Synonymy: 1980 Tetraditryma n. gen. – Baumgartner, p. 296. 1993 Saldorfus Pessagno, Blome & Hull n. gen. – Pessagno et al., p. 126. Original description: Test as with subfamily, composed of 4 rays of equal length. Cortical shell composed of 2 strong lateral and 1 weak median external beams, connected by short, thin bars branching at right angles to beams, forming 2 rows of paired circular pores. Lateral sides concave, with 3 to 4 alternating horizontal rows of uniform circular to rhombic pores. Centrally placed discoidal medullary shell connected by subsidiary beams to cortical shell. Medullary rays composed of 3 primary canals lie on each top or bottom side of the medullary shell; they connect with the cortical space and are confined by rows of subsidiary beams linking medullary and external beams. Ray tips inflated or tapered. Original remarks: Tetraditryma differs from Pseudocrucella n. gen. and all other four-rayed hagiastrids by the paired rows of pores on top and bottom surfaces and by the horizontal symmetry axis of the arrangement of primary canals. The cortical wall of some species in this genus seems to be a relict of an additional lateral external beam on each side which can be observed on early forms of this subfamily. Etymology: Greek: tetra, four-, di-, two-, tryma (feminine), hole - 4 rays with 2 rows of pores. Included species: 3407 Tetraditryma cf. praeplena Baumgartner sensu Carter & Jakobs 1991 Tetraditryma cf. praeplena Baumgartner sensu Carter & Jakobs 1991 Species code: 3407 Synonymy: 1991 Tetraditryma cf. praeplena Baumgartner – Carter & Jakobs, p. 344, pl. 2, fig. 1. 1995a Tetraditryma sp. cf. T. praeplena Baumgartner – Baumgartner et al., p. 558, pl. 3407, fig. 1. 1997 Tetraditryma cf. praeplena Baumgartner – Yao, pl. 7, fig. 328. 374 Original remarks: Lacks slender triradiate lateral spines that extend from the ray tips at a 60-70° angle to the ray axis, but otherwise is very similar to P. praeplena and may be its immediate ancestor. Occurrence: Phantom Creek Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Japan. Etymology: The specific name is derived from the Latin bi (=two) and conicus-a-um (=conical). Measurements (µm): Numbers of specimens measured are in parentheses. Total height of shell Maximum width of shell Diameter of aperture HT 153 77 9 Max. 153 77 9 Min. 110 57 9 Mean 130 68 9 (15) (15) (2) Type locality: MNA-10, Nanjo Massif, Mino Terrane, central Japan. Occurrence: Mino Terrane, Japan. Plate SCP01. Stichocapsa biconica Matsuoka. Magnification x400. Fig. 1(H). Matsuoka 1991, Fig. 8.1a. Figs. 2-3. Matsuoka 1991, Fig. 8.3-4. Figs. 4a, b. Matsuoka 1991, Fig. 8.2a-b. Plate 3407. Tetraditryma cf. praeplena Baumgartner sensu Carter & Jakobs. Magnification x150. Fig. 1. Carter & Jakobs 1991, pl. 2, fig. 1. 375 Genus: Thetis De Wever 1982a, emend. Dumitrica herein Type species: Thetis oblonga De Wever 1982a Synonymy: 1982 a Thetis n. gen. – De Wever, p. 195. ? 1984 Eucyrtidiellum n. gen. – Baumgartner, p. 764. ? 1986 Monosera n. gen. – Takemura & Nakaseko, p. 1021. ? 1986 Eucyrtidiellum Baumgartner – Takemura, p. 66. ? 1990 Eucyrtidiellum Baumgartner – Nagai & Mizutani, p. 593. Original description: Multicyrtid with a stout apical horn and three thoracic spines. Last segment is prolonged by a velum. Emended description: Test composed of four segments: the first three are strong and rapidly increase in size as added, the fourth is usually cylindrical, thinner-walled, open or closed. Cephalis small, poreless with a conical or cylindrical (never bladed), apical horn and ventral pore in the prolongation of ventral spine. Initial spicule with MB and apical, dorsal, and ventral spines. Secondary lateral spines absent. On outer test wall, L and D expressed as thin spines descending along thorax. Thorax porous; abdomen much larger, porous. First postabdominal segment cylindrical, thinner-walled, straight or undulate in outline; wide open or tending to close distally. Original remarks: This genus differs from Ectonocorys by its hemispherical cephalis. Further remarks: The original definition of this genus is so imprecise that it can be applied to many nassellarian genera. In the emended definition, the genus includes only two of the three species originally (De Wever, 1982a) included: T. oblonga De Wever and T. undulata De Wever. T. (?) stolata De Wever undoubtedly belongs to another genus because it has a three-bladed apical horn (a characteristic never found in either Thetis or Eucyrtidiellum), robust bladed spines L and D, and a dicyrtid test. Such characteristics indicate a closer affinity to Jacus? anatiformis De Wever and the genus Anaticapitula Dumitrica & Zügel. The genus Thetis was not defined as having a ventral pore on cephalis but this feature is present on the type species (see further remarks under this species), and De Wever (1982a) mentioned it with T. undulata. Thetis is structurally very close to Eucyrtidiellum Baumgartner. The only characteristic that could differentiate these two genera is the presence of the L and D spines on thorax. Unfortunately we do not know the initial spicule of the genus Thetis: it could be similar to Eucyrtidiellum (see Takemura, 1986) i.e., with L expressed only as short thorns, or it could have very thin L bars that tend to disappear. The latter possibility is supported by the presence of the spines L and D outside test wall. Regardless, the two genera are so close that Eucyrtidiellum could be a junior synonym of the genus Thetis, or a subgenus. Etymology: Dedicated to Thetis, goddess of the sea, granddaughter of Tethys and mother of Achilles. Included species: THT01 Thetis oblonga De Wever 1982a Thetis oblonga De Wever 1982a Species code: THT01 Synonymy: 1982a Thetis oblonga n. sp. – De Wever, p. 195, pl. 4, figs. 10-14. 1982a Thetis oblonga ? n. sp. – De Wever, p. 196, pl. 4, figs. 15-16. 1982b Thetis oblonga De Wever – De Wever, p. 312, pl. 42, figs. 1-5. 1982b ? Thetis oblonga De Wever – De Wever, p. 313, pl. 42, figs. 7, 8. ? 1982 Thetis oblonga De Wever – De Wever & Origlia-Devos, pl. 1, fig. A. 2002 Thetis oblonga De Wever – Whalen & Carter, p. 138, pl. 16, fig. 4. Original description: Three-segmented form with a subcylindrical velum. Cephalis usually imperforate. Cephalis, thorax, and abdomen with a relatively thick wall; external surface frequently covered with lumps that may represent an external silica layer. Apical horn long, circular in cross section. From the collar section, or the upper thorax, three 376 spines are developed that are extensions of A, Ll and Lr spines and are linked to the thorax and/or the abdomen by small bars. The three spines are sub-parallel to the test outline; being fragile, they are often broken. Pores distributed in approximately transversal rows. The velum prolonging abdomen has a thin wall that corresponds to the internal layer of the abdominal wall. It is cylindrical or has a slight distal constriction. Original remarks: This species differs from Ectonocorys spinosa Yao (1979, p. 44, pl. 11, figs. 10-17) by having a circular apical horn, a smaller cephalis, more slender thoracic spines closer to the test, and by the absence of abdominal spines. It differs from Ectonocorys (?) furcillata n. sp. by lacking a forked apical horn and having spines on thorax. It differs from Thetis undulata n. sp. by having only three segments and by the outline of the distal part. Further remarks: The original description is incomplete concerning both cephalis and abdomen. The description does not mention, for instance, the presence of a ventral pore on the cephalis that is aligned with the ventral spine. This pore with a protruding rim exists and is visible on the right side of the cephalis on the paratype illustrated in De Wever, 1982a, pl. 4, fig. 13 and pl. 4, fig. 16 (pl. THT01, figs. 2, 3 in this catalogue), directed towards the reader. An additional topotype specimen, illustrated from the same position as the former (pl. THT01, fig. 4), clearly shows this pore. The three thoracic spines representing external prolongations of spines D, Lr, Ll of the initial spicule are not always all present. The shape of the abdomen is very characteristic in this species; it is truncated conical in the proximal third and cylindrical with straight or concave sides on the remaining part; the boundary between the two parts forms a rather characteristic shoulder. Measurements (µm): Based on 10 specimens. Length of apical horn Width of cephalis Width of thorax Width of abdomen Length of cephalis+thorax +abdomen (without apical horn) Total length (including apical horn and velum) HT Min. Max. Mean 56 40 64 50 21 16 26 20 37 25 38 34 53 40 64 53 56 50 78 60 144 135 182 157 Etymology: From the Latin oblongus, -a, -um, adj., oblong. Type locality: Sample 1662D, Gümüslü Allochthon, Taurus Mts., Turkey. Occurrence: Gümüslü Allochthon, Turkey; San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur. Plate THT01. Thetis oblonga De Wever. Magnification x400. Fig. 1(H). De Wever 1982a, pl. 4, fig. 10. Figs. 2, 3. De Wever 1982a, pl. 4, figs. 13, 16. Fig. 4. TR, 1662D-R02-06. Fig. 5. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 16, fig. 4. 377 Genus: Thurstonia Whalen & Carter 1998 Type species: Thurstonia minutaglobus Whalen & Carter 1998 Synonymy: 1998 Thurstonia n. gen. – Whalen & Carter, p. 42. Original description: Test with spherical shell and six prominent tapering spines; two spines bipolar, at right angles to four equally spaced spines, in radial plane. Cortical shell with triangular and tetragonal pore frames with rounded nodes at pore frame vertices; large pores sometimes apparent at base of spines. Spines circular or triradiate in axial section. Original remarks: The internal structure of Thurstonia n. gen. is not completely understood but because of the suggestion of an internal spicular network (see Pl. 8, Fig. 13), we tentatively assign this genus to the Subfamily Charlottinae. Thurstonia n. gen., is distinguished from all the included genera of the Subfamily Charlotteinae by having six prominent spines, four of which are in the same plane. Etymology: Thurstonia n. gen. is named for the “Nellie G. Thurston”, a schooner owned by the Pacific Fish and Cold Storage Company and a regular visitor to the fishing grounds of the Queen Charlotte Islands in the early 1900s. Included species: THU01 Thurstonia gibsoni Whalen & Carter 1998 THU04 Thurstonia timberensis Whalen & Carter 1998 Thurstonia gibsoni Whalen & Carter 1998 Species code: THU01 Synonymy: 1998 Thurstonia gibsoni n. sp. – Whalen & Carter, p. 42, pl. 6, figs. 1, 2. 2002 Thurstonia sp. aff. T. timberensis Whalen & Carter – Tekin, p. 188, pl. 3, fig. 20. 2004 Thurstonia gibsoni Whalen & Carter – Hori et al., pl. 5, fig. 6. Original description: Test with small, spherical cortical shell and six narrow spines. Cortical shell composed of small, irregularly shaped and distributed triangular and tetragonal pore frames with prominent rounded nodes at pore frame vertices. Spines approximately equal in length, circular in axial section with length of each spine slightly less than diameter of cortical shell. Original remarks: The small cortical shell and very delicate spines (circular in axial section) of Thurstonia gibsoni n. sp. distinguish it from T. timberensis n. sp. 378 Measurements (µm): Based on 15 specimens. Maximum diameter of cortical shell 135 135 96 115 Length of longest spine 85 131 66 80 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: This species is named in honor of Gibson (Gib) Carter, Vernonia, Oregon, who assisted the authors in many aspects of this research. Type locality: Sample 89-CNA-SKUD-27, Sandilands Formation, southeast side of Kunga Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Sandilands Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Hocaköy Radiolarite, Turkey; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman; Japan. Plate THU01. Thurstonia gibsoni Whalen & Carter. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Carter et al. 1998, pl. 6, fig. 1. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-080611, GSC 111772. Fig. 3. OM, BR682-R10-20. 379 Thurstonia timberensis Whalen & Carter 1998 Species code: THU04 Synonymy: 1989 Genus 4 spp. – Hattori, pl. 17, figs. B, C. 1990 Beturiella ? sp. – Nagai, pl. 6, figs. 1, 2. 1998 Thurstonia timberensis n. sp. – Whalen & Carter, p. 43, pl. 6, figs. 3, 4, 5, 10. 1998 Thurstonia sp. B – Yeh & Cheng, p. 11, pl. 8, fig. 8. Original description: Test with medium-sized spherical cortical shell with six strongly tapering spines. Cortical shell composed of small- to medium-sized, irregularly shaped and distributed triangular and tetragonal pore frames with prominent, rounded nodes at pore frame vertices; pore frame bars very thin in Y direction and very thick in Z direction; very large pores present at contact of spine with cortical shell. All spines approximately equal in length, usually longer than diameter of cortical shell. Spines triradiate in axial section proximally with narrow, rounded longitudinal ridges and broad, rounded, tapering longitudinal grooves; spines becoming circular in axial section distally. Original remarks: The broad, strongly tapering spines and smaller, more delicate pore frames of Thurstonia timberensis n. sp. distinguish it from Thurstonia minutaglobus n. sp. 380 Measurements (µm): Based on 11 specimens. Maximum diameter of cortical shell 169 169 131 152 Length of longest spine 156 188 122 151 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: This species is named for Timber Road, the road leading to Beth Carter’s ranch in Vernonia, Oregon where much of the biostratigraphic work for this paper was completed. Type locality: Sample 87-CNA-KUD-14, Sandilands Formation, Kunga Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Sandilands, Ghost Creek and Fannin formations, Queen Charlotte Islands; Fernie Formation, Williston Lake, NE British Columbia; Hyde Formation, Oregon; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman; Liminangcong Chert, Philippines; Japan. Plate THU04. Thurstonia timberensis Whalen & Carter. Magnification Figs. 1-4 x150 (scale bar A) Figs. 5-8 x200 (scale bar B). Fig. 1(H). Carter et al. 1998, pl. 6, fig. 3. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-304281, GSC 111773. Fig. 3. NBC, GSC loc. C305208, GSC 111810. Fig. 4. QCI, GSC loc. C-304566, GSC 111774. Fig. 5. JP, MNA-10, MA11342. Fig. 6. OR600A-R02-02. Fig. 7. OR600A-R03-02. Fig. 8. BR871-R02-17. 381 Genus: Trexus Whalen & Carter 1998 Type species: Trexus dodgensis Whalen & Carter 1998 Synonymy: 1998 Trexus n. gen. – Whalen & Carter, p. 81. pore frames rather than square to rectangular, linearly arranged pore frames on both the inner and outer layers (see Pl. 24, fig. 22). Canutus? beehivensis and C.? ingrahamensis described by Carter from the Rhaetian part of the Sandilands Formation in Queen Charlotte Islands, are herein reassigned to the genus Trexus Whalen and Carter n. gen. Original description: Robust, inflated, dome-shaped multicyrtid, with small horn. Test lacks strictures. Thick multilayered wall: inner layer composed of large, fragile, irregularly polygonal pore frames; outer layers more massive, composed of irregularly sized and shaped polygonal pore frames; outer layers connected by irregularly sized and shaped pillars; small nodes at pore frame vertices on outer latticed layer. Etymology: Trexus n. gen. is a name formed by an arbitrary combination of letters (ICZN, 1985, Appendix D, pt. VI, Recommendation 40, p. 201). Original remarks: Trexus n. gen. differs from Canutus Pessagno and Whalen by possessing irregularly polygonal Included species: TRX01 Trexus dodgensis Whalen & Carter 1998 Trexus dodgensis Whalen & Carter 1998 Species code: TRX01 Synonymy: Original remarks: The irregularly sized and shaped pore frames of the outer layers of T. dodgensis n. sp. distinguish it from all other Jurassic multicyrtid Nassellariina with multiwalled construction. T. dodgensis n. sp. differs from T. beehivensis (Carter) and T. ingrahamensis (Carter) by having a more dome-shaped test and it lacks a terminal tube. Original description: Test large, dome-shaped, inflated with three to four postabdominal chambers. Cephalis small, hemispherical to dome-shaped, with short horn. Thorax and abdomen trapezoidal in outline. Postabdominal chambers subrectangular in outline, increasing very gradually in width, more rapidly in height as added. Outer latticed layer consisting of irregularly sized and shaped polygonal pore frames (mostly pentagonal and hexagonal) with small nodes at pore frame vertices. Inner latticed layer composed of delicate, polygonal pore frames. Measurements (µm): Based on 7 specimens. 1998 Trexus dodgensis n. sp. – Whalen & Carter, p. 82, pl. 24, figs. 11, 12, 16, 22, 23. 2001 Trexus dodgensis Whalen & Carter – Gawlick et al., pl. 2, fig. 26; pl. 6, fig. 5. 2002 Trexus dodgensis Whalen & Carter – Suzuki et al., p. 184, fig. 9 D. 2004 Canutus sp. – Matsuoka, fig. 213. Length (excluding horn) 150 173 150 155 Maximum width 120 143 120 132 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: This species is named for Dodge Point, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, located to the southeast of the type locality. Genus: Triactoma Rüst 1885 Type species: Triactoma tithonianum RÜST 1885 (subsequent designation by Campbell, 1954). Synonymy: Further remarks: Herein we follow Baumgartner et al. (1995a) who considered Tripocyclia Haeckel (as emended by Pessagno & Yang) to be a synonym of Triactoma. Original description: Spherical latticed test with three long, slender spines arranged in one plane. 10 rows of round pores, 10 per row. Not frequent. (Haeckel, 1881, p. 457) Spined Phacodiscida, with marginal spines situated in the equatorial plane of the lens; with three equidistant spines with the medullary shell single, and without a spiny zone. Included species: 3409 Triactoma jakobsae Carter 1995 TCA01 Triactoma rosespitensis (Carter) 1988 1885 Triactoma n. gen. – Rüst, p. 289. 1989 Tripocyclia Haeckel, emend. Pessagno & Yang – Pessagno et al., p. 212. 382 Type locality: Sample QC-574, Sandilands Formation, north side of Kunga Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Sandilands Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Pucara Group, Peru; Dürrnberg Formation, Austria; Japan. Plate TRX01. Trexus dodgensis Whalen & Carter. Magnification Fig. 1 x300, Fig. 2. x150. Fig. 1(H). Carter et al. 1998, pl. 24, fig. 16. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-304567, 111790. 383 Triactoma jakobsae Carter 1995 Species code: 3409 Synonymy: 1988 Tripocyclia sp. B – Carter et al., p. 27, pl. 10, figs. 2-3. 1989 Triactoma sp. – Hattori & Sakamoto, pl. 7, figs. J, K. 1989 Tripocyclia ? sp. – Hattori, pl. 45, fig. L. 1989 Tripocyclia sp. A – Pessagno & Yang, p. 229, pl. 2, fig. 10. 1995a Triactoma jakobsae Carter n. sp. – Baumgartner et al., p. 588, pl. 3409, figs. 1-3. 1996 Tripocyclia yaoi n. sp. – Yeh & Cheng, p. 102, pl. 2, fig. 3, pl. 5, figs. 1, 2, 4, 5, 11. 1996 Tripocyclia sp. aff. T. yaoi n. sp. – Yeh & Cheng, p. 102, pl. 5, figs. 7, 8, 10. 1997 Triactoma jakobsae Carter – Yao, pl. 1, fig. 25. 2004 Triactoma jakobsae Carter – Suzuki & Ogane, pl. 4, fig 1. Original description: Cortical shell spherical to subspherical. Outer latticed layer thick, composed of small, mostly hexagonal pore frames with small, rather sharp nodes at vertices of pore frames. Spines short to moderate in length but length never exceeds diameter of cortical shell. Spines robust, triradiate, composed of longitudinal ridges and grooves. Ridges rounded with small to medium-sized tear drop-shaped subsidiary grooves tapering towards distal part of spine. Longitudinal grooves narrow and deep, tapering distally but open to spine tips. Spine tips bluntly terminating with the three longitudinal ridges turned outward to form crown-like structures. On well preserved specimens a short, robust, central spine extends beyond ridge terminations. Cortical buttresses weakly developed. Original remarks: Triactoma jacobsae n.sp. is larger than Tripocyclia wickiupensis Pessagno & Yang in all respects and further differs from that species in having a spherical to subspherical cortical shell composed of larger pore frames, and in having spine tips with better developed triradiate structures. Further remarks: Forms with less massive spines (see synonymy) are now included in Triactoma jakobsae Carter. Measurements (µm): Based on 13 specimens. Diameter of cortical shell Length secondary spines Width of spine base HT 155 127 59 Av. 154 120 53 Max. 169 135 60 Min. 150 99 43 Etymology: Named for Dr. Giselle K. Jakobs for her contribution to the biostratigraphy of the Toarcian and Aalenian of Western North America. Type locality: GSC locality C-176579- Section 12, Phantom Creek Formation, Yakoun River, central Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Phantom Creek Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Warm Springs member of the Snowshoe Formation, Oregon; Liminangcong Chert, Philippines; Japan. Triactoma rosespitensis (Carter) 1988 Species code: TCA01 Synonymy: 1987b Tripocyclia sp. A – Yeh, p. 52, pl. 3, fig. 9; pl. 26, fig. 8. 1988 Tripocyclia rosespitense Carter n. sp. – Carter et al., p. 27, pl. 10, fig. 1. ? 1990 Tripocyclia sp. – Hori, Fig. 9.41. 1996 Tripocyclia sp. cf. T. yaoi n. sp. – Yeh & Cheng, p. 102, pl. 5, figs. 3, 6, 9, 12. 2002 Triactoma rosespitensis (Carter) – Whalen & Carter, p. 112, pl. 8, fig. 9. Original diagnosis: Test small, with uniform, mostly hexagonal, pore frames and three slender tribladed spines. Original description: Test small, spherical, and slightly flattened in plane of spines. Three triradiate spines are slender with alternating ridges and grooves. Ridges narrow and rounded; grooves about twice width of ridges. Terminal portion of spines normally pointed, but occasionally ridges widen at tip to produce a crown-like extension. Pore frames small, most are hexagonal, a few pentagonal. Original remarks: This species is similar in pore frame size and shape, and spine structure to Tripocyclia trigonium (Rüst), (Rüst, 1885, p. 23, Pl. 30(5), fig. 3; Parona, 384 1890, p. 155, Pl. 2, fig. 15; and Pessagno, 1977a, p. 80, Pl. 7, figs. 6, 7), but differs in having a distinctly spherical rather than subtriangular test shape. Measurements (µm): Based on 7 specimens. Diameter of test Length of longest spine (on 4 complete specimens) HT 141 Av. 143 Max. 150 Min. 140 136 126 148 110 Etymology: Named for Rose Spit, on the northeastern tip of Graham Island. Type locality: GSC locality C-080597, Phantom Creek Formation, Yakoun River, Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Phantom Creek Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia; Nicely Formation and Warm Springs member of the Snowshoe Formation, Oregon; San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur; Liminangcong Chert, Philippines; Japan. Plate 3409. Triactoma jakobsae Carter. Magnification x150. Fig. 1(H). Baumgartner et al. 1995a. pl. 3409, fig. 1. Fig. 2. Baumgartner et al. 1995a. pl. 3409, fig. 3. Fig. 3. Baumgartner et al. 1995a. pl. 3409, fig. 2. Plate TCA01. Triactoma rosespitensis (Carter). Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Carter et al. 1988, pl. 10, fig. 1. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-304567, GSC 11181.Fig. 3. Matsuoka 2004, fig. 73. Fig. 4. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 8, fig. 9. 385 Genus: Trillus Pessagno & Blome 1980 Type species: Trillus siedersi Pessagno & Blome 1980 Synonymy: 1980 Trillus n. gen – Pessagno & Blome, p. 248. possessing a well-developed median band. The phylogenetic relationship of Trillus to other genera of Pantanellinae is discussed elsewhere in this report. Original description: Cortical shell with well developed raised median band comprised of pore frames which are greatly thickened in Z direction (text-fig. 5). Pore frames of raised median band lacking massive secondary spines. Etymology: Trillus is a name formed by an arbitrary combination of letters (ICZN, 1964, Appendix D, pt. 6, recommendation 40, p. 113). Original remarks: Trillus n.gen. differs from Zartus n.gen. in possessing a raised median band without large, massive secondary spines. It differs from Pantanellium Pessagno in Included species: TRL01 Trillus elkhornensis Pessagno & Blome 1980 TRL02 Trillus seidersi Pessagno & Blome 1980 Trillus elkhornensis Pessagno & Blome 1980 Species code: TRL01 Synonymy: 1980 Trillus elkhornensis n. sp. – Pessagno & Blome, p. 249, pl. 6, figs. 11, 12, 16, 20, 25; pl. 9, fig. 11. 1982 Trillus elkhornensis Pessagno & Blome – Nishizono et al., pl. 1, fig. 10. 1987b Trillus elkhornensis Pessagno & Blome – Yeh, p. 37, pl. 5, fig. 5. 1987b Trillus sp. aff. T. elkhornensis Pessagno & Blome – Yeh, p. 37, pl. 5, fig. 7. 1987b Trillus sp. A – Yeh, p. 37, pl. 5, figs. 5, 25. 1989 Trillus elkhornensis Pessagno & Blome – Hattori & Sakamoto, pl. 4, fig. B. 1989 Trillus sp. C – Hattori & Sakamoto, pl. 4, fig. G. 1989 Trillus sp. I – Hattori & Sakamoto, pl. 4, fig. N. 1989 Trillus elkhornensis Pessagno & Blome – Hattori, pl. 8, figs. E, F. 1989 Trillus elkhornensis Pessagno & Blome – Hori & Otsuka, pl. 4, fig. 15. 1990 Trillus elkhornensis Pessagno & Blome – De Wever et al., pl. 3, fig. 12. 1990 Trillus elkhornensis Pessagno & Blome – Hori, Fig. 8.30. 1992 Trillus elkhornensis Pessagno & Blome – Sashida, pl. 2, figs. 21, 22. 1993 Trillus sp. – Fujii et al., pl. 1, fig. 6. 1996 Trillus elkhornensis Pessagno & Blome – Yeh & Cheng, p. 98, pl. 8, fig. 2. 1996 Trillus sp. cf. T. elkhornensis Pessagno & Blome – Yeh & Cheng, p. 98, pl. 6, figs. 8, 12. 1996 Trillus sp. B – Yeh & Cheng, p. 98, pl. 8, fig. 1. 1996 Trillus elkhornensis Pessagno & Blome – Pujana, p. 137, pl. 1, fig. 1. 1997 Trillus elkhornensis Pessagno & Blome – Hori, pl. 1, fig. 14. 1997 Trillus elkhornensis Pessagno & Blome – Yao, pl. 3, fig. 147. 2003 Trillus elkhornensis Pessagno & Blome – Goričan et al., p. 291, pl. 1, fig. 2. 2003 Trillus elkhornensis Pessagno & Blome – Kashiwagi & Kurimoto, pl. 4, figs. 10, 12, not fig. 11. 2004 Trillus elkhornensis Pessagno & Blome – Hori, pl. 4, fig. 41, pl. 13, fig. 55; pl. 23, ? fig. 25. 2004 Trillus elkhornensis Pessagno & Blome – Matsuoka, fig. 16. 2005 Trillus elkhornensis Pessagno & Blome – Kashiwagi et al., pl. 6, fig. 8. 386 Original description: Cortical shell subspherical with well-developed median band; pore frames pentagonal and hexagonal, about equal in number, with poorly developed nodes of low relief at vertices. Bars of pore frames of equal thickness along Y and Z (text-fig. 5). Five to 6 pore frames visible along AA’; 6 along BB’. Both polar spines triradiate in axial section, shorter spine about 3/4 length of longer spine; spines comprised of massive, rather wide ridges alternating longitudinally with somewhat wider grooves. Original remarks: Trillus elkhornensis, n. sp., is compared with T. seidersi, n. sp., under the latter species. Measurements (µm): Based on 9 specimens. System of measurement shown in text-figure 5 of Pessagno & Blome (1980). AA’ 113 99 113 88 A’S’ 125 113 125 88 AS 94 88 94 81 BB’ 100 97 106 88 cc’ 25 29 31 25 dd’ 31 28 31 25 HT Av. Max. Min. Etymology: T. elkhornensis is named for Elkhorn Creek near its type locality. Type locality: Sample OR 536, Nicely Formation, northeast side of Morgan Mountain, eastern Oregon. Occurrence: Worldwide. Plate TRL01. Trillus elkhornensis Pessagno & Blome. Magnification x250. Fig. 1(H). Pessagno & Blome 1980, pl. 6, fig. 12. Fig. 2. GSC loc. C-080611, GSC 111775. Fig. 3. GSC loc. C-080611, GSC 111776. Fig. 4. NBC, GSC loc. C-305208, GSC 111777. Fig. 5. Hori 1990, Fig. 8.30. Fig. 6. Goričan et al. 2003, pl. 1, fig. 2. Fig. 7. OM, BR706-R14-05. Fig. 8. OM, BR1121-R09-08. 387 Trillus seidersi Pessagno & Blome 1980 Species code: TRL02 Synonymy: 1980 Trillus seidersi n. sp. – Pessagno & Blome, p. 249, pl. 9, figs. 2-4, 9, 19. 1987b Trillus sp. cf. T. seidersi – Yeh, p. 37, pl. 7, figs, 10, 11, 16, 25. 1988 Trillus sp. cf. T. seidersi Pessagno & Blome – Carter et al., p. 38, pl. 16, fig. 1. 1989 Trillus sp. aff. T. elkhornensis – Hattori, pl. 8, fig. H. 1996 Trillus sp. A – Yeh & Cheng, p. 98, pl. 2, figs. 1, 2. 1997 Trillus sp. D – Yao, pl. 3, fig. 146. Original description: Cortical shell small, subspherical with about equal number of pentagonal and hexagonal pore frames which lack nodes at vertices. Surface of test sloping steeply from median band toward polar spines. Bars of pore frames of medium thickness along Y and 2 to 3 times thicker along Z; tending to be thicker along Z in area of median band. Five pore frames visible along AA’ and BB’. Polar spines quite long, triradiate in axial section; one spine somewhat longer than the other and usually showing curvature of its tip. Both polar spines having 3 very broad longitudinal grooves alternating with 3 relatively narrow ridges. Ridges and grooves maintaining same width for most of their length. Original remarks: Trillus seidersi, n. sp., differs from Trillus elkhornensis, n. sp., in having larger and fewer pore frames and polar spines with much wider grooves. Both species have long polar spines. It is conceivable that T. elkhornensis gave rise to T. seidersi through a reduction in the number of pore frames and an increase in the width of the grooves on its polar spines. Further remarks: Forms referred to Trillus cf. seidersi in Carter et al. (1988) are herein considered T. seidersi s.s. Measurements (µm): Based on 9 specimens. System of measurement shown in text-figure 5 of Pessagno & Blome (1980). AA’ 90 81 90 60 A’S’ 130 122 140 105 AS 90 89 100 80 BB’ 90 85 92 80 cc’ 25 24 30 20 dd’ 25 26 42 20 HT Av. Max. Min. Etymology: This species is named for Dr. Victor M. Seiders in honor of his significant contribution to the study of California Coast Ranges. Type locality: Sample OR 513, Snowshoe Formation, along Izee-John Day Road, eastern Oregon. Occurrence: Snowshoe Formation, Oregon; Rennell Junction member of the Fannin Formation and Graham Island Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman; Liminangcong Chert, Philippines; Japan. Genus: Tripocyclia Haeckel 1881, emend. Kiessling 1999 Type species: Tripocyclia trigonum Rüst, subsequent designation by Campbell (1954) Synonymy: 1881 Tripocyclia n. gen. – Haeckel, p. 458. 1999 Tripocyclia Haeckel 1881, emend. – Kiessling, p. 39. Original description: 2b. Spiny Coccodiscida with marginal spines lying in equatorial plane and radiating from the margin of the lensshaped test (without chambered rays). B. With three equidistant spines. Emended description: By Kiessling (1999): Spongy lenticular disc, triangular in axial view. Three strong triradiate primary spines, symmetrically arranged, but sometimes of slightly different size. Spines originating from a pseudoaulophacid microsphere as thin cylindrical beams, triradiate development only on the surface or slightly inside the test. Spongy meshwork internally arranged in indistinct concentric layers. Externally the disc commonly shows very small pores. Secondary spines rarely present, very small. No tholi and no distinct nodes developed. Remarks: By Kiessling (1999): The emendation of this genus is based on material from the Southern Alps (Italy and Switzerland), where common specimens of the type species were found in Bathonian to Kimmeridgian 388 sediments (Kiessling 1995b). Well-preserved specimens of Tripocyclia trigonum were also figured by De Wever et al. (1986, pl. 16, figs. 17-19). The forms fit very well to the original description, figure and measurements of Tripocyclia trigonum provided by Rüst (1885), but are definitely not synonymous with Tripocyclia trigonum as described by Pessagno (1977a). T. trigonum also shows no similarity with the species described under Tripocyclia by Pessagno and Yang in Pessagno et al. (1989), Yang (1993), and Hull (1997). All those species are Xiphostylidae, whereas Tripocyclia has to be assigned to the Pseudoaulophacidae. Thus the emendation of Tripocyclia by Pessagno & Yang (1989) cannot be considered valid. Much of the taxonomic confusion about Tripocyclia stems from the poor original description of the genus (Haeckel 1881) and the type species (Rüst 1885). Although the subsequent assignment of T. trigonum as the type species of Tripocyclia by Campbell (1954) may have altered the original concept of Haeckel (1881) it has to be accepted according to the IRZN (1985). Tripocyclia differs from Tripodictya Haeckel by lacking concentric chambered rings internally. The differences to Spongotripus Haeckel are less clear. The emended definition of Tripocyclia actually fits better to the original definition of Spongotripus than to that of Tripocyclia. However, the subsequent designation of Spongotripus regularis Haeckel Plate TRL02. Trillus seidersi Pessagno & Blome. Magnification x250. Fig. 1(H). Pessagno & Blome 1980, pl. 9, fig. 2. Fig. 2. Carter et al. 1988, pl. 16, fig. 1. Fig 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-304 566, GSC 111778. Fig. 4. OM, BR871-R07-07. Fig. 5. OM, BR706-R06-26. Fig. 6. OM, BR1121-R09-22. 389 as the type species of Spongotripus (Campbell 1954) is not considered valid, since this species was not figured by Haeckel (1887) and hence represents a nomen dubium. A possibility to define a valid type species could be Spongechinus neumayri Dunikowski which was originally included into the type-series by Haeckel (1887). However, this species cannot serve as type species, owing to its spherical test. Spongotripus pauper Rüst is amongst the first species of this genus that was sufficiently described and figured and fits to the original definition of the genus and should be assigned as type species. This species differs externally from Tripocyclia by its test being flat rather than lenticular and its much shorter spines. More work needs to be done on the status of both Tripocyclia and Spongotripus to clarify the taxonomic problems. Further remarks: We have strong doubts that the microsphere of this genus is of pseudoaulophacid structure as mentioned in the emended description. Sections to microsphere made by one of us (PD) in several species assignable to Tripocyclia Haeckel as emended by Kiessling, species coming from the very well preserved fauna of the Bajocian sample IN7 of Yao (1997), show a central microsphere similar to that of Paronaella rather than to the Pseudoaulophacidae (see Dumitrica & Zügel (2002) and Dumitrica (1997) for the morphology of the two types of microsphere). Regarding the type species of the genus Spongotripus Haeckel, we must use the species designated by Campbell (1954) and not Spongotripus pauper Rüst 1888 as redesignated by Kiessling (1999) because the redesignation of a type species is against the ICZN, art. 61. The reason Kiessling designated another type species for Spongotripus is because he considered that the designation of S. regularis by Campbell is not valid since this species was not illustrated by Haeckel. However, the ICZN art. 69A only specifies that “In designating a type-species for a genus, a zoologist should give preference to a species that is adequately figured”. There is no mention that the zoologist must designate an illustrated species. In fact neither Spongotripus regularis as type species nor S. pauper solve the taxonomical problems of Mesozoic species with spongy disk-shaped test and three three-bladed equatorial spines. Spongotripus comprises probably only Cenozoic Spongodiscidae because its description was based on Cenozoic material and because its type species has conical rather than three-bladed spines, whereas Jurassic and Cretaceous species have bladed spines and may belong to differing genera of several families such as: Angulobracchiidae, Pseudoaulophacidae, Tritrabidae, etc. Moreover, Spongotripus pauper as illustrated by Rüst (1888) does not seem to be an equatorial section because it shows no regular structure in the center and the three spines do not reach the central part, thus giving no information on the family group to which it may belong. In summary, Mesozoic species answering the original generic diagnosis of Spongotripus should always be questionably assigned to this genus. Included species: SPT01 Tripocyclia? tortuosa Dumitrica, Goričan & Whalen n. sp. Tripocyclia? tortuosa Dumitrica, Goričan & Whalen n. sp. Species code: SPT01 Synonymy: 1990 Triactoma (?) sp. – Nagai, pl. 5, fig. 1. 1997 Spongotripus sp. B0 – Yao, pl. 5, fig. 235. 2003 Spongotripus sp. B0 sensu Yao – Goričan et al., p. 296, pl. 2, fig. 6. Type designation: Holotype specimen BR523-R02-04 (pl. SPT01, fig. 1), paratypes specimens BR524-R04-10 and BR 825-3-R09-06 (pl. SPT01, figs. 2, 4) from the Guwayza Formation, Tawi Sadh Member, Jabal Safra, Oman. Description: Cortical shell subspherical with three triradiate spines at approximately 120º to each other. Meshwork of cortical shell delicate, composed of thin bars forming a dense spongy pattern arranged in concentric layers. Superficial layer of mature specimens with small but distinct nodes. Spines long, dextrally torsioned, with pointed tip; degree of torsion and length of torsioned portion variable. Remarks: Tripocyclia? tortuosa n. sp. differs from other related species by having torsioned spines. From Spongotripus incomptus Carter 1988 it further differs by having much longer spines and a less dense and triangular test. In the structure of the nodose shell surface, Tripocyclia? tortuosa 390 n. sp. is the most similar to Alievium? juskatlaensis Carter 1988 but the latter species has straight spines. Our specimens are not well enough preserved to make equatorial sections in order to know the structure of the microsphere, but specimens with a superficially similar test and very slightly torsioned spines from the Bajocian of Japan (sample IN 7 of Yao, 1997) show in their center a microsphere similar to that of Paronaella. Measurements (µm): Based on 5 specimens. Diameter of shell Preserved length of spines HT 83 95 Min. 83 - Max. 113 100 Etymology: From Latin: tortuosus, -a, -um = tortuous, referring to torsioned spines. Type locality: Sample BR523, Guwayza Formation, Tawi Sadh Member, Jabal Safra, Oman. Occurrence: Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman; Skrile Formation, Slovenia; Japan; San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur; Hyde Formation, Oregon. Plate SPT01. Tripocyclia? tortuosa Dumitrica, Goričan & Whalen n. sp. Magnification x250. Fig. 1(H). OM, BR523R02-04. Fig. 2. OM, BR524-R04-10. Fig. 3. Goričan et al. 2003, pl. 2, fig. 6. Fig. 4. OM, BR825-3-R09-06. Fig. 5. BCS, SH-412-14. 391 Genus: Turanta Pessagno & Blome 1982, emend. Takemura 1986 Type species: Turanta capsensis Pessagno & Blome 1982 Synonymy: be easily distinguished externally by the asymmetrical placement of the horn and feet of Turanta as well as the flattened area between the horn and vertical foot. Original description: Test dicyrtid. Cephalic wall incompletely formed, mostly open, partially lacking sides and roof, but possessing well-developed cyrtoid collar plate (pl. 3, figs. 2-3, 11-12); collar plate usually visible externally. Prominently curved to slightly curved horn attached to apical bar; base of horn covering collar plate on dorsal side (in position of dorsal bar) (pl. 3, figs. 2, 11; 3, 12). Thorax with two feet connected with and in line with vertical and dorsal bars (pl. 4, fig. 17). Horns and feet varying in length and curvature with species, typically triradiate in axial section with alternating ridges and grooves. Horn and feet usually in same plane; distance between horn and vertical foot always differing from distance between horn and dorsal foot. Thorax subspherical, often somewhat compressed at right angles to the plane of the horn and feet; flattened area occurring between horn and vertical foot; thorax lacking mouth and with symmetrical pentagonal and hexagonal pore frames. Emended diagnosis: By Takemura (1986): Shell of one segment, cephalis, large, subspherical and latticed, with three usually triradiate spines, which are prolongations of A, V, and D. Three spines located in a same plane, which is perpendicular to the collar plate. Dorsal spine usually curved slightly to the side of the apical spine. Cephalic pores large and circular, regularly or irregularly distributed. Cephalic skeletal elements, MB, V, D, two L and two l at the base of the cephalis, and A inside the cephalis. 1982 Turanta n. gen. – Pessagno & Blome, p. 296. 1986 Turanta Pessagno & Blome emend. – Takemura, p. 64. Original remarks: Turanta, n.gen., differs from all other Mesozoic dicyrtid Nassellariina by virtue of the partially formed, naked nature of its cephalis. It may well be that the missing cephalic walls were extremely thin and fragile in character and were not capable of being fossilized; they are for the most part missing on all specimens of Turanta observed during this study. The spumellarian-like test of Turanta at first suggests a kinship to Tripocyclia Rüst. However, the two genera can Further remarks: By Takemura (1986): Pessagno & Blome (1982) described Turanta as dicyrtid Nassellaria, of which cephalis was naked. However, Turanta possesses all the cephalic skeletal elements and specially A, originated at the point where MB, D and two l join, prolonging into an apical spine (pl. 11, 17-18), penetrating inside the shell which is described as “thorax” by Pessagno & Blome (1982). This fact clearly indicates that the large subspherical latticed shell of Turanta is the cephalis. Therefore, the horn described by Pessagno & Blome (1982) is the dorsal spine and the two feet are the apical and vertical spines. Etymology: Turanta (f.) is a name formed by an arbitrary combination of letters (ICZN, 1964, Appendix D, pt. VI, Recommendation 40, p. 113). Included species: 3247 Turanta morinae gr. Pessagno & Blome 1982 Turanta morinae gr. Pessagno & Blome 1982 Species code: 3247 Synonymy: 1982 Turanta morinae n. sp. – Pessagno & Blome, p. 300, pl. 1, figs. 3-4, 8, 11, 16. 1982 Turanta officerensis n. sp. – Pessagno & Blome, p. 301, pl. 2, figs. 2-3, pl. 8, fig. 1. 1988 Turanta morinae Pessagno & Blome – Carter et al., p. 62, pl. 14, fig. 8. 1991 Turanta sp. A, n. sp. – Carter & Jakobs, p. 344, pl. 3, fig. 13. 1995a Turanta morinae gr. Pessagno & Blome – Baumgartner et al., p. 616, pl. 3247, figs. 1-3. 1996 Turanta sp. A – Yeh & Cheng, p. 122, pl. 8, fig. 10. 1997 Turanta morinae gr. Pessagno & Blome – Yao, pl. 8, fig. 356. Original description: Cephalis as with genus. Thorax subspherical with equal number of pentagonal and hexagonal pore frames having weakly developed nodes at vertices; hexagonal pore frames somewhat larger than pentagonal pore frames. Horn and feet relatively long, triradiate in axial section with grooves and ridges of equal width; grooves 392 and ridges gradually decreasing in width distally. Proximal 1/2 of horn curved; distal 1/2 straight. Feet straight, widely separated, nearly at right angles to horn. Original remarks: Turanta morinae, n. sp., differs from Turanta silviensis n. sp. by having a longer horn, longer feet and fewer pore frames. Furthermore, whereas T. morinae tends to have about the same number of hexagonal and pentagonal pore frames, T. silviensis has predominantly hexagonal pore frames. Measurements (µm): Based on 8 specimens. Length of thorax Width of thorax Length of foot Length of horn HT 162.5 137.5 150+ 150 Mean 154.68 146.25 164.58 122.5 Min. 125 125 100 87.5 Max. 175 175 225 150 Etymology: This species is named for Karen E. Morin in honor of her recent contributions to the study of Upper Cretaceous Radiolaria. Occurrence: Snowshoe Formation, Oregon; Phantom Creek Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Sogno Formation, Italy; Liminangcong Chert, Philippines; Japan. Type locality: Sample OR-580, Warm Springs member, Snowshoe Formation, near bridge over South Fork of John Day River, east-central Oregon. Plate 3247. Turanta morinae Pessagno & Blome. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Pessagno & Blome 1982, pl. 1, fig. 3. Fig. 2 Carter et al. 1988, pl. 14, fig. 8. 393 Genus: Tympaneides Carter 1988 Type species: Tympaneides charlottensis Carter 1988 Synonymy: 1988 Tympaneides Carter n. gen. – Carter et al., p. 37. Original description: Test is a flattened sphere (drumshaped) with four spines extending from sides to form a cross in one plane. Top and bottom surfaces planiform, sides vertical to slightly concave. Latticed cortical shell composed of two layers of pore frames on planar surfaces and a single layer on the sides. Nodes on outer layer interconnected by fragile bars to form triangular or tetragonal pore frames. Original remarks: Tympaneides n. gen. is assigned to the Staurolonchidae Haeckel because of its shape, mode of shell construction and spine structure. It differs from Emiluvia Foreman in having a test that is circular and drum-shaped rather than rectangular, and from Staurolonche Haeckel in having a double-, rather than a single-layered cortical shell. Etymology: From the Greek tympanon = drum. Included species: 3408 Tympaneides charlottensis Carter 1988 Tympaneides charlottensis Carter 1988 Species code: 3408 Synonymy: 1988 Tympaneides charlottensis Carter n. sp. – Carter et al., p. 37, pl. 9, figs. 4, 5. 1989 Tympaneides sp. cf. T. charlottensis Carter – Hori & Otsuka, pl. 4, fig. 10. 1991 Tympaneides charlottensis Carter – Carter & Jakobs, p. 344, pl. 2, fig. 2. 1991 Tympaneides charlottensis Carter – Tipper et al., pl. 9, fig. 10. 1995a Tympaneides charlottensis Carter – Baumgartner et al., p. 618, pl. 3408, figs. 1,2. 1998 Tympaneides charlottensis Carter – Cordey, p. 95, pl. 20, fig. 12. with alternating ridges and grooves. Ridges rounded and approximately twice as wide as grooves, which are narrow and deep. Original remarks: This species is very abundant in middle to upper Toarcian samples. Measurements (µm): Based on 14 specimens. Diameter of test Length of longest spine HT 129 162 Av. 118 170 Max. 150 238 Min. 80 123 Original diagnosis: Test circular, drum-shaped. Meshwork on planar surfaces very fine, pore frames triangular, nodes minute. Equatorial spines long, slender and triradiate. Etymology: This species is named for Queen Charlotte (wife of George III of England) after whom the Queen Charlotte Islands were named. Original description: Test circular (drum-shaped) with four long spines extending from sides of test at 90° to one another. Outer layer of cortical shell covered with very small triangular pore frames composed of thin bars with fine nodes at their vertices. Spines long (one to three times test diameter), slender and of uniform width. Spines Type locality: GSC locality C-080583, Phantom Creek Formation, Yakoun River, Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. 394 Occurrence: Phantom Creek Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Fernie Formation, Williston Lake; Bridge River Complex, British Columbia; Japan. Plate 3408. Tympaneides charlottensis Carter. Magnification Fig. 1 x150 (scale bar A), Figs. 2-9 x200 (scale bar B). Fig. 1. Carter & Jakobs 1991, pl. 2, fig. 2. Fig. 2. Carter et al. 1988, pl. 9, fig. 5. Fig. 3(H). Carter et al. 1988, pl. 9, fig. 4. Fig. 4. QCI, GSC loc. C-080612, GSC 128705. Fig. 5. QCI, GSC loc. C-304281, GSC 111779. Fig. 6. QCI, GSC loc. C304281, GSC 111780. Fig. 7. NBC, GSC loc. C-205813, GSC 111781. Fig. 8. QCI, GSC loc. C-080611, GSC 111782. Fig. 9. Hori & Otsuka 1989, pl. 4, fig. 10. 395 Genus: Udalia Whalen & Carter 1998 Type species: Udalia dennisoni Whalen & Carter 1998 Synonymy: 1998 Udalia n. gen. – Whalen & Carter, 1998, p. 59. Original description: Test square or rectangular in outline, usually quite thick with four prominent spines in the same plane, one at each corner. Upper and lower surfaces of test planiform, sides vertical. Test composed of multiple layers of fine meshwork; meshwork of cortical shell with numerous, irregularly shaped (mostly triangular and tetragonal) pore frames with small nodes at pore frame vertices. Pore frames of inner layers much thinner and lack nodes. Inner structure unknown as center of test hollow in all specimens observed. Spines circular or triradiate, tapering distally. Original remarks: Udalia n. gen. differs from Sophia n. gen. by lacking an entactiniid-like inner structure, having a thinner shell, more pore frames, and much smaller nodes at pore frame vertices. We note that Udalia n. gen. has ferresiid-like meshwork. It is possible this genus could be assigned to the Ferresiidae Carter if that family were revised to include forms with four spines in the cruciform position. Comparison with Emiluvia Foreman is difficult because of the absence of information on the inner structure of Udalia n. gen. Etymology: This genus named for the “Udal”, a mission ship built in Sandspit, Queen Charlotte Islands in the early 1900s. Included species: UDA05 Udalia plana Whalen & Carter 1998 Udalia plana Whalen & Carter 1998 Species code: UDA05 Synonymy: 1998 Udalia plana n. sp. – Whalen & Carter, p. 60, pl. 5, figs. 7, 8, 12, 13; pl. 7, figs. 13, 14, 15, 18. 2002 Udalia plana Whalen & Carter – Suzuki et al., p. 178, fig. 7 J. 2002 Udalia plana Whalen & Carter – Whalen & Carter, p. 112, pl. 7, figs. 9-10. 2002 Udalia plana Whalen & Carter – Tekin, p. 185, pl. 3, fig. 3. Original description: Cortical shell diamond-shaped in outline, very thick, with planiform upper and lower surfaces and vertical sides. Meshwork composed of irregularly shaped triangular and tetragonal pore frames with large, rounded nodes at pore frame vertices; pore frame bars thinner in Y direction than in Z direction (refer to Pl. 4, fig. 11 for measurement system). Test with four long spines, all equal in length and width and tapering distally; spines triradiate in axial section with narrow, rounded longitudinal ridges and grooves. Original remarks: See remarks under Udalia parvacapsa n. sp. Remarks under Udalia parvacapsa n. sp.: Udalia parvacapsa n. sp. differs from U. plana n. sp. in having a smaller test and much longer spines. 396 Measurements (µm): (n) = number of specimens measured. Maximum diameter of cortical shell (7) 113 143 105 122 Maximum length of primary spines (6) 131 131 79 93 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: Planus, a, um (latin; adj.) = even, level, flat. Type locality: Sample QC-676, Sandilands Formation, Kunga Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Sandilands Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Fernie Formation, NE British Columbia; San Hipólito Formation, Baja California Sur; Pucara Group, Peru; Hocaköy Radiolarite, Turkey. Plate UDA05. Udalia plana Whalen & Carter. Magnification x150. Fig. 1(H)a-b. Carter et al. 1998, pl. 5, figs. 8, 7. Fig. 2. Whalen & Carter 2002, pl. 7, fig. 10. Fig. 3. NBC, GSC loc. C-305208, GSC 111783. Fig. 4. NBC, GSC loc. C305208, GSC 111784. 397 Genus: Unuma Ichikawa & Yao 1976 Type species: Unuma (Unuma) typicus Ichikawa & Yao 1976 Synonymy: 1976 Unuma n. gen. – Ichikawa & Yao, p. 111. 1976 Unuma sensu stricto – Ichikawa & Yao, p. 112. 1976 Spinunuma n. subgen. – Ichikawa & Yao, p. 112. 1986 Unuma Ichikawa & Yao – Takemura, p. 58. Original description: Spindle-shaped multisegmented form with inversely subconical basal appendage which has pores much larger than those of the preceding main segments. Junction of segments not externally expressed as an indentation. Numerous small circular pores on the surface, aligned in longitudinal and diagonal rows. Numerous longitudinal plicae on the surface generally running continuously through segments. Apical horn may be minute or large; radial spines and basal spine may or may not be present. Original remarks: A spindle-shaped form with small pores, the absence of an externally expressed stricture, the presence of large pores on the inversely subconical basal appendage and of longitudinal plicae are stable diagnostic features of the genus Unuma. The last segment is represented by the distal part of the main spindle-shaped shell with small pores. The basal portion with large pores may be considered as a lid-like appendage of the last segment rather than as the last segment itself. Two subgenera, Unuma (Unuma) and Unuma (Spinunuma), are distinguished on the basis of the presence or absence of a distinct apical horn, radial spines, and basal spine. The morphological difference between the type species of these subgenera may appear to be significantly great at first glance, but there exist some forms transitional with respect to the degree of development of radial spines, so that a separation at subgeneric level is applied here. Etymology: From the locality of the type specimens of the type species. Unuma (regarded as masculine). Included species: UNM01 Unuma unicus (Yeh) 1987b Unuma unicus (Yeh) 1987b Species code: UNM01 Synonymy: Further remarks: This species is herein assigned to Unuma Ichikawa & Yao, because the complete specimens (including the holotype) have a perforate basal appendage. Unuma unicus seems to be the oldest representative of the genus. Original description: Test very small, spindle-shaped, with four to five post-abdominal chambers. Cephalis domeshaped without horn. Test comprised of inner latticed layer of tetragonal pore frames with circular to elliptical pores; outer layer with long massive costae usually extending continuously throughout test. One to three rows of pore frames between two adjacent costae. Seven to eight costae visible laterally. Final post-abdominal chamber terminating in latticed, hemispherical cap. Measurements (µm): Ten specimens measured. Original remarks: This form is questionably assigned to Hsuum Pessagno because it consists of a latticed, hemispherical closing cap at final post-abdominal chamber and also because it lacks a horn. Type locality: OR-600M, Hyde Formation at Izee-Paulina road, east-central Oregon. 1987b Hsuum (?) unicum n. sp. – Yeh, p. 66, pl. 17, figs. 15-16, 21. 1997 Unuma unicum (Yeh) – Yao, pl. 10, fig. 476. 2004 Hsuum (?) unicum Yeh – Matsuoka, fig. 190. 398 HT Mean Max. Min. Total length 160 153 160 147 Max. width 120 118 120 115 Etymology: Unicus-a-um (Latin, adj.) = unique. Occurrence: Hyde Formation, Oregon; Japan. Plate UNM01. Unuma unicus (Yeh). Magnification x300. Fig. 1(H). Yeh 1987b, pl. 17, fig. 21. Fig. 2. Matsuoka 2004, fig. 190. 399 Genus: Williriedellum Dumitrica 1970 Type species: Williriedellum crystallinum Dumitrica 1970 Synonymy: 1970 Williriedellum n. gen. – Dumitrica, p. 69. Original diagnosis: Cryptothoracic tricyrtids with large inflated abdomen having a constricted aperture and a complex sutural pore; cephalis free, poreless, with four collar pores, with or without a short apical horn; thorax porous, campanulate, small, without descending spines and partly depressed into abdomen. Original remarks: Williriedellum is morphologically rather similar to Zhamoidellum n. gen. Cryptamphorella n.gen. and Hemicryptocapsa Tan. It differs from the first two ones particularly in having a constricted aperture, which constitutes the first external distinctive character. From the last one, with which it seems to be closely related by their constricted aperture, it differs in lacking the three descending thoracic spines and in the complex structure of its sutural pore. Etymology: This genus is dedicated to William R. Riedel (Scripps Institution of Oceanography) as a homage for his sustained and indefatigable work in the study of Radiolaria. Neuter gender. Included species: TPS01 Williriedellum? ferum (Matsuoka) 1991 Williriedellum? ferum (Matsuoka) 1991 Species code: TPS01 Synonymy: 1991 Tricolocapsa (?) fera n. sp. – Matsuoka, p. 726, Fig. 4. 1a-3b. 2004 Tricolocapsa(?) fera Matsuoka – Matsuoka, fig. 83. Original description: Shell of three segments, pyriform. Cephalis hemispherical, poreless with a small apical horn. Thorax truncate conical or cylindrical with small pores. Abdomen large, subspherical with a constricted aperture. Collar stricture slightly recognizable externally. Lumber stricture pronounced. Pores moderate in size, circular to subcircular, densely spaced and set in polygonal (largely hexagonal) pore frames. Abdomen possessing small pointed spines situated at the pore frame vertices. Aperture moderate in size, circular with a short protruding rim. Original remarks: This species is questionably assigned to Tricolocapsa because it possesses a small apical horn. However, it is uncertain whether the presence of an apical horn is an important criterion for classification at generic level of three-segmented nassellaria. The horn seems to be an extension of apical spine. Tricolocapsa (?) fera, n. sp., is similar to T. tetragona Matsuoka and T. sp. cf. T. ruesti Tan Sin Hok (in Yao, 1979) in general outline but differs from both by having an apical horn and by densely spaced pores on the abdomen. 400 Further remarks: In the present state of knowledge there is no Mesozoic genus to which this species can be confidently assigned. Since assignation to Tricolocapsa cannot be sustained any longer we assign it provisionally to Williriedellum because of the general shape, the number of segments and the presence of an aperture. However, the cephalis is divided into two chambers by an oblique septum as in the Amphipyndacidae and particularly in the Cretaceous genus Squinabollum Dumitrica. Squinabollum is similar in the general shape of shell, it has an apical horn, but lacks an aperture. Measurements (µm): Numbers of specimens measured are in parentheses. Total height of shell Max. width of shell Diameter of aperture HT 139 100 11 Max. 146 125 14 Min. 125 96 8 Mean 133 107 11 (6) (6) (5) Etymology: This specific name is derived from the Latin ferus-a-um (= wild). Type locality: Sample MNA-10, Nanjo Massif, Mino Terrane, central Japan. Occurrence: Mino Terrane, central Japan. Plate TPS01. Williriedellum? ferum (Matsuoka). Magnification x400. Fig. 1(H). Matsuoka 1991, Fig. 4.1a. Fig. 2. Matsuoka 1991, Fig. 4.2a. 401 Genus: Wrangellium Pessagno & Whalen 1982, emend. Yeh 1987a Type species: Wrangellium thurstonense Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Synonymy: 1982 Wrangellium n. gen. – Pessagno & Whalen, p. 126. 1987a Wrangellium Pessagno & Whalen, emend. – Yeh, p. 67. Original description: Test conical, multicyrtid, large, lobulate in outline with numerous closely spaced post-abdominal chambers separated by nodose circumferential ridges with H-linked structure. Longitudinally aligned, paired circular to elliptical primary pores situated in symmetrical, polygonal (mostly tetragonal) pore frames sloping steeply to either side of circumferential ridges; ridges continuous with platform-like septal partitions possessing large, circular apertures. Post-abdominal chambers with medially situated constrictions in areas between ridges. Single transverse row of large polygonal pore frames situated in constrictions between ridges, often completely obscured by veneer of micro-granular silica (pl. 3, fig. 10). Cephalis and thorax imperforate, covered by veneer of microgranular silica. Cephalis lacking horn. Test terminating in a large (approximately 1/3 length of test) flaring, tubular structure with large irregular pores and longitudinal ridges (pl. 3, fig. 18); tubular structure lacking septal partitions. Original remarks: Wrangellium n. gen., differs from Canoptum Pessagno by having large primary pores on its circumferential ridges which remain open during ontogeny and by having a single row of large symmetrical pore frames in the constrictions between ridges. It is likely that Wrangellium was derived from a Canoptum stock with H-linked circumferential ridges. Emended definition: By Yeh (1987a): As with that of Pessagno & Whalen (1982, p. 126), but including forms with three pores aligned perpendicular to each circumferential ridge, and also including forms with spine on the cephalis. Etymology: Wrangellium is named for the Mesozoic terrane of Wrangellia (Jones, Silberling and Hillhouse, 1977). Included species: WNG03 Wrangellium oregonense Yeh 1987a WNG01 Wrangellium thurstonense Pessagno & Whalen 1982 WNG04 Wrangellium sp. A sensu Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Wrangellium oregonense Yeh 1987a Species code: WNG03 Synonymy: 1987a Wrangellium oregonense n. sp. – Yeh, p. 69, pl. 2, figs. 1-8, 14-15, 19-20. 1987b Wrangellium oregonense Yeh – Yeh, p. 58, pl. 15, figs. 5-7, 14, 18-19, 24; pl. 27, figs. 3, 22. 1987b Crubus sp. B – Yeh, p. 71, pl. 23, fig. 6. 1988 Wrangellium oregonense Yeh – Carter et al., p. 50, pl. 6, figs. 8, 11. Original description: Test conical, lobate, with as many as eight post-abdominal chambers. Cephalis conical, moderately large, with small delicate horn when wellpreserved. Thorax and subsequent chambers rapidly increasing in width and gradually increasing in length as added. Cephalis, thorax, and abdomen imperforate, covered with thick layer of microgranular silica and separated from each other by one row of small elliptical pores. Each postabominal chamber with central row of pore frames covered with microgranular silica, flanking rows of pore frames remaining open. Pores rapidly increasing in size distally. About eight to ten pores visible laterally in each row. 402 Original remarks: Wrangellium oregonense, n. sp., differs from W. izeense, n. sp., by having a smaller, more conical cephalis with small spine, by having a test more conical in shape, and by possessing larger, paired pores aligned perpendicular to the ridges. Measurements (µm): Ten specimens measured. HT Mean Max. Min. Max. length 258 274 288 258 Max. width 123 123 135 118 Etymology: This species is named for the state of Oregon. Type locality: Sample OR-600A, Hyde Formation along Izee-Paulina road, east-central Oregon. Occurrence: Nicely and Hyde formations, and Warm Springs member of the Snowshoe Formation, Oregon; Fannin and Whiteaves formations, Queen Charlotte Islands. Plate WNG03. Wrangellium oregonense Yeh. Magnification x250. Fig. 1(H). Yeh 1987b, pl. 15, fig. 5. Fig. 2. Carter et al. 1988, pl. 6, fig. 8. Fig. 3. QCI, GSC loc. C-304566, GSC 111785. Fig. 4. QCI, GSC loc. C-080613, GSC 111786. 403 Wrangellium thurstonense Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Species code: WNG01 Synonymy: Original remarks: Wrangellium thurstonense, n. sp. differs from Wrangellium sp. A by having much less pronounced circumferential ridges. In addition, Wrangellium sp. A possesses larger pores within the constrictions between ridges. Original description: Test with as many as 13 post-abdominal chambers with rare spines attached to circumferential ridges (many more spines probably broken off). Majority of large primary pores circular, set in square pore frames along circumferential ridges. When visible, pores within constrictions large, circular. Cephalis and thorax conical, imperforate, completely covered by microgranular silica. Proximal post-abdominal chambers very gradually increasing in width with distal post-abdominal chambers remaining the same width. Flaring, tubular structure rapidly increasing in width, about 50% wider than test at its termination. Irregularly sized pores randomly distributed over tubular structure with two sharp ridges extending along its length. Measurements (µm): Based on 7 specimens. 1982 Wrangellium thurstonense n. sp. – Pessagno & Whalen, p. 126, pl. 2, figs. 7, 13; pl. 3, figs. 1, 3, 10, 18; pl. 12, fig. 13. 1998 Wrangellium thurstonense Pessagno & Whalen – Whalen & Carter, p. 65, pl. 17, figs. 5, 6; pl. 26, fig. 7. Length 325.0 382.0 245.0 303.1 Width (max.) 100.0 160.0 100.0 112.4 HT Max. Min. Mean Etymology: This species is named for Turston Harbor, northwest of its type locality. Type locality: Sample QC 590A, Sandilands Formation (Kunga Formation in Pessagno & Whalen, 1982), Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Sandilands Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands. Wrangellium sp. A sensu Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Species code: WNG04 Synonymy: 1982 Wrangellium sp. A – Pessagno & Whalen, p. 126, pl. 3, figs. 2, 8, 9. Remarks: Differs from Wrangellium thurstonense Pessagno & Whalen 1982 in having fewer postabdominal chambers and a more lobate outline. It further differs from W. izeense Yeh 1987a in having a conical rather than rounded cephalis and two rows of pores rather than three per chamber. Occurrence: Franciscan Complex, California; Sandilands and Ghost Creek formations, Queen Charlotte Islands. 404 Plate WNG01. Wrangellium thurstonense Pessagno & Whalen. Magnification x250. Fig. 1(H). Pessagno & Whalen 1982, pl. 2, fig. 7. Fig. 2. Carter et al. 1998, pl. 17, fig. 5. Plate WNG04. Wrangellium sp. A sensu Pessagno & Whalen. Magnification x250. Fig. 1. Pessagno & Whalen 1982, pl. 3, fig. 2. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-080612, GSC 111787. 405 Genus: Xiphostylus Haeckel 1881, emend. Pessagno & Yang 1989 Type species: Xiphostylus attenuatus Rüst 1885 (subsequent designation by Campbell, 1954) Synonymy: referred to herein as cortical buttresses (pl. 1, figs. 3-4). Outer latticed layer of cortical shell usually not as thick as that of Tripocyclia Hackel or Triactoma Rüst (cf. pl. 1, figs. 2, 5-6, 8, 10-11, 13). Emended description: By Pessagno & Yang in Pessagno et al. (1989): Test with subspherical to ellipsoidal cortical shell with opposed secondary spines. Secondary spines subequal in length, predominantly triradiate in axial section with three longitudinal grooves alternating with three longitudinal ridges. Shorter spine often more massive and wider than longer spine. Spines attached to latticed cortical shell by means of latticed protrusions of cortical shell Emended remarks: By Pessagno & Yang in Pessagno et al. (1989): Xiphostylus Haeckel differs from Triactoma Rüst by possessing two opposed secondary spines with cortical buttresses, and a less spherical cortical shell. 1881 Xiphostylus n. gen. – Haeckel, p. 449. 1989 Xiphostylus Haeckel emend. Pessagno & Yang – Pessagno et al., p. 232. Included species: XTL02 Xiphostylus duvalensis Carter n. sp. XTL01 Xiphostylus simplus Yeh 1987b Xiphostylus duvalensis Carter n. sp. Species code: XTL02 Type designation: Holotype GSC 111788 from GSC loc. C080610; Fannin member of the Fannin Formation (upper Pliensbachian). Description: Cortical shell large, spherical in outline, with two polar spines approximately equal in length. Shell comprised of small pentagonal and hexagonal pore frames with thin rims and deep walls; small pointed nodes at pore frame vertices. Spines relatively short (less than diameter of shell), and fairly constant in width. Spines triradiate with wide rounded ridges and narrow grooves; ridges terminate with small thorns, raised at right angles to axis of spine. Spine tips circular in axial section. Remarks: Xiphostylus duvalensis n. sp. differs from X. simplus Yeh in having spines whose ridges terminate in small thorns. Measurements (µm): Based on 2 specimens. Diameter of cortical shell Length of longer polar spine Length of shorter polar spine HT 136 93 82 2nd spec. 107 97 83 Etymology: Species named for Duval Rocks, west of type locality on north shore of Cumshewa Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands. Type locality: Sample CAA-85-SP-27, lms. 2 (GSC loc. C-080610), Fannin member of the Fannin Formation, north shore Cumshewa Inlet, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Occurrence: Fannin member of the Fannin Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman. Xiphostylus simplus Yeh 1987b Species code: XTL01 Synonymy: 1987b Xiphostylus simplus n. sp. – Yeh, p. 52, pl. 10, fig. 7; pl. 22, fig. 4. 1987b Xiphostylus sp. A – Yeh, p. 53, pl. 3, fig. 15; pl. 10, fig. 10. 1987b Xiphostylus sp. B – Yeh, p. 53, pl. 26, figs. 7, 11. 1987 Xiphosphaera spp. – Hattori, pl. 22, figs. 9-14, not fig. 15. 1989 Xiphostylus sp. – Hattori & Sakamoto, pl. 1, fig. K. 1989 Xiphostylus spp. – Hattori, pl. 4, fig. B, C, D. 1990 Xiphostylus sp. – Nagai, pl. 5, fig. 5. 1997 Xiphostylus simplus Yeh – Yao, pl. 1, fig. 15. 1997 Xiphostylus sp. P2 – Yao, pl. 1, fig. 16. 2003 Xiphostylus spp. – Goričan et al., p. 291, pl. 1, fig. 1. Original description: Test large, subspherical in outline, with two polar spines unequal in length. One spine long 406 and massive, triradiate with three rounded ridges alternating with three wide grooves; ridges and grooves displaying slight torsion. One polar spine extremely short and pointed in nature. Test comprised of regularly sized pentagonal and hexagonal pore frames. Pore frames thin in rims and thick in sides with numerous laminations superimposed on each pore frame (plate 22, figure 4). Original remarks: This form is characterized by having a large spherical test with one extremely short polar spine and one long, massive polar spine. Further remarks: Included are specimens with simple polar spines regardless of their length. Plate XTL02. Xiphostylus duvalensis Carter n. sp. Magnification x250. Fig. 1(H). QCI, GSC loc. C-080610, GSC 111788. Fig. 2. OM, BR473-R16-02. Measurements (µm): Ten specimens measured. HT Mean Max. Min. Diameter of test 110 111 115 108 Length of longer polar spine 110 108 110 102 Etymology: Simplus-a-um (Latin, adj.) = simple. Length of shorter polar spine 25 27 30 23 Type locality: Sample OR-600M, Hyde Formation at IzeePaulina road, east-central Oregon. Occurrence: Nicely and Hyde formations, and Warm Springs member of the Sowshoe Formation, Oregon; Skrile Formation, Slovenia; Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, Oman; Japan. Plate XTL01. Xiphostylus simplus Yeh. Magnification x200. Fig. 1(H). Yeh 1987b, pl. 10, fig. 7. Fig. 2. OM, BR706-R13-01. Fig. 3. Goričan et al. 2003, pl. 1, fig. 1. 407 Genus: Zartus Pessagno & Blome 1980 Type species: Zartus jonesi Pessagno & Blome 1980 Synonymy: 1980 Zartus n. gen. – Pessagno & Blome, p. 249. Original description: Cortical shell spherical to ellipsoidal with well developed raised median band. Pore frames on median band thicker in Z direction (text-fig. 5) than those of remainder of test. Raised median band with short, broad, often massive, triradiate secondary spines; secondary spines centered on pore frame vertices with ridges of spines extending onto 3 bars of adjacent pore frames. Test with 2 polar spines of different length; polar spines usually triradiate but sometimes partially circular in axial section. First medullary shell with thin, fragile pore frames. Original remarks: The triradiate secondary spines of Zartus n. gen. are centered on the pore frame vertices along the center of the median band. Their ridges extend distally onto the bars of 3 adjacent pore frames (pl. 7, figs. 6, 12). The pore frames of Zartus, which are normally quite thick in the Z direction (text-fig. 5), are even thicker in the Z direction along the median band. Such an increase in thickness along the median band may offer stouter support for the massive secondary spines. Zartus n. gen. differs from Pantanellium Pessagno in possessing a welldeveloped, raised median band with triradiate secondary spines. The phylogenetic relationship of Zartus to other genera of the Pantanellinae is discussed elsewhere in this report. Etymology: Zartus is a name formed by an arbitrary combination of letters (ICZN, 1964, Appendix D, pt. IV, Recommendation 40, p. 113). Included species: ZRT01 Zartus mostleri Pessago & Blome 1980 ZRT03 Zartus stellatus Goričan & Matsuoka n. sp. Zartus mostleri Pessagno & Blome 1980 Species code: ZRT01 Synonymy: 1980 Zartus mostleri n. sp. – Pessagno & Blome, p. 252, pl. 6, figs. 3-5, 13. 1989 Zartus sp. A – Hattori, pl. 9, fig. G. 1989 Zartus sp. B – Hattori, pl. 9, fig. H. 1989 Zartus sp. C – Hattori, pl. 9, fig. I. 1989 Zartus spp. – Hattori, pl. 9, fig. K. 1997 Zartus sp. B0 – Yao, pl. 4, fig. 153. 1997 Zartus dicksoni Pessagno & Blome – Yao, pl. 4, fig. 154. 2003 Zartus aff. mostleri Pessagno & Blome – Goričan et al., p. 291, pl. 1, figs. 4-6. Original description: Cortical shell ellipsoidal with large, hexagonal to pentagonal pore frames with spinose nodes at vertices. Bars of pore frames thin in Y direction; thick in Z direction (text-fig. 5). Four to 5 pore frames visible along AA’; 5 along BB’. Median band weakly developed, having 4 wide, long (16 x 25µm on holotype) relatively massive triradiate secondary spines. Polar spines triradiate in axial section; shorter spine with 3 massive, wide ridges alternating with 3 moderately narrow grooves; grooves about equal in width to ridges. Shorter polar spine about 2/3 length of longer polar spine. Longer polar spine with 3 wide grooves alternating with 3 relatively narrow ridges. First medullary shell with fragile hexagonal and pentagonal pore frames. Original remarks: Zartus mostleri n. sp., differs from Z. jurassicus, n. sp., in having much longer polar spines and a much narrower median band. It appears to have been the 408 first species of Zartus to appear and may have arisen from Pantanellium danaense, n. sp., ancestor. Further remarks: In this species we also include forms with many short triradiate secondary spines, extending from most of the pore-frame vertices on the median band (pl. ZRT01, figs. 3, 4). These forms differ from Zartus mostleri s. s. by having more numerous (more than four) and shorter secondary spines. Measurements (µm): Based on 6 specimens. System of measurement shown in text-figure 5 of Pessagno & Blome (1980). AA’ 95 98 110 90 A’S’ 125 117 125 100 AS 115 83 115 65 BB’ 100 101 115 90 cc’ 35 30 35 25 dd’ 25 28 40 25 HT Av. Max. Min. Etymology: This species is named for Dr. Helfried Mostler in honor of his pioneering contribution to the study of Triassic Radiolaria. Type locality: Sample QC 534, Fannin Formation (Maude Formation in Pessagno Blome, 1980), Queen Charlotte Islands. Occurrence: Ghost Creek and Fannin formations, Queen Charlotte Islands; Skrile Formation, Slovenia; Japan. Plate ZRT01. Zartus mostleri Pessagno & Blome. Magnification x250. Fig. 1(H). Pessagno & Blome 1980, pl. 6, fig. 3. Fig. 2. QCI, GSC loc. C-080612, GSC 111789. Fig. 3. Goričan et al. 2003, pl. 1, fig. 4. Fig. 4. SI, MM 6.76, 000407. Fig. 5. Goričan et al. 2003, pl. 1, fig. 6. 409 Zartus stellatus Goričan & Matsuoka n. sp. Species code: ZRT03 Synonymy: ? 1989 Zartus spp. – Hattori, pl. 9, fig. L. 1997 Zartus sp. A0 – Yao, pl. 4, fig. 152. 2003 Zartus sp. A0 sensu Yao – Goričan et al., p. 291, pl. 1, fig. 3. 2004 Zartus (?) sp. – Matsuoka, fig. 17. Type designation: Holotype specimen MA 11322 from sample MNA-10, Nanjo Massif, Mino Terrane, Japan. Description: Cortical shell subspherical with relatively small hexagonal and pentagonal pore frames. Five to six pore frames visible along AA’. Median band bears several (more than four, usually seven) long massive triradiate secondary spines, pyramidal in shape. Polar spines long and robust, approximately equal in length; width constant through most of the length, then decreasing more rapidly towards spine tips. Polar spines triradiate with three rounded ridges alternating with three deep grooves. Remarks: Zartus stellatus n. sp. differs from all other Zartus species by having larger polar spines and numerous long secondary spines on median band. 410 Measurements (µm): Based on 5 specimens. HT Min. Max. Width of shell along BB’ 76 75 90 Length of polar spines 128, 145 72 145 30 40 Width of polar spines at base 40, 34 Maximum length 46 26 46 of secondary spines Mean 80 108 35 36 Etymology: Stellatus-a-um (Latin, adj.) = stellate, arranged like a star, radiating. Type locality: Sample MNA-10, Nanjo Massif, Mino Terrane, Japan. Occurrence: Mino Terrane, Japan; Skrile Formation, Slovenia. Plate ZRT03. Zartus stellatus Goričan & Matsuoka n. sp. Magnification x250. Fig. 1(H). Matsuoka 2004, fig. 17. Fig. 2. JP, MNA-10, MA11505. Fig. 3. Goričan et al. 2003, pl. 1, fig. 3. Fig. 4. SI, MM 6.76, 000525. Fig. 5. SI, MM 6.76, 000406. 411 Genus: Zhamoidellum Dumitrica 1970 Type species: Zhamoidellum ventricosum Dumitrica 1970 Synonymy: 1970 Zhamoidellum n. gen. – Dumitrica, p. 79. 1992 Complexapora n. gen. – Kiessling & Zeiss, p. 190. Original description: Cryptothoracic tricyrtids with large inflated abdomen without aperture or sutural pore. Cephalis poreless, with four collar pores, with or without a short apical horn; thorax campanulate, porous, partly depressed into the abdominal cavity, its opening without descending spines. Original remarks: This new genus is very similar to Cryptamphorella n. gen. from which it differs, firstly, by the porous structure of its thorax and, secondly, by having no sutural pore. In fact, Cryptamphorella sometimes does not possess a sutural pore. The members of this genus are very frequent in the Upper Jurassic. We described herein only two better preserved species. Further remarks: It is possible that this genus is a junior synonym of Trisyringium Vinassa, 1901 (type species Trisyringium capellinii Vinassa) from which it only differs in lacking spines on the abdominal segment. Complexapora Kiessling & Zeiss 1992 (type species Complexapora tirolica Kiessling) should be considered a junior synomym of Zhamoidellum. The latter genus was originally considered to differ from Zhamoidellum only in having a sutural pore; however, this pore is only a depression of the abdominal wall. Such a depression is present but very weakly developed in the type species. Etymology: The genus is dedicated to Dr. A. I. Zhamoida as a homage to his activity for disentangling the biostratigraphy of the Mesozoic radiolaritic series. Neuter gender. Included species: COM01 Zhamoidellum yehae Dumitrica n. sp. Zhamoidellum yehae Dumitrica n. sp. Species code: COM01 Synonymy: 1988 Dicolocapsa aff. verbeeki Tan – Li, pl. 1, fig. 23. 1998 Complexapora sp. A – Yeh & Cheng, p. 33, pl. 4, fig. 13; pl. 9, fig. 18, 22. 2005 Tricolocapsa sp. – Kashiwagi et al., pl. 6, fig. 18. Remarks: Zhamoidellum yehae n. sp. differs from Z. ventricosum Dumitrica in being smaller, in having a spherical abdomen and a small sutural depression. Type designation: Holotype specimen BR1121-R06-22 from sample BR 1121, Guwayza Formation, Tawi Sadh Member, Wadi Mu’aydin, Oman. Measurements (µm): Based on 6 specimens. Diameter of abdomen 123-132 (holotype 132). The two specimens illustrated by Yeh & Cheng (1998) are larger; the diameter of their abdomen is 157 and 182 respectively. Diagnosis: A small species of Zhamoidellum with cephalothorax half or more depressed in the cavity of a spherical abdomen. Etymology: The species is named for Kuei-Yu Yeh, Taiwan, honoring her contribution to the knowledge of Mesozoic Radiolaria. Description: Cephalothorax with apically rounded, imperforate cephalis and with thorax depressed in the abdominal cavity. Abdomen spherical with numerous small pores of various size and irregular arrangement. Pore frames circular or polygonal, usually hexagonal, with or without tiny thorns at vertices. Sutural pore represented by a small, irregular depression in the vicinity of cephalothorax. Type locality: Sample BR1121, Tawi Sadh Member, Guwayza Formation, Wadi Mu’aydin, Oman. 412 Occurrence: Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation and Haliw (Aqil) Formation, Oman; Liminangcong Chert, Philippines; Dengqen area, Tibet; Japan; Ghost Creek Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands. Plate COM01. Zhamoidellum yehae Dumitrica n. sp. Magnification x300. Fig. 1(H)a-b. OM, BR1121-R06-22a, b. Fig. 2. OM, Haliw-038-R08-20. Fig. 3. JP, Ku(b)-11-77. Fig. 4. QCI, GSC loc. C-304281, GSC 128751. Fig. 5. OM, BR1121-R05-05b. Fig. 6. JP, MNA-10, MA12277. 413 414 3. DESCRIPTION OF LOCALITIES Locality data are provided only for specimens that are illustrated in the catalogue. The exact location, a short description of lithology and the overall stratigraphic range of the studied successions are given. Stratigraphically important co-occurring fossils are also indicated. The number preceding each area corresponds to the locality number on the world map (Fig. 1.2, p. 11). Stratigraphic ranges of all studied formations are summarized in Fig. 3.1, p. 416. 1. NORTHEASTERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Williston Lake NTS 94B/3 Mt. Brewster; Peach Reach, UTM 497385N, 6215650W. Fernie Formation at Black Bear Ridge. GSC loc. C-305208. Parts of a calcareous concretion collected in thinly laminated black, siliceous shales and siltstones from the lower part of the formation at Pardonet Creek, by R. Hall (University of Alberta, Calgary). Faunas present include a “bedding plane exposure of crinoids, which I assume to be Seirocrinus ….” and a few “scrappy ammonite impressions” (R.H. Hall, pers. comm. 2000). Radiolarians are probably equivalent to faunas from the Whiteavesi Ammonite Zone in Queen Charlotte Islands (ESC). NTS 94B/3 Mt. Brewster. UTM 497670N, 6215500W. 4 km northeast of Nabesche River. Fernie Formation. Sample collected 3.5 m west (?upsection) from crinoid bed at Black Bear Ridge section. GSC loc. C-305813 (01-OF-BBR 6A), Pliensbachian. Sample collected by R. Hall. 2. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Sinemurian Graham Island, Yakoun River area NTS 103 F/8 Graham Island. UTM 681500m E; 5921800m N (53° 24’ 57.3” N; 132° 16’ 8.3” W). Sandilands Formation, Kunga Group. Sample collected by B.E.B. Cameron in transit along west side of Yakoun River, south of junction with Ghost Creek, central Graham Island. Eroded riverside sequence of sandstone, siltstone and shale with rare limestone concretions. Ammonites collected in association with limestone sample are upper Sinemurian and belong to the Harbledownense Assemblage of Pálfy (1991) (H.W. Tipper, personal communication, 1994). 415 416 Fig. 3.1. Stratigraphy of included sites. CAA- 86-T-2/3 GSC loc. C-140441. Carbonate concretion collected 76 m above base. Upper Sinemurian. Sample collected by B.E.B. Cameron. concretions and lenses in siltstone and fine sandstone. GSC loc. C-140418). Limy concretionary lens. ?Kunae/ Carlottense Zones, upper Pliensbachian. Pliensbachian Maude Island, below ammonite type section NTS 103 F/1 Skidegate Channel. Lat. 53° 11’ 06”N, Long. 132° 04’02”W. Sandilands Formation, Kunga Group. Shoreline exposure ~ 0.5 km west of type section. Sequence composed mainly of siltstone and shale with minor sandstone and limy lenses. GSC loc. C-304428. Sample from discontinuous limestone bed 6 cm thick. ?Tetraspidoceras Ammonite Assemblage; uppermost Sinemurian/basal Pliensbachian (J. Pálfy, pers. comm. 2001). Pliensbachian locality data from Queen Charlotte Islands (excluding Section 4 from Carter et al., 1988) are from an unpublished report to the Geological Survey of Canada by E. S. Carter (March 2002). Nearly all radiolarian samples co-occur with ammonites identified by H.W. Tipper (Geological Survey of Canada, deceased 2005) who also provided the ammonite zonal assignment. Kunga Island NTS 103 b/13 & 103 B/14 Louise Island. Lat. 52° 45’ 53”N, Long. 131° 33’ 08”W. Sandilands Formation, Kunga Group. Stratigraphic sequence along the southeast shore of Kunga Island. Note: the Sandilands Formation extends upward to the lowermost Pliensbachian at this locality whereas in nearly all others it extends only to the upper Sinemurian. Sequence composed mainly of interbedded siltstone and shale with minor sandstone, limy lenses and concretions. GSC loc. C-305417. Limestone concretion collected 10.94 m above base of section. Tetraspidoceras Ammonite Assemblage, basal Pliensbachian. Central Graham Island NTS 103 F/8, Yakoun Lake. Lat. 53° 22’ 30”N, Long. 132° 16’ 00”W. Rennell Junction member of the Fannin Formation, Maude Group. Quarry above Rennell Junction, Rd. 19. Section consists of thick sandstone beds alternating with sequences of limy concretions and lenses in siltstone and fine sandstone. GSC loc. C-177371. Limestone sample; base of Whiteavesi Zone, upper lower Pliensbachian. Cumshewa Inlet, Moresby Island NTS 103 G/4 Cumshewa Inlet. Lat. 53° 02’ 53”N, Long. 131° 56’ 05”W. Basal two-thirds of section composed of shale with very minor limestone concretions (Ghost Creek Formation); upper part composed of limy concretions and lenses in siltstone and minor shale (Rennell Junction member of Fannin Formation); uppermost beds more sandy with fewer concretionary lenses. GSC loc. C-080610. Fannin Formation; spot sample collected in upper part of section by B.E.B. Cameron in 1986. ?Kunae Zone; upper Pliensbachian. GSC loc. C-140413. Rennell Junction member of the Fannin formation. Collected 54 m below top of Fannin Formation. Whiteavesi Zone, upper lower Pliensbachian. Louise Island NTS 103 G/4 Cumshewa Inlet. Lat. 53° 02’ 06”N, Long. 131° 52’ 47”W. Fannin Formation. North shore of Louise Island approximately 2 km northeast along shore from Beattie Anchorage. Upper Pliensbachian stratigraphic sequence consists of sandstone alternating with limy Maude Island, Tipper Creek NTS 103 F/1 Skidegate Channel. Lat. 53° 11.82’N, Long. 132° 3.63’W. Fannin Formation, Maude Group. Tipper Creek flows onto beach approximately 100 m west of Fannin Bay (southwest coast of Maude Island) about midway through the type section of the Ghost Creek and Fannin formations (Cameron & Tipper, 1985). Stratigraphic sequence composed of interbedded medium grey sandstone, dark grey siltstone with rare shale and sandy limestone. GSC loc. C-080577. Limestone sample collected 54.3 m stratigraphically below top of Fannin Formation. Carlottense Zone, upper Pliensbachian (see section 4, Bulletin 386, Carter et al., 1988). Maude Island, west of Ells Bay NTS 103 F/1 Skidegate Channel. Lat. 53° 11’ 57”N, Long. 132° 2’ 56”W. West side of Ells Bay. Type section of the Maude Formation of Sutherland Brown (1968). Total section extends over 112 m stratigraphically. The lower Ghost Creek Formation (46 m) is thick dark grey shale with rare limestone concretions and lenses; the overlying Rennell Junction member of the Fannin Formation (~37m) is comprised mainly of limy concretions and lenses interbedded in dark grey siltstone, minor shale and sandstone. Note: the upper beds of the Fannin Formation (~30 m) are much more sandy and contain only rare limy concretionary beds. The upper part of the Rennell Junction member yields the best preserved and most abundant radiolarian faunas in the entire sequence. GSC loc. C-305386. Ghost Creek Formation, collected 1.0 m above base of section. Imlayi Ammonite Zone, lower Pliensbachian. GSC loc. C-305388. Ghost Creek Formation, collected 3.0 m above base of section. Imlayi Ammonite Zone, lower Pliensbachian. GSC loc. C-175310. Rennell Junction member of the Fannin Formation, collected 62 m above base of section. Whiteavesi Ammonite Zone, upper lower Pliensbachian. GSC loc. C-304565. Rennell Junction member of the Fannin Formation, collected 68.9 m above base of section. Whiteavesi Ammonite Zone, upper lower Pliensbachian. GSC loc. C-304566. Rennell Junction member of the 417 Fannin Formation, collected 70.7 m above base of section. Whiteavesi Ammonite Zone, upper lower Pliensbachian. GSC loc. C-304567. Rennell Junction member of the Fannin Formation, collected 71.8 m above base of section. Whiteavesi Ammonite Zone, upper lower Pliensbachian. GSC loc. C-304568. Rennell Junction member of the Fannin Formation, collected 75.4 m above base of section. Whiteavesi/Freboldi Ammonite Zones, upper lower Pliensbachian. GSC loc. C-175306. Fannin Formation, collected 85 m above base of section. Basal Kunae Ammonite Zone; upper Pliensbachian. Graham Island, Ghost Creek NTS 103 F/8, Yakoun Lake. Lat. 53° 25’ 46”N, Long. 132° 17’ 16”W. Fannin Formation; Quarry on road north of Ghost Creek. GSC loc. C-175309. Limy concretion in sandy beds of the Fannin Formation collected for radiolarians in 1990, by H.W. Tipper. Kunae Ammonite Zone, upper Pliensbachian. Rennell Junction, Graham Island NTS 103 F/8, Yakoun Lake. Lat. 53° 24’ 26”N, Long. 132° 18’ 13”W. High waterfall section east of ‘Queen Charlotte Main’, 0.25 km north of junction of ‘Queen Charlotte Main’ with road to Rennell Sound. Lower half of sequence mainly shale with rare limy concretions and lenses (Ghost Creek Formation); upper part of the sequence comprised of interbedded siltstone, sandstone, limestone and shale with rare concretionary lenses. This locality was collected in 1979-82 soon after the area was logged. It is now totally overgrown with a tall, dense forest and is, for all but the most doggedly-determined, totally inaccessible. GSC loc. C-175311. Ghost Creek Formation. Collected 0.9 m above base of section. Imlayi Ammonite Zone, basal Pliensbachian. GSC loc. C-080612. Ghost Creek Formation. Collected 2.8 m above base of section. Imlayi Ammonite Zone, lowermost Pliensbachian. GSC loc. C-127868. Ghost Creek Formation. Collected ~6 m above base of section. Imlayi Ammonite Zone, lower Pliensbachian. GSC loc. C-127867. Ghost Creek Formation. Collected ~6 m above base of section. Imlayi Ammonite Zone, lower Pliensbachian. GSC loc. C-080611. Ghost Creek Formation. Collected 58.1 m above base of section. Whiteavesi Ammonite Zone, lower Pliensbachian. GSC loc. C-080613. Rennell Junction member of the Fannin Formation. Collected 94.2 m above base of section. Freboldi Ammonite Zone, upper lower Pliensbachian. GSC loc. C-140495. Rennell Junction member of the Fannin Formation. Collected 110 m above base of section. Basal Freboldi Ammonite Zone, upper lower Pliensbachian. 418 Toarcian, Aalenian and Bajocian localities For further information see Appendix 1 in Carter et al. (1988). Skidegate Inlet, Maude Island, south side NTS 103 F/1, Skidegate Channel. Lat. 53° 11.94’N, Long. 132° 3.25’W. Whiteaves Formation, Maude Group. Creek flows onto beach just east of Fannin Bay, above a prominent sandstone with nodular coquinoid beds containing ammonites, bivalves, brachiopods and nautiloids (see Section 6 in Carter et al., 1988). Sequence comprised of pale grey-green weathering shale with limestone nodules and septarian nodules. GSC loc. C-080579. Dark grey limestone nodule collected in creek bed 20.5 m stratigraphically below top of Whiteaves Formation. Occurs with Phymatoceras sp.; middle Toarcian. Central Graham Island Yakoun River NTS 103 F/8, Yakoun Lake. Phantom Creek Formation, Maude Group. Yakoun River, Graham Island, approximately 2 km south of Ghost Creek; east side of river (see Section 12 in Carter et al., 1988). Grey-green weathering shale overlain by pale brown sandstone with minor shale interbeds and common buff-weathering sandy limestone lenses. GSC loc. C-080583 and GSC loc. C-080584. Lat. 53° 25.19’N, Long. 132° 16.64’W. Light grey to brownishgrey sandy limestone collected 10.5 m and 14.5 m respectively, above top of Whiteaves Formation. Samples occur with ammonites and belemnites of late middle or early late Toarcian age. GSC loc. C-080597. Lat. 53° 25.22’N, Long. 132° 15.73’W. Light grey limestone sample collected by H.W. Tipper, 1.8 km south of Ghost Creek. Occurs with late Toarcian ammonites. GSC loc. C-156399. Lat. 53° 25’ 20”N, Long. 132° 15’ 45”W. Sample from large ellipsoidal buff-weathering carbonate concretion (60 cm diameter) collected 5 m above base of belemnite sandstone member of Phantom Creek Formation. Associated ammonites include Erycitoides howelli (White) which occurs 1.0 m above sample, and Bredia sp., which occur both 0.7 m below and 4.3 m above sample. Sample is probably early late Aalenian in age. For further information see Carter & Jakobs (1991). Branch Road 59 NTS 103 F/8, Yakoun Lake. Lat. 53° 23.19’N, Long. 132° 16.23’W. Phantom Creek Formation, Maude Group. Small waterfall locality on east side of Branch Road 59, 0.5 km from ‘Queen Charlotte Main’ about 0.75 km north of junction with road to Rennell Sound (see section 13 in Carter et al., 1988). Exposed is upper part of Phantom Creek Formation and base of Graham Island Formation. Lowest beds are grey-green weathering shale and siltstone, equivalent to shales on Maude Island, Yakoun River and above the waterfall at Rennell Junction. Irregularly bedded, porly sorted sandstone overlies the shale and above the sandstone is a thick sequence of interbedded shale and tuff (Graham Island Formation). GSC loc. C-080586. Medium dark grey sandy pelletal limestone talus sample. ‘Hammatoceratid’ ammonites below sample location; Tmetoceras sp. above; Aalenian. Branch Road 57 NTS 103 F/8, Yakoun Lake. Branch Road 57, Graham Island. Graham Island Formation, Yakoun Group. Branch road 57 intersects ‘Queen Charlotte Main’ approximately 2 km north of its junction with the Rennell Sound Road (see section 14 in Carter et al., 1988). Base of section in fault contact with Phantom Creek Formation. Exposed are dark grey shale and siltstone with rare sandy layers and thin beds of buff weathering concretionary limestone. GSC loc.C-080592. Lat. 53° 23.64’N, Long. 132° 16.21’W. Brownish grey limestone sample collected in shale 34 m stratigraphically above base of Graham Island Formation. Occurs with early Bajocian ammonites. GSC loc. C-080593. Lat. 53° 23.63’N, Long. 132° 16.1’W. Greenish grey limestone sample, collected in shale 57 m stratigraphically above base of Graham Island Formation. Occurs with early Bajocian ammonites. GSC loc. C-080595. Lat. 53° 23.63’N, Long. 132° 16.07’W. Greenish brown limestone sample collected in shale 63 m stratigraphically above base of Graham Island Formation. Occurs with early Bajocian ammonites. 3. EAST-CENTRAL OREGON Hyde Formation OR-600A. Massive, medium grey, volcaniclastic sandstone (volcanic wacke) with occasional thin interbeds of tuffaceous mudstone and siltstone. Well preserved silicified Radiolaria occurring in small, dark grey, micritic limestone nodules about 7.5 cm in diameter. State highway 63 (Izee-Paulina road) along South Fork of John Day River just west of bridge over river. 61 m above base. Early Toarcian. Data from Yeh (1987b). Material illustrated herein studied by P. Dumitrica. Residue gift from K.-Y. Yeh. Snowshoe Formation OR 555. Warm Springs member of the Snowshoe Formation. Reddish-brown weathering, dark-gray, fissile shales with dark-grey, micritic limestone nodules and lenticular masses of silty limestone. Limestone nodules commonly bear well-preserved silicified Radiolaria. Sample collected 70 m above contact with the underlying Hyde Formation. National Forest road 16020 near Duncan Hollow, 2.88 km west of intersection with State Highway 63 (Izee-Paulina road). Probably lowermost Bajocian (discites Standard Zone) or uppermost Aalenian (concavum Standard Zone). Data from Pessagno et al. (1986). Material illustrated herein studied by P. Dumitrica. Residue gift from E.A. Pessagno. 4. BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR Punta San Hipólito, Vizcaíno Peninsula Lower third of sandstone member of the San Hipólito Formation, type section, Pliensbachian (probably early Pliensbachian). No age-diagnostic fossils, other than radiolarians are associated. Samples collected by P.A. Whalen in 1980 and 1982. Detailed description and radiolarian inventory in Whalen & Carter (2002). SH-412-14. Thin to medium-bedded, poorly sorted, olive grey to light greenish brown, tuffaceous sandstone interbedded with silty and cherty tuffs and silty, tuffaceous, light grey limestone. Sample from a light grey micritic calcareous concretion containing abundant well-preserved silicified Radiolaria. Sample collected approximately 250 m above base of sandstone member. Sample from Dr. David Barnes, Western Michigan University. BPW80-14. Lithology same as for SH-412-14 (above). Sample from a light grey micritic calcareous concretion containing abundant well-preserved silicified Radiolaria. Sample collected 261 m above base of sandstone member. BPW80-15A. Lithology same as SH-412-14 (above). Sample from a light grey slightly silty micritic limestone bed 12-15 cm thick, containing wellpreserved silicified Radiolaria. Sample collected 270 m above base of sandstone member. BPW80-15B. Lithology same as for SH-412-14 (above). Sample from a light grey, slightly silty, micritic limestone bed 15 cm thick. Sample collected 270 m above base of sandstone member. BPW80-26. Lithology same as for SH-412-14 (above). Sample from a light grey slightly silty micritic calcareous concretion 45 cm in diameter, with rare moderately well-preserved silicified Radiolaria. Sample collected 282 m above base of sandstone member. BPW80-16. Lithology same as for SH-412-14 (above). Sample from a calcareous cannonball concretion 30 cm in diameter, with abundant well-preserved silicified Radiolaria. Sample collected 283 m above base of sandstone member. BPW80-27. Lithology same as for SH-412-14 (above). Sample from a light greyish-tan, slightly silty micritic calcareous concretion 60 cm long and 18 cm thick, with moderately well-preserved silicified Radiolaria. Sample collected 293 m above base of sandstone member. BPW80-28. Lithology same as for SH-412-14 (above). Sample from a tan micritic limestone bed 6.3 cm thick containing well-preserved silicified Radiolaria. Sample collected 303 m above base of sandstone member. BPW80-29. Lithology same as for SH-412-14 (above). Sample from a light grey micritic limestone bed 10 cm thick containing moderately well-preserved silicified Radiolaria. Sample collected approximately 345 m above base of sandstone member. BPW80-30. Lithology same as for SH-412-14 (above). Sample from a medium grey slightly silty micritic 419 limestone bed 5 cm thick containing abundant wellpreserved silicified Radiolaria. Sample collected 345 m above base of sandstone member. 5. SLOVENIA Mt. Mangart, Julian Alps The section is exposed near the Slovenian–Italian border (N 46026’80”, E 13039’18”, alt. 2164 m). The succession is 28 m thick and consists of organic and manganese rich calcareous shales with interbedded dark grey siliceous radiolarian-bearing limestone (Skrile Formation of Šmuc, 2005). No age-diagnostic fossils other than radiolarians are associated. Detailed description and radiolarian inventory given in Goričan et al. (2003). The lower part of the succession (samples MM 5.00, MM 6.76 and MM 11.76) is assigned to the early Toarcian, the upper part (samples MM 21.70 and MM 27.20) may range to the middle Toarcian. MM 5.00. Dark grey siliceous limestone, 3.60 m above the base of the Skrile Formation. MM 6.76. Dark grey siliceous limestone. MM 11.76. Dark grey siliceous limestone. MM 21.70. Dark grey siliceous limestone. MM 27.20. Siliceous limestone 2 m below the top of the Skrile Formation. 6. AUSTRIA Teltschengraben, Northern Calcareous Alps Located in Teltschengraben, east of Bad Mitterndorf. Dürrnberg Formation (Gawlick et al., 2001). Grey marl and marly limestone, partly siliceous bedded limestone. Liassic continuation of the Zlambach Formation but much more cherty. BMW-21. Siliceous limestone with radiolarians and sponge spicules. Slide in Bathonian-Callovian radiolaritic matrix (Hallstatt Mélange). Sample collected by H.-J. Gawlick, studied by L. O’Dogherty. 7. TURKEY Gümüslü Allochthon, Domüz Dag massif Located 1 km NW of the Gümüslü village at 1400 m altitude. Alternation of light grey radiolarian-bearing limestone and marl. The overlying limestone (Ammonitico rosso facies) contains late Pliensbachian ammonites of the Margaritatus Zone. Detailed locality description and stratigraphic column given in De Wever (1982b, p. 93). 1662D. Light grey bedded limestone. Sample collected by A. Poisson. Radiolarians previously described by Pessagno & Poisson (1981) and De Wever (1981b, c; 1982a, b). Sample restudied for this catalogue by P. De Wever and P. Dumitrica. 420 8. OMAN Hamrat Duru Group In the Hamrat Duru Group of the Hawasina Nappes the late Pliensbachian to early Bajocian radiolarian assemblages occur in the Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation (Blechschmidt et al., 2004). This member underlies the Oolitic Limestone Member of the same formation and corresponds to the upper member of the Matbat Formation of Béchennec (1987) and BRGM group (1984-1993). The Tawi Sadh Member is lithologically variable but generally consists of softer rocks than the underlying and overlying units. For the most part it consists of greenish to dark grey shale, greygreen bedded chert up to 10 cm thick and interbedded shale and, in some sections and especially in the upper part, a mixed carbonate/siliciclastic sequence consisting of pelletal calcarenite with a variable content of sand-sized quartz and limestone lithoclasts, sandstones and some chert levels. The member may be very thick, up to 150 m, or thinner. Its lower boundary may be tectonic or may lay normally over the Al Ayn Formation, but its contact with the overlying Oolitic Limestone Member is gradual. The member is late Pliensbachian to early-middle Bajocian in age on the basis of radiolarians, which are practically the only fossils, other than sponge spicules that occur. The Tawi Sadh Member was sampled in several sections, those most important for the purpose of this catalogue are described below. The samples were collected and studied by P. Dumitrica. Section 1 – Wadi Mu’aydin UTM 569514/2538712 (Blechschmidt et al., 2004, fig. 8). Several samples have been collected from this section but only the following ones contained determinable radiolarians. BR1120. Grey chert at the base of the section (upper Pliensbachian?-lower Toarcian). BR1121. Grey chert ~4 m above the base of the section. BR1122. Grey chert 7-8 m above base. BR1123. Grey chert 11-12 m above base. BR1128. Grey chert 32 m above base. BR1129. Grey chert 34 m above base. BR1130. Grey chert 44 m above base. BR1131. Grey chert 46 m above base (upper Aalenianlower Bajocian). OM-00-92. Approximately equivalent to BR1123 (studied by Š. Goričan). Section 2 (composite section) – Jabal Safra UTM 582215/2513436 and UTM 586090/2512975. Three sections were sampled in this area, two on the northern side of the Jabal Safra ridge (sections 2A, 2B) and one on the southern side (section 2C). The fourth section (2D) from the northern side of Jabal Safra yielded only one sample (BR706). Together these sections offer the most complete radiolarian sequence of the upper Pliensbachian to lower Bajocian interval. On the northern side of the Jabal Safra ridge the Tawi Sadh Member is not complete, the upper part presumably comprising Aalenian and Bajocian strata is missing. The missing part is exposed on the southern side of the ridge. The two sections from the northern side of Jabal Safra (UTM 582215/2513436) are two neighbouring parallel sections that complement each other and partly overlap. One section begins at the contact with the underlying Al Ayn Formation (BR469) and ends 32 m above (BR488) where the upper part of the succession is covered by scree from the overlying Oolitic Limestone Member of the Guwayza Formation. The other section (samples BR523 to BR533) continues the succession of the first section for another 28.5 m. A portion of the lower part is probably overlapped on a portion of the upper part of the first section. The contact of this section with the overlying member is covered by a scree of oolitic limestone, but fragments of chert scattered among the scree allow the determination of the radiolarian assemblage from beneath the contact. Both sections consists of a monotonous succession of green shale and grey-green, yellow weathering chert. The section 2C from the southern side of the Jabal Safra ridge (UTM 586090/2512975) (samples BR824 to BR828) differs from those exposed on the northern side. It consists of a succession of light grey or yellowish platy limestones with some more or less silicified levels and red radiolarites towards the top. Section 2A - Jabal Safra, northern side Lower part of the Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation. BR469. 1.5-3.0 m above base, green claystone and several beds of silicified claystone and a bank of calcarenite at the middle of the interval (Pliensbachian). BR470. 3-4.5 m above base, intercalations of green claystone and weakly silicified claystone. BR471. 4.5-6 m above base, intercalations of more or less silicified green claystone. BR472. 6-7.5 m above base, intercalations of more or less silicified green claystone. BR473. 7.5-9 m above base, green claystone and more or less silicified chert. BR474. 9-10.5 m above base, green claystone and more or less silicified chert. BR475. 10.5-12 m above base, more or less silicified green claystone. BR476. 12-13.5 m above base, more or less silicified green claystone. BR477. 13.5-15 m above base, green chert and claystone. BR478. 15-16.5 m above base, green chert and claystone. BR479. 16.5-18 m above base, green chert and claystone. BR480. 18-19.5 m above base, green chert and claystone. BR481. 19.5-21 m above base, green chert and claystone. BR482. 21-22.5 m above base, grey or green chert and claystone. BR483. 22.5-24 m above base, green chert and claystone. BR484. 24-25.5 m above base, green chert. BR485. 25.5-27 m above base, green chert. BR486. 27-28.5 m above base, green chert. BR487. 28.5-30 m above base, green chert and claystone. BR488. 30-32 m above base, green chert and claystone (Pliensbachian). Section 2B - Jabal Safra, northern side Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation. BR523. 3-4.5 m above base, green chert and claystone (Pliensbachian). BR524. 4.5-6 m above base, green chert and claystone. BR525. 6-7.5 m above base, green chert and claystone. BR526. 7.5-9 m above base, grey chert and grey marl. BR527. 9-10.5 m above base, green chert and grey marl. BR528. 10.5-12 m above base, grey chert and marl. BR529. 12-13.5 m above base, grey chert and marl. BR530. 13.5-15 m above base, grey chert, marl and 50 cm of oolitic limestone. BR531. 15-16.5 m above base, grey chert, marl and 20 cm of calcarenite (upper Pliensbachian?-lower Toarcian). BR532. 22 m above base, grey chert float. BR533. 28.5 m above base, yellow brown chert float. OM-99-83 and OM-99-89. Approximately equivalent to the interval between BR529 and BR531 (studied by Š. Goričan). Section 2C - Jabal Safra, southern side BR824. cca 60 m above base of Tawi Sadh Member, red chert (upper Toarcian-lower Aalenian). BR825/3. cca 63 m above base of Tawi Sadh Member, red chert. BR825. cca 74 m above base of Tawi Sadh Member, red chert. BR826. cca 88 m above base of Tawi Sadh Member, red chert (Bajocian). Section 2D - Jabal Safra, northern side BR706. 72-76 m above base of section, which is located about 1 km east of section 2B. The section begins in the Al Ayn Formation and continues in the Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation. Sample BR706 is from the base of the Tawi Sadh Member (upper Pliensbachian-?lower Toarcian). BR682. Jabal Safra, coordinates not taken. Tawi Sadh Member of the Guwayza Formation, lower Toarcian. Section 3 - Al Sawad UTM 578108/2544420. The section is well exposed on the right side of the Wadi Muti upstream of the village of Al Sawad. The succession of the Tawi Sadh Member consists of three lithologic units. Radiolarians occur only in the lower unit, measuring about 80 m and characterized by a succession of dark green, more or less silicified shale with green radiolarian chert and intercalations of yellowishbrown lithoclastic limestone. Radiolarians are frequent at several levels but moderately preserved. BR560. Base of section (Aalenian). BR586. Approximately 60 m above base of section. BR587. 2.5-3 m above BR586. BR590. 9 m above BR587. BR591. 11-12 m above BR587 (Aalenian-?lower Bajocian). 421 Section 4 - Wadi Saal UTM 489029/2524022 and UTM 49001/2523209. In the Wadi Saal, in the western part of the Hamrat Duru Range, the Tawi Sadh Member is not well exposed mostly due to tectonic complications, partly to its softer rocks. It is represented by white, light grey or green chert and shale and yellowish-brown lithoclastic or oolitic limestone. Radiolarians, although visible in the chert, were generally not sufficiently preserved to be extracted. Only the following three samples from three levels of the succession contained a determinable fauna. BR117. cca 7-8 m above base, white chert and silicified limestone (upper Pliensbachian?-lower Toarcian). BR131. cca 15 m above base, white chert and silicified limestone. BR137. 55 m above base, with a level of chert in a succession of yellowish-brown lithoclastic limestone (Aalenian). Section 5 - Al Khashbah Mt. UTM 609565/2504490. BR871 is a yellowish-brown chert reworked in the Oolitic Limestone Member of the Guwayza Formation (Aalenian). Section 6 - FB 007 Sabt, east of Ibra (N 22°28’20’’, E 59°04’14’’). Sabt Formation according to Béchennec et al. (1993). The 60 m thick Pliensbachian-Toarcian succession is composed predominantly of green shale and siliceous mudstone with rare intercalations of radiolarian sandstone; chert beds occur toward the top. This succession is overlain by calcareous turbidites. OM-01-21. Light green chert, collected 2.5 m below calcareous turbidites. Al Aridh Group The studied samples are from the lower part of the Musallah Formation as defined by Béchennec (1987). The oldest age previously obtained in the Musallah Formation was late Callovian-early Kimmeridgian (Béchennec et al., 1993). Current radiolarian dating reveals that the base of the formation is as old as Pliensbachian. The Pliensbachian to upper Toarcian-lower Aalenian succession treated in this catalogue consists of varicoloured bedded radiolarian chert interstratified locally with resedimented limestones. No age-diagnostic fossils other than radiolarians are associated. Sections measured by F. Béchennec and C. Robin, radiolarian samples collected and studied by Š. Goričan. Section 1 – FB 2841 Near Al Aridh north of Ibri (N 23°21’50’’, E 56°36’19’’). Lower part of the Musallah Formation. OM-99-131. Light reddish argillaceous chert, 1 m above the outcropping base (lowermost part of the Musallah Formation not exposed). OM-99-133. Light greenish yellow argillaceous chert, 6.5 m above OM-99-131. 422 OM-99-137. (Bajocian). Red nodular argillaceous chert, 23 m above OM-99-133. Section 2 – FB 2895 Jabal Buwaydah East (N 22º52’06.2’’, E 57º05’40.9’’). Lower part of the Musallah Formation. OM-00-251. Light reddish chert, 25.5 m above the contact with medium-grained calcareous turbidites. OM-00-252. Light reddish chert, 3 m above OM-00-251. OM-00-254. Beige argillaceous chert, 8 m above OM-00252. OM-00-255. White chert, 2.5 m above OM-00-254. OM-00-256. Light yellow chert, 12.5 m above OM-00-255, 0.5 m below a succession of coarse limestone breccias. OM-00-258 (upper Aalenian-lower Bajocian). Red nodular argillaceous chert, approximately 30 m above OM-00256. Section 3 – FB 156 Jabal Buwaydah Center East (N 22°55’20’’, E 57°05’35’’). Lower part of the Musallah Formation, a 7 m thick chert level intercalated between resedimented oolitic limestone below and limestone breccia above. OM-00-117. Yellow argillaceous chert near the top of the chert level. OM-00-118. Light red argillaceous chert, approximate lateral equivalent of sample OM-00-117. Section 4 – FB 124 Jabal Buwaydah East (N 22°51’36’’, E 57°07’43’’). Lower part of the Musallah Formation. OM-00-263. Red chert within a 1 m thick chert level intercalated between two limestone breccia beds. Section 5 – FB 298 Jabal Buwaydah Center West (N 22º59’9’’, E 57º01’8’’). Lower part of the Musallah Formation, 7 m thick chert succession bounded by a tectonic contact below and limestone breccias above. OM-00-115. Vivid red chert, base of chert succession. OM-00-114. Yellow chert with red spots, 6 m above sample OM-00-115. Umar Group Humadiyin UTM 2247563N/5747425E, Haliw (Aqil) Formation. According to Béchennec (1987), the Umar Group is the uppermost structural unit of the Hawasina Nappes and comprises two formations: the Sinni Formation, composed mainly of Triassic volcanic rocks and the Aqil Formation, composed predominantly of Middle Triassic to Cretaceous siliceous pelagic deposits, calcirudite and/or megabreccias of reworked carbonates. The latter formation was initially separated by Glennie et al. (1974) as the Haliw Formation from the same area as the Aqil Formation and, consequently, has priority over the latter. The upper Norian to Lower Jurassic is represented here by red chert and is now under study. O38 and O39. For the moment the only information on the Early Jurassic radiolarians from the Haliw Formation comes from these two lower Pliensbachian samples, collected from floated fragments under megabreccias that cover the chert sections near the locality Humadiyin, on the north side of the road Nizwa-Sinew. Radiolarian samples collected by L. Krystyn and studied by P. Dumitrica. 9. JAPAN Mino Terrane - Inuyama area Lower Jurassic (Hettangian-Toarcian), Lat. 35° 25±2’N; long. 136° 58±2’E. The Kamiaso Unit (Wakita, 1988), Mino Terrane, SW Japan, is one of the Jurassic accretionary complexes comprised of bedded cherts and clastic sedimentary rocks. A late Bathonian – early Callovian ammonite, Choffatia sp., was reported from the clastic rocks (Sato, 1974; Sato & Westermann, 1985). Triassic-Lower Jurassic radiolarian and upper Lower Triassic and Middle–Upper Triassic conodont fossils were obtained from bedded chert sequences in this area and biostratigraphic studies were summarized (e.g. Hori, 1988; 1990; Matsuda & Isozaki, 1991; Sugiyama, 1997). Samples for this study were collected by R. S. Hori (Katsuyama (UF), Iwayakannon (IY), Kurusu (KU), UC sections) and R.S. Hori and M. Takeuchi (KA log = Pliensbachian – Toarcian part of UF section and IW log = those of IY section). See Hori (1990) for section locations in the Inuyama area. All samples were obtained from bedded chert sequences. The outcrops of these sections are located on the right bank of the Kisogawa River (UF, IY and UC sections) and the left bank (KU section). Four chert sequences of the Kamiaso Unit are exposed along the Kisogawa River, namely CH-1, CH-2, CH-3 and CH-4 in structurally ascending order (Yao et al., 1980). The sedimentation rate of Lower Jurassic chert sequences from the Inuyama area is ca. 1m/m.y. = 0.1cm/kyr (Hori et al., 1993). Katsuyama (UF) Section (Hori, 1990) This section is located on the CH-3 chert-sheet near the Katsuyama road junction, Gifu prefecture, SW Japan. Detailed sample locations of the outcrop and vertical distributions of representative taxa are shown in Hori (1992). Between UFI19 and UFI21, the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE) was recorded lithologically and geochemically (Hori, 1993). The UF section consists of ca. 32 m thick chert sequence which is one of the most complete sections of Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic strata in the Inuyama are. The outcrop extends down to the Middle and upper Lower Triassic (Matsuoka et al., 1994). Hori (1992) and Carter & Hori (2005) reported detailed radiolarian and conodont biostratigraphy at the Triassic/Jurassic boundary of this section. The basal horizon (0 cm) is located at UFI3, which is the dusty red chert bed (T/J boundary event level) =Kb1 (01) of Hori (1992) and Carter & Hori (2005). UFI6. 560 cm above top of dusty red chert bed, red bedded chert. UFI7. 720 cm above top of dusty red chert bed, red bedded chert. UFI8. 860 cm above top of dusty red chert bed, red bedded chert. UFI9. 960 cm above top of dusty red chert bed, red bedded chert. UFI10. 1070 cm above top of dusty red chert bed, red bedded chert. UFI11. 1170 cm above top of dusty red chert bed, red bedded chert. UFI12. 1280 cm above top of dusty red chert bed, red bedded chert. UFI13. 1410 cm above top of dusty red chert bed, red bedded chert. UFI14. 1840 cm above top of dusty red chert bed, green bedded chert. UFI15. 1990 cm above top of dusty red chert bed, green bedded chert UFI16. 2050 cm above top of dusty red chert bed, grey bedded chert. UFI17. 2170 cm above top of dusty red chert bed, grey bedded chert. UFI18. 2240 cm above top of dusty red chert bed, grey bedded chert. UFI19. 2460 cm above top of dusty red chert bed, grey bedded chert; just below the OAE. UFI20. 2540 cm above top of dusty red chert bed; high peak of Toarcian OAE. (70 cm below the base of white massive chert bed). No radiolarian data. UFI21. 2720 cm above top of dusty red chert bed, green and red bedded chert; above the OAE. UFI22. 2860 cm above top of dusty red chert bed, green bedded chert. UFI23. 3160 cm above top of dusty red chert bed, green bedded chert. UFI24. 3220 cm above top of dusty red chert bed, green bedded chert. Kb log of UF section (Hori, 1992) This log is located around the Triassic/Jurassic boundary of the UF section. Original data and sample locations were published in Hori (1992). Kb01 is the same level as Kb1 in Carter & Hori (2005). The base of this Kb log is located at the Kb01 which is the purple red (or dusty red) chert bed characterized by the extinction level of conodont Misikella posthernsteini. Kb07. 281 cm above the Kb01 bed. Kb09. 368 cm above the Kb01 bed. Kb10. 419 cm above the Kb01 bed. Kb11. 493 cm above the Kb01 bed. Kb12. 543 cm above the Kb01 bed. Kb13. 575 cm above the Kb01 bed. Kb14. 679 cm above the Kb01 bed. Kb15. 724 cm above the Kb01 bed and 70 cm below the UFI10 of the UF section. 423 KA log of UF section (Takeuchi, 2001) The KA log is the upper Pliensbachian - Toarcian part of the UF section, focusing on the interval of the Toarcian OAE. The base of this section is a white massive chert bed 2790 cm above the top of the dusty red chert bed (Kb01) of the UF section. The sketch map of this white massive chert was shown in Fig. 3 of Hori (1992), the lithological column of this section was illustrated in Takeuchi (2001). KA:-170. 504 cm below base of white massive chert bed. KA:-150. 470 cm below base of white massive chert bed. KA:-121. 393 cm below base of white massive chert bed. KA:-95. 311 cm below base of white massive chert bed; pre OAE level. KA:-5. 20 cm below base of white massive chert bed; in OAE level. KA:+22. 127 cm above base of white massive chert bed; post black chert (OAE) level. KA:+25. 131 cm above base of white massive chert bed. KA:+40. 157 cm above base of white massive chert bed. KA:+55. 187 cm above base of white massive chert bed. KA:+60. 202 cm above base of white massive chert bed. KA:+68. 214 cm above base of white massive chert bed. Iwayakannon (IY) Section (Hori, 1988) The sketch map and sample locations of this section are shown in Hori (1988). This section consists of ca. 25 m bedded chert sequence located on the CH-4 chert-sheet of Yao et al. (1980). Detail sample locations and outline of vertical distributions of representative taxa are shown in Hori (1988). The top of this section is in contact with Middle Jurassic green mudstone containing the Unuma echinatus assemblage. The Toarcian OAE level is correlated with a thick shale bed just below IYII 14. IYIII1. 1940 cm below top of section. IYII24. 1880cm below top of section. IYII23. 1810 cm below top of section. IYII22. 1630 cm below top of section. IYII21. 1490 cm below top of section. IYII18. 1140 cm below top of section. IYII17. 960 cm below top of section. IYI7. 810 cm below top of section. IYII14. 580 cm below top of section. IYI6. 510 cm below top of section. IYII13. 490 cm below top of section. IYII12. 440 cm below top of section. IYII11. 380 cm below top of section. IYII10. 310 cm below top of section. IYII9. 200 cm below top of section. IYI4. 180 cm below top of section. IYII8. 120 cm below top of section. IYII7. 90 cm below top of section. IYII6. 80 cm below top of section. IYII5. 65 cm below top of section. IYII4. 40 cm below top of section. IYII3. 20 cm below top of section. IYII2. At the top of the section. IW log of IY section (Takeuchi, 2001) The standard level of this section is located at the base 424 of a thick green shale bed just below IYII 14 (6 m below the top of the IY section). The lithological column of this section is illustrated in Takeuchi (2001). IW:-2. 5 cm below base of thick green shale bed. IW:+7. 22 cm above base of thick green shale bed. IW:+18. 45 cm above base of thick green shale bed. IW:+24. 57 cm above base of thick green shale bed. IW:+37. 97 cm above base of thick green shale bed. IW:+51. 125 cm above base of thick green shale bed. IW:+57. 137 cm above base of thick green shale bed. Kurusu (KU) Section (Hori, 1988) The KU section was first described by Hori (1988). This section is located on the left bank of the Kisogawa River, Inuyama City, Aichi Prefecture. It is one of the most complete sequences of Triassic/Jurassic boundary bedded cherts in the Inuyama area. The cherts are ca. 35 m thick without remarkable lithological change such as boundary clay. KU(b)14. 2261 cm below KU (a)1, green chert. KU(b)13. 2126 cm below KU (a)1, greenish grey chert. KU(b)12. 1950 cm below KU(a)1, greenish grey chert. KU(b)11. 1820 cm below KU(a)1, greenish grey chert. KU(b)5. 1519 cm below KU(a)1, black chert. KU(b) 4. 751 cm below KU(a)1, grey chert. KU(b)3. 670 cm below KU(a)1, black chert. KU(b)1. 420 cm below KU(a)1, black chert. KU(a)7. 310 cm below KU(a)1, green chert; thick shale bed intercalated which corresponds to Toarcian OAE level. KU(a)5. 260 cm below KU(a)1, grey chert. KU(a)4. 220 cm below KU(a)1, greenish grey chert. KU(a)3. 140 cm below KU(a)1, green chert. KU(a)2. 70 cm below KU(a)1, green chert. KU(a)1. Top 0 cm grey chert. UC Section (Hori, 1986; also data provided by Hori, 1990, 1993) This section consists of 11 m of bedded chert that extends from the upper Sinemurian to Aalenian. Black cherts including FeS2 minerals occur in the upper part of the section (ca. 520 cm level), which suggest the Toarcian OAE (Hori, 1993). Lithological and preliminary radiolarian data are shown in Hori (1986, 1990). UC1. 0 cm, greenish red chert (Pliensbachian chert). UC2. 27 cm above UC1, greenish red chert. UC3. 86 cm above UC1, greenish red chert. UC4. 118 cm above UC1, red chert. UC5. 138 cm above UC1, red chert. UC6. 164 cm above UC1, greenish red chert. UC7. 205 cm above UC1, greenish red chert. UC8. 227 cm above UC1, greenish grey chert. UC9. 280 cm above UC1, grey chert. UC10. 341 cm above UC1, grey chert. UC11. 373 cm above UC1, grey chert. UC12. 423 cm above UC1, grey chert. UC13. 472 cm above UC1, grey chert. UC14. 515 cm above UC1, grey chert; just below the beginning of black chert of the Toarcian OAE. UC15. 714 cm above UC1, greenish black chert; Toarcian OAE. UC16. 755 cm above UC1, greenish black chert; Toarcian OAE. UC17. 842 cm above UC1, greenish black chert; Toarcian OAE. Mino Terrane - Nanjo area This area is located in the northwestern part of the Mino Terrane (Lat. 35˚, 42±1’N; Long.136˚, 17±1E). Lithological data by Hori (1990 MSc thesis). Samples collected by R. S. Hori. Mélange rocks belonging to the Lower Jurassic accretionary complex in the Mino Terrane are exposed in this area. A chert sample (85072502B) obtained from the same locality as Ito & Matsuda (1980) is from one of the tectonic blocks and the mudstone sample is from the matrix of the mélange. 85072502B. Green chert block in Jurassic sedimentary complex. 850725044. Mudstone, mélange matrix of Jurassic complex. Nanjo Massif - Imajo unit MNA-10. Manganese band in a siliceous mudstone layer. This band contains manganese carbonate spherules ranging from 0.5 to 2.0 mm in diameter. Radiolarian fauna diverse and well preserved. One of the bestpreserved radiolarian-bearing samples of Toarcian age. Radiolarians studied by A. Matsuoka (1991, 2004, this catalogue). IH84120461 and IH84120462. Two samples given by I. Hattori to P. Dumitrica. According to Hattori (1989) the samples are from rhodochrosite concretions in red shale outcropping in the Nanjo Massif, SugentanMinami locality (Hattori, 1989, fig. 3). Radiolarians from this locality have been illustrated by Hattori (l. cit.) in plates 18-34 and the list of species occurring in the two samples (61 and 62) are in Hattori (1989, Table 2). The assemblage proves an Aalenian age. Mino Terrane - Mt. Norikuradake area Yukawa Complex by Otsuka (1988), northeastern part of the Mino Terrane (Lat. 36˚, 8±1’N; Long. 137˚, 27±1’E), SW Japan. Samples collected by R. S. Hori. PliensbachianToarcian bedded cherts and Toarcian-Aalenian siliceous shale occur in this area. Lithological data and Toarcian radiolarian fauna documented by Hori & Otsuka (1989). Descriptions of sample locations shown in Hori (1988, 1990) and Hori & Otsuka (1989). Norikuradake (NK) section (Hori & Otsuka, 1989) Lat. 36˚ 7’36”N; Long. 137˚ 27’ 30”E. NKI7. +0 m chert bed. NKI8. +8.04 m above the NKI7 chert, chert bed. NKI9. +17.1 m above the NKI7 chert, chert bed. NKI10. +24 m above the NKI7 chert, chert bed. A minor fault developed this level. NKI11. – 21.3 m below the top of NKI17 chert bed, just above the fault, chert bed. NKI12. –13.2 m below the top of NKI17 chert bed. NKII2. –9.64 m below the top of NKI17 chert bed. NKII3. –7.07 m below the top of NKI17 chert bed. NKII4. –3.93 m below the top of NKI17 chert bed. NKII5. – 2.68 m below the top of NKI17 chert bed. NKI17. +0 m just below the red shale. NKII7. -2 +0.43 m above the NKI17, red siliceous shale. NKII8. +1 m above the NKI17, red siliceous shale. NKII9. +1.7 m above the NKI17, red chert. NKII10. +2.31 m above the NKI17, red siliceous shale. NKI20. + 2.68 m above the NKI17, red siliceous shale. Mino Terrane - Middle Jurassic Inuyama area Radiolarians studied by A. Matsuoka. MIN-1. Inuyama area, Aichi Prefecture. The locality is on the left bank of the Kisogawa River. The sample is a manganese carbonate band included in a siliceous mudstone layer south of the CH-2 chert-sheet of Yao et al. (1980). It contains 93 nassellarian species (Matsuoka, 1992) and is assignable to the Tricolocapsa plicarum Zone or JR 4 of Matsuoka (1995). MIN-10. Inuyama area, Aichi Prefecture. Same locality as MIN-1. The sample is assignable to the Laxtorum (?) jurassicum Zone or JR 3 of Matsuoka (1995). Kamiaso (Hisuikyo) area Lat. 35˚, 32’52”N; Long.137˚, 7’47”E. Triassic and Jurassic radiolarian bedded cherts and Middle Jurassic siliceous mudstones well exposed along the Hida River, which formed Hisukyo Gorge in the Kamiaso area, Gifu Prefecture of SW Japan. Matsuda & Isozaki (1982), and Isozaki & Matsuda (1985) documented Lower Jurassic radiolarian fossils from this area. In particular, a black chert bed containing manganese carbonate spherules from the Hisuikyo Gorge contains well-preserved radiolarian fossils described by Isozaki and Matsuda (1985); this is the type locality of the Hsuum hisuikyoense Assemblage. Sample mentioned in this study (only for systematic part) collected by R. S. Hori from the black chert horizon of Isozaki & Matsuda (1985). Gujo-Hachiman area Lat. 35˚, 49.8’N; Long.136˚, 52’55”E. Radiolarian fossils from this area were described by Takemura (1986), and Yao (1997). Samples in the systematic part of this study collected by R. S. Hori from the same area as Takemura (1986). Extremely well preserved radiolarian fossils from manganese carbonate nodules in black shale (e.g. Wakita, 1982, 1984). The radiolarian faunas are correlated with UAZ 3 of Baumgartner et al. (1995b) (late Aalenian?) as discussed by Yao (1997). 425 MKM-1 (studied by A. Matsuoka). The locality is the same as that of Takemura (1986). The sample contains 64 nassellarian species (Matsuoka, 1992) and is assignable to the Laxtorum (?) jurassicum Zone or JR 3 of Matsuoka (1995). Chichibu Terrane Kuma area The Kuma area is located in western Kyushu, southwest Japan. The biostratigraphy of Mesozoic radiolarians has been documented mainly by Nishizono et al. (1982), 426 Nishizono & Murata (1983), Sato & Nishizono (1983) and Nishizono (1996). Samples mentioned in this study (only for systematic descriptions) were collected by R. S. Hori. Precise sample numbers and radiolarian data were shown in Hori (1990). Kaiji (KG) and Kajiki-1 (=Kajiki: KS in Hori, 1990) sections were investigated by Matsuoka & Yao (1986), Hori (1990), and Matsuoka (1995). The KG section ranges from the Parahsuum simplum subzone I to subzone IV (Sinemurian to Pliensbachian) and the KS section corresponds to the Mesosaturnalis hexagonus Assemblage Zone to the Hsuum hisuikyoense Assemblage Zone (Toarcian to Aalenian) (Hori, 1990). KG-9. Chert. Top of Parahsuum simplum subzone II. 4. LISTING OF SPECIES 4.1. Alphabetical listing by genus 2001 4066 JAC02 JAC04 ADM01 ADM02 ADM03 3149 3271 HAG01 HAG02 ASP01 ATT01 ARS03 ARS07 ARS06 4061 3001 4032 ARS04 ARS01 ARS02 ARS08 4008 ATA02 BAG01 BAG03 BAG02 BAG04 BAG05 BAG06 BAG07 ORB04 PDC01 SPI03 ORB07 CRU18 3222 BER01 BPD13 BPD05 BPD14 Acaeniotylopsis ghostensis (Carter) 1988 Acaeniotylopsis triacanthus Kito & De Wever 1994 Anaticapitula anatiformis (De Wever) 1982a Anaticapitula omanensis Dumitrica n. sp. Archaeodictyomitra munda (Yeh) 1987b Archaeodictyomitra sp. A Archaeodictyomitra sp. B Archaeohagiastrum longipes Baumgartner 1995 Archaeohagiastrum munitum Baumgartner 1984 Archaeohagiastrum oregonense (Yeh) 1987b Archaeohagiastrum pobi Whalen & Carter 1998 Archaeospongoprunum coyotense Whalen & Carter 2002 Archaeotritrabs hattorii Dumitrica n. sp. Ares armatus De Wever 1982a Ares avirostrum Dumitrica & Matsuoka n. sp. Ares cuniculiformis Dumitrica & Whalen n. sp. Ares cylindricus s.l. (Takemura) 1986 Ares cylindricus cylindricus (Takemura) 1986 Ares cylindricus flexuosus (Takemura) 1986 Ares mexicoensis Whalen & Carter 2002 Ares moresbyensis Whalen & Carter 1998 Ares sutherlandi Whalen & Carter 1998 Ares takemurai Dumitrica & Matsuoka n. sp. Ares sp. A sensu Baumgartner et al. 1995a Atalanta emmela Cordey & Carter 1996 Bagotum erraticum Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Bagotum funiculum Whalen & Carter 2002 Bagotum helmetense Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Bagotum kimbroughi Whalen & Carter 2002 Bagotum maudense Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Bagotum modestum Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Bagotum pseudoerraticum Kishida & Hisada 1985 Beatricea? argescens (Cordey) 1998 Beatricea? baroni Cordey 1998 Beatricea christovalensis Whalen & Carter 1998 Beatricea sanpabloensis (Whalen & Carter) 2002 Beatricea? sp. A Bernoullius delnortensis Pessagno, Blome & Hull 1993 Bernoullius saccideon (Carter) 1988 Bipedis calvabovis De Wever 1982a Bipedis diadema Whalen & Carter 1998 Bipedis fannini Carter 1988 427 BPD15 BPD16 BIS04 BIS02 BIS01 BIS03 BRO02 BRO03 BRO01 CAN12 CAN13 CAN08 CAN09 CAN11 CAN14 CTS06 CTS08 CTS09 CTS10 CTS15 CTS03 CTS12 CTS16 SUM03 CHA02 CHA09 CHA10 CHA03 CHA05 CHA07 CHA08 CHA11 XNM01 4033 CIT05 CRB01 CRU21 CRU11 CRU12 PDC02 CRU22 CRU10 CRU20 CRU19 PDC05 CRU13 CRU14 CRU15 CRU16 3131 CYC01 CYC02 CYC03 CYC04 DAN02 DRO07 DRO02 DRO03 428 Bipedis japonicus Hori n. sp. Bipedis yaoi Hori n. sp. Bistarkum mangartense Goričan, Šmuc & Baumgartner 2003 Bistarkum phantomense (Carter) 1988 Bistarkum rigidium Yeh 1987b Bistarkum saginatum Yeh 1987b Broctus kuensis Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Broctus ruesti Yeh 1987b Broctus selwynensis Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Canoptum anulatum Pessagno & Poisson 1981 Canoptum artum Yeh 1987b Canoptum columbiaense Whalen & Carter 1998 Canoptum dixoni Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Canoptum margaritaense Whalen & Carter 1998 Canoptum rugosum Pessagno & Poisson 1981 Canutus baumgartneri Yeh 1987b Canutus diegoi Whalen & Carter 2002 Canutus hainaensis Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Canutus nitidus Yeh 1987b Canutus rennellensis Carter n. sp. Canutus rockfishensis Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Canutus tipperi gr. Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Canutus sp. O Carterwhalenia minai (Whalen & Carter) 2002 Charlottea amurensis Whalen & Carter 1998 Charlottea hotaoensis Carter n. sp. Charlottea penderi Carter n. sp. Charlottea proprietatis Whalen & Carter 1998 Charlottea triquetra Whalen & Carter 1998 Charlottea sp. A sensu Whalen & Carter 2002 Charlottea sp. B Charlottea sp. C Charlottea? sp. Y Citriduma hexaptera (Conti & Marcucci) 1991 Citriduma radiotuba De Wever 1982a Crubus chengi Yeh 1987b Crucella angulosa s.l. Carter 1988 Crucella angulosa angulosa Carter 1988 Crucella angulosa longibrachiata Carter n. ssp. Crucella beata (Yeh) 1987b Crucella cavata s.l. Whalen & Carter 1998 Crucella cavata cavata Whalen & Carter 1998 Crucella cavata giganticava Carter n. ssp. Crucella cavata intermedicava Carter n. ssp. Crucella jadeae Carter & Dumitrica n. sp. Crucella mijo De Wever 1981b Crucella mirabunda Whalen & Carter 2002 Crucella spongase De Wever 1981b Crucella squama (Kozlova) 1971 Crucella theokaftensis Baumgartner 1980 Cyclastrum asuncionense Whalen & Carter 2002 Cyclastrum scammonense Whalen & Carter 2002 Cyclastrum veracruzense Whalen & Carter 2002 Cyclastrum sp. A Danubea sp. A sensu Whalen & Carter 2002 Droltus eurasiaticus Kozur & Mostler 1990 Droltus hecatensis Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Droltus laseekensis Pessagno & Whalen 1982 DRO06 DRO08 DUC01 JAC05 3411 PHS08 ELD02 ELD03 2021 EUC09 EUC10 EUC03 EUC06 EUC07 EUC04 FAR02 FAR04 FAR03 FRM01 GIG01 GOR02 GOR03 HCK05 HCK04 HAG06 HAG03 HAG04 TPS03 SCP03 SCP06 SCP04 SCP05 3502 SAT11 3089 HIG01 HIG04 HIG03 HOM01 HOM02 HSU01 HSU02 HSU03 HSU04 HSU05 3195 3278 HSU06 Droltus lyellensis Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Droltus sanignacioensis Whalen & Carter 2002 Ducatus hipolitoensis Whalen & Carter 2002 Dumitricaella trispinosa Dumitrica n. sp. Elodium cameroni Carter 1988 Elodium? mackenziei Carter n. sp. Elodium pessagnoi Yeh & Cheng 1996 Elodium wilsonense (Carter) 1988 Eospongosaturninus protoformis (Yao) 1972 Eucyrtidiellum disparile gr. Nagai & Mizutani 1990 Eucyrtidiellum gujoense (Takemura & Nakaseko) 1986 Eucyrtidiellum gunense gr. Cordey 1998 Eucyrtidiellum nagaiae Dumitrica, Goričan & Matsuoka n. sp. Eucyrtidiellum omanojaponicum Dumitrica, Goričan & Hori n. sp. Eucyrtidiellum ramescens Cordey 1998 Farcus asperoensis Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986 Farcus graylockensis Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986 Farcus kozuri Yeh 1987b Foremania sandilandsensis gr. Whalen & Carter 1998 Gigi fustis De Wever 1982a Gorgansium gongyloideum Kishida & Hisada 1985 Gorgansium morganense Pessagno & Blome 1980 Haeckelicyrtium crickmayi Carter n. sp. Haeckelicyrtium sp. B sensu Whalen & Carter 2002 Hagiastrum macrum gr. De Wever 1981b Hagiastrum majusculum Whalen & Carter 1998 Hagiastrum rudimentum Whalen & Carter 1998 Helvetocapsa minoensis (Matsuoka) 1991 Helvetocapsa nanjoensis (Matsuoka) 1991 Helvetocapsa plicata s.l. (Matsuoka) 1991 Helvetocapsa plicata plicata (Matsuoka) 1991 Helvetocapsa plicata semiplicata (Matsuoka) 1991 Hexasaturnalis hexagonus (Yao) 1972 Hexasaturnalis octopus Dumitrica & Hori n. sp. Hexasaturnalis tetraspinus (Yao) 1972 Higumastra laxa Yeh 1987b Higumastra lupheri Yeh 1987b Higumastra transversa Blome 1984b Homoeoparonaella lowryensis Whalen & Carter 2002 Homoeoparonaella reciproca Carter 1988 Hsuum altile Hori & Otsuka 1989 Hsuum arenaense Whalen & Carter 2002 Hsuum busuangaense Yeh & Cheng 1996 Hsuum exiguum Yeh & Cheng 1996 Hsuum lucidum Yeh 1987b Hsuum matsuokai Isozaki & Matsuda 1985 Hsuum medium (Takemura) 1986 Hsuum mulleri Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Hsuum optimum Carter 1988 Hsuum philippinense Yeh & Cheng 1996 Hsuum plectocostatum Carter n. sp. Hsuum sp. A sensu Carter 1988 Katroma angusta Yeh 1987b Katroma aurita Whalen & Carter 2002 Katroma bicornus De Wever 1982a Katroma brevitubus Dumitrica & Goričan n. sp. Katroma clara Yeh 1987b Katroma elongata Carter n. sp. Katroma neagui Pessagno & Poisson 1981, emend. De Wever 1982a KAT14 Katroma ninstintsi Carter 1988 KAT16 Katroma? sinetubus Carter n. sp. KAT18 Katroma sp. 4 LAN05 Lantus intermedius Carter n. sp. LAN01 Lantus obesus (Yeh) 1987b LAN04 Lantus praeobesus Carter n. sp. LAN02 Lantus sixi Yeh 1987b LAN03 Lantus sp. A sensu Whalen & Carter 2002 LAX06 Laxtorum hemingense Whalen & Carter 1998 MCP01 Minocapsa cylindrica Matsuoka 1991 MCP02 Minocapsa globosa Matsuoka 1991 TPS02 Minocapsa? megaglobosa (Matsuoka) 1991 NAP09 Napora blechschmidti Dumitrica n. sp. NAP08 Napora bona Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986 NAP02 Napora cerromesaensis Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986 NAP06 Napora conothorax Carter & Dumitrica n. sp. NAP01 Napora graybayensis Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986 3410 Napora nipponica Takemura 1986 NAP03 Napora reiferensis (Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh) 1986 NAP04 Napora relica Yeh 1987b JAC01 Napora sandspitensis (Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh) 1986 UTD01 Naropa vi Hori, Whalen & Dumitrica n. sp. NTS01 Noritus lillihornensis Pessagno & Whalen 1982 ORB05 Orbiculiformella callosa (Yeh) 1987b ORB06 Orbiculiformella incognita (Blome) 1984b ORB03 Orbiculiformella lomgonensis (Whalen & Carter) 1998 ORB11 Orbiculiformella mediocircus Dumitrica n. sp. ORB02 Orbiculiformella? robusta (Whalen & Carter) 1998 ORB08 Orbiculiformella teres (Hull) 1997 ORB13 Orbiculiformella? trispina s.l. (Yeh) 1987b ORB09 Orbiculiformella? trispina trispina (Yeh) 1987b ORB10 Orbiculiformella? trispina trispinula (Carter) 1988 SAT13 Palaeosaturnalis aff. liassicus Kozur & Mostler 1990 SAT12 Palaeosaturnalis subovalis Kozur & Mostler 1990 SAT14 Palaeosaturnalis sp. B sensu Whalen & Carter 2002 PAN20 Pantanellium brevispinum Carter n. sp. PAN14 Pantanellium carlense Whalen & Carter 1998 PAN18 Pantanellium cumshewaense Pessagno & Blome 1980 HSU07 HSU08 HSU11 HSU10 KAT07 KAT08 KAT09 KAT12 KAT10 KAT17 KAT13 Pantanellium danaense Pessagno & Blome 1980 Pantanellium inornatum Pessagno & Poisson 1981 PAN16 Pantanellium skedansense Pessagno & Blome 1980 PHS02 Parahsuum edenshawi (Carter) 1988 DRO05 Parahsuum fondrenense (Whalen & Carter) 1998 PHS09 Parahsuum formosum (Yeh) 1987b 2012 Parahsuum izeense (Pessagno & Whalen) 1982 PHS03 Parahsuum longiconicum Sashida 1988 PHS04 Parahsuum mostleri (Yeh) 1987b PHS05 Parahsuum ovale Hori & Yao 1988 PHS01 Parahsuum simplum Yao 1982 PHS06 Parahsuum vizcainoense Whalen & Carter 2002 PHS07 Parahsuum? sp. A sensu Whalen & Carter 2002 2013 Parasaturnalis diplocyclis (Yao) 1972 SAT15 Parasaturnalis yehae Dumitrica & Hori n. sp. PAR13 Paronaella corpulenta De Wever 1981b PAR22 Paronaella curticrassa Carter & Dumitrica n. sp. PAR24 Paronaella fera s.l. (Yeh) 1987b PAR15 Paronaella fera fera (Yeh) 1987b PAR10 Paronaella fera jamesi Whalen & Carter 1998 PAR16 Paronaella grahamensis Carter 1988 PAR17 Paronaella notabilis Whalen & Carter 2002 2005 Paronaella skowkonaensis Carter 1988 PAR19 Paronaella snowshoensis (Yeh) 1987b PAR20 Paronaella tripla De Wever 1981b PAR21 Paronaella variabilis Carter 1988 PSP03 Perispyridium hippaense (Carter) 1988 PSP01 Perispyridium oregonense (Yeh) 1987b PLE01 Pleesus aptus Yeh 1987b SCP02 Plicaforacapsa? elegans (Matsuoka) 1991 POD01 Podocapsa abreojosensis Whalen & Carter 2002 PRY05 Praeconocaryomma bajaensis Whalen n. sp. PRY01 Praeconocaryomma decora gr. Yeh 1987b PRY02 Praeconocaryomma immodica Pessagno & Poisson 1981 PRY03 Praeconocaryomma parvimamma Pessagno & Poisson 1981 PRY07 Praeconocaryomma sarahae Carter n. sp. PRY04 Praeconocaryomma whiteavesi Carter 1988 PRY06 Praeconocaryomma? yakounensis Carter n. sp. SAT01 Praehexasaturnalis tetraradiatus Kozur & Mostler 1990 PVG01 Praeparvicingula aculeata (Carter )1988 PVG02 Praeparvicingula elementaria (Carter) 1988 PVG03 Praeparvicingula gigantocornis (Kishida & Hisada) 1985 PVG04 Praeparvicingula nanoconica (Hori & Otsuka) 1989 TVS01 Praeparvicingula? spinifera (Takemura) 1986 PCA02 Praeparvicingula tlellensis Carter n. sp. PTP01 Protopsium gesponsa De Wever 1981c PRU01 Protunuma paulsmithi Carter 1988 PDC03 Pseudocrucella ornata De Wever 1981b 3126 Pseudocrucella sanfilippoae (Pessagno) 1977a PDC04 Pseudocrucella sp. C sensu Carter 1988 PSE02 Pseudoeucyrtis angusta Whalen & Carter 1998 PSE04 Pseudoeucyrtis busuangaensis (Yeh & Cheng) 1998 PAN11 PAN19 429 Pseudoeucyrtis safraensis Dumitrica & Goričan n. sp. ORB12 Pseudogodia deweveri Carter n. sp. SAT16 Pseudoheliodiscus aff. alpinus Kozur & Mostler 1990 sensu Whalen & Carter 2002 SAT07 Pseudoheliodiscus yaoi gr. Pessagno 1981 PPN01 Pseudopantanellium floridum Yeh 1987b 2007 Pseudopoulpus acutipodium Takemura 1986 POU01 Pseudopoulpus sp. A sensu Whalen & Carter 2002 PRL01 Pseudoristola megaglobosa Yeh 1987b REG01 Religa globosa Whalen & Carter 2002 REG02 Religa sp. A RBS01 Rolumbus gastili Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986 RBS02 Rolumbus halseyensis Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986 SAT18 Spongosaturninus bispinus (Yao) 1972 SAT19 Stauromesosaturnalis deweveri Kozur & Mostler 1990 SCP01 Stichocapsa biconica Matsuoka 1991 3407 Tetraditryma cf. praeplena Baumgartner sensu Carter & Jakobs 1991 THT01 Thetis oblonga De Wever 1982a THU01 Thurstonia gibsoni Whalen & Carter 1998 PSE03 430 THU04 TRX01 3409 TCA01 TRL01 TRL02 SPT01 3247 3408 UDA05 UNM01 TPS01 WNG03 WNG01 WNG04 XTL02 XTL01 ZRT01 ZRT03 COM01 Thurstonia timberensis Whalen & Carter 1998 Trexus dodgensis Whalen & Carter 1998 Triactoma jakobsae Carter 1995 Triactoma rosespitensis (Carter) 1988 Trillus elkhornensis Pessagno & Blome 1980 Trillus seidersi Pessagno & Blome 1980 Tripocyclia? tortuosa Dumitrica, Goričan & Whalen n. sp. Turanta morinae gr. Pessagno & Blome 1982 Tympaneides charlottensis Carter 1988 Udalia plana Whalen & Carter 1998 Unuma unicus (Yeh) 1987b Williriedellum? ferum (Matsuoka) 1991 Wrangellium oregonense Yeh 1987a Wrangellium thurstonense Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Wrangellium sp. A sensu Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Xiphostylus duvalensis Carter n. sp. Xiphostylus simplus Yeh 1987b Zartus mostleri Pessago & Blome 1980 Zartus stellatus Goričan & Matsuoka n. sp. Zhamoidellum yehae Dumitrica n. sp. 4.2. Alphabetical listing by species abreojosensis aculeata acutipodium alpinus altile amurensis anatiformis angulosa angulosa angusta angusta anulatum aptus arenaense argescens armatus artum asperoensis asuncionense aurita avirostrum bajaensis baroni baumgartneri beata biconica bicornus bispinus blechschmidti bona brevispinum brevitubus busuangaense busuangaensis callosa calvabovis cameroni carlense cavata cavata cerromesaensis charlottensis chengi christovalensis clara columbiaense conothorax corpulenta coyotense crickmayi cumshewaense cuniculiformis curticrassa cylindrica cylindricus cylindricus POD01 PVG01 2007 SAT16 HSU01 CHA02 JAC02 CRU21 CRU11 KAT07 PSE02 CAN12 PLE01 HSU02 ORB04 ARS03 CAN13 FAR02 CYC01 KAT08 ARS07 PRY05 PDC01 CTS06 PDC02 SCP01 KAT09 SAT18 NAP09 NAP08 PAN20 KAT12 HSU03 PSE04 ORB05 BPD13 3411 PAN14 CRU22 CRU10 NAP02 3408 CRB01 SPI03 KAT10 CAN08 NAP06 PAR13 ASP01 HCK05 PAN18 ARS06 PAR22 MCP01 4061 3001 Podocapsa abreojosensis Whalen & Carter 2002 Praeparvicingula aculeata (Carter )1988 Pseudopoulpus acutipodium Takemura 1986 Pseudoheliodiscus aff. alpinus Kozur & Mostler 1990 sensu Whalen & Carter 2002 Hsuum altile Hori & Otsuka 1989 Charlottea amurensis Whalen & Carter 1998 Anaticapitula anatiformis (De Wever) 1982a Crucella angulosa s.l. Carter 1988 Crucella angulosa angulosa Carter 1988 Katroma angusta Yeh 1987b Pseudoeucyrtis angusta Whalen & Carter 1998 Canoptum anulatum Pessagno & Poisson 1981 Pleesus aptus Yeh 1987b Hsuum arenaense Whalen & Carter 2002 Beatricea? argescens (Cordey) 1998 Ares armatus De Wever 1982a Canoptum artum Yeh 1987b Farcus asperoensis Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986 Cyclastrum asuncionense Whalen & Carter 2002 Katroma aurita Whalen & Carter 2002 Ares avirostrum Dumitrica & Matsuoka n. sp. Praeconocaryomma bajaensis Whalen n. sp. Beatricea? baroni Cordey 1998 Canutus baumgartneri Yeh 1987b Crucella beata (Yeh) 1987b Stichocapsa biconica Matsuoka 1991 Katroma bicornus De Wever 1982a Spongosaturninus bispinus (Yao) 1972 Napora blechschmidti Dumitrica n. sp. Napora bona Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986 Pantanellium brevispinum Carter n. sp. Katroma brevitubus Dumitrica & Goričan n. sp. Hsuum busuangaense Yeh & Cheng 1996 Pseudoeucyrtis busuangaensis (Yeh & Cheng) 1998 Orbiculiformella callosa (Yeh) 1987b Bipedis calvabovis De Wever 1982a Elodium cameroni Carter 1988 Pantanellium carlense Whalen & Carter 1998 Crucella cavata s.l. Whalen & Carter 1998 Crucella cavata cavata Whalen & Carter 1998 Napora cerromesaensis Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986 Tympaneides charlottensis Carter 1988 Crubus chengi Yeh 1987b Beatricea christovalensis Whalen & Carter 1998 Katroma clara Yeh 1987b Canoptum columbiaense Whalen & Carter 1998 Napora conothorax Carter & Dumitrica n. sp. Paronaella corpulenta De Wever 1981b Archaeospongoprunum coyotense Whalen & Carter 2002 Haeckelicyrtium crickmayi Carter n. sp. Pantanellium cumshewaense Pessagno & Blome 1980 Ares cuniculiformis Dumitrica & Whalen n. sp. Paronaella curticrassa Carter & Dumitrica n. sp. Minocapsa cylindrica Matsuoka 1991 Ares cylindricus s.l. (Takemura) 1986 Ares cylindricus cylindricus (Takemura) 1986 431 danaense decora delnortensis deweveri deweveri diadema diegoi diplocyclis disparile dixoni dodgensis duvalensis edenshawi elegans elementaria elkhornensis elongata emmela erraticum eurasiaticus exiguum fannini fera fera ferum flexuosus floridum fondrenense formosum funiculum fustis gastili gesponsa ghostensis gibsoni giganticava gigantocornis globosa globosa gongyloideum grahamensis graybayensis graylockensis gujoense gunense hainaensis halseyensis hattorii hecatensis helmetense hemingense hexagonus hexaptera hipolitoensis hippaense hotaoensis immodica incognita inornatum 432 PAN11 PRY01 3222 ORB12 SAT19 BPD05 CTS08 2013 EUC09 CAN09 TRX01 XTL02 PHS02 SCP02 PVG02 TRL01 KAT17 ATA02 BAG01 DRO07 HSU04 BPD14 PAR24 PAR15 TPS01 4032 PPN01 DRO05 PHS09 BAG03 GIG01 RBS01 PTP01 2001 THU01 CRU20 PVG03 MCP02 REG01 GOR02 PAR16 NAP01 FAR04 EUC10 EUC03 CTS09 RBS02 ATT01 DRO02 BAG02 LAX06 3502 4033 DUC01 PSP03 CHA09 PRY02 ORB06 PAN19 Pantanellium danaense Pessagno & Blome 1980 Praeconocaryomma decora gr. Yeh 1987b Bernoullius delnortensis Pessagno, Blome & Hull 1993 Pseudogodia deweveri Carter n. sp. Stauromesosaturnalis deweveri Kozur & Mostler 1990 Bipedis diadema Whalen & Carter 1998 Canutus diegoi Whalen & Carter 2002 Parasaturnalis diplocyclis (Yao) 1972 Eucyrtidiellum disparile gr. Nagai & Mizutani 1990 Canoptum dixoni Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Trexus dodgensis Whalen & Carter 1998 Xiphostylus duvalensis Carter n. sp. Parahsuum edenshawi (Carter) 1988 Plicaforacapsa? elegans (Matsuoka) 1991 Praeparvicingula elementaria (Carter) 1988 Trillus elkhornensis Pessagno & Blome 1980 Katroma elongata Carter n. sp. Atalanta emmela Cordey & Carter 1996 Bagotum erraticum Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Droltus eurasiaticus Kozur & Mostler 1990 Hsuum exiguum Yeh & Cheng 1996 Bipedis fannini Carter 1988 Paronaella fera s.l. (Yeh) 1987b Paronaella fera fera (Yeh) 1987b Williriedellum? ferum (Matsuoka) 1991 Ares cylindricus flexuosus (Takemura) 1986 Pseudopantanellium floridum Yeh 1987b Parahsuum fondrenense (Whalen & Carter) 1998 Parahsuum formosum (Yeh) 1987b Bagotum funiculum Whalen & Carter 2002 Gigi fustis De Wever 1982a Rolumbus gastili Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986 Protopsium gesponsa De Wever 1981c Acaeniotylopsis ghostensis (Carter) 1988 Thurstonia gibsoni Whalen & Carter 1998 Crucella cavata giganticava Carter n. ssp. Praeparvicingula gigantocornis (Kishida & Hisada) 1985 Minocapsa globosa Matsuoka 1991 Religa globosa Whalen & Carter 2002 Gorgansium gongyloideum Kishida & Hisada 1985 Paronaella grahamensis Carter 1988 Napora graybayensis Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986 Farcus graylockensis Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986 Eucyrtidiellum gujoense (Takemura & Nakaseko) 1986 Eucyrtidiellum gunense gr. Cordey 1998 Canutus hainaensis Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Rolumbus halseyensis Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986 Archaeotritrabs hattorii Dumitrica n. sp. Droltus hecatensis Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Bagotum helmetense Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Laxtorum hemingense Whalen & Carter 1998 Hexasaturnalis hexagonus (Yao) 1972 Citriduma hexaptera (Conti & Marcucci) 1991 Ducatus hipolitoensis Whalen & Carter 2002 Perispyridium hippaense (Carter) 1988 Charlottea hotaoensis Carter n. sp. Praeconocaryomma immodica Pessagno & Poisson 1981 Orbiculiformella incognita (Blome) 1984b Pantanellium inornatum Pessagno & Poisson 1981 intermedicava intermedius izeense jadeae jakobsae jamesi japonicus kimbroughi kozuri kuensis laseekensis laxa liassicus lillihornensis lomgonensis longibrachiata longiconicum longipes lowryensis lucidum lupheri lyellensis mackenziei macrum majusculum mangartense margaritaense matsuokai maudense mediocircus medium megaglobosa megaglobosa mexicoensis mijo minai minoensis mirabunda modestum moresbyensis morganense morinae mostleri mostleri mulleri munda munitum nagaiae nanjoensis nanoconica neagui ninstintsi nipponica nitidus notabilis obesus oblonga octopus omanensis CRU19 LAN05 2012 PDC05 3409 PAR10 BPD15 BAG04 FAR03 BRO02 DRO03 HIG01 SAT13 NTS01 ORB03 CRU12 PHS03 3149 HOM01 HSU05 HIG04 DRO06 PHS08 HAG06 HAG03 BIS04 CAN11 3195 BAG05 ORB11 3278 TPS02 PRL01 ARS04 CRU13 SUM03 TPS03 CRU14 BAG06 ARS01 GOR03 3247 PHS04 ZRT01 HSU06 ADM01 3271 EUC06 SCP03 PVG04 KAT13 KAT14 3410 CTS10 PAR17 LAN01 THT01 SAT11 JAC04 Crucella cavata intermedicava Carter n. ssp. Lantus intermedius Carter n. sp. Parahsuum izeense (Pessagno & Whalen) 1982 Crucella jadeae Carter & Dumitrica n. sp. Triactoma jakobsae Carter 1995 Paronaella fera jamesi Whalen & Carter 1998 Bipedis japonicus Hori n. sp. Bagotum kimbroughi Whalen & Carter 2002 Farcus kozuri Yeh 1987b Broctus kuensis Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Droltus laseekensis Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Higumastra laxa Yeh 1987b Palaeosaturnalis aff. liassicus Kozur & Mostler 1990 Noritus lillihornensis Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Orbiculiformella lomgonensis (Whalen & Carter) 1998 Crucella angulosa longibrachiata Carter n. ssp. Parahsuum longiconicum Sashida 1988 Archaeohagiastrum longipes Baumgartner 1995 Homoeoparonaella lowryensis Whalen & Carter 2002 Hsuum lucidum Yeh 1987b Higumastra lupheri Yeh 1987b Droltus lyellensis Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Elodium? mackenziei Carter n. sp. Hagiastrum macrum gr. De Wever 1981b Hagiastrum majusculum Whalen & Carter 1998 Bistarkum mangartense Goričan, Šmuc & Baumgartner 2003 Canoptum margaritaense Whalen & Carter 1998 Hsuum matsuokai Isozaki & Matsuda 1985 Bagotum maudense Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Orbiculiformella mediocircus Dumitrica n. sp. Hsuum medium (Takemura) 1986 Minocapsa? megaglobosa (Matsuoka) 1991 Pseudoristola megaglobosa Yeh 1987b Ares mexicoensis Whalen & Carter 2002 Crucella mijo De Wever 1981b Carterwhalenia minai (Whalen & Carter) 2002 Helvetocapsa minoensis (Matsuoka) 1991 Crucella mirabunda Whalen & Carter 2002 Bagotum modestum Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Ares moresbyensis Whalen & Carter 1998 Gorgansium morganense Pessagno & Blome 1980 Turanta morinae gr. Pessagno & Blome 1982 Parahsuum mostleri (Yeh) 1987b Zartus mostleri Pessago & Blome 1980 Hsuum mulleri Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Archaeodictyomitra munda (Yeh) 1987b Archaeohagiastrum munitum Baumgartner 1984 Eucyrtidiellum nagaiae Dumitrica, Goričan & Matsuoka n. sp. Helvetocapsa nanjoensis (Matsuoka) 1991 Praeparvicingula nanoconica (Hori & Otsuka) 1989 Katroma neagui Pessagno & Poisson 1981 emend. De Wever 1982a Katroma ninstintsi Carter 1988 Napora nipponica Takemura 1986 Canutus nitidus Yeh 1987b Paronaella notabilis Whalen & Carter 2002 Lantus obesus (Yeh) 1987b Thetis oblonga De Wever 1982a Hexasaturnalis octopus Dumitrica & Hori n. sp. Anaticapitula omanensis Dumitrica n. sp. 433 omanojaponicum EUC07 optimum HSU07 oregonense HAG01 oregonense PSP01 oregonense WNG03 ornata PDC03 ovale PHS05 parvimamma PRY03 paulsmithi PRU01 penderi CHA10 pessagnoi ELD02 phantomense BIS02 philippinense HSU08 plana UDA05 plectocostatum HSU11 plicata SCP06 plicata SCP04 pobi HAG02 praeobesus LAN04 praeplena 3407 proprietatis CHA03 protoformis 2021 pseudoerraticum BAG07 radiotuba CIT05 ramescens EUC04 reciproca HOM02 reiferensis NAP03 relica NAP04 rennellensis CTS15 rigidium BIS01 robusta ORB02 rockfishensis CTS03 rosespitensis TCA01 rudimentum HAG04 ruesti BRO03 rugosum CAN14 saccideon BER01 safraensis PSE03 saginatum BIS03 sandilandsensis FRM01 sandspitensis JAC01 sanfilippoae 3126 sanignacioensis DRO08 sanpabloensis ORB07 sarahae PRY07 scammonense CYC02 seidersi TRL02 selwynensis BRO01 semiplicata SCP05 simplum PHS01 simplus XTL01 sinetubus KAT16 sixi LAN02 skedansense PAN16 skowkonaensis 2005 snowshoensis PAR19 spinifera TVS01 spongase CRU15 squama CRU16 434 Eucyrtidiellum omanojaponicum Dumitrica, Goričan & Hori n. sp. Hsuum optimum Carter 1988 Archaeohagiastrum oregonense (Yeh) 1987b Perispyridium oregonense (Yeh) 1987b Wrangellium oregonense Yeh 1987a Pseudocrucella ornata De Wever 1981b Parahsuum ovale Hori & Yao 1988 Praeconocaryomma parvimamma Pessagno & Poisson 1981 Protunuma paulsmithi Carter 1988 Charlottea penderi Carter n. sp. Elodium pessagnoi Yeh & Cheng 1996 Bistarkum phantomense (Carter) 1988 Hsuum philippinense Yeh & Cheng 1996 Udalia plana Whalen & Carter 1998 Hsuum plectocostatum Carter n. sp. Helvetocapsa plicata s.l. (Matsuoka) 1991 Helvetocapsa plicata plicata (Matsuoka) 1991 Archaeohagiastrum pobi Whalen & Carter 1998 Lantus praeobesus Carter n. sp. Tetraditryma cf. praeplena Baumgartner sensu Carter & Jakobs 1991 Charlottea proprietatis Whalen & Carter 1998 Eospongosaturninus protoformis (Yao) 1972 Bagotum pseudoerraticum Kishida & Hisada 1985 Citriduma radiotuba De Wever 1982a Eucyrtidiellum ramescens Cordey 1998 Homoeoparonaella reciproca Carter 1988 Napora reiferensis (Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh) 1986 Napora relica Yeh 1987b Canutus rennellensis Carter n. sp. Bistarkum rigidium Yeh 1987b Orbiculiformella? robusta (Whalen & Carter) 1998 Canutus rockfishensis Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Triactoma rosespitensis (Carter) 1988 Hagiastrum rudimentum Whalen & Carter 1998 Broctus ruesti Yeh 1987b Canoptum rugosum Pessagno & Poisson 1981 Bernoullius saccideon (Carter) 1988 Pseudoeucyrtis safraensis Dumitrica & Goričan n. sp. Bistarkum saginatum Yeh 1987b Foremania sandilandsensis gr. Whalen & Carter 1998 Napora sandspitensis (Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh) 1986 Pseudocrucella sanfilippoae (Pessagno) 1977a Droltus sanignacioensis Whalen & Carter 2002 Beatricea sanpabloensis (Whalen & Carter) 2002 Praeconocaryomma sarahae Carter n. sp. Cyclastrum scammonense Whalen & Carter 2002 Trillus seidersi Pessagno & Blome 1980 Broctus selwynensis Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Helvetocapsa plicata semiplicata (Matsuoka) 1991 Parahsuum simplum Yao 1982 Xiphostylus simplus Yeh 1987b Katroma? sinetubus Carter n. sp. Lantus sixi Yeh 1987b Pantanellium skedansense Pessagno & Blome 1980 Paronaella skowkonaensis Carter 1988 Paronaella snowshoensis (Yeh) 1987b Praeparvicingula? spinifera (Takemura) 1986 Crucella spongase De Wever 1981b Crucella squama (Kozlova) 1971 stellatus subovalis sutherlandi takemurai teres tetraradiatus tetraspinus theokaftensis thurstonense timberensis tipperi tlellensis tortuosa transversa triacanthus tripla triquetra trispina trispina trispinosa trispinula unicus variabilis veracruzense vi vizcainoense whiteavesi wilsonense yakounensis yaoi yaoi yehae yehae sp. A sp. A sp. A sp. A sp. A sp. A sp. A sp. A sp. A sp. A sp. A sp. A sp. B sp. B sp. B sp. B sp. C sp. C sp. O sp. Y sp. 4 ZRT03 SAT12 ARS02 ARS08 ORB08 SAT01 3089 3131 WNG01 THU04 CTS12 PCA02 SPT01 HIG03 4066 PAR20 CHA05 ORB13 ORB09 JAC05 ORB10 UNM01 PAR21 CYC03 UTD01 PHS06 PRY04 ELD03 PRY06 BPD16 SAT07 SAT15 COM01 ADM02 4008 CRU18 CHA07 CYC04 DAN02 HSU10 LAN03 PHS07 POU01 REG02 WNG04 ADM03 CHA08 HCK04 SAT14 CHA11 PDC04 CTS16 XNM01 KAT18 Zartus stellatus Goričan & Matsuoka n. sp. Palaeosaturnalis subovalis Kozur & Mostler 1990 Ares sutherlandi Whalen & Carter 1998 Ares takemurai Dumitrica & Matsuoka n. sp. Orbiculiformella teres (Hull) 1997 Praehexasaturnalis tetraradiatus Kozur & Mostler 1990 Hexasaturnalis tetraspinus (Yao) 1972 Crucella theokaftensis Baumgartner 1980 Wrangellium thurstonense Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Thurstonia timberensis Whalen & Carter 1998 Canutus tipperi gr. Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Praeparvicingula tlellensis Carter n. sp. Tripocyclia? tortuosa Dumitrica, Goričan & Whalen n. sp. Higumastra transversa Blome 1984b Acaeniotylopsis triacanthus Kito & De Wever 1994 Paronaella tripla De Wever 1981b Charlottea triquetra Whalen & Carter 1998 Orbiculiformella? trispina s.l. (Yeh) 1987b Orbiculiformella? trispina trispina (Yeh) 1987b Dumitricaella trispinosa Dumitrica n. sp. Orbiculiformella? trispina trispinula (Carter) 1988 Unuma unicus (Yeh) 1987b Paronaella variabilis Carter 1988 Cyclastrum veracruzense Whalen & Carter 2002 Naropa vi Hori, Whalen & Dumitrica n. sp. Parahsuum vizcainoense Whalen & Carter 2002 Praeconocaryomma whiteavesi Carter 1988 Elodium wilsonense (Carter) 1988 Praeconocaryomma? yakounensis Carter n. sp. Bipedis yaoi Hori n. sp. Pseudoheliodiscus yaoi gr. Pessagno 1981 Parasaturnalis yehae Dumitrica & Hori n. sp. Zhamoidellum yehae Dumitrica n. sp. Archaeodictyomitra sp. A Ares sp. A sensu Baumgartner et al. 1995a Beatricea? sp. A Charlottea sp. A sensu Whalen & Carter 2002 Cyclastrum sp. A Danubea sp. A sensu Whalen & Carter 2002 Hsuum sp. A sensu Carter 1988 Lantus sp. A sensu Whalen & Carter 2002 Parahsuum? sp. A sensu Whalen & Carter 2002 Pseudopoulpus sp. A sensu Whalen & Carter 2002 Religa sp. A Wrangellium sp. A sensu Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Archaeodictyomitra sp. B Charlottea sp. B Haeckelicyrtium sp. B sensu Whalen & Carter 2002 Palaeosaturnalis sp. B sensu Whalen & Carter 2002 Charlottea sp. C Pseudocrucella sp. C sensu Carter 1988 Canutus sp. O Charlottea? sp. Y Katroma sp. 4 435 4.3. Listing in ascending order of species/subspecies codes Acaeniotylopsis ghostensis (Carter) 1988 Paronaella skowkonaensis Carter 1988 Pseudopoulpus acutipodium Takemura 1986 Parahsuum izeense (Pessagno & Whalen) 1982 Parasaturnalis diplocyclis (Yao) 1972 Eospongosaturninus protoformis (Yao) 1972 Ares cylindricus cylindricus (Takemura) 1986 Hexasaturnalis tetraspinus (Yao) 1972 Pseudocrucella sanfilippoae (Pessagno) 1977a Crucella theokaftensis Baumgartner 1980 Archaeohagiastrum longipes Baumgartner 1995 Hsuum matsuokai Isozaki & Matsuda 1985 Bernoullius delnortensis Pessagno, Blome & Hull 1993 3247 Turanta morinae gr. Pessagno & Blome 1982 3271 Archaeohagiastrum munitum Baumgartner 1984 3278 Hsuum medium (Takemura) 1986 3407 Tetraditryma cf. praeplena Baumgartner sensu Carter & Jakobs 1991 3408 Tympaneides charlottensis Carter 1988 3409 Triactoma jakobsae Carter 1995 3410 Napora nipponica Takemura 1986 3411 Elodium cameroni Carter 1988 3502 Hexasaturnalis hexagonus (Yao) 1972 4008 Ares sp. A sensu Baumgartner et al. 1995a 4032 Ares cylindricus flexuosus (Takemura) 1986 4033 Citriduma hexaptera (Conti & Marcucci) 1991 4061 Ares cylindricus s.l. (Takemura) 1986 4066 Acaeniotylopsis triacanthus Kito & De Wever 1994 ADM01 Archaeodictyomitra munda (Yeh) 1987b ADM02 Archaeodictyomitra sp. A ADM03 Archaeodictyomitra sp. B ARS01 Ares moresbyensis Whalen & Carter 1998 ARS02 Ares sutherlandi Whalen & Carter 1998 ARS03 Ares armatus De Wever 1982a ARS04 Ares mexicoensis Whalen & Carter 2002 ARS06 Ares cuniculiformis Dumitrica & Whalen n. sp. ARS07 Ares avirostrum Dumitrica & Matsuoka n. sp. ARS08 Ares takemurai Dumitrica & Matsuoka n. sp. ASP01 Archaeospongoprunum coyotense Whalen & Carter 2002 ATA02 Atalanta emmela Cordey & Carter 1996 ATT01 Archaeotritrabs hattorii Dumitrica n. sp. BAG01 Bagotum erraticum Pessagno & Whalen 1982 BAG02 Bagotum helmetense Pessagno & Whalen 1982 BAG03 Bagotum funiculum Whalen & Carter 2002 BAG04 Bagotum kimbroughi Whalen & Carter 2002 BAG05 Bagotum maudense Pessagno & Whalen 1982 BAG06 Bagotum modestum Pessagno & Whalen 1982 BAG07 Bagotum pseudoerraticum Kishida & Hisada 1985 BER01 Bernoullius saccideon (Carter) 1988 BIS01 Bistarkum rigidium Yeh 1987b BIS02 Bistarkum phantomense (Carter) 1988 BIS03 Bistarkum saginatum Yeh 1987b 2001 2005 2007 2012 2013 2021 3001 3089 3126 3131 3149 3195 3222 436 BIS04 BPD05 BPD13 BPD14 BPD15 BPD16 BRO01 BRO02 BRO03 CAN08 CAN09 CAN11 CAN12 CAN13 CAN14 CHA02 CHA03 CHA05 CHA07 CHA08 CHA09 CHA10 CHA11 CIT05 COM01 CRB01 CRU10 CRU11 CRU12 CRU13 CRU14 CRU15 CRU16 CRU18 CRU19 CRU20 CRU21 CRU22 CTS03 CTS06 CTS08 CTS09 CTS10 CTS12 CTS15 CTS16 CYC01 CYC02 CYC03 CYC04 DAN02 DRO02 DRO03 DRO05 DRO06 Bistarkum mangartense Goričan, Šmuc & Baumgartner 2003 Bipedis diadema Whalen & Carter 1998 Bipedis calvabovis De Wever 1982a Bipedis fannini Carter 1988 Bipedis japonicus Hori n. sp. Bipedis yaoi Hori n. sp. Broctus selwynensis Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Broctus kuensis Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Broctus ruesti Yeh 1987b Canoptum columbiaense Whalen & Carter 1998 Canoptum dixoni Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Canoptum margaritaense Whalen & Carter 1998 Canoptum anulatum Pessagno & Poisson 1981 Canoptum artum Yeh 1987b Canoptum rugosum Pessagno & Poisson 1981 Charlottea amurensis Whalen & Carter 1998 Charlottea proprietatis Whalen & Carter 1998 Charlottea triquetra Whalen & Carter 1998 Charlottea sp. A sensu Whalen & Carter 2002 Charlottea sp. B Charlottea hotaoensis Carter n. sp. Charlottea penderi Carter n. sp. Charlottea sp. C Citriduma radiotuba De Wever 1982a Zhamoidellum yehae Dumitrica n. sp. Crubus chengi Yeh 1987b Crucella cavata cavata Whalen & Carter 1998 Crucella angulosa angulosa Carter 1988 Crucella angulosa longibrachiata Carter n. ssp. Crucella mijo De Wever 1981b Crucella mirabunda Whalen & Carter 2002 Crucella spongase De Wever 1981b Crucella squama (Kozlova) 1971 Beatricea? sp. A Crucella cavata intermedicava Carter n. ssp. Crucella cavata giganticava Carter n. ssp. Crucella angulosa s.l. Carter 1988 Crucella cavata s.l. Whalen & Carter 1998 Canutus rockfishensis Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Canutus baumgartneri Yeh 1987b Canutus diegoi Whalen & Carter 2002 Canutus hainaensis Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Canutus nitidus Yeh 1987b Canutus tipperi gr. Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Canutus rennellensis Carter n. sp. Canutus sp. O Cyclastrum asuncionense Whalen & Carter 2002 Cyclastrum scammonense Whalen & Carter 2002 Cyclastrum veracruzense Whalen & Carter 2002 Cyclastrum sp. A Danubea sp. A sensu Whalen & Carter 2002 Droltus hecatensis Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Droltus laseekensis Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Parahsuum fondrenense (Whalen & Carter) 1998 Droltus lyellensis Pessagno & Whalen 1982 DRO07 DRO08 DUC01 ELD02 ELD03 EUC03 EUC04 EUC06 EUC07 EUC09 EUC10 FAR02 FAR03 FAR04 FRM01 GIG01 GOR02 GOR03 HAG01 HAG02 HAG03 HAG04 HAG06 HCK04 HCK05 HIG01 HIG03 HIG04 HOM01 HOM02 HSU01 HSU02 HSU03 HSU04 HSU05 HSU06 HSU07 HSU08 HSU10 HSU11 JAC01 JAC02 JAC04 JAC05 KAT07 KAT08 KAT09 KAT10 Droltus eurasiaticus Kozur & Mostler 1990 Droltus sanignacioensis Whalen & Carter 2002 Ducatus hipolitoensis Whalen & Carter 2002 Elodium pessagnoi Yeh & Cheng 1996 Elodium wilsonense (Carter) 1988 Eucyrtidiellum gunense gr. Cordey 1998 Eucyrtidiellum ramescens Cordey 1998 Eucyrtidiellum nagaiae Dumitrica, Goričan & Matsuoka n. sp. Eucyrtidiellum omanojaponicum Dumitrica, Goričan & Hori n. sp. Eucyrtidiellum disparile gr. Nagai & Mizutani 1990 Eucyrtidiellum gujoense (Takemura & Nakaseko) 1986 Farcus asperoensis Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986 Farcus kozuri Yeh 1987b Farcus graylockensis Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986 Foremania sandilandsensis gr. Whalen & Carter 1998 Gigi fustis De Wever 1982a Gorgansium gongyloideum Kishida & Hisada 1985 Gorgansium morganense Pessagno & Blome 1980 Archaeohagiastrum oregonense (Yeh) 1987b Archaeohagiastrum pobi Whalen & Carter 1998 Hagiastrum majusculum Whalen & Carter 1998 Hagiastrum rudimentum Whalen & Carter 1998 Hagiastrum macrum gr. De Wever 1981b Haeckelicyrtium sp. B sensu Whalen & Carter 2002 Haeckelicyrtium crickmayi Carter n. sp. Higumastra laxa Yeh 1987b Higumastra transversa Blome 1984b Higumastra lupheri Yeh 1987b Homoeoparonaella lowryensis Whalen & Carter 2002 Homoeoparonaella reciproca Carter 1988 Hsuum altile Hori & Otsuka 1989 Hsuum arenaense Whalen & Carter 2002 Hsuum busuangaense Yeh & Cheng 1996 Hsuum exiguum Yeh & Cheng 1996 Hsuum lucidum Yeh 1987b Hsuum mulleri Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Hsuum optimum Carter 1988 Hsuum philippinense Yeh & Cheng 1996 Hsuum sp. A sensu Carter 1988 Hsuum plectocostatum Carter n. sp. Napora sandspitensis (Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh) 1986 Anaticapitula anatiformis (De Wever) 1982a Anaticapitula omanensis Dumitrica n. sp. Dumitricaella trispinosa Dumitrica n. sp. Katroma angusta Yeh 1987b Katroma aurita Whalen & Carter 2002 Katroma bicornus De Wever 1982a Katroma clara Yeh 1987b Katroma brevitubus Dumitrica & Goričan n. sp. Katroma neagui Pessagno & Poisson 1981 emend. De Wever 1982a KAT14 Katroma ninstintsi Carter 1988 KAT16 Katroma? sinetubus Carter n. sp. KAT17 Katroma elongata Carter n. sp. KAT18 Katroma sp. 4 LAN01 Lantus obesus (Yeh) 1987b LAN02 Lantus sixi Yeh 1987b LAN03 Lantus sp. A sensu Whalen & Carter 2002 LAN04 Lantus praeobesus Carter n. sp. LAN05 Lantus intermedius Carter n. sp. LAX06 Laxtorum hemingense Whalen & Carter 1998 MCP01 Minocapsa cylindrica Matsuoka 1991 MCP02 Minocapsa globosa Matsuoka 1991 NAP01 Napora graybayensis Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986 NAP02 Napora cerromesaensis Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986 NAP03 Napora reiferensis (Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh) 1986 NAP04 Napora relica Yeh 1987b NAP06 Napora conothorax Carter & Dumitrica n. sp. NAP08 Napora bona Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986 NAP09 Napora blechschmidti Dumitrica n. sp. NTS01 Noritus lillihornensis Pessagno & Whalen 1982 ORB02 Orbiculiformella? robusta (Whalen & Carter) 1998 ORB03 Orbiculiformella lomgonensis (Whalen & Carter) 1998 ORB04 Beatricea? argescens (Cordey) 1998 ORB05 Orbiculiformella callosa (Yeh) 1987b ORB06 Orbiculiformella incognita (Blome) 1984b ORB07 Beatricea sanpabloensis (Whalen & Carter) 2002 ORB08 Orbiculiformella teres (Hull) 1997 ORB09 Orbiculiformella? trispina trispina (Yeh) 1987b ORB10 Orbiculiformella? trispina trispinula (Carter) 1988 ORB11 Orbiculiformella mediocircus Dumitrica n. sp. ORB12 Pseudogodia deweveri Carter n. sp. ORB13 Orbiculiformella? trispina s.l. (Yeh) 1987b PAN11 Pantanellium danaense Pessagno & Blome 1980 PAN14 Pantanellium carlense Whalen & Carter 1998 PAN16 Pantanellium skedansense Pessagno & Blome 1980 PAN18 Pantanellium cumshewaense Pessagno & Blome 1980 PAN19 Pantanellium inornatum Pessagno & Poisson 1981 PAN20 Pantanellium brevispinum Carter n. sp. PAR10 Paronaella fera jamesi Whalen & Carter 1998 PAR13 Paronaella corpulenta De Wever 1981b PAR15 Paronaella fera fera (Yeh) 1987b PAR16 Paronaella grahamensis Carter 1988 PAR17 Paronaella notabilis Whalen & Carter 2002 PAR19 Paronaella snowshoensis (Yeh) 1987b PAR20 Paronaella tripla De Wever 1981b PAR21 Paronaella variabilis Carter 1988 PAR22 Paronaella curticrassa Carter & Dumitrica n. sp. KAT12 KAT13 437 PAR24 PCA02 PDC01 PDC02 PDC03 PDC04 PDC05 PHS01 PHS02 PHS03 PHS04 PHS05 PHS06 PHS07 PHS08 PHS09 PLE01 POD01 POU01 PPN01 PRL01 PRU01 PRY01 PRY02 PRY03 PRY04 PRY05 PRY06 PRY07 PSE02 PSE03 PSE04 PSP01 PSP03 PTP01 PVG01 PVG02 PVG03 PVG04 RBS01 RBS02 REG01 438 Paronaella fera s.l. (Yeh) 1987b Praeparvicingula tlellensis Carter n. sp. Beatricea? baroni Cordey 1998 Crucella beata (Yeh) 1987b Pseudocrucella ornata De Wever 1981b Pseudocrucella sp. C sensu Carter 1988 Crucella jadeae Carter & Dumitrica n. sp. Parahsuum simplum Yao 1982 Parahsuum edenshawi (Carter) 1988 Parahsuum longiconicum Sashida 1988 Parahsuum mostleri (Yeh) 1987b Parahsuum ovale Hori & Yao 1988 Parahsuum vizcainoense Whalen & Carter 2002 Parahsuum? sp. A sensu Whalen & Carter 2002 Elodium? mackenziei Carter n. sp. Parahsuum formosum (Yeh) 1987b Pleesus aptus Yeh 1987b Podocapsa abreojosensis Whalen & Carter 2002 Pseudopoulpus sp. A sensu Whalen & Carter 2002 Pseudopantanellium floridum Yeh 1987b Pseudoristola megaglobosa Yeh 1987b Protunuma paulsmithi Carter 1988 Praeconocaryomma decora gr. Yeh 1987b Praeconocaryomma immodica Pessagno & Poisson 1981 Praeconocaryomma parvimamma Pessagno & Poisson 1981 Praeconocaryomma whiteavesi Carter 1988 Praeconocaryomma bajaensis Whalen n. sp. Praeconocaryomma? yakounensis Carter n. sp. Praeconocaryomma sarahae Carter n. sp. Pseudoeucyrtis angusta Whalen & Carter 1998 Pseudoeucyrtis safraensis Dumitrica & Goričan n. sp. Pseudoeucyrtis busuangaensis (Yeh & Cheng) 1998 Perispyridium oregonense (Yeh) 1987b Perispyridium hippaense (Carter) 1988 Protopsium gesponsa De Wever 1981c Praeparvicingula aculeata (Carter )1988 Praeparvicingula elementaria (Carter) 1988 Praeparvicingula gigantocornis (Kishida & Hisada) 1985 Praeparvicingula nanoconica (Hori & Otsuka) 1989 Rolumbus gastili Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986 Rolumbus halseyensis Pessagno, Whalen & Yeh 1986 Religa globosa Whalen & Carter 2002 REG02 SAT01 SAT07 SAT11 SAT12 SAT13 SAT14 SAT15 SAT16 SAT18 SAT19 SCP01 SCP02 SCP03 SCP04 SCP05 SCP06 SPI03 SPT01 SUM03 TCA01 THT01 THU01 THU04 TPS01 TPS02 TPS03 TRL01 TRL02 TRX01 TVS01 UDA05 UNM01 UTD01 WNG01 WNG03 WNG04 XNM01 XTL01 XTL02 ZRT01 ZRT03 Religa sp. A Praehexasaturnalis tetraradiatus Kozur & Mostler 1990 Pseudoheliodiscus yaoi gr. Pessagno 1981 Hexasaturnalis octopus Dumitrica & Hori n. sp. Palaeosaturnalis subovalis Kozur & Mostler 1990 Palaeosaturnalis aff. liassicus Kozur & Mostler 1990 Palaeosaturnalis sp. B sensu Whalen & Carter 2002 Parasaturnalis yehae Dumitrica & Hori n. sp. Pseudoheliodiscus aff. alpinus Kozur & Mostler 1990 sensu Whalen & Carter 2002 Spongosaturninus bispinus (Yao) 1972 Stauromesosaturnalis deweveri Kozur & Mostler 1990 Stichocapsa biconica Matsuoka 1991 Plicaforacapsa? elegans (Matsuoka) 1991 Helvetocapsa nanjoensis (Matsuoka) 1991 Helvetocapsa plicata plicata (Matsuoka) 1991 Helvetocapsa plicata semiplicata (Matsuoka) 1991 Helvetocapsa plicata s.l. (Matsuoka) 1991 Beatricea christovalensis Whalen & Carter 1998 Tripocyclia? tortuosa Dumitrica, Goričan & Whalen n. sp. Carterwhalenia minai (Whalen & Carter) 2002 Triactoma rosespitensis (Carter) 1988 Thetis oblonga De Wever 1982a Thurstonia gibsoni Whalen & Carter 1998 Thurstonia timberensis Whalen & Carter 1998 Williriedellum? ferum (Matsuoka) 1991 Minocapsa? megaglobosa (Matsuoka) 1991 Helvetocapsa minoensis (Matsuoka) 1991 Trillus elkhornensis Pessagno & Blome 1980 Trillus seidersi Pessagno & Blome 1980 Trexus dodgensis Whalen & Carter 1998 Praeparvicingula? spinifera (Takemura) 1986 Udalia plana Whalen & Carter 1998 Unuma unicus (Yeh) 1987b Naropa vi Hori, Whalen & Dumitrica n. sp. Wrangellium thurstonense Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Wrangellium oregonense Yeh 1987a Wrangellium sp. A sensu Pessagno & Whalen 1982 Charlottea? sp. Y Xiphostylus simplus Yeh 1987b Xiphostylus duvalensis Carter n. sp. Zartus mostleri Pessago & Blome 1980 Zartus stellatus Goričan & Matsuoka n. sp. 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