Taxon profile


Chrysallida maiae Hornung & Mermod, 1924

kingdom Animalia - animals »  phylum Mollusca - mollusks »  class Gastropoda - gastropods »  order Allogastropoda »  family Pyramidellidae »  genus Chrysallida


Chrysallida maiae

Author: Jan Delsing

Chrysallida maiae

Author: Linden, van der & Eikenboom

Taxon in country check-lists*

* List of countries might not be complete


General description (after 91 shells from 4 localities). — A solid shell, longer and broader than most other Chrysallida (L/B "normal" since both are higher than average). Its shape is ovoid-conical, with a pointed top. The largest specimens (over 3.5 mm) have a somewhat more cylindrical profile. The protoconch is of type C. There are four to five flat and turreted teleoconch whorls, the suture is almost horizontal and narrow. The straight and vertical ribs are as broad as, or somewhat smaller than, the interstices. On the last whorl, they continue to the base; however, on the periphery they become vague. Apart from the smooth protoconch and the ribs, the whole surface is covered with fine, sharp, close-set spiral threads. The aperture is large and egg-shaped with a pronounced tooth. There is no umbilicus. Part of the specimens show, on the inner side of the outer lip, two lamella-like teeth. They lie rather deep and end far before the edge of the aperture.
Length, LW 50-60%, A 31-35%, L/B 2.2-2.5, B/b 1.3-1.7 (based on 8 shells).
Van der Linden, J. & Eikenboom, J.C.A., 1992. On the taxonomy of the Recent species of the genus Chrysallida Carpenter from Europe, the Canary Islands and the Azores (Gastropoda, Pyramidellidae)

Interchangeable taxa

By its limited distribution area and because of its many spiral threads, its solid character, its ovoid profile and pronounced tooth, confusion with other Chrysallida is at most limited to C. stefanisi. This species, however, is much smaller and has a larger last whorl (LW 65-71 % versus 50-60%). For more differences cf. under C. stefanisi.
Van der Linden, J. & Eikenboom, J.C.A., 1992. On the taxonomy of the Recent species of the genus Chrysallida Carpenter from Europe, the Canary Islands and the Azores (Gastropoda, Pyramidellidae)


C. maiae is an immigrant from the Red Sea. According to Barash & Danin (1977), the first record on the Israeli coast was 1958, followed by Iskanderun, SE. Turkey in 1968. Nevertheless, one of the authors has a sample, collected in Iskanderun in 1963, and NNM has shells from Atlit (near Haifa), Israel, already found in 1935
Van der Linden, J. & Eikenboom, J.C.A., 1992. On the taxonomy of the Recent species of the genus Chrysallida Carpenter from Europe, the Canary Islands and the Azores (Gastropoda, Pyramidellidae)
Author: Jan Delsing

Links and literature

EN Galli C.: WMSDB - Wolrdwide Mollusc Species Data Base July 10, 2013 [] [as Chrysallida maiae Hornung & Mermod, 1924]
Data retrieved on: 23 November 2013

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