The cabbage flea beetle (Phyllotreta atra) – pest management

cabbage flea beetle (Phyllotreta atra) - pest management

The cabbage flea beetle, Phyllotreta atra, is a species widespread in Europe and Asia, the Middle East, and Central Asia.

Description. The adult has an elongated body, 2-3 mm long, black with a slight blue-green gloss. The egg is oval, white-blue, the mature larva has an elongated body, white-yellow, with a glossy blackhead.

Biology and ecology

The cabbage flea beetle overwinters in the adult stage in the vegetal remains left behind after harvesting, in the superficial layer of the soil, under lumps of earth, or in the foliage at the edge of the forests. It produces only one generation per year. The adults leave the overwintering places towards the end of March, feeding on various spontaneous cruciferous vegetables. Afterward, they migrate to the crops with cultivated vegetables (cabbage, cauliflower, radish, horseradish, mustard, etc.). The eggs are laid in clusters or alone, in the superficial layer of the soil around the plants.

Attacked plants and damages. The most important damages are caused by adults, which gnaw the upper epidermis of cabbage, cauliflower, radish, mustard leaves, forming small holes that are arranged mainly on the edge of the foliar limb, which gives them a shot up appearance.

Control. Crop harvesting and the destruction of the plant remains left behind afterward, followed by deep autumn plowing, helps reduce the biological reserve of adults in the following year. At the first sign of the attack, treatments with specific insecticides are recommended.

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The cabbage flea beetle (Phyllotreta atra) – pest management
The cabbage flea beetle (Phyllotreta atra) – pest management

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