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Ham and Corn Relish Cooler-Pressed Sandwiches

Image may contain Food Bread and Plant
Ham and Corn Relish Cooler-Pressed SandwichesYunhee Kim
  • Active Time

    10 minutes


Makes 4 servings

1 (10-ounce) jar corn relish (available at
1/2 thin 18-inch baguette, sliced lengthwise, interior crumb removed
4 ounces Black Forest or other good-quality cooked ham, sliced thin


  1. Step 1

    1. Spread the relish along both halves of the baguette.

    Step 2

    2. Divide the ham evenly along the length.

    Step 3

    3. Close the baguette and wrap it tightly in waxed paper, then in aluminum foil.

    Step 4

    4. Place the sandwich at the bottom of the cooler so the weight of the other contents compresses the sandwich and allows the juices to soak into the bread.

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  • Seriously? Get some bread, get some turkey, the GO BUY CORN RELISH ON AMAZON DOT COM? That's a recipe? Here's another one: Go to Whole Foods. Buy a sandwich. Saves two steps, similar results! The recipe on this web site for how to boil water has more useful information that this one does. This one's not up to your usually high standard, Epicurious, in that it is not actually a recipe.

    • carda

    • Seattle

    • 8/27/2014

  • Seriously? Get some bread and turkey, and then BUY SOME CORN RELISH FROM AMAZON DOT COM? That's a recipe? Here's another one: Go to Whole Foods. Buy a sandwich. Not all that different from recipe above. I prefer the recipe on this site for how to boil water. There is actually more useful information in that recipe than there is in this one!

    • carda

    • Seattle

    • 8/27/2014

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