The grave monument was installed in December, 2010.

Adam Ford Grave stone monument

Adam Ford Grave stone monument (click to enlarge)

Adam Ford Grave stone monument - tile One version of Adam's portrait tile; I made several extras.

Adam Ford Grave stone monument - tile The tile scanned just before installing.

Adam Ford Grave stone monument - tile The same tile after about three weeks of December weather. (Click to enlarge) Hairline cracks began to appear in both portrait tiles, but not in the tiles of Adam's drawings below.

Adam Ford Grave stone monument - mom tile

Adam Ford Grave stone monument - heart tile

Design ideas for Adam's grave monument.

Grave stone design Front view
(6" thick stone) 

new designTop view of Base

Grave stone design with dimensions Front View with dimensions

(click for larger image)

new design planTop-front-side views

Adam - Dick - tiles
Above are the 6"x8" ceramic tiles to be used. 

The grave site...
grave site

grave site