Providing access to equitable academic success and healing strategies to students!

At Asé Afterschool (pronounced ah-SHAY), we believe in the potential every child has to succeed! Our goal is to create a healthy, safe environment in which they can grow into the most balanced and powerful version of themselves.

We also understand that a child's success is tied to their overall family's success. It is part of our mission to give social supports not only to children, but to parents, guardians and families. We have a team dedicated to Parent Support. Their sole purpose is to provide parents and guardians with the resources they need to support their health, finances and daily lives.

Here at Asé we strive for equitable access to focused academic, social and emotional supports. As such, our program is free for all families!


To provide access to equitable academic success and healing strategies to students as a foundation for a solid balanced future.


Implement Academic Interventions, access Social Supports, and promote Emotional Awareness to equip the WHOLE student.

Academic Interventions

Every student who attends Asé receives intensive academic interventions in a small group setting. Our classroom sizes are no larger than 12 students. Each classroom has one dedicated teacher and one dedicated teacher assistant. The smaller class sizes allows each teacher to provide individualized, focused academic support for each student.

Social Support

We create bespoke continuing education programs to address the needs of teachers and their student communities. From training on the latest technology to new pedagogical methods, we help teachers make their classrooms engaging and successful.

Emotional Awareness

Education happens within the context of a larger community. Our approach extends beyond the school to help ensure students have the necessary support to do their best learning.

“[This team] has opened my children up emotionally, mentally and spiritually. The children love their teachers and mentors. This program is an essential part of our family and community.

— The Gantt Family

“Thank you for helping my son with his academic struggles and redirecting him when needed. [This] is a wonderful [team] and I am happy my child got to experience the program.”

— Precious N.

“Estoy muy agradecida con el programa ya que me le ayudó mucho a mi hijo y a mi también como madre. Siempre tuvimos una linda atención y solo puedo decir. Gracias por todo.


