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Stanley Rosen, UNI and CAS professor and Borden Parker Bowne Professor of Philosophy, speaks on Nietzsche on Friday, February 20, 10 a.m., SMG 208

Week of 13 February 2004 · Vol. VII, No. 19

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Abdel Soufiane, CEO of Verrillon (from left), Donald Fraser, director of the Photonics Center, Francis Mer, French Minister of Economy, Finance, and Industry, and Aram Chobanian, president ad interim, recently announced a joint initiative for technology commercialization and company development in optics and photonics, with the aim of fostering the establishment of French start-up companies in the United States. The agreement between the Photonics Center and France’s Opticsvalley, a consortium of optics and photonics companies, underscores the success and international recognition of the center’s business accelerator model. Since 1997, the center has participated in the launch of 17 start-up technology commercialization companies, which together have raised nearly $200 million from outside private-equity sources. Photo by Fred Sway

Abdel Soufiane, CEO of Verrillon (from left), Donald Fraser, director of the Photonics Center, Francis Mer, French Minister of Economy, Finance, and Industry, and Aram Chobanian, president ad interim, recently announced a joint initiative for technology commercialization and company development in optics and photonics, with the aim of fostering the establishment of French start-up companies in the United States. The agreement between the Photonics Center and France's Opticsvalley, a consortium of optics and photonics companies, underscores the success and international recognition of the center's business accelerator model. Since 1997, the center has participated in the launch of 17 start-up technology commercialization companies, which together have raised nearly $200 million from outside private-equity sources. Photo by Fred Sway


13 February 2004
Boston University
Office of University Relations