
344 Angel Number and its Meaning

Discover the Truth about this number…

If you have seen angel number 344 all around you lately, then chances are that you have been feeling a general unease or experienced the sense that something is not quite right.

This feeling along with this angel number is no coincidence, as your angels are worried about something in your life not quite being as they want it to be.

Luckily, the reason they’re sending you this message is to show you that along with their help, you can turn it around and make things so much better for yourself.

I will be showing you what I have come to learn about this angel number and how you can turn things around yourself if you have been seeing it.

Is Angel Number 344 Unlucky?

Getting a message that has a negative aspect is never nice in any scenario. If you get a note of inadequate performance from your boss, then that will not be a good thing for your self confidence, even if it is true.

If your partner says you’re not doing enough around the house or that you need to communicate more, then you may even feel a bit defensive and argue even if it is a fair assessment. We have all gotten negative feedback like this before, but I want to ask you a question regarding this kind of message.

When you have received a message like this, did you consider it unlucky?

If your partner said something like what I described earlier, did you say:

“Oh, just my rotten luck!”

I don’t think most would consider this to be bad luck, as it is just an assessment of behavior and performance. Sometimes it could be unfair, but other times we do need that outside influence to show us where we could be doing better.

This brings me to angel number 344 and whether it’s unlucky. The message of this number is something like:

“There is an area of your life that could use some improvement.”

Immediately, you may think that you’re being attacked or judged by your angels; beings that are supposed to support you.

However, when feedback is negative yet constructive, then it shouldn’t be taken as an attack. If you have a boss that is kind and cares about you, then saying you could do better isn’t to say you’re terrible, it’s just that they know you can do more.

If your parent would say that your grades could be better, they weren’t saying you were stupid or anything, just that they know you’re capable of more.

We will go over the message of this number in the next sections, but your angels are basically saying they see some potential in you that you’re not reaching.

It comes from a place of love, not judgment.

Your angels will always want the best for you, and they always want you to be the best version of yourself that you can be. So no, I would not say that angel number 344 is unlucky, as it’s not going to bring about any new misfortune.

Try to think of it as that constructive criticism you have more than likely received in your life, and take it as a call to action to be the very best that you can be!

What NOT To Do If You Keep Seeing 344

When I was in my mid twenties, I was in a very serious relationship with someone who I’ll call Trevor for this overview to protect his identity.

Things were mostly very good with us, but back then I was not very spiritually attuned and I wasn’t doing much work on myself. I was, honestly, quite selfish and expected everything to work out for me without putting in the work.

One day, Trevor sat me down and said he felt that I was not putting in enough effort into the relationship.

He said that he always had to plan days out, he always had to make the first move to communicate and he was the one always buying me gifts when I would not do the same.

I’m ashamed to say that my reaction was actually anger; I asked him how he could say such things when I put in so much effort and time into this relationship!

I cringe to think of it now, but the reason I bring it up is that this is an attitude that you should avoid if you see 344. When I cooled down and thought of it, I knew Trevor was right.

It took a lot of self work over the years to realize I should have listened to what he said and worked on it a bit more.

If you see this number, then I encourage you to see the areas of your life where you could be doing a bit more.

Maybe you need to put in more effort into your relationship, like I should have.

You may be neglecting work or not putting your all into your favorite competitive hobby. Whatever it is, you will feel in your soul that there is a lacking, as these are many of the things that nourish our spirits.

The 3 in this number refers to spiritual wholeness, an ideal of perfection.

The two 4’s on the other hand refer to a strengthening, and this is what your angels are imploring for you. They want you to do some work to strengthen the spiritual pillars of your life, so it will depend on what most fulfills you in life.

Whatever you do, don’t make my mistake and react with anger or annoyance.

If you feel that bubble up, take a moment to calm yourself and then deeply reflect on all aspects of your life.

You should see where your angels are leading you and you should find the path to improving it feels natural and guided as your angels bless this positive change.

Where To Look For Your Numbers

I get asked frequently where one should expect to see their angel numbers, and it’s not an easy question to answer. Well, it would be more accurate to say that it’s not an easy question to answer in a way that will satisfy everyone.

People want me to say:

“Tomorrow, look under your breakfast bowl and then in the fridge and then under your car seat!”

There’s a look of disappointment when I essentially say that there is no way to know where it could be.

I can understand this, as it would be nice to know exactly where the numbers will be. Instead of trying to know where to look, rather focus on how to look. You should also feel the numbers as much as you see them.

These aren’t just random numbers, like many you will see in your day to day life.

Something should stand out about them, and there should be an odd feeling behind them. That’s because there is power behind these numbers, and your angels are communicating a message to you.

Where it can be tough is when the numbers are a part of a much larger number.

For example, I’ve seen it where you may see 344 at the end of a long barcode.

This is where you need to be especially vigilant, but you should still feel a pull to these numbers.

You will also see them frequently as well. It could be several times in a day, or it could be over a few days. If you feel that a number has some kind of pull for you, try to take note of it.

Maybe write it down, and then keep a look out for it around you. I would advise over letting it take over your life, but you should also still be trying to find them.

This is especially the case if you have felt a special pull toward some combination of numbers.

I would say that if you see the same numbers that have this feeling more than three times in 5 days then it’s almost certain that this is a message from your numbers.

There is no hard rule about how frequent they should be, but they should be fairly close together, especially with a more powerful or urgent message.

My Final Comments on Angel Number 344

Angel number 344 is one that could easily be taken the wrong way. I really hope you won’t take this as an attack or a criticism, and you should actually be glad to see it!

We should all be striving to be the best that we can be, and this a great opportunity to do just that.

You won’t be alone here, as your angels want you to succeed here. They will be blessing your efforts and guiding you, so follow this guiding light and you will find that the path will become clear to you.

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