Panama Cichlid
Cryptoheros panamensis

Basic Information
Maximum Size: 3-4"

Recommended Aquarium Size: 30-G Minimum

pH: 7.0 - 7.8

Hardness: 4-12°

Temperature: 74 - 80 °

Temperment: Aggressive

Panama Cichlid

The diminutive little Panama Cichlid (Cryptoheros panamensis) is one of the more aggressive little cichlids to be found. Although its small size leaves itw ell within the range of dwarf cichlids, and it is in a genus of relatively peaceful cichlids, this species of Cryptoheros can be quite aggressive, not only wiht each other, but with other tank mates.

Care shoudl be taken in choosing tank mates with this fish, and ensure that there is plenty of room. The Panama Cichlid can be successfully maintained with larger cichlids, provided they are not big enough to eat it, or other large fish. Active, shoaling fish such as Panda Brabs, Giant Danios, and Australian Rainbows make excellent tank mates as well.