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Uniform Load Between Two Supports Equations and Calculator

Civil Engineering Resources
Structural Design Engineering Resources

Beam Three Supports Uniform Load between two supports, Moments, Shear and Reactions Equations and Calculator.

Continuous beam of two equal spans - uniformly distributed load of w in lbf/unit length on one span Calculator.

Beam Three Supports Uniform Load between two supports
Figure 1 Continuous beam of two equal spans Indeterminate Beam

Preview: Beam Three Support Two Loads Calculator


Eq. 1
R1 = (7/16) w L

Eq. 2
R2 = (5/8) w L

Eq. 3
R3 = -(1/16) w L

Shear forces:

Eq. 4
V1 = (7/16) w L

Eq. 5
V2 = -(9/16) w L

Eq. 6
V3 = (1/16) w L

Bending moments:

Eq. 7
Mmax = (49/512) w L2
Eq. 7a
at x = (7/16) L

Eq. 8
MR -(1/16) w L2 at R2

Eq. 9
Mmax = ( wx / 16 ) ( 7L - 8x), 0 ≤ x ≤ L


w = uniformly distributed load, lbf/in (N/m)
L = beam length, in, (m)
x = location, in (m)
R1, 2, 3 = reaction at support , lbf (N)
V1, 2, 3 = shear forces lbf, (N)
MR, max = bending moments, lb-in, (N-m)



Civil Engineering Reference Manual, Fifteenth Edition, Michael R. Lindeburg, PE