Kennedy Tetra - Astyanax kennedyi
tropical fish

Kennedy Tetra - Astyanax kennedyi

User submittedBy: Oscar_freak12321

Kennedy Tetra - Astyanax kennedyi
Kennedy Tetra - Copyright

Species Name: Astyanax kennedyi

Common Names: Kennedy Tetra

Synonyms: None

Family: Characidae

Order: Characiformes

Class: Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes)

Max Size: 6 cm / 2.5 inches

Environment: Fresh Water

Origin: South America; upper Amazon Basins

Temperament: Kennedy Tetra (Astyanax kennedyi) is a schooling species. Peaceful.

Company: A school of six or more Kennedy Tetra (Astyanax kennedyi) is required. Any community fish will do well with this species.

Water Parameters: pH 6.5-7.2 , temperature 23-26 ° C / 73-78 ° F

Aquarium Setup: Kennedy Tetra (Astyanax kennedyi) is not very picky in regards to the aquarium setup, but prefers an aquarium with a few hiding places and at least a few plants.

Feeding: Kennedy Tetra (Astyanax kennedyi) is an omnivorous species that will accept just about anything.

Breeding: Provide the parents with a separate planted tank and condition them with live foods for about two weeks. The Kennedy Tetra (Astyanax kennedyi) eggs will be scattered around the breeding tank, and the parents should be removed at this stage. The eggs will hatch soon after this, usually on the second or third day after they have been laid. The Kennedy Tetra (Astyanax kennedyi) fry will require very small food.