Trichopsis schalleri „Vietnam“

15. July 2009

The genus Trichopsis (Croaking gouramis) currently comprises three accepted species: T. vittata, T. pumila, and T. schalleri. This hardly reflects the reality. Especially T. vittata seems to be catch-all species and represents a number of undescribed species.

Trichopsis schalleri was known so far from Thailand only. We now get this pretty species also from Vietnam. This population is a bit smaller than their congeneers from Thailand and reminds one very much on the Croaking dwarf gourami (T. pumila). The males have very nice orange-red finnage with lots of iridescent blue spots.

All Croaking gouramis like to be kept in soft to moderately hard water, a slightly acidic pH and a well planted tank with peaceful tankmates. They readily take any live, frozen or dried food of an appropriate size.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Vietnam
Verfügbare Größe in cm 3-4