Taxon profile


Conus granarius L. C. Kiener, 1845

kingdom Animalia - animals »  phylum Mollusca - mollusks »  class Gastropoda - gastropods »  order Neogastropoda »  family Conidae »  genus Conus - Cones »  subgenus Stephanoconus

Scientific synonyms

Conus mappa granarius Kiener, 1847
Tenorioconus granarius (Kiener, 1847)
Conus desmotus Tomlin, 1937
Conus granarius panamicus Petuch, 1990
Tenorioconus panamicus (Petuch, 1990)
Conus sanctaemarthae Vink, 1977


Conus granarius

Author: Avon, C.

Conus granarius

Author: Tucker, J.K.

Conus granarius

Author: Daccarett, E.Y. & Bossio, V.S.

Taxon in country check-lists*

North America: Panama, South America: Caribbean, Colombia, Venezuela

* List of countries might not be complete

-50m, North coast, Colombia, 46.4mm., 1996/vi
Tenorioconus granarius ranging from Panama to Venezuela is widely accepted as a subspecies of the beautiful Caribbean cone T. mappa; although sometimes considered a full species. It can be differentiated from other subspecies of T. mappa by its reduced colour patches, whitish grey to violet base colouration, high spire; and usually strong granulation as the name suggests. The deeper water specimens tend to have a taller spire (shown). It is a carnivorous and predatory vermivorous gastropod which mainly feeds on polychaete worms, such as fireworms (family Amphinomidae). A somewhat uncomm.on species, it inhabits sandy to muddy bottoms around -3-50m deep. Individuals aggregate to mate and spawn in the months of June to August, then depositing egg masses on hard substrates such as rocks or dead corals. Typical shell length around 50mm., extremely large specimens may exceed 70mm.
Avon C. 2016 . Gastropoda Pacifica.
Author: Jan Delsing

Links and literature

EN Galli C.: WMSDB - Wolrdwide Mollusc Species Data Base July 10, 2013 [] [as Conus mappa granarius Kiener, 1845]
Data retrieved on: 22 November 2013

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