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Vexillum balteolatum L. A. Reeve, 1844

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Vexillum balteolatum

Autor: Herrmann, M. & Dekkers, A.

Vexillum balteolatum

Autor: Herrmann, M. & Dekkers, A.

Taxon v check-listech zemí*

* Výčet zemí nemusí být kompletní


Možné záměny

Description of color variants
The syntype lot of Mitra balteolata Reeve, 1844 is housed in the NHMUK (1966714). Two syntypes (53.1 and 50.0 mm) were pictured in Turner (1989). The species belongs to the larger Vexillum shells and reaches about 70 mm. A smaller form was described as Mitra berthae by Sowerby III (1879). Further investigation will have to clarify the status of this species. One syntype is housed in the Melvill Tomlin collection (NMW 1955.158.879) and was also pictured in Turner (1989). It measures 31 mm and was collected in the China Sea.

In all specimens now examined, the smooth brown protoconch was broken. The teleoconch consists of 8 to 10 whorls. The shell colour is white, but the first two to three teleoconch whorls are dark. Different spiral lines and bands on the body whorl are characteristic of the species: a continuous reddish line below the shoulder is followed by a white area and a yellowish orange band, bordered by blackish areas. All these markings are found in the posterior two thirds of the body whorl, which shows strong axial ribs, but only very fine spiral cords. On the anterior third of the body whorl again a white area and often a second reddish line is found. This area is characterized by about 7 strong spiral cords, even as strong as the axial ribs. The aperture is white to slight yellow. Four white columellar folds are visible. A recurved siphonal canal is present.

Variations are observed as follows: The shoulder and the anterior third of the shell are sometimes slightly orange or grey coloured. These colour differences often occur together at the two zones , but sometimes only the shoulder is greyish, but the anterior third remains white. Sometimes the yellowish band is also more greyish or orange. Specimens of the form berthae have a more angulated shoulder with slight knobs
Our material from Roxas, Palawan, Philippines at first glance looks completely different because the shells are dark and only one white band and some black lines are visible. Yet, the shell characteristics are identical to those of V. balteolatum: size up to about 50 mm (range of type lot), 8 teleoconch whorls with fine spiral cords and about seven strong spiral cords occur only in the anterior part of the body whorl. Four columellar folds and a recurved siphonal canal are present. A closer look at the colouring shows a brownish shoulder terminated by a reddish-brown line, followed by a white band. Below this band, some shells are uniformly greyish brown coloured and only two narrow black bands are recognizable, but in other shells the zone between these two black bands is lighter and a yellow colouring appears . Further on, another fine red line becomes visible. So we had to ask the question, whether in addition to slight grey or orange colourations, dark brown variations can also be present in V. balteolatum. The proof of this theory is given in the inner lip: Here the colouration of a typical V. balteolatum is visible: a white ground colour, a reddish line in the upper part, followed by a white area and the typical yellow band bordered by black zones.

Conclusion: Vexillum balteolatum (Reeve, 1844) not only exists as a white shell with slightly orange or grey variations, but also occurs as a dark variation with brownish grey colours and one white band below the shoulder. Such dark specimens were obtained from different places in the Philippines: Roxas (Palawan), Olango Island (Cebu), Bohol and Guiwanon (Mindanao).
Herrmann, M. & Dekkers, A.M., 2013. A dark colour form of Vexillum balteolatum (Reeve, 1844) (Gastropoda Costellariidae) from several locations in the Philippines.

Možné záměny

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