Naturally here at Delish UK, we love to cook. It comes with the territory. But that doesn't mean that sometimes, all we fancy for dinner, is a plate full of snacks. 'Picky bits' as we have affectionally coined it in the UK. A staple meal across the nation once the weather hits 20°C.

But now the concept seems to have reached our friends across the pond and suddenly, '#GirlDinner' has blown-up on Tiktok.

The trend originates from a video by @liviemaher, who shared her 'girl dinner' consisting of bread, cheese, grapes and pickles. In the video she jokes that whilst this can be compared to a medieval peasants dinner, this is her 'ideal meal.'

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And since then, the trend has sky-rocketed. Others have flocked to share their favourite 'girl dinners,' showcasing tasty looking plates of cheese, crackers, veggies, dips, fruits and cold meats. The thread of these meals seems to be a selection of miscellaneous snacky items, that require minimal cooking and prep, and when combined together make a full dinner. And tbh some of them look pretty good.

Stitching with a video from @avocadale, nutritionist Katherine Kofoed (@katherinekofoed) shares her take on why the 'girl dinner' trend has blown up. She explains that it all routes in the satisfaction factor. Creating a smorgasbord of all your favourite things allows you to fulfil all your satiety needs. We're talking mouth-feel, texture, flavour, cravings. All things we may not necessarily consider when planning, creating or cooking more traditional meals. It makes a lot of sense.

And the comments are FILLED with positivity. One user said 'I definitely feel more satisfied, physically and emotionally,' whilst others have flocked to share their favourite items to include in their 'girl dinners.'

Whilst a lot of us will have been doing this for years, it's great to see that there's some actual, legit benefits behind it. And if you're looking for your next 'girl dinner,' check out our 'Jarcuterie' for all the snacky bits inspo.