Obciansky Spolok

Obciansky Spolok

Pricing strategy0
Last update: Feb 24, 2020 Last update: Feb 24, 2020
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Legal residence:Slovakia
Funding agencies:EC, Other
Sectors:Education, YouthEducation, Youth
Sanctions:Check now

Attachments 0


Občiansky Spolok is a non-profit NGO founded in 1999 aiming to raise the cultural awareness as well to reduce the culture gap in particular between Slovakian culture and Hungarian minority in Novohrad region of South Slovakia. OS is active at the local and regional level and cooperate with similar organizations in neighbouring counties (e.g. Hungary, Czech Republic). OS is working with all ages from different background for the benefit of community and Hungarian national minority.

Through organizing various projects, trainings, seminars and free-time activities it focuses on the promotion of a better understanding of the cultural diversity. Občiansky Spolok wants to be a bridge between representatives of different cultures paying the particular attention to the Hungarian national minority in the south of Slovakia.

Events organised by Občiansky Spolok have the same goal – to raise cultural awareness and tolerance. Organized events and projects are also creating space for the countrywide dialog referring to the cultural issues and understanding, cultural as well as social or ethnic minorities, cultural diversity and awareness. Working methods used on events are based on the active participation and involvement, informal and non-formal education, cross-cultural approaches.

Besides these, aims of Občiansky Spolok are to promote and educate the youth regarding the benefits and importance of active participation in the community life and the volunteering benefits and opportunities at the local in international level.

Last but not least is to support the development of personal and professional skills in various fields for the young people coming from different cultural, social, ethnic groups or for the people with disadvantages.


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