Monkshood, flowering in a Chugach Front Range meadow
Monkshood, flowering in a Chugach Front Range meadow

In early August I received an email from a friend, the first time we’d communicated in many months, maybe even years. “Hey Bill,” Rob wrote, “is it just me or is monkshood exceptionally abundant this summer? I seem to remember that in the past I would only encounter occasional sparse patches of them, but now they flower in profusion all over the place.”

As it turned out, I’d recently traded similar observations with a couple of friends who pay attention to such things. Not to say that I ever considered local monkshood to be “sparse.” I know certain meadows where I can reliably find Aconitum delphiniifolium in large numbers every summer. Still, all three of us agreed that monkshood flowers seem unusually abundant in the Anchorage area this summer, particularly up in the Chugach Front Range. In fact I am certain that I’ve never seen—or at least noticed—such a wealth of monkshood in my many years of wandering the Chugach Front Range. Not even close.

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