Taxon profile


Green Tree Skink
Lamprolepis smaragdina (Lesson, 1826)

kingdom Animalia - animals »  phylum Chordata - chordates »  order Squamata - lizards and snakes »  family Scincidae - skinks »  genus Lamprolepis

Scientific synonyms

Hinulia smaragdina Lesson, 1826
Dasia smaragdina (Lesson, 1826)

Other names

= Emerald Skink

Least Concern LC


Included taxa

Number of records: 6

subspecies Lamprolepis smaragdina acutirostre (Oudemans, 1894)
subspecies Lamprolepis smaragdina moluccarum (Barbour, 1911)
subspecies Lamprolepis smaragdina perviridis (Barbour, 1921)
subspecies Lamprolepis smaragdina philippinica (Mertens, 1928)
subspecies Lamprolepis smaragdina smaragdina (Lesson, 1826)
subspecies Lamprolepis smaragdina viridipuncta (Lesson, 1830)

Links and literature

EN IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2024-1 [195315]

IUCN Red List of Threatened Species [] [as Lamprolepis smaragdina (Lesson, 1826)]
Data retrieved on: 29 January 2024

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