Tyrannochromis macrostoma, commonly known as the Malawi Pike, is a beautiful and aggressive cichlid native to Lake Malawi in Africa. This fish is a predatory species, with a streamlined body built for speed and agility. Its name, Tyrannochromis, literally translates to “tyrant of the cichlids,” reflecting its predatory nature.


The Malawi Pike has a sleek, elongated body that is silver in color with black spots on its back and sides. The dorsal fin is tall and pointed, and the anal fin is elongated with a black stripe. The males are larger and more colorful than the females, with bright blue and yellow coloring on the face and fins.


The Malawi Pike is a highly aggressive fish, and it is not recommended for community aquariums. It is best kept in a species-only tank or with other aggressive cichlids that can hold their own against its aggression. This fish is a predator, and it will prey on smaller fish, so it is important to feed it a diet of live or frozen foods to satisfy its carnivorous appetite.

Tank Requirements:

The Malawi Pike is a relatively large fish, and it requires a tank of at least 75 gallons to accommodate its size and aggressive nature. The tank should be heavily decorated with rocks and caves to provide hiding places and territorial boundaries. A sandy substrate is recommended, as this fish likes to dig and bury itself in the sand.

Water Parameters:

The Malawi Pike is native to Lake Malawi, which has alkaline water with a pH between 7.8 and 8.6. It is important to replicate these water conditions in the aquarium, with a pH of around 8.0 and a water hardness between 10 and 20 dGH. The water temperature should be kept between 75 and 82°F.


The Malawi Pike is a mouthbrooder, meaning that the female will carry the fertilized eggs in her mouth until they hatch. The males are territorial and will defend their breeding territory vigorously. The breeding process is relatively easy, but it is important to provide plenty of hiding places for the female to retreat to if the male becomes too aggressive.

In conclusion, the Malawi Pike is a beautiful and fascinating fish, but it requires specific tank conditions and is not suitable for all aquarists. With proper care and attention, however, this fish can thrive and make a stunning addition to any aquarium.


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