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Birds found only in Milne Bay Province

Papua New Guinea has over 700 species of birds of which 269 are found in Milne Bay. In Milne Bay there are 107 non-passerines and 162 passerines. Included in the count are 2 cassowaries and 10 birds of paradise. Of those 108 are endemic to PNG and several are only found in Milne Bay Province.

D'Entrecasteaux Island Group Endemic birds:-

  • Goldie's Bird of Paradise (Paradisaea decora)
  • Curl-crested Manucode (Manucodia comrii)
  • Papuan Boobook (Ninox theomacha ssp. goldii)
  • Tawny-breasted Honeyeater (Xanthotis flaviventer ssp.spilogaster)
  • Papuan Black Myzomela (Myzomela nigrita [variation])

Louisade Archipelago Endemic Birds

  • Louisades white-eye (Zosterops griseotinctus)
  • Papuan Flowerpecker (Dicaeum pectorale ssp. nitidum)
  • Tagula Butcherbird (Cracticus louisiadensis)
  • Tagula White-eye (Zosterops meeki)
  • Tagula Meliphaga (Meliphaga vicina)
Goldie's Bird of Paradise Goldie's

Curl-crested Manucode Curl-crested

Birds found in Milne Bay and other provinces

Bower Birds & Bird of Paradise

The following birds of Paradise and bower birds are also found in Milne Bay:-
  • Raggiana Bird of Paradise(Paradisaea raggiana)
  • Streaked Bowerbird(Amblyornis subalaris)
  • Fawn-brested Bowerbird (Chlamydera cerviniventris)
  • Lawes' Parotia (Parotia lawesii)
The best time of year to see the bird of paradise is August & September as that is when they are courting and when the males display for the females.
Streaked Bowerbird(Amblyornis subalaris) Streaked
Fawn-brested Bowerbird (Chlamydera cerviniventris)

Lawes' Parotia (Parotia lawesii) top left & right and Magnificent Riflebird(Ptiloris magnificus) bottom left


Other Birds

Milne Bay has a rich variety of parrots, palm cockatoo and hornbill plus many more.

Birdwatching tours

Milne Bay Magic Tours

Milne Bay Magic Tours operate guided tours to various birdwatching locations around Alotau.
PO Box 615, Alotau 211 Milne Bay Province.

Phone +(675)6410711 & 6411168

Fax +(675)6410712 & 6411105


Milne Bay Birdwatching Cruises.

M.V.Marlin 1 operates birding trips to the islands of Milne Bay.
For details check our web site,

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