Capital Project Management / Capital Budgeting

Allocating Funding

After defining funding sources, you can use the Allocate Funding task to allocate funding for approved projects. Before allocating funds, you might also want to create funding scenarios and review Capital Budgeting Reports. If you create funding scenarios, you can copy a funding scenario to the project. See Creating Funding Scenarios.

After allocating funding, you can generate a capital budget from the project data. This summarizes the Funded Amount (Capital) and Funded Amount (Expense) for all the projects associated with the funding source. See Generating a Capital Budget from Project Data.

The diagram below illustrates the process that you use to allocate funding. For information on the database tables used in the Allocate Funding process, see the Allocate Funding Tables topic.

diagram of process of allocating funding


Note You can allocate funding for only projects that have a status of Approved, which signifies that all approving managers have approved the project request.

To allocate funding:

  1. In the Process Navigator, select the Allocate/Allocate Funding task.
  2. If needed, use the Filter console to restrict the projects to the criteria that you select. For example, select a site so that only projects for the selected site will appear.
  3. Click Show.
  4. Select the project that you want to allocate funding to.
    Any funds that have already been allocated to this project are displayed in the Select Project Funds panel.
  5. If you want to copy a funding allocation scenario:
    1. Click the Copy Scenario button to copy a funding scenario to the selected project.

      Note: If the project already has allocations, you are asked if you want to delete them and copy a new scenario. To proceed, click OK.
      A new window opens that displays all available funding scenarios for the project.

    2. Click Copy in the row for the scenario that you want to copy.
      The funding allocation information from the funding scenario that you selected is copied to the selected project. The funds specified in the funding scenario are displayed in the Select Project Funds panel.
    3. To edit a project fund, click the Edit button in the row for the fund.
      The Project Fund Details panel shows information for the funding source.
    4. Make your edits in the Project Fund Details panel, and click Save,

      The changes you made are shown in the Select Project Funds panel.

  6. To enter new funding allocation data:
    1. Click Add New in the Select Project Funds panel.
    2. In the Project Fund Details panel, select a Funding Source value.
    3. Enter a Fiscal Year.
    4. Enter Funded Amount (Capital) and Funded Amount (Expense) values to allocate from the selected fund to the selected project.
    5. Click Save to save your funding allocation.
    6. Click Add New to add additional funding source information for the selected project.
  7. Review all of the current project funding information in the Select Project Funds panel.
  8. Review Capital Budgeting reports. See Reviewing Capital Budgeting Reports.
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