About the Plan

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The Elevate Elwood 2035 Plan is the comprehensive, uptown, and thoroughfare plan for the city that will plan for the next 15 years. Recommendations in the Elevate Elwood 2035 Plan will guide the city’s decision makers now as well as in the future in what will best elevate Elwood based on what improvements stakeholders want to see made. The Elevate Elwood 2035 Plan is unique, because it is comprised of three distinct planning documents: a comprehensive plan, thoroughfare plan, and downtown revitalization plan.

The Elevate Elwood 2035 Comprehensive Plan will assess the city’s existing conditions, reflect diverse public input, and make recommendations that will guide the city’s decision makers now and over the next 15 years. The Elevate Elwood 2035 Comprehensive Plan’s recommendations will be based on past plans and city stakeholders’ feedback to best represent their desires for the future.

The Elevate Elwood 2035 Thoroughfare Plan will identify both the locations and types of transportation facilities needed to meet projected growth, primarily based on goals and objectives from the Elevate Elwood 2035 Comprehensive Plan’s transportation chapter. Moreover, the thoroughfare plan will establish a classification system, right-of-way needs, and provide key analyses of the city’s transportation network by reviewing existing issues as well as projecting future complications that will be addressed through concerted actions.

The Elevate Elwood 2035 Uptown Revitalization Plan will define the importance of Elwood’s historical features, help preserve the city’s cultural significance, and enhance aspects that contribute to the city’s overall character. Design guidelines and site-specific policies will help provide district-specific context for future development on individual sites within the uptown area.

All 3 planning documents combined in the Elevate Elwood 2035 Plan represent a cohesive planning effort for Elwood for the next 15 years. To find out how you can get involved in the planning process, visit the Events page and take the survey.


About the Agency


The Madison County Council of Governments (MCCOG) is the primary regional transportation planning agency for the Anderson Urbanized Area. The Anderson Urbanized Area includes the City of Anderson, Madison County’s communities, as well as the Towns of Daleville and Fortville. MCCOG identifies existing conditions, prioritizes projects, and awards funds to communities within its service area for eligible transportation-related improvement projects.

MCCOG is also a cooperative Regional Planning Organization (RPO) that educates, leads, and supports communities within its defined region or Metropolitan Planning Area (MPA) to improve and maintain their qualities of life through various projects. These projects include future land use, economic development, pedestrian connectivity, parks and recreation, and sustainability, among others. MCCOG is advisory in nature, so it lacks the governmental powers of taxation, regulation, operation of public facilities, and implementation power of local decisions; however, MCCOG provides a forum for dialogue and encourages collaborative decision-making within a regional context.