
SZEGED, Hungary

Evista Ltd. is an independent Hungarian software development company. Established in 2003, the company has achieved yearly growth in both the revenue and the staff number. The team consists mostly of technical professionals, developers, graphic designers, IT specialists. The innovative online development products, market experience and technological competence helps Evista customers to reach its branding, business and trade objectives.
Evista had several successful projects funded by the European Regional Development Fund under both support for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and Research & Innovation. Since 2017, Evista is a member of CommWorld, an independent European organization for SME companies working in the digital sector, where each member represents one country and is encouraged to bring ideas, insights, experiences and perspectives to the table.

Evista Office

The role of EVISTA in EICAA

Evista will be responsible to (co-)lead development of the EICAA-Digital Platform (EICAA-DP). In doing so, Evista will dedicate most experienced staff members with relevant background to the development of the EICAA-DP. Some of the key technical input will include design, development (coding), prototyping, documentation, final versioning, and further maintenance (debugging).
Since the EICAA-DP will be the face of this project as it will be implemented at user-end, Evista will deploy high standard planning and management strategies to engage with the development cycle. Evista will also assure that the EICAA-DP will be designed in an open-source method, making it easy for anyone to take full benefit of the tool to monitor entrepreneurial competences within their institutions or enterprises.

evista-development.com and evista.hu


András Tóth
Managing Director
Dissemination Contact
Mail: toth.andras@evista.hu
Skype: toth.andras.evista

Botond Vozár
Chief Operating Officer
Mail: vozar.botond@evista.hu
Skype: botond.vozar

Daniel Viragh
Web Developer
Mail: viragh.daniel@evista.hu

Tomás Kósa
Frontend Developer
Mail: kosa.tamas@evista.hu

Ádám Szabó
Full-stack Developer
Mail: szabo.adam@evista.hu