ELA’s strategic option is to put the trade union at the disposal of the people who are worst off

Nov 25, 2021
ELA’s strategic option is to put the trade union at the disposal of the people who are worst off

The re-elected Secretary General underlines ELA’s mission as “a connecting link of people against de-politicisation and disconnection; we must militate against desperation, fight on and dream”.

Mitxel Lakuntza is re-elected as Secretary General of ELA, with 90.69% of the votes

Nov 25, 2021
Mitxel Lakuntza is re-elected as Secretary General of ELA, with 90.69% of the votes

Mitxel Lakuntza Vicario has been re-elected as Secretary General of ELA with 90.69% of the votes. The list for the new Executive Committee headed by Lakuntza was the only one presented at this 15th Confederate Congress. Additionally, the delegates meeting in Bilbao adopted by acclamation the Presentation that marks out the trade union’s strategic lines for the next four years.

International greetings to the XV ELA Congress

Nov 24, 2021
International greetings to the XV ELA Congress

Although we did not have them physically with us during our XV Congress, our friends from the international arena sent us greetings on video and in writing. Here the messages we have received in video format.

Follow live ELA's XV Congress

Nov 23, 2021
Follow live ELA's XV Congress

ELA will broadcast from its website the XV Confederal Congress live via streaming. In addition, this website will carry out a detailed follow-up of the Congress.

A Congress to fight for what really matters

Oct 04, 2021
A Congress to fight for what really matters

Today, ELA presented its 15th Confederal Congress, which will be held on the 24th and 25th of November at the Bilbao Euskalduna Jauregia under the slogan “Benetan garrantzitsuak diren gauzak; Aktibatu, Lortu, Zaindu” (“What is really important; Activate; Achieve; Care”.) The pandemic has clearly shown, more than ever, our society’s deficiencies and virtues. Crises show both the most positive and the most negative aspects of people and of societies. While we had still not overcome the 2008 crisis, the healthcare crisis caused by this pandemic has incurred serious economic, labour and social consequences for the working classes.