Water Well Renovation

Water Well Renovation

Zikhone village depends on water supply from open wells. On average, they are 2.75 meters deep. A villager uses around 100lt water per day for showers, cooking and washing clothes. That is a relatively high amount but still lower than for example in U.K., where the same figure would be 150lt/day. There are a few specific wells villagers like to fetch their drinking water from.

On Arakan Nature Lodge lands, we have four wells. In order for the wells to produce clean and healthy water for our lodge, they must be lined and maintained properly. We want to share with you how much it takes to rebuild a traditional well without any concrete – it’s a skill and wonder in itself.

 It is raw, with neither lining nor walling. In it, we found three fish we were able to save before too much of construction work started.


With extended radius and depth, the well is ready for lining. The first stone goes down…and is set right by the old well master.


The wall comes up neatly. A layer of small round pebbles are placed behind the big frontal stones to prevent return of sand when water flows in.

 the fish are back in their old home.