E-LEARNING IN THE SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN POLAND AND SLOVAKIA E-LEARNINGU NA ÚROVNI VYSOKOŠKOLSKÉHO VZDELÁVANIA V PO SKU A NA SLOVENSKU Marcin KomańdaĽ Helena Kajanová Originally published in: Zborník príspevkov z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie „Prístupy k manažmentu v novej ekonomike”Ľ Trenčianska univerzita Alexandra Dubčeka v Trenčíne, 2013, p. 68-76, ISBN: 978-80-8075-626-0 Abstract Current demands on education make the institutions of higher education prepare flexible forms of education in full-time or part-time study. Learning is becoming more personal while becoming more connected to the surroundings and with more potential for connected, collaborative activity.The paper analyses formal requirements related to e-learning in institutions of higher education in Poland and Slovakia. Key words Education, e-learning, Moodle, Virtual Mobility, e-learning 2.0 JELL Classification: I 21, I 23 Introduction The use of ICT applied to Education creates new opportunities for teaching and learning. It is expected that a good use of ICT will provide solutions to current challenges of international Education. ICT and in particular the Internet has great impact on the availability, reusability, accessibility and cost of learning resources. Additionally, the communication and networking possibilities of the web take Education to a Global level. Virtual Mobility takes advantage of all the potential of the use of technology in Education to provide international learning experiences to teacher and students, without the need for physical mobility (, 2013) More than 6.7 million students in USA were taking at least one online course during the fall 2011 term, an increase of 570 000 students compared to the previous year. Thirty-two percent of higher education students now take at least one course online. Only 2.6 percent of higher education institutions currently have a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course), another 9.4 percent report MOOCs are in the planning stages. Seventy-seven percent of academic leaders rate the learning outcomes in online education as the same or superior to those in faceto-face classes (Allen, Seaman, 2013). T he National Vocational Education and Training Elearning Strategy 2012–2015 (‘the Strategy’) is aimed at: strengthening the Australian training sector’s use of new learning technologiesĽ stimulating innovative approaches to increasing participation in training and employment, improving the skill levels of the Australian workforce. The Strategy is managed by the Flexible Learning Advisory Group (FLAG), a key policy advisory group on national directions and priorities for information and communication technologies in the VET sector. It builds on the strengths of previous national strategies, including the former Australian Flexible Learning Framework (2008–2011) (Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education, Commonwealth of Australia, 2012). Technology can make education better. It will do so, in part, by forcing us to reflect on what education is, identify what only a person can do, and devote educators' time to that (Hieronymi, 2012). E- learning is suited to distance learning and flexible learning, but it can also be used in conjunction with face-to-face teaching, in which case the term blended learning is commonly used. The higher level of education attained, the higher individual quality of life (MasárovἠGullerovἠ2012). 1 Formal conditions of e-learning at the level of university education in Poland The issue of e-learning is present in Polish universities for many years. However, implementation of such activities with the students encountered and still encounter a number of problems a formal nature. This makes this form of teaching has so far been regarded primarily as a supplement to traditional methods of carrying out the educational process. Most reported where applicable postgraduate courses, regular classes are auxiliary and are hidden under the folds of departments. Modifications in the last decade in the area of law on the functioning of the universities were related also to regulations on e-learning (all of these changes resulted from the adjustment of the higher education system to the three-level degree system and a stronger link between science and the economy - the requirements of the Bologna Declaration). This trend is confirmed by the latest consolidated text of the Act (dated March 26, 2012) "Law on Higher Education." This Act makes it clear in the article No. 164, Section 3, the classes with students may also be carried out using the methods and techniques of distance education. At the same time the fourth section of this article states that the Minister of Science and Higher Education in a separate regulation will clarify the conditions that must be met by the universities to allow the operation of such activities with students. The law also requires the Minister to determine the conditions for the availability of these methods of teaching students and to determine the proportion of this type of classes time in relation to time of all classes in education program. The specification of conditions that universities must meet to conduct classes in e-learning method can be found in the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education dated September 25, 2007. It contains the following provisions: ivities of distance learning methods in all fields of study and the types of studies, taking into account their specific characteristics; de students with tools that enable synchronous and asynchronous interaction between students and university teacher; onal consultation with the lecturer at the premises of the university; activities; students, including the conduct of exams in college premises; participate in the activities conducted distance education methods. In its resolution of November 2, 2011, the Minister of Science and Higher Education has changed and clarified the points that determine the time of e-learning classes during studies and complete compliance of such activities to the standards of a higher education. In the latter case, the changes resulted from the adoption of new regulations in the Law on Higher Education called National Qualifications Framework (Narodowe Ramy Kwalifikacji - KRK). Now the regulation says that checking the education progress of students takes place in the direction adopted for the study and for a specified range of subject knowledge, skills and social competence and to compares actual results with arms in the course syllabus. What is important from the provisions of the KRK, there is also apparent in this area need to prepare documentation illustrating the degree of achievement of planned results by individual students. The regulation of 2 November 2011 also states that the proportion of e-learning in the total time in university classes in the plan of study can not exceed 60 %. At the same time the Minister considers that a laboratory classes, off-roads, and workshops focused on the acquisition of practical skills must take place with the physical participation of teachers (socalled real-world conditions). Distance learning methods can only be used in these cases as secondary and have an accessory nature. 2 Formal conditions of e-learning at the level of university education in Slovakia The European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning (EQF) provides a common reference framework which assists in comparing the national qualifications systems, frameworks and their levels. It serves as a translation device to make qualifications more readable and understandable across different countries and systems in Europe, and thus promote lifelong and life-wide learning, and the mobility of European citizens whether for studying or working abroad (European Commission, 2013). The National Qualifications Framework (Národná sústava kvalifikácií - NSK) is a publicly accessible registry containing the description of partial and complete qualifications distinguished and recognized in the Slovak Republic and desired performance of work activities for a given profession in the form of training and evaluation standards (§ 21Ľ Section 1Ľ Act no. 568/2009 “Law on Livelong Learning”). NSK aim is to create a systemic solution that will support the comparison of learning outcomes achieved by various forms of education (formal, non-formal learning, informal learning), which allows the recognition of actual knowledge, skills and abilities regardless of the forms of education, transfer of labor market requirements in education, informing the public about all nationally recognized qualifications (full and partial), comparability of qualification levels in Slovakia and other member countries of the European Union (Sústava povolaní, 2013). The National Qualifications Framework is a publicly accessible registry that contains a complete description of partial qualifications distinguished and recognized in the Czech Republic, required for the performance of activities for the profession in the form of qualification standards and evaluation standards. Today, e-learning is regarded as a new method of online education in educational process on most universities also in Slovakia. Educational activities (§ 60Ľ Section 4Ľ Act no. 131/2002 “Law on Higher Education”Ľ § 4Ľ Section 3Ľ Act no. 568/2009 “Law on Livelong Learning” ) can be realized by attendance, distant method or combined method. Full-time study method is based on teacher´s direct contact with the student in classroom. The distance method is replaced by direct contact between a student and teacher by the communication through the mass media, particularly those based on the use of computer networks (Zákon o vysokých školáchĽ 2002Ľ Zákon o celoživotnom vzdelávaníĽ 2009). E-learning has so far been regarded primarily as a supplement to traditional methods of carrying out the educational process in Slovakia Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport launches digitization project of regional schools in the Slovak Republic in accordance with the commitments of the Slovak Republic resulting from the Europe 2020 Strategy, the argument elaborated in the document "Concept of the education sector with a view to 2020 - DIGIPEDIA 2020 '. It is necessary to already begin an intensively preparation of students for the requirements of the labor market in the future, which will place high demands on digital literacy graduates. Prerequisite for the development of digital literacy is to modernize education using ICT. To make the process of digitizing the educational system full-value, it must be comprehensive and cover all relevance areas. Therefore, the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport decided to build the digitization process of education on three pillars. The first is to provide digital content in particular for regional schools. There will highlight not only the quality of digital educational content, but also the possibility of its interfacing with specific textbooks, printed teacher's or workbooks for students. The intention is not to replace traditional learning materials with the digital, but integrate them with each other and so extend the learning opportunities, facilitate the work of teachers and attractive the education for students. The second essential pillar on which will be built the digitization process of education is a modernization of necessary infrastructure. High-speed internet will be installed in each school, which will increase the availability of online educational content and interactive tools. In addition, it is planed to equip schools with necessary modern educational technology, which allows the use of digital educational content in normal teaching. The third pillar belongs inter the prefered, it is increasing the digital skills of teachers. However, in order to convey their knowledge to students in the digital environment, they will be for their role adequately trained. The aim therefore is to prepare teachers at a technical level to a new role at the highest number. According to DIGIPEDIE 2020 (MŠVVaŠ SR 2013) in higher education is a fundamental objective of promoting digital educational content (called e-learning), including defining the rules of distance learning. Creating a database of digital learning programs so promote quality digital learning in higher education and lifelong learning. In e-learning Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín in project “Digitalization TnUAD: Developing innovative forms of education and improvement of study programs”, which was completed in the year. 2013, the author Kajanová drawn study materials for management. The key area for successful application of e-learning is the choice of suitable forms of processing of the educational programm content. The creation of e-learning content is not only the simple mechanical text distribution into the website forms and their contingent graphic design. Teacher transforms the quality of full-time study form into purposefully arranged documents in electronic form using all forms of presentation. Taking a slightly broader view, one of the interesting aspects of E-Learning 2.0 is that it appears to fit into a larger evolutionary picture of the overall trends in e-learning technology (Table 1) (Karrer, 2007). Table 1. Three Generations of E-Learning E-Learning 1.0 E-Learning 1.3 E-Learning 2.0 Main components and bookmarking tools tools Ownership Top-down, one-way Development Time Content Size Access Time Virtual Meetings Delivery Content Access Driver Content creator Long 60 minutes Prior to work Class At one time LMS ID ID Top-down, collaborative Rapid 15 minutes In between work Intro, Office hours In many pieces Email, Intranet Learner SME -ins Mash-ups Bottom-up, learnerdriven, peer learning None 1 minute During work Peers, Experts When you need it Search, RSS feed Worker User E-Learning 3.0 will have at least four key drivers: distributed computing, extended smart mobile technology, collaborative intelligent filtering, 3D visualization and interaction (Wheeler, 2011). Learning 3.0 will see learners using sophisticated new web tools that are intricately connected to each other, are context aware, and are accessed through intuitive and natural interfaces. Here we begin to think not only of voice activated, gestural controlled interfaces, but we also need to start considering biometric recognition systems such as retinal scanning, facial recognition and even directly implanted devices that allow us to control our devices merely by thinking (Wheeler, 2012). E-resources and evolution of the Internet (from Internet 1.0 to Internet 3.0) has opened up new opportunities at the education, as well as other areas of science and knowledge. However, it should be emphasized that this conclusion applies to today, when the culture majority of people changes from print culture to internet culture (e-generation). Contemporary educational level of social development approves the necessity of e-learning as a parallel method/ to the traditional methods of education. Conclusion The advancements of ICT have usually been transferred to basically only technical enhancements in ICT-for-learning (e-learning) infrastructures in schools, thus constituting the driving concern of waves of public spending, in order to support widely accepted policies that were to sustain the availability of computers and, later on, of networking in the European schools and the school classrooms (Kastis, 2007). Higher Education Act provides that the activities of e-learning can be carried out during the study, but did not introduce an obligation for their implementation. At the university level, specific rules are needed to allow for their implementation. Above all necessary provisions in the statutes of the university enabling the conduct of such activities, as well as adequate internal regulation given by university rector specifying including issues such as the principles of accounting teaching hours carried out electronically, lecturers salary rules, and the rules of student participation in such activities, the definition of organizational units responsible for providing the infrastructure and training courses etc. In view of the still introduced changes in the law on higher education all the formal rules, including the rules of study, the university statutes or regulation of rectors are also changed up to date. Thus, in Poland and Slovakia no developed ways of the implementation of e-learning as a full-fledged form of teaching activity at the university. References ACT of 27 July 2005 Law on Higher Education. [Online] [2013-09-10] Allen, I. E., Seaman, J., 2013. 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