Americans need to remember importance of respect

Deb McMahon
A Better Iowa contributor

Whenever one thinks about the term respect, it certainly brings to mind a picture of civility and honor. In classrooms all over the country, students will be expected to respect their teachers, classmates and each other. If respect was always given, the toxic effects of bullying would be non-existent.


If in our everyday lives we remembered the need for respect, we would see a more civilized society.  No need for name calling, abuse whether physical, verbal or emotional, no violence as a replacement for actual solutions.

Being respectful means being responsible for your actions. It means thinking before doing. And often it may mean biting your tongue, turning the other cheek or forgiving what you perceived as offensive.

Respect seems to be missing in many areas of our everyday lives. From the political arena to our communities to our media outlets, the vociferousness of our national dialogue has been less than respectful. Setting the tone for the rest of us means the louder, ruder or meaner your message, the more traction you may get.

This should not be the example we wish to set. No holds barred and no boundaries for civility means we have become more coarse as a society.

Is it any wonder that we choose violence over civility? Or that we embrace antagonistic characters whether in politics or in the media?

Violence, disrespect and lack of civility beget more of the same. Surely this is not the message we want to share.

Being disrespectful should not be glamorized. Speaking your mind should not be at the expense of others.

One of the pillars of "Character Counts," a program used in many Iowa classrooms, is respect. Maybe we need an adult version to teach and reinforce the traits of good character.

Respect in our daily lives, the political arena,  our families, schools and workplaces, should not be optional. Respect should be mandatory and should never be expected of others without our own commitment to civility.


Deb McMahon is a retired educator and political activist living in Des Moines. Click here to read more of her work.