BASQUE LANGUAGE - Bilbao Turismo

Basque culture


Basque is the ancestral language of the Basques, whose origin is unknown, as researchers have shown that there is no known relationship with the families of European languages.  It is thought in all likelihood to be the oldest language of Europe and it has influenced from other languages such as Celtic, Latin, Romance Languages, Gascon, Castilian Spanish, etc.

The first literary work dates back to 1545, although the first words in Basque appeared in the 10th century, in the Glosas Emilianenses, written in Romance Spanish.

Basque is currently spoken in the provinces of Gipuzkoa, Bizkaia, Alava and Navarra, as well as in the provinces of the Basque Country in the French State, including Baja Navarra, Lapurdi and Zuberoa.

The mainstreaming of the language, which began in the 20th century, with the setting up of the Basque Language Academy (Euskaltzaindia, 1918), the opening of the first Ikastola (schools where the teaching is completely in Basque, 1914) and it received an significant impetus with the unification in 1968, with the official language declaration of the Autonomous Community in 1978, the setting up of the Basque public radio station and television channel (EITB) in 1982 and with the adoption of measures to mainstream and foster the Basque Language by all Basque institutions.

The number of Basque speakers is currently growing and the language is used in all social, cultural, sport, educational economic and administrative spheres and media, making up a mainstream and broad offer.

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